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1、<p>  The mineral processing technologies and zinc</p><p>  Lead-zinc ore dressing to pass commonly integrated concentrates smelting rich can lead, zinc metal products. Ore processing technology, the ge

2、ological exploration of dressing-metallurgy test is an important part of work, can make merchandise of evaluating the important basis of mineral exploitation, therefore in the geological exploration process must undertak

3、e mineral optional experiment. In the early stage of geotechnical investigation or should do, optional lab test, in the early stage of det</p><p>  In ore optional tests shall be carried out before the first

4、 deposit ore composition, ore type and find out the occurrence, mineral elements identified species, ore structure and disseminated extent characteristics</p><p>  Dressing experiment formulate rational proc

5、ess, provides the basis.</p><p>  Lead-zinc ore industrial division, is based on the natural types in mineral ores, according to different levels oxidation (lead or zinc sulfide oxidation rate < 10%), zin

6、c oxide minerals (lead or > oxidation rate 30%), mixed ore (lead or zinc oxide rate is 10% ~ 30%). According to the different components of useful ore can be divided into the lead, zinc ore mineral zinc ore, lead, zin

7、c, copper, lead, zinc sulfide ore mineral zinc sulfide ore, copper, lead and tin lead, zinc, copper ore sanyanghu</p><p>  When the need according to the types of ore mineral intergrowth, mining, sorting, an

8、d promotes (in geological section to circle, and adjacent profile can be connected, the corresponding circle the distribution, and separately calculated reserves.</p><p>  According to the dressing experimen

9、t, lf different types of ore dressing, choose a different approach. Commonly used method of sulfide ores flotation. Oxide ore in flotation or re-election, or jointly with the flotation sulfide mineral after roasting flot

10、ation, or heavy after using sulfuric acid treatment again flotation. For many of the metal containing zinc ore, general use magnetic float, -- -- -- -- magnetic float, heavy floating jointly dressing method.</p>&

11、lt;p>  Methods: smelting ore deposits "is the main mineral materials, lead the smelting method has dominated and wet. Currently dominated by wet method is given priority to, in the experimental research. Dominate

12、d by sintering lead smelting and roasting lighten pigmentation, smelting reaction smelting methods. Lead the refining mainly adopts refined, followed by electrolysis holds refining.</p><p>  LiuHuaXin concen

13、tration is the main mineral zinc, also have dominated and wet smelting. Dominated by distillation, refining vertical flat pot distilled or electric stove, The zinc leaching, nearly 20 years development, has become a majo

14、r method of zinc. Dominated by distillation from coarse zinc zinc refining or direct application, But the zinc leaching income, high quality, electrolytic zinc without refining.</p><p>  For separating of zi

15、nc sulfide is mixed concentrate, generally USES and output of lead and zinc smelting process of blast furnace airtight. For separating of zinc oxide extremely difficult mixed ore, China has a unique treatment method, zin

16、c oxide ore mines or its enrichment of hybrid product, the sinter or in a blast furnace, the melting to lead and zinc with coarse molten slag, slag furnace smoke in the smoking further and zinc oxide product, and get wet

17、 zinc electrolysis zinc. In addition, st</p><p>  Our lead, zinc concentrate product contains rich associated in smelting process, comprehensive recycling, economic benefit has been considerable. When the le

18、ad smelting comprehensive recovery of copper and zinc sulfide, there, gold, silver, platinum group metals, bismuth, thallium, cadmium, selenium, tellurium, etc. Zinc smelting of sulfur recovery when there, lead, copper,

19、gold, silver, indium, gallium, ge, cadmium, cobalt, thallium, mercury, etc.</p><p>  鉛鋅的選礦與加工技術</p><p>  鉛鋅礦石一般都要經過選礦富集成精礦才能冶煉鉛、鋅金屬產品。礦石技術加工選冶試驗,是地質勘探工作的重要組成部分,是評價礦床能否作商品礦石開發(fā)的重要依據之一,因此在地質勘探過程中必須

20、進行礦石可選性試驗。在詳查或初勘階段,一般應做實驗室初步可選性試驗,在初勘或詳勘階段一般要做詳細可選性試驗。當?shù)V石物質成分復雜,又有巨大綜合利用價值的大中型、超大型礦床或屬新類型礦石,除進行詳細可選性試驗外,必要時還要做實驗室規(guī)模的擴大試驗。對某些礦石類型當用選礦方法得不到合格精礦產品或無法單體分離時,還要進行實驗室冶煉試驗。 在進行礦石可選性試驗之前,首先應進行礦床礦石物質成分研究,劃分礦石類型,查明元素賦存狀態(tài),鑒定礦物種類

21、、礦石結構構造、嵌布粒度特性,為選礦試驗制定合理工藝流程提供依據。</p><p>  鉛鋅礦石工業(yè)類型劃分,是在礦石自然類型基礎上,按礦石氧化程度不同硫化石(鉛或鋅氧化率<10%)、氧化礦石(鉛或鋅氧化率>30%)、混合礦石(鉛或鋅氧化率10%~30%)。按礦石中有用組分不同,可分為鉛礦石、鋅礦石、鉛鋅礦石、鉛鋅銅礦石、鉛鋅硫礦石、鉛鋅銅硫礦石、鉛錫礦石、鉛銻礦石、鋅銅礦石等。按礦石結構構造不同,可分為浸染狀礦

22、石、致密塊狀礦石、角礫狀礦石、條帶狀礦石、細脈浸染狀礦石等。</p><p>  當選冶部門需要按礦石類型、分采、分選(冶)時,而在地質剖面圖上能夠圈出,且與相鄰剖面能對應相連,則應圈出其分布范圍,分別計算儲量。 鉛鋅礦的選礦試驗,根據礦石類型不同,則選擇不同的選礦方法。硫化礦石通常用浮選方法。氧化礦石用浮選或重選與浮選聯(lián)合選礦,或硫化焙燒后浮選,或重選后用硫酸處理再浮選。對于含多金屬的鉛鋅礦石,一般用磁—

23、浮、重—浮、重—磁—浮等聯(lián)合選礦方法。</p><p>  鉛鋅礦冶煉方法:硫化鉛精礦是煉鉛的主要礦物原料,其冶煉方法有火法和濕法兩種。目前以火法為主,濕法處于試驗研究階段?;鸱掋U采用燒結焙燒-鼓風爐熔煉和反應熔煉、沉淀熔煉等方法。鉛的精煉主要采用火法精煉,其次是電解精煉。 硫化鋅精礦是煉鋅的主要礦物原料,也有火法和濕法冶煉?;鸱ㄒ睙挷捎秘Q罐蒸餾、平罐蒸餾或電爐;濕法煉鋅,近20年來發(fā)展很快,已成為煉鋅

24、的主要方法。火法煉鋅所得粗鋅采用蒸餾法精煉或直接應用;而濕法煉鋅所得電解鋅,質量較高,無需精煉。 對于難分選的硫化鉛鋅混合精礦,一般采用同時產出鉛和鋅的密閉鼓風爐熔煉法處理。對于極難分選的氧化鉛鋅混合礦,我國有獨特的處理方法,即用氧化鉛鋅混合礦原礦或其富集產物,經燒結或制團后在鼓風爐熔化,以便獲得粗鉛和含鉛鋅熔融爐渣,爐渣進一步在煙化爐煙化,得到氧化鋅產物,并用濕法煉鋅得到電解鋅。此外,還可用回轉窯直接煙化獲得氧化鋅產物。


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