1、<p><b> 淮 陰 工 學(xué) 院</b></p><p> 畢業(yè)設(shè)計(論文)外文資料翻譯</p><p> 注:請將該封面與附件裝訂成冊。附件1:外文資料翻譯譯文</p><p> 交通擁堵收費和城市交通系統(tǒng)的可持續(xù)發(fā)展</p><p> 摘要:城市化和機動化的快速增長,通常有助于城市交通系統(tǒng)的發(fā)
3、通系統(tǒng)的可持續(xù)發(fā)展。</p><p><b> 一、介紹</b></p><p> 城市交通是一個在世界各地的大城市迫切關(guān)注的話題。隨著中國的城市化和機動化的快速發(fā)展,交通擁堵已成為一個越來越嚴重的問題,造成較大的時間延遲,增加能源消耗和空氣污染,減少了道路網(wǎng)絡(luò)的可靠性。在許多城市,交通擠塞情況被看作是經(jīng)濟發(fā)展的障礙。我們可以使用多種方法來解決交通擠塞,包括新的基
4、礎(chǔ)設(shè)施建設(shè),改善基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施的維護和操作,并利用現(xiàn)有的基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施,通過需求管理策略,包括定價機制,更有效地減少運輸密度。</p><p> 交通擁堵收費在很久以前就已提出,作為一種有效的措施,來緩解的交通擠塞情況。交通擁堵收費的原則與目標(biāo)是通過對選擇在高峰擁擠時段的設(shè)施的使用實施附加收費,以紓緩擁堵情況。轉(zhuǎn)移非高峰期一些出行路線,遠離擁擠的設(shè)施或高占用車輛,或完全阻止一些出行,交通擁堵收費計劃將在節(jié)省時間和降低經(jīng)營成
5、本的基礎(chǔ)上,改善空氣中的質(zhì)量,減少能源消耗和改善過境生產(chǎn)力。此計劃在世界很多國家和地方都有成功的應(yīng)用。繼在20世紀70年代初和80年代中期挪威與新加坡實行收費環(huán),在2003年2月倫敦金融城推出了面積收費;直至現(xiàn)在,它都是已經(jīng)開始實施擁擠收費的大都市圈中一個最知名的例子。</p><p> 然而,交通擁堵收費由于理論和政治的原因未能在實踐中廣泛使用。道路收費的一些潛在的影響尚不清楚,和城市發(fā)展的擁塞定價可持續(xù)性,
6、需要進一步研究。</p><p> 可持續(xù)發(fā)展通常作為運輸政策的評估基本目標(biāo)??沙掷m(xù)交通的想法已經(jīng)出現(xiàn)在交通運輸部門的可持續(xù)發(fā)展的概念中,可以定義如下,“可持續(xù)發(fā)展的交通基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施和出行政策是服務(wù)于經(jīng)濟發(fā)展,環(huán)境管理和社會公平的多重目標(biāo),用這個目標(biāo)來優(yōu)化交通運輸系統(tǒng)的使用,并達到經(jīng)濟和相關(guān)的社會和環(huán)境目標(biāo),以實現(xiàn)在不犧牲后代的能源的前提下,達到相同的目的?!笨沙掷m(xù)運輸系統(tǒng)的要求是當(dāng)前和未來幾代的可持續(xù)發(fā)展的要求,
7、即經(jīng)濟發(fā)展,環(huán)境保護和社會正義的主要支柱之間的動態(tài)平衡。</p><p> 在可持續(xù)發(fā)展的運輸系統(tǒng)背景下,擁擠收費如何能夠促進經(jīng)濟增長,環(huán)境保護和社會正義,是本文研究的課題。本文的其余部分的結(jié)構(gòu)如下。在第2節(jié),對經(jīng)濟發(fā)展對交通擠塞定價的影響進行了闡述。第3節(jié)是對保護環(huán)境,社會正義和擁擠定價之間的關(guān)系進行了分析。有些結(jié)論是在第5節(jié)</p><p><b> 二、經(jīng)濟發(fā)展<
8、/b></p><p> 交通擁堵,造成旅行時間的增加,交通事故,能源消耗和環(huán)境惡化,已經(jīng)造成了大量的經(jīng)濟損失。據(jù)報道,由交通擠塞所造成的經(jīng)濟損失在2003年的北京和上海占其國內(nèi)生產(chǎn)總值的1 / 3,每年達4000萬元。在許多危害中,交通擁堵已被視為經(jīng)濟發(fā)展的障礙。</p><p> 任何可持續(xù)的交通管理政策應(yīng)符合提高交通運輸對經(jīng)濟發(fā)展的目標(biāo)的影響,并且沒有造成不利的環(huán)境影響和經(jīng)
9、濟的進一步增長。那么擁塞的定價策略如何有效減少交通堵塞,減少污染物和溫室氣體排放,減少燃料使用,并減少當(dāng)前交通運輸系統(tǒng)的其他不利影響呢?</p><p> 交通擁堵收費的基本經(jīng)濟原則,可以在圖1所示。從理論上說,個人用戶決定是否使用一個特定的道路的成本權(quán)衡他們將承擔(dān)對自己的利益。社會總效益可以由下圖1中的面積測量。 MPC的曲線表示用戶成本只反映每個用戶負擔(dān)的成本為新用戶(即“邊緣”的用戶)。然而,邊際用戶的場
10、合,如空氣污染,延遲給其他用戶,他不承擔(dān)額外的社會成本。每個邊緣用戶和他所造成的社會成本的負擔(dān)的總成本是每次出行的邊際社會成本。邊際社會成本是由圖1中的MSC曲線表示。</p><p> 圖1交通擁堵收費的影響</p><p> 如果有ñ車輛在交通運輸系統(tǒng)中,意味著用戶的成本是由MPC表示,一個邊際的用戶將增加平均用戶成本MPC +△MPC。因此,邊際社會成本可以表述為:MS
