1、<p><b> 中文7700字</b></p><p> Formation Mechanism and Distribution of Paleogene-Neogene Stratigraphic Reservoirs in Jiyang Depression</p><p><b> Abstract</b></p&
2、gt;<p> During Paleogene-Neogene period, multiple scale unconformities had been formed in Jiyang depression, which provided favorable conditions for stratigraphic reservoirs. In recent years, various Paleogene-Ne
3、ogene stratigraphic reservoirs in Jiyang depression have been found, and proved reserves were rising significantly, which fully showed a great exploration potential for this kind of reservoirs. But the practice of explor
4、ation in recent years indicated that the unconformities carrier system and i</p><p> Based on the analysis of a large number of exploration wells and seismic data for Typical reservoirs, the paper analyses
5、unconformities construct and its effect to generation in the Paleogene—Neogene, and summarize the distribution pattern of stratigraphic reservoirs based on petroleum mechanism and accumulation model. Finally, a highly qu
6、antitative prediction modclof height of pools in stratigraphic reservoirs was established, the research results effectively guided the explorationPra- ctice of</p><p> There are four macro unconformity type
7、s of Paleogene—Neogene formation which including truncation-overlap, truncation·parallel, parallel—overlap and paralel unconformity in Jiyang depression.Besides truncation-overlap unconformity lies in slopes of depr
8、ession, and parallel unconformity developed inside of depression,another two types lie in local areas. Unconformity can be developed vertically three-layer structure which including unconformity roof rock, weathered clay
9、 layer and semi-weathered r</p><p> related to many factors such as, parent rock lithology, interval of deposition hiatus, palaeotopography,and preservation conditions, which aretogether to control spatial
10、distributions of unconformity structure types .</p><p> Macro styles and its vertical structure of unconformity can be effected as a blocking, reservoir, trap or carrier system.Blocking affection to fluid d
11、epends on weathered clay layer,hard shell of semi-weathered rock and mudstone. So petroleum migration and accumulation units is relatively independence above and belowunconformity if structure layers mentioned above exis
12、ted. Reservoir affection is due to permeable rock, including roof sandstone .Semi-weathered sandstone, semi-weathered carbonate ro</p><p> Because of the long distance from resource to trap, migration and a
13、ccumulation procese is very complicated.. Accumulation process of Paleogene-Neogene stratigraphic traps can be summarized as following:allochthonous source rock , compound transportation , later period charging, buoyancy
14、 and pressure conversion driving for accumulation, and blocking by non-permeable layer of unconformity, Trap types and its distribution are controlled by unconformity structure styles. Petroleum distribution and i</p&
15、gt;<p> Research results of the paper combined closely with exploration practice, and according to previous research results,31 exploration wells had been drilled, which of them 17 wells were successfully from 20
16、06 to 2009. There is accumulation proved reserves Was up to 2362x104t. and predict reserves was to 3684x104t .</p><p> Keywords:Paleogene; Neogene; unconformity stratigraphie reservoirs; Fomation mechanism;
17、 distribution pattern; Jiyang depression</p><p> 1. Preface</p><p> 1.1 Foundationnd and signifacance of the topic</p><p> 1.1.1 Theme origin</p><p> The theme is
18、 from the Sinopcc project:Forming and distribution of Tertiary</p><p> stratigraphic reservoir of Jiyang depression .</p><p> Theme number:P06012,deadline:2006-2008</p><p> 1.1.2
19、 Foundation and baekground of the theme</p><p> The tectonic events frequently occurred in Jiyang depression in paleogene-Neogene.It was favour of forming stratigraphic reservoir because of existence of se
