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1、,Research into Population Genetics,,Pre-reading Activities,Words and Expressions,Background Knowledge,Text Understanding,Post-reading Activities,Further Learning,,,Section A,圖片,HOME,Brainstorming,Watch and Discuss,Pre-re

2、ading Activities,How many skin colors of human beings are there across the world?,Can you make a description of their physical appearancesaccording to the following pictures.,Yellow People:,yellow skin, black or dark b

3、rown hair and eyes, medium height,white or pale brown skin, blond hair, Roman nose, blue or pale brown eyes, tall,White People:,black or dark brown skin, dark and curly hair, big noses, dark brown eyes, thick lips,Black

4、People:,brown or chocolate skin, dark and curly hair, big noses, brown eyes,Brown People:,What causes these physical differences?,God made us different? environment?genes?,tips,Without considering these physicaldiff

5、erences, what biological similarities do you think the yellow, the white, theblack and the brown have?,We all have feelings. we all have white teeth.…,tips,BACK,Watch and Discuss,,Directions: Watch the video clip an

6、d then discuss the topics as follows in groups:,,Glossary:offspring 后代dominance 顯性segregation 分離freckle 雀斑Tay-Sachs disease家族黑蒙性癡呆 Cystic Fibrosis囊腫纖維癥,,,1.What’s the major contribution of Gregor Mendel ?,2

7、. According to Gregor Mendel, why did he choose peas as the subjects ?,,,,,,BACK,HOME,By performing experiments on garden pea plants, Mendel discovered a fixedlaw of nature that govern heredity whichled to ground-brea

8、king advances and the first discovery in the field of genetics.,Just for fun of the thing.,Luca Cavalli-Sforza---Born in Genoa, Italy---Professor of Genetics at the University of Stanford, California, until h

9、is retirement in 1992--- specialized mainly in the genetics of human populations, producing with Walter Bodmer a comprehensive survey of the subject in their Genetics, Evolution and Man (197

10、6).,,,Background Knowledge,HOME,Christopher Columbus---born in Genoa, Italy in 1451 and died at Valladolid, Spain in 1506--- The discoverer of the New World—America --- four transatlantic voyages (1492-

11、1493, 1493-1496, 1498-1500, and 1502-1504) opened the way for European exploration, exploitation, and colonization of the Americans,,,,Columbus’s ships—the Nina, the Pinta, & the Santa Maria,,,,H

12、uman Genetic Map,Our bodies are comprised of trillions of microscopic units called cells, which in turn are built up from many specific types of molecules, both large and small. Proteins are the workshops of our cells.

13、The flow of genetic information is from DNA to RNA to protein. Each protein is a linear polymer of a specific sequence of 20 different amino acids. DNA is also a linear polymer comprised of 4 types of nucleotides. Th

14、e sequence of amino acids in each protein is encoded by a segment of DNA called a gene.,Khoisan--- the name by which the lighter skinned indigenous peoples of southern Africa, the Khoi (Hottentots) and the San (Bushm

15、en) are known. ---the earliest inhabitants of Africa and dominated the sub-continent for millennia before the appearance of the Nguni and other black peoples.,,,,,,,,The Basques--- a people who live in a small region t

16、hat straddles the border of Spain & France form the sea in the west into the Pyrenees in the east. ---They speak a language called Euskara (today about 25% of the population is fluent in that tongue).--- No one kno

17、ws exactly where the Basques came from.,Food of the Basques,Music of the Basques,HOME,WORDS,EXPRESSIONS,geneticssuperioritybias,to datenothing less thanbe confined toas of / fromin effect in combination withbe

18、descended from,Words and Expressions,HOME,Can you recognize the words below?,politics, economics, electronics, classics, physics, mechanics,,What do these words have in common?,-ics occur in nouns

19、with the meaning of “the study or science of…”,genetics n.,BACK,gene duplication,gene mutation,gene segregation,gene therapy,genetic modified food,genetic engineering,轉(zhuǎn)基因食品,基因工程學(xué),基因復(fù)制,基因治療,基因突變,基因分離,,,,,,,Matching Game