11、C=(N + 1)(MPC +ΔMPC) - nMPC = MPC +ΔMPC+nΔMPC</p><p> 擁擠收費是交通需求管理的重要手段,最初只是影響交通出行的決定。實踐證明擁擠收費能有效地規(guī)范交通出行時間和空間分布,促進道路資源的有效利用,提高運輸業(yè)務(wù)的效率。在新加坡的擁塞定價實施表明,交通量下降了17%,在高峰時段,倫敦的經(jīng)驗也表明,定價方案是成功的。我們可以得出結(jié)論,減少交通擠塞,將促進經(jīng)濟的可持續(xù)
12、發(fā)展。</p><p> 收費會影響旅客的預(yù)算,將導(dǎo)致不僅在模式上的轉(zhuǎn)換,而且是更廣泛的經(jīng)濟變化,將伴隨著地理再分配的過程。一些人擔(dān)心,交通擁堵收費可能對中部地區(qū)的經(jīng)濟產(chǎn)生負面影響,特別是在零售方面。產(chǎn)生了相反的論調(diào),不過,減少交通擠塞,應(yīng)該是服務(wù)于更廣泛的業(yè)務(wù),以降低成本,使他們成為更具有競爭力的國家。零售活動的位置也是由個人首選的購物場所。眾所周知,個人傾向于購買的商店在他們的居住地附近,因此零售企業(yè)不能輕
13、易遷出核心區(qū),因為許多人住在中心區(qū)。這種方便客戶的依賴,解釋了為什么零售生產(chǎn)跌幅小于核心區(qū)的其他主要行業(yè)的輸出。</p><p> 交通擁堵收費減少在繁忙時間的擠塞情況,并增加在其他時段的交通擠塞情況。通過向公共交通和大量出租車輛轉(zhuǎn)向,交通擁堵收費降低所有時段定價領(lǐng)域人次。除減少交通擠塞,如果考慮到改善空氣質(zhì)量和減少燃料消耗等方面,交通擁堵收費形成的經(jīng)濟效益將是相當(dāng)可觀的。</p><p&g
14、t;<b> 三、環(huán)保</b></p><p> 在中國,環(huán)境問題日益嚴重。據(jù)報道,中國是二氧化碳排放大國,有7個城市在世界嚴重污染的城市名單中。交通運輸對環(huán)境的影響,涵蓋了不同的影響,包括空氣污染,噪音,氣候變化的范圍,例如。汽車是城市空氣和噪音污染的占主導(dǎo)地位的生產(chǎn)者,包括一氧化碳,氮氧化物和大氣飄塵。這些污染物是關(guān)鍵因素,許多呼吸系統(tǒng)疾病,如哮喘,以及其他的影響人體健康的方面,如頭
15、疼,眼疾等癥狀。</p><p> 據(jù)世界銀行估計,在發(fā)展中國家,有0.5億人每年死亡與于交通工具空氣污染物排放有關(guān),這是與交通事故類似的死亡人數(shù),。</p><p> 交通是不可替代的,因為它是生產(chǎn)鏈的一部分。出于這個原因,交通系統(tǒng)必須發(fā)展和標(biāo)準化,運輸服務(wù)的有效性,是必須增加的,同時必須減少或防止環(huán)境污染。</p><p> 由于道路交通排放是一個復(fù)雜的系
16、統(tǒng),不能完全統(tǒng)一一個輸出。從車輛樣本分析不同的駕駛條件下的排放量這是自然的。加州空氣資源委員會指出車輛的擁堵走走停停顯著增加了排放量。作為一個例子,一個報告估計,10英里的路程,用普通的1987年的汽車,以55英里的速度運行HC排放廢氣的重量為1克,而HC在20英里的平均速度下的排放量是7克,典型的走走停停模式。</p><p><b> 四、社會正義</b></p><
17、;p> 可持續(xù)發(fā)展有三個廣泛的目標(biāo):經(jīng)濟的可持續(xù)發(fā)展,環(huán)境保護和社會正義,這三個目標(biāo)都要解決可持續(xù)發(fā)展這個問題。經(jīng)濟發(fā)展和環(huán)境保護的投入一直受到關(guān)注,但投入給社會正義的關(guān)注較少。社會正義(公平)包含的經(jīng)濟權(quán)益和環(huán)境權(quán)益。</p><p> 經(jīng)濟公平的問題,造成交通擁堵收費是難以完全解決的。有些人認為道路收費是倒退,因為它更多地讓承擔(dān)較差的汽車用戶,只需短距離行程的用戶,或者是生活水平欠佳的用戶,不管是什
18、么原因,別無選擇,只能乘車。這些參數(shù)可以通過制定更加靈活的收費制度,在一定程度上抵消。它已被接受的任何形式的道路收費將引入一些不公平現(xiàn)象。關(guān)鍵是要保持這些最低限度,并找到那些沒有受益于交通擁堵收費的補償方式。在實踐中,收入最低的旅客,他們通常乘坐公共交通工具或徒步旅行,是最有可能受益的。</p><p> 對于傳統(tǒng)的運輸系統(tǒng),對汽油的稅率是相同的,不管運輸業(yè)的用戶是否是在擁擠或非擁擠的時段行駛。擁擠收費是選擇在
19、交通高峰期間對擁擠設(shè)施的使用實施附加費,預(yù)計這樣將減少這種不公平的 </p><p> 公平問題解決在運輸已基本上涉及經(jīng)濟權(quán)益,包括公共交通和私人交通之間的關(guān)系,對周邊地區(qū)和弱勢人口群體的擁塞定價的影響。但是,在運輸方面環(huán)境權(quán)益的問題已經(jīng)很少提及。運輸產(chǎn)生的直接影響很多,如大氣排放和噪音,也間接影響通過對污染設(shè)施的位置和影響的人的影響,。</p><p> 環(huán)境公平是指環(huán)境質(zhì)量的
20、社會分配(特別是二氧化氮分布)。這是平等地獲得一個干凈的環(huán)境和對環(huán)境可能造成的危害,不論收入,階級或其他鑒別特征的社會經(jīng)濟地位受到平等保護。交通規(guī)劃者應(yīng)該指出,減少擁堵水平和行程速度對整個設(shè)施的增加將有利于公共交通的使用者。</p><p> 從環(huán)境公平的角度來看,交通擁堵收費的成效是敏感的社會經(jīng)濟特征的空間分布,因此最佳的方案設(shè)計的每個應(yīng)用程序都會有所不同。可以看出,社會公正是最難解決得,實踐表明,稅收在道路
