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1、<p>  Computer-aided Design and Computer-aided Manufacturing(CAD/CAM)</p><p>  Throughout the history of our industrial society,many invention have been patented and whole new technologies have evolved

2、.Whitney is concept of interchangeable parts,Watt’s steam engine,and Ford is assembly line are but a few developments that are most noteworthy during our industrial period . Each of these developments has impacted manufa

3、cturing as we know it,and has earned these individuals deserved recognition in 0ur history hooks. Perhaps the single development that has impacted manufactur</p><p>  Since the advent 0f computer technology,

4、 manufacturing professionals have wanted to automate the design process and use the database developed therein for automating manufacturing processes. Computer—aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM),when suc

5、cessfully implemented, should remove the “wall” that has traditionally existed between the design and manufacturing components .</p><p>  CAD/CAM means using computers in the design and manufacturing process

6、es. Since the advent of CAD/CAM,other terms have developed:</p><p>  Computer graphics(CG)</p><p>  Computer—aided engineering(CAE)</p><p>  Computer-aided design and drafting(CADD)

7、</p><p>  Computer aided process planning(CAPP)</p><p>  These spin-off terms a11 refer to specific aspects of the CAD/CAM concept CAD/CAM itself is a broader,more inclusive term. It is at the h

8、eart of automated and integrated manufacturing.</p><p>  A key goal of CAD/CAM is to produce data that can be used in manufacturing a product while developing the database for the design of that product When

9、 successfully implemented, CAD/CAM involves the sharing of a common database between the design and manufacturing components of a company,</p><p>  Interactive computer graphics (ICG) plays an important role

10、 in CAD/CAM, Though the use of ICG, designers develop a graphic image of the product being designed while storing the data that electronically make up the graphic image. The graphic image can be presented in a two-dimens

11、ional (2+D) , three-dimensional(3-D),or solids format. ICG image are constructed using such basic geometric characters as points, lines, circles, and curves. Once created, these images can be easily edited and manipulate

12、d</p><p>  An lCG system has three main components :1 ) hardware, which consists of the computer and various peripheral devices; 2) software, which consists of the computer programs and technical manuals fo

13、r the system ; and 3) the human designer, the most important of the three components.</p><p>  A typical hardware configuration for an ICG System include a computer,a display terminal, a disk drive unit for

14、floppy diskettes, a hard disk, or both; and input/output devices such as a keyboard,plotter, and printer. These devices, along with the software, are the tools modern designers use to develop and document their designs.&

15、lt;/p><p>  The ICG systems could enhance the design process by allowing the human designer to focus on the intellectual aspects of the design process, such as conceptualization and making judgment-based decisi

16、ons. The computer performs tasks for which it is better suited, such as mathematical calculations, storage and retrieval of data,and various repetitive operations such as crosshatching.</p><p>  Rationale fo

17、r CAD/CAM</p><p>  The rationale CAD/CAM is similar to that used to justify any technology-based improvement in manufacturing . It grows out of a need to continually improve productivity,quality.a(chǎn)nd,in turn

18、competitiveness. There are also other reasons why a company might make a conversion from manual processes to CAD/CAM:</p><p>  increased productivity</p><p>  better quality</p><p>

19、  better communication</p><p>  common database with manufacturing</p><p>  reduced prototype construction costs</p><p>  faster response to customers</p><p>  Increase

20、d Productivity</p><p>  Productivity in the design process is increased by CAD/CAM. Time-consuming tasks such as mathematical calculations.data storage and retrieval, and design visualization are handled by

21、the computer,which gives the designer more time to spend on conceptualizing and completing the design. In addition, the amount of time required to document a design can be reduced significantly with CAD/CAM. All of these

22、 taken together means a shorter design cycle, shorter overall project completion time, and a high</p><p>  Better Quality</p><p>  Because CAD/CAM allows designers to focus more on actual design

23、 problems and less on time-consuming,nonproductive tasks,product quality improves with CAD/CAM. CAD/CAM allows designers to examine a wider range of design alternatives and to analyze each alternative more thoroughly bef

24、ore selecting one. In addition, because labor-intensive tasks are performed by the computer, fewer design errors occur. These all lead to better product quality.</p><p>  Better Communication</p><

25、p>  Design documents such as drawings,parts lists, bills of material, and specifications are tools used to communicate the design to those who will manufacture it. The more uniform , standardized, and accurate these