20、veral kinds of unconformity . Based on statistical data , beneficial area reservoired oil is about 9500km2, and the remaining resource is about 16x 108t in stratigraphic reservoirs of paleogene-Neogene stratas.Since 1980
21、s,many overlap and unconformity reservoirs have been founded , explored reserves Was apparently increased with deep explori</p><p> But , in fact , the research on stratigraphic reservoir is lack or Uttle ,
22、 especially,</p><p> Accumulation pattern and forecasting model of oil have not been studied systematically. For example , the successful ratio of exploration well testing which is the lowest in allkinds re
23、servoirs Was only 35.7%about stratigraphie reservoir in paleogene-Neogene in Jiyang depression from 2001-2005 . The main loss reason for the overlap andunconformity reservoirs exploration is migration and trap of oil tha
24、t is separently53.5%and 23.9%.Hereby , oil migration problem and trap validity are importantasp</p><p> In short,it has three aspects as followed:</p><p> (1)Shallow comprehension about conduc
25、tion of ability of unconformity</p><p> Research on unconformity in present indicated that it is not a simple surface three-dimension body which is important for migration of oil and gas.There has some deep
26、 knows about the basins in west China and the marine basins in China. The systematic theory is lack about structure characteristic which deeply affect accumulating oil and gas.</p><p> (2)The remain uncerta
27、in migration and accumulation process of oil and gas about stratigraphic reservoir remain uncertain .</p><p> Stratigraphic reservoir lay in edge of basin . So it is difficult to exactly hold accumulation r
28、egular of oil and gas because far distance traps and hydrocarbon resources make a complicated migration process.</p><p> (3)Forecasting model of stratigraphic reservoir that could be used to guide explore i
29、s lack It is necessity to finely evaluate and explore stratigraphic reservoir along with degree of exploration. Mayor controlling factors remain uncertain in construction of</p><p> forecasting model of str
30、atigraphic reservoirs.</p><p> 1.1.3 Aim, sense and application value of theme</p><p> The study resolves the problem of statigraphic reservoir formation and distribution of Paleogene-Neogene
31、 in Jiyang depression. By analysis of uniformity structure, their affect on statigraphic reservoir formation will be identify; The accumulation model will be established through study on static geologic characteristic of
32、 statigraphic reservoir ; Forecast mode of oil extent will be achieved through research on oil extent and to predict oil quality.</p><p> Research results Can not only be used to effectively guide statigrap
33、hic reservoir</p><p> Exploring, to raise drilling Success ratio, provide technical support for increasing oil</p><p> production of the Sinopec, and also provide reference to statigraphic res
34、ervoir exploring of Bohai Bay area . Research will enormously deepen statigraphic reservoir accumulation regular and further enrich and improve subtle reservoir exploring theory .</p><p> 1.2 Research pres
35、ent at home and abroad</p><p> 1.2.1 Present research and development at home and abroad</p><p> Unconformity reservoir is one of important exploring object since Levorsen proposed the concep
36、t of stratigraphic trap and then published paper on‘‘Stratigraphic oil field ” in 1 936.It turns into stratigraphic reservoir and lithology reservoir based on scholars deepenly research the Levorsen stratigraphic eservoi
37、r .</p><p> Stratigraphic trap is formed as a result of the updip reservoir directly contigence with unconformity above. According to trap place, accurrence and barrier, stratigraphic oil pools is divided i
38、nto overlap pool, unconformity barbered pool and ancient buried-hill pool .</p><p> Unconformity reservoir research covers three main sections. One is unconformityand its effect on oil accumulating. The sec
39、ond section is developing paaem of stratigraphic trap. The third is mechanism of migrating and accumulating of oil and gas. Present studies mainly focus on the three sections above .</p><p> (1)Unconformity