20、,BACK,,superiority,n. the quality of being better, more skillful, etc. than other people or things優(yōu)越,In what situations will you have a sense of superiority?,派生詞,superior,Tips: handsome, tall, rich…,BACK,adj. 1) showing

21、 that you consider yourself better than others有優(yōu)越感的,傲慢的,2)of higher rank, or quality 高級(jí)的,上等的,工作上他是我的上司。,He is my superior to me at work.,,More words with –ior ?,opposite?,BACK,Show us what is the superior expression li

22、ke?,superior,junior, senior, prior, interior, exterior,Prior to marriage, his mother was a respectable English teacher. He is still very junior within the company.We are fascinated by the delicate interior design of t

23、he apartment.After graduation from a junior middle school, he entered a senior middle school. Don‘t mind his gruff(粗魯?shù)模?exterior; he's really very kind underneath.,BACK,,n. [sing.] a tendency to consider sb. or sth

24、. more favorably than others偏袒/見,The university has a bias towards/ in favor of/ against the sciences.,Translate,該大學(xué)偏重(側(cè)重/歧視)理科。,vt. unfairly influence attitude, choices or decisions使有偏見,他的背景使他對(duì)外國人抱有偏見。,His background b

25、iases him against foreigners.,Translate,synonym: prejudice,bias,BACK,,,bias vs. prejudice,A bias is a prejudice in a general or specific sense, usually in the sense for having a preference to one particular point of view

26、 or ideological perspective.指“依個(gè)人好惡或成見提出有偏差的意見或判斷”.,Prejudice is, as the name implies, the process of “pre-judging” something. It implies coming to a judgment on a subject before learning where the preponderance of evide

27、nce actually lies, or forming a judgment without direct experience.指“除私人感情外毫無根據(jù)的判斷或成見, 常有惡意”。,BACK,Could you figure out the difference between the differences between these two words?,We have received more than five hund

28、red applications until now.,What the management is saying, in fact, is that they are going to stop recruiting new staff.,Directions: Replace the italicized expressions in the following Sentences with the expressions gi

29、ven below and translate thesentences into Chinese.,His experience is exactly magical and I’m moved to tears.,nothing less than,to date,in effect,nothing less than他的經(jīng)歷簡直太奇妙了我被感動(dòng)得流眼淚。,in effect 管理層的實(shí)際意思是,他們將停止招聘新員工。,to d

30、ate 至今我們已經(jīng)收到500多封求職信。,The artist uses photographs together with solid objects to produce this strange effect.,Starting from the first of July, all back seat passengers must wear seat belts.,as of / from,in combination wi

31、th,in combination with 藝術(shù)家用圖片加實(shí)體的方法創(chuàng)造了這種奇異效果。,as of/from 從7月1日起,所有后座上的乘客必須系安全帶。,She claimed that her family were the descendants of the ancient Kings of Egypt.,He has to stay in bed for a whole week because of a bad co

32、ld.,be confined to,be descended from,were descended from 她聲稱她的家族是古埃及國王的后裔。,be confined to 由于嚴(yán)重感冒,他只能呆在床上。,BACK,HOME,Read the text quickly and fill in the following chart to understand the structure of the text.,How is th

33、e text organized?,research into population genetics,c. the process & difficulties of conducting the research,a. the social value of the research,d. the 4 major contributions of the research,Main idea?,Main idea?,M

34、ain idea?,Main idea?,b. the theoretical significance& contribution of the book,Topic?,details,Detailed Reading,While not exactly a 暢銷書, the History andGeography of Human Genes is a remarkable collectio

35、nof more than 50 years of research in 人類遺傳學(xué).,,the book’s firm conclusion:,Once the genes for surface features such as skin colorand height are discounted, the “races” are remarkably alike under the skin. The variati

