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1、<p>  字?jǐn)?shù):英文4176單詞,23870字符;中文7457漢字</p><p>  出處:HF Atlam,et al.Integration of Cloud Computing with Internet of Things: Challenges and Open Issues[J]IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things.201

2、7</p><p><b>  外文文獻(xiàn): </b></p><p>  Integration of Cloud Computing with Internet of Things: Challenges and Open Issues</p><p>  Abstract The Internet of Things (IoT) is b

3、ecoming the next Internet-related revolution. It allows billions of devices to be connected and communicate with each other to share information that improves the quality of our daily lives. On the other hand, Cloud Comp

4、uting provides on-demand, convenient and scalable network access which makes it possible to share computing resources; indeed, this, in turn, enables dynamic data integration from various data sources. There are many iss

5、ues standing in t</p><p>  Keywords: Cloud Computing, Internet of Things, Cloud based IoT, Integration.</p><p>  I.INTRODUCTION</p><p>  It is important to explore the common featur

6、es of the technologies involved in the field of computing. Indeed, this is certainly the case with Cloud Computing and the Internet of Things (IoT) – two paradigms which share many common features. The integration of the

7、se numerous concepts may facilitate and improve these technologies. Cloud computing has altered the way in which technologies can be accessed, managed and delivered. It is widely agreed that Cloud computing can be used f

8、or utility servi</p><p>  This paper provides an overview of the integration of Cloud Computing into the IoT; this involves an examination of the benefits resulting from the integration process and the imple

9、mentation challenges encountered. Open issues and research directions are also discussed. The remainder of the paper is organised as follows: Section II provides the basic concepts of Cloud computing, IoT, and Cloud-base

10、d IoT; Section III discusses the benefits of integrating the IoT into the Cloud; Could-based IoT Ar</p><p>  II.BASIC CONCEPTS</p><p>  This section reviews the basic concepts of Cloud Computing

11、, the IoT, and Cloud-based IoT.</p><p>  1.Cloud Computing</p><p>  There exist a number of proposed definitions for Cloud computing, although the most widely agreed upon seems be that put forth

12、 by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Indeed, the NIST has defined Cloud computing as "a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable

13、computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort </p><p>  As stated in this definition, Cloud co

14、mputing comprises four types of deployment models, three different service models, and five essential characteristics.</p><p>  Cloud computing deployment models are most commonly classified as belonging to

15、the public Cloud, where resources are made available to consumers over the Internet. Public Clouds are generally owned by a profitable organisation (e.g. Amazon EC2). Conversely, the infrastructure of a private Cloud is

16、commonly provided by a single organisation to serve the particular purposes of its users. The private Cloud offers a secure environment and a higher level of control (Microsoft Private Cloud). Hybrid C</p><p&g

17、t;  In order to allow consumers to choose the service that suits them, services in Cloud computing are provided at three different levels, namely: the Software as a Service (SaaS) model, where software is delivered throu

18、gh the Internet to users (e.g. GoogleApps); the Platform as a Service (PaaS) model, which offers a higher level of integrated environment that can build, test, and deploy specific software (e.g. Microsoft Azure); and fin

19、ally, with the Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) model, infrast</p><p>  2.Internet of Things</p><p>  The IoT represents a modern approach where boundaries between real and digital domains are

20、 progressively eliminated by consistently changing every physical device to a smart alternative ready to provide smart services. All things in the IoT (smart devices, sensors, etc.) have their own identity. They are comb

21、ined to form the communication network and will become actively participating objects. These objects include not only daily usable electronic devices, but also things like food, clothing, ma</p><p>  The con

22、cept of the IoT was first mentioned by Kevin Ashton in 1999, when he stated that “The Internet of Things has the potential to change the world, just as the Internet did. Maybe even more so”. Later, the IoT was formally p

23、resented by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in 2005. A great many definitions of the IoT have been put forth by numerous organisations and researchers. According to the ITU (2012), the IoT is “a global in

24、frastructure for the Information Society, enabling ad</p><p>  3.Cloud-Based Internet of Things</p><p>  The IoT and Cloud computing are both rapidly developing services, and have their own uniq

