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1、Europe,Book 3 Module 1,Introduction & function,France,Italy,Greece,Portugal,Spain,Paris,Rome,Athens,Lisbon,Spanish,French,Italian,Greek,Portuguese,Madrid,United Kingdom,Germany,France,Greece,Italy,Portugal,Spain,Uni

2、ted Kingdom,across 與 throughacross 指從物體表面穿過 through 指從物體里面穿過,用across, through, 和over填空。 The Great Wall winds its way from west to east ______ the deserts _____ the mountains and _______ the valleys until it reaches t

3、he sea.,across,over,through,,Function: Describing location On page 4(2)(4),Italy is in the south of Europe Portugal is to the west of Spain. Barcelona is on the northwest coast of Spain.,in/ to/ on the south of …,in

4、the south of 在……的南部,常指在某一范圍,to the south of在……的南邊,常指超出了某一范圍。,on the south of 在……的南面, 強(qiáng)調(diào)兩者毗 鄰,接壤。,Jilin Province lies in the northeast of China.,Jilin Province lies to the northeast of Hebei Province.,Korea lies on th

5、e northeast of China.,Northeast of Hebei Province lies to Jilin Province.,1. What’s the difference between on the coast and off the coast.?,On the coast means that the place is actuallyon the land, where it meets t

6、he sea;off the coast means that the place is an island (or on an island) not far from the mainland.,2.What’s the difference between across and between?,across means that something is on the other side , that th

7、ere is something between two places, two objects or also two people (e.g. You can sit across the table from someone; live across the street from them); between refers to the “thing” which separates two objects, plac

8、es or people, e.g. There is a river between the two parts of the city; there is a busy street between your house and time.,Complete these sentences using correct prepositions.,1. Paris is situated __________ the River

9、 Seine. 2. France and England face each other _________ the English Channel. 3. There is a mountain range __________ France and Italy. 4. Barcelona is a city ______ the coast of

10、 Spain. 5. Britain is an island _____ the coast of continental Europe.,on,across,between,on,,off,Complete these sentences using correct prepositions or prepositional phrases.,1.Mongolia is ________ C

11、hina and Russia. 2.China is _________________ of India. 3.Guangzhou is ____________ of China. 4. Shenyang is ____________ Beijing and Harbin. 5. The Qinghai ---Tibet Plateau(高原 ) is ___

12、_____________ of China.,between,to the northeast of,in the south,between,,in the southwest,look at these prepositions or prepositional phrases. Find which ones can be used to describe locations and which ones can

13、 be used to describe movement .(3),,on the left on the right between in front of to behind near next to opposite above below beside with from,Locations :,Movement:,,on the left, on the right , between, in

14、 front of, behind , near , next to . opposite, above , below, beside.,to, from (“with” is extra.),Write sentences to describe geographical area of China.Give some places : Such as Jinan, Qingdao, Shandong Province,

15、Shanghai, Beijing. Example: Chongqing is situated on the Yangtze River.,Great European Cities,Reading & cultural corner,Eiffel Tower 埃菲爾鐵塔,The Eiffel Tower是1887年1月26日動工,1889年5月15日開放的,距今已有100多年的歷史了.埃菲爾鐵塔占地一公頃,聳立在巴黎

16、市區(qū)賽納河畔的戰(zhàn)神廣場上。除了四個腳是用鋼筋水泥之外,全身都用鋼鐵構(gòu)成,塔身總重量7000噸。塔分三層,第一層高57米,第二層115米,第三層274米。除了第三層平臺沒有縫隙外,其他部分全是透空的。從塔座到塔頂共有1711級階梯,現(xiàn)已安裝電梯,故十分方便。每一層都設(shè)有酒吧和飯館,供游客在此小憩,領(lǐng)略獨(dú)具風(fēng)采的巴黎市區(qū)全景:每逢晴空萬里,這里可以看到遠(yuǎn)達(dá)70公里之內(nèi)的景色。,Triumphal Arch 凱旋門,Louvre 盧浮宮,Th

17、e Louvre,始建于12世紀(jì)末,當(dāng)時是用作防御目的,后來經(jīng)過一系列的擴(kuò)建和修繕逐漸成為一個金碧輝煌的王宮。如今博物館收藏的藝術(shù)品已達(dá)40萬件,其中包括雕塑,繪畫,美術(shù)工藝及古代東方,古代埃和古希臘羅馬等7個門類。1981年,法國政府這座精美的建筑進(jìn)行了大規(guī)模的整修,從此盧浮宮成了專業(yè)博物館。盧浮宮正門入口處有一個透明金字塔建筑,設(shè)計者就是著名的美籍華人建 筑師貝聿銘。,巴黎圣母院 Cathedral of Notre Da

18、me,凡爾賽宮,Versailles,Acropolis 雅典衛(wèi)城,Acropolis Hill(衛(wèi)城)是雅典以及全希臘的一顆明珠,是雅典民主的象征。衛(wèi)城海拔156米,從雅典市的任何地方都可以看到。自然的山體使人們只能從西側(cè)登上衛(wèi)城。衛(wèi)城設(shè)有藍(lán)白相間的希臘國旗,從這里可以俯瞰整個雅典城。,帕特農(nóng)神廟,the Parthenon,The Parthenon(帕特農(nóng)神廟)意即處女廟,是供奉雅典城的保護(hù)神雅典娜女神的處所。,Sagrada F

