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1、Reading Skills,milly,menu,SkimmingScanningScanning & PredictingPreviewingIdentify the writer's purposeRead for the key ideaMajor detailsRead between lines,Distinguish Facts &OpinionsMaking Inferences

2、Understanding figurative languageIdiomatic expressionsGuessing word meaningDenotation & Connotation,,,,Exercise,Skimming,I. Skimming,,1. What is skimming ?,Reading Skills,Read quickly to identify the main idea of

3、a passage.,Skimming is used when you ① want to see if an article may be of your interest.,2. When to skim ?,② get the general idea of a passage.,3. How to skim ?,a. Read only selected sentences.,b. Read the first and

4、last paragraphs of a text.,d. Use textual clues such as:,① italicized or underlined words, ② headlines or subtitles, ③ spacing and paragraphing.,c. Read the first and last sentences of a paragraph.,Reading Skills

5、,II. Further Study,1. Summary of 4 kinds of reading,Reading Skills,Skimming—running the eyes over quickly to get the gist of a reading material Scanning—looking for a particular piece of information of a reading mat

6、erial Extensive reading—longer texts for pleasure and needing global understanding Intensive reading—shorter texts, extracting specific information, accurate reading for detail.,2. Exercise: How would you read t

7、he following?,The “What's On” section of the local paper:,b. A text in class:,c. A newspaper:,Scanning.,Intensive.,Skimming, Scanning for specific information, Intensive.,d. A travel brochure:,Skimming for interest,

8、Scanning for a particular resort, Intensive for detail.,Reading Skills,e. A postcard :,Intensive.,f. A poem :,Extensive.,g. A train timetable :,Scanning.,h. A recipe :,Intensive.,i. A novel:,Extensive (or Intensive for r

9、evision, perhaps).,Reading Skills,Skimming,Skimming Practice,When you skim, you read only selected sentences quickly in order to get the general idea of a passage.,In skimming, you should also use textual clues suc

10、h as italicized or underlined words, headlines or subtitles, spacing, paragraphing, etc.,The key step is to decide what information you want to know , and then try to skim for it.,Reading Skills,I. Skimming

11、,Exercises,Scanning,I. Scanning,Scanning is a reading skill used to locate key or specific information quickly, e.g. dates, numbers, examples & definitions.,Reading Skills,1. What is scanning?,2. When to scan?,Scanni

12、ng is used, for example, when you ① want to look up a word in a dictionary or a number in a telephone directory.② first find a resource to determine whether it will answer your questions.,Reading Skills,3. H

13、ow to scan ?,highlighted words, e.g. words in bold or italic. numbers, e.g. dates and statistics. words such as “first”, “second”, or “additionally” or words that are repeated. definitions. examples, including

14、diagrams.,Look for,Reading Skills,II. Exercises,,Scan the following paragraphs and answer each question. You have a time limit of 60 seconds for each question.,Reading Skills,In order to develop effective learning skills

15、, it is necessary to understand more about how the memory is structured, in particular the role of short-term memory and long-term memory. Short-term memory is the part known as the conscious mind and is used for paying

16、 attention. Long-term memory is where information is stored. There are many things that come into the short-term memory and are not transferred to the long-term memory. In fact the brain is designed to forget between 5

17、0 and 75 percent of the information that is not transferred to the long-term memory within 24 hours.,Question: What percentage of information is forgotten in short term memory if it is not transferred to long term memo

18、ry?,Long and short term memory,,,Reading Skills,SchemasEverything we understand and experience is translated into schemas in our long term memory. A schema is a collection of associated pieces of information. Each ind

19、ividual has a unique collection of schemas in their memory. These apply to anything that is significant in a person's life, for example, city, suburb, family or work. A schema is perhaps best understood as a loosel

20、y connected web of ideas based on stored memories that can be activated by language or sensory prompts. Individual schemas overlap with, or are hooked intoother schemas.,Question: What is the definition of a schema?,,,

21、Scanning,Reading Skills,Scanning is to read quickly in order to locate and find a piece of information without readingin any detail. Here are some ways to scan.,Look at the title. Look for the subtitles(小標(biāo)題). Look

22、 at pictures, charts, or drawings if there are any. Look at the first sentence of each paragraph.,Reading Skills,In this unit, we’re going to learn the scanning steps. The steps involved in scanning are the following

