1、<p><b> 附錄 翻譯</b></p><p><b> 原文:</b></p><p><b> DATABASE</b></p><p> DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (DBMS) AND MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTE
2、M (MIS)</p><p> You know that a database is a collection of logically related data elements that may be structured in various ways to meet the multiple processing and retrieval needs of organization and ind
3、ividuals. There's nothing new about database - early ones were chiseled in stone, penned on scrolls, and written on index cards. But now database are commonly recorded on magnetizable media, and computer programs are
4、 required ti perform the nacessary storage and retrieval operations.</p><p> You will see in the following pages that complex data relationships and linkages may be found in all but the simplest databases.
5、The system software package that handles the difficult tasks associated with creating, accessing, and maintaining database records is called a database management system (DBMS). The programs in a DBMS package establish
6、an interface between the database itself and the users of the database. (These users may be applications programmers, managers and others with informat</p><p> A DBMS can organize, process, and present sele
7、cted data elements from the database. This capability enable decision makers to search, probe, and query database contents in order to extract answers to nonrecurrong and unplanned questions that aren't available in
8、regular reports. These questions might initially be vague and/or poorly defined, but people can "browse" through the database until they have the needed information. In short, the DBMS will "manage" t
9、he stored data items and assemble the </p><p> The management information system (MIS) concept has been defined in dozens of ways. Since one organization's model of an MIS is differ from that of another
10、, it's not surprising that their MIS defined as a network of computer-based data processing procedures for the purpose of providing timely and effective information to support decision making and other necessary mana
11、gement functions.</p><p> SQL AND SQL SERVER</p><p> IBM invited a computer language back in the 1970s designed specifically for database queries called SEQUEL; those letters stand for Structu
12、red English Query Language. Over time, the language has been added to so that it is not just a language for queries, but can also build databases and manage the database engine's security.IBM released SEQUEL into the
13、 public domain, where it became known as SQL. Because of this heritage you can pronounce it "sequel" or spell it out "S-Q-L". There are various v</p><p> What Is SQL Server?</p>&
14、lt;p> SQL Server is a client/server relational database management system (RDBMS) that uses Transact-SQL to send requests between a client and SQL Server.</p><p> Client/Server Architecture</p>&
15、lt;p> The terms client, server, and client/server can be used to refer to very general concepts or to specific items of hardware or software. At the most general level, a client is any component of a system that requ