40、 and its effect on oil accumulation</p><p> Unconformity is geology base and key element to form the overlap and unconformity barriered traps and relevant reservoir . In generally,research on overlap and un
41、conformity barrier reservoirs is first unconformity research target.</p><p> Oil geologists started to understand relationship between inconformity and oil and gas acumination in 1930s. Levorsen published t
42、he book of“geology of petroleumin'1954. The book entirely introduced definition and significance of unconformity and the relatiooships with oil accumulation .The research and application of unconformity were promoted
43、 by stratigraohy and recent oil and gas accumulation theory,especially,the sequence stratigraohy pay a important role in predict of geological discontinuit</p><p> Pan zhongxiang[2’3]referred to unconformit
44、y importance for oil and gas accumulation in 1983. Unconformity is benefit to find petroleum because it is favour of oil and gas migration and accumulation. From 1990s, the research on unconformity and accumulation effec
45、t were also be done in Tarim basin, ordos basin, Bohai bay basin and Jungar basin, a important and innovation result were be achieved .</p><p> Fuguang[4,5],Wu kongyou[l6,7]and Zhang jianlin[8]had noted tha
46、t unconformity is not only a simple surface but also a special geology body, a migration and accumulation passageway of oil and gas. It is represent for tectonic movement, sea or lake suface change,and geologic alteratio
47、n to earlier rocks.The inhomogeneity of alteration and later overlap make the a. rchitecture of unconformity. There ale three layers structure in a ideal unconformity: roof rock above unconformity, weathered clay horiz&l
48、t;/p><p> Panzhongxiang[2'3], Liuxiaohant[11],Zhangkeyin[12],Chenzhonghong[14],Hedengfa,Ai</p><p> huaguo[19],Wuyajun[20],Chenjianping[22'23], Zhangjiguang[2l], John S[26]etc . had a deep
49、</p><p> research on unconformity and refered that unconformity has an apparent controlling</p><p> effect on oil and gas accumulation. In summery, five main aspects is included: charging rese
50、rvoir, charging trap,charging migrating, charging accumulating and destroying reservoir. Based on physical modeling of oil migration, Lv xiuzheng Bekele thought the oil migration is followed the rule “migration through t
51、hin bed”, namely, migration through prevailing passway, otherwise anywhere in a conformity .</p><p> (2)Development regularity of stratigraphic traps</p><p> Overlapped and unconformity is pre
52、mise of overlap and unconformity reservoir </p><p> Exiting. so, this kind reservoir developed based on overlapped and unconformity trap formation first.</p><p> Chensizhong proposed four cond
53、itions for developing overlap and unconformity reservoirs in 1982 based on research on the characteristics of overlapped and unconformity reservoirs and its distribution patterns. First is that Multiple overlapped and un
54、conformity reservoir formed as a result of Multiple unconformityies and overlaps.second is that oil avvumulation area is above and below unconformity nearby hydrocarbon source rock. Third is that Torque subsidence of dus
55、tpan depression cause wide ran</p><p> People deeply know development regularity of overlap and unconformity trap</p><p> with sequence stratigraphy spring up. Zhangshanwen[31] refer that mult
56、i. type break</p><p> control overlap and unconformity trap, base on researching sequence of Zhungaer basin, Bohaibay basin and Songliao basin in 2003. Lipilong[35-39] refer that tectonic and deposit contro
57、l overlap and unconformity trap in 2003 and 2004. Tectonic movement cause basin up and down, formed large area exceed peel zone in edge of basin. It is benefit to form trap.Tectonic form nosing structures in basin. It is
58、 benefit to form traps, Deposit control reservoir and barrier layer forming. Yishiwei[42] propos</p><p> inconformity reservoir characteristic. Overlap and unconformity reservoir distribution</p><
