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1、<p>  Injection molding machine hydraulic system</p><p>  Injection molding machine</p><p>  Injection molding machine The injection molding machine is a kind of plastic machinery referred

2、to as theinjection molding machine or injection molding machine thermoplastic or thermosetting material the use of plastic mold into various shapes of plastics molding equipment. Injection molding by the injection moldin

3、g machine and mold.The plastic casts shaper is one kind of heating up the plastic the plasticizing, pours into with the aid of the advancement organization the melting plastic in the m</p><p>  Three major c

4、omponents of</p><p>  (1) clamping components. It is a molded member installation Die. Mainly by fixed templates, dynamic templates clamping mechanism, clamping hydraulic cylinder, ejector device.</p&

5、gt;<p>  (2) injection member. It is a plastics injection molding machine member. Mainly by the feeding device and barrel, screw, nozzle, top plastic device, the injection of hydraulic cylinders, injection seat a

6、nd its mobile hydraulic cylinders and other components.</p><p>  (3) hydraulic transmission and electrical control systems installed in the fuselage on the inside and outside the chamber, is the driving forc

7、e of the injection molding machine and manipulating the control unit. Mainly composed of hydraulic pumps, hydraulic valves, motors, electrical components, and control instruments.</p><p>  SZ-250A type plast

8、ic injection molding machine are small injection</p><p>  molding machine. Each maximum injection capacity of 250 g. Basis for the</p><p>  plastic injection molding process, injection molding m

9、achine hydraulic</p><p>  drive system should meet the following requirements:</p><p>  (1) the mold clamping hydraulic cylinder having a sufficiently large</p><p>  clamping force,

10、 and its operating speed can be based on the requirements</p><p>  of the the clamping and Kai mold process varies.</p><p>  In the injection process, the molten plastic is often injected into t

11、he cavity to a high voltage of 4 ~ 15 MPa. Thus, the requirements of the mold clamping mechanism having a sufficiently large clamping force, and to ensure that the movable platen and the stationary platen closely bonded.

12、 Otherwise, the mold away from the seam will produce the the overflow edges phenomenon of plastic products. To this end, without making the size of the mold clamping hydraulic cylinder is too large, and the pres</p>

13、;<p>  In order to shorten the time of air travel, improve productivity, clamping hydraulic cylinder should be fast-moving action template. However, in order to prevent damage to the mold and products, avoid machi

14、ne subject to strong vibration and impact-generated noise, but also consider the buffer of mold opening and closing process. Accordingly, the hydraulic cylinder in the mold opening and closing process, the speed of each

15、stage is not the same. Usually slow—fast—slow process of change faster, an</p><p>  (2) injection seat overall movement (forward or backward). Forward</p><p>  with sufficient thrust to ensure t

16、hat the nozzle is brought into close contact with the mold gate. Further, it should be able to feed at a fixed feed, before feeding, and after three different preform its action to be adjusted.</p><p>  (3)

17、the pressure and velocity of injection should be capable of adjustment, in order to meet the raw material, different the article geometry and layout of the mold gate and so the size of the injection force requirements, a

18、s well as the requirements of the different products on the injection speed.</p><p>  (4) melt into the cavity after the pressure keeping the cooling, when the cooling and solidification, should be able to c

19、avity supplemental condensing shrinkage desired melt.</p><p>  In order to shorten the time of air travel, improve productivity, clamping hydraulic cylinder should be fast-moving action template. However, in

20、 order to prevent damage to the mold and products, avoid machine subject to strong vibration and impact-generated noise, but also consider the buffer of mold opening and closing process. Accordingly, the hydraulic cylind

21、er in the mold opening and closing process, the speed of each stage is not the same. Usually slow—fast—slow process of change faster, a</p><p>  (5) the pre-molding process can be adjusted. Solidification s

22、tage cooling of the melt in the cavity, the plastic particles within the hopper by rotary screw barrel embroiled barrel, and goes on to the nozzle direction continuously. While heating plasticizing, stirring and extruded