36、on among individuals is much greater than the differences among groups. In fact, there is no 科學(xué)依據(jù) for theories advocating the genetic superiority of any one population over another.,best-seller: a book that

37、 a lot of people buy,vt. regard sth. as unlikely to be true or important不理會(huì),漠視e.g. Much of what he says must be discounted, he always imagines things.n. a reduction in the usual price of sth.打折,The book, however, is mu

38、ch more than an argument against the latest racially biased theory. The 主要倡導(dǎo)者 behind the project, Luca Cavalli-Sforza, a Stanford professor, labored with his colleagues for 16 years to create nothing less than

39、 the first genetic map of the world. (Para. 2),Paraphrase,But the book is not just an argument against the latest racially biased theory. The leading scientist of the project, ….,Translation,然而,此書還不僅僅是對(duì)目前的種族偏見理論的反駁。這一項(xiàng)目的

40、主要倡導(dǎo)者,斯坦福大學(xué)教授路卡.卡瓦里-斯福爾扎,與同事一起經(jīng)過16年的努力,繪制了這一世界上首幅人類基因分布圖譜。,A racially biased theory is one that shows an unreasonable like or dislike for one race based on personal opinions.,“having greater value or importance than sth

41、. else” or “not only…, not just…” Please note here “more than” is used in a sentence without an adverbial clause of comparison.  不僅僅是;非常,more than,Return,1)“more than” followed by a noun phrase:  e.g. He is m

42、ore than a teacher; he is a friend. 2)“more than” followed by a verbal phrase:  e.g. We more than waited for him from morning till night; we were worried.3)“more than” followed by an adjective phrase:&

43、#160; e.g. She was more than glad to hear the news.,Please note that “nothing less than” is often used to emphasize how important  or surprising sth. is. In this case, it is often used in a sentence without an ad

44、verbial clause of comparison. 簡直是,完全是,“nothing less than” followed by a noun:e.g. What I have expected for a long time is nothing less than this movie.“nothing less than” followed by an adj

45、ective:e.g. His experience is nothing less than magical and I am moved to tears.,nothing less than,Return,The information needed to draw that tree is found in human blood: various proteins that serve as markers t

46、o reveal a person's genetic makeup.,Paraphrase,It’s found that the different proteins in human blood provide the necessary information to draw the global family tree, for they can tell us about a person’s genetic st

47、ructure.,Translation,他們?cè)谌祟愌褐姓业搅死L制這一家譜所需的信息:不同的蛋白質(zhì)就是顯示一個(gè)人的基因構(gòu)成的標(biāo)志。,“fulfill the purpose of something…”充當(dāng),擔(dān)任,為,Serve as,Return,1) e.g. the judge said that the fine would serve as a warning to other motorists who drove wit

48、hout due care and attention.2)e.g. In the absence of anything better the box would serve as a table.,And to ensure the populations were "pure", the study was confined to groups that were in their present loca

49、tions as of 1492, before the first major movements from Europe began— in effect, a genetic photo of the world when Columbus sailed for America.,Paraphrase,And to make sure the survey participants were not mixed with outs

50、ides, the study was limited to people who had been living since 1492 in their present locations and were not affected by the first major movements from Europe due to columbus’ discovery of America. in fact what the scien

51、tists drew was a genetic map of the world in 1492.,Translation,為了確保種群的“純正”,這項(xiàng)研究將對(duì)象限定于自1492年起,即歐洲最初的大規(guī)模遷徙之前就一直居住在現(xiàn)生活區(qū)域的那些群體。這實(shí)際上就是一幅哥倫布駛向美洲時(shí)期的世界人口基因分布圖。,How the scientists collected materials for drawing the genetic map?