59、;p> are controlled by truncation zone and overlap zone. Enriching is controlled by beneficial accumulating phase belt. </p><p> (3)Oil and gas migration and accumulation mechanism of stratigraphic trap&
60、lt;/p><p> Reservoir is resuk of oil and gas migrating and accumulating in long distance, due to stratigraphic trap far from hydracarbon source rock. It is controlled by migrating dynamic, passageway, path, di
61、stance and accumulation etc. </p><p> Lipilong[35-39]refer that the most effective oil path is fault-sand fault-unconformity and fault-sand-unconformity compound transmit system for overlap and unconfortuit
62、y trap in 2003 and 2004.Lichunguang[44] refer that heavy crude is secondary gas/oil pool through unconformity path migrating and accumulating in unconformity accompany trap, based on researching feavy crude reservoir of
63、Dongying depression in 1999. Zhangjiazhent and Wangyongshi[48]refer that Y'Lhezhuang reservoir mainly lie in 100</p><p> All in one, there are many researches and outcome about trap develop and oil/gas
64、accumulation of land facies basin stratigraphy reservoir home and abroad. But trap forcast is difficult because stratigraphy lie in basin edge and changeable lithofacies.Accumulation regular known less than other type re
65、servoir, especially how unconformity affect stratigraphic reservoir develop, accumulation process, model and distribution, because of long distance between trap and hydrocarbon ,complex migtation pro</p><p>
66、 1.2.2 Developing tendency</p><p> Overlap and unconformity reservoir show more and more important position with development of un-anticlinal trap exploratory development and rising of degree of explorati
67、on of petroliferous basin.Survey showed that although large of reseach and probe,research of overlap and unconformity are limited at quality. But, the common understanding include following respects:</p><p>
68、 (1)Evaluation of structure, carrier system and barrier ability </p><p> Unconformity is important to develop overlap and unconformitty barrier reservoir. Now research about unconformity focus on one angle
69、. It is tendency that begins with contributing factor of unconformity, analysis structure, make definite forming characteristic, evaluate transmiting and barrier ability, analyze the relationship between unconformity and
70、 oil/gas reservoir.</p><p> (2)Mayor controlling factors and developing regularity of overlap and</p><p> unconformity reservoir.</p><p> It is common understanding that key over
71、lap and unconformity barrier trap formation in develop system in home and abroad. Based Oll many research, this type trap is controlled by reservoir, cap rock and crossrange barrier, especially their valid matching.Howev
72、er,there is not deep research on three elements on system and contributing because of exploration phase confinement.</p><p> (3)Oil and gas migration mechanism and accumulation model of overlapped and</p
73、><p> stratigraphic reservoir.</p><p> With long distance migration and accumulation, reservoir development relate to</p><p> Dynamic, fashion, path, distance, process, etc. Element
74、. They limit the understanding</p><p> about oil migrating mechanism. It is tendency that based on quantification, combinating type dissect, establishing accumulating model, effectively guide unconformity r
75、eservoir exploration .</p><p> 1.3 Research content and technique route</p><p> 1.3.1 Research content</p><p> The subject confh'm following three research contents in view
76、 of key problem</p><p> based on research present and development tendency .</p><p> (1)Characteristic and distribution ofunconformity architectures</p><p> Based on basin the ev
77、olution of basin structure and deposition, through structural geology and sedimentology, and combined lab analysis, geophysical interpretation and mathematical statistics, the geology characteristic of unconformity and m
78、ayor controlling factors were analysised to definite spatial distribution unconformity architectures .</p><p> (2)Formation mechanism and accumulation model of stratigraphic reservoir</p><p>
