1、<p><b> 附 錄 一 </b></p><p> Entertainment Robots</p><p> Sarcos, a Utah-based company, developed the robot shown at left. With 30 joints arranged in a torso supporting f
2、ive branching chains, this is the most kinematically complex robot I have ever seen. Unlike most robots that are either electric or hydraulic, this robot utilizes pneumatic motors.</p><p> Sarcos has develo
3、ped some of the world's most sophisticated humanoid robots and virtual reality interfaces. Sarcos entertainment robots are constructed not only to be high performance, but also to be sensitive and graceful. Sarcos ha
4、s placed a great deal of emphasis on the aesthetics of its humanoid as well as the engineering. Its corporate staff includes leading designers, artists and craftspeople who style the robots. Concept development and graph
5、ic renderings are supported by a complete sculp</p><p> Any discussion of entertainment robots has to include Disney. They have been doing entertainment robots as long as anyone and they do them quite well.
6、 With dancing bears and singing pirates Disney's imagineers have created thousands of robots. The robot shown at left is new as of August, 2003. It is a robot dinosaur named Lucky. He walks on his two back legs and p
7、ulls a very large cart of "silk flowers". Really the cart is full of batteries. Even Disney has not figured-out the battery issue that</p><p> I don't do roller coasters, but I'm sure my k
8、ids would love this. According to the manufacturer, KUKA Robotics, this is the first robot with world-wide certification to handle human beings. KUKA makes robots of very high-quality, so I would let my kids ride. Here
9、39;s a description from the KUKA site "In the unique ROBOCOASTER from KUKA Roboter, the advantages of the practically unrestricted freedom of motion and excellent dynamic performance of an industrial robot have been
10、 exploited in the leisur</p><p> And who can forget the consumer entertainment robots that have come onto the market in the last decade or so? From those little Furby's that go for around twenty bucks t
11、o Sony's Aibo (two of which are shown at left) that can top a thousand dollars a pop; these have been the first robots to really pervade our homes. One of the funniest things I have ever seen was my dog running aroun
12、d the house with a "live" Furby in its mouth. My dog would give it a shake every now and then and the Furby was goi</p><p> The Lego Mindstorms are also a big player in this category. Future robot
13、icists will likely remember their first Lego Mindstorms in the same way today's computer scientists remember their first TRS80 personal computer.</p><p> Some entertainment robots are not much more than
14、 rolling, remote-controlled speaker phones with video camera "eyes." They can wander around at parties and play pre-recorded jingles or display scrolling messages to promote a company's products or distribu
15、te promotional literature.</p><p> Florida Robotics makes robots like these. They also make more complex robots that have the capability to talk with on-lookers and include fiber optic hair, remote Florida
16、Robotics makes robots like these. They also make more complex robots that have the capability to talk with on-lookers and include fiber optic hair, remote smoke.</p><p> Disney makes use of a Florida Roboti
