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1、<p><b>  本科畢業(yè)論文</b></p><p><b>  外文文獻(xiàn)及譯文</b></p><p>  文獻(xiàn)、資料題目:The Olympic Games: Will Rio Benefit as Much as Beijing</p><

2、p>  文獻(xiàn)、資料來源: 國道數(shù)據(jù)庫</p><p>  文獻(xiàn)、資料發(fā)表(出版)日期: 2009.10.14</p><p>  院 (部): </p><p>  專 業(yè): </p><p>  班 級: </p><p>  姓

3、 名: </p><p>  學(xué) 號: </p><p>  指導(dǎo)教師: </p><p>  翻譯日期: </p><p><b>  外文文獻(xiàn): </b></p><p>  The Olympic G

4、ames:Will Rio Benefit as Much as Beijing</p><p>  For Brazil, winning the opportunity in late September to host the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro probably represents many of the same things that the

5、 2008 games did for China: a chance for the world to see that it is now an influential, modern country and a way to showcase -- domestically and internationally -- its remarkable economic growth. But do cities benefit as

6、 much from hosting Olympic Games as local residents and businesses alike are led to believe? Is the return on investment hi</p><p>  There are no easy answers. One year after Beijing was host to sports stars

7、 from around the world, some analysts question whether China's capital city and all the stakeholders involved benefitted greatly from the games. Yet the feel-good factors are hard to ignore. For one thing, the Olympi

8、cs seem to have been useful for China from a marketing perspective, in terms of rallying people within the country and raising global awareness about “Brand China.” Simon Anholt, a government-reputation adviser</p>

9、<p>  Observers also note that the timing of the 2008 event augured well for the organizers, saying the combination of public and private spending for the games may have acted as an early stimulus program before t

10、he global economic downturn began making a deeper impact later that year. “The global financial crisis overshadowed the Olympics, but from a Chinese perspective, the crisis was an external threat and the nationalistic or

11、gy of the Olympics gave [Chinese] leadership an extra boost in fending it</p><p>  The government also used the games as a catalyst to clean up many environmentally unfriendly industries all over the country

12、 and to increase spending on public infrastructure, including transportation. “The Chinese government very cannily used the Olympics as a way to push environmental change in China,” says Shaun Rein, managing director of

13、the China Market Research Group, a Shanghai-based market research consultancy. Even Greenpeace, the activist environmental non-profit, gives Beijing high ma</p><p>  Getting the Job Done</p><p>

14、  But is this simply blurring the lines between what was the result of the Olympics and what should have been on the government’s to-do list anyway? “It is true that Beijing is cleaner and more so because of [the Olympic

15、s]. But the government did not need an excuse to do all these [things],” says Lin Bo Qiang, a professor at the Center of China Energy Economics Research at Xiamen University.</p><p>  Jonathan Anderson, head

16、 of Asia-Pacific economics for UBS, says that Beijing is such a small city relative to the rest of the country -- representing 2.5% of national GDP and 1% of the population -- that the economic impact of the event was li

17、mited. “It was just too small of an event to really matter.” </p><p>  And not all public relations was good. “The China brand got a lift as a result of the games mainly because of the flawless execution. So

18、 the positive perception is definitely one about Chinese capabilities in getting things done,” says Minxin Pei, a professor of political science at Claremont McKenna College in Claremont, California. “The facilities were

19、 finished on time and the games went on without a hitch. That's good news. The bad perception is about credibility -- the use of the ‘fake’ girl</p><p>  Other incidents put the PR acumen of various glob

20、al sponsors to the test. Threatening to scupper their well-choreographed sponsorships, pre-game protests outside China over human rights issues in Tibet and Darfur, Sudan, with disruptions to the global torch procession

21、in Paris and elsewhere. In what became a politically sticky double threat, some sponsors found themselves caught between the risk of an international boycott of their products for supporting the Beijing games and the ris

