1、<p><b> 附錄A 譯文</b></p><p> ?。ㄒ唬╇x心泵使用時的調(diào)節(jié)方式與能源耗損分析</p><p> 離心泵是廣泛應用于化工工業(yè)系統(tǒng)的一種通用流體機械。它具有性能適應范圍廣(包括流量、壓頭及對輸送介質(zhì)性質(zhì)的適應性)、體積小、結(jié)構(gòu)簡單、操作容易、操作費用低等諸多優(yōu)點。通常,所選離心泵的流量、壓頭可能會和管路中要求的不一致,或由于生產(chǎn)任務
3、;/p><p> 1 泵流量調(diào)節(jié)的主要方式</p><p> 1.1 改變管路特性曲線</p><p> 改變離心泵流量最簡單的方法就是利用泵出口閥門的開度來控制,其實質(zhì)是改變管路特性曲線的位置來改變泵的工作點。</p><p> 1.2 改變離心泵特性曲線</p><p> 根據(jù)比例定律和切割定律,改變泵
6、 1.3 泵的串、并連調(diào)節(jié)方式</p><p> 當單臺離心泵不能滿足輸送任務時,可以采用離心泵的并聯(lián)或串聯(lián)操作。用兩臺相同型號的離心泵并聯(lián),雖然壓頭變化不大,但加大了總的輸送流量,并聯(lián)泵的總效率與單臺泵的效率相同;離心泵串聯(lián)時總的壓頭增大,流量變化不大,串聯(lián)泵的總效率與單臺泵效率相同。</p><p> 2 不同調(diào)節(jié)方式下泵的能耗分析</p><p>
7、 在對不同調(diào)節(jié)方式下的能耗分析時,文章僅針對目前廣泛采用的閥門調(diào)節(jié)和泵變轉(zhuǎn)速調(diào)節(jié)兩種調(diào)節(jié)方式加以分析。由于離心泵的并、串聯(lián)操作目的在于提高壓頭或流量,在化工領(lǐng)域運用不多,其能耗可以結(jié)合圖2進行分析,方法基本相同。</p><p> 2.1 閥門調(diào)節(jié)流量時的功耗</p><p> 離心泵運行時,電動機輸入泵軸的功率N為:</p><p> 式中 ——軸功率,
8、;</p><p> ——泵的有效壓頭,;</p><p> ——泵的實際流量,; </p><p><b> ——流體比重,;</b></p><p><b> η——泵的效率。</b></p><p> 當用閥門調(diào)節(jié)流量從到,在工作點消耗的軸功率為:</p
9、><p> ——實際有用功率,;</p><p> ——閥門上損耗得功率,;</p><p> ——離心泵損失的功率,。</p><p> 2.2 變速調(diào)節(jié)流量時的功耗</p><p> 在進行變速分析時因要用到離心泵的比例定律,根據(jù)其應用條件,以下分析均指離心泵的變速范圍在±20%內(nèi),且離心泵本身效
10、率的變化不大。用電動機變速調(diào)節(jié)流量到流量時,在工作點泵消耗的軸功率為:</p><p><b> 同樣經(jīng)變換可得:</b></p><p> 式中 ——實際有用功率,;</p><p> ——離心泵損失的功率,。</p><p> 2.3 能耗對比分析</p><p><b>
11、; 3 結(jié)論</b></p><p> 對于目前離心泵通用的出口閥門調(diào)節(jié)和泵變轉(zhuǎn)速調(diào)節(jié)兩種主要流量調(diào)節(jié)方式,泵變轉(zhuǎn)速調(diào)節(jié)節(jié)約的能耗比出口閥門調(diào)節(jié)大得多,這點可以從兩者的功耗分析和功耗對比分析看出。通過離心泵的流量與揚程的關(guān)系圖,可以更為直觀的反映出兩種調(diào)節(jié)方式下的能耗關(guān)系。通過泵變速調(diào)節(jié)來減小流量還有利于降低離心泵發(fā)生汽蝕的可能性。當流量減小越大時,變速調(diào)節(jié)的節(jié)能效率也越大,即閥門調(diào)節(jié)損耗功率越
12、大,但是,泵變速過大時又會造成泵效率降低,超出泵比例定律范圍,因此,在實際應用時應該從多方面考慮,在二者之間綜合出最佳的流量調(diào)節(jié)方法。</p><p> (二)泵在CAD中的原理方案設計模型</p><p> 論文摘要:在詳細分析泵行業(yè)中CAD狀況的基礎(chǔ)上,闡述了建立水泵原理方案設計模型的必要性??紤]現(xiàn)有的設計方法模型的特點以及水泵原理設計的自身規(guī)律,在面向?qū)ο笤O計模型的基礎(chǔ)上融合了逐
13、步求精模型的閉環(huán)設計思想,在功能分解中采用了Function-Behavior-State(FBS)方法,提出了一個原理方案設計模型。并進一步將該模型應用于泵的原理方案設計的一實例中,得到了一個較為完整的水泵原理設計流程,表明此模型具有可操作性、可重用性、可交換性等特點。</p><p><b> 1 引言</b></p><p> 自90年代初我國實施CAD應
15、原理方案設計機理進行研究,建立一個滿足水泵設計實際需要的建模方法。在對泵的設計過程進行總體分析,針對泵的產(chǎn)品特點,總結(jié)設計過程中的設計規(guī)律,探討其設計創(chuàng)新機理,并適應計算機輔助設計的需要,建立反映泵的設計經(jīng)驗知識、設計方法以及設計規(guī)范的原理方案設計模型,并將其與已有的“中下游”設計模型耦合,以做到真正支撐和輔助設計全過程。</p><p><b> 2 模型設計方法</b></p&
16、gt;<p> 方案設計是設計過程中,在闡明任務要求后,通過抽象化認識本質(zhì)問題,建立功能結(jié)構(gòu),通過尋求合適的作用原理并將其組合成作用結(jié)構(gòu),從面確定原理解(原理方案)[2]。方案設計是在原理上確定一個解。其工作步聚如圖1所示。</p><p> 圖1 方案設計的工作步聚</p><p> 在建立泵原理方案設計模型中主要涉及兩方面的知識[3]:(1)設計方法學知識,即解決
17、產(chǎn)品設計進程的一般性理論、研究進程模式、戰(zhàn)略與各步驟相應的戰(zhàn)術(shù)。其中包括面向全過程的設計方法和對于方案設計過程中特定的設計方法。(2)設計對象領(lǐng)域的專業(yè)知識,即關(guān)于泵這種具體的流體通用機械中所涉及的專業(yè)領(lǐng)域的知識。</p><p><b> 2.1 設計方法</b></p><p> 面向全過程的設計方法及模型基本可以分成三種[4]:(1)面向?qū)ο笤O計模型,它代
