1、<p> 基于EPON的三網(wǎng)融合接入網(wǎng)技術</p><p><b> 1引言 </b></p><p> 信息社會的發(fā)展使人們越來越離不開網(wǎng)絡技術提供的便利,經(jīng)過最近20年的快速發(fā)展,我國電信網(wǎng)、有線電視網(wǎng)和互聯(lián)網(wǎng)都已經(jīng)成為世界第一。目前,我國有線廣播電視網(wǎng)已有333萬km光纜線路,1000萬km同軸電纜線路,有線電視用戶數(shù)達到1.75億戶,其中數(shù)字信
2、號電視用戶6500萬,模擬信號電視用戶超過1億戶,有線電視網(wǎng)絡提供的寬帶接入用戶數(shù)300多萬戶。2009年,基礎電信企業(yè)的互聯(lián)網(wǎng)寬帶接入用戶凈增2034.7萬戶,達到10322.6萬戶,寬帶網(wǎng)民數(shù)達到3.46億。通過對比可以發(fā)現(xiàn),最大程度地利用現(xiàn)有網(wǎng)絡資源,用較小的投資進行雙向改造,迅速發(fā)展寬帶用戶,是廣電行業(yè)面臨的巨大挑戰(zhàn)和歷史機遇。 </p><p> 隨著國務院對三網(wǎng)融合政策的批復,有線電視網(wǎng)向前演進為下
3、一代廣播電視網(wǎng)(NGB)的浪潮已經(jīng)不可阻擋,NGB的骨干網(wǎng)和內(nèi)容平臺都已經(jīng)有相對成熟的解決方案,接入網(wǎng)絡的建設由于解決方案的復雜性和占總體投資比例的重要性而成為當前NGB建設的重點和難點。 </p><p><b> 2接入網(wǎng)技術方案 </b></p><p> EPON技術由于高帶寬、易維護、遠距離覆蓋的特點成為當前FTTx的主流承載技術,目前產(chǎn)業(yè)鏈發(fā)展完善,是
4、電信運營商接入網(wǎng)絡建設的首選技術。但是由于在駐地網(wǎng)層面采用光纖直接到戶的成本較高,傳統(tǒng)電信運營商基本上采用了FTTB+LAN或FTTB+DSL的方案,這樣在盡量節(jié)約駐地網(wǎng)投資的前提下,獲得了最佳的網(wǎng)絡性能。 </p><p> 廣電運營商長期專注于HFC網(wǎng)絡的建設,擁有著龐大的HFC接入網(wǎng)絡,利用HFC作為入戶媒介可實現(xiàn)最大的實用性和經(jīng)濟性。廣電HFC網(wǎng)絡中的同軸電纜網(wǎng)是一種理想的數(shù)據(jù)傳輸媒介,尤其在最后100
5、m的帶寬支持能力遠遠高于五類線或電話線資源。因此,在廣電網(wǎng)絡雙向改造中如何融合光纖和HFC兩種介質,深入挖掘現(xiàn)有網(wǎng)絡價值,被廣電運營商所關注。目前比較經(jīng)濟可行的雙向改造技術方案有3種:CMTS,EPON+LAN和EPON+EoC。 </p><p> 2.1 CMTS適合稀疏模式網(wǎng)絡覆蓋區(qū)域 </p><p> CMTS利用現(xiàn)有的有線電視網(wǎng)絡,通過對信號進行QPSK/QAM調制,在HF
7、在用戶數(shù)量不太多的情況下比較適合廣電開展數(shù)據(jù)業(yè)務。對于目前國內(nèi)用戶集中居住,用戶需要長時間占用網(wǎng)絡、大流量吞吐數(shù)據(jù),單位帶寬下降明顯,不利于高帶寬業(yè)務的開展,采用CMTS實現(xiàn)大范圍的用戶寬帶接入不夠經(jīng)濟。 </p><p> 2.2 EPON+LAN適合于高密度用戶新建小區(qū) </p><p> EPON+LAN方案是通過EPON網(wǎng)絡接入到樓宇,通過ONU提供以太網(wǎng)接口,用戶接入通過以太
8、網(wǎng)五類線實現(xiàn)。采用這個方案實現(xiàn)用戶語音和互聯(lián)網(wǎng)接入,有線電視信號仍通過HFC線路實現(xiàn)。它的優(yōu)點是技術成熟,設備商較多,接口和標準規(guī)范。該方案適合于高密度用戶和大帶寬業(yè)務需求新建小區(qū)的第一次綜合布線時一次完成,而對于已經(jīng)開通有線電視的老用戶需要重新進行布線,小區(qū)樓道和入戶布線施工難度較大,用戶一般不愿意接受。 </p><p> 2.3 EPON+EoC適合現(xiàn)有CATV用戶的首選技術 </p>&l
9、t;p> EPON+EoC技術是在現(xiàn)有的HFC網(wǎng)絡基礎上構造一個適用于廣電網(wǎng)絡系統(tǒng)的數(shù)字帶寬用戶接入網(wǎng)絡,它在不影響現(xiàn)有的CATV正常工作的前提下,以先進的調制解調技術,將以太網(wǎng)信號合成在同軸電纜中與原有的CATV信號一起傳輸,用于承載基于IP的數(shù)據(jù)、語音和視頻等業(yè)務。它以較少的改造成本和工程量將原來單向的有線電視網(wǎng)絡改造成為一個雙向的、能夠承載多種業(yè)務的雙向寬帶網(wǎng)絡。采用EoC技術具有良好的適應性和靈活的組網(wǎng)方案,充分利用了廣
10、電原有的同軸接入網(wǎng)資源,節(jié)省了入戶部分的線路投資。 </p><p> 將EPON技術和EoC技術相結合,統(tǒng)一網(wǎng)管,組成整體解決方案,可以為廣電三網(wǎng)融合NGB的發(fā)展提供接入網(wǎng)絡的最佳技術。EPON+EoC可提供數(shù)據(jù)、視頻、語音于一體的三種播放的綜合承載,通過一張接入網(wǎng)提供過去多張網(wǎng)絡的功能。該方案在開發(fā)過程中充分考慮中國國情和當前廣電網(wǎng)絡的實際情況,在駐地網(wǎng)層面利用廣電網(wǎng)已有的Cable網(wǎng)絡作為傳輸介質,節(jié)約了
11、大量的綜合布線成本和運維投資,兼具高性能和低成本。EPON+EoC技術滿足了廣電數(shù)字電視的雙向改造和國家三網(wǎng)融合的需要,將推動NGB產(chǎn)業(yè)在中國的深入發(fā)展,是面向廣電運營商NGB網(wǎng)絡接入層首選技術。 </p><p> 3 EPON和EoC組網(wǎng)技術 </p><p> 3.1 EPON技術 </p><p> 光纖作為傳輸高速率、大容量、多業(yè)務的最佳媒質,早已在