22、k of a dome</p><p>  Opinions regarding the return on investment for corporate sponsors are also divided. “Consumers didn’t really care and they didn’t really know who the official Olympics sponsors were,” s

23、ays Rein, who says many sponsors weren’t happy with their return on the Olympics. Yet Scott Kronick, president of the Ogilvy Beijing Group of Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide, notes that sales for two of the firm’s clie

24、nts who sponsored the Olympics – Adidas and UPS – grew dramatically during the Games, and UPS </p><p>  For Sam Taylor, president of Reputation Dynamics, a New York-based corporate social responsibility (CSR

25、) consultancy, part of the difficulty for sponsors was the result of an ad hoc approach to CSR. “At the last Olympics, some companies had fragmented approaches toward developing social responsibility programs and alignin

26、g them around causes,” she says. One of her key lessons: Clear, consistent communications about the aim of their CSR programs at such events is critical. “While the Darfur situa</p><p>  Domestic and regiona

27、l sponsors may have received a greater return on their investment. “For companies in emerging markets, Olympics sponsorship has become a badge of honor and ‘graduation party’ -- much the way it has long served for nation

28、al governments," says Terry of Cotton Tree Productions. "At least one of my clients, Chaoda, which supplied vegetables to the Olympic village and other venues, has made its ‘Olympic mission’ central to its mark

29、eting before and after. I suspect others are doing</p><p>  The Games People Play</p><p>  For host cities generally, sponsorship seems to be a mixed blessing. A number of studies by academics a

30、nd consultants suggest that Olympics-related economic growth is often a case of wishful thinking, and that positively-spun scenarios often don't differentiate short-term consumer spending from long-term growth. Notab

31、ly, cities are often left with costly yet unusable Olympics infrastructure once the party is over -- dormitories, specialized facilities, an oversupply of hotel rooms, to name a few</p><p>  For Beijing, the

32、 financial and human costs of the 2008 Olympics were enormous: </p><p>  More than 600,000 residents were displaced as old neighborhoods were razed to make way for the Olympic venues. And while the legacy in

33、cludes new subway lines, a new state-of-the-art stadium and a swimming and diving center, so far, only one event has been held in the 91,000-seat stadium -- a massive opera production -- and there is some talk that it co

34、uld eventually be converted into a shopping center.</p><p>  Other host cities have much less to show for their efforts. The games in Athens -- costing approximately $14 billion -- went so far in the red tha

35、t the bills are still being paid, amounting to the equivalent of $70,000 per household, according to an estimate by U.K. newspaper The Independent. It took Montreal's residents until 2006 to pay off the $1 billion th

36、eir 1976 Olympics cost.</p><p>  For the hosts’ countries, the value may be more positive, given that PR is managed well. Anholt says tourism in Australia jumped after the 2000 summer games in Sydney, in par

37、t because of a post-event publicity campaign touting the games' success. But for every Australia, there's a Greece, he notes. Greece failed to capitalize on the twin successes of the Athens 2004 games and its hos

38、ting of -- and victory in -- the European football championship that same year, “its greatest PR opportunity since</p><p>  But despite the risks -- such as PR campaigns coming unstuck -- the upsides of host

39、ing the Olympics outnumber the downsides, particularly as the world climbs out of the economic downturn. A recent study by two economists -- Andrew Rose of the University of California, Berkeley, and Mark Spiegel of the

40、Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco -- found that after an Olympics, host countries’ export trade generally increases. In an examination of 196 countries’ economic performance between 1950 and 20</p><p>  

41、Another big event, soccer's World Cup, has similarly attractive results. Non-sporting spectaculars, such as a World’s Fair -- which Shanghai is hosting in 2010 -- are also positively associated with national economic

42、 growth. Timing is important, however. The Olympic findings seem to hold true only for games held in the summer rather than winter. The economists suggest that the effect is partly because the spending and TV viewership