26、tools are, the better the communication will be. Because CAD/CAM leads to more uniform, standardized, and accurate documentation, it improves communication.</p><p>  Common Database</p><p>  Thi

27、s is one of the most important benefits of CAD/CAM. With CAD/CAM.the data generated during the design of product can be use in product the product. This sharing of a common database helps to eliminate the age-old “wall”

28、separating the design and manufacturing function</p><p>  Reduced Prototype Costs</p><p>  With manual design,models and prototypes of a design must be made and tested, adding to the cost of the

29、 finished product. With CAD/CAM,3-D computer models can reduce and, in some case, eliminate the need for building expensive prototypes. Such CAD/CAM capabilities as solids modeling allow designers to substitute computer

30、models for prototypes in many cases.</p><p>  Faster Response to Customers</p><p>  Response time is critical in manufacturing. How long does it take to fill a customer’s order? The shorter the

31、time, the better it is. A fast response time is one of the keys to being more competitive in an increasingly competitive marketplace. Today, the manufacturer fastest response time is as likely to win a contract as the on

32、e with the lowest bid. By shortening the overall design cycle and improving communication between the design and manufacturing components, CAD/CAM can improve a company’s</p><p>  Historical Development of C

33、AD/CAM</p><p>  The historical development of CAD/CAM has followed close behind the development of computer technology and has paralleled the development of ICG technology. The significant developments leadi

34、ng to CAD/CAM began in the late 1950s and early 1960s. The first of these was the development, at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT),of the Automatically Programmed Tools (APT) computer programming language.<

35、/p><p>  The purpose of APT was to simplify the development of parts programs for numerical control machines. It was the first computer language to be used for this purpose. The APT language represented a major

36、 step toward automation of manufacturing processes.</p><p>  Another significant development in the history of CAD/CAM followed close behind APT, also developed at MIT, was called the Sketchpad project. Wit

37、h this project, Ivan Sutherland gave birth to the concept of ICG. The Sketchpad project was the first time a computer was used to create and manipulate graphic images on a CRT display in real time.</p><p>  

38、Throughout the remainder of the 1960s and 70s, CAD continued to develop and several vendors made names for themselves by producing and marketing turnkey CAD systems. These were complete systems including hardware,softwar

39、e, maintenance and training sold as a package. These early systems were configured around mainframe and minicomputer. As a result, they were too expensive to achieve wide-scale acceptance by small to medium manufacturin

40、g firms. </p><p>  By the late 1970s,it became clear that the microcomputer would eventually play a role in the further development of CAD/CAM. However, early microcomputers did not have the processing power

41、, memory, or graphic capabilities needed for ICG. Consequently, early attempts to configure CAD/CAM systems around a microcomputer failed.</p><p>  In 1983 IBM Introduced the IBM PC,the first microcomputer t

42、o have the processing power, memory, and graphic capabilities to be used in CAD/CAM. This led to a rapid increase in the number of CAD/CAM vendors. By l989 the number of CAD/CAM installations based on microcomputers equa

43、led the number based on mainframe and minicomputer. </p><p>  Computer and Design</p><p>  The computer has had a major impact on the way everyday tasks associated with design are accomplished.

44、It can be used in many ways to do many things. However, all design tasks accomplished using a computer fall into one of three broad categories:</p><p>  Design modeling</p><p>  Design analysis&

45、lt;/p><p>  Design review</p><p>  In CAD/CAM design modeling, a geometric model of a product is developed that describes the part mathematically. This mathematical description is converted to grap

46、hic form and displayed on a cathode ray tube. The geometric model also allows the graphic image to be easily edited and manipulated once displayed.</p><p>  Design Analysis</p><p>  The computer

47、 has simplified the design analysis stage of the design process significantly. Once a proposed design has been developed, it is necessary to analyze how it will stand up to the conditions to which it will be subjected. S

48、uch analysis methods as heat transfer and stress-strain calculations are time-consuming and complex. With CAD/CAM, special computer programs written specifically for analysis purposes are available.</p><p> 

49、 Design Review</p><p>  Another step in the design process that has been simplified by the computer is design review. This involves checking the accuracy of all aspects of the design. There are several ICG c

50、apabilities that make design review in CAD/CAM easier than with manual design.</p><p>  CAD-to-CAM Interface</p><p>  With CAD/CAM, the real interface between the design and manufacturing compon