16、ests services or resources from other components of a system. A server is any component of a system that provides services or resources to other components of a system.</p><p> For example, when you print a
17、 document from your workstation on a net work, the workstation is the client and the machine that does the print spooling is the server.</p><p> Any client/server data-based system consists of the following
18、 components:</p><p> The Server - A collection of data items and supporting objects organized and presented to facilitate services, such as searching, sorting, recombining, retriving, updating, and analyzin
19、g data. The database consists of the physical storage of data and the database services. All data access occurs through the server; the physical data is never accessed directly by the client.</p><p> The cl
20、ient - A software program that might be used interactively by a person or that could be an automated process. This includes all software that interacts with the server, either requesting data from or sending data to the
21、database. Examples are management utilities (those that are part of the SQL Server product as well as those bought separately), ad hoc query and reporting software, custom applications, off-the-shelf applications, and We
22、b server-based applications.</p><p> The Communication Between The Client And The Server - The communication between the client ang the server depends largely on how the client and server are implemented. B
23、oth physical and logical layers of communication can be identified.</p><p> SQL Server Platforms</p><p> The SQL Server version 7 server software runs only on the Windows 32-bit API-based oper
24、ating systems, but you can use all of the operating system platforms to create and execute client applications.</p><p><b> ACCESS</b></p><p> Microsoft has created a serious, full-
25、featured, and powerful development environment for creating database applications on signal-user and networked personal computers.</p><p> Access 1.0 really opened the eyes of many database developers. It w
26、as one of the first relational database products available for the windows 3 platform, and it was certainly the first to fill the needs of many developers, both corporate and independent. Besides its ease of use in fetti
27、ng started, Access 1.0 made it very easy to create simple applications. It did some limitations when developers got past a certain point in their applications, and it had a severe limitation in that databases coul</p&
28、gt;<p> Access 2.0 offered great gains for developers. Athough it also provide numerous improvements for end users, the greatest leap from 1.1 came in the improvements for the developer community.</p><
29、p> Access 95 was a major undertasking. Both Access and Jet were ported from 16-bit Windoes to 32-bit Windows. The Access Basic language and integrated development enviroment (IDE) were eplaced with Visual Basic for