52、(Para.3),collecting the information that is found in human blood,assembling profiles of hundredsof thousands of individuals,ensuring the populations were “pure”,confining the study to groups that were in their presen

53、t locations,difficulties (Para. 4),Potential donors were often afraid to cooperate, or had religious concerns.,有一次, when he was …, he was 面對(duì) by an angry father waving an axe.,an example,While illus

54、trating the major discoveries of the research, what writing devices does the author use?,topic sentence:,The scientists made some remarkable discoveries.,One of them醒目地印在此書封面上: … But their genes表明并非如此.,discovery 2,

55、discovery 1,discovery 4,discovery 3,The same map,in combinationwith ancientjuman bones,confirms that…,Genetic maps also 解釋,闡明on the origins ofpopulationsthat have longpuzzled scientists.,the latest原材料

56、of the medicalindustry,listing,,. One of them jumps right off the book's cover: A color map of the world's genetic variation has Africa at one end of the range and Australia at the other.,Paraphrase,one of the d

57、iscoveries was right on the book’s cover a color map of the world’s genetic distribution dhows that Australians are most different from Africans.,Translation,其中之一就醒目地印在此書封面上:人類基因變異彩圖表明,非洲與澳洲分別位于變化范圍的兩端。,What the eye sees

58、 as racial differences—between Europeans and Africans, for example—are mainly a way to adapt to climate as humans move from one continent to another.,Paraphrase,for example, the different appearance of Europeans and Afri

59、cans as we see are mainly result of environmental survival when they move from one continent to another.,Translation,我們所看到的人種差異,例如歐洲人與非洲人的差異,主要是人類從一個(gè)大陸向另一個(gè)大陸遷徙時(shí)為適應(yīng)氣候所產(chǎn)生的。,“make sth easier to understand”使…清楚的現(xiàn)出來,闡明,為…提供線索

60、,對(duì)…透露情況,shed light on,Return,1) e.g His new discovery will shed light on the mystery他的新發(fā)現(xiàn)將有助于解開這個(gè)謎團(tuán)。2)eg. She has told them nothing that could shed light on her husband’s whereabouts.她沒向他們提供任何有關(guān)她丈夫下落的線索。,,Example 1,

61、Example 2,,Many scientists consider the Khoisan a distinct race of very ancient origin. … the Khoisan people are directly descended from the most primitive human ancestors. But their genes beg to differ.,Genetic maps als

62、o shed new light on the origins of populations that have long puzzled scientists. (Para. 7),The Basques of France and Spain have unusual patterns for several genes and their language of unknown origin cannot be placed wi

63、thin any standard classification. ….,a general statement supported by examples,exemplification(例證法),,,distinct vs. distinctive,Distinct “ means being clearly noticeable”明顯的,清楚的,distinctive means “have a special quality c

64、haracter, or appearance that is different and easy to recognize.”有特色的,與眾不同的, 獨(dú)特,特異,BACK,1)there is a distinct smell of cigarettes every time he come into the room2)there is a distinctive smell in the room,Activists f

65、or native populations fear that the scientists could exploit these peoples: Genetic material taken from blood samples could be used for commercial purposes without adequate payment made to the groups that provide the DNA

66、.,Paraphrase,Activists for native populations worry that the scientists could take advantage of these peoples, getting DNA information from their blood samples to gain profits without paying them enough.,Translation,保護(hù)土著

67、人權(quán)益的活動(dòng)家們擔(dān)心科學(xué)家可能會(huì)利用土著人:從當(dāng)?shù)厝搜獦又刑崛〉幕蛭镔|(zhì)可被用于商業(yè)目的,而DNA 提供者卻不會(huì)獲得足夠的報(bào)酬。,“not only… but also” 不僅…而且,not(just/only)…but…as well,1) the government radio not only reported the demonstration, but announced it in advance as well

68、2)eg. Some parents are not only concerned with safety but skeptical of educational value of such strips as well.,,,Post-reading Activities,HOME,,,The passage outlines the book The History and Geography of Human Genes,

69、 which is the first genetic map of the world. It’s based on the combined research of more than 50 years into population genetics. It appears from this book’s conclusion that, if we disregard (忽視) the different surface


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