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1、<p><b>  附錄:</b></p><p><b>  外文資料與中文翻譯</b></p><p><b>  外文資料:</b></p><p>  Analysis of the spontaneous combustion of coal cause of the fire,

2、forecasting techniques and prevention measures</p><p>  1 Introduction</p><p>  Mine fire is the major natural disasters in coal mines. Spontaneous combustion of coal is the main form of the min

3、e fire in China's state-owned key coal mines, more than 56 percent of the mine there is the danger of spontaneous combustion, fires caused by spontaneous combustion of coal accounted for more than 90% of the total nu

4、mber of mine fires [1]. In recent years, mechanized mining the top coal caving technology has been vigorously promotion and application of a substantial increase in coal </p><p>  2 Spontaneous combustion of

5、 coal cause analysis</p><p>  Coal largely by the organic and inorganic components, the main combustible elements carbon (about 65% ~ 95%), followed by hydrogen (about 1% to 2%), and containing a small amoun

6、t of oxygen (about 3% to 5% , sometimes up to 25%), sulfur (about 10%), the above elements together constitute the combustible compounds, known as the combustible matter of coal. In addition, coal also contains some non-

7、combustible mineral ash (5% to 15%, also up to 50%) and water (generally between 2% to 20% change), the</p><p>  Coal by the oxygen in the air oxidation is the root cause of the spontaneous combustion of coa

8、l. Carbon, hydrogen and other elements in the coal occurs at room temperature, the reaction of the combustible CO, CH4, and other alkanes substances. Oxidation of coal is an exothermic reaction, if the heat can not be di

9、ssipated, will enable the coal accumulation of temperature, in turn, accelerate the oxidation of coal and emit more of the combustible mass and heat. When the heat build up, the temperat</p><p>  Coal sponta

10、neous combustion at the same time have the following four conditions:</p><p>  (1) Has a tendency of spontaneous combustion. The spontaneous combustion tendency of coal is a natural property of coal, reflect

11、ing the basic conditions of the coal metamorphic grade, moisture content, ash content, sulfur content, particle size, porosity, thermal conductivity, is the spontaneous combustion of coal. Oxidation of coal at room tempe

12、rature mainly depends on the volatile content, the higher the volatile content, the stronger the tendency of spontaneous combustion, spontaneous combust</p><p>  (2) Oxygen conditions. The coal pile is expos

13、ed to air, surface contact with the air full penetration, and the air gap between the coal to the coal pile internal oxidation to create the conditions internal to the coal pile. Block of coal is greater the greater the

14、gap between the coal, the better oxygen conditions.</p><p>  (3) Oxidation time. Coal from the oxidation of the development to spontaneous combustion is a process, and the oxidation time to achieve spontaneo

15、us combustion period may become to spontaneous combustion. Such as long-flame coal spontaneous combustion stage 1 to 3 months, the gas coal of 4 to 6 months.</p><p>  (4) Thermal storage conditions. Coal giv

16、es off heat in the oxidation process, only when the heat released is greater than the heat dissipated in order to make the heat buildup, temperature rise, to reach ignition point would be spontaneous combustion of coal.&

17、lt;/p><p>  In addition, the coal particle size, moisture, ash, compaction, ambient temperature, humidity and other factors may affect the spontaneous combustion of coal. The finer the granularity, the greater

18、the specific surface area, the oxidation reaction is more severe, the more liable to spontaneous combustion. In general, the spontaneous combustion of coal may go through water evaporation, oxidation, the spontaneous com

19、bustion in three stages. Coal moisture, coal leaching coal with oxygen in the wate</p><p>  3 Coal Spontaneous Combustion Prediction</p><p>  Coal Spontaneous Combustion Prediction, according to

20、 the signs of the process of coal spontaneous combustion and observations to determine the spontaneous combustion, predict, and infer that spontaneous combustion of the trend of development, in order to take timely and e

21、ffective anti-fire-fighting measures to avoid the resources, equipment and even loss of life assurance safety in production. The prediction of the location of the spontaneous combustion area is a prerequisite for fire su

22、ppressio</p><p>  Spontaneous combustion of coal fire forecasting techniques in the coal seam, coal and oxygen exposure to oxidative exothermic heat buildup caused by the temperature, resulting in the degree

23、 of risk of spontaneous combustion is greatly increased, this stage according to the temperature rise in the process of spontaneous combustion of coal, gas release characteristics change, ahead of the judgment on the spo

24、ntaneous combustion state forecasting techniques for early identification and early warning</p><p>  3.1 mark the gas analysis method</p><p>  Through the gas analysis analysis spontaneous combu