18、表著設計方法學的組裝創(chuàng)新設計階段;(2)GDT(General Design Theory)模型,它能體現(xiàn)創(chuàng)新設計方法學的創(chuàng)新思維過程(分解、映射、綜合),代表著開環(huán)創(chuàng)新設計階段;(3)逐步求精模型,它充分體現(xiàn)了人的創(chuàng)新思維模式:繼承中創(chuàng)新、反復迭代,代表著工程設計方法學的閉環(huán)控制創(chuàng)新設計階段。這種方法認為設計過程是一個逐步求精過程。它的最大優(yōu)點是存在解的評價層,允許對解進行反饋控制,進行產(chǎn)品優(yōu)化。因此它是一個閉環(huán)設計方法,比較符合工程
19、設計人員的思維模式。</p><p> 方案設計中關(guān)鍵性的一步就是如何進行產(chǎn)品設計要求的功能分解。因為產(chǎn)品的設計要求是最精煉的產(chǎn)品功能描述,而形成產(chǎn)品的卻是許許多多完成一定功能的零部件的組合,如何將抽象的產(chǎn)品設計要求轉(zhuǎn)換為具體的、現(xiàn)實的功能要求充分體現(xiàn)了人的創(chuàng)造活動。對這方面的研究,焦點主要集中在功能分解的依據(jù)上,有兩種方法比較典型:一種以Robert Hsturges為代表,以價值工程理論(VE)為背景,采用
20、功能分解,稱為功能邏輯分解方法;另一種以Yasushi Umeda為代表,以人的認知模型為背景,采用行為分解,稱為Fuction Behavior State(FBS)方法[5]。雖然兩者都處于發(fā)展之中,但是文獻[4]認為后者的分解依據(jù)更貼近工程設計的思維模式。</p><p> 2.2 泵設計領(lǐng)域的專業(yè)知識(泵設計的特點)</p><p> 泵設計是一項復雜的過程,在設計中各種因素
22、閉環(huán)系統(tǒng)。</p><p> 隨著成組技術(shù)的廣泛應用,泵設計制造正趨向于模塊化,以提高零件(組件)通用性和重用性,從而降低設計制造成本,保證產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量。而面向?qū)ο蟮慕K枷胝梅夏K化的需要。這表明所建立的模型應是一個面向?qū)ο蟮南到y(tǒng)。</p><p> 3 原理方案設計模型</p><p> 基于以上分析,在本文所提出的原理方案設計模型中,整個設計進程是在面
23、向?qū)ο蟮脑O計模型的基礎(chǔ)上融合了逐步求精模型閉環(huán)設計思想而建立的,在功能分解中采用了FBS方法。具體模型描述如圖2所示:</p><p> 圖2 原理方案設計模型結(jié)構(gòu)圖</p><p> 在模型中各個模塊的具體功能為:</p><p> 3.1 設計模型S</p><p> 設計模型S表示要設計的目標對象,它可以由一個或幾個設計對象
24、組成,其中包括設計實體對象(E0)和設計關(guān)系對象(R0),其中實體對象可以是功能實體或結(jié)構(gòu)實體。即:</p><p> S={[E01,E02,…,E0n],[E01,E02,…,E0m]}</p><p> 因為每個設計要求一般有若干個可選擇的模型與之相匹配,并在設計過程中不斷迭代更新,這里用SKG來表示設計模型K的第G代模型,則有:</p><p> SK
25、G={[E01K,E02K,…,E0nK]G,[R01K,R02K,…,E0mK]G}</p><p> 3.2 設計算法A</p><p> 設計算法A為針對某一設計模型SKG,根據(jù)要求和約束(R&C)以及知識庫中與本領(lǐng)域的專家知識,在模型庫中搜索與其匹配的設計對象,創(chuàng)建該設計對象的一個實例Oi并將其添加到設計模型SKG中,若無匹配的設計對象,則基于知識推理創(chuàng)建一個新的滿足
26、要求的對象。評價算法還對設計模型進行評價測試,對不滿足要求和約束部分進行修改。</p><p> 3.3 要求和約束R & C</p><p> 在產(chǎn)品需求建模輔助工具系統(tǒng)[7]的輔助下,通過對當前設計模型需求信息的獲取、拓展和分析所得到的要求和約束R&C;對設計模型的要求、存在的條件以及其重要性的權(quán)重。最后形成一系列的功能需求{Ro.p},Ro.p為功能需求O的屬性
27、P。</p><p> 3.4 設計實體對象E0</p><p> 設計實體對象E0i與要求與約束中的Ri相匹配。它包括功能實體對象或結(jié)構(gòu)實體對象。</p><p> 對于功能實體對象,其本身是一設計模型S,該模型的構(gòu)成將遞歸調(diào)用圖3的模型算法。遞歸結(jié)束的條件是當所得的實體對象是結(jié)構(gòu)對象,隱含其中的功能分解算法為FBS方法。功能實體對象的遞歸求解可以并行。&
28、lt;/p><p> 3.5 設計關(guān)系對象R0</p><p> 設計關(guān)系對象R0的構(gòu)成為:構(gòu)成該關(guān)系的設計實體對象中的相關(guān)屬性為設計關(guān)系對象的屬性,它的方法為屬性間相互約束關(guān)系,包括[8]</p><p> (1)等式約束:工程中大量的計算公式,如:</p><p> (2)限制約束:對一些設主變量的某種限制,如噪聲級的限定范圍。&l
29、t;/p><p> (3)函數(shù)約束:面向?qū)ο蟮墓こ虜?shù)據(jù)庫中的操作函數(shù),如標準件庫中選型函數(shù)。</p><p> (4)規(guī)則約束:用于表達工程設計中的一些經(jīng)驗性知識。</p><p> 對于設計關(guān)系對象則不進行遞歸求解調(diào)用,其本身構(gòu)成評判層,主要作用為在遞歸回溯時,對解進行測試和評判。在其中某一層得到存在設計關(guān)系對象的兩個或幾個設計實體對象的解后,由該設計關(guān)系對象出