17、cs robot called "X1846" at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida. X1846 serves drinks there. Heck, I'll take a robot that can bring me a soda.</p><p> Bug Robots</p><p> I don
18、9;t show many people on this site, but there is no discussion of bug robots without Rodney Brooks. He pretty much started the bug robot idea. There is so much information online about Rodney, his work at MIT and with iRo
19、bot that I am not even going to bother with that. I will tell you about a time I had lunch with him in the mid-1990's just off the Stanford University campus. I'm sure he doesn't remember. It was a group of t
20、en or twenty people presenting research work and I was lucky enough </p><p> The basic idea behind the bug robots was to try to understand very simple biologic creatures and create corresponding robots befo
21、re trying to build highly complex robots that try to mimic human reasoning. Even a fruit fly with less than twenty neural connections can fly, avoid obstacles, find food and mate (however it is that fruit flies mate
22、). This idea makes a lot of sense, but in practicality building very tiny robots is quite difficult. It seems like the people who work on bug robots spend m</p><p> If you want to give bug robots a try, you
23、 might consider the little BugBrain by Yost Engineering on the left. Those big whiskers on the front give the bug the ability to sense contacts with objects in its environment and you can program the onboard computer to
24、make decisions about how to react. That's a true robot. You can add other sensors to it too. Maybe a phototransistor so the bug can "run for the shadows" like real bugs do? According to the manufacturer you
25、 can also add wireless RF and an </p><p> The exploration of Mars is one application that has been proposed for bug robots. Instead of sending one or two big robots, send one or two thousand bug robots
26、 equipped with small cameras and chemical sensors. One of the advantages of this approach is fault tolerance. If a few of the bugs break or get lost, it is no big deal. Another is the ability of the small bugs to get int
27、o small places such as cracks or fissures in rocks. Of course the small size of the robots also limits the scale of tasks</p><p> Undersea Robots</p><p> Undersea operations are a great applic
28、ation for robotics to replace humans. Working underwater is both dangerous and difficult for humans. Schilling Robotics makes the system shown at left. This system combines a remote operated vehicle with thrusters for ma
29、neuvering and two robot arms for manipulating. Note that one of the arms is almost a grappler. It can grab something rigid, such as the base of an oil rig, to steady the vehicle while the other arm performs such tasks as
30、 welding and valve mai</p><p> The robot at left is a biomimetic (mimicking biology) lobster developed by the Northeastern University Marine Science Center. Biomimetic robots may employ myomorphic actuators
31、, which mimic muscle action; neuromorphic sensors, which, like animal sensors, represent sensory modalities such as light, pressure, and motion in a labeled-line code; biomimetic controllers, based on the relatively simp
