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1、<p>  畢業(yè)設(shè)計(jì)(論文)外文資料翻譯</p><p>  系: 機(jī)械工程系 </p><p>  專 業(yè): 土木工程 </p><p>  姓 名: </p><p>

2、;  學(xué) 號(hào): </p><p>  外文出處: Universidad Nacional de San J-</p><p>  uan Av.General San Martin Oeste</p><p>  附 件: 1.外文資料翻譯譯文;2.外文原文。</p><p&

3、gt;  注:請(qǐng)將該封面與附件裝訂成冊(cè)。</p><p><b>  中文3053字</b></p><p>  附件1:外文資料翻譯譯文</p><p>  通過再堿化技術(shù)增加鋼筋混凝土的使用</p><p>  摘要:鋼筋混凝土是一種經(jīng)過適當(dāng)?shù)臏?zhǔn)備處理措施之后就能夠具有很強(qiáng)的穩(wěn)定性,不受外部因素條件和內(nèi)部因素條件惡化

4、的經(jīng)濟(jì)型材料?;炷帘Wo(hù)由于性質(zhì)活潑而易受腐蝕的鋼筋。當(dāng)有效的保護(hù)氧化膜為鋼筋構(gòu)件的工作提供良好的工作條件時(shí),混凝土就能夠很有效的保護(hù)鋼筋免受腐蝕的作用。這種依附在鋼筋表面的保護(hù)膜使鋼筋產(chǎn)生一種性質(zhì)穩(wěn)定的鈍化層,從而限制金屬的氧化。</p><p>  這種使鋼筋鈍化而產(chǎn)生的保護(hù)膜由于高濃度的氯化物,具體的碳酸鹽化合物,高混凝土孔隙率等因素作用下,可以被部分的或者完全的破壞,因此原本是看作為一個(gè)腐蝕過程。<

5、/p><p>  在庫約地區(qū),主要是阿根廷的圣胡安省和門多薩省,具有許多有山洞和/或含有豐富的硝石露頭粉的地區(qū),正是高鹽度的地理環(huán)境特點(diǎn),改變了這里建筑結(jié)構(gòu)的耐久性。</p><p>  結(jié)構(gòu)狀況的惡化開始于微小的裂縫和裂紋,由于裂紋和裂縫而暴露在潮濕空氣之中的鋼筋與環(huán)境因素積極氧化反應(yīng)從而造成建筑結(jié)構(gòu)的快速腐蝕,而因?yàn)殇摻罡g產(chǎn)生的額外費(fèi)用卻沒有包括在建設(shè)項(xiàng)目之中。本項(xiàng)研究和學(xué)習(xí)是將再堿化技

6、術(shù)的工作應(yīng)用于一個(gè)位于農(nóng)業(yè)生產(chǎn)地區(qū)的學(xué)校建筑。這些建筑的結(jié)構(gòu)受腐蝕問題的影響十分嚴(yán)重。</p><p>  電化學(xué)技術(shù)由于混凝土表面堿性電解質(zhì)的結(jié)合,允許硅酸鹽水泥混凝土中的孔隙水的pH值的增加從而使埋入在混凝土中的鋼筋鈍化,這個(gè)再保護(hù)的過程避免鋼筋混凝土繼續(xù)腐蝕,并且延長了建筑結(jié)構(gòu)的使用壽命。 這項(xiàng)研究的技術(shù)可以應(yīng)用到鋼筋混凝土結(jié)構(gòu)的碳化問題上。</p><p>  關(guān)鍵詞:鋼筋

7、混凝土 - 腐蝕 – 再堿化</p><p><b>  引言</b></p><p>  一個(gè)鋼筋混凝土建筑結(jié)構(gòu)的完整性主要取決于它的結(jié)構(gòu)組成部分的質(zhì)量和用量。通過這種方式使建筑結(jié)構(gòu)獲得最佳的使用性能,以保證延長它的使用壽命?;炷林饕菑囊韵聝蓚€(gè)方面來保護(hù)鋼筋免受腐蝕的影響:a)混凝土在鋼筋和周圍氧化壞境之間形成一個(gè)物理隔離屏障使鋼筋免受腐蝕;b)因?yàn)榛炷林械目?/p>