30、發(fā),測試各個設計實體對象的解是否滿足設計關(guān)系對象中的約束關(guān)系,如不滿足則對各個設計對象的解進行調(diào)整。</p><p> 設計關(guān)系對象構(gòu)成的評判層與評價規(guī)劃(E)及要求與約束(R&C)構(gòu)成的評判層不同,后者的作用是對設計模型的整體性能的評價,設計關(guān)系對象的作用則是設計模型內(nèi)部各個組成模塊間協(xié)調(diào)性、一致性的評價。</p><p> 3.6 與后續(xù)設計的接口</p>
31、<p> 原理方案設計的后續(xù)步驟為詳細設計,即確定各個零件或組件的形狀、尺寸、材料要素,進而得到各個零件的詳細描述,同時還需確定各個組件(零件)間的關(guān)系,當某一組件(零件)的涉及其他組件(零件)的要素變動時,能將此變動擴展到各個零件[9]。與原理方案設計層相對應,詳細設計層的產(chǎn)品可由裝配實體對象和裝配關(guān)系對象來描述。從本文所給出的原理方案模型出發(fā),可建立設計實體對象與裝配實體對象、設計關(guān)系對象和裝配關(guān)系對象的對應轉(zhuǎn)換關(guān)系。因
32、此本文所給出的原理方案模型具有較好的擴展性。</p><p> 從以上分析可見,本原理方案設計模型考慮了設計中各種因素互相影響和相互獨立的特點,以及工程設計中大量存在的問題求解策略的調(diào)整概念,即先產(chǎn)生一個不費事的有錯誤的解,然后再修改它,使它逐步與精確解逼近(實踐證明這種做法一般比堅持要求第一個解就完全沒有缺陷的做法有效得多),融合了面向?qū)ο蟮脑O計思想和逐步求精模型閉環(huán)設計思想,使泵設計的自身特點對其原理方案設
33、計模型所提出的兩個要求得到滿足。同時利用本模型進行設計時可以進行并行求解,提高求解效率,并可與后續(xù)設計環(huán)節(jié)較好地銜接。</p><p> 4 泵原理方案設計應用實例</p><p> 基于上述的原理方案設計模型,將該模型應用于具體的水泵原理方案設計,得到其部分設計流程如圖3、4所示。</p><p><b> 設計流程說明如下:</b>
34、</p><p> (1)確定設計要求并將其抽象化,得到泵設計的本質(zhì):通過一定的手段增加流體的機械能(動能、勢能)或壓力能[10]。</p><p> (2)以泵的設計模型為當前設計模型S。確定其第一層的設計對象組成。即各個功能實體對象組成及功能關(guān)系對象。設不存在已有對象,則需創(chuàng)建一系列新的對象。用FBS方法對功能進行分解。從物料流的觀點出發(fā),泵的物料流為流體(液體),由泵的設計要求可
36、成信息流所需功能。最后還需一個輔助功能模塊即連結(jié)與支撐。各功能對象之間的關(guān)系如圖5所示。</p><p> 圖3 泵原理方案設計流程(部分) </p><p> 圖4 泵原理方案設計流程(部分)</p><p> (3)以各個設計功能對象為設計模S,進行第二層設計,在條件滿足的情況下(如“能量轉(zhuǎn)換”的求解需要“能量傳遞”求解結(jié)果)可以并行進行設計
37、。以“能量傳遞”為例,針對該功能,從模型庫中搜尋可能的作用原理對象。如果模型庫中存在相應的作用原理對象,則生成該原理對象的一個實例加入到當前的設計模型S中。否則由知識庫中的專家知識推理得到可能的作用原理對象。由此可得張力、離心力、升力、電磁力等原理對象。設計者根據(jù)各個原理對象的特性,從自身的經(jīng)驗出發(fā)選擇比較適合的一個到幾個原理對象進入下一層設計。</p><p> 圖5 泵功能分解及結(jié)構(gòu)</p>
38、<p> (4)假設所選擇的作用原理對象為升力,則以升力原理為當前設計模型S,搜索模型庫得到與其對應的原理結(jié)構(gòu)模型:軸流式葉輪原型。</p><p> (5)對所得的軸流式葉輪原型進行技術(shù)、經(jīng)濟評價。并根據(jù)評價結(jié)果逐層修改求精。</p><p> (6)對其它功能實體進行類似的求解。</p><p> (7)協(xié)調(diào)各個功能的原理結(jié)構(gòu)解之間的關(guān)系,如
39、圖4所示中為能量轉(zhuǎn)換的原理解與能量傳遞的原理解之間的制約關(guān)系,通過協(xié)同求精確定各個功能實體的結(jié)構(gòu)解。</p><p> (8)總體評價。從總的要求和約束R&C,以及評價規(guī)劃出發(fā),最終確定原理解。</p><p> 很明顯,以上給出例子所得出的原理解不是唯一的,根據(jù)模型庫和知識庫中等構(gòu)成的不同,設計者給出的判斷不同,得到的解是不一樣的。本應用實例說明,利用前面給出的模型進行泵的原
40、理方案設計是可行的,基本滿足了泵設計的要求和特點。同時從模型本身框架和從實際應用中可以發(fā)現(xiàn)模型具有以下特點:</p><p> (1)可操作性。本模型泵設計的本身特點出發(fā),并與現(xiàn)有的設計方法模型相結(jié)合而成。該模型有效地應用于實例中,表明本模型具有相當?shù)目刹僮餍浴?lt;/p><p> (2)可重用性。面向?qū)ο蟮慕K枷胧沟玫降母鱾€設計對象可以在不同的產(chǎn)品中應用。如實例中得到的能量轉(zhuǎn)換的功能
41、對象實現(xiàn)后,其結(jié)果列入模型庫,在下一個產(chǎn)品設計時,它將作為已有對象被檢索,實現(xiàn)重用性。</p><p> (3)可交換性。各個設計對象不是獨一無二的,每一個設計目標可以有不同的設計模型來完成。如能量傳遞的解就可能有張力、離心力、升力、電磁力等幾種通過做功實現(xiàn)能量傳遞的原理對象,為設計提供了多種選擇。</p><p><b> 5 結(jié)論</b></p>
42、<p> 泵的原理方案設計模型涉及到設計方法學和泵本身的許多專業(yè)知識和經(jīng)驗。以原理方案設計本身來說,現(xiàn)正處于起步和發(fā)展階段,是計算機輔助設計(CAD)中的熱點和前沿問題。原理方案設計是產(chǎn)品設計過程中創(chuàng)新設計的關(guān)鍵,已成為國內(nèi)外專家學者的共識。本文只是在這一方面進行了初步研究,并得到以下結(jié)論:</p><p> (1)為了提高泵產(chǎn)品的設計創(chuàng)新能力,有必要利用先進的CAD產(chǎn)品開發(fā)設計方法,建立泵原理