25、ue characteristics. On the one hand, the IoT approach is based on smart devices which intercommunicate in a global network and dynamic infrastructure. It enables ubiquitous computing scenarios. The IoT is typically chara

26、cterised by widely-distributed devices with limited processing capabilities and storage. These devices encounter issues regarding performance, reliability, privacy, and security. On the other</p><p>  The Cl

27、oud-based Internet of Things is a platform which allows for the smart usage of applications, information, and infrastructure in a cost-effective way. While the IoT and Cloud computing are different from each other, their

28、 features are almost complementary, as shown in TABLE 1. This complementarity is the primary reason why many researchers have proposed their integration.</p><p>  TABLE 1. COMPARISON OF THE IOT WITH CLOUD CO

29、MPUTING</p><p>  III.BENEFITS OF INTEGRATING IOT WITH CLOUD</p><p>  Since the IoT suffers from limited capabilities in terms of processing power and storage, it must also contend with issues su

30、ch as performance, security, privacy, reliability. The integration of the IoT into the Cloud is certainly the best way to overcome most of these issues. The Cloud can even benefit from the IoT by expanding its limits wit

31、h real world objects in a more dynamic and distributed way, and providing new services for billions of devices in different real life scenarios. In additio</p><p>  1.Communication</p><p>  Appl

32、ication and data sharing are two significant features of the Cloud-based IoT paradigm. Ubiquitous applications can be transmitted through the IoT, whilst automation can be utilised to facilitate low-cost data distributio

33、n and collection. The Cloud is an effective and economical solution which can be used to connect, manage, and track anything by using built-in apps and customised portals. The availability of fast systems facilitates dyn

34、amic monitoring and remote objects control, as well as d</p><p><b>  2.Storage</b></p><p>  As the IoT can be used on billions of devices, it comprises a huge number of information s

35、ources, which generate an enormous amount of semi-structured or non-structured data. This is known as Big Data, and has three characteristics: variety (e.g. data types), velocity (e.g. data generation frequency), and vol

36、ume (e.g. data size). The Cloud is considered to be one of the most cost-effective and suitable solutions when it comes to dealing with the enormous amount of data created by the IoT. Moreov</p><p>  3.Proce

37、ssing capabilities</p><p>  IoT devices are characterised by limited processing capabilities which prevent on-site and complex data processing. Instead, gathered data is transferred to nodes that have high c

38、apabilities; indeed, it is here that aggregation and processing are accomplished. However, achieving scalability remains a challenge without an appropriate underlying infrastructure. Offering a solution, the Cloud provid

39、es unlimited virtual processing capabilities and an on-demand usage model. Predictive algorithms and </p><p><b>  4.Scope</b></p><p>  With billions of users communicating with one a

40、nother together and a variety of information being collected, the world is quickly moving towards the Internet of Everything (IoE) realm - a network of networks with billions of things that generate new chances and risks

41、. The Cloud-based IoT approach provides new applications and services based on the expansion of the Cloud through the IoT objects, which in turn allows the Cloud to work with a number of new real world scenarios, and lea

42、ds to the eme</p><p>  5.New abilities</p><p>  The IoT is characterised by the heterogeneity of its devices, protocols, and technologies. Hence, reliability, scalability, interoperability, secu

43、rity, availability and efficiency can be very hard to achieve. Integrating IoT into the Cloud resolves most of these issues. It provides other features such as ease- of-use and ease-of-access, with low deployment costs.&

44、lt;/p><p>  6.New Models</p><p>  Cloud-based IoT integration empowers new scenarios for smart objects, applications, and services. Some of the new models are listed as follows:</p><p>

45、;  ?SaaS (Sensing as a Service), which allows access to sensor data;</p><p>  ?EaaS (Ethernet as a Service), the main role of which is to provide ubiquitous connectivity to control remote devices;</p>

46、<p>  ?SAaaS (Sensing and Actuation as a Service), which provides control logics automatically;</p><p>  ?IPMaaS (Identity and Policy Management as a Service), which provides access to policy and ident