8、隙水具有較高的pH值,在水泥的水化反應(yīng)中產(chǎn)成了一種化合物使鋼筋鈍化得到一層保護(hù)膜,就是這樣產(chǎn)生的化學(xué)保護(hù)防止鋼筋被腐蝕。</p><p>  根據(jù)環(huán)境選擇的合理等級(jí)的混凝土,低的混凝土孔隙率,鋼筋和混凝土之間的充分粘結(jié),鋼筋混凝土的最低裂縫和剝落,以及鋼表面鈍化膜變化的穩(wěn)定性等因素有助于提高鋼筋混凝土結(jié)構(gòu)的耐久性。然而,任然有幾種原因可以使這種鈍化膜發(fā)生破壞。在實(shí)踐操作中,一些因素有可能導(dǎo)致鋼筋混凝土發(fā)生在電化學(xué)

9、領(lǐng)域內(nèi)的碳酸腐蝕。此外,氯化物或其他前面已經(jīng)一起提到過的如混凝土開裂,高的混凝土孔隙率以及可能達(dá)到飽和的混凝土毛孔,都可以讓氧氣,二氧化碳和氯離子發(fā)生遷移。當(dāng)然它們都需要濕度和環(huán)境侵蝕的條件,來完成鋼筋混凝土的腐蝕過程。 一旦鋼筋混凝土發(fā)生損害性的腐蝕,我們可以觀察到三種不同的斜坡,Cyted(1997):a)對(duì)鋼筋而言,腐蝕作用表現(xiàn)在降低了鋼筋原來的直徑和它的機(jī)械能力;b)對(duì)混凝土而言,腐蝕作用表現(xiàn)在它所產(chǎn)生膨脹氧化物在鋼-混

10、凝土的接觸面造成裂縫和剝落,c)同理在鋼-混凝土依附處的地方。</p><p>  在廣大的庫約地區(qū),主要是在阿根廷的圣胡安省和門多薩省,存在著廣泛的已被水侵蝕過和/或含有豐富的硝石露頭粉的地區(qū),這些地區(qū)創(chuàng)造了結(jié)構(gòu)惡化的理想條件。這里是一個(gè)有著嚴(yán)寒的冬天以及極端溫度突變的高風(fēng)險(xiǎn)地震帶地區(qū)。所有因?yàn)橄惹八信e的因素產(chǎn)生的費(fèi)用都是可以避免的;因?yàn)槿绻摻罨炷脸霈F(xiàn)剝落和開裂的現(xiàn)象,那么建筑物就應(yīng)當(dāng)修理,這就意味著巨大

11、的資金需求。</p><p>  為了延長建筑結(jié)構(gòu)的使用壽命,加強(qiáng)諸如陰極保護(hù)、環(huán)氧覆蓋等等各種不同科學(xué)技術(shù)在鋼筋混凝土中的應(yīng)用對(duì)于我們來說是十分有必要的。</p><p>  這篇研究論文詳細(xì)闡述了一種通過提供間接混凝土保護(hù)的非傳統(tǒng)的再堿化技術(shù),這種通過增加混凝土孔隙水的pH值、混凝土多孔的解決方案,在混凝土表面合成了一種堿性電解質(zhì)。它具有阻止或者減輕混凝土鋼筋銹蝕的優(yōu)勢(shì)。</p&

12、gt;<p>  這也是一個(gè)用來修復(fù)已被碳化損壞的結(jié)構(gòu)非常合適的方法程序。</p><p>  這種方法已經(jīng)在進(jìn)行了測(cè)試,測(cè)試不僅僅局限于實(shí)驗(yàn)室水平,也將在學(xué)校建筑的建造中加以運(yùn)用。</p><p>  多虧了以前的研究工作數(shù)據(jù)庫(Solorza蘇達(dá)權(quán)等,2003),使得我們可以在阿根廷-圣湖安省Albardón部選擇一個(gè)以面積為樣本的幾個(gè)學(xué)校建筑示范區(qū)。然而,在上