51、ents is the common database they share. This is the essence of CAD/CAM. With manual design and manufacturing, engineers go through each step in the design, drafters produce drawings and other documents to communicate the

52、 design, manufacturing personnel use the drawings to develop process plans,and shop personnel actually make the product.</p><p>  With the old approach,until the design and drafting personnel completed their

53、 work, the manufacturing personnel did not see it. The design and drafting department did its job and“threw the plans over the wall”to manufacturing so it could do its job. This approach led to continual breakdowns in co

54、mmunication as well as poor relations between the design and manufacturing components. The result was a loss of productivity.</p><p>  With CAD/CAM.manufacturing personnel have access to the data created dur

55、ing the design phase as soon as they are created. At any point in the design process, they can call up information from the design database and use it. Since the data are shared from start to finish, There are no surpris

56、es when the completed design is ready to be produced. While designers are creating the database and drafters are documenting the design,manufacturing personnel can be programs.</p><p>  Everything needed by

57、 manufacturing personnel to produce the product is contained in the common database. The mathematical models, graphic images,bills of material,parts lists,size,from. locational dimensions, tolerance specifications and ma

58、terial specifications are all contained database</p><p>  計(jì)算機(jī)輔助設(shè)計(jì)和計(jì)算機(jī)輔助(CAD/CAM)</p><p>  縱觀人類工業(yè)社會的歷史,許多發(fā)明獲得了專利,整個(gè)新技術(shù)也逐漸形成?;萏啬岬耐ㄓ昧慵乃悸?,瓦特的蒸汽機(jī)和福特的流水線不僅是幾個(gè)少數(shù)的發(fā)展階段而且是人類工業(yè)的幾個(gè)重要的發(fā)展階段。正如我們所知的任何一個(gè)這樣的發(fā)展

59、都影響了制造業(yè)并且在歷史的掛鉤中贏得了這些個(gè)體應(yīng)得的承認(rèn)。或許單個(gè)的發(fā)展影響制造業(yè)更快,而影響比先前技術(shù)更大的是數(shù)字電腦</p><p>  自從電腦技術(shù)出現(xiàn)以來,制造業(yè)人員一直希望自動化設(shè)計(jì)過程和使用數(shù)據(jù)庫開發(fā)自動制造過程。計(jì)算機(jī)輔助設(shè)計(jì)/計(jì)算機(jī)輔助制造(CAD/CAM),當(dāng)成功執(zhí)行,應(yīng)該消除存在于設(shè)計(jì)和生產(chǎn)部件之間的傳統(tǒng)屏障。</p><p>  CAD/CAM意味著用電腦進(jìn)行設(shè)計(jì)和制

60、造過程。因?yàn)镃AD/CAM的出現(xiàn),其他方面也</p><p><b>  發(fā)展起來:</b></p><p>  ?Computer graphics(CG) 計(jì)算機(jī)圖形(CG) </p><p>  ?Computer—aided engineering(CAE) 電腦輔助工程(CAE) </p><p>

61、  ?Computer-aided design and drafting(CADD) 電腦輔助設(shè)計(jì)和繪圖設(shè)計(jì)(CADD) </p><p>  ?Computer aided process planning(CAPP) 計(jì)算機(jī)輔助工藝規(guī)劃(CAPP)</p><p>  這些附帶條件是指包括解答11項(xiàng)具體方面的CAD / CAM的概念而CAD / CAM 本身就是一個(gè)更廣泛

62、平臺,It is at the heart of automated and integrated manufacturing.它是在生產(chǎn)的自動化和集成的核心。</p><p>  CAD/CAM成功的一個(gè)關(guān)鍵目標(biāo)是創(chuàng)建可以用來產(chǎn)品的數(shù)據(jù)當(dāng)成功實(shí)施的產(chǎn)品設(shè)計(jì)的發(fā)展數(shù)據(jù)庫。CAD/CAM致力于一個(gè)在設(shè)計(jì)和生產(chǎn)部件分享通用的數(shù)據(jù)庫的公司。</p><p>  交互式計(jì)算機(jī)圖形學(xué)(ICG)在CA