23、:,Decide exactly what information you are looking for and think about the form it may take. Next, decide where you need to read.Move your eyes as quickly as possible down the page until you find the information.When y

24、ou find what you need, do not read further.,,,,Scanning,Exercises,I. What is Scanning?,Reading Skills,Scanning is to locate a specific item of information or to tell where we can get that information. Scanning is part

25、icularly useful in reading newspapers or advertisements. It is also possible to use this reading skill to find some particular information in any kind of reading materials.,Decide what information you are looking

26、for, and think about the form it may take. Next, think about where you would be likely to get the information and move your eyes quickly.Stop reading when you have got the right information.,Steps to scan:,

27、Reading Skills,1. How many Chinese people find it difficult to fall asleep? Lying in bed counting sheep is not a solution to falling asleep, especially for people engaged in conti

28、nual mental labor. The fear of not being able to fall asleep brings anxiety and insomnia, explained the experts. A recent national survey among 10,455 Chinese people showed 27.3%

29、of the subjects admitted they have sleeping problems.,,,,Reading Skills,II. Exercises,2. What kind of music can audience enjoy at the festival? The 2004 Midi Modern Music Festival will take place o

30、n Oct. 1 to 4 at Beijing International Sculpture Park. Audience can watch 45 bands playing various music styles including rock, folk, blues, hip-hop and jazz. Sponsored in 2000, it was at first a showcase for students of

31、 the music school. Now the festival has expanded into an outdoor festival for young and little-known bands to perform their unique style.,,,Reading Skills,Scanning and Predicting,,,,I. Scanning and Predicting,Readin

32、g Skills,Scanning a text means reading through the text quickly in order to find a piece of information that you want or to get a general idea of what the text contains.,Reading Skills,Where to scan?,Usually, we should v

33、ery carefully read the title, the subtitles, the first sentence of a paragraph to get enough information for our thinking.,What will this reading skill benefit you?,It can help us have a good idea where in the reading pa

34、ssage to look for answers to the specific questions.,Prediction,Decide Your Choice,I. Prediction,Reading Skills,Predicting is using the text to guess what willhappen next. Then readers confirm or reject their predicti

35、on as they read. Predicting is a reading strategy used before and during reading. A technique to apply to this readingstrategy is to use the Think-Pair-Share method.,Take Passage A of Unit 10 as an example.,II. Decide

36、 Your Choice,Reading Skills,Looking at the title of the passage Reports on Britain Under the Bombs, We may ask: When was Britain bombed? Why? What did English people do for fun? Was the report interesting?,After readi

37、ng the first three paragraphs, you’ll know: In the middle of August, Nazi bombs started to fall along England’s Channel Coasts.,Then you go on reading. When you read “AirMarshal Goering’s bomber pilots were sure of the

38、ir ultimate triumph over England.” you mayraise another question: a. How bomber pilots bombed England? b. Who won at last?c. Who was Marshal Goering?,Reading Skills,Reading Skills,After reading paragraph 6, you may

39、 again ask: a. What hardships did London suffer ?b. Why did Marshal Goering boast?,You keep asking questions and confirm your predictions as you keep reading on. When you finish the article, you will have all the ques

40、tionsanswered.,,,,Predicting the Writer’s Ideas,Making predictions while you read keepsyour mind alert; it’s a way to double-check your comprehension of what you’ve read so far, and itcan be a great aid to understandi

41、ng what comes next. We can predict the writer’s ideas from titles,subtitles, sentences, or paragraphs.,Practice,Reading Skills,Predicting the Writer’s Ideas,Take a look at the title of Text A, and predict what informati

42、on the passage might give.,Reading Skills,Title Predicting 1,Choose to Be Alone on Purpose,1. Reasons why some people choose to be alone on purpose.2. Advantages and disadvantages of being alone on purpose.3. Negative

43、 social influence of some people choosing to be alone on purpose.4. Positive results of some people choosing to be alone on purpose.…,Reading Skills,Take a look at the title of Text B, and predict what information the

44、passage might give.,Reading Skills,Title Predicting 2,Roommate Conflicts,1. What roommate conflicts may appear. 2. Negative influence of roommate conflicts.3. Reasons for roommate conflicts.4. How roommates solve thei

45、r conflicts.5. What schools do to solve the problem of roommate conflicts. 6. Does conflict resolution work?…,Reading Skills,Read the following two paragraphs and choose the answer to the prediction.,Reading Skills,Pa

