1、<p> 畢業(yè)設(shè)計(論文)外文資料翻譯</p><p> 教 學 點: </p><p> 專 業(yè): 微電子專業(yè) </p><p> 姓 名:
2、 </p><p> 學 號: </p><p> 外文出處University of Technology, Mauritius</p><p> University of
3、Mauritius B Seetanah A J Khadaroo</p><p> 附 件: 1.外文資料翻譯譯文;2.外文原文。 </p><p> 附件1:外文資料翻譯譯文</p><p><b> 太陽能發(fā)電技術(shù)</b></p>
4、;<p> —— 光伏發(fā)電系統(tǒng)控制器</p><p> 1 太陽能充放電控制器現(xiàn)狀</p><p> 1.1太陽能光伏發(fā)電</p><p> 太陽能作為新能源有著巨大的優(yōu)勢,所以世界各國都在努力研發(fā)新技術(shù)進行獲取,比較成熟的是太陽能光伏發(fā)電技術(shù)。太陽能光伏發(fā)電現(xiàn)已成為新能源和可再生能源的重要組成部分,也被認為是當前世界最有發(fā)展前景的新能源技術(shù)。
5、目前太陽能光伏發(fā)電裝置已廣泛應(yīng)用于通訊,交通,電力等各個方面。</p><p> 在進行太陽能光伏發(fā)電時,由于一般太陽能極板輸出電壓不穩(wěn)定,不能直接將太陽能極板應(yīng)用于負載,需要將太陽能轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)殡娔芎蟠鎯Φ揭欢ǖ膬δ茉O(shè)備中,如鉛酸蓄電池。但只有當太陽能光伏發(fā)電系統(tǒng)工作過程中保持蓄電池沒有過充電,也沒有過放電,才能使蓄電池的使用壽命延長,效率也得以提高,因此必須對工作過程加以研究分析而予以控制,這種情況下太陽能充電控
6、制器應(yīng)運而生。</p><p> 1.2充電控制器的作用及現(xiàn)狀</p><p> 太陽能充電控制器具備充電控制、過充保護、過放保護、防反接保護及短路保護等一系列功能,解決了這一難題,這樣控制器在這個過程中起著樞紐作用,它控制太陽能極板對蓄電池的充電,加快蓄電池的充電速度,延長蓄電池的使用壽命。同時太陽能充放電控制器還控制蓄電池對負載的供電,保護蓄電池和負載電路,避免蓄電池發(fā)生過放現(xiàn)象,
7、由此可見,控制器具有舉足輕重的作用。</p><p> 市目前場上有各種各樣的太陽能控制器,但這些控制器主要問題對于蓄電池的保護不夠充分,不合適的充放電方式容易導致蓄電池的損壞,使蓄電池的使用壽命降低。目前,控制器常用的蓄電池充電法包括三種:恒流充電法、階段充電法和恒壓充電法。但是這些方法由于充電方式單一加上控制策略不夠完善,都存在一定的局限性。另一方面,當蓄電池給負載供電時,由于控制器不能時刻檢測蓄電池的電壓
8、,這樣很容易發(fā)生蓄電池的過放電,將會導致蓄電池的深度放電,嚴重影響其壽命。</p><p> 所以,如何改善太陽充控制器的充放電方式,開發(fā)性能優(yōu)良的充放電控制器,提高其在實際應(yīng)用中的效率,成為了一個重要的研究方面。</p><p><b> 2 控制器類型 </b></p><p> 控制器的基本功能類似于電壓調(diào)整器 ,主要用于防止蓄 電
9、池被太陽電 </p><p> 池方陣過充電和被負載過放電。控制 器主要有四種類型:旁路控制器 、串聯(lián)控制器 、多階控制器和脈沖控制器。 </p><p> 2.1 旁路控制器 </p><p> 旁路控制器主要用 于小型光伏 系 統(tǒng)。當蓄電池充滿時,通過旁路蓄電池 </p><p> 來防止過充電。旁路控制器的電路 系 統(tǒng)監(jiān)控蓄電池
10、電壓,當達到標志著蓄電池充滿的予置電平時過充電流將被功率晶體管旁路到電阻器,將多余的額外功率轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)闊帷E月房刂破鞯墓β示w管有帶翅的散熱器,幫助發(fā)散熱量。旁路控制器也可與二極管結(jié)合,以防止夜間電流從蓄電池流回方陣。二極管的作用如同一種形式的閥門,充電期間允許電流流入蓄電池 ,在夜間防止蓄電池電流向方陣“回流”或稱</p><p> “反向泄漏”。旁路控制器設(shè)計簡單。價格便宜,為避免周圍環(huán)境影響,電路系統(tǒng)完全是密
11、封的,同時叉要便于為冷卻翅提供通風路徑。分流控制的缺點是,有限的負載操作能力和有通風要求</p><p> 2.2 串聯(lián)控 制 器 </p><p> 當蓄電池電壓達到被稱為充電終止點的予置電壓值時,串聯(lián)控制器通過開關(guān)切斷電流 ,防止蓄電池過充。當蓄電池達到充電恢復調(diào)整點低端予置電平時 ,控制器將方陣和蓄電池接通。合成一體的內(nèi)置定時器,在充電過程終Lr至蓄電池組放電終止期間.進行恒壓
12、充電循環(huán)。串聯(lián)控制器使用傳感器來代替二極管通斷電路,以防止夜間的“反向泄漏”。由于不需要發(fā)散熱最,串聯(lián)控制器不安裝散熱器 體積小價格便宜的串聯(lián)控制器,較“旁路控制器”具有更大的負載操作能力 ,通常也不要求</p><p><b> 特殊的通風。 </b></p><p> 2.3 多階控制器 </p><p> 多階控制器依據(jù)蓄電池的充
13、電狀態(tài),自動設(shè)定不同的充電電流。當蓄電池處于未充滿狀態(tài)時 ,允許方陣電流全部流進蓄電池。當蓄電池組接近充滿時,控制器消耗掉一些方陣輸出功率,以便減少流進蓄電池的電流。當蓄電池組漫漫接近完全充滿時 ,“涓流”充電漸漸停止。這種充電方式可以延長蓄電池使用壽命。多階控制器需耍適 當?shù)耐L .通常這種控制器設(shè)一個繼電器開關(guān) ,防止夜 的“反向泄漏”。 </p><p> 2.4 脈沖控制器 </p>&
14、lt;p> 脈沖控制器以“斬波”方式工作,對蓄電池進行脈沖充電脈沖控制器的核心部件是一個受充電電壓調(diào)制的“充電脈沖發(fā)生器”。開始充電時脈沖控制器以寬脈沖充電,隨著充電電壓的上升 ,充電脈沖寬度逐漸變窄,平均充電電流減小。當充電電壓達到予置電平時 ,充電脈沖寬度變?yōu)榱?,充 電終止。脈沖控制器充電方法合理,效率高。 </p><p><b> 3 控制器性能特點</b></p&
15、gt;<p> 3.1 過放 電保護 </p><p> 使蓄電池避免過度放電,是光伏系統(tǒng)控制器的另一重要功 能。如果不注意 ,光伏系統(tǒng)的負載能夠輕易地耗盡蓄電池的電 能。一般的光伏系統(tǒng)控制器都具有保護深循環(huán)蓄電池過度放電 的功能。控制器防止蓄電池過放電的措施有: (1)在達到予置的待充電電平時 ,斷開負載。 (2)信號燈或蜂鳴器動作報警 ,顯示蓄電池 電壓過低。 (3)自動接通一個后備電源。當
16、蓄電池處于低 的荷電狀態(tài) 時,啟動后備電源,例如柴油發(fā)電機向蓄電池組充電。當蓄電池 被充滿后 ,控制器斷開后備 電源 ,光伏系統(tǒng)重新開始它的蓄電 池充電運行。 </p><p> 3.2 控制器功能選擇 </p><p> 商品化制造的光伏系統(tǒng)控制器 ,其功能特點各有不同,可 根據(jù)下列的控制器功能特點進行選擇。 (1)溫度補償:依據(jù)環(huán)境溫度調(diào)整蓄電池充電電流。 (2)負載斷路器:當
17、更換熔斷器有困難或不能滿足需要時, 可以代替負載熔斷器。 (3)低電壓報警器:當蓄電池荷電狀態(tài)低于予置電平時,可 聽到警告聲響。 (4)低電壓斷開:當蓄電池放電至予置電平時,自動切斷負載。(5)電壓指示器:模擬或數(shù)字方式顯示蓄電池電壓 ,指示蓄 電池的荷電狀態(tài)。 (6)電流指示器 :模擬或數(shù)字方式顯示太陽電池方陣電流 和輸出的負載電流。 (7)安培小時計 :數(shù)字 示蓄電池已放電量或剩余電量。 (8)后備充電啟動控制:自動啟動后備電源,對
18、蓄電池組進 行充電。 (9)方陣功率分流調(diào)節(jié)器:將多余的方陣充電功率旁路到 </p><p> 非重要負載 ,例如電熱水器等。 (10)日照監(jiān)測器:測量可利用的太陽輻射強度。 (11)負載記時器 :定時負載用的記時鐘 ,用于需要予置運 行時間的負載,例如安全警戒照明燈等。 (12)充 電指示:蓄電池達到充滿電壓時 ,發(fā)光二極管指示 </p><p> 燈點亮。(13)自動均衡充電:定期
