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1、<p>  Washing machines</p><p>  Let’s look inside one of today’s fully automatic washing machines that use swirling water to clean the clothes. There are many types of washing machines but this Figure s

2、hows you what most of them are basically made up of. </p><p><b>  。</b></p><p>  The reason why a washing machine like this can wash and get the water out of the clothes at the same

3、time is because it has a double layer drum. When washing and rinsing, the pulsator spins and makes the water swirl.. To get the water out of the clothes, the inner wall f the drum spins and the water goes through the hol

4、es. </p><p>  These days, the “centrifugal force washing machines” are quite popular. This type of machine does not use a pulsator. Instead, the inner wall spins really quickly. When the drum spins, the dirt

5、y clothes get stuck to the wall. The water and detergent also try to escape through the holes of the wall but before they do so, they are forced to escape through the clothes. When this happens, the power of the water an

6、d detergent removes the dirt form the clothes. Another good thing about this type of ma</p><p>  Next, let’s look at some different types of washing machines! </p><p>  Many of you probably thin

7、k that the water inside washing machines goes round and round. Actually, different washing machines make water flow in different ways. </p><p>  Whirlpool type: </p><p>  This type of washing ma

8、chine uses a pulsator to force the water to move like a whirlpool inside the Drum. The spinning water forces the dirt out form the clothes inside the machine. Some of the newer models of this type also make the whirlpool

9、 move up and down to make it clean clothes even better! </p><p>  Agitator stirring type </p><p>  This type of washing machine has something that looks like a propeller at the bottom of the tub

10、. This Propeller spins around and stirs the water. The water then forces the dirt out from the clothes in the machine. The good thing about this type of machine is that clothes do not get tangled up and clothes get evenl

11、y washed. </p><p>  Drum type: </p><p>  This type of machine has a drum with many holes in it. There are also protrusions bumps on the wall of the drum. As the drum turns, the clothes are picke

12、d up by the protrusions. When the clothes fall down from the top of the drum through the water, the movement removes dirt from the clothes. </p><p>  Centrifugal force type: </p><p>  As we have

13、 said before, the spinning drum pushes the water and detergent out through the wall of the inner drum. The power that comes form spinning the drum is called centrifugal force., which is where the name comes from. The w

14、ater is forced through the clothes and then the holes in the inner wall. After one cycle, the water is recycled back into the tank and the process starts again. This cycle is what cleans the clothes! </p><p>

15、;  In Japan, people first started using machines in 1930. But then the price of a washing machine was so high that most average persons could not buy one for their homes. </p><p>  Looking back now, there wa

16、s something strange and funny on some of the first versions of the washing machine .The machine had two rollers that were used to sandwich each shirt and other clothes to squeeze the water out of them. The rollers were t

17、urned by hand, and in fact, you needed a lot of strength to turn those things! Still, people then thought it was a really neat invention! This type of water squeezer was used for almost 30 years until something new came

18、along. The spin drier that used “c</p><p>  In 1953, the nozzle type washing machine was first sold in Japan. This washing machine is like the older brother of the swirling washing machine that you see today

19、. The price of these washing machines was lower and because of this, more people bought them. The first fully automatic washing machine was introduced in 1968, and after that, washing clothes became a lot easier to do! &

20、lt;/p><p>  There are a lot of different types of washing machines. What kind of washing machine do you have in your house? </p><p>  Fully automatic: </p><p>  The fully automatic mac

21、hine has two drum layers that wash, rinse and remove water from clothes together. All you have to do is add detergent and put in dirty clothes and then washing machine will do the rest. There is also a new type of fully

22、automatic washing machine that can dry clothes after they have been washed. </p><p>  Twin tub: </p><p>  This washing machine has one part that dose the washing and another part that does the s

23、queezing. Even though it’s a hassle to take the clothes out and move them to other tub, the good thing is that you can wash and squeeze at the same time with one machine. </p><p>  Front loading: </p>

24、<p>  The main feature of front loaders is that they use a lot less water than other types. This is the type of Washing machine that dry cleaners use but a lot of people in western countries have this type of washi

25、ng machine in their homes too. </p><p>  Let’s try to make the best washing machine in the world! </p><p>  We should already thank the scientists that invented the fully automatic washing machi

26、ne because it makes washing clothes a piece of cake. </p><p>  Scientists are still trying really hard to find ways to make washing machines a lot handier to use for everyone. Some of the things that they ar