25、stion of coal of concentration of certain gases generated in the process, the ratio, the occurrence rate of characteristic parameters such as the development trend and making a prediction method of coal spontaneous combu

26、stion.</p><p>  Seam angry will produce a series of indicators reflect the coal to the degree of oxidation and combustion gases such as CO, CO2, C2H6, C2H4, C3H8 was, C2H2, etc., with the rise of the coal te

27、mperature, production will be a significant change in Therefore, the use of indicators gas volume changes to the coal seam fires early warning.</p><p>  To use the gas analysis forecast coal seam fire. Selec

28、tion and testing of the indicator gas is essential. At present, domestic and foreign commonly used CO as coal seam fire forecast indicator gases. However, due to the wide temperature range of the CO emission from the low

29、 temperature oxidation of coal stage on fire burning phase can produce CO Therefore, the time of issue of the prediction to be accurate, timely, and has become a very big problem.</p><p>  In order to unders

30、tand the problem of CO quantitative threshold is difficult to determine, scholars proposed indicators gas to alkyl olefins gas as forecast. When the coal temperature is greater than 70 ~ 80 ℃ when ethane, more than 110 ~

31、 130 ℃ when the emergence of ethylene. Take advantage of this special law, anti-alkyl olefins appear or not to push the coal temperature range. With the temperature rise of coal, the concentration of methane, ethane, pro

32、pane, with elevated coal temperature incre</p><p>  Sign of gas indicators for gas analysis is divided into two categories: one is the use of certain signs gas concentrations directly forecasting; the other

33、is the use of some of the gas composition changes in characteristics (growth rate) or some gas group variation (ratio) between the points predicted to fall into this category, such as alkanes, fire coefficient and so on.

34、 The two types of forecasting methods, the most widely used is the latter. The gas analysis method of means of monitoring has</p><p>  3.2 Temperature Measurement Method</p><p>  Roadway loose c

35、oal and the temperature of the surrounding medium directly reflects the degree of oxidation of coal. The so-called thermometry is to measure the temperature of the underground coal and the surrounding medium. Thermometry

36、 is found in the coal self-heating and the most direct and reliable method to explore the high temperature point and the fire source, but the temperature of the internal temperature of roadway loose coal technology is no

37、t yet fully resolved. Currently, the detectio</p><p>  1) infrared thermometer: the United States, Russia, Britain, Germany and other countries have successfully used infrared technology forecasting undergro

38、und spontaneous combustion fire, such as infrared thermometer and infrared thermal imager to detect the coal wall, coal pillar and float coal heap of spontaneous combustion, which use infrared detectors Michele Levin -44

39、 "and" Punuobeiai infrared thermal imager; British use "649" infrared imager and improved type "MEL1045," type DC thermal imager</p><p>  The substance of the infrared detection

40、 method is the nature of any object at absolute zero (0 K) on top of their own external infrared emission. The emission energy to the following equation</p><p>  Where: ε-radiation coefficient, the value of

41、0 < ε <1, the rock and coal mass is generally 0.7~0.98, the radiation coefficient by objects chemical composition, surface state, internal structure, water content, porosity ; α-Stephen - Boltzmann constant, 5.67&#

42、215;(10-12cm2)×K4; T-object is the absolute temperature, K.</p><p>  It can be seen from the above equation, the higher the temperature of an object, the greater the radiation energy, infrared thermomet

43、er to accept the amount of radiation and convert the radiation temperature higher, so you can use the infrared thermometer temperature high-resolution detect underground tunnel spontaneous combustion position.</p>

44、<p>  Under normal circumstances, the nature of infrared radiation area is 61k (89 ℃) to 207 K (-66 ℃), the wavelengths in the 8 ~ 14μm atmospheric window region. Infrared technology to detect the infrared radiatio

45、n of the surface temperature, which differs from the physical temperature, the infrared radiation of the surface temperature depends on the material composition of the surface physical temperature and its objects, moistu

46、re content, surface roughness, grain size, porosity, thermal inertia (sp</p><p>  2) Temperature sensor: The temperature sensor thermal resistance, thermocouple, AD590 temperature sensors. Thermal resistance

47、 and the working principle of the thermocouple is a thermoelectric effect. Prediction roadway loose coal may get angry regional and high-temperature point in the production of spontaneous combustion higher risk of region

48、al buried thermocouple probes, remote continuous detection of the temperature of the roadway of loose coal, and to study the temperature distribution and t</p><p>  Gas analysis, temperature detection, and g