12、骨干網(wǎng)和城域網(wǎng)中得到了廣泛的應用,在接入網(wǎng)層面,光纖也已經(jīng)得到了普及與應用。光纖具有壽命長、可靠性高、抗干擾性強的優(yōu)點,光傳輸具有很強的帶寬擴展能力,并且容易實現(xiàn)各種業(yè)務平臺的融合。 </p><p> EPON技術是將以太網(wǎng)與無源光網(wǎng)絡相結合的技術,按照IEEE802.3ah國際標準可以支持1.25Gbit/s對稱速率。作為光纖接入網(wǎng)的重要解決方案,EPON技術具有ADSL,LAN等無法比擬的特性,也比APO
13、N,BPON,GPON等技術更為高效地滿足了“EverythingoverIP”的多業(yè)務接入需求。EPON接入網(wǎng)絡具有投資成本低、操作和維護簡單等優(yōu)勢,為運營商解決“最后一公里”問題提供了一種非常經(jīng)濟有效的寬帶接入解決方案。目前,EPON技術已經(jīng)在國內(nèi)外得到了大規(guī)模的應用,得到國內(nèi)外運營商和廠商的支持和認可。 </p><p> 通過EPON系統(tǒng)設備,利用FTTH/FTTB光纖網(wǎng)絡覆蓋家庭、企業(yè)用戶可以提供最大
14、帶寬達1Gbit/s的傳輸速率。運營商可以用經(jīng)濟的造價和極少的光纜線路投資,方便地實現(xiàn)高速上網(wǎng),IPTV組播/點播等高帶寬IP數(shù)據(jù)業(yè)務的傳送。 </p><p> EPON系統(tǒng)主要由OLT(OpticalLineTerminal,光纖線路終端)和ONU(OpticalNetworkUnit,光纖網(wǎng)絡單元)以及分離器(Splitter)構成,OLT提供到IP城域網(wǎng),IPTV承載網(wǎng),NGN軟交換網(wǎng)上行接口。針對最終
15、用戶不同的業(yè)務需求,運營商可靈活選擇終端ONU設備,滿足FTTH/FTTB/FTTC/FTTC+EoC等多種應用場景。典型的EPON組網(wǎng)方案如圖1所示。 </p><p> 圖附-1 EPON典型組網(wǎng)方案</p><p> Fig attached-1 EPON typical network scheme</p><p> 3.2 EoC技術 </p&
16、gt;<p> EoC是指在同軸電纜上傳輸以太網(wǎng)數(shù)據(jù)的技術。EoC系統(tǒng)由頭端、終端、同軸分配網(wǎng)等部分組成。頭端一般放在光節(jié)點位置,起分發(fā)上層以太網(wǎng)數(shù)據(jù)、匯聚終端設備的作用;終端放在用戶家里接入用戶電腦或互動機頂盒;同軸分配網(wǎng)絡是從有線電視網(wǎng)光節(jié)點位置到用戶家里的網(wǎng)絡,除了同軸線纜以外,還包括有源放大器,EoC跳接器,分支/分配器等設備。 </p><p> 目前常用的EoC頭端設備是基于Home
17、PlugAV技術的有源調制的接入?yún)R聚設備,它的主要功能是將數(shù)據(jù)基帶信號以OFDM方式調制到7~30MHz頻段,再與有線電視網(wǎng)絡信號進行混合后在有線電視HFC網(wǎng)的同軸電纜上傳輸。常用的EoC用戶端設備是基于HomePlugAV技術的用戶端的調制解調設備,其主要功能是將各類用戶終端設備電腦,機頂盒,IP話機等,接入到EoC系統(tǒng)中,實現(xiàn)以同軸電纜為介質的雙向寬帶接入。 </p><p> 針對廣電運營商的EPON和E
19、種有線電視信號放大器,實現(xiàn)數(shù)據(jù)雙向傳輸,真正實現(xiàn)數(shù)據(jù)信號和電視信號一線傳輸。 </p><p> 目前EoC主流產(chǎn)品采用HomePlugAV/BPL技術,EoC頭端設備為纜橋交換機,纜橋交換機是同軸數(shù)據(jù)網(wǎng)中對有線電視單向放大器跨接的設備,它將混合后的信號通過頻率分割的方式,使數(shù)據(jù)信號不經(jīng)過放大器,有線電視信號經(jīng)放大后通過跨接器再次與數(shù)據(jù)信號混合。 </p><p> 纜橋交換機采用模塊
20、化設計,主要模塊有CATV模塊,ONU模塊,EoC頭端模塊,主控交換模塊。這些模塊都作為可選模塊配置在相應的機箱里。其中主控交換模塊只有在多端口纜橋交換機中才有應用。模塊化設計的好處在于,可以更加靈活地滿足廣電運營商不同時期的需求和遠期的靈活擴展,最大限度地降低投資成本,獲得高回報。 </p><p> 不同地區(qū)的運營商可根據(jù)經(jīng)濟發(fā)展情況、用戶密度、覆蓋率、開通率和用戶的帶寬需求情況,選購不同接口數(shù)量的纜橋交換
21、機,安裝場合可以選擇室內(nèi)或室外。用戶終端設備按網(wǎng)絡接口的數(shù)量主要分單接口、雙接口和四網(wǎng)絡接口。EoC頭端模塊數(shù)量可以根據(jù)需要進行配置,每個模塊提供一路電視信號輸入和一路Cable混頻口,可同時傳輸和接收數(shù)據(jù)信號和有線電視信號的混合信號。CATV接入模塊支持單CATV接入口,提供一路有線電視接口,可傳輸有線電視信號。 </p><p> 主端通過耦合器可以支持多路下連同軸通道。采用高性能的光器件,分光比為1:32
22、時覆蓋距離達到20km,分光比為1:64時覆蓋距離達到10km。分光比為1:64時平均帶寬可以達到15Mbit/s,滿足用戶的帶寬需求。 </p><p> 3.3 EPON+EoC組網(wǎng)應用 </p><p> 采用EPON和EoC技術對傳統(tǒng)有線電視網(wǎng)絡進行技術改造,可利用EPON設備完成光纜干線的雙向改造、用戶同軸電纜接入網(wǎng)雙向改造,使用有源EoC進行組網(wǎng),在ONU下接有源EoC頭端
23、,覆蓋光節(jié)點之下的所有用戶,對有雙向需求的用戶使用EoC用戶端接入。這樣將單向廣播式傳輸網(wǎng)建設為雙向傳輸網(wǎng)絡。 </p><p> EPON+EoC的典型應用組網(wǎng)方案如圖2所示,纜橋交換機放置于樓道或室外,覆蓋一幢大樓或一個單元?,F(xiàn)網(wǎng)已鋪設光節(jié)點,纜橋交換機不用配置CATV模塊,通過射頻電纜接入到纜橋交換機,ONU模塊配置在纜橋交換機,實現(xiàn)數(shù)據(jù)或互動電視信號的回傳。 </p><p>
24、 圖附-2 EPON+EOC應用組網(wǎng)方案</p><p> Figure attached-2 EPON + EOC application network scheme</p><p> 如果現(xiàn)網(wǎng)由于光接收機下移,纜橋交換機需要集成光接收功能。這時纜橋交換機需要配置CATV模塊,通過光纖將電視信號接入到纜橋交換機。ONU模塊配置在纜橋交換機,實現(xiàn)數(shù)據(jù)或互動電視信號的回傳。另外一種情況