19、amilia 圣家大教堂,,,Sagrada Familia(圣家贖罪堂,又名神圣家族大教堂),是由西班牙最偉大的建筑設(shè)計師高迪設(shè)計的,無論你身處巴塞羅那的哪一方,只要抬起頭就能看到它。這座教堂從高迪在世時直到現(xiàn)在都在不停地建造,已經(jīng)一個多世紀(jì)了,仍未造完,在它高高的塔頂上仍是布滿了腳手架。 這是一座象征主義建筑,分為三組,描繪出東方的基督誕生、基督受難及西方的 死亡,它的四座尖塔代表了十二位基督圣徒;圓頂覆蓋的后半

20、部則象征圣母瑪利亞。它的墻面主要以當(dāng)?shù)氐膭又参镄蜗笞鳛檠b飾,正面的三道門以彩色的陶瓷裝點(diǎn)而成。,Edinburgh,愛丁堡,蘇格蘭首府,gallery n. 美術(shù)館;畫廊,A lot of sculptures will be displayed for the Olympic Games.,Barcelona,Athens,Sydney opera House is the symbol of Australia.,佛羅倫薩,Flo

21、rence,比薩斜塔,the Leaning Tower of Pisa,Big Ben,大本鐘,Tower Bridge,倫敦塔橋,Buckingham palace,白金漢宮,Neuschwanstein Castle,德國天鵝堡,意大利古羅馬斗獸場,Colosseum,古羅馬圓形露天競技場,Roman Amphitheater,Read the text quickly and silently. And then finish

22、 Activity 1. (on page 2)( ) 1. a landmark in Paris ( ) 2. an art gallery in Florence ( ) 3. a church in Barcelona ( ) 4.. a building in Athens. The Eiffel Tower B. The Parthenon C. The Uffizi Palace .

23、D. The Sagrada Familia.,A,C,D,B,the Eiffel Tower,the Parthenon,the Uffizi Palace,The Uffizi Palace ----烏飛齊美術(shù)館 由日本建筑家Arata Isozaki設(shè)計的,其特點(diǎn)是由一個布滿天窗的天蓬平鋪在24米高的石柱橫梁上。,the Sagrada Familia.,Read the textMatch the words on P

24、3 Ex2Answer questions on P3 Ex3True or False on P3 Ex 4,Match the words in the box with their definitions. On page 3(2-4),ancient architect landmark locate sculpture writer,1.someone who designs building ____

25、______. 2.to be in a certain place _____________. 3.something that is easy to recognize, such as a building _____________ 4.someone who produces novel or poems. ___

26、___________,architect,locate,landmark,writer,5.a large building where people can see famous pieces of art. _______________ 6. the art of making things out of stone and wood, etc. _______________ 

27、60;   7. of a time long ago. _____________.,gallery,sculpture,ancient,1.Which of the cities are capital cities? 2.Which one is situated on the coast? 3.Which is famous for its places to eat? 4.Whic

28、h ones are or were important cities for writers and artists?   5.Which was the world’s greatest city a long time ago?,Athens and Paris,Barcelona,Paris,Paris and Athens,Athens,Decide if these se

29、ntences are true or false 1. The Eiffel Tower is a tall building in France. ( ) 2. There are a lot of restaurants and cafés in Paris.( ) 3. Barcelona is the

30、capital of Spain. ( ) 4. The Church of the Sagrada Familia was built in 1926. ( ) 5.The artistic movement called the Renaissance began in Florence. ( ) 6.The Uffizi Palace is a famo

31、us hotel in Florence ( ),,T,T,F,F,T,F,7. There were a lot of good writers in ancient Athens. ( )8.A long time ago, Athens was the world’s most powerful city. ( ),T,T,Mat

32、ch the description of each cities.,a.Famous because of the Renaissance b.the Parthenon m. the Uffizi Palace c. Greece’s best writers and philosophers. d.Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo e.the second largest city

33、of Spain f.the Eiffel Tower g.the River Seine h.the capital and largest city of France i the church of Sagrada Familia k.about five hundred kilometers east of Madrid. l. the Acropolis,Pairs:,f. g. h.,Barceluna:,e.