23、 into the melt. Typically, called the weight of the barrel hourly plasticizing plasticizing capacity, as indicators of the production capacity of the injection molding machine. Premise barrel size to determine the the p&

24、lt;/p><p>  (6) the top of the cylinder speed is adjustable. Products during the cooling after molding, demolding the ejector, in order to prevent product damage, requiring top of the smooth motion, and the spe

25、ed of the top of the cylinder should be able, depending on the product shape which can be adjusted.</p><p>  Working Principle</p><p>  The working principle of injection molding machine and inj

26、ection syringe, it is with the thrust of the screw (or plunger), the plasticizing good molten state (ie, viscous flow state), the plastic injected into the mold cavity closed good After curing stereotypes made the proces

27、s of the products. Injection molding is a cyclical process, with each cycle including: dosing - molten plastics - to put pressure injection - filling Cooling - Kai-mode pickup. Remove the plastic parts and then re-closed

28、 m</p><p>  The plastic injection shaper takes shape the cycle quickly by it, to each kind of plastic processing compatible, the size is precise as well as the automaticity higher merit, obtained the widespr

29、ead use.</p><p>  The injection molding machine working principle is: the granular plastic through a hopper into auger screw rotation, the material to move forward, while the outer screw are equipped with an

30、 electric heater, and the the plastic melted mucus state, before this, the mold clamping mechanismthe mold has been closed, when a certain pressure of the material in front of the propeller, the injection of the liquid f

31、eed high pressure rapidly injected into the mold cavity mold holding pressure cooling to a </p><p>  The work cycle of the injection machine as:</p><p>  Spotting→ injection →Holding pressure→ c

32、ooling →Mold → Ejection</p><p>  → The screw preplastication feed</p><p>  Clamping action is divided into: Quick clamping slow clamping clamping. Clamping time is longer, this time until the mo

33、ld clampingstage.</p><p>  Use and the status quo</p><p>  The injection molding machine has a complex shape, size, precision, or</p><p>  with metal inserts, texture, dense plastic

34、s molding, widely used in defense, electromechanical, automotive, transportation, building materials, packaging, agriculture, culture, education, health and people daily life in various fields. China's plastics proce

35、ssing enterprises Xing Luo cloth across the country, the skill levels of the equipment, the equipment of most of the processing enterprises need technological innovation. In recent years, China's press industry's

36、 technological progress is ver</p><p>  control, internal quality and appearance. Select the domestic equipment, a smaller investment, also can produce the quality of imported equipment products. These creat

37、e the conditions for the technological transformation of enterprises. , China Injection Molding Machine Development of China's production of injection molding machine manufacturers more, according to incomplete stati

38、stics, more than 60. The structure of the injection molding machine with vertical and horizontal. Press to produce th</p><p>  reducing energy consumption, manufacturers according to market changes is the co

39、mbination of series direction as a model of the injection molding machine configuration, the small three injection device, a combination of standard and combination, increase flexibility, expanding the scope of use, and

40、improve economic efficiency. ? In recent years, industrial countries in the world of injection molding machine manufacturer in the continuous improvement of the supporting capacity of the function, qu</p><p>

41、;  Key word: Plastic injection shaper, hydraulic system, hydraulic pump,</p><p>  hydraulic cylinder, hydraulic valv.</p><p><b>  注射成型機液壓系統(tǒng)</b></p><p><b>  注射成型機&

42、lt;/b></p><p>  注射成型機是塑料機械的一種,簡稱注射機或注塑機,是將熱塑性塑料或熱</p><p>  固性料利用塑料成型模具制成各種形狀的塑料制品的主要成型設(shè)備。注射成型是</p><p>  通過注塑機和模具來實現(xiàn)的。塑料注射成型機是一種能將塑料加熱塑化,借助推</p><p>  進機構(gòu)把熔化的塑料注入模具型腔內(nèi)