27、e trying to do are to find better ways of making clothes clean and ways to make washing machines last longer. There are washing machines with d trying function today so you don’t even have to hang clothes after words bec

28、ause it dries them automatically! Amazing! </p><p>  Scientists are also trying to find ways to use less water and less detergent in washing machines at present. This is because that it is better to use less

29、 water for preserving the environment. </p><p>  What are washing machines of the future going to be like? Maybe there will be a washing machine that dries and folds your clothes after washing them, or maybe

30、 there will be one that will wash your clothes while you are still wearing them! How handy would that be! Remember, if the first washing machine was like a dream to people in the old days, all the dreams you have about w

31、ashing machines of the future may come true! </p><p>  Now, washing machine is becoming more and more popular. We see the main classification.</p><p>  Washing machine can be divided into automa

32、tic type and semi-automatic type two kinds, automatic type washing machine as long as we begin our work proactively set better washing procedure, washing machine began to work until the end without manual intervention. A

33、nd semi-automatic washing machine washing and dewatering process is divided, is also called the double barrel washing machine, a tong, one takes off a bucket, and put tong inside washing out to artificial add to take off

34、 in the barrel deh</p><p>  Full-automatic washing machine press catharsis means to points, can be divided into bunt washer and roll barrel type two kinds of washing machine, From the electric control ways

35、to points, can be divided into mechanical program-controlled type and computer board controls type washing machine two kinds.</p><p>  The cylinder and the pulsator washing machine are now the main two kinds

36、.</p><p>  Pulsator washing machine working principle is to add clothing, then open the inlet valve, choose good bibcock of water level and correct working procedures, switch on the power, closed warehouse d

37、oor, and safety switch closed at water level, the public internal switch contacts are and dehydration contacts are interlinked, inlet valve electrify water, when the barrel water reaches the specified height, in air pres

38、sure under the action of water level switch inside public contacts disconnect dehydr</p><p>  Roller-type washing machine of the principle and Pulsator washing machine are basic similar. But 110mm drum machi

39、ne it no clutch variable speed, but its motor is double-speed motor, so when washing machine work in washing state, program-controlled device connected motor washing low-speed windings, motor speed slow, working on dehyd

40、ration, when they connect dehydration modal high-speed windings, motor high-speed operation, this process is programmed through the device and motor to work together t</p><p>  To sum up, the role of these t

41、wo kinds of washing machine is same, but different implementation, each has his strong point, Pulsator washing machine is simulated handmade kneaded action to work, 110mm drum type washing machine is by gravity inertial

42、function to finish our work, they realize washing and dewatering way also have different features, Pulsator washing machine to wear clothes is relatively large, but detergents degree is higher, 110mm drum machine for clo

43、thing wear small, but detergen</p><p>  So far, washing machine is still towards a higher requirements development.</p><p><b>  譯文:</b></p><p><b>  洗衣機(jī)</b>&l

44、t;/p><p>  來(lái)看一下渦流式全自動(dòng)洗衣機(jī)的構(gòu)造。這種洗衣機(jī)有各種各樣的型號(hào),其基本構(gòu)造如圖所示。</p><p>  洗衣機(jī)之所以能兼具洗條和脫水的功能,是因?yàn)樗幸粋€(gè)雙層水槽。在積滿水進(jìn)行“洗條”和“漂洗”時(shí),振動(dòng)機(jī)旋轉(zhuǎn),產(chǎn)生水流。脫水時(shí),只有內(nèi)槽快速旋轉(zhuǎn),將衣服中的水甩出。 </p><p>  最近漸漸流行的“離心式洗衣機(jī)”不是振動(dòng)機(jī)旋轉(zhuǎn),而是內(nèi)槽旋轉(zhuǎn)。當(dāng)

45、內(nèi)槽旋轉(zhuǎn)時(shí),該作用力使衣服貼近內(nèi)層。由于水和洗條劑會(huì)從內(nèi)槽的空洞向外甩出,因此能快速?gòu)囊路写┩福眠@種沖擊力去除污后。這種機(jī)器的另一個(gè)好處是由于在水中衣物不會(huì)纏繞,因此不必?fù)?dān)心衣物扭曲,變形或壞掉。</p><p>  下面看一看不同類型的洗衣機(jī)!</p><p><b>  渦流式 :</b></p><p>  這種類型洗衣機(jī)利用振動(dòng)機(jī)的