46、ragraph Predicting 1,As supplier of most of the food we eat and of raw materials for many industrial processes, agriculture is clearly an important area of the economy. But the industrial performance of agriculture is e

47、ven more important than this. For in nations where the productivity of farmers is low, most of the working population is needed to raise food and few people are available for production of investment goods or for other a

48、ctivities required for economic growth. Indeed, one of the factors related most closely to the per capital income (人均收入) of a nation is the fraction of its population engaged in farming. In the poorest,(To be continued),

49、Reading Skills,Reading Skills,nations of the world more than half of the population lives on farms. This compares sharply with less than 10 per cent in Western Europe and less than 4 per cent in the UnitedStates. I

50、n short, the course of economic development in general depends in a fundamental way on the performance of farmers. This performance in turn, depends on how agriculture is organized and on the economic environment, or mar

51、ket structure, within which it function. In the following pages the performance of American agriculture is examined. It is appropriate to begin with a conversation of its marketstructure.,Question,Question,Reading Skill

52、s,This passage will most probably be followed by a discussion of ________.A) the structure of American farming populationB) the market structure of American agricultureC) the various functions of American agriculture

53、D) the organization of American agriculture,Key: B,Reading Skills,Paragraph Predicting 2,Read Text B and predict what might follow in the next paragraph or parts. There are a few predictions inserted in the passage and

54、check them.,Paragraph 2Paragraphs 4-6Paragraph 7Paragraphs 8-9,Prediction 1,Reading Skills,After reading the title and the first paragraph, you find that Sarah was incompatible with her roommate. You can make predicti

55、ons that thefollowing paragraph might be about:,Key: A,A) how Sarah found a way out of her miserable situationB) how Sarah tried to improve her relation with her roommateC) what Sarah did to punish her roommate,Pred

56、iction 2,Reading Skills,After reading paragraph 3, you know that roommate conflicts are common in college dormitories. From this, you can predict that thefollowing parts might be about:,Key: C,A) what schools do to solv

57、e the problem of roommate conflictsB) how to avoid roommate conflictsC) the reasons for roommate conflicts,Prediction 3,Reading Skills,From paragraphs 4-6, you learn the negative impacts of roommate conflicts and

58、the reasons for roommate conflicts. In the next paragraph, youmight read:,Key: B,A) students are trying to solve the conflicts by themselvesB) as small conflicts might lead to serious violence if not attended to in

59、time, schools are taking necessary measures nowC) schools are not taking roommate conflicts seriously,Prediction 4,Reading Skills,From paragraph 7, you learn schools have started conflict resolution programs to calm te

60、nsions. In the next paragraph, you mightread:,Key: C,A) conflict resolution programs yield very good resultsB) conflict resolution programs do not workC) conflict resolution programs have met new problems,Previewing

61、,,,,,,Reading Skills,In order to read for information, you can also PREVIEW—that is, look ahead to the content of a passage in a number of ways.,The ways to preview a reading selection:,,,Reading Skills,Very likely the t

62、itle and the first paragraph can give the main idea of the selection.,Look at the title. Read the first paragraph carefully.,Other textual clues can help to get the main idea : Italicized or underlined words Headlin

63、es or subtitles Spacing Paragraphing,,Reading Skills,,,Reading Skills,For example, when you see the title “College Success Made Easy”, think about it and predict what the passage is about.,A. Ways to make college suc

64、cess easy.B. Good computer software for college learning.C. Selecting college teachers or your majors.D. Relying on modernized library service.,Identifying the Writer’s Purpose,Exercises,Reading Skills,I. Identifying

65、the Writer’s Purpose,Reading effectively means recognizing the writer’s purposes. Three common purposes of writing are:,① to inform,② to persuade,③ to entertain,Reading Skills,Three common purposes of writing,,,to provid

66、e readers with informationabout a topic,,to convince readers to believe a certain viewpoint or to take a certaincourse of action,,to amuse readers in some way, though very often there is somefood for thought as well,R

67、eading Skills,How to identify the writer’s purposes?,An informational text uses facts, details, examples, statistics, and quotes from authorities to convey information about a subject and explain it to the reader so that

68、 he or she understands it more thoroughly. Informational writing can be found in newspaper articles, how-to manuals, shortreports, etc.,How to identify informational writing?,Reading Skills,An persuasive text uses evide


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