30、Applications (VBA), and its enhanced (IDE). Numerous other improvements were added; the most significant changes are listed here:</p><p> 1. Support for multi-instance forms;</p><p> 2. Additi
31、on of the KeyPreview properties for forms;</p><p> 3. Support for multiselect listboxes and improved combobox performance;</p><p> 4. New lightweight image control;</p><p> 5. Ab
32、ility to detect and alter the type of a control with the ControlType property;</p><p> 6. Addition of a built-in query-by-form feature, Filter by Form;</p><p> 7. Support for form class module
33、s with public functions (methods) and Let, Get, and Set property procedures;</p><p> 8. The ability, with the NoData event of reports, to choose not to print a report if there are no records;</p><
34、;p> 9. Addition of the RepeatSection property, which lets you to repeat a group header at the top of continuation pages;</p><p> 10.Replacement of counter feilds with the more flexible AutoNumber databo
35、e;</p><p> 11.Addition of new with ... End With and For Each ... Next VBA instructions;</p><p> 12.Addition of the line continuation character;</p><p> 13.Support for named param
36、eters, optional parameters, and parameter arrays;</p><p> 14.Support for new Date, Boolean, and Byte data types;</p><p> 15.Improvement to the editor and debugger, including Watch variables an
37、d Color-coded syntax;</p><p> 16.Support for replication;</p><p> 17.Several concurrency and performance improvements to the Jet 3.0 Engine;</p><p> 18.OLE automation server supp
38、ort;</p><p> 19.Addition of startup properties that let you disable access to the database window and change the application's title bar and icon.</p><p> Things only get better with Acces
39、s 97. Server areas recieved extra arrention: Internet/intranet fearures, the VBA integrated development environment, shared Micro Office programmability features ang dt\ata access objects. Stability and performance have
40、also been improved significantly.</p><p><b> 譯文:</b></p><p><b> 數據庫</b></p><p> 數據庫管理系統(tǒng)(DBMS)和管理信息系統(tǒng)(MIS)</p><p> 眾所周知,數據庫是邏輯上相關的數據源的匯集。這些數據
41、元可以按不同的結構組織起來,以滿足單位和個人的多種處理和檢索的需要。數據庫本身不是什么新鮮事——早期的數據庫鑿在石頭上,記載名冊上,以及寫在索引卡中。而現在,數據庫普遍記錄在可磁化的介質上,并且要用計算機程序來執(zhí)行必要的存儲和檢索操作。</p><p> 如下所述,所有數據庫(最簡單的除外)中都有復雜的數據關系及其鏈接。處理與創(chuàng)建,訪問以及維護數據庫記錄有關的復雜任務的系統(tǒng)軟件包叫做數據庫管理系統(tǒng)(DBMS)。
42、DBMS軟件包中的程序在數據庫與用戶間建立接口。(這些用戶可以是應用程序員,管理員,以及其他需要信息的人員和各種操作系統(tǒng)程序)。</p><p> DBMS可組織,處理和表示從數據庫中選出的數據元。該功能使決策者能搜索,探查和查詢數據庫的內容,從而對在正規(guī)報告中沒有的,不再出現的且無法預料的問題作出回答。這些問題最初可能是模糊的并且(或者)是定義不恰當的,但是人們可以瀏覽數據庫直到獲得所需的信息。簡言之,DBM
43、S將“管理”存儲的數據項,并從公共數據庫中匯集所需的數據項以回答非程序員的詢問。在面向文件的系統(tǒng)中,需要特定信息的用戶將他們的要求傳給程序員。該程序員在時間允許時,將編寫一個或多個程序以提取數據和準備信息。</p><p> 管理信息系統(tǒng)(MIS)的概念已經用數十種方式定義過。因為MIS的組織模型可能各不相同,所以MIS的定義隨應用范圍和廣度而變化就不奇怪了。本文認為,MIS系統(tǒng)可以定義為基于計算機的數據處理過
44、程的網絡系統(tǒng),他是一個機構為了支持決策及其他必須的管理功能提供及時有效的信息而開發(fā)的,而且可按需要把人工的和其他過程結合在一起。</p><p> SQL和SQL服務器</p><p> IBM在20世紀70年代,設計了一種專門處理數據庫查詢的計算機語言SEQUEL,這幾個字母是結構化英語查詢語言的縮寫。隨著時間的推移,它增加了許多功能,就不僅是一個查詢語言了,還可以創(chuàng)建數據庫,管理數