63、D/CAM扮演一個(gè)重要角色,雖然ICG用途上,設(shè)計(jì)師沖洗被設(shè)計(jì)的產(chǎn)品的一個(gè)圖表圖象,當(dāng)存放電子上組成圖表圖象的數(shù)據(jù)。圖表圖象在二維可以被提出二維(2+D),三維(3-D),或者固體格式化。ICG圖象被修建使用這樣基本的幾何字符象點(diǎn)、線、圈子和曲線。一旦生成,這些圖象可以容易地被編輯和被操作用各種各樣的方式包括擴(kuò)大、減少、自轉(zhuǎn)和運(yùn)動。</p><p>  lCG系統(tǒng)有三個(gè)主要成份:1)硬件,包括計(jì)算機(jī)和各種各樣的外

64、圍設(shè)備; 2)軟件,包括系統(tǒng)的計(jì)算機(jī)程序和技術(shù)指南; 3)設(shè)計(jì)師,最重要三個(gè)組分。</p><p>  ICG系統(tǒng)的典型的硬件構(gòu)造包括一個(gè)電腦,一個(gè)顯示終端、磁盤的一個(gè)驅(qū)動器單位,一個(gè)硬盤或者兩個(gè); 并且輸入-輸出設(shè)備例如鍵盤,繪圖器和打印機(jī)。這些設(shè)備,與軟件一起,是現(xiàn)代工具設(shè)計(jì)師用以開發(fā)和提供他們的設(shè)計(jì)的。</p><p>  ICG系統(tǒng)能通過允許人的設(shè)計(jì)師集中提高設(shè)計(jì)過程于設(shè)計(jì)過程的智

65、力方面,例如概念化和做出基于評斷的決定。計(jì)算機(jī)執(zhí)行它更好地適合,例如數(shù)據(jù)的各種各樣的反復(fù)操作數(shù)學(xué)演算、存貯與檢索,和各種各樣的反復(fù)操作比如交叉涂畫。CAD/CAM的基本原理</p><p>  它來源于一個(gè)需要不斷提高生產(chǎn)率,質(zhì)量和反過來的競爭力。還有其他原因,可能使公司從手工流程轉(zhuǎn)換為CAD / CAM的: 提高生產(chǎn)力 質(zhì)量更好 更好的溝通 共同的數(shù)據(jù)庫與制造

66、降低建造成本原型 更快的響應(yīng)客戶</p><p><b>  增加生產(chǎn)率</b></p><p>  在設(shè)計(jì)過程中生產(chǎn)率提高了的CAD / CAM。 Time-consuming tasks such as mathematical calculations . data storage and retrieval, and design visualiza

67、tion are handled by the computer , which gives the designer more time to spend on conceptualizing and completing the design. 耗時(shí)的任務(wù),如數(shù)學(xué)計(jì)算 。 數(shù)據(jù)存儲與檢索,可視化設(shè)計(jì)是由計(jì)算機(jī)處理, 從而 使設(shè)計(jì)者有更多的時(shí)間花費(fèi)在構(gòu)思并完成設(shè)計(jì)。In addition, the amount of time req

68、uired to document a design can be reduced significantly with CAD / CAM.此外,所需的時(shí)間量的設(shè)計(jì)文件,可顯著降低 CAD/CAM的計(jì)算機(jī)輔助設(shè)計(jì)。采取共同所有這些意味著更短的設(shè)計(jì)周期,縮短整個(gè)項(xiàng)目的完成時(shí)間,并提高生產(chǎn)率水平。</p><p><b>  更好的質(zhì)量</b></p><p>  由于

69、CAD/CAM允許設(shè)計(jì)人員更專注于實(shí)際的設(shè)計(jì)問題,并且較少的耗費(fèi)在時(shí)間、非生產(chǎn)性的任務(wù)上,產(chǎn)品的質(zhì)量提升是用CAD/CAM.CAD/CAM允許設(shè)計(jì)者檢測各種各樣的設(shè)計(jì)選擇和在選擇其中之一之前全面地分析每個(gè)選擇。另外,因?yàn)閯趧訌?qiáng)度任務(wù)由計(jì)算機(jī)執(zhí)行,所以只有少量設(shè)計(jì)錯(cuò)誤生成。這些所有都進(jìn)一步改善產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量。</p><p><b>  更好的溝通</b></p><p> 

70、 設(shè)計(jì)文件例如圖形圖畫,零件單,用料清單,并且這些規(guī)格被用工具聯(lián)系起來對設(shè)計(jì)者和那些制造者。 越一致,規(guī)范化,并且這些工具越精確,溝通將越便捷。由于CAD/CAM導(dǎo)致更加一致化,規(guī)范化的和文件的準(zhǔn)確化,所以它提升了溝通。</p><p><b>  共同數(shù)據(jù)庫</b></p><p>  這是其中一個(gè)CAD/CAM的最重要的好處。使用CAD/CAM數(shù)據(jù)產(chǎn)品的設(shè)計(jì)過程中