13、述技術(shù)中只有一個(gè)被選為修理應(yīng)用。對(duì)不同的建筑進(jìn)行了初步及詳細(xì)的檢查(Feliú等,1989)。</p><p>  得到的診斷結(jié)果表明了這些建筑物的已經(jīng)達(dá)到的損害程度。據(jù)估計(jì),這是為了恢復(fù)兩年周期的而強(qiáng)制進(jìn)行的。2、方法論</p><p>  即使是高質(zhì)量的混凝土也可能因?yàn)樘蓟鴮?dǎo)致發(fā)生腐蝕的問題。如一個(gè)非常薄的覆蓋和使用存在二氧化碳可能進(jìn)入的裂縫的混凝土。在這種條件下,即使是

14、在較短的時(shí)間內(nèi),位于裂縫中的鋼筋也會(huì)被腐蝕。</p><p>  混凝土保護(hù)層的邊緣由于碳化而容易腐蝕。這是因?yàn)檫吅徒翘幒芨吆康亩趸纪鶗?huì)擴(kuò)散到鋼筋造成腐蝕。如果鋼筋沒有能夠得到足夠的覆蓋,碳化將導(dǎo)致腐蝕并且鋼筋很快就會(huì)分裂。</p><p>  再堿化技術(shù)的試管測(cè)試</p><p>  1 - 應(yīng)用人工老化技術(shù)(Rodriguez等人,1993年)。<

15、/p><p>  2 - 對(duì)混凝土碳化的酚酞測(cè)試,Sturm y S.H. Kosmatka (1991).</p><p>  3 - 測(cè)試腐蝕檢測(cè),使用半電池電位測(cè)量按美國ASTM C - 876。</p><p>  4 - 再減化技術(shù)。</p><p>  5 - 測(cè)試酚酞指示劑。</p><p>  再堿化技術(shù)用

16、于真正的圓柱</p><p>  1 - 對(duì)混凝土碳化的酚酞試驗(yàn)的測(cè)定。</p><p>  2 - 測(cè)試的半電池電位測(cè)量腐蝕檢測(cè)按照美國ASTM C - 876。</p><p>  3 - 再堿化技術(shù)。</p><p>  4 - 測(cè)試酚酞指示劑。</p><p><b>  3、結(jié)果和討論</b&

17、gt;</p><p>  為了進(jìn)行第一次測(cè)試,6根管子被連續(xù)3年埋在研究部位。</p><p>  碳化實(shí)驗(yàn)取得的結(jié)果表明,碳化面平均在邊處有5mm,在角處有10mm。</p><p>  這幅圖片描繪了后,酚酞測(cè)試應(yīng)用后的棱柱試管。</p><p>  圖為酚酞測(cè)試已經(jīng)得到了應(yīng)用后的測(cè)試管。</p><p>  這

18、些試管對(duì)應(yīng)的電勢(shì)值已經(jīng)被記錄下來,分別為-100毫伏和-250毫伏。這些電勢(shì)值從一個(gè)定性的角度來講表明了它們受腐蝕的可能性非常低。如果把這些數(shù)據(jù)銘記在頭腦里,一個(gè)快速老化技術(shù)就應(yīng)用于試管測(cè)試中。必須按照以下的尺寸來設(shè)置圓柱管的尺寸:直徑:300毫米,長400毫米,結(jié)構(gòu)必須經(jīng)過公尺的驗(yàn)證:4根φ12鐵棒和兩根300毫米的φ 6等距金屬箍線;覆蓋層的厚度:20毫米;用于拌合的干燥的混凝土:66.65%(沙2 / 5,石頭3 / 5);普通混

19、凝土:22.25%;水分:11.1%;</p><p>  設(shè)置:將試管完全浸沒放置28天;混凝土的密度:2.19克/立方厘米和設(shè)定房間的溫度,因?yàn)樗鼈冾愃朴诒恍迯?fù)的圓柱,以此取代棱鏡分析的試管。便得出了圓柱管的電勢(shì)值,以遵循老化過程的影響。相應(yīng)的平均值列入表1。</p><p>  表1:腐蝕測(cè)試管的電勢(shì)值</p><p>  時(shí)間(月) 2