43、of the winter games tend to be smaller, and the events are hoste</p><p>  If Rose and Spiegel are right, Brazil, the U.K. and China all have good economic times to look forward to as a result of their Olympi

44、c involvement. But what about the losers? For the likes of Chicago, Tokyo and other cities that don't win the chance to host an Olympic event, Rose and Spiegel say that simply the act of making a bid can have the sam

45、e positive effect on trade as hosting it does, with a lot less investment. They note, “The 'Olympic effect' on trade in the data is not associated with</p><p><b>  中文譯文:</b></p>&l

46、t;p>  奧運(yùn)會:里約能像北京那樣獲益良多嗎?</p><p>  對巴西來說,9月末贏得在里約熱內(nèi)盧主辦2016年夏季奧運(yùn)會的機(jī)會,可能意味著在很多方面會與2008年奧運(yùn)會對中國的意義相同:這是一個讓全世界看看自己已經(jīng)成了一個頗具影響力的現(xiàn)代國家的機(jī)會,同時,也是一個展示——既向國內(nèi)展示,同時也向國際社會展示——自己令人矚目的經(jīng)濟(jì)增長的機(jī)會。但是,主辦城市真的像許多民眾和企業(yè)認(rèn)為的那樣,能從舉辦夏季奧運(yùn)

47、會上獲益良多嗎?奧運(yùn)會的投資回報真地能高到足以將數(shù)個月甚至數(shù)年準(zhǔn)備的投入收回的程度嗎?另外,北京能為里約熱內(nèi)盧和將來舉辦奧運(yùn)會的其他城市提供什么樣的經(jīng)驗和教訓(xùn)呢?</p><p>  這些問題并沒有簡單的答案。在北京作為東道主,讓全世界的體育明星聚集一堂一年以后,就中國的首都以及其他所有的利益相關(guān)人(Stakeholder)是否從這次奧運(yùn)會上收益頗豐的問題,有些分析家提出了質(zhì)疑。不過,人們很難對讓中國自我感覺良好

48、的諸多因素視而不見。首先,從市場營銷角度看來,從重振中國人的凝聚力以及提升全球?qū)Α爸袊放啤保˙rand China)認(rèn)知的角度來看,這次奧運(yùn)會對中國頗有幫助。西蒙·安霍爾特(Simon Anholt)談到,他自己進(jìn)行的最新研究得到的初步成果表明,在經(jīng)歷了幾年的下跌之后,中國的國家品牌指數(shù)排名在奧運(yùn)會之后得到了提升,安霍爾特是一位政府聲譽(yù)顧問,創(chuàng)建了包括50個國家的“安霍爾特-捷孚凱國家品牌指數(shù)”(Anholt-GfK Rop

49、er Nation Brands Index)(捷孚凱市場咨詢公司是一家總部位于德國紐倫堡的有80年歷史的全球性市場研究機(jī)構(gòu)——譯者注),這一指數(shù)是對國家聲譽(yù)進(jìn)行全球民意調(diào)查的結(jié)果。</p><p>  觀察家們還指出,考慮到在這場全球性經(jīng)濟(jì)衰退在去年晚些時候造成更大的影響之前,針對這次奧運(yùn)會的公共開支和個人消費(fèi)合起來,可能扮演了刺激經(jīng)濟(jì)發(fā)展的早期角色,所以,對組織者來說,2008年奧運(yùn)會的舉辦時機(jī)是個吉兆。“這

50、場全球性金融危機(jī)給這次奧運(yùn)會蒙上了陰影,但是,從中國的角度而言,這場危機(jī)只是個外部的威脅,這次奧運(yùn)會激起的民族主義熱潮,為中國的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人擊退危機(jī)提供了額外的動力?!奔t棉制作(Cotton Tree Productions)——一家設(shè)在香港、為東亞提供商業(yè)和公共事務(wù)咨詢顧問服務(wù)的機(jī)構(gòu)——的董事總經(jīng)理伊迪絲?特里(Edith Terry)談到。</p><p>  政府還將這次奧運(yùn)會當(dāng)作了在全國范圍內(nèi)清理很多對環(huán)境有害