25、,如果現(xiàn)網(wǎng)已鋪設光節(jié)點,ONU放置在樓外,接入幾個單端口的纜橋交換機,數(shù)據(jù)信號通過線纜接入到纜橋交換機,實現(xiàn)數(shù)據(jù)或互動電視信號的回傳,電視信號通過射頻電纜接入到纜橋交換機。 </p><p><b> 4結束語 </b></p><p> 廣電運營商采用EPON和EoC技術有助于綜合利用網(wǎng)絡資源,快速完成NGB接入層的建設,實現(xiàn)數(shù)字化雙向化改造,減少大量重復建設,
26、節(jié)約建設和運維成本。采用EPON+EoC方案,用戶無需對室內(nèi)布線做任何更改,只需增加CNU終端設備就可以實現(xiàn)雙向、交互、多功能、多業(yè)務,享受三網(wǎng)融合帶來的豐富內(nèi)容。EPON+EoC方案能夠全面提升有線電視網(wǎng)絡技術水平和業(yè)務承載能力,發(fā)揮有線電視網(wǎng)頻帶寬、低成本、易普及的優(yōu)勢,使有線數(shù)字電視成為進入千家萬戶的多媒體信息平臺。 </p><p> 雙向改造后的有線電視網(wǎng)絡是承載、提供三網(wǎng)融合業(yè)務最重要的網(wǎng)絡,將成為
27、現(xiàn)代社會活動中最重要的信息通信基礎設施。廣電網(wǎng)經(jīng)過雙向改造,采用光纖加同軸電纜的接入方式能為每個家庭用戶提供可擴展的寬帶接入,可以滿足標清和高清電視節(jié)目的帶寬需求,用戶欣賞到的畫面質量將更銳麗逼真,圖像更清晰。通過這條“高速路”用戶可以快速方便地處理日常的信息,暢享信息社會的便捷服務。 </p><p><b> 附錄C 外文文獻</b></p><p> Bas
28、ed on the three nets fusion EPON access network technology</p><p> 1 introduction</p><p> The development of the information society to make people more and more from the network technology pr
29、ovides convenience, and over the last 20 years of rapid development, China telecom network, cable television and the Internet are all has become the world's first. At present, our country has 3.33 million km cable ra
30、dio and television network fiber optic cable line, 10 million km coaxial cable line, cable TV subscribers of 175 million users, including digital signal television subscribers 65 mil</p><p> With the state
31、council on three nets fusion policies written reply to a subordinate body, cable TV networks broadcast TV networks for the next generation forward evolution (NGB) has been unstoppable tide, NGB backbone and content of th
32、e platform has a relatively mature solution, access network construction because of the complexity of the solution and overall investment proportion of the importance of the construction of NGB and become the key and dif
33、ficult.</p><p> 2 access network technology solutions</p><p> Due to high bandwidth EPON technology, easy maintenance and long distance covered become the mainstream of FTTx characteristics of
34、 bearing technology, at present developed industry chain, telecom operators access network construction is the first choice of technology. But because the local nets level by using optical fiber to the home directly the
35、cost is higher, the traditional telecom operators basically used FTTB + LAN or FTTB + DSL solutions, such as saving in local nets investment, under th</p><p> Radio and television operators long-term focus
36、on the construction of HFC network, with huge HFC access network, use of HFC as entering a media can achieve maximum practical and economical efficiency. Radio and television HFC network of coaxial cable nets is a kind o