21、定價中起著至關(guān)重要的作用。如果稅收是回收投資,允許對公共交通工具的投資,或維持更高的服務(wù)水平,它有助于提供一個明確的選擇,這既加強了模式的選擇上的影響,并減少那些誰負責(zé)征收的關(guān)注。如果是用于改善道路基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施,它可以看出,交通改道在控制區(qū)的優(yōu)勢體現(xiàn)。如果它是用來支付環(huán)境的改善,這將有助于加大道路收費。如何使用稅收,改善城市交通系統(tǒng)的效率,在可持續(xù)發(fā)展中發(fā)揮了關(guān)鍵作用。</p><p><b> 五、結(jié)論
22、</b></p><p> 隨著持續(xù)增長的交通需求和道路基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施的擴展范圍減少,交通擁堵的現(xiàn)象是不會減少。作為一項重要的戰(zhàn)略,擁擠收費是解決交通需求管理問題的重要途徑,但因為經(jīng)濟發(fā)展,環(huán)境保護和社會正義的不確定影響,仍收到了強烈的社會和政治的反對。</p><p> 本文回顧了交通擁堵收費和可持續(xù)交通運輸系統(tǒng)的三個目標(biāo)之間的關(guān)系,結(jié)果表明,交通擁堵收費是一種很有前途的交通管
23、理策略,它可以促進城市經(jīng)濟發(fā)展,改善環(huán)境質(zhì)量,減少不公平。電子不停車收費系統(tǒng)(ETC)技術(shù)的最新進展證明了交通擁堵收費技術(shù)上是可行的??梢灶A(yù)見的,未來幾十年將看到越來越多的地方實施交通擁堵收費策略或?qū)⒁獙嵤┙煌〒矶率召M的策略。交通擁堵收費的設(shè)計和評價,將需要一個可持續(xù)的發(fā)展,需要更深入的了解它帶來的直接和間接影響。</p><p><b> 鳴謝</b></p><p&
24、gt; 這項工作是支持(2007F3078)福建省青年人才項目。期待有益的意見和建議,以改善本文。</p><p><b> 附件2:外文原文</b></p><p> Congestion Pricing and Sustainable Development of Urban</p><p> Transportation syst
25、em</p><p><b> Abstract</b></p><p> The rapid growth in urbanization and motorization generally contributes to an urban transportation system that is economically, environmentally
26、 and socially unsustainable. The result has been a relentless increase in traffic congestion. Road congestion pricing has been proposed many times as an economic measure to fight congestion in urban traffic, but has not
27、seen widespread use in practice because of Some potential impacts of road pricing remain unknown. he paper first reviews the concept of</p><p> Introduction</p><p> Urban transportation is a
28、 pressing concern in mega cities around the world. Along with China’s rapid development of urbanization and motorization, traffic jams has become a more and more serious problem, resulting in greater time delay, inc
29、rease of energy consumption and air pollution, decrease of reliability of road network. In many cities traffic congestion is seen as a hindrance to economic development. Numerous methods can be used to address conges
30、tion and reduce transport density</p><p> Congestion pricing has long been proposed as an effective measure to combat traffic congestion. The principle objective of congestion pricing is to alleviate cong
31、estion by implementing surcharge for the use selected congested facilities during peak time periods. By shifting some trips to off-peak periods, to routes away from congested facilities, or to higher-occupancy vehic