51、的企業(yè),以及增加包括交通運(yùn)輸設(shè)施在內(nèi)的公共基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施投入的“催化劑”?!爸袊浅G擅畹貙⑦@次奧運(yùn)會當(dāng)作了推動中國環(huán)境改善的契機(jī)?!蔽挥谏虾5氖袌鲅芯款檰枡C(jī)構(gòu)中國市場研究集團(tuán)(China Market Research Group)的董事總經(jīng)理雷小山(Shaun Rein)談到。甚至連綠色和平組織(Greenpeace)——一個由環(huán)保積極分子構(gòu)成的非營利性組織——也對北京的環(huán)境治理工作給予了高度評價,這些工作包括為汽車設(shè)定了全新的排放標(biāo)

52、準(zhǔn)、開通了五條地鐵新線路,以及有近4,000輛公共汽車采用了清潔燃燒的壓縮天然氣。</p><p><b>  完成工作</b></p><p>  但是,這是不是將這次奧運(yùn)會的成果與政府本來就應(yīng)該做的工作之間的界限弄模糊了呢?“確實,北京變得更干凈了,這次奧運(yùn)會尤為功不可沒。可是,做這些工作,政府并不需要什么借口?!睆B門大學(xué)中國能源經(jīng)濟(jì)研究中心(the Center

53、 of China Energy Economics Research)的林伯強(qiáng)教授談到。</p><p>  瑞銀集團(tuán)(UBS)亞太區(qū)首席經(jīng)濟(jì)師喬納森·安德森(Jonathan Anderson)認(rèn)為,與這個國家的其他部分比較起來,北京這個城市的規(guī)模還很小——其國內(nèi)生產(chǎn)總值只占全國的2.5%,人口只占全國人口的1%,因此,這項活動的經(jīng)濟(jì)影響是有限的?!斑@項活動的規(guī)模太小了,實際上無足輕重?!?lt;/

54、p><p>  此外,并不是所有的公共關(guān)系(public relations)活動都會有出色的結(jié)果。“這次運(yùn)動會之所以使中國品牌的地位有所提升,主要原因在于完美的執(zhí)行。所以,毫無疑問,這次奧運(yùn)會給人的正面印象是中國人完成工作的能力?!蔽挥诩永D醽喼菘巳R蒙特(Claremont)的克萊蒙特麥肯納學(xué)院(Claremont McKenna College)政治學(xué)教授裴敏欣(Minxin Pei)談到。“各種設(shè)施如期完成,

55、比賽沒有出現(xiàn)任何問題。這些都是好消息。而這次奧運(yùn)會留給人的負(fù)面印象則是信譽(yù)問題——開幕式上推出了‘冒牌’女孩(假唱),以及圍繞女子體操運(yùn)動員未到法定年齡問題的造成了輿論大嘩。人們想知道的是,中國品牌是否還存在其他離奇古怪的東西?!?lt;/p><p>  其他事件則讓各個全球贊助商的公共關(guān)系智慧經(jīng)受了考驗。有人威脅,要摧毀它們精心策劃的贊助活動,有人在奧運(yùn)會開幕之前,就西藏和蘇丹達(dá)爾富爾(Darfur)地區(qū)的人權(quán)問題

56、,以在巴黎和其他地方破壞奧運(yùn)火炬全球傳遞活動的方式,在中國境外舉行了抗議活動。在政治上頗為棘手的雙重威脅之間,有些贊助商深深陷入了兩種風(fēng)險的夾擊,一個風(fēng)險是:它們對北京奧運(yùn)會的支持,會引起國際社會對其產(chǎn)品的抵制;另一個風(fēng)險是:如果它們退出,那么,便會受到中國人在國內(nèi)對它們的對抗。</p><p>  有關(guān)奧運(yùn)會贊助商投資回報的觀點同樣存在很大分歧。“消費(fèi)者并不真的很在乎誰是贊助商,他們并不知道到底誰是奧運(yùn)會的的正