43、設計方案模型。</p><p> (2)泵設計的自身特點要求泵原理方案設計模型滿足兩個要求:</p><p> (a)是一個逐步求精的閉環(huán)系統(tǒng);</p><p> (b)是一個滿足模塊化的面向?qū)ο蟮哪P汀?lt;/p><p> (3)本文提出的模型基本滿足了泵原理方案設計模型中兩個要求并具有可操作性、可重用性、可交換性等特點。</p
44、><p><b> 附錄B 外文文獻</b></p><p> The centrifugal pump uses when the adjustment way and the energyconsume the analysis</p><p> The centrifugal pump is widely applies in the
45、 chemical industry industrial system one kind of general fluid machinery. It has the performance adaptation scope broad (including current capacity, discharge head and to transports medium nature slightly compatibility),
46、 the volume, the structure simple, the operation easy, the operating cost low status many merits. Usually, chooses the centrifugal pump the current capacity, the discharge head possibly to be able to request with the pip
47、eline in not to</p><p> 1st, the pump flow control fundamental mode</p><p> 1.1 change pipeline characteristic curve</p><p> Change centrifugal pump current capacity simple metho
48、d is exports the valve using the pump the opening to control, its essence is changes the pipeline characteristic curve the position to change the pump the operating point.</p><p> 1.2 change centrifugal pum
49、p characteristic curve</p><p> Basis proportionality law and the cutting law, change the pump the rotational speed, the change pump structure (for example cutting impeller outer diameter law and so on) two
50、methods both can change the centrifugal pump the characteristic curve, thus achieved the adjustment current capacity (simultaneously changes discharge head) goal.But regarding the pump which already works, changes the pu
51、mp structure the method not too conveniently, and because changed the pump structure, reduced the pump ve</p><p> 1.3 pump strings, and the company adjusts the way</p><p> When the single Taiw
52、an centrifugal pump cannot satisfy the transportation duty, may use the centrifugal pump parallel or the series operation.Are parallel with two same model centrifugal pumps, although the discharge head change is not big,
53、 but has enlarged the total transportation current capacity, the parallel pumps overall effectiveness index and Shan Taibeng the efficiency is same; When centrifugal pump series the total discharge head increases, the cu
54、rrent capacity change is not big, the se</p><p> 2nd, under different adjustment way pump energy consumption analysis</p><p> When to under different adjustment way energy consumption analysis
55、, the article only aims at the valve regulation and the pump which at present widely uses changes the rotational speed to adjust two adjustment ways to analyze.Because the centrifugal pump and, the series operation goal