43、,經(jīng)冷卻、定型后形成制品的塑料成型加工</p><p>  設(shè)備。它能配置不同的模具,可一次成型外形復(fù)雜的制品,是塑料機械中主要機</p><p>  種之一。塑料注塑成型機有很多型式,液壓式塑料成型機就是其中之一,其主要</p><p>  由合模機構(gòu),注射部件,液壓傳動及電氣控制系統(tǒng)等幾部分組成,而液壓泵,液</p><p>  壓缸、各

44、種液壓閥、電機、電氣元件以及控制儀表是其中不可缺少的控制元件。</p><p><b>  三大組成部分 </b></p><p> ?。?)合模部件。它是安裝模具用的成型部件。主要由定模板、動模板、合</p><p>  模機構(gòu)、合模液壓缸、頂出裝置等組成。</p><p> ?。?)注射部件。它是注塑機的塑化部件。主

45、要由加料裝置、料筒、螺桿、</p><p>  噴嘴、頂塑裝置、注射液壓缸、注射座及其移動液壓缸等組成。</p><p> ?。?)液壓傳動及電氣控制系統(tǒng)它安裝在機身內(nèi)外腔上,是注塑機的動力</p><p>  和操縱控制部件。液壓閥、主要由液壓泵、電氣元件及控制儀表等組成。電動機、</p><p>  SZ-250A 型塑料注射成型機屬于中

46、小型注塑機。每次最大注射量為 250 g。</p><p>  依據(jù)塑料注射成型工藝,注塑機液壓傳動系統(tǒng)應(yīng)滿足下述要求:</p><p> ?。?)合模液壓缸具有足夠大的合模力,其運行速度應(yīng)能依據(jù)合模與啟模過</p><p><b>  程要求而變化。</b></p><p>  在注射過程中,熔融塑料常以 4 ~ 15

47、 MPa 的高壓注入模腔。這樣,就要求</p><p>  合模機構(gòu)具有足夠大的合模力,以保證動模板與定模板緊密貼合。否則,模具離</p><p>  縫會產(chǎn)生塑料制品的溢邊現(xiàn)象。為此,在不使合模液壓缸的尺寸過大和壓力過高</p><p>  的情況下,常常采用機械連桿增力機構(gòu)來實現(xiàn)合模和鎖模。</p><p>  為了縮短空行程時間,提高生

48、產(chǎn)率,合模液壓缸應(yīng)該快速移動動模板。但是,</p><p>  為了防止損壞模具和制品,避免機器受到強烈振動和產(chǎn)生撞擊噪聲,還要考慮模</p><p>  具啟閉過程的緩沖問題。因此,液壓缸在模具啟閉過程中,各階段的速度是不一</p><p>  樣的。通常是慢—快—慢的變化過程,而且快慢速變化比較大。</p><p> ?。?)注射座可整體

49、移動(前進或后退)。前進時具有足夠的推力,保證噴嘴</p><p>  與模具澆口緊密接觸。另外,還應(yīng)能按固定加料、前加料和后加料三種不同預(yù)塑</p><p>  型式對其動作進行調(diào)整。</p><p>  (3)注射的壓力和速度應(yīng)能調(diào)節(jié),以便滿足原料、制品幾何形狀和模具澆</p><p>  口布局不同等對注射力大小的要求,以及不同的制品對

50、注射速度的要求。</p><p> ?。?)熔體注入容腔后要保壓冷卻,在冷卻凝固時,應(yīng)能向型腔內(nèi)補充冷凝</p><p><b>  收縮所需的熔體。</b></p><p> ?。?)預(yù)塑過程可調(diào)節(jié)。在型腔熔體冷卻凝固階段,使料斗內(nèi)的塑料顆粒通</p><p>  過料筒內(nèi)螺桿的回轉(zhuǎn)卷入料筒,并且連續(xù)向噴嘴方向推移。同

51、時加熱塑化、攪拌</p><p>  和擠壓成為熔體。通常,將料筒每小時塑化的重量稱為塑化能力,作為注塑機生</p><p>  產(chǎn)能力的指標(biāo)。在料筒尺寸確定的前提下,塑化能力與螺桿轉(zhuǎn)速有關(guān)。因此,隨</p><p>  著塑料熔點、流動性和制品的不同,要求螺桿的轉(zhuǎn)速應(yīng)該可調(diào)節(jié),以便調(diào)節(jié)塑化</p><p><b>  能力。<