20、4 6 8 10 11</p><p>  腐蝕電位增高(毫伏) - 298 - 375 - 462 - 512 - 560 - 620</p><p>  根據(jù)記錄的電勢(shì)值以及試管呈現(xiàn)出的變?yōu)轸魃⑶規(guī)в休p微的縱向裂縫的物理狀態(tài),我們可以估計(jì)得出試管的腐蝕性的到增強(qiáng)。</p><p>  我們必

21、須注意到為了執(zhí)行再堿化技術(shù);陽極進(jìn)行了重新的設(shè)計(jì)和闡述。陽極是一個(gè)采用AISI 316,φ1.25鋼絲在兩層紗布和纖維素纖維紙漿之間形成的一個(gè)網(wǎng)格。當(dāng)前使用的測(cè)試電源輸出是1安培/40 伏。選定的電解液解決方案是一種氫氧化鋰溶液。截至到目前還有沒有足夠的測(cè)試值,以確定該項(xiàng)技術(shù)的所有優(yōu)點(diǎn)。</p><p>  它顯示了再堿化方法中的一種鋼筋混凝土圓柱試管的簡(jiǎn)化方案。</p><p><

22、b>  4、部分結(jié)論</b></p><p>  一般的情況下,被用于檢查的學(xué)校建筑是來自被認(rèn)為相當(dāng)于沒有人居住的條件的環(huán)境狀態(tài)。</p><p>  學(xué)校建筑采樣的鐵柱是含有由諸如硫酸鹽,氯化物和混凝土碳化等,以及由此產(chǎn)生的負(fù)面影響而造成嚴(yán)重銹蝕的結(jié)構(gòu)元素。</p><p>  由于當(dāng)?shù)氐呐潘到y(tǒng)沒有能適合適應(yīng)該地區(qū)排水的要求,因此使它具有很高的

23、潛水位水平,這對(duì)于建立起新的系統(tǒng)以達(dá)到盡量減少潛水位水層的波動(dòng),從而避免鹽的濃度集中是十分方便的。</p><p>  應(yīng)用人工試管老化加速技術(shù),使得我們有可能在學(xué)習(xí)中模擬出于與真實(shí)狀態(tài)下的鋼筋混凝土實(shí)際樣本相近的條件。</p><p>  非常重要需要強(qiáng)調(diào)的是,通過達(dá)到在實(shí)驗(yàn)室水平應(yīng)用再堿化技術(shù),可以模擬出建筑物的實(shí)際狀況,目的是為了在真實(shí)的實(shí)際工作情況時(shí)可以改進(jìn)技術(shù)的實(shí)施和得到更好的結(jié)

24、果。</p><p>  附件2:外文原文(復(fù)印件)</p><p>  INCREASE REINFORCED CONCRETE STRUCTURES</p><p>  USEFUL, BY REALKALIZATION.</p><p>  Abstract. Reinforced concrete is an economical m

25、aterial that appropriately prepared has much stability against, external or internal deterioration. Concrete protects steel bars, which are susceptible to corrosion due to their high energy. Concrete protection is effect

26、ive when a protective oxide film is formed in proper working conditions. This film adheres to the steel surface creating a stable passive layer and restricting the metal solution.</p><p>  The passive film o

27、n the reinforcing steel can be partially or totally destroyed due to its exposition high concentrations of chloride, a concrete carbonate, high porosity of concrete, etc., originating as consequence a corrosion process.&

28、lt;/p><p>  The Cuyo area, mainly San Juan and Mendoza provinces of Argentina, has many cave in areas and/or abundant saltpeter outcrop powder, that characterizes high salinity environment, modifying the struct

29、ures durability built.</p><p>  Deterioration begins with micro fissures and cracks that expose steel to environment aggressiveness causing a quick corrosion, and generating expenses which were not included

30、in the construction project.</p><p>  This work researches realkalization and the study technique is applied to a school building located in an agricultural area. Such building structures are seriously affec

31、ted by corrosion problems.</p><p>  The electrochemical technique allows a pH increase of concrete pores, due to the incorporation of a surface alkaline electrolyte. This process reprotects reinforced concre

32、te avoiding corrosion continue on and increasing the useful life of the structure.</p><p>  The technique under study can be applied to reinforced concrete structures with carbonation problems.</p>&l