46、旋轉(zhuǎn)產(chǎn)生渦流,從而祛除污后。有的新型洗衣機(jī)能使渦流上下反復(fù)旋轉(zhuǎn),從而使污后更容易祛除! </p><p><b>  攪拌式 </b></p><p>  也許很多人認(rèn)為洗衣機(jī)中的水是在以同樣方式旋轉(zhuǎn)。事實(shí)上洗衣機(jī)的水流方式也有多種類型。 </p><p>  這種洗衣機(jī)在底部有一個(gè)看起來(lái)像螺旋槳的帶有葉片的軸,它會(huì)反復(fù)地反方向轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng),將水?dāng)噭?dòng)起

47、來(lái),然后水的作用力將衣物中的污后祛除。它具有使衣服不易纏繞,并能均勻清洗的優(yōu)點(diǎn)。</p><p><b>  滾筒式 :</b></p><p>  在開有許多小孔的圓筒中,有突出的板子。外圍的滾筒旋轉(zhuǎn)時(shí),板子將衣物抬起,下落是時(shí)的沖力將污后祛除。 </p><p><b>  離心力式 :</b></p>

48、<p>  1930年,在日本,人們第一次開始使用洗衣機(jī)。不過,當(dāng)時(shí)的售價(jià)還很高,并沒有普及到一般家庭。</p><p>  就像我們前邊所說(shuō)的那樣,旋轉(zhuǎn)的內(nèi)槽將水和洗條劑從內(nèi)槽壁推出。從內(nèi)槽向外甩出的力叫做“離心力”,這也是“離心力”這個(gè)名字的來(lái)源。這種洗衣機(jī)由于是內(nèi)槽旋轉(zhuǎn),因此水會(huì)從內(nèi)槽猛地向外部噴射,然后又會(huì)回到內(nèi)槽中,不斷地循環(huán)往復(fù)。正是這種循環(huán)清潔了衣物!</p><p&g

49、t;  在以前的洗衣機(jī)中,安裝了現(xiàn)在看起來(lái)有些可笑的部件。機(jī)器有兩根滾軸,夾住洗條衣物,把水?dāng)D出來(lái)。由于采用的是手動(dòng)旋轉(zhuǎn)把手后滾軸轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng)的構(gòu)造,所以需要相當(dāng)大的力氣,不過在當(dāng)時(shí)它還是非常便利,此后,這種滾軸式脫水機(jī)大約被使用了長(zhǎng)達(dá)30年之久,一直到離心式脫水機(jī)出現(xiàn)為止。</p><p>  1953年,渦流式洗衣機(jī)的原形分流式洗衣機(jī)在日本上市銷售。這種洗衣機(jī)就像現(xiàn)在所見的渦流式洗衣機(jī)的哥哥。由于這些洗衣機(jī)的價(jià)格低廉

50、,使用洗衣機(jī)的家庭漸漸多起來(lái)。1968年,全自動(dòng)式洗衣機(jī)登場(chǎng),此后洗衣機(jī)變得愈加方便了。 </p><p>  洗衣機(jī)有許多種類。你們家里用的洗衣機(jī)屬于哪一種類型呢?</p><p><b>  自動(dòng)式 :</b></p><p>  全自動(dòng)式洗衣機(jī)通過雙層的水槽接連進(jìn)行洗條,漂洗,脫水。你需要做的就是將洗條劑和衣物放入洗衣機(jī),之后洗衣機(jī)會(huì)自動(dòng)

51、進(jìn)行清洗。還有一種可以烘干衣物的新型的全自動(dòng)洗衣機(jī)。 </p><p><b>  雙缸式 : </b></p><p>  讓我們制造出世界上最好的洗衣機(jī)! </p><p><b>  滾筒式 : </b></p><p>  滾筒式洗衣機(jī)的特點(diǎn)是用水量較少,洗衣店使用的多是滾筒式的。許多歐洲家

52、庭中也使用這種類型的洗衣機(jī)。 </p><p>  這種洗衣機(jī)進(jìn)行洗條的部分與脫水的部分分離。雖然脫水時(shí)需要將衣物取出更換地方,但卻具有洗條與脫水能同時(shí)進(jìn)行的好處。</p><p>  我們應(yīng)該很感激科學(xué)家發(fā)明出全自動(dòng)洗衣機(jī),因?yàn)樗瓜匆路兂梢患菀椎氖?lt;/p><p>  科學(xué)家仍在努力尋找方法使洗衣機(jī)的使用更加便利。另外,科學(xué)家們還正在努力,尋找更好的洗條衣物

