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1、<p><b>  外文文獻(xiàn)翻譯 </b></p><p>  2013年 5月26 日 </p><p><b>  建筑施工技術(shù)</b></p><p>  1.1鋼筋混凝土 </p><p>  素混凝土是由水泥、水、細(xì)骨料、粗骨料(碎石或;卵石)、空氣,通常還

2、有其他外加劑等經(jīng)過凝固硬化而成。將可塑的混凝土拌合物注入到模板內(nèi),并將其搗實(shí),然后進(jìn)行養(yǎng)護(hù),以加速水泥與水的水化反應(yīng),最后獲得硬化的混凝土。其最終制成品具有較高的抗壓強(qiáng)度和較低的抗拉強(qiáng)度。其抗拉強(qiáng)度約為抗壓強(qiáng)度的十分之一。因此,截面的受拉區(qū)必須配置抗拉鋼筋和抗剪鋼筋以增加鋼筋混凝土構(gòu)件中較弱的受拉區(qū)的強(qiáng)度。 由于鋼筋混凝土截面在均質(zhì)性上與標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的木材或鋼的截面存在著差異,因此,需要對(duì)結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計(jì)的基本原理進(jìn)行修改。將鋼筋混凝土這種非均質(zhì)截面


4、板清理干凈后應(yīng)該在其上涂油,鋼筋表面的銹及其他有害物質(zhì)</p><p><b>  1.2土方工程 </b></p><p>  由于和土木工程中任何其他工種的施工方法與費(fèi)用相比較,土方挖運(yùn)的施工方法與費(fèi)用的變化都要快得多,因此對(duì)于有事業(yè)心的人來說,土方工程是一個(gè)可以大有作為的領(lǐng)域。在1935年,目前采用的利用輪胎式機(jī)械設(shè)備進(jìn)行土方挖運(yùn)的方法大多數(shù)還沒有出現(xiàn)。那是大部

5、分土方是采用窄軌鐵路運(yùn)輸,在這目前來說是很少采用的。當(dāng)時(shí)主要的開挖方式是使用正鏟、反鏟、拉鏟或抓斗等挖土機(jī),盡管這些機(jī)械目前仍然在廣泛應(yīng)用,但是它們只不過是目前所采用的許多方法中的一小部分。因此,一個(gè)工程師為了使自己在土方挖運(yùn)設(shè)備方面的知識(shí)跟得上時(shí)代的發(fā)展,他應(yīng)當(dāng)花費(fèi)一些時(shí)間去研究現(xiàn)代的機(jī)械。一般說來,有關(guān)挖土機(jī)、裝載機(jī)和運(yùn)輸機(jī)械的唯一可靠而又最新的資料可以從制造廠商處獲得。 土方工程或土方挖運(yùn)工程指的是把地表面過高處的土壤挖去(挖方

6、),并把它傾卸到地表面過低的其他地方(填方)。為了降低土方工程費(fèi)用,填方量應(yīng)該等于挖方量,而且挖方地點(diǎn)應(yīng)該盡可能靠近土方量相等的填方地點(diǎn),以減少運(yùn)輸量和填方的二次搬運(yùn)。土方設(shè)計(jì)這項(xiàng)工作落到了從事道路設(shè)計(jì)的工程師的身上,因?yàn)橥练焦こ痰脑O(shè)計(jì)比其他任何工作更能決定工程造價(jià)是否低廉。根據(jù)現(xiàn)有的地圖和標(biāo)高,道路工程師應(yīng)在設(shè)計(jì)繪圖</p><p>  1.3結(jié)構(gòu)的安全度 </p><p>  規(guī)范的

7、主要目的是提供一般性的設(shè)計(jì)原理和計(jì)算方法,以便驗(yàn)算結(jié)構(gòu)的安全度。就目前的趨勢(shì)而言,安全系數(shù)與所使用的材料性質(zhì)及其組織情況無關(guān),通常把它定義為發(fā)生破壞的條件與結(jié)構(gòu)可預(yù)料的最不利的工作條件之比值。這個(gè)比值還與結(jié)構(gòu)的破壞概率(危險(xiǎn)率)成反比。 破壞不僅僅指結(jié)構(gòu)的整體破壞,而且還指結(jié)構(gòu)不能正常的使用,或者,用更為確切的話來說,把破壞看成是結(jié)構(gòu)已經(jīng)達(dá)到不能繼續(xù)承擔(dān)其設(shè)計(jì)荷載的“極限狀態(tài)”。通常有兩種類型的極限狀態(tài),即: </p>