49、as temperature monitoring objectives and forecast indicators of the safety monitoring system and beam pipe monitoring system are real-time monitoring and prediction, the premise of its forecast of coal self-heating or sp

50、ontaneous combustion.</p><p>  3.3 Magnetic probe method</p><p>  The substance of the magnetic detection method, the coal seam overlying rocks generally contain a large amount of siderite and p

51、yrite nodules, coal seam spontaneous combustion when the overlying rocks are baked at high temperature, the iron composition of the physical and chemical changes, the formation of a magnetic material, and retain a strong

52、 magnetic. After baking the magnetic properties of the overlying rocks with enhanced spontaneous combustion temperature increases. Electrical prospectin</p><p>  Resistivity probe method [2]</p><p

53、>  Under normal circumstances, buried in the underground coal seams, along the strike (or other direction) because of its structural state and water content changed little, the resistivity remained basically unchanged

54、. But when the coal spontaneous combustion, the structural state of the coal seam and the water content of large changes, causing changes in the resistivity of the coal seams and surrounding rock. In the early stages of

55、spontaneous combustion, the resistivity will decrease; late sponta</p><p>  3.4 Tracer gas method</p><p>  SF16, 1211, such as good thermal stability of the tracer gas for the determination of t

56、he amount of Gob has been successful. According to the experience in the application of this technology, you can choose some easy under the conditions of a temperature pyrolysis gas release in the same environment with t

57、hese trace gases, the sampling point sampling to detect changes in proportion, or determination of the relevant decomposition, thus indirectly, to understand the value of the temperature of the</p><p>  3.5

58、odor detection</p><p>  Odor detection is the use of a group of different types of odor sensors, After to receive different odors, according to the different odor sensors of the biomimetic bilayer membranes

59、 caused by frequency changes of the sensor crystal device, and is based on artificial neural network theory, to perceive and recognize the different odors, and make early prediction of coal spontaneous combustion.</p&

60、gt;<p>  Odor sensor output frequency signal with the coal oxidation, the temperature of the coal will be gradually increased, the release of a certain amount of odor substances, causing the odor sensor frequency

61、changes. Performance curve, rising with increasing temperature throughout the heating process showed several mutations in the inflection point on the curve. Odor change its inflection point of the curve characterization

62、certain characteristics of the coal oxidation process or processes.</p><p>  Coal sample placed in room temperature, odor sensor output value, odor sensor output will be changed significantly when the coal s

63、ample temperature increased slightly, while the characterization of coal spontaneous combustion characteristics of a sign of gas ( such as CO, C2H4, C2H2) were not detected. Therefore, the odor sensor can capture the wea

64、k changes in low temperature coal oxidation the early release of odor, and is capable of this temperature to 30 ~ 40 ℃ in advance, early prediction of</p><p>  3.6 radon measurement method</p><p&g

65、t;  In the 1950s, RE Colin raised, the effect of the temperature gradient, the hotter areas of the internal fluid of the porous media flow to the cooler area. Mogro Campero and Flisher(1977) that the migration of radon g

66、as in the thermal gradient effect mode, and use this model to explain a wide range of radon gas migration. BAHukutkuh have done with uranium mineral precipitation temperature radon tests, experiments showed that: At room

67、 temperature, day of radon in the amount of precipitation and th</p><p>  The detection of radon is a radioactive detection method, which both the geophysical and geochemical characteristics. Its principle i

68、s that the coal seam spontaneous combustion with coal temperature rise, increase in the concentration of radon in the ground layout of observation points, the application of alpha Kapha, 210Po law on the collection and m

69、easurement of radon concentration, and so to determine the location of the fire area. Underground mine fire source, this method of domestic Shanxi </p><p>  Spontaneous combustion of underground coal, it wil

70、l inevitably cause a high temperature and high pressure environment and produce large amounts of water vapor, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, methane, hydrocarbon family compounds, such as, in addition to the top of the

71、 Spontaneous Combustion in a large number of cracks, which is bound to accelerate the upward migration of radon gas speed, can be formed on the surface a high radon anomalies. In addition, the spontaneous combustion of c

72、oal and su</p><p>  3.7 Geological radar coalfield Spontaneous Combustion</p><p>  Geological radar (GPR) is the use of the UHF short-pulse (1 ~ 1000MHz) electromagnetic waves to detect subsurfa

73、ce distribution of a high-precision geophysical methods. Will be reflected when the transmitting antenna launching the high-frequency electromagnetic waves in the form of short broadband pulses into the ground, electroma