45、據庫引擎的安全。IBM把它公開發(fā)行,</p><p> 于是就變成了現在為大家所知的SQL。由于歷史的原因SQL可以讀成sequel,也可以逐字段拼成S-Q-L。在現在的數據庫引擎里,已經有了許多種SQL版本。微軟SQLserver使用的是T-SQL,他代表的事務SQL。</p><p> 什么是SQL Server?</p><p> SQL Server是
46、一個客戶機-服務器關系數據庫管理系統(tǒng)(RDBMS),它使用事務SQL在客戶機和服務期間傳送請求。</p><p> 客戶機-服務器體系結構</p><p> 術語客戶機,服務器和客戶機-服務器可以是非程廣的概念或專指硬件,軟件。按最一般的概念,客戶機是從系統(tǒng)其他部件請求服務或資源的系統(tǒng)的任何部件;服務器是向系統(tǒng)其他部件提供服務或資源的任何部件。</p><p>
47、 例如,當用戶從網絡上的工作站打印一個文件時,工作站是客戶機,用作假脫機打印的是服務器。</p><p> 任何基于數據的客戶機,服務器系統(tǒng)都由下列部件組成:</p><p> 服務器——數據項和支持對象的匯集,其中這些對象是有組織的,并隨時準備提交,以便為數據的搜索,分類,重組,檢索,更新的分析之類的服務提供便利。數據庫有數據的物理存儲器和數據庫服務組成。所有的數據訪問都通過服務器
48、進行。</p><p> 客戶機——一個軟件程序,該程序應該由個人交互使用或可能是一個自動進程。其中包括從數據庫請求數據,或向數據庫送數德育服務器交互作用的所有軟件,例如管理實用程序(這些是SQL服務器產品的一部分且是單獨購買的),特別查詢和報告軟件,客戶應用程序,現貨應用程序和基于Web服務器的應用程序。</p><p> 客戶機和服務器之間的通信——客戶機和服務器之間的通信在很大程
49、度上取決于客戶機和服務器是如何實現的。同心的物理層和邏輯層可能是一樣的。</p><p> SQL Server平臺</p><p> SQL Server第7版服務器軟件只運行在32位的基于API的Windows操作系統(tǒng)上,但可以使用所有的操作系統(tǒng)平臺去創(chuàng)建和執(zhí)行客戶應用程序。</p><p><b> ACCESS</b></p
50、><p> Access是微軟創(chuàng)建的功能全面而有強大的重要單用戶及互聯網的個人計算機數據庫應用程序開發(fā)環(huán)境。</p><p> Access 1.1確實讓很多開發(fā)者耳目一新。因為它是第一批在Windows 3.0平臺上使用的關系數據庫產品之一。它確實第一次滿足了許多開發(fā)者的需求——無論獨立開發(fā)還是合作開發(fā)。除了一開始就易于使用外,Access 1.0還使創(chuàng)建簡單應用程序變得很容易。但是,當
51、開發(fā)者開發(fā)其應用程序達到某一階段時,Access 1.0就會出現一些限制,而最嚴格的限制是數據庫的大小不得超過128MB。Access 1.1進行了調整,使數據庫最大能達到1GB,并且取代哦了一些其他的限制。不過他還是缺乏許多專業(yè)功能。程序員在使用Visual Basic中的幾近完美的靈活性在Access中則不能實現,如在運行時改變控件和表單的性質。另一方面,沒有比Access更為簡單的方法來訪問表單數據庫了,因此開發(fā)者仍致力于克服Ac
52、cess 1.1的種種限制。</p><p> Access 2.0為開發(fā)人員作了大的改進。對于最終用戶,盡管它的改進是多方面的,但從1.1到2.0版的最大受益者式開發(fā)群體。</p><p> Access 95又有了大的改觀。Access和Jet從16位Windows移植到32位Windows。Access Basic的語言的集成開發(fā)環(huán)境(IDE)為VBA和增強的(IDE)所取代。還
53、增強了其他功能,最重要改進如下:</p><p> 1. 支持多實例表單;</p><p> 2. 為表單增加了KeyPreview屬性;</p><p> 3. 支持多列表框和改進后的組合框性能;</p><p> 4. 新的輕型圖像控件;</p><p> 5. 檢測和更改帶ControlType屬性控件
54、類型;</p><p> 6. 增加了內置的按表單查詢功能部件Filterby Form;</p><p> 7. 支持帶有公用函數(方法)和Let,Get及Set屬性過程的表單類模塊;</p><p> 8. 與No Data事件報表功能聯用,能在沒有紀錄時選擇不打印報表;</p><p> 9. 增加了RepeatSection功
55、能,可以在連續(xù)頁的頂部重復一組表表頭;</p><p> 10.用更為靈活的AutoNumber databoe代替計數器字段;</p><p> 11.增加了新的with...End With and For Each...Next VBA指令;</p><p> 12.增加了行連續(xù)字符;</p><p> 13.支持命名參數,可選
56、參數和參數數組;</p><p> 14.支持新的日期,布爾運算和字節(jié)等數據類型;</p><p> 15.改進了編輯程序和調試程序,包括監(jiān)視變量和色彩編碼句法;</p><p><b> 16.支持復制;</b></p><p> 17.對Jet 3.0引擎的并發(fā)性和性能作出幾處改進;</p>&
- 1. 本站所有資源如無特殊說明,都需要本地電腦安裝OFFICE2007和PDF閱讀器。圖紙軟件為CAD,CAXA,PROE,UG,SolidWorks等.壓縮文件請下載最新的WinRAR軟件解壓。
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- 計算機專業(yè)畢業(yè)設計外文翻譯--數據庫發(fā)展史
- 計算機外文翻譯--數據庫安全
- 計算機外文翻譯--數據庫結構
- 計算機專業(yè)畢業(yè)設計外文翻譯-- 電路交換網與vb調用數據庫
- 計算機專業(yè)畢業(yè)設計外文翻譯
- 計算機系畢業(yè)設計外文翻譯---面向對象數據庫系統(tǒng)
- 計算機專業(yè)畢業(yè)設計-外文翻譯
- 計算機外文翻譯--- 數據庫開發(fā)過程
- 計算機專業(yè)畢業(yè)設計外文翻譯27
- [雙語翻譯]--計算機數據庫外文翻譯--數據庫和突出方案的評述
- 數據庫畢業(yè)設計外文翻譯
- 計算機專業(yè)畢業(yè)設計外文翻譯--internet
- 數據庫畢業(yè)設計---外文翻譯
- 計算機外文翻譯---數據庫管理系統(tǒng)的介紹
- 外文翻譯---計算機網絡和數據庫
- 計算機外文翻譯---網格中的數據庫管理
- 計算機畢業(yè)設計外文翻譯---數據倉庫
- 計算機專業(yè)畢業(yè)設計外文資料翻譯3
- 2013年--計算機數據庫外文翻譯--數據庫和突出方案的評述
- 計算機專業(yè)畢業(yè)設計-外文翻譯--matlab 介紹