33、t;p>  Keywords: Reinforced Concrete – Corrosion – Realkalization</p><p>  1. Introduction.</p><p>  The integrity of a reinforced concrete structure depends on the quality of its components a

34、nd of its dosage, as well. In this way it acquires the best properties in order to guarantee a service life extension. Concrete protects steel in two ways: a) it constitutes a physical barrier separating steel from the s

35、urroundings and b) as it has a high pH value, it forms chemical compounds during cement hydrate reactions creating a passive film on steel, which produces a chemical protection against corr</p><p>  Factors

36、such as, an appropriate concrete against environment, low concrete porosity, adequate steel-concrete adherence, minimum cracking and spalling and, the possibility of reforming a stable passive film oxides on steel contri

37、bute to increase the durability of reinforced concrete structures.</p><p>  However, there are several causes that can produce the destruction of such passive film. In practice, some factors may cause reinfo

38、rced concrete electrochemical corrosion within the carbonated area. Besides, the presence of chlorides or of all of the other already mentioned together with cracking and high concrete porosity,and the probable saturatio

39、n of concrete pores, which allow the O2, CO2 and Cl- migration. All of them need humidity and the environmental aggressors, as well, to complete the </p><p>  Once the corrosion occurs damages can be observe

40、d in three different slopes, Cyted (1997): a) on steel, which diminishes its original diameter and its mechanical capacity; b) on concrete, since it generates expansive oxides in the steel-concrete interface causing fiss

41、ures and spalling and c) in steel-concrete adherence.</p><p>  In Great Cuyo Region, mainly in San Juan and Mendoza provinces - Argentina, there exist wide areas which have been invaded by water return and/o

42、r abundant saltpetre outcrop powder, creating the ideal conditions for structures deterioration. It is a high risk seismic zone, with frosty winters, and abrupt temperature variations. All of the costs derived from the p

43、reviously enumerated factors are avoidable; since if spalling and cracking occur,buildings should be repaired and, it implies great dema</p><p>  In order to extend the structure service life, it is necessar

44、y to use reinforced concrete applying diverse techniques such as cathodic protection, epoxy cover, among others.</p><p>  This research paper deals with a non-conventional realkalization technique, which off

45、ers an indirect protection through concrete. It would allow increasing the pH concrete aqueous porous solution, incorporating an alkaline electrolyte from concrete surface. It has the advantage of stopping or lessening t

46、he concrete reinforcement corrosion.</p><p>  It is also a very appropriate procedure to repair structures which have been damaged by carbonation.</p><p>  This process was tested, not only at l

47、aboratory level, but it will be also practically applied to a school building.</p><p>  Thanks to a previous research work data base (Solorza et al., 2003), it was possible to select an area as a sample of s

48、everal school buildings in Albardón Department - San Juan Province-Argentina. Nevertheless, only one was chosen to be repaired applying the above mentioned technique. Preliminary and detailed inspections (Feliú

49、 et al., 1989) were carried on different buildings.</p><p>  The diagnosis obtained showed the degree of damage underwent by those buildings. It was estimated that is peremptory to restore it in a two-years-

50、period.</p><p>  2. Methodology.</p><p>  Carbonation may also cause corrosion problems even in high quality concrete. If a very thin cover is used and there are cracks in concrete, CO2 may ente

51、r. Under these conditions, in a short period of time, the steel located in the crack area will corrode.</p><p>  The concrete cover edge may easily corrode due to carbonation. Edges and corners have a high c

52、ontent of CO2 which tends to diffuse to the steel reinforcement. If steel fails to have the adequate cover, carbonation will cause corrosion and will soon splinter.</p><p>  Realkalization technique steps o

53、n test tubes.</p><p>  1- Application of the artificial aging technique (Rodríguez et al., 1993).</p><p>  2- Determination of the presence of concrete carbonation by phenolphthalein test,

54、Sturm y S.H. Kosmatka (1991).</p><p>  3- Testing for corrosion detection, using Half-Cell Potential Measurements according to ASTM C-876.</p><p>  4- Realkalization technique.</p><p&

55、gt;  5- Testing by phenolphthalein test.</p><p>  Realkalization technique steps on the real columns.</p><p>  1- Determination of the presence of concrete carbonation by phenolphthalein test.&l