74、gnetic wave propagation in the subsurface, Dielectric different varying degrees of attenuation, encounter different dielectric properties of the interface the reflected </p><p>  General raw coal has a high

75、conductivity, spontaneous combustion on the overburden long-term coal seam spontaneous combustion baking, moisture content, low conductivity, the huge power difference can distinguish the original coal seam and surroundi

76、ng rock; become the partial oxidation of coal seam after spontaneous combustion or complete oxidation of coal, its composition changed dramatically, causing the apparent change in the electrical properties and, therefore

77、, easy to distinguish between th</p><p>  3.8 Microwave technology for fire detection</p><p>  Microwaves are electromagnetic waves of a wavelength between 1 mm and 187 mm. The study found that

78、the microwave radiation for any material outside of the metal has good penetration, and less susceptible to the effects of smoke and vapor. In view of the microwave has many incomparable advantages compared to infrared,

79、microwave technology used in modern fire detection will be a good choice.</p><p>  4 Measures to prevent the spontaneous combustion of coal</p><p>  Prevent the coals to spontaneous combustion c

80、ombining prevention with control, to prevent the main. Analyze the reasons for the spontaneous combustion of coal, put forward the following measures:</p><p>  (1) Coal spontaneous combustion tendency of ide

81、ntification, to master the law of the spontaneous combustion of coal fires in a targeted manner to take fire prevention measures to ensure the safe production of great significance. Therefore, storage of the spontaneous

82、combustion tendency of large coal fields of coal and coal storage a long time, should be made of coal spontaneous combustion tendency of identification, determination of coal volatile content, the minimum ignition temper

83、ature, sponta</p><p>  (2) Coal Storage and piling methods should be selected to maintain a well-ventilated to prevent the coal pile exposure. It would be appropriate to Coal Storage set in a spacious area,

84、the back of a sunny place (such as the northern slope of the high mountains), or set up a coal shed. Around the lower part of the coal yard shall have a high temperature heat source. This can reduce the oxidation rate of

85、 coal.</p><p>  (3) To correctly verify the coal storage time and no more than the coal spontaneous combustion period. Open coal storage case, storage of coal for too long to ignite one of the main reasons.

86、Moreover, the coal storage time is longer the higher the degree of oxidation, the economic value of coal fell more and more.</p><p>  (4) The coal layer by layer with a bulldozer compaction, especially the s

87、ide you want to heap chunk part of the compacted blanket layer of clay better, thus reducing the porosity of the coals of, get rid of the coal pile gap air, reducing the contact of coal with oxygen. Bedding clay will inc

88、rease the ash content of coal and did not accord with the coal requiring a higher NA. Spraying condensate material, the surface of the coals can prevent outside air infiltration inside the coal pile to preve</p>&

89、lt;p>  (5) So that the coals to maintain proper hydration can prolong the oxidation of coal, to effectively prevent the spontaneous combustion of coal. According to the analysis, the spontaneous combustion of coal moi

90、sture is for 5% to 7%. When the moisture content of coal is of 12%, the coal will not ignite. The bottom of the coal storage field and should be used around the concrete structure to prevent water leakage and wastage. Th

91、e coal yard set around spraying water facilities, spraying water to th</p><p>  (6) Strengthen the coal yard site management, early detection of spontaneous combustion of coal signs, and take action. Carries

92、 out inspections every day of spontaneous combustion, found that local temperature rises, steaming, smoking and other phenomena, can be determined in the oxide layer has spontaneous combustion. Spontaneous combustion als

93、o accompanied by elevated CO concentration, therefore, the CO detector can be detected.</p><p>  Deal with the spontaneous combustion of coal heap spray irrigation method. Water directly onto the coal pile s

94、urface, or trenching watering will cause the infiltration of the amount of water within the coal pile uneven and prone to loss of coal washed away, due to the role by hot pressing into the spontaneous combustion parts of

95、 water and fire effects not good. Changed intubation injection water injection directly into the spontaneous combustion parts, pressure water wet oxidation of coal sponta</p><p>  References:</p><

96、p>  [1] Li Xuecheng China coal mine safety grade [M] Beijing: Coal Industry Press, 1998</p><p>  [2] Huangfu Chang, Cui Hongyi, Wang Zhenping Yanzhou Coal Mining mine ventilation and safety [M]. Beijing:

97、Coal Industry Press, 2001</p><p>  [3] Wu Rong, Jiang Dacheng . Seam spontaneous combustion disaster Status and Prevention Measures [J]. Chinese Journal of Geological Hazard and Control, 2000,11 (4) :69-71&l


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