1、分類 編 號 :密 級 :單 位 代 d100 65學 ' 小 10 20 30 70硏 究生 學位 論文論 文 題 目: W eb 2. 0 技 術 在 中學 語 文 寫 作 中 的應 用 研 究 — — 以 百 會 平 臺 為 例學 生 姓 名 : ? 趙 春 燕 申請 學 位 級 別 : 教 育 碩 士申請 專 業(yè) 名 稱 : ? 現(xiàn) 代 教 育 技 術研 究 方 向 : ? 現(xiàn) 代 教 育 技 術指
2、 導教 師 姓 名 : 李 鳳 來 專 業(yè) 技 術 職 稱 : 副 教 授提 交 論 文 日期 : 20 12-5-18A b str a c tW i t h t he prevalence of com put er technol ogy and net w ork,net w ork educati on hasgradual l y been appl i ed to cl asses and t he t ra
3、i t sof educat i on i nform at i oni zat i on arebecom i ng m ore and m ore obvi ous day by day.In “N ati onalO utl i ne f or M edi um andL on g-term E du cati on R eform and D evel opm ent(20 10-2020), “ (h erei naft
4、er referred toas 'E ducat i on O ut l ine'for short )t hat“I nform ati on technol ogy poses revol uti onaryi m pacton educat i on devel opm entand shoul d be given greati m portance. “ clearl ypoi nts outt he i
5、m portance of educat i on i nform at ioni zati on and att he sam e ti m e st ri vet o “el evate teachers'i nform ati on t echnol ogy appl yi ng level ,updat e teachi ng concepts,i m prove teachi ng m et hods,enhan
6、ce teachi ng effect,encourage st udents t o st udyact i vel y m aki ng use of i nform ati on t ool s,and st rengt hen t hei r abil i ti es of anal yzi ngand sol vi ng problem s u si ng i nform ati on technol ogy. “ T he
7、 “E du cati on O utl i n e“encourages and accel erat es t he i nt egrat i on process of i nform at i on t echnol ogy andcurricul um ,and di sp l ays t he bri ghtfut ure of educat i on i nform ati oni zat i on.T hi s
8、t hesi s st udi es t he appl icat i on of i nform at i on t echnol ogy t o C hi nese w ri ti ngteachi ng,w i t h t h e m ai n purpose bei ng how t o i m prove st udent s'w ri ti ng perform anceut i l i zi ng W eb-
9、b ased W eb 2. 0 technology.M eanw hi le,t hrough anal yzi ng t he vari ousdraw backs of t radi ti onalC hi nese teachi ng,t he t hesis em pl oys t he i nform at iontechnol ogy t o reform by taki ng C hi nese w ri ti ng
10、 courses i nt o com puter classes andfaci l i t at i ng teachi ng by m eans of B ai huiappl i cati on platform .T he st udy i s di vi ded i nt o four phases:t he l i t erat ure revi ew and t heory research,i nvest
11、 i gati on of t he experi m entfeasi bi li t y,dem onst rat i on research and statisti calanal ysi s.T hrough t he com prehensi ve anal ysis of t he large am ountof W eb2 . 0appli cati on li t erat ure,t he aut hor puts
12、forw ard t he research di rect i on w hi ch is t h eappl i cat ion of t he W eb2. 0 technol ogy t o m i ddle schoolC hi nese w rit i ng,w i t h soci alconst ructi vi sm and hum ani sm b ei ng t h e t heoret icalsuppor
13、t.A tb e begi nni n g of t h eexperi m ent ,t he aut hor f i rstapprai ses t he experi m entfeasi bi l i t y accordi ng t o st udents'com puter and net w ork level,t hen st arts t he experi m entprocess based on t h
14、efeasi bi l i ty and atl astm akes t he eval uati on of t he experi m entalresul ts t hroughst udent s'exam perform ance and t he i nt ervi ew s w i t h t eachers and st udent s.T he research show st hat:C h
15、i nese w ri ti ng teachi ng on t he condi t i on of W eb2. 0 i sfeasi b l e and effecti ve.Itcan w el larou se st udents'l earni ng i nterests of w ri t i n g,i m prove st udent s w ri t i ng perform ance,att he
16、sam e t i m e abat es t eachers'w orkl oad,great l y enhance t he col l aborat i on and shari ng spi ri tam ong st udent s,t o a l arge ext entm ai ntai ns st udents'dom i n antlearn i ng st at us as w el las t h
17、e cu l t i vati on and exerti on o ft hei r i ndi vi dual i t ies,and pl ays a posi ti ve rol e i n st udents'w ell -rounded devel opm ent.K ey w ord s:E ducati on Inform ati on,W eb2. 0 t echnol ogy ,B ai huipl
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