47、ity management;</p><p>  ?DBaaS (Database as a Service), which provides ubiquitous database management;</p><p>  ?SEaaS (Sensor Event as a Service), which dispatches messaging services that are

48、generated by sensor events;</p><p>  ?SenaaS (Sensor as a Service), which provides management for remote sensors;</p><p>  ?DaaS (Data as a Service), which provides ubiquitous access to any type

49、 of data.</p><p>  IV.CLOUD-BASED IOT ARCHITECTURE</p><p>  According to a number of previous studies, the well-known IoT architecture is typically divided into three different layers: applicati

50、on, perception and network layer. Most assume that the network layer is the Cloud layer, which realises the Cloud- based IoT architecture, as depicted in Fig. 1.</p><p>  Fig. 1. Cloud-based IoT architecture

51、</p><p>  The perception layer is used to identify objects and gather data, which is collected from the surrounding environment. In contrast, the main objective of the network layer is to transfer the collec

52、ted data to the Internet/Cloud. Finally, the application layer provides the interface to different services.</p><p>  V.CLOUD-BASED IOT APPLICATIONS</p><p>  The Cloud-based IoT approach has int

53、roduced a number of applications and smart services, which have affected end users’ daily lives. TABLE 2 presents a brief discussion of certain applications which have been improved by the Cloud-based IoT paradigm.</p

54、><p>  TABLE 2. CLOUD-BASED IOT APPLICATIONS</p><p>  VI.CHALLENGES FACING CLOUD-BASED IOT INTEGRATION </p><p>  There are many challenges which could potentially prevent the successfu

55、l integration of the Cloud-based IoT paradigm. These challenges include:</p><p>  1.Security and privacy</p><p>  Cloud-based IoT makes it possible to transport data from the real world to the C

56、loud. Indeed, one particularly important issues which has not yet been resolved is how to provide appropriate authorisation rules and policies while ensuring that only authorised users have access to the sensitive data;

57、this is crucial when it comes to preserving users’ privacy, and particularly when data integrity must be guaranteed. In addition, when critical IoT applications move into the Cloud, issues arise becau</p><p>

58、;  2.Heterogeneity</p><p>  One particularly important challenge faced by the Cloud- based IoT approach is related to the extensive heterogeneity of devices, platforms, operating systems, and services that e

59、xist and might be used for new or developed applications. Cloud platforms suffer from heterogeneity issues; for instance, Cloud services generally come with proprietary interfaces, thus allowing for resource integration

60、based on specific providers. In addition, the heterogeneity challenge can be exacerbated when end-use</p><p>  3.Big data</p><p>  With many predicting that Big Data will reach 50 billion IoT de

61、vices by 2020, it is important to pay more attention to the transportation, access, storage and processing of the enormous amount of data which will be produced. Indeed, given recent technological developments, it is cle

62、ar that the IoT will be one of the core sources of big data, and that the Cloud can facilitate the storage of this data for a long period of time, in addition to subjecting it to complex analysis. Handling the huge am<

63、;/p><p>  4.Performance</p><p>  Transferring the huge amount of data created from IoT devices to the Cloud requires high bandwidth. As a result, the key issue is obtaining adequate network perform

64、ance in order to transfer data to Cloud environments; indeed, this is because broadband growth is not keeping pace with storage and computation evolution. In a number of scenarios, services and data provision should be a

65、chieved with high reactivity. This is because timeliness might be affected by unpredictable matters and real-time ap</p><p>  5.Legal aspects</p><p>  Legal aspects have been very significant in

66、 recent research concerning certain applications. For instance, service providers must adapt to various international regulations. On the other hand, users should give donations in order to contribute to data collection.

