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1、<p><b>  外文資料原文</b></p><p>  Thinking In Java 1st</p><p>  Bruce Eckel</p><p>  Like any human language, Java provides a way to express concepts. If successful, thi

2、s medium of expression will be significantly easier and more flexible than the alternatives as problems grow larger and more complex.</p><p>  You can’t look at Java as just a collection of features; some of

3、 the features make no sense in isolation. You can use the sum of the parts only if you are thinking about design, not simply coding. And to understand Java in this way, you must understand the problems with it and with p

4、rogramming in general. This book discusses programming problems, why they are problems, and the approach Java has taken to solve them. Thus, the set of features I explain in each chapter are based on the way I see a <

5、/p><p>  Throughout, I’ll be taking the attitude that you want to build a model in your head that allows you to develop a deep understanding of the language; if you encounter a puzzle you’ll be able to feed it

6、to your model and deduce the answer</p><p>  At about the same time that my first book Using C++ (Osborne/McGraw-Hill 1989) came out, I began teaching that language. Teaching programming languages has become

7、 my profession; I’ve seen nodding heads, blank faces, and puzzled expressions in audiences all over the world since 1989. As I began giving in-house training with smaller groups of people, I discovered something during t

8、he exercises. Even those people who were smiling and nodding were confused about many issues. I found out, by chairing</p><p>  For a time, I was creating a number of different presentations in fairly short

9、order. Thus, I ended up learning by experiment and iteration (a technique that also works well in Java program design). Eventually I developed a course using everything I had learned from my teaching experience – one tha

10、t I would be happy giving for a long time. It tackles the learning problem in discrete, easy-to-digest steps and in a hands-on seminar (the ideal learning situation), there are exercises following each</p><p&g

11、t;  The feedback that I get from each seminar helps me change and refocus the material until I think it works well as a teaching medium. But this book isn’t just a seminar handout – I tried to pack as much information as

12、 I could within these pages and structured it to draw you through onto the next subject. More than anything, the book is designed to serve the solitary reader who is struggling with a new programming language.</p>

13、<p><b>  譯 文</b></p><p>  Java 編程思想第一版</p><p><b>  Trans Bot</b></p><p>  同人類任何語言一樣,Java為我們提供了一種表達思想的方式。如操作得當,同其他方式相比,隨著問題變得愈大和愈復雜,這種表達方式的方便性和靈活性會顯露無遺。

14、 不可將Java簡單想象成一系列特性的集合;如孤立地看,有些特性是沒有任何意義的。只有在考慮“設計”、而非考慮簡單的編碼時,才可真正體會到Java的強大。為了按這種方式理解Java,首先必須掌握它與編程的一些基本概念。本書討論了編程問題、它們?yōu)楹螘蔀閱栴}以及Java用以解決它們的方法。所以,我對每一章的解釋都建立在如何用語言解決一種特定類型的問題基礎上。按這種方式,我希望引導您一步一步地進入Java的世界,使其最終成為您最自然

15、的一種語言。 貫穿本書,我試圖在您的大腦里建立一個模型——或者說一個“知識結構”。這樣可加深對語言的理解。若遇到難解之處,應學會把它填入這個模型的對應地方,然后自行演繹出答案。事實上,學習任何語言時,腦海里有一個現(xiàn)成的知識結構往往會起到事半功倍的效果。</p><p>  在我第一本書《Using C++》面市的幾乎同一時間(Osborne/McGraw-Hill于1989年出版),我開始教授那種語言。程序


17、也很充足,但仍然損失了一部分聽眾。這可能是由于問得太多了,但由于我是那些采取傳統(tǒng)授課方式的人之一,所以很想使每個人都能跟上講課進度。 有段時間,我編制了大量教學簡報。經(jīng)過不斷的試驗和修訂(或稱“反復”,這是在Java程序設計中非常有用的一項技術),最后成功地在一門課程中集成了從我的教學經(jīng)驗中總結出來的所有東西——我在很長一段時間里都在使用。其中由一系列離散的、易于消化的小步驟組成,而且每個小課程結束后都有一些適當</p&g


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