32、les, or by discouraging some trips altogether, congestion pricing schemes would result in savings in time and oper</p><p> However, congestion pricing has not seen widespread use in practice due to theor
33、etical and political reasons. Some potential impacts of road pricing remain unknown, and the sustainability of congestion pricing for urban development requires further study.</p><p> Sustainability is nor
34、mally taken as basic objectives in the assessment of transportation policy. The idea of sustainable transportation emerges from the concept of sustainable development in the transport sector and can be defined as follows
35、,“sustainable transportation infrastructure and travel policies that serve multiple goals of economic development, environment stewardship and social equity, have the objective to optimize the use of transportation sys
36、tems to achieve economic and related s</p><p> In the context of sustainable transport systems, how congestion pricing can contribute to economic growth, environmental protection and social justice is exam
37、ined in this paper. The rest of the paper is structured as follows. In section 2, the impacts of congestion pricing on economic development are described. Section 3 presents the contribution to environment protection,
38、 and the relationship between social justice and congestion pricing is analyzed. Some conclusions are given in section 5.</p><p> 2. Economic development</p><p> Traffic congestion, resulting
39、 in the increase of travel time, traffic accident, energy consumption and environment deterioration, has produced numerous economic losses. It was reported that economic loss caused by traffic congestion amounted t
40、o 40 million Yuan per year in Beijing and 1/3 of GDP in Shanghai in 2003 In many cites, traffic congestion has seen as a hindrance to economic development.</p><p> Any sustainable transportation management
41、polices should meet the goals of improving the effects of transport on economic development, and without adversely impacting the environment and the potential for further economic growth. How effective would congestion
42、 pricing strategy be in reducing congestion, lowering pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions, cutting fuel use, and reducing other adverse impacts of current transportation system?</p><p> The basic econ
