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1、5300 英文單詞 英文單詞,3 萬英文字符,中文 萬英文字符,中文 8800 字文獻出處: 文獻出處:Striteska M, Jelinkova L. Strategic performance management with focus on the customer[J]. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2015, 210: 66-76.Strategic Performanc

2、e Management with Focus on the CustomerMichaela Striteska, Lucie JelinkovaAbstractThis paper presents a view on issues of strategic performance management in the Czech business environment with focus on the customer by m

3、eans of comparing results and partial conclusions from research carried out in selected companies. The results of the analysis are evaluated in the context of the theoretical background and the findings of similar studie

4、s. Based on these findings, a set of recommendations will be provided for Czech companies dealing with strategic performance management oriented towards the customer. The paper was prepared based on research of Czech and

5、 foreign literature, interviews with management and analyses of internal materials from selected companies.Keywords: performance, measurement, management, customer, strategy1. IntroductionThe basic prerequisite for the s

6、uccessful long-term operation of a business is finding competitive advantages for a company, linked primarily to the performance of this company but also to other areas of company operations. Gaining a competitive advant

7、age by achieving a certain level of business performance is the primary prerequisite for the successful operation of a company in the long term (Marinic, 2005; Skodakova, 2009). One of the key factors of company performa

8、nce and subsequently of the creation of value is competitiveness of the company and a competitive advantage. At the same time, company performance is considered to be the basic standard of its competitiveness.A company’s

9、 performance, according to Porter (1985) shows, for example, a greater capacity to ensure profits, increased efficiency of production processes and their effectiveness in transforming input factors into a final product e

10、nsuring a profit. In a broader sense, the company's performance is reflected in greater stability of the company, an improved ability to learn, adapt to changes and respond to them. To achieve greater competitiveness

11、 in general it is necessary, in view of the close relationship of performance and competitiveness, to think in a broader context (systems thinking) and at the same time to have a sufficient level of knowledge of modern

12、management theory. (Skodakova, 2009).Performance can therefore, according to Mikolas (2012), be considered as a specific form of competitiveness - the company's potential to generate performance. A socially responsib

13、le company should understand performance comprehensively - not only as an economic view or description, but also in terms of social, environmental and other potential. In today's competitive environment, monitoring a

14、nd measuring customer satisfaction plays a key role, therefore this article will pay close attention to strategic performance management with a focus on the customer.The ability to find new customers and retain existing

15、customers determines the degree of success of a company (Rosicky et al., 2010). In this, even just identifying and satisfying the customer is essential to their retention and loyalty (Sivadas and Baker-Prewitt, 2000; Cha

16、n et al., 2010). According to surveys by Forrester, more than 72% of B2C companies consider retaining customers as one of its main priorities (Band, 2010). Gitomer (1998) characterises this state by managing relations wi

17、th stakeholders and obligations set by law.Performance is managed based on information obtained through performance measurement systems. Based on the results of investigations carried out by Marr (2004) in the largest Am

18、erican companies with different business activities, it was apparent that the most important areas of the companies where performance is monitored is, in 91% of the companies, the financial area, 69% said the customer ar

19、ea, for 63% it was the process areas and in 52 % the area of human resources. The vast majority of companies thus measure performance particularly in the financial area. A similar situation exists in Czech companies, whe

20、re the greatest attention is paid to performance measurement in the financial sector, followed by the customer area (Striteska, Svoboda, 2012). The fact that, in practice, performance management in Czech companies is pri

21、marily based on absolute financial indicators is also confirmed by Fibirova (2007), Horova and Hrdy (2007), Kral et al. (2007) or Skodakova (2009). The results of the above studies, however, point to the fact that compan

22、ies are increasingly beginning to realise how important it is to also monitor the process and customer areas. Awareness of the importance of monitoring and measuring performance in the customer area was also confirmed by

23、 the research of Horcicka and Jelinkova (2014) in Czech manufacturing companies, where managers indicated the ability to improve relations with customers as one of the advantages of performance measurement systems.Contem

24、porary middle and top managers in Czech companies, however, very often lack awareness of the components and characteristics of effective performance measurement systems (Striteska, Svoboda, 2012).3. Monitoring and Measur

25、ing Customer SatisfactionThe area of monitoring customer satisfaction is becoming increasingly important. The basic reason for monitoring customer satisfaction and loyalty is, according to Nenadal, et al. (2004), to prov

26、ide sufficient relevant information on the needs and expectations of customers and their level of satisfaction - in applying one of the basic principles of the quality management system such as feedback.In this context,

27、satisfaction can be defined according to Zithaml and Bitner (2000) as the customers’ evaluation of a product or service in terms of whether that product or service has met their needs and expectations. Failure to meet th

28、eir needs and expectations is assumed to result in dissatisfaction with the product or service. Customer satisfaction is also characterised as a very strong and apt indicator of the operating performance, as the measure

29、of the market- oriented performance of the company, such as sales volumes or market share, are primarily benchmarks of success oriented back into the past (Blanchard et al., 2004). They show how successfully a company wa

30、s in satisfying markets and customers in the past, but show almost nothing about how successful the company will be managed in the future. At this point it should be noted that a company may have excellent short-term fin

31、ancial results, even if their customers are disappointed. This is due to the fact that the majority of customers seek alternative solutions only later; their dissatisfaction may first be displayed through reduced purchas

32、es from the company and later by a cessation of purchases.According to Nenadal et al. (2004), procedures for monitoring and measuring customer satisfaction (internal and external) can be divided into two basic groups, fo

33、r procedures using customer perception output indicators and for procedures using internal performance indicators. The first group includes procedures which work with indicators that directly show the level of perception


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