32、le control systems of invertebrate animals; and autonomous behaviors that are based on the actual animal'</p><p> The Australian Centre for Field Robotics at the University of Sydney developed the robot
33、 shown at left as a prototype for autonomous underwater robots that may one day explore and monitor the Great Barrier Reef. At present this robot (called Oberon) must remain tethered to a ship on the surface, but its inv
34、entors predict that within a decade it would be possible for robots to be lowered to the ocean floor and left to get on with mapping the terrain on their own. Oberon has two scanning sonars an</p><p> Robot
35、s in the Military</p><p> Pretty much by definition, the military is a dangerous place for humans. This makes it a logical application for robotics, but I definitely have mixed feelings about that. I can li
36、ve with robots assisting soldiers, but automated killing is taking it too far. At left we see the Smart Crane Ammunition Transfer System being developed by the Robotics Research Corporation. The goal is for one sold
37、ier to be able to unload the entire truck without ever leaving the cab. The system includes cameras, vide</p><p> The photo at left shows a robotic mine-sweeper. It is basically a tractor with a bunch of sw
38、inging chains mounted on the front. These chains pound the ground with significant forces to explode any buried mines. Using GPS and relatively simple control algorithms, robots such as these can be programmed to methodi
39、cally cover large areas of ground in a perfect grid. Vehicles like this can also be equipped with water cutting tools to cut into and through explosive ordnance, water cannons to disperse </p><p> The Preda
40、tor shown at left has probably become our military's most famous unmanned vehicle. It is essentially a super high-tech r/c plane though it does have some autonomous flying capabilities. Originally designed for reconn
41、aissance, it now can be outfitted with a variety of different weaponry, most recently the laser-guided AGM-114 Hellfire anti-armor missiles. It is roughly 29 feet long with a 49 foot wingspan. Since 1995, the Predator ha
42、s seen action over Iraq, Bosnia, Kosovo and Afghanistan</p><p> The photo at left shows an unmanned underwater vehicle that was developed by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) under ONR support. It
43、 performs reconnaissance (hydrographic and side-scan sonar surveys) in littoral waters, from the seaward edge of the surf zone into waters as deep as 100 meters. The vehicle is small, capable of deployment by two people,
44、 and can be launched and recovered from a small vessel without a crane or other special handling equipment. It can operate over 20 hours o</p><p><b> 附 錄 二</b></p><p><b> 娛樂機
45、器人</b></p><p> 猶他州的Sarcos公司開發(fā)出了左圖所示的機器人。軀干上有30個關(guān)節(jié)和5個分鏈,這是我見過最復雜的機器人。不想大多數(shù)機器人要么使用電力要么使用水力驅(qū)動,這個機器人利用空氣馬達驅(qū)動。Sarcos制定了世界上一些最先進的虛擬現(xiàn)實和人機接口. Sarcos娛樂機器人不僅要建造高績效,而且是敏感、優(yōu)美。 Sarcos不僅重視了技術(shù)性還重視了人體的美學性。它的構(gòu)造者包括了頂尖的
46、設計師,藝術(shù)家和設計它的工藝人員。思想的形成和圖象的翻譯都是由一臺刻畫設備所完成,它可以生產(chǎn)高性能的皮膚和其他覆蓋物。它們可以被遠處的操作員電控制或被一臺預先編程的電腦操作板所控制。最近,一臺叫做DB的機器人被ERATO腦工程用來進行運動研究。DB有30個關(guān)節(jié),并被很好的裝在一80公斤,1.85米的機體上。一個鏈栓連接氣缸和控制電腦。</p><p> 任何關(guān)于娛樂機器人的討論都不得不包括迪斯尼。他們從做人開始