37、f ideal data transmission medium, especially in the final 100 m bandwidth support ability is far higher than the five kinds of line or telephone line resources. Therefore, in radio and television networks two-way renovat
38、ion of optica</p><p> CMTS 2.1 for sparse network coverage area mode</p><p> CMTS use of the existing cable TV network, through to the signal QPSK/QAM modulation, the low frequency in a two-wa
39、y HFC transmission. CMTS is the advantage of technology are more mature, network management ability is strong, can realize large-scale two-way covered. Defect is CMTS noise gathering effect system bandwidth and performan
40、ce, coaxial cable and joint quality the demand is higher, the follow-up maintenance larger workload; For most cable TV operator speaking, uplink noise is a widesprea</p><p> 2.2 EPON + LAN suitable for high
41、 density users new district</p><p> EPON + LAN scheme is through the EPON Internet access to the building, through the ONU provide the Ethernet interface, user access through the Ethernet five kinds of line
42、 realized. Using the methods of speech and user access to the Internet, cable TV signal is still through the HFC circuit implementation. Its advantages are mature technology, equipment business more, interface and standa
43、rds. The plan suitable for high density users and big business needs the new bandwidth first comprehensive wir</p><p> 2.3 EPON + EoC for the existing CATV users first choice of technology</p><p&
44、gt; EPON + EoC technology is in the existing HFC network structure is based on a in the radio and television network system of digital bandwidth users access network, it has no impact on the existing CATV normal work, u
45、nder the premise of with advanced demodulation technology, will Ethernet signal synthesis in the coaxial cable with the original CATV signals in together the transmission, and used to carry based on IP data, voice and vi
46、deo business. It for less transformation cost and the original bi</p><p> Will EPON technology and EoC technologies, unified net, made up of the whole solution, can radio fusion of three nets NGB provide ac
47、cess network of the best technology. EPON + EoC can provide data, video, voice in one of the three broadcast the overall carrying, through a access network for the past more than one the function of network The scheme in
48、 the development process of fully considering China's national conditions and the actual situation of the radio and television networks, in local ne</p><p> 3 EPON EoC and network technology</p>
49、<p> 3.1 EPON technology</p><p> Optical fiber transmission as a high rate, high capacity, many of the best media business, have already been backbone in man and a wide range of applications, in the a