19、 自動對蓄電池進行均恒充電。 </p><p><b> 附件2:外文原文</b></p><p> SOLAR POWER GENERATION TECHNOLOGY</p><p> —— Photovoltaic power generation system controller</p><p> B
20、160;Seetanah A J Khadaro </p><p> 1 solar charging and discharging controller status quo</p><p> 1.1 solar photovoltaic power generation</p>
21、<p> Solar energy as a new energy has a huge advantage, so all countries in the world in efforts to develop new technology to obtain more mature is solar photovoltaic power generation technology. Solar photovoltai
22、c power generation has become an important part of the new energy and renewable energy, is also considered the current of the world's most promising new energy technologies. The current solar photovoltaic power gener
23、ation device has been widely used in communications, transportation, electri</p><p> In the solar photovoltaic power generation, as a result of general solar plate output voltage is not stable, not directly
24、 applying solar energy plate to load, needs to transform solar energy into electrical energy stored in a storage device, such as lead-acid battery. But only when the solar photovoltaic power generation system in the proc
25、ess of the work, keep the battery charged had no discharge, to extend the service life of the battery, it also increased efficiency, so must be made on the wor</p><p> 1.2 the effect of charge controller an
26、d the present situation</p><p> Solar charge controller with control charging, overcharge protection, discharge protection, meter, and a series of protection and short circuit protection function, solved th
27、is problem, this controller plays a pivotal role in the process, it controls the solar plate of battery charging, speed up the battery charging, prolong the service life of the battery. Solar charge controller but also c
28、ontrol the load power supply, battery protect battery and load circuit, avoid battery discharge phenomenon</p><p> City currently has a variety of solar controller, but the main problem controller to protec
29、t the battery enough, inappropriate is easy to cause the damage to the battery charge and discharge way, reduce the service life of the battery. At present, the commonly used controller battery charging method includes t
30、hree types: constant current charging method, phase charging method and constant voltage charging method. But these methods due to the imperfection of the charging ways of a single and cont</p><p> So, how
31、to improve the solar charge controller to charge and discharge, development of excellent performance of charge and discharge controller, to improve the efficiency in the practical application, has become an important res
32、earch aspect.</p><p> Two types of controller</p><p> The basic function of the controller is similar to the voltage regulator, is mainly used to prevent the battery by solar electricity stora
33、ge</p><p> Pool phalanx of charging and been load discharge. Control device mainly has four kinds: the bypass controller, serial controller, controller and multistage pulse controller.</p><p>
34、 2.1 the bypass controller</p><p> Bypass controller mainly use for small pv system. When the battery is full, through the bypass battery</p><p> To prevent over charging. Bypass circuit syste
35、m to monitor the battery voltage of the controller, when achieved marked the battery is full of in the electricity at ordinary times of charging flow will be power transistor bypass to the resistor, excess extra power in
36、to heat. Bypass the controller's power transistor with fin radiator, help radiate heat. Bypass the controller can also be combined with diode, in order to prevent the night electric current to flow from the battery b