43、omic principles of congestion pricing can be illustrated in Figure 1. Theoretically, individual users decide whether or not to use a particular road by weighing the costs they will to bear against the benefits to
44、themselves. Total social benefits can be measure by the area under D in Figure 1. The user costs indicated on the MPC curve reflect only the costs borne by each user as new users (i.e. “marginal” users) are added. Howev
45、er, the marginal user occasions additional </p><p> Figure 1 Effect of congestion pricing</p><p> If there are n vehicles in the transport system, and mean user cost is represente
46、d by MPC, one marginal user added will increase mean user cost to MPC+ △ MPC.Thus the marginal social costs can be formulated as MSC = (n + 1)( MPC + ΔMPC ) ? nMPC= MPC + ΔMPC + nΔMPC</p><p> Congest
47、ion pricing is an important means of transportation demand management, and initially only affects transportation decisions. Practices prove that congestion pricing can effectively regulate traffic travel time and sp
48、ace distribution, promote effective utilization of road resources, and enhance the efficiency of transportation operations. Congestion pricing implementation in Singapore has showed that traffic volumes decreased by 1
49、7% in peak time periods, and London’s experience also</p><p> Toll will affect travelers’ budget constraints and will result not only in mode switching but also in broader changes in the economy that will b
50、e accompanied by the geographic redistribution of trips. Some concerns that congestion pricing may have negative effects on the economy of the central area, particularly on retail. A counterargument, however, states tha
51、t the reduced congestion is supposed to lower the costs of the downtown businesses, making them more competitive. The location of re</p><p> Congestion pricing reduces congestion during the peak time an
52、d increases congestion during other periods. By shifting toward public transit and high occupancy vehicles, congestion pricing reduced the number of trips to the pricing areas across all time periods. Except reduced c
53、ongestion, if improvement of air quality and decrease of fuel consumption are taken into account, the economic efficiency resulting from congestion pricing would be considerable.</p><p> 3. Environmental pr
54、otection</p><p> In China, environmental problem become increasingly serious. It was reported that china is the second emitter of CO2, and 7 cities are in the list of seriously-polluted cities in the world.