56、lies in enhances the discharge head or the current capacity, are not many in the chemical domain utilization, its energy consumption may unify Figure 2 to carry on the analysis basically, the method same.</p><
57、p> 2.1 valve regulation current capacity</p><p> Power loss centrifugal pump moves, the electric motor inputs the pump spindle power N is:</p><p> in the formula -- shaft power, ;</p&g
58、t;<p> -- pump effective head, ;</p><p> -- pump actual flow, ;</p><p> v-- fluid proportion, ;</p><p> η- - pump efficiency.</p><p> When uses the valve re
59、gulation current capacity from Q1 to Q2, in the operating point A2 consumption shaft power is: </p><p> -- actual useful power, ;</p><p> -- valve loses results in the power, ;</p><
60、p> - - the centrifugal pump loses power, .</p><p> 2.2 speed change adjustment current capacity power loss</p><p> when carries on the speed change analysis because must use the centrifuga
61、l pump the proportionality law, according to its application condition, the following analyzes refers to the centrifugal pump the speed change scope in ±20%, also centrifugal pump itself efficiency change not big [3
62、].When uses electricity the motive speed change adjustment current capacity to current capacity Q2, consumes the shaft power in the operating point A3 pump is: </p><p> may result in similarly after the tra
63、nsformation:</p><p> in the formula -- actual useful power, ;</p><p> - - the centrifugal pump loses power, .</p><p> 2.3 energy consumption contrast analysis</p><p&g
64、t; 3rd, the conclusion</p><p> General exports the valve regulation and the pump regarding the present centrifugal pump changes the rotational speed to adjust two main flow control way, the pump changes th
65、e rotational speed adjustment frugal energy consumption to export the valve regulation to be much bigger than, this spot may sees from both power loss analysis and the power loss contrast analysis.Through the centrifugal
66、 pump current capacity and the lifting relational graph, may under the more direct-viewing reflection two </p><p> Application Study on Conceptual Design Model in Pump</p><p> Abstract :Concer
67、ned with some current design process model and the specializationin pump conceptual designan architecture of conceptual design model
68、60;for pump is presented.Which is combined the object-oriented design model and self-maintenance design model.The Function-Behavior-State(FBS)model
69、60;is also used in the function decomposition in the mentioned model. And further applies this model in a pump principle project design example, obtained a more complete