34、 i. k.,Florence:,a.m.d.,Athens:,b. c. l.,,CULTURAL CORNER,Do you know this picture?,,,Read the passage and answer the questionsFind the names of three first members and three new members of the European Union.,Fist mem

35、bers:France,Germany,Belgium,New members:Czech Republic,Estonia,Hungary,Latvia,Lithuania,Poland ets,,,,,,,,,,,What is the European Union?,The European Union is an organisation of European countries. The countries are ind

36、ependent and governed in different ways.,How did it start?,The idea of the European Union began in the 1950s.,,,,,,,,,,,How many countries belong to it now?,In 2004 the European Union increased to 25 countries. The expan

37、ded European Union has a population of more than half a billion people.,,in the 1950,,25,France, Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Italy.,The Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Pola

38、nd, the Slovak Republic, and Slovenia, Malta, the Mediterranean islands of Cyprus,Names of new countries by 2000,Australia, Denmark, Finland, GreeceIreland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom.,More th

39、an a billion people.,Belgium 比利時 Luxembourg盧森堡 the Netherlands 荷蘭Denmark 丹麥 Finland 芬蘭 The Czech Republic 捷克Estonia 愛沙尼亞 Hungary 匈牙利 Latvia 拉脫維亞 Lithuania 立陶宛The Slovak Republic 拉脫維亞 Slovenia 斯洛文尼亞 Cyprus 塞浦路斯

40、Malta 馬耳他,PRACTICE,1. A new_______(美術(shù)館) will be built in the city.2. We are _______(面臨) with a difficult decision.3. There are many ______(古代) building in Rome.4.The station is just _______(對面) the store.5. At last w

41、e came to an __________(協(xié)議).6. The company will send some ______________(代 表) to London.,gallery,representatives,ancient,opposite,agreement,faced,PRACTICE,7. A famous _______(建筑師)made plans for his home.8. A

42、pigeon is the ______(象征) of peace.9. Chinese _________(文明) is one of the oldest in the world.10. The new ________(工程) is to build our own swimming baths.,MODULE 1,architect,symbol,civilisation,project,歐洲的大城

43、市巴黎  巴黎是法國的首都,也是法國最大的城市,坐落在塞納河畔。它是世界上最美麗的城市之一,每年有八百多萬游客前來參觀。最受游客歡迎的旅游景點(diǎn)是埃菲爾鐵塔,它是巴黎著名的象征。世界上最大的藝術(shù)博物館之一——盧浮宮——也位于巴黎。這個城市也以餐館、咖啡館和劇院而聞名。法國約三分之二的藝術(shù)家和作家住在巴黎。,巴塞羅那  巴塞羅那是西班牙第二大城市,位于(西班牙的)東北海岸線上,距離首都馬德里東部五百公里處。巴塞羅那最有名的標(biāo)志性建筑之

44、一是圣家大教堂,由建筑家安東尼奧·高迪設(shè)計。高迪從1882年起從事這項工程直至1926年逝世。至今教堂還沒完工。,佛羅倫薩  佛羅倫薩是一座因文藝復(fù)興而聞名的意大利城市,這場藝術(shù)運(yùn)動始于14世紀(jì)并且延續(xù)了300年。在文藝復(fù)興時期,歷史上一些最偉大的畫家在佛羅倫薩生活和工作。佛羅倫薩許多最美的畫作和雕像都出自于萊奧納多·達(dá)·芬奇和米開朗琪羅這樣的藝術(shù)大師。佛羅倫薩每年大約有一百萬旅游者來訪,他們都是來參觀藝

45、術(shù)館,教堂和博物館的。其中烏飛齊美術(shù)館最為著名。,雅典  雅典是希臘的首都,作為西方文明的發(fā)祥地而聞名于世。2400年前,它是世界上最強(qiáng)大的城市。一些諸如雅典衛(wèi)城山上的巴特農(nóng)神廟那樣的建筑都是在這段時期建造的。希臘最為著名的作家就居住在古雅典。他們的作品影響了后世的作家。,,,,,,,Exercises,Taiwan is ______ the east of Fujian and lies _______ the east of C

46、hina. A. in; in B. in; to C. to; / D. to; /in2. The Yellow River is _____ river in China. A. the second longer B. the second long C. the longest secondD. the second longest3. He lives in a vil

47、lage ________ the river. A. on B. through C. across D. over,D,D,AC,4. —Do you know how long ____ the film ______? —Nearly two hours. A. is; lastedB. does; last C. is; takenD. do

48、es; spend5. The country is a small island _____ the south coast of the Pacific Ocean. A. of B. from C. off D. on6. When I came in, he was working ____ a drawing. A. at B

49、. out C. with D. on,B,C,D,7. Rizhao lies ____ the southeast of Shandong Province which lies ____ the east of Shanxi Province that is ____ the west of Hebei Province. A. in; on; toB. in

50、; to; on C. to; in; onD. to; in; on8. Our school, which has 8,000 students, ____ on the beach of the Yellow Sea. A. is situatedB. situate C. situatingD. situation,B,A,9. Liqun Department Store is __

51、__ right in the center of the city. A. locatedB. locating C. locateD. be locating10. Guo Jingming who is a 22 years old college student ______ his novel City of Fantasy. A. is known asB.

52、 is knowing as C. is known forD. is known to,A,C,11. Rizhao _____ a harbour city and it ______ its beauty and people such as Liu Xie, Ding Zhaozhong.A. is know as; is better known forB. is known for

53、; is better known asC. is known as; is well known forD. is known for; is good known as,A,12. The Red Army overcame many difficulties during the Long March, _____ the snow mountain, _____ the river and


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