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1、<p><b>  山東交通學(xué)院</b></p><p>  2013屆畢業(yè)生專業(yè)文獻(xiàn)英文翻譯</p><p>  題目:Shallow engineering cost management and investment control</p><p>  院 (部) 土木工程學(xué)院 </p>&l

2、t;p>  專 業(yè) 工程管理 </p><p>  班 級 工升111班 </p><p>  學(xué) 號 110715103 </p><p>  姓 名 王 帥 </p><p>  指導(dǎo)教師 李月華 </p><p>  

3、2013年4月20 日</p><p>  Shallow engineering cost management and investment control</p><p>  Project construction central task is to realize the project goals. From the objective sense, investment t

4、o achieve the goal of economic benefit is owner real embodiment, And project cost determination and investment of effective control of the engineering construction management is an important and indispensable part of pro

5、ject management has a special position. As China's economic system reform, the national economy continues to develop, how to strengthen the engineering cost management, improv</p><p>  Cost and investmen

6、t in the development of national economy and social economic activities, have a lot of consistent place, but not a concept equivalent. Judging from the purpose is to make the investment, improve the amount of cast curren

7、cy can guarantee, and realize value-added backflow, And improve cost is to make the investment project engineering price level control at target within the quota, Judging from behavioral process, investment behavior proc

8、ess is capital investment + project implem</p><p>  Investment cost is a critical part of and main content, it includes the construction project from construction preparatory to completion acceptance of the

9、cost of combined, and it consists of building the cost, equipment tools is, the engineering construction other fees, reserve, interest interest, tax for fixed assets investment and the current funds and so on a compositi

10、on. The price mechanism is the core of cost management in the problem, but also investment macro decision and improves the pr</p><p>  The traditional budget norm system under the planned economy system, to

11、strengthen the investment plan management, reduce waste aspects have certain positive role. But with the socialist market economy is gradually establish and develop, the current budget norm system and the increasingly do

12、es not adapt: quota of "quantity" and "price" no separate, and formed a "living market" and "dead unit price", the conflict can't in the market truly, promptly and accurately r

13、eflecting the cost of building p</p><p>  In order to which investment macro decision and improve the benefit of investment project, must the plan formation of engineering cost price mechanism, instead of un

14、der the state's macroeconomic control by market mainly formed engineering cost price mechanism, was also must in unity quantity calculation rules and social average real consumption quota, follow the commodity econom

15、y based on the law of value, establishment of market mainly formed cost price mechanism: one is to fully realize "price</p><p>  Cost determination and investment control throughout the whole project co

16、nstruction, project investment that has the largest effect on stage of design. In construction projects on the life period, preliminary design of the project of construction project basically decided the scale, structure

17、, construction standards and use function, formed design budgetary estimate, determine the investment ceiling. After the completion of the construction drawing design, formulate construction drawing budget, </p>&

18、lt;p>  For a long time, we in the construction cost management, ignored in common design phase project of investment control, and often take control project investment and project cost focuses on the implementation st

19、age, put in a great deal of manpower and material resources to review or computing architecture installation project cost, seldom consider how to reach into reasonable fund, acquire beautiful generous, complete functions

20、 applicable, reasonable economy construction products. According to th</p><p>  Engineering design and project cost is supposed to be a unified whole of mutual coordination and cooperation to promote the two

21、 tasks, and in our practice, but like a different path Benz two car, village populated, without relevance. Design department; the design quality and general regardless of engineering cost, or to the construction of the c

22、ountry caused a great waste of money. To change this situation, adverse in the design stage, we must strengthen the construction cost and design between </p><p>  Construction engineering cost control proces

23、s, is project cost management is the main form, is to improve the project investment benefit is the key, it is perforative in decision evaluation phase, design phase, project contracting stage, construction implementatio

24、n stage, such as the completion acceptance stage project construction process. Scientific subtle and systematically stages setup investment control target, can pass aim control, in the project investment decision-making,

25、 design, and imp</p><p>  淺析工程造價管理與投資控制</p><p>  工程項目建設(shè)的中心任務(wù)就是實現(xiàn)項目目標(biāo)。從客觀意義上講,投資目標(biāo)的實現(xiàn)才是業(yè)主經(jīng)濟效益的真正體現(xiàn);而工程造價的確定與投資的有效控制是工程建設(shè)管理不可缺少的重要組成部分,在項目建設(shè)管理中有著特殊的地位。隨著我國經(jīng)濟體制改革的不斷深入,國民經(jīng)濟持續(xù)發(fā)展,怎樣加強工程造價管理,提高項目投資效益?