70、water pump principle design flow, indic</p><p> 1 introduction</p><p> Our country has implemented the CAD application project since the beginning of the 90's, although carries out the CAD
71、 design in the water pump profession to receive generally takes, but basic still is at the primary CAD cartography stage, mainly was applies in the entire design process “middle and lower reaches” the design stage, namel
72、y the design proposal concrete realization stage, it essentially belongs face the components detailing. Not only the CAD trend of development is supports face the </p><p> 2 model design method</p>&
73、lt;p> The project design is designs in the process, after the exposition mission requirement, through the abstraction understanding essence question, establishes the function structure, through seeks the appropriate
74、mechanism and combines it the function structure, determines the original understanding from the surface (principle plan) [2]. The project design is determines a solution in the principle.Its work step gathers as shown i
75、n Figure 1.</p><p> Figure 1 the project design work step gathers</p><p> Mainly involves two aspects in the establishment pump principle project design model the knowledge [3]:(1) design met
76、hodology knowledge, namely solution product design advancement general theory, research advancement pattern, strategy and various steps corresponding tactic.In which including face entire process design method and regard
77、ing project design process in specific design method.(2) design object domain specialized knowledge, namely the professional field knowledge which involves about t</p><p> 2.1 design methods</p><
78、p> Basic may divide into three kind of [4]:(1) object-oriented design models face the entire process design method and the model, it is representing the design methodology assembly innovation design stage; (2) GDT (G
79、eneral Design Theory) the model, it can manifest the innovation design methodology the innovation thought process (decomposition, mapping, synthesis), is representing the split-ring innovation design stage; (3) asks the
80、fine model gradually, it has fully manifested human's innovation th</p><p> How in the project design crucial one step is carries on the product design request the function decomposition.Because the pro
81、duct design request is the most fining product functional description, but forms the product is actually many completes certain function the spare part combination, will abstract how the product design request transforme