8、;<p>  1.強(qiáng)度極限狀態(tài),它相當(dāng)于結(jié)構(gòu)能夠達(dá)到的最大承載能力。其例子包括結(jié)構(gòu)的局部屈曲和整體不穩(wěn)定性;某此界面失效,隨后結(jié)構(gòu)轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)闄C(jī)構(gòu);疲勞破壞;引起結(jié)構(gòu)幾何形狀顯著變化的彈性變形或塑性變形或徐變;結(jié)構(gòu)對(duì)交變荷載、火災(zāi)和爆炸的敏感性。 </p><p>  2.使用極限狀態(tài),它對(duì)應(yīng)著結(jié)構(gòu)的使用功能和耐久性。器例子包括結(jié)構(gòu)失穩(wěn)之前的過大變形和位移;早期開裂或過大的裂縫;較大的振動(dòng)和腐蝕。 &

9、lt;/p><p>  根據(jù)不同的安全度條件,可以把結(jié)構(gòu)驗(yàn)算所采用的計(jì)算方法分成:</p><p>  1.確定性的方法,在這種方法中,把主要參數(shù)看作非隨機(jī)參數(shù)。 </p><p>  概率方法,在這種方法中,主要參數(shù)被認(rèn)為是隨機(jī)參數(shù)。</p><p>  此外,根據(jù)安全系數(shù)的不同用途,可以把結(jié)構(gòu)的計(jì)算方法分為: </p><

10、;p>  1.容許應(yīng)力法,在這種方法中,把結(jié)構(gòu)承受最大荷載時(shí)計(jì)算得到的應(yīng)力與經(jīng)過按規(guī)定的安全系數(shù)進(jìn)行折減后的材料強(qiáng)度作比較。 </p><p>  2.極限狀態(tài)法,在這種方法中,結(jié)構(gòu)的工作狀態(tài)是以其最大強(qiáng)度為依據(jù)來衡量的。由理論分析確定的這一最大強(qiáng)度應(yīng)不小于結(jié)構(gòu)承受計(jì)算荷載所算得的強(qiáng)度(極限狀態(tài))。計(jì)算荷載等于分別乘以荷載系數(shù)的活載與恒載之和。 把對(duì)應(yīng)于不乘以荷載系數(shù)的活載和恒載的工作(使用)條件的應(yīng)力

11、與規(guī)定值(使用極限狀態(tài))相比較。</p><p>  根據(jù)前兩種方法和后兩種方法的四種可能組合,我們可以得到一些實(shí)用的計(jì)算方法。通常采用下面兩種計(jì)算方法: 確定性的方法,這種方法采用容許應(yīng)力。 概率方法,這種方法采用極限狀態(tài)。 至少在理論上,概率法的主要優(yōu)點(diǎn)是可以科學(xué)的考慮所有隨機(jī)安全系數(shù),然后將這些隨機(jī)安全系數(shù)組合成確定的安全系數(shù)。概率法取決于:</p><p>  1.制作和安裝過

12、程中材料強(qiáng)度的隨機(jī)分布(整個(gè)結(jié)構(gòu)的力學(xué)性能數(shù)值的分散性); </p><p>  2.截面和結(jié)構(gòu)幾何尺寸的不確定性(由結(jié)構(gòu)制作和安裝造成的誤差和缺陷而引起的); 對(duì)作用在結(jié)構(gòu)上的活載和恒載的預(yù)測(cè)的不確定性; 所采用的近似計(jì)算方法有關(guān)的不精確性(實(shí)際應(yīng)力與計(jì)算應(yīng)力的偏差)。 此外,概率理論意味著可以基于下面幾個(gè)因素來確定允許的危險(xiǎn)率,例如: </p><p>  1.建筑物的重要性和建筑

13、物破壞造成的危害性; </p><p>  2.由于建筑物破壞使生活受到威脅的人數(shù); </p><p>  3.修復(fù)建筑的可能性; </p><p>  4.建筑物的預(yù)期壽命。 </p><p>  所有這些因素均與經(jīng)濟(jì)和社會(huì)條件有關(guān),例如:</p><p>  1.建筑物的初始建設(shè)費(fèi);</p><

14、;p>  2.建筑物使用期限內(nèi)的折舊費(fèi); </p><p>  3.由于建筑物破壞而造成的物質(zhì)和材料損失費(fèi); </p><p>  4.在社會(huì)上造成的不良影響; </p><p>  5.精神和心理上的考慮。 </p><p>  The construction technology</p><p><