67、</p><p>  6.Monitoring</p><p>  Monitoring is a primary action in Cloud Computing when it comes to performance, managing resources, capacity planning, security, SLAs, and for troubleshooting. As

68、 a result, the Cloud- based IoT approach inherits the same monitoring demands from the Cloud, although there are still some related challenges that are impacted by velocity, volume, and variety characteristics of the IoT

69、.</p><p>  7.Large scale</p><p>  The Cloud-based IoT paradigm makes it possible to design new applications that aim to integrate and analyse data coming from the real world into IoT objects. Th

70、is requires interacting with billions of devices which are distributed throughout many areas. The large scale of the resulting systems raises many new issues that are difficult to overcome. For instance, achieving comput

71、ational capability and storage capacity requirements is becoming difficult. Moreover, the monitoring process has made th</p><p>  VII.OPEN ISSUES AND RESEARCH DIRECTIONS</p><p>  This section wi

72、ll address some of the open issues and future research directions related to Cloud-based IoT, and which still require more research efforts. These issues include:</p><p>  1.Standardisation</p><p&

73、gt;  Many studies have highlighted the issues of lack of standards, which is considered critical in relation to the Cloud- based IoT paradigm. Although a number of proposed standardisations have been put forth by the sci

74、entific society for the deployment of IoT and Cloud approaches, it is obvious that architectures, standard protocols, and APIs are required to allow for interconnection between heterogeneous smart things and the generati

75、on of new services, which make up the Cloud- based IoT paradigm.</p><p>  2.Fog Computing</p><p>  Fog computing is a model which extends Cloud computing services to the edge of the network. Sim

76、ilar to the Cloud, Fog supply communicates application services to users. Fog can essentially be considered an extension of Cloud Computing which acts as an intermediate between the edge of the network and the Cloud; ind

77、eed, it works with latency-sensitive applications that require other nodes to satisfy their delay requirements. Although storage, computing, and networking are the main resources of bot</p><p>  3.Cloud Capa

78、bilities</p><p>  As in any networked environment, security is considered to be one of the main issues of the Cloud-based IoT paradigm. There are more chances of attacks on both the IoT and the Cloud side. I

79、n the IoT context, data integrity, confidentiality and authenticity can be guaranteed by encryption. However, insider attacks cannot be resolved and it is also hard to use the IoT on devices with limited capabilities.<

80、;/p><p>  4.SLA enforcement</p><p>  Cloud-based IoT users need created data to be conveyed and processed based on application-dependent limitations, which can be tough in some cases. Ensuring a sp

81、ecific Quality of Service (QoS) level regarding Cloud resources by depending on a single provider raises many issues. Thus, multiple Cloud providers may be required to avoid SLA violations. However, dynamically choosing

82、the most appropriate mixture of Cloud providers still represents an open issue due to time, costs, and heterogeneity of </p><p>  5.Big data</p><p>  In the previous section, we discussed Big Da

83、ta as a critical challenge that is tightly coupled with the Cloud-based IoT paradigm. Although a number of contributions have been proposed, Big Data is still considered a critical open issue, and one in need of more res

84、earch. The Cloud-based IoT approach involves the management and processing of huge amounts of data stemming from various locations and from heterogeneous sources; indeed, in the Cloud-based IoT, many applications need co

85、mplicated tasks </p><p>  6.Energy efficiency</p><p>  Recent Cloud-based IoT applications include frequent data that is transmitted from IoT objects to the Cloud, which quickly consumes the nod

86、e energy. Thus, generating efficient energy when it comes to data processing and transmission remains a significant open issue. Several directions have been suggested to overcome this issue, such as compression technolog

87、ies, efficient data transmission; and data caching techniques for reusing collected data with time-insensitive application.</p><p>  7.Security and privacy</p><p>  Although security and privacy

88、 are both critical research issues which have received a great deal of attention, they are still open issues which require more efforts. Indeed, adapting to different threats from hackers is still an issue. Moreover, ano

89、ther problem is providing the appropriate authorisation rules and policies while ensuring that only authorised users have access to sensitive data; this is crucial for preserving users’ privacy, specifically when data in

90、tegrity must be guaranteed.</p><p>  VIII.CONCLUSION</p><p>  The IoT is becoming an increasingly ubiquitous computing service which requires huge volumes of data storage and processing capabili

91、ties. The IoT has limited capabilities in terms of processing power and storage, while there also exist consequential issues such as security, privacy, performance, and reliability; As such, the integration of the Cloud

92、into the IoT is very beneficial in terms of overcoming these challenges. In this paper, we presented the need for the creation of the Cloud-based Io</p><p><b>  中文譯文:</b></p><p>  云計(jì)