82、d concretely into, the reality function request has manifested human's creation fully.To this aspect research, the focal point mainly concentrates in the </p><p> 2.2 pump design domain specialized know
83、ledge (pump designs characteristic)</p><p> The pump design is a complex process, in the design each kind of factor mutual influence, causes to assign the request the water pump to have the different design
84、 proposal or the result satisfiedly, therefore must find most superior one.This is one explores unceasingly, circulates many times, deepens gradually judgment solution process [6].Looked from the fluid machinery angle th
85、at, the fluid machinery inverse is now one of hydromechanics domain difficult problems.Therefore the existing design u</p><p> Along with the underwriter widespread application, the pump design manufacture
86、is tending to the modulation, enhances the components (module) the versatility and entrusts with heavy responsibility the nature, thus reduces the design production cost, the guarantee product quality.But the object-orie
87、nted modelling thought happen to conforms to the modular need.This indicated establishes the model should be an object-oriented system.</p><p> 3 principle project design model</p><p> Analyze
88、s based on above, proposed in this article in the principle project design model, the entire design advancement was fuses in the object-oriented design model foundation has striven for gradually, in the function which th
89、e fine model closed loop design concept established decomposes has used the FBS method.Concrete model description as shown in Figure 2:</p><p> 3.1 design model S</p><p> The design model S ex
90、pression must design the goal object, it may is composed by or a several design object, including the design entity object (E0) and the design relations object (R0), in which entity object may be the function entity or t
91、he structure entity.Namely:</p><p> S={[E01,E02,…,E0n],[E01,E02,…,E0m]}</p><p> Because each design request generally has the model which certain may choose with it to match, and iterates unce
92、asingly in the design process renews, here expresses the design model K Gth generation of model with SKG, then has:</p><p> SKG={[E01K,E02K,…,E0nK]G,[R01K,R02K,…,E0mK]G}</p><p> Figure 2 prin
93、ciple project design model structure drawing</p><p> 3.2 design algorithm A</p><p> Design algorithm A aims at some design model SKG, according to requests and restrains in (R&C) as well a
94、s the knowledge library with this domain expert knowledge, searches the design object if in the model base which matches, founds this design object example Oi and increases it to design model SKG in, if non-match design