79、Based on geology comprehensive research and mathematical statistics of static-characteristic of stratigraphy reservoir and by analysis migration and accumulation.Process, the migration path, accumulation stage and accumu
80、lation dynamic mechanism were analyzed to evaluate unconformity affect on oil/gas accumulation in geological history .</p><p> Based on above research, sum up stratigraphy reservoir accumulating mechanism o
81、f Paleogene-Neogene, establish accumulating model through positive and negative respects research .</p><p> (3)Distribution paRem and predict of favorable area of stratigraphy reservoir</p><p>
82、 According to accumulation process and model, sum up distribution of stratigraphy reservoir. Based on mathematics statistics and geology analysis, make definite main element and quantification token parameter of oilness
83、 altitude, probe quantification forcast model of oilness altitude of stratigraphy reservoir starting from oil/gas migrating and accumulation process .</p><p> Based on research findings above, it mainly foc
84、us on forecasting of stratigraphic</p><p> reservoir nearby unconformities between Paleogene—Neogene and pre—Paleogene, and between Neogene and Paleogene .</p><p> 1.3.2 Technique route</p
85、><p> Using for reference from outcome of predecessors, based on type characteristic and distribution of unconformity of Jiyang depression, keep layer unique feature and accumulation process dissecting loss tr
86、ap analyze as key, make geology comprehensive research and mathematical statistics method, sum up accumulation process and model, sum up main element, establish quantification forcast model of trap oilness, evaluate bene
87、fit exploring area .</p><p> Figl-1: Frame picture showing research technique route ofdistribution pattern and formation of samigraphy reservoir in Paleogene and Neogene slratas in Jiyang depression</p&g
88、t;<p> 濟陽坳陷古近系一新近系地層油藏形成機制與分布規(guī)律</p><p><b> 摘 要 </b></p><p> 濟陽坳陷古近系.新近系發(fā)育過程中,形成了多個規(guī)模不等的不整合,為地層油藏的發(fā)育提供了有利條件。近些年,濟陽坳陷相繼發(fā)現(xiàn)了多個古近系.新近系地層油藏,探明儲量呈明顯上升趨勢,充分展示了該類油藏具有較大的勘探潛力。但勘探實踐也
89、表明,目前對不整合輸導與遮擋性能、地層油藏油氣運聚過程與成藏模式、地層油藏分布規(guī)律等認識程度還很低,這些認識上的不足在較大程度上制約著地層油藏的深化勘探。</p><p> 本文基于區(qū)內大量探井與地震資料分析、典型地區(qū)油藏解剖,分析了古近系。新近系不整合樣式結構特征及其在油氣成藏中的作用,研究了古近系,新近系地層油藏形成過程與成藏模式,總結了盆緣地層油藏分布規(guī)律,探索建立了地層油藏含油高度量化預測模型,研究成果
90、有效指導了地層油藏的勘探實踐。</p><p> 研究表明,濟陽坳陷古近系.新近系不整合宏觀樣式有四種,分別為削超、削平、平超、平行。其中,削超樣式主要分布在凹陷邊坡地區(qū),平行樣式主要分布在凹陷內部,其它類型樣式分布局限。垂向上發(fā)育三層結構,即不整合頂板巖石、風化粘土層和半風化巖石,風化粘土層缺失時成為二層結構,部分半風化巖石頂部因后期完全充填而形成一層致密“硬殼”。不整合結構層在巖石學、礦物學、元素地球化學、
91、風化程度指標上呈現(xiàn)出不同特征。以巖心分析為約束,應用有序數(shù)列最優(yōu)分割與主成分分析方法,建立了不整合結構測井量化判識圖版,實現(xiàn)了無巖心情況下的不整合結構識別。不整合結構的形成與原巖巖性、間斷時期、古地形、保存條件等因素密切相關,上述多種因素在盆地發(fā)育過程中的相互耦合,控制著不整合結構層的空間展布。</p><p> 不整合宏觀樣式與垂向結構是決定不整合在油氣成藏中遮擋、儲集、控圈或輸導作用的關鍵。其中,遮擋作用主
93、層、非滲透性結構層對接;不整合遮擋圈閉則主要形成于削超樣式、削平樣式的不整合中,不整合面上、下為非滲透性結構層、滲透性結構層對接。輸導作用取決于不整合結構中滲透層及其項部非滲透層的橫向連續(xù)性。由于陸相斷陷盆地以砂泥巖互層為主,泥巖層風化后物性改善不大,不利于油氣沿不整合長距離橫向輸導,而只在局部地區(qū)起橫向或垂向輸導作用。</p><p> 古近系.新近系地層圈閉圈源距離較遠,油氣運聚過程復雜,其成藏過程可概括為
95、地層油藏有利目標區(qū),預計儲量規(guī)模超過1.5xl08t。課題研究與實踐緊密結合。2006.2009年,以研究成果及認識為指導,部署探井31口,成功17口,累計探明儲量2362x 104t,預測儲量3684x 104t,勘探效果顯著。</p><p> 關鍵詞:古近系; 新近系; 不整合; 地層油藏; 形成機制; 分布規(guī)律; 濟陽坳陷 </p><p><b> l.前言<
96、/b></p><p> 1.1 選題依據(jù)及意義</p><p> 1.1.1 課題來源</p><p> 課題來源于中國石化股份公司《濟陽坳陷第三系不整合油氣藏形成與分布規(guī)</p><p><b> 律》科研項目。</b></p><p> 課題編號:P06012,研究期限:20
97、06--2008年</p><p> 1.1.2 選題依據(jù)和背景情況</p><p> 濟陽坳陷構造變動頻繁,在古近系一新近系發(fā)育過程中,形成多個規(guī)模不等的不整合,具備了古近系一新近系地層油藏發(fā)育的基本地質條件。根據(jù)最新資料,古近系一新近系地層油藏所處有利區(qū)帶面積9500km2,區(qū)帶剩余資源量16 X 108t。自1970年首次上報地層油藏探明儲量以來,濟陽坳陷在古近系一新近系相繼發(fā)現(xiàn)
98、了多個地層超覆和不整合遮擋油氣藏,特別是進入80年代后,隨著勘探力度的不斷加大,濟陽坳陷地層油藏探明儲量有了明顯上升。截止到2006年底,濟陽坳陷已累計探明古近系一新近系地層超覆和不整合遮擋油藏儲量3.7億噸,充分展示了該類油藏在濟陽坳陷具有較大的勘探潛力。</p><p> 但勘探實踐中也反映了這樣一個不容置疑的客觀現(xiàn)實:由于地層圈閉一般位于盆地邊緣,巖相及不整合變化快,圈閉有效性地質預測難度大;同時圈源距離
100、進一步分析,可歸納為以下三方面:</p><p> 一是不整合樣式結構及其控藏作用認識還較膚淺。近些年研究表明,不整合不是一個簡單的面,而是一個三維結構體。不整合三維結構體對油氣的輸導與遮擋產生重要的作用,這在中國西部盆地及海相盆地已經有了一些較深入認識。但濟陽坳陷古近系.新近系地層油藏形成機制與分布規(guī)律對以陸相斷陷盆地為主的中國東部諸盆地,不整合樣式結構特征還不明確,其對油氣的遮擋、儲集、圈閉、輸導等方面如何
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