52、;/b></p><p> ?。?)頂出缸速度可調(diào)。制品在冷卻成型后,脫模頂出時,為了防止制品受</p><p>  損,要求頂出運動平穩(wěn),且頂出缸的速度應(yīng)能根據(jù)制品形狀的不同而可調(diào)節(jié)。</p><p><b>  工作原理</b></p><p>  注射成型機的工作原理與打針用的注射器相似,它是借助螺桿(或柱塞

53、)的</p><p>  推力,將已塑化好的熔融狀態(tài)(即粘流態(tài))的塑料注射入閉合好的模腔內(nèi),經(jīng)固</p><p>  化定型后取得制品的工藝過程。注射成型是一個循環(huán)的過程,每一周期主要包括:</p><p>  定量加料—熔融塑化—施壓注射—充模冷卻—啟模取件。取出塑件后又再閉模,</p><p>  進行下一個循環(huán)。注射成型機操作項目:注塑


55、油,合模具內(nèi),經(jīng)過一定時間和壓力保持(又稱保壓)、冷卻,使其固化成型,便可開模取出制品(保壓的目的是防止模腔中熔料的反流、向模腔內(nèi)補充物料,以及保證制品具有一定的密度和尺寸公差)。注射成型的基本要求是塑化、注射和成型。塑化是實現(xiàn)和保證成型制品質(zhì)量的前提,而為滿足成型的要求,注射必須保證有足夠的壓力和速度。同時,由于注射壓力很高,相應(yīng)地在模腔中產(chǎn)生很高的壓力(模腔內(nèi)的平均壓力一般在 20~45MPa 之間),因此必須有足夠大的合模力。由此

56、可見,注射裝置和合模裝置是注塑機的關(guān)鍵部件。對塑料制品的評價主要有三個方面,第一</p><p>  些質(zhì)量要求又根據(jù)制品使用場合的不同,要求的尺度也不同。制品的缺陷主要在模具的設(shè)計、制造精度和磨損程度等方面。但事實上,塑料加工廠的技術(shù)人員生往往苦于面對用工藝手段來彌補模具缺陷帶來的問題而成效不大的困難局面。產(chǎn)過程中工藝的調(diào)節(jié)是提高制品質(zhì)量和產(chǎn)量的必要途徑。由于注塑周期本身很短,如果工藝條件掌握不好,廢品就會源源

57、不絕。在調(diào)整工藝時最好一次只改變一個條件,多觀察幾回,如果壓力、溫度、時間統(tǒng)統(tǒng)一起調(diào)的話,很易造成混亂和誤解,調(diào)整工藝的措施、出了問題也不知道是何道理。例如:手段是多方面的。解決制品注不滿的問題就有十多個可能的解決途徑,要選擇出解決問題癥結(jié)的二個主要方案,一、才能真正解決問題。還應(yīng)注意解決方案中的辨證關(guān)系。此外,比如:制品出現(xiàn)了凹陷,有時要提高料溫,有時要降低料溫;有時要增加料量,有時要減少料量。要承認逆向措施的解決問題的可行性。 塑料

58、注射成型機以其成型周期短,對各種塑料的加工適用性強,尺寸較精確以及自動化程度高等優(yōu)點,得到了廣泛應(yīng)用。</p><p>  注射成型機的工作原理是:螺桿轉(zhuǎn)動,粒狀塑料通過料斗進入螺旋推進器中,</p><p>  同時螺桿外裝有電加熱器,將料向前推進,在此之前,而將塑料熔化成粘液狀態(tài),</p><p>  合模機構(gòu)已將模具閉合,當(dāng)物料在螺旋推進器前端形成一定壓力時,

59、注射機構(gòu)開</p><p>  始將液狀料高壓快速注射到模具型腔之中,給一定時間的保壓冷卻后開模,把成</p><p>  型的塑料制品由頂出機構(gòu)頂出,從而完成了一個工作循環(huán)。</p><p>  注射機的工作循環(huán)為:</p><p>  合?!⑸洹骸鋮s→開?!敵觥輻U預(yù)塑進料</p><p>  其中合模的