95、object, then founds one based on the knowledge inference newly to satisfy the request the object.The appraisal algorithm also carries on the appraisal test to the design model,</p><p> 3.3 requests and rest
96、rains R & C</p><p> In under the product demand modelling auxiliary means system [7] assistance, through the request which to the current design model demand information gain, the development and the an
97、alysis obtains and restrains R&C; To designs the model the request, the existence condition as well as its important weight.Finally forms a series of function demand {Ro.p}, Ro.p is function demand O attribute P.<
98、/p><p> 3.4 design entity object E0</p><p> In design entity object E0i and the request and restraint Ri matches.It including function entity object or structure entity object.</p><p&g
99、t; Regarding the function entity object, its itself is design model S, this model constitution recursion transfer chart 3 model algorithms.The recursion ended the condition is works as the obtained entity object is the
100、structure object, conceals function decomposition algorithm is the FBS method.The function entity object recursion solves may parallel.</p><p> 3.5 design relations object R0</p><p> The desig
101、n relations object R0 constitution is: Constitutes in this relational design entity object related attribute for the design relations object attribute, its method restrains the relations mutually for the attribute, inclu
102、ding [8]</p><p> (1) equality constraint: In project massive formula, for example:</p><p> (2) limit restraint: Supposes the host variable to some some kind of limit, like noise level definiti
103、on scope.</p><p> (3) function restraint: In object-oriented project database operation function, like in standard letter storehouse shaping function.</p><p> (4) rule restraint: Uses in expre
104、ssing in the engineering design some empirical knowledge.</p><p> Does not carry on the recursion solution regarding the design relations object to transfer, its itself constitutes the judgment level, the m
105、ain function for recalls when the recursion, to the solution carries on the test and the judgment.Obtains the existence design relations object after among some one two or several design entity object solution, embarks b
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- 外文翻譯--化工工業(yè)離心泵
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- 外文翻譯--離心泵葉輪出口流量測量(中文)
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- 離心泵
- 離心泵
- 離心泵
- 外文翻譯--離心泵問題的解決方案.doc
- 外文翻譯--離心泵問題的解決方案.doc
- 外文翻譯--離心泵問題的解決方案.doc
- 外文翻譯--離心泵問題的解決方案.doc
- 外文翻譯--離心泵葉輪出口流量測量(中文).doc
- 外文翻譯--離心泵問題的解決方案.doc
- 外文翻譯--離心泵問題的解決方案.doc
- 外文翻譯--離心泵問題的解決方案.doc
- 外文翻譯--離心泵葉輪出口流量測量(中文).doc