55、</p><p> The environmental effects of transportation cover a wide range of different impacts, including for example air pollution, noise, and climate change. Motor vehicles are the dominant producers of ur
56、ban air and noise pollution, including carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen, and airborne particulates. These pollutants are key factors in many respiratory ailments such as asthma as well as “a range of other human healt
57、h effects, from headaches and eye irritation to cancer”.</p><p> The World Bank estimates that 0.5 million people in developing countries die each year from transport-related air emissions, with a similar
58、death toll from traffic accidents.</p><p> Transportation cannot be replaced because it is the part of the production chain. For this reason, transportation systems must be developed and standardized, the e
59、ffectiveness of transportation service must be increased, while the environmental pollution must be decreased or prevented.</p><p> Emission from road traffic is a complex system with an output that cannot
60、 be completely measured. It is natural to analyze the emissions from a sample of vehicles under different driving conditions. The California Air Resources Board pointes out that congestion-stop and go traffic significan
61、tly increases emissions. As an example, one report estimates that a 10-mile trip, using an average 1987 automobile, results in running exhaust HC emission of 1grams at a speed of 55 mph but that HC emission</p>&
62、lt;p> With respect to air quality impacts, congestion pricing can be expected to improve air quality in two ways. The first impact comes from the reduced level of congestion on the facility, compared with the level o
63、f congestion on the un-priced road. The second impact on emissions is due to the reduced number of vehicles on the road facilities. To the extent that higher prices succeed in reducing vehicle miles trave
64、led, there will be fewer vehicles on the road.</p><p> It is clear that reduced travel demand in peak periods reflects fewer and shorter trips being made and results in higher travel speeds during peak per
65、iods, with consequent reductions in vehicles emissions during peak periods. However, the bulk of daily travel occurring in off-peak periods may be negatively affected, as some peak travelers shift their t
66、ime of travel to off-peak periods to avoid tolls. Overall beneficial impacts on air quality may thus be smaller than that suggeste</p><p> In the long term, congestion pricing could lead to increases in use
67、 of alternative travel modes for all daily trips, thus reducing total daily emissions.</p><p> 4. Social justice</p><p> Sustainable development has three widely agreed meta-goals: sustainable
68、 economic development, environmental protection and social justice. All three goals must be addressed together if development is to be sustainable. Much attention has been paid to economic development and environmenta
69、l protection, but less attention has been paid to social justice. Social justice (equity) contains economic equity and environmental equity.</p><p> Economic equity issues resulting from congestion pricing
70、are difficult to address completely. Some people have argued that road pricing is regressive, in that it will bear more heavily on poorer car users, short distance journeys, and on those living adjacent to the co
71、rdons; more generally concern has been expressed at the impact on those who, for whatever reason, have no choice but to travel by car. These arguments can be countered to some extent by devising more flexible charging re
72、gim</p><p> For the conventional transportation system, the tax rates on gasoline, which are the same regardless of whether transport users are traveling during congested or un-congested periods Congestion
73、 pricing is expected to reduce this unfair by implementing surcharge for the use selected congested facilities during peak traffic periods.</p><p> Equity issues addressed in transport have been largely con
74、cerned with economic equity, including the relationship between public and private transport, the impacts of congestion pricing on peripheral areas and underprivileged population groups.However, environmental-equity iss
75、ues have been little within a transport context. Transport produces direct effects such as atmospheric emissions and noise, and also indirect effects, through its influence on the location of polluting facilities and aff
76、ec</p><p> Environmental equity refers to the social distribution of environmental quality (and specifically the distribution of NO2 by deprivation status). That is equal access to a clean environment an
77、d equal protection from possible environmental harm irrespective of income, class or other differentiating feature of socio-economics status. Transportation planners should point out that the reduction of congestion lev
78、els and increased trip speed on an entire facility will benefit users of public trans</p><p> From an environmental equity perspective, the effectiveness of congestion pricing is sensitive to the spatial di
79、stribution of socio-economic characteristics; hence the best scheme design may be different for each application city.</p><p> As can be seen, social justice is most difficult to address, and practices indi
80、cate that the revenue from road pricing plays a crucial role. If the revenue is recycle to permit investment in public transport, or maintenance of higher service levels, it helps to provide a clear alternative, which b
81、oth reinforces the impact on mode choice and reduces the concern of those on whom the charge is imposed. If it is used to improve the road infrastructure, it can be seen that traffic diverted from the </p><p&g
82、t; 5. Conclusions</p><p> With the continuing growth in traffic demand and decreasing scope for expansion of road infrastructure, traffic congestion is not a problem that will go away soon. Congestio
83、n pricing is proposed as an important demand- management strategy for tackling traffic, but still receives strong social and political opposition because of the uncertain impacts on economic development, environmental p
84、rotection and social justice.</p><p> This paper reviews the relationship between congestion pricing and three goals of sustainable transportation system, and the results show that congestion pricing is a
85、 promising traffic management strategy, which can promote urban economic development, improve environmental quality and reduce inequity. Recent advances in electronic toll collection (ETC) technologies have made conges
86、tion pricing technologically feasible. It is safe to predict that coming decades will witness an increasing numb</p><p> Acknowledgement</p><p> This work was supported by the Young Talents Pr
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