56、t;/p><p>  2- Testing for corrosion detection by Half-Cell Potential Measurements according to ASTM C-876.</p><p>  3- Realkalization technique.</p><p>  4- Testing by phenolphthalein

57、test.</p><p>  3. Results and Discussion.</p><p>  To carry on the first test, six tubes were buried in the areas under study for 3 years. The carbonation test achieved showed that the carbonati

58、on fronts have a mean percentage of 5 mm in edges and 10 mm in corners.</p><p>  The photo depicts a prismatic test tube after the application of the phenolphthalein test.</p><p>  The photo sho

59、ws a test tube to which the phenolphthalein test has been applied.</p><p>  The potential values of tubes -100 and - 250 mV were registered. Those values indicate a very low corrosion probability from the qu

60、alitative point view. Bearing these data in mind, a quick aging technique was applied to test tubes. It was necessary to build cylindrical tubes with the following dimensions: diameter: 300 mm, length 400 mm; the structu

61、re was verified with a pacometre: 4 iron bars, φ 12 and two 300 mm spacedstirrup wire of φ 6; cover thickness: 20 mm; composition of arid concrete: 6</p><p>  Table 1: Potential test tubes corrosion</p>

62、;<p>  time (months) 2 4 6 8 10 11</p><p>  Ecorr (mV) - 298 - 375 - 462 - 512 - 560 - 620</p><p>  According to the

63、registered values and the test tubes physical states which became ochre with longitudinal fissures, it was estimated that the test tubes reinforcement was corroded.</p><p>  It is necessary to remark that to

64、 perform the realkalization technique; an anode was redesigned and elaborated. The anode with an AISI 316, φ 1.25 steel wire forming a mesh located between two layers made of gauze and cellulose fibre pulp. The tension a

65、nd current source: 1A /40 V. The selected electrolyte is a LiOH solution. Up-to-date there are no enough test values to determine all the advantages of this technique. </p><p>  It shows a simplified scheme

66、of the realkalization process a reinforced concrete cylindrical test tube.</p><p>  4. Partial conclusions.</p><p>  In general, the inspected school buildings were from fairly accepted to uninh

67、abited conditions state.</p><p>  The school sampled has structural elements with severe corrosion in its iron columns resulting from negative contents such as, sulphates, chlorides and concrete carbonation,

68、 as well.</p><p>  As the drainage system fails to be appropriate for the area, since it has very high phreatic levels, it will be convenient to build new system to minimize the fluctuations of the phreatic

69、layer, so as to avoid salts concentrations.</p><p>  Applying the artificial aging technique to test tubes, it was possible to create the required conditions to simulate the real state of the reinforced conc

70、rete in the columns of the sample under study.</p><p>  It is important to emphasize that it was possible to simulate the conditions of the buildings columns, so as to apply the realkalization at laboratory

71、level, in order to improve the technique implementation and get better results when working with the real columns.</p><p>  References.</p><p>  ASTM C876 Standard Test Method for Half Cell Pote

72、ntials of Reinforcing Steel in Concrete, Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol. 04.02, 1983.</p><p>  Cyted, “Manual de inspección, evaluación y diagnóstico de corrosión en estructuras de ho

73、rmigón armado”. Brasil, 1997</p><p>  Feliú, S. y Andrade, C “Manual de Inspección de Obras Dañadas por Corrosión de Armaduras” Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Metalúrgicas (

74、CENIM) y el Instituto Eduardo Torraja de Ciencias de la Construcción, Madrid, España.1989.</p><p>  Rodríguez J, Ortega L.M., García A.M. “Medida de la velocidad de corrosión de las

75、armaduras en estructuras de hormigón, mediante un equipo desarrollado dentro del proyecto Eureka401” Hormigón y Acero 1993.</p><p>  Solorza, B; Ocampo, I; Vuanello, O. “Corrosión Del Acero En

76、 Estructuras De Hormigón Armado En Zonas De Revenición” 15ª Reunión Técnica. Seminario De Hormigones Especiales. Santa Fe Argentina 2003</p><p>  Sturm y S.H. Kosmatka, "Detecti


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