47、就一直在做娛樂機器人,而且還做得不錯.像跳舞熊和唱歌的海盜,迪斯尼的工程師創(chuàng)造了數(shù)以千計的機器人。左圖所示機器人2003年八月剛出來的新機器人。它是一只被命名為幸運的機器恐龍。它后腳著地拉著一個裝滿絲制花朵的大車。事實上,車上裝滿了電池。甚至迪斯尼都沒有指出這些電池是指災難到來的機器人。這是使機器人在娛樂時得到充足電量的唯一方法。</p><p> 我不坐過山車,但是我肯定我的孩子喜歡這個。就制造者來說,KUK
48、A機器人技術(shù),這是第一個得到全球認證的服務于人類的機器人。KUKA能夠制造出很高質(zhì)量的機器人,所以我會讓我的孩子使用它。這是來自KUKA網(wǎng)站的描述:“唯一的來自KUKA機器手的機器過山車,其實踐中無限制運動和出色機器人動力表現(xiàn)的優(yōu)點在娛樂業(yè)中第一次的被表現(xiàn)出來。</p><p> 誰又能夠忘記在最近十多年市場上出現(xiàn)的娛樂機器人呢?從那些20美元左右的小Furby到索尼的高達上千美元一對的Aibo(如左圖所示的兩
49、個);這些已成為真正普及于家庭的機器人了。最好笑的一件事是我見到我的狗狗叼著一只活的Furby滿屋子地跑。我的狗狗隨時都會給它以驚嚇,然后它就會像在狗狗嘴里受到刺激一樣的離去。Lego公司的 Mindstorm是這個項目上另一個競爭者。未來的機器人工作者會像現(xiàn)在的電腦科學家回想他們的第一臺TRS80個人電腦一樣回想起他們的第一種lego Mindstorm機器人的。</p><p> 一些娛樂機器人不只是旋轉(zhuǎn)和
51、主要是在那買飲料。我可以讓那個機器人給我一杯蘇打水。</p><p><b> 昆蟲機器人</b></p><p> 在這個網(wǎng)頁中我并沒有來寫多少人,但這并不意味著抹殺Rodney Brook在昆蟲機器人中的重要性。他非常完美的開啟了昆蟲機器人的設想。網(wǎng)上有非常多的關(guān)于Rodney的信息,他在麻省理工大學和iRobot一起工作,我一般不去打擾他。我將告訴你關(guān)于我和
52、他在上世紀90年代中期剛從斯坦福大學畢業(yè)一起吃飯那個時期的事吧。我敢肯定他已經(jīng)記不得了。它是一個十到二十人的研究團隊,我非常幸運的和他一張桌子。我們談論我們的孩子,妻子,天氣就是不談機器人。他是個不錯的家伙;有著非常謙虛務實的個性和一口澳大利亞腔調(diào)。我發(fā)現(xiàn)一件有趣的事,Rodney的機器人研究從昆蟲身上得到了很大的啟示,對于研究馬,狗到現(xiàn)在的人型機器人也是。人生中的一種進化。</p><p> 昆蟲機器人的基本
53、原理是研究簡單的生物,在建造非常復雜模擬人類推理機器人之前創(chuàng)造一個與其相關(guān)的機器人。甚至一只神經(jīng)連接的果蠅可以飛,繞過障礙,找到食物和伴侶(當然是果蠅伴侶)。這個想法有著很大的意義,但事實上制造如此之小的機器人是很困難的。它看起來就像研究昆蟲機器人的工作人員花上更多的時間去探究制造小機器人的技術(shù)而不是去研究昆蟲的行為和模仿它們的方法。</p><p> 如果你想試一試昆蟲機器人的話,可以考慮一下左圖所示Yost
54、 Engineering公司的小 BugBrain機器人。那些前面的大觸角能夠幫助昆蟲聞和接觸它們世界里的物體,你可以通過鍵盤進行電腦編程來告訴它們運動的方向。這是一個真實的機器人。你也可以對他填加其他的感應裝置。可以裝一個光電晶體管使得它就像真的昆蟲一樣跟著影子走嗎?對于制造者來說,你可以給昆蟲機器人填加無線射頻和一個超聲波探測儀。這能使它有感覺和作出使它能和大學里的研究機器人一樣的決定。</p><p>
55、用作火星探險已經(jīng)作為昆蟲機器人的一種應用被提議。發(fā)送一兩千個裝有小型攝像頭和化學感應器的昆蟲機器人用來代替發(fā)送一兩個大型機器人。一個優(yōu)點就是減少錯誤。如果有機器人被損壞或丟失,也不會有大影響。另一個就是小機器人能夠進入到諸如洞穴或巖石縫隙的小地方去。當然機器人的小尺寸也制約了它們完成工作的精度。例如一千個一起工作的昆蟲機器人無法在火星的地殼上鉆一個10英尺的礦樣。</p><p><b> 水下機器人
56、</b></p><p> 機器人技術(shù)用于代替人類工作的一大應用就是水下作業(yè)。水下作業(yè)對于人類來說是一項既危險又困難的工作。Schilling Robotics公司制造了左圖所示的系統(tǒng)。這個系統(tǒng)連接采用機動推進的遠程操縱機和兩個操縱機械手。注意一只機械手可以抓東西。它可以抓一些例如石油鉆探平臺的底部等硬的東西以便在另一只手進行焊接,閥維護工作時對機身起到穩(wěn)定作用。</p><p&
57、gt; 左圖所示是一臺由東北大學(美國)海洋科學研究中心研制的仿生龍蝦機器人。仿生機器人可能采用了能夠模仿肌肉活動的肌肉傳動裝置;像動物的感官一樣的神經(jīng)傳導裝置,它能夠表現(xiàn)諸如光,壓力,直線運動等感覺;以相對簡單的無脊椎動物的控制系統(tǒng)為基礎的仿生控制器;以及建立在真實動物行為基礎上的自主行為發(fā)生器。如果一臺像這樣的機器人在海底行走的話,我想知道會不會有大魚來吃它?</p><p> 由悉尼大學澳大利亞地表機器
58、人研究中心開發(fā)的機器人可作為自主開發(fā)水下機器人的典型(如左圖)。它可以用來進行對大堡礁地貌的重現(xiàn)和探索。現(xiàn)如今這種叫Oberon的機器人必須要在船的指引下進行,但它的發(fā)明者預言在未來十年內(nèi)它將有可能自行在海底進行地貌的繪制工作。Oberon有兩個聲納定位儀,一個深度探測儀和一個彩色攝像頭。它不需要其他獨立的信息(諸如全球定位系統(tǒng)衛(wèi)星)來確定其位置。</p><p><b> 軍事機器人</b&g
59、t;</p><p> 就定義來說,戰(zhàn)場對人類而言是個危險的地方。這就理所應當?shù)挠蒙蠙C器人技術(shù)了,但我對此卻心情復雜。我能用機器人來輔助士兵,但自動攻擊還得等上相當長的時間。左圖所示是由機器人技術(shù)研究公司開發(fā)的智能彈藥搬運系統(tǒng)。它的目的在于使士兵不需要離開駕駛室就能將整車的東西卸載完畢。這個系統(tǒng)包括攝像頭,電視屏幕,力感應器和特殊的夾子。</p><p> 左圖所示是一臺掃雷機器人。它
60、基本上是一臺前面安裝了一些回轉(zhuǎn)鏈的拖拉機。這些鏈條用強力撞擊地面來發(fā)現(xiàn)深埋地下的地雷。利用GPS系統(tǒng)和相對簡單的控制算法,這些機器人可以通過編程按照算格來實現(xiàn)有效的覆蓋。像這樣的機車還可以裝備水流切割工具來進行切割,通過爆破裝置水炮可以用來分散暴徒,安裝后可以用來爆炸疑似爆炸物。這種無人機車可以通過無線電操作來實現(xiàn)上述作業(yè)。</p><p> 左圖所示的Predator可能是軍事上最著名的無人飛機。盡管它有自我
61、飛行的能力但他實質(zhì)上是一架高科技遙控飛機。它的最初是為偵察所設計的,但現(xiàn)在可以配備各種不同的武器,最近所裝備的是激光制導的AGM-114地獄之火反坦克導彈。它大概有29英寸長配一個49英寸的機翼。從1995年以來,先后用于伊拉克,波斯尼亞,科索沃和阿富汗地區(qū)。</p><p> 左圖是一輛無人水下機車,它是由美國海軍研究所下的木洞海洋圖片學院所開發(fā)的。它能夠在沿海水域進行偵察(通過水文圖片和近地探測聲納進行探測
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