37、ack to square. The</p><p> "Reverse leakage". Bypass controller has a simple design. Cheaper price, in order to avoid the environment influence, circuit system is completely sealed, fork at the sa
38、me time to facilitate ventilation path for cooling fins. Bypass control fault is, the limited load operation ability and ventilation requirements</p><p> 2.2 serial control</p><p> When the ba
39、ttery voltage to known as charging termination points in the voltage value, the series controller by switch to cut off the current, to prevent the battery overcharge. When battery charge to restore some low-end adjusted
40、in the electricity at ordinary times, the controller will phalanx and battery connected. Synthesis of one of the built-in timer, in the charging process between Lr and battery discharge termination. Constant voltage char
41、ging cycle. Series controller using sensors to re</p><p> 2.3 order controller</p><p> More order controller on the basis of the storage battery charging status, automatic setting different ch
42、arging current. When the battery is in a state of underfill, allowing all square current flow into the battery. Controller when the battery is close to full of consume some square power output, in order to reduce the cur
43、rent flow into the battery. When battery long close to full, gradually stop "trickle charging. This way of charging can extend the service life of the battery. More order cont</p><p> 2.4 pulse control
44、ler</p><p> Pulse controller with "chopping" way to work, the core component of pulse charging pulse controller for battery is a charging voltage modulation charging pulse generator. Start chargin
45、g pulse controller with wide pulse charging, as the charging voltage rise, charging pulse width Narrows gradually, the average charging current decreases. When the charging voltage reaches in the electricity at ordinary
46、times, charging pulse width goes to zero, rechargeable electric terminated. Pulse controller cha</p><p> 3 controller performance characteristics</p><p> 3.1 put electricity protection</p&g
47、t;<p> To avoid excessive battery discharge, is another important power of the pv system controller. If do not pay attention to, the photovoltaic system load can run out of battery power can easily. General photo
48、voltaic system controller has deep cycle battery protection function of excessive discharge. Controller to prevent the battery discharge measures include: (1) is reached in the charge for electricity at ordinary times, d
49、isconnect the load. (2) of a semaphore or buzzer alarm, shows that the batt</p><p> 3.2 the function</p><p> Commercialization of pv system controller, its function characteristics are differe
50、nt, can undertake choosing according to the following controller function characteristic. (1) temperature compensation: according to environment temperature to adjust the battery charging current. (2) the load circuit br
51、eaker: when if there is any difficulty cannot satisfy the needs or replace the fuse, fuse can substitute for load. (3) low voltage alarm: when the battery charged state is lower than in the electri</p><p>
52、The important load, such as electric water heater, etc. Rizhao monitor (10) : measurement of available solar radiation intensity. (11) load chronograph: load with the clock regularly, line in the shipment time is applied
53、 to load, such as security lighting, etc. (12) rechargeable electric instructions: to achieve full of battery voltage, light emitting diode</p><p> Lights up. (13) automatic equalizing charge: automatically
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