15、b>  1.1 rc</b></p><p>  Plain concrete is made of cement, water, fine aggregate and coarse aggregate (gravel or; pebble), air, and through hardening of solidification and other admixtures, etc. To p

16、lastic concrete mixture into the template, and compacted, and then carries on the maintenance, in order to accelerate the hydration reaction of cement and water, and finally get the hardening of the concrete. The final f

17、inished goods has high compressive strength and low tensile strength. Its tensile strength is about one ov</p><p>  1.2 the earthwork</p><p>  With any other type of work in the civil engineerin

18、g construction method compared with the cost of earthwork digging of construction methods and the change of the cost is much faster, so for enterprising people, earthwork is an area where can go a long way. In 1935, at p

19、resent the use of wheeled machinery equipment earthwork digging method most haven't shipped to. That's most of the earth is a narrow gauge railway transport, is rarely used in the present. When main excavation me

20、thod is to use sh</p><p>  1.3 the structure of the degree of safety</p><p>  The main purpose of the specification is to provide general design principle and calculation method, so that the cal

21、culation of the structure safety. In terms of current trends, safety coefficient has nothing to do with the properties of materials and its status in the organization, usually defined as it destroyed the most unfavorable

22、 conditions and structure can be expected in the ratio of working conditions. This ratio is also working with the destruction of the structure is inversely proporti</p><p>  1. The strength limit state, whic

23、h is equivalent to the maximum bearing capacity of structure can be achieved. Examples include the structure of the local and overall buckling instability; This interface failure, then structure into institutions; Fatigu

24、e damage; Elastic deformation of the change of the structure geometry significantly or plastic deformation or creep; Structure on the sensitivity of the alternating load, fire and explosion.</p><p>  2. Use

25、limit state, which corresponds to the structure of the use function and durability. Examples include structure instability before too large deformation and displacement; Too much early cracking or fracture; The larger vi

26、bration and corrosion.</p><p>  Under conditions of different degree of safety, can put the structure checking calculation methods are divided into:</p><p>  (1) deterministic methods, in this m

27、ethod, the main parameters as nonrandom parameters.</p><p>  Probability method, in this method, the main parameters are considered to be random parameters.</p><p>  In addition, according to th

28、e different USES of factor of safety, can put the calculation method of the structure can be divided into:</p><p>  1. The allowable stress method, in this method, the structure stress and the maximum load c

29、alculation are in accordance with the provisions of safety coefficient after the reduction of strength of materials.</p><p>  2. The limit state method, in this method, the structure of the working condition

30、 is measured by its biggest strength as the basis. By theoretical analysis to determine the maximum intensity should not be less than structure calculation under load by calculate the intensity of the (limit). Computatio

31、nal load is equal to the multiplied by the coefficient of load live load and dead load separately. The sum of The corresponding to not multiplied by the coefficient of load live load and dead load wo</p><p>

32、  According to the former two methods and the four possible combinations of the two methods, we can get some practical calculation methods. Usually adopt the following two kinds of calculation methods: deterministic meth

33、od, this method USES the allowable stress. Probability method, this method adopts the limit state. At least in theory, the main advantage of the probability method can be science considers all random safety coefficient,

34、and then these random safety coefficient combination into a ce</p><p>  1. In the process of production and installation of random distribution of the material strength, the mechanical performance of the who

35、le structure of numerical dispersion);</p><p>  2. The cross section geometry size and structure of uncertainty (caused by structure production and installation error and defect caused by); The effect on the

36、 structure of live load and dead load forecast uncertainty; Adopted by the approximate calculation method about the inaccuracy of (the actual stress and calculated stress deviation). In addition, the probability theory m

37、eans can be based on the following several factors to determine the risk of allowing, for example:</p><p>  1. The importance of building and building damage caused by the dangerous;</p><p>  2.

38、 Due to the building destruction threatens the life of the population;</p><p>  3. The possibility of repair of buildings;</p><p>  4. The structure of the life expectancy.</p><p> 

39、 All these factors are related to economic and social conditions, such as:</p><p>  1. The structure of the initial construction cost;</p><p>  2. Building use within the period of depreciation;

40、</p><p>  3. Due to destruction of buildings caused by the material and material damages;</p><p>  4. The adverse effects in the society;</p><p>  5. Mental and psychological consid


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