50、ccess network level, optical fiber has also got the popularization and application. Optical fiber has long life, high reliability, robust of the advantages of the optical transmission < http://info.broadcast.hc360.com
51、/list/cpzt_gldl.shtml > has strong ability to expand the bandwidth, and easy to realize the integration of various b</p><p> EPON technology is passive optical network of Ethernet and combination of tech
52、nology, according to the international standard IEEE802.3 ah can support 1.25 Gbit/s symmetric rate. As an important solution of optical fiber access network, EPON technology has ADSL, LAN and incomparable characteristic
53、, also than APON, BPON, GPON technology more efficient to meet the "EverythingoverIP" business needs more access. EPON access network has investment low cost, simple operation and maintenance the advant</p&g
54、t;<p> Through the EPON system equipment, use of optical fiber network cover/FTTB FTTH family, the enterprise users can provide maximum bandwidth of 1 Gbit/s transmission rate. Operators can use economic cost of
55、investment and few fiber optic cable line, realized high-speed Internet access, IPTV < http://info.broadcast.hc360.com/list/wlds.shtml > multicast/demand high bandwidth IP data service delivery.</p><p>
56、; EPON system mainly by the OLT (OpticalLineTerminal, fiber optic lines terminal) and ONU (OpticalNetworkUnit, optical fiber network units) and separator (Splitter), which provide to IP OLT man, IPTV bearing network, NG
57、N soft switching uplink interface. According to the end user of the business needs of different, operators can choose freely ONU terminal equipment to meet FTTH/FTTB/FTTC/FTTC + EoC and so on many kinds of application sc
58、enarios. The typical EPON network schemes shown as show in figu</p><p> Fig attached-1 EPON typical network scheme</p><p> 3.2 EoC technology</p><p> It is to point to in the EoC
59、 coaxial cables transmission Ethernet data of the technology. The way the EoC system, terminals, coaxial FenPeiWang components. The head of general on light node location, the distribution of upper Ethernet data, gatheri
60、ng terminal equipment role; Terminal on the home user's computer user access or interactive set-top box; Coaxial cable television network distribution from light to users of the position node home network, in additio
61、n to coaxial cable, but also includi</p><p> Now commonly used EoC head end equipment is based on HomePlugAV technology of active modulation access convergence equipment and its main function is to data bas
62、eband signal to OFDM way to 7 ~ 30 MHz modulation frequency band, again with the cable TV network in the mixed signals in catv HFC network coaxial cables transmission. Commonly used EoC client equipment is based on HomeP