71、生成的產(chǎn)品可以使用該產(chǎn)品。他們共享一個(gè)數(shù)據(jù)庫來幫助消除TATATATA分離設(shè)計(jì)和制造功能的古老的“墻”。</p><p><b>  降低原型成本</b></p><p>  使用手工設(shè)計(jì),模型和原型的設(shè)計(jì)必須制作和檢測,增加了產(chǎn)品完成的成本。使用CAD/CAM三維電腦模型將減少甚至在某方面消除制造昂貴模型的需要。CAD/CAM這樣的能力使在許多方面允許設(shè)計(jì)師用電腦模

72、型代替固體模型作為原型。</p><p><b>  更快回應(yīng)顧客</b></p><p>  反應(yīng)時(shí)間在制造業(yè)中是很重要的。多長時(shí)間滿足顧客的要求?時(shí)間越短越好??焖俚姆磻?yīng)時(shí)間是在市場競爭日益激烈中增加競爭力的關(guān)鍵之一。如今,制造商最快響應(yīng)時(shí)間可能用最低出價(jià)贏得競標(biāo)合同。By shortening the overall design cycle and impro

73、ving communication between the design and manufacturing components, CAD / CAM can improve a company ' s response time縮短整個(gè)設(shè)計(jì)周期并提高設(shè)計(jì)和制造零部件之間的溝通。CAD / CAM能提高企業(yè)的反應(yīng)時(shí)間。</p><p>  CAD/CAM的歷史發(fā)展</p><p&g

74、t;  CAD/CAM的歷史發(fā)展在計(jì)算機(jī)科技的發(fā)展之后緊密跟隨了和對應(yīng)了ICG技術(shù)的發(fā)展。使得CAD/CAM的重大發(fā)展在20世紀(jì)50年代和60年代初期末期開始了。最先發(fā)展的是在麻省理工學(xué)院(MIT)進(jìn)行的刀具控制程序自動編制系統(tǒng)(APT)計(jì)算機(jī)程式語言。</p><p>  APT的目的是將數(shù)字控制器部分方案的開發(fā)進(jìn)行簡化。它是為此計(jì)劃被使用的第一種計(jì)算機(jī)語言。APT語言代表了主要步往制造過程的自動化。</

75、p><p>  在CAD/CAM的歷史中的另一重大發(fā)展在APT之后緊密跟隨了(也被開發(fā)在MIT)一個(gè)項(xiàng)目被稱之為草圖項(xiàng)目。這個(gè)項(xiàng)目,Ivan Sutherland誕生了ICG的概念。草圖項(xiàng)目是第一個(gè)計(jì)算機(jī)在實(shí)時(shí)中被用于生成和操作在CRT中顯示的圖表圖象。</p><p>  在20世紀(jì)60年代和70年代的剩下的人中,CAD繼續(xù)被開發(fā),多家廠商提出了自己的名字生產(chǎn)和銷售生產(chǎn)全套CAD系統(tǒng)。這是一

76、個(gè)完整的系統(tǒng)方案包括硬,軟件,銷售和維修培訓(xùn)。這些早期的系統(tǒng)被大型機(jī)和小型機(jī)左右。As a result, they were too expensive to achieve wide-scale acceptance by small to medium manufacturing firms.因此,它們太昂貴一直不能實(shí)現(xiàn)大規(guī)模被中小型制造業(yè)接受。</p><p>  在20世紀(jì)70年代末之前,微型計(jì)算機(jī)在C

77、AD/CAM的更加一步的發(fā)展中最終將扮演一個(gè)重要角色變得日益清晰。然而,早期的微型計(jì)算機(jī)沒有配置為ICG需要的處理能力、記憶能力或者圖表能力。結(jié)果,早期嘗試在微型計(jì)算機(jī)附近配置CAD/CAM系統(tǒng)的嘗試失敗了。 在 1983 IBM介紹了IBM PC,第一個(gè)有處理能力、記憶能力和圖表能力可被用于CAD/CAM的微型計(jì)算機(jī)。這使得了CAD/CAM供營商的數(shù)量的迅速增量。截止到l989 安裝CAD/CAM設(shè)施的數(shù)量的微型計(jì)算機(jī)等于安裝在