26、這是當(dāng)前投資和造價改革的一個重大課題。</p><p>  造價和投資在國民經(jīng)濟發(fā)展中和社會經(jīng)濟活動中,有很多一致的地方,但不是一個等同的概念。從目的來看,搞好投資是為了使投下去的一定量的貨幣能保證回流,并實現(xiàn)增值;而搞好造價是為了使投資項目的工程價格水平控制在目標(biāo)額度之內(nèi);從行為過程來看,投資的行為過程是資金投入+項目實施+項目控制+資金回收,造價的行為過程是造價確定(包括投資估算、設(shè)計概算、施工圖預(yù)算)+過程

27、控制+竣工決算。投資的行為過程比造價的行為過程更長。同是資金運作過程,造價是使貨幣資金轉(zhuǎn)化為實現(xiàn)目標(biāo)額度內(nèi)的資產(chǎn),而投資是使貨幣資金轉(zhuǎn)化為資產(chǎn),并通過資產(chǎn)的使用又使貨幣資金回流。</p><p>  造價是投資的一個關(guān)鍵部分和主要內(nèi)容,它包括建設(shè)工程從建設(shè)籌備到竣工驗收所需費用的總和,它由建筑安裝工程費、設(shè)備工具購置費、工程建設(shè)其他費用、預(yù)備費、建設(shè)期貸款利息、固定資產(chǎn)投資方向調(diào)節(jié)稅和鋪底流動資金等項組成。價格機

28、制是造價管理的核心問題,也是投資宏觀決策和提高項目投資效益的一個核心問題。要加強造價管理,提高投資效益,必須形成一個國家宏觀調(diào)控下,以市場形成造價為主的價格機制。</p><p>  傳統(tǒng)的預(yù)算定額制度在計劃經(jīng)濟體制下,對加強計劃管理,減少投資浪費等方面起到了一定的積極作用。但隨著社會主義市場經(jīng)濟的逐步建立和發(fā)展,現(xiàn)行預(yù)算定額制度與之越來越不相適應(yīng):定額中“量”和“價”沒有分開,形成了“活市場”和“死單價”的矛盾


30、主要由直接費、間接費、獨立費、利潤和稅金構(gòu)成,除直接費外其余各項都以取費率的形式出現(xiàn),取費固定化,不利于直觀地反映各項工程內(nèi)容的價格,并與國際報價方式差距也較大。</p><p>  為了有利于投資宏觀決策和提高項目的投資效益,必須把計劃形成工程造價的價格機制,改為國家宏觀調(diào)控下以市場形成工程造價為主的價格機制,也就是要在統(tǒng)一工程量計算規(guī)則和社會平均實物消耗量定額的基礎(chǔ)上,遵循商品經(jīng)濟價格規(guī)律,建立以市場形成造價


32、爭取勝;四是簡化繁瑣取費。現(xiàn)行定額中各子目的造價不能直接反映,必須重新計算取費后才能明了,各子目、各分項工程的造價與總價的關(guān)系模糊,簡化取費后,各分項及子目的造價與總價的關(guān)系變得清晰,有利于投資控制活動和分包及設(shè)計變更部分的計價;五是保留政府對重要生產(chǎn)要素價格進(jìn)行干預(yù)的權(quán)力。如對市場某種資源緊缺時實行最高限價,規(guī)定最低日工資水</p><p>  造價確定與投資控制貫穿項目建設(shè)全過程,而對項目投資影響最大的設(shè)計階

33、段。在建設(shè)項目的整個壽命期內(nèi),項目的初步設(shè)計基本上決定了建設(shè)項目的規(guī)模、結(jié)構(gòu)形式、建筑標(biāo)準(zhǔn)和使用功能,形成了設(shè)計概算,確定了投資的最高限額。施工圖設(shè)計完成后,編制出施工圖預(yù)算,準(zhǔn)確地計算出建設(shè)工程造價。因此,工程設(shè)計是影響和控制建設(shè)工程造價的關(guān)鍵環(huán)節(jié)和重要階段。</p><p>  長期以來,我們在工程造價管理中,普遍忽視設(shè)計階段項目的投資控制,而往往把控制項目投資和工程造價的重點放在實施階段,投入了大量的人力、


35、降低成本最大限度不外乎為20%以下。一般情況下設(shè)計圖紙一旦完成,“按圖施工”就是施工企業(yè)必須履行的原則,施工企業(yè)無權(quán)隨意變動圖紙,也沒有時間、精力及承擔(dān)風(fēng)險地去考慮優(yōu)化設(shè)計。而我國普遍存在著設(shè)計部門比較保守,有的設(shè)計只圖方便、憑經(jīng)驗而不作方案對比,甚至盲目追求安全度和設(shè)計收費,而至關(guān)重要的概預(yù)算控制則與設(shè)計院利益無關(guān)甚至違反,因此無從控制。</p><p>  工程設(shè)計和工程造價本來應(yīng)該是統(tǒng)一整體的相互配合、配合



38、階段進(jìn)行設(shè)計招投標(biāo)和設(shè)計方案的競選,并運用價值工程等手段對備選方案進(jìn)</p><p>  建設(shè)工程造價全過程控制,是工程造價管理的主要表現(xiàn)形式,是提高項目投資效益的關(guān)鍵所在,它貫穿于決策評估階段、設(shè)計階段、工程承發(fā)包階段、施工實施階段、竣工驗收階段等項目建設(shè)全過程??茖W(xué)周密而有計劃地分階段設(shè)置投資控制目標(biāo),可以通過目標(biāo)控制,在項目投資決策、設(shè)計、發(fā)包和實施階段,把投資發(fā)生額控制在批準(zhǔn)的限額以內(nèi)并隨時糾編,確保投資


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