63、lugAV technology users demodulation equipment, its main function is to all kinds of user terminal equipment computer, s</p><p> According to the cable operators EPON and EoC technology, OLT placed in the fr
64、ont of the network system, ONU placed in the floor, connecting EoC (EthernetoverCable) bureau end equipment, through HFC door. The user through cable TV coaxial cable transmit and receive data signal, and do not affect t
65、he cable TV signal transmission and reception. The biggest EoC host up to 80 M above the bandwidth, at most, can bring 64 from machine, more from sharing host machine bandwidth. The host in connection a</p><p&
66、gt; At present the EoC mainstream product HomePlugAV/BPL technology, EoC head end equipment for cable bridge switches, cable bridge switches is coaxial data networks on cable television in the one-way amplifier jumper e
67、quipment, it will be the mixed signals through the frequency of segmentation method, the data signals don't through amplifier, cable TV signal after enlargement through the jumper again and data signals is mixed.<
68、/p><p> Cable bridge switches modular design, the main module has CATV module, ONU module, EoC head end module, exchange control module. These modules are as optional module configuration in the corresponding
69、case. One master control module in ports exchange only cable bridge switches to be used. Modular design of the benefit that can be more flexible cable operators to meet the needs of different periods and the expansion of
70、 the flexible, maximize reduce investment cost, earn higher returns.</p><p> Different regions of the operators can according to economic development conditions, the user density, coverage, KaiTongLv and us
71、er bandwidth demand, the choose and buy different interface number of cable bridge switches, installations can choose indoor or outdoor. The user terminal equipment according to the number of network interface the main p
72、oints of the interface, double interface and single four network interface. The EoC head can need according to the number of module configuration, each</p><p> The Lord by coupler may support more under way
73、 even coaxial channel. Using the high performance optical devices, spectral than for knowing the cover up to 20 km distance when, than for all four was covered up to 10 km distance. For all 4 when spectrometer than avera
74、ge bandwidth up to 15 Mbit/s, meet the user's bandwidth needs.</p><p> 3.3 EPON + EoC networking applications</p><p> The EoC technology on traditional EPON and cable TV network technical
75、reform, can use EPON equipment to finish the main lines of fiber optic cable transformation, the two-way user coaxial cable access network two-way transformation, using active EoC in networking, in the active ONU EoC hea