78、大型機(jī)和小型機(jī)上的數(shù)量。</p><p><b>  計(jì)算機(jī)和設(shè)計(jì)</b></p><p>  計(jì)算機(jī)對日常的設(shè)計(jì)與任務(wù)相關(guān)聯(lián)的完成產(chǎn)生了重大影響。它可以在許多方面被用于做許多事。然而,所有的設(shè)計(jì)使用計(jì)算機(jī)來完成任務(wù)都屬于三大類別之一: </p><p>  ?Design modeling設(shè)計(jì)建模 </p><p> 

79、 ?Design analysis 設(shè)計(jì)分析 </p><p>  ?Design review設(shè)計(jì)審查 </p><p><b>  設(shè)計(jì)建模 </b></p><p>  在CAD/CAM的設(shè)計(jì)中,數(shù)學(xué)上描述部分產(chǎn)品的一個(gè)幾何模型被開發(fā)。這個(gè)數(shù)學(xué)描述在陰極射線管被轉(zhuǎn)換成圖形形式并且被顯示。幾何模型也允許圖表圖象容易地被編輯和被操作一次

80、顯示。</p><p><b>  設(shè)計(jì)分析</b></p><p>  計(jì)算機(jī)顯著簡化了設(shè)計(jì)過程的設(shè)計(jì)分析階段。 一旦被提議的設(shè)計(jì)開發(fā)了,怎么承受服從條件的分析是必要的。這樣分析方法象熱傳遞和應(yīng)力演算是費(fèi)時(shí)和復(fù)雜的。 使用CAD/CAM,專門的計(jì)算機(jī)項(xiàng)目對分析目標(biāo)特殊的繪畫是可以被使用的。</p><p><b>  設(shè)計(jì)審查 &l

81、t;/b></p><p>  被計(jì)算機(jī)簡化的設(shè)計(jì)過程的另一步驟是設(shè)計(jì)審查。This involves checking the accuracy of all aspects of the design. There are several ICG capabilities that make design review in CAD/CAM easier than with manual design.

82、 這涉及到檢查設(shè)計(jì)的準(zhǔn)確度的各個(gè)方面。有幾個(gè)ICG的能力使CAD/ CAM的設(shè)計(jì)審查與手工設(shè)計(jì)相比更容易。 </p><p>  CAD到CAM 接口</p><p>  使用CAD/CAM,設(shè)計(jì)和制造之間的真正的接口是他們分享的共同的數(shù)據(jù)庫。這是CAD/CAM精華。 手工設(shè)計(jì)和制造,工程師審閱在設(shè)計(jì),起草生產(chǎn)圖紙和其他文件傳達(dá)設(shè)計(jì)的每步,生產(chǎn)人員使用圖畫開發(fā)處理計(jì)劃,車間人員負(fù)責(zé)實(shí)際上的

83、生產(chǎn)。</p><p>  與舊方法相比,直到設(shè)計(jì)和起草人員完成他們的工作,生產(chǎn)人員都沒有看到它。The design and drafting department did its job and “ threw the plans over the wall ” to manufacturing so it could do its job.設(shè)計(jì)和起草部門做他們的工作,把計(jì)劃再扔過墻再讓制造部門做他們的工作。

84、This approach led to continual breakdowns in communication as well as poor relations between the design and manufacturing components.這種做法導(dǎo)致溝通的不暢通以及制造部分與設(shè)計(jì)部分的脆弱關(guān)系。The result was a loss of productivity.其結(jié)果是生產(chǎn)力的損失。</p>

85、;<p>  使用CAD/CAM,生產(chǎn)人員可以盡快進(jìn)入創(chuàng)建的數(shù)據(jù)的設(shè)計(jì)階段。At any point in the design process, they can call up information from the design database and use it.在任何一點(diǎn)在設(shè)計(jì)過程中,他們可以調(diào)用數(shù)據(jù)庫中的信息并使用它。因?yàn)閿?shù)據(jù)分享從開始到結(jié)束,所以當(dāng)設(shè)計(jì)完成到準(zhǔn)備生產(chǎn)時(shí)沒有一點(diǎn)吃驚。當(dāng)設(shè)計(jì)師創(chuàng)造時(shí)數(shù)據(jù)庫和


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