53、的方法和制造更耐用的洗衣機(jī)?,F(xiàn)在洗衣機(jī)具有烘干功能,所以你甚至洗后不用進(jìn)行掛曬,因?yàn)樗梢宰詣?dòng)烘干衣物!太神奇了!</p><p>  目前科學(xué)家正在想方設(shè)法減少洗衣時(shí)的用水量。其原因是我們必須珍惜水資源,保護(hù)我們的環(huán)境。 </p><p>  你認(rèn)為未來(lái)的洗衣機(jī)將會(huì)變成什么樣子呢?如果能有可以洗條,烘干,折疊衣物或是能在人穿著衣服時(shí)進(jìn)行洗條的洗衣機(jī)的話,該有多方便??!記住。,如果第一臺(tái)洗

54、衣機(jī)對(duì)舊時(shí)代的人們是一個(gè)夢(mèng)想的話,那么對(duì)未來(lái)洗衣機(jī)的種種設(shè)想就很可能會(huì)變?yōu)楝F(xiàn)實(shí)。 </p><p>  現(xiàn)在,洗衣機(jī)正變得越來(lái)越流行。我們看到了主要的分類。</p><p>  洗衣機(jī)可分為全自動(dòng)型、半自動(dòng)式兩種,全自動(dòng)型洗衣機(jī)只要我們開始工作積極定好洗滌程序,洗衣機(jī)開始工作,直到最后、無(wú)須人工干預(yù)。、半自動(dòng)洗衣機(jī)洗過的衣服和脫水分,也被稱為雙筒洗衣機(jī)、通,一個(gè)脫桶內(nèi),把洗好的衣服晾出去,

55、同人工加起步脫水處理而完整桶洗衣過程。全自動(dòng)洗衣機(jī)在其結(jié)構(gòu)內(nèi)部桶通起飛套裝、兩桶軸,同時(shí)也可與離合器洗完的國(guó)家和脫水狀態(tài)的轉(zhuǎn)換在關(guān)鍵說(shuō)的是自動(dòng)洗衣機(jī)。</p><p>  全自動(dòng)洗衣機(jī)洗滌方式按觀點(diǎn),可分為系統(tǒng)墊圈和滾桶式兩種洗滌機(jī)械,來(lái)自電氣控制手段分,可分為機(jī)械程控類型和電腦板控制類型洗衣機(jī)兩種。</p><p>  滾筒和波輪式洗衣機(jī)現(xiàn)在的主要兩種。</p><p

56、>  波輪式洗衣機(jī)的工作原理是放入衣物后,打開進(jìn)水龍頭的閥門,選擇好正確的水位及工作程序,接通電源,閉合倉(cāng)門,門安全開關(guān)閉合,此時(shí)水位開關(guān)內(nèi)部的公共觸點(diǎn)是和脫水觸點(diǎn)相通,進(jìn)水閥通電進(jìn)水,當(dāng)桶內(nèi)水位到達(dá)指定高度時(shí),在氣壓的作用下水位開關(guān)內(nèi)部公共觸點(diǎn)斷開脫水觸點(diǎn)而接通洗滌觸點(diǎn),進(jìn)水閥斷電停止進(jìn)水,電動(dòng)機(jī)電源被接通,電動(dòng)機(jī)開始運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn),周期性的時(shí)而正轉(zhuǎn)、時(shí)而反轉(zhuǎn),相互交替,通過離合器帶動(dòng)波輪用同樣的周期正轉(zhuǎn)、反轉(zhuǎn),以一定速度旋轉(zhuǎn)的波輪會(huì)帶動(dòng)


58、lt;p>  滾筒式洗衣機(jī)的原理與波輪式洗衣機(jī)基本相似。但是滾桶洗衣機(jī)它沒有離合器變速,但是它的電機(jī)是雙速電機(jī),所以當(dāng)洗衣機(jī)工作于洗滌態(tài)時(shí),程控器接通電機(jī)的洗滌低速繞組,電機(jī)的轉(zhuǎn)速慢,工作于脫水態(tài)時(shí),則接通脫水高速繞組,電機(jī)高速運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn),這個(gè)過程是通過程控器和電機(jī)的共同作用來(lái)完成。  綜上所述,這兩類洗衣機(jī)的作用是一樣的,但是實(shí)現(xiàn)的方式不同,各有千秋,波輪式洗衣機(jī)是模擬手工的搓揉動(dòng)作來(lái)工作,滾桶式洗衣機(jī)是通過重力慣性作用來(lái)


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