93、算與物聯(lián)網(wǎng)的集成:挑戰(zhàn)與開放問題</p><p>  摘要 物聯(lián)網(wǎng)(IoT)正在成為下一次與互聯(lián)網(wǎng)相關(guān)的革命。它允許數(shù)以十億計(jì)的設(shè)備相互連接和通信,以共享信息,從而提高我們?nèi)粘I畹馁|(zhì)量。另一方面,云計(jì)算提供了按需、方便和可擴(kuò)展的網(wǎng)絡(luò)訪問,這使得共享計(jì)算資源成為可能;實(shí)際上,這反過來又使來自各種數(shù)據(jù)源的動(dòng)態(tài)數(shù)據(jù)集成成為可能。云和物聯(lián)網(wǎng)的成功實(shí)現(xiàn)都面臨著許多問題。云計(jì)算與物聯(lián)網(wǎng)的結(jié)合是解決這些問題的最有效途徑。云

94、上的大量可用資源對物聯(lián)網(wǎng)非常有利,而云可以獲得更多的宣傳,以更動(dòng)態(tài)和分布式的方式改進(jìn)其對現(xiàn)實(shí)世界對象的限制。本文通過突出集成的好處和實(shí)現(xiàn)方面的挑戰(zhàn),概述了云與物聯(lián)網(wǎng)的集成。討論還將集中于由此產(chǎn)生的基于云的物聯(lián)網(wǎng)范例的體系結(jié)構(gòu)及其新的應(yīng)用場景。最后,提出了有待解決的問題和今后的研究方向。</p><p>  關(guān)鍵詞:云計(jì)算,物聯(lián)網(wǎng),基于云的物聯(lián)網(wǎng),集成。</p><p><b> 

95、 一、簡介</b></p><p>  探索計(jì)算領(lǐng)域涉及的技術(shù)的共同特征非常重要。事實(shí)上,云計(jì)算和物聯(lián)網(wǎng)(IoT)就是這種情況——兩種模式具有許多共同特點(diǎn)。這些眾多概念的整合可以促進(jìn)和改進(jìn)這些技術(shù)。整合這些眾多的概念可以促進(jìn)和改進(jìn)這些技術(shù)。云計(jì)算改變了訪問、管理和交付技術(shù)的方式。云計(jì)算將來可用于公用事業(yè)服務(wù),這一點(diǎn)已得到了廣泛認(rèn)同。雖然許多人認(rèn)為云計(jì)算是一項(xiàng)新技術(shù),但事實(shí)上,它已經(jīng)參與并囊括了各種技術(shù)


97、和物聯(lián)網(wǎng)將成為互聯(lián)網(wǎng)和下一代技術(shù)的未來。但是,云服務(wù)依賴于互操作性極強(qiáng)的服務(wù)提供商,而物聯(lián)網(wǎng)技術(shù)則基于多樣性而不是互操作性。</p><p>  本文概述了將云計(jì)算集成到物聯(lián)網(wǎng)中的情況;這包括研究集成過程帶來的好處和遇到的實(shí)現(xiàn)挑戰(zhàn)。還討論了有待解決的問題和研究方向。本文的其余部分組織如下:第二節(jié)提供了云計(jì)算、物聯(lián)網(wǎng)和基于云的物聯(lián)網(wǎng)的基本概念;第三節(jié)討論了將物聯(lián)網(wǎng)集成到云中的好處;第四節(jié)介紹了基于可能的物聯(lián)網(wǎng)架構(gòu);

98、第五節(jié)說明了不同的基于云的物聯(lián)網(wǎng)應(yīng)用場景。隨后,在第八節(jié)結(jié)束之前,分別在第六節(jié)和第七節(jié)討論了基于云的物聯(lián)網(wǎng)集成和開放研究方向所面臨的挑戰(zhàn)。</p><p><b>  二、基本概念</b></p><p>  本節(jié)回顧了云計(jì)算、物聯(lián)網(wǎng)和基于云的物聯(lián)網(wǎng)的基本概念。</p><p><b>  1.云計(jì)算</b></p&


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