1、碩 碩 士學(xué)位論文 文MM. D .T h e sisss從 國際藝術(shù) 貿(mào) 易 角度 試 論 弗里 達 , 卡洛繪 畫本 土性的意義R em a r k so nL o e a li z e dS ig n if ie a n e eo fP a in t in gF r o mP e r P e e t iv eo fIn t e r n a t io n a lA r tC o 朋 e r e e王婉 丁W a n g w a n
2、D in g西北師范大學(xué)N o rth w e stN o r m a lU n iv e r sity二 O 一 O 年 五 月從 國際藝術(shù)貿(mào)易角度試論弗里達 · 卡洛繪畫 的本土性意義A b stra Ct, , L o c alism ”th ew o rdw ithth ead v en to fg lo b aliz atio n , trad eing o o d san dtrad einliq u idcu l
3、 turein crea sedinre cen ty earsfreq u en tlyb eenP ro P o sed . C u lturaltrad eb etw eenco u n tri e stoo P enP eo P leey e s, u n d erstan dth eircu lturean dh isto ryb ey o n d ,outsi deofcul turalcuri osi tyandbri n
4、gusjoy,i t15alsoqui et l yaff e cti ngPubl i cae sth eticta stean dcu lturalP referen ce s,cau sin gth ein d ig en ou scu lturen otasm allim P act, sh akin gth estatt lso flo calcu lture, an dev enaff e ctth elo calcu lt
5、urean dart sinth efuture . 5 0 , th en atio n alad m in istrati o no f trad einart san dcu lture, th ele arnera s aP ain tin gtech n iq u e, inacc eP tin gforeig ncu lture s, H owsh ou ldw eP ro m o teou ro w n0 11P ain
6、tin go f th elo c ala sw ell?T h isart i clefro mth eP ersP ecti v eo f th eintern atio n alarttrad e, th e M ex ican art istF rid aC arlo wn ativ eo fP ain ti n g s. M ain lyfro mtw oa sP ectso fforman dco n ten ttoexPl
7、 oret heartofFri daonthel ocalcul turetom asteranduse.F ri da (1907一 1954) 15o n eo fM ex icoth ro u g hu P san dd ow n s, th e111一 fa t edart ist. T h ec o n ten to f th eP ain tin g ,itsco lo rsarerelatedtoth eiren v i
8、ro n m entan dcu lture ,F(xiàn) rid a. C arloP ain ti n gis am irro ro fth eM ex icancu lture, h erP ain tin g saP P earinsk eleto n , P aP erJu d ah , d o llsan do th erd raw in g sA ztecco n ten tT h e seareacceP tedinh ercu
9、 lturerelate d .F rid aw a sb o rninM ex icow h enth erev o lu tio nb ro k eo u t,H ercount ryi nm i nd, w i t hherhusbandt ojoi nt hePol i t i calm ovem entagai nstcaP i talism , lov elo calcu l ture, toP rom otelo calc
10、om m u n i tysP iri t. T h eseP aintin g sareb yh erP erf o rm an ce, h erP aintin gclev erlin ktoth ein di v idu alan dso ciety ,inv iewofth is, theP aP er,fro mth ean aly sisF rie d a ·T h eL o calC arloP ain tin
11、g , rev ealsth elo caln at u reo fF rid aP aintin gth em arketv alu ean dsP iri tualv al u e .F in dth ed ev elo P m en to fC h in a , 5co n tem P o rary0 11P ain tin g ,” lo c alism ” ,1w illh elPth ere alh isto ri cald
12、 atatod em o n stratem yP o in to fv iew,th efam o u sco n tem P o raryP ain terL i uX ia o d o n g ,forexam Pl e, l ocalnat t l reofcontem PoraryPai nt i nganobject i veandsci enti fi cresearch.K eyw o rd s: in tern ati
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