60、動作又分為:快速合模、慢速合模、鎖模。鎖模的時間較長,直</p><p>  到開模前這段時間都是鎖模階段。</p><p><b>  用途和現(xiàn)狀</b></p><p>  注射成型機具有能一次成型外型復(fù)雜、尺寸精確或帶有金屬嵌件的質(zhì)地密致的塑料制品,被廣泛應(yīng)用于國防、機電、汽車、交通運輸、建材、包裝、農(nóng)業(yè)、文教衛(wèi)生及人們?nèi)粘I罡鱾€領(lǐng)域。

61、我國塑料加工企業(yè)星羅其布,遍布全國各地,設(shè)備的技術(shù)水平參差不齊,大多數(shù)加工企業(yè)的設(shè)備都需要技術(shù)改造。這幾年來,我國塑機行業(yè)的技術(shù)進步十分顯著,尤其是注塑機的技術(shù)水平與國外名牌產(chǎn)品的差距大大縮小,在控制水平、產(chǎn)品內(nèi)部質(zhì)量和外觀造型等方面均取得顯著改觀。選擇國產(chǎn)設(shè)備,以較小的投入,同樣也能生產(chǎn)出與進口設(shè)備質(zhì)量相當(dāng)?shù)漠a(chǎn)品。這些為企業(yè)的技術(shù)改造創(chuàng)造了條件。六、我國注射成型機的發(fā)展現(xiàn)狀。目前中國生產(chǎn)注塑機的廠家較多,據(jù)不完全統(tǒng)計已超過60 家。注

62、塑機的結(jié)構(gòu)形式有立式和臥式兩種。按生產(chǎn)出的制品可分為普通型和精密型注塑機。一次注射量45-51000g;鎖模力 200-36000kN;加工原料有熱固性塑料、熱塑性塑料和橡膠三種。熱塑性塑料包括聚苯乙烯、聚乙烯、聚丙烯、尼龍、聚氨酯、聚碳酸酯、有機玻璃、聚砜及(丙烯腈/丁二烯/苯乙烯)共聚物(ABS)等。從加工出的制品來看,有單色、雙色的一般和精密塑料制品。上述產(chǎn)品的主要生產(chǎn)廠家都有自己的</p><p>  塑

63、機每一種規(guī)格均有數(shù)控和電腦控制兩種形式。又如浙江省寧波海天機械有限公</p><p>  司生產(chǎn)的 HTF80X-HFT3600X 型系列注塑機,可用于生產(chǎn)各種高精密的熱性塑料制</p><p>  品,機器采用線型移動傳感器控制注射、合模、頂出,采用多重 CPU 電控系統(tǒng)、</p><p>  大幅面彩色 LED 顯示、全電腦自動控制。普通臥式注塑機仍是注塑機發(fā)展

64、的主導(dǎo)</p><p>  方向,其基本結(jié)構(gòu)幾乎沒有大的變化,除了繼續(xù)提高其控制及自動化水平、降低</p><p>  生產(chǎn)廠家根據(jù)市場的變化正在向組合系列化方向發(fā)展,如同一型號的注能耗外,</p><p>  塑機配置大、中、小三種注射裝置,組合成標(biāo)準型和組合型,增加了靈活性,擴</p><p>  大了使用范圍,提高了經(jīng)濟效益。? 近幾年

65、來,世界上工業(yè)發(fā)達國家的注塑機生</p><p>  產(chǎn)廠家都在不斷提高普通注塑機的功能、質(zhì)量、輔助設(shè)備的配套能力,以及自動</p><p>  化水平。同時大力開發(fā)、發(fā)展大型注塑機、專用注塑機、反應(yīng)注塑機和精密注塑</p><p>  機,以滿足生產(chǎn)塑料合金、磁性塑料、帶嵌件的塑料制品的需求。注塑機是目前</p><p>  中國塑料機械中


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