76、d end, to cover all the users under light node, the performance requirements of users use have EoC client access. This will GuangBoShi one-way transmission network construction as the two-way transmission netwo</p>
77、<p> EPON + EoC the typical application of network scheme as shown in figure 2 shows, cable bridge switches placed in the corridor or outdoor, covering a building or a unit. Now the network has laid light node, c
78、able bridge switches don't configuration CATV module, through the radio frequency cable access to cable bridge switches, ONU module configuration in cable bridge switches, realize data or interactive television signa
79、l of the opponents.</p><p> Figure attached-2 EPON + EOC application network scheme</p><p> If now nets caused by the receiver down, cable bridge switches need integrated light receives functi
80、on. Then cable bridge to switch configuration CATV module, through the optical fiber cable TV signal will access to bridge switches. ONU module configuration in cable bridge switches, realize data or interactive televisi
81、on signal of the opponents. Another thing, if now nets have laid light node, ONU placed on the floor, access the cable bridge several single port switches, the data signals through</p><p> 4 last word</p
82、><p> The cable operators EPON EoC and comprehensive utilization technology which network resources, done quickly NGB access layer, the construction of the digital two-way transformation, reduce a lot of repet
83、itions construction, saving building and operation and maintenance costs. Using EPON + EoC scheme, users need to indoor wiring do any change, need to increase CNU terminal equipment can realize two-way, interactive, mult
84、i-function, many business, enjoy 3 nets fusion bring rich content. EPON + EoC</p><p> Two-way after the transformation of the cable TV network is bearing, offer three nets fusion business the most important
85、 network, will become the modern social activities in the most important information communications infrastructure. Wide power grid after two-way transformation, by using optical fiber and coaxial cable access styles for
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- 外文翻譯--光纖接入網(wǎng)技術
- 三網(wǎng)融合之接入網(wǎng)技術研究.pdf
- 基于EPON的接入網(wǎng)技術應用研究.pdf
- 基于EPON+EoC技術的三網(wǎng)融合接入網(wǎng)設計與實現(xiàn).pdf
- 基于EPON的FTTH接入網(wǎng)技術研究.pdf
- 三網(wǎng)融合接入網(wǎng)pon
- 接入網(wǎng)技術答案
- 接入網(wǎng)技術題庫
- 接入網(wǎng)技術 1
- EPON與WiMAX融合接入網(wǎng)節(jié)能技術的研究.pdf
- 接入網(wǎng)技術及其應用
- 寬帶接入網(wǎng)技術
- 光接入網(wǎng)技術分析
- EPON和WiMAX融合寬帶接入網(wǎng).pdf
- 寬帶接入網(wǎng)技術畢業(yè)設計(含外文翻譯)
- 接入網(wǎng)技術在礦山鐵路通信中的應用
- 三網(wǎng)融合中的接入網(wǎng)復用技術的研究.pdf
- 接入網(wǎng)技術試題庫
- 寬帶接入網(wǎng)技術 2
- 鐵路通信工程中光纖接入網(wǎng)技術的應用