57、式贊助商?!崩仔∩竭€談到,很多贊助商對投資于本屆奧運(yùn)會的回報并不滿意。然而,奧美公共關(guān)系國際集團(tuán)(Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide)奧美北京集團(tuán)(Ogilvy Beijing Group)的總裁斯科特·克羅尼克(Scott Kronick)則談到,在奧運(yùn)會舉辦期間,為奧運(yùn)會提供贊助的兩個客戶——阿迪達(dá)斯公司(Adidas)和美國聯(lián)合包裹運(yùn)送服務(wù)公司(UPS)——的銷售額大幅增長,美國聯(lián)合包裹運(yùn)

58、送服務(wù)公司已經(jīng)與2012年倫敦夏季奧運(yùn)會的組委會簽訂了贊助協(xié)議?!皧W運(yùn)會以后,我還沒有聽到有哪個贊助商為自己的贊助感到后悔的?!彼劦?。</p><p>  信譽(yù)動態(tài)公司(Reputation Dynamics)——一家設(shè)在紐約的企業(yè)社會責(zé)任(corporate social responsibility,簡稱CSR)咨詢顧問機(jī)構(gòu)——的總裁薩姆·泰勒(Sam Taylor)認(rèn)為,對贊助商來說,有些麻煩在


60、>  國內(nèi)贊助商和地區(qū)贊助商可能在其投資上獲得了豐厚的回報?!皩δ切┬屡d市場中的公司來說,奧運(yùn)會贊助商資格已經(jīng)成了榮譽(yù)徽章和‘畢業(yè)典禮’,在很大程度上而言,這屆奧運(yùn)會一直承擔(dān)著國家政府的某些職能。”紅棉制作的特里談到。“在我的客戶中,至少有一個客戶——為奧運(yùn)村和其他比賽場所供應(yīng)蔬菜的朝達(dá)公司(音譯)——在奧運(yùn)會前后一直將‘奧運(yùn)任務(wù)’當(dāng)作市場營銷的核心。我覺得其他公司也一樣。”</p><p><b&g

61、t;  人間游戲</b></p><p>  總體而言,對主辦城市來說,主辦奧運(yùn)會的結(jié)果似乎喜憂參半。學(xué)術(shù)機(jī)構(gòu)和咨詢顧問的很多研究結(jié)果表明,與奧運(yùn)會相關(guān)的經(jīng)濟(jì)增長往往只是如意算盤,人們往往無法分辨,那些積極的動態(tài)是來自短期的消費(fèi)性開支,還是源于長期的增長。顯而易見的是,一旦奧運(yùn)會結(jié)束,主辦城市往往會留下花費(fèi)不菲但卻無法使用的奧運(yùn)基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施,比如,奧運(yùn)村,專門設(shè)施,以及過剩的旅館房間等等。盡管主辦城市已經(jīng)

62、從過去的錯誤中吸取了教訓(xùn),同時,為將這些設(shè)施轉(zhuǎn)化為新用途付出了更多的努力——比如,主辦1996年奧運(yùn)會的亞特蘭大,最后留下的是由私人投資興建的價值5億美元的全新公共建筑群和21英畝的公園——不過,減少損失的能力到底還不同于經(jīng)濟(jì)成果。</p><p>  對北京來說,主辦2008年奧運(yùn)會投入的財力和人力是巨大的:為了給奧運(yùn)會場館騰地方,老社區(qū)被夷為平地,60多萬居民拆遷。盡管這次奧運(yùn)會留下的遺產(chǎn)包括全新的地鐵線路、

63、一個反映了現(xiàn)代水平的全新體育場以及一個游泳跳水中心,不過,截止到目前,在這座有91,000個座位的體育場中,只舉辦過一次大型活動——一場歌劇演出,坊間傳言,這個體育場最終將被改造成一個購物中心。</p><p>  其他主辦城市的工作則乏善可陳。雅典奧運(yùn)會花費(fèi)了大致140億美元,截止到目前,這些債務(wù)依然沒有還清,據(jù)英國的《獨(dú)立報》(The Independent)估計,其債務(wù)總額已經(jīng)累加到了相當(dāng)于每個家庭負(fù)債7萬


65、賽中撥得頭籌——所取得的成功。“那是自特洛伊(Troy)大劫之后的最佳公共關(guān)系契機(jī)?!彼劦健!翱晌胰ビ^看奧運(yùn)會時,雅典向我傳遞的唯一信息就是:我們買得起很多煙火,我們對自己的遺產(chǎn)充滿自豪,我們把奧運(yùn)會組織得超乎你的想象?!睋Q句話說,在提升自己的國家形象方面,他們無所作為。</p><p>  盡管存在這些風(fēng)險——比如,公共關(guān)系宣傳活動遭遇挫折——不過,主辦奧運(yùn)會的好處依然會超過負(fù)面影響,尤其是在全球正在擺脫經(jīng)濟(jì)

66、衰退的時候。兩位經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)家——加州大學(xué)伯克利分校(University of California,Berkeley)的安德魯·羅斯(Andrew Rose)和舊金山聯(lián)邦儲備銀行(Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco)的馬克·斯皮戈爾(Mark Spiegel)——最近進(jìn)行的一項研究發(fā)現(xiàn),奧運(yùn)會結(jié)束以后,主辦國的出口貿(mào)易通常都會出現(xiàn)增長。在對196個國家從1950年到2006年的經(jīng)

67、濟(jì)表現(xiàn)進(jìn)行研究以后,他們發(fā)現(xiàn),奧運(yùn)會前主辦國的出口比非主辦國的出口平均高出30%,他們從中發(fā)現(xiàn),這種相關(guān)性“從統(tǒng)計學(xué)上看很穩(wěn)定、持久,而且關(guān)聯(lián)性很強(qiáng)。”奧運(yùn)會的作用還不止于此,“奧運(yùn)會不只扮演了促進(jìn)出口的角色,而且還促進(jìn)了主辦國與世界其他國家的雙邊貿(mào)易?!彼麄冊?009年4月一篇名為《奧運(yùn)會效應(yīng)》(The Olympic Effect)的論文中寫道。羅斯和斯皮戈爾認(rèn)為,奧運(yùn)會相當(dāng)于向全球發(fā)出了一個積極的信號,盡管這個信號花費(fèi)不菲,即:這

68、個國家會真誠吸引外國</p><p>  足球世界杯(World Cup)等重大賽事也具有引人入勝的類似效果。此外,非運(yùn)動性的重大活動,比如,世界博覽會——比如上海將主辦2010年世博會——同樣也會給主辦國的經(jīng)濟(jì)增長帶來積極影響。不過,時機(jī)很重要??雌饋恚瑠W運(yùn)會的研究成果只適用于夏季奧運(yùn)會,而不是冬奧會。經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)家們認(rèn)為,之所以有這種效應(yīng),部分原因在于冬季奧運(yùn)會的支出和電視收視率都相對較小,此外,冬季奧運(yùn)會都是由相

69、對較小的城市主辦的,比如,紐約的普萊西德湖(Lake Placid)(1932年第三屆、1980年第十三屆冬奧會舉辦城市——譯者注)以及法國的阿爾貝維爾(Albertville)(1992年第十六屆冬奧會舉辦城市——譯者注)。</p><p>  如果羅斯和斯皮戈爾是對的,那么,巴西、英國和中國都將會看到奧運(yùn)會所帶來的良好經(jīng)濟(jì)前景。可是,那些申辦失敗的城市又怎么樣呢?羅斯和斯皮戈爾認(rèn)為,對芝加哥、東京以及其他未能


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