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1、Lesson 57 An unusual day,Review,1. seasonsspring、summer、autumn/fall、winter 2. monthsJanuary、February、March、April、May、June、July、August、September、October 、November、December,3. 詢問來自哪個國家?(兩種問法)Where do you come from?=

2、Where are you from? I come from China. = I am from China.4. 詢問是哪個國家的人?What nationality are you? I’m Chinese.,Review,5. 詢問 —你最喜歡哪個季節(jié)?Which seasons do your like best?6. 詢問—方位? 在中國的北方 in the north o

3、f China 在邯鄲的西邊 in the west of Handan,Review,7. 詢問 —在早上/在正午/在下午/在晚上/在夜間? in the moring / at noon / in the afternoon/ in the eveing / at night8. 詢問—不及物動詞live + arrive? live + in + ?

4、 live + at + ? arrive + in + ? arrive +at + ?,Review,9. 一般現(xiàn)在時的用法: 當主語是第三人稱時,它的構成是:? 主語 + 頻率副詞 + 三單 + 其他 當主語不是第三人稱時,它的構成是:? 主語 + 頻率副詞 + 動詞原形 + 其他 10. 頻率副詞有哪些?,Review,always(100%)&

5、gt;usually(80%)>often(60%)>sometimes(40%)>seldom(20%)>hardly (10%)>never(0%),,text,Lesson 57 An unusual day,,unusual [?n'ju????l]adj. 不尋常的;與眾不同的;unusually [?n'ju:?u?l?]adv. 非常;異乎尋常地;顯著地 (

6、 un 否定前綴) usually adv.通常,,going to school on foot,going to the shops,drinking tea in the garden,playing in the garden,reading an interesting book,,1. It is eight o'clock. The children go to school by car every day

7、, but today, they are going to school on foot.,現(xiàn)在是8點鐘。孩子們每天都乘小汽車去上學,而今天,他們正步行去上學。,by + 交通工具乘...,,,1:00 one o’clock2:00 two o’clock3:00 Three o’clock……,o'clock adv. 點鐘,,時間表達,What's the time?/ What time

8、is it?It's … o'clock. (表示整點)past ( “過了……”,表示半點前) Ten past seven.half (“……半”,表示半點) It's half past eight.to (“差……”,表示半點以后)Ten to seven.quarter (表示一刻鐘)qA quarter past one.,,在日常生活中,常用下列簡單方法表示時間。以小時、分鐘為單位分別讀

9、出數(shù)字。6:31 讀作 six thirty-one10:26讀作 ten twenty-six14:03 讀作 fourteen o three16:15 讀作 sixteen fifteen18:30 讀作 eighteen thirty23:55 讀作 twenty-three fifty-five注:時刻表上的時間大多采用24小時表示法,這樣就不需要用a.m.表示上午,p.m.表示下午了。,What's

10、the time?/ What time is it?,,,,,,,,,,,,2. It is ten o'clock. Mrs. Sawyer usually stays at home in the morning, but this morning, she is going to the shops. 現(xiàn)在是10點整。上午,索耶夫人通常是呆在家里的,但今天上午,他正去商店買東西。,,shop[??p] n. 商

11、店,Shopping 購物Shopping mall 商場Window shopping 只逛不買Go shopping 購物,“血拼”,,3. It is four o'clock. In the afternoon, Mrs. Sawyer usually drinks tea in the living room. But this afternoon, she is drinking tea in the g

12、arden.現(xiàn)在是4點鐘。下午,索耶夫人通常在客廳里喝茶,但今天下午,她正在花園里喝茶。,,4. It is six o'clock. In the evening, the children usually do their homework, but this evening, they are not doing their homework. At the moment, they are playing in t

13、he garden.現(xiàn)在是6點鐘。晚上,孩子們通常是做作業(yè),而今天晚上,他們沒做作業(yè)。此刻,他們正在花園里玩。,,at the moment 此刻;當時for a moment 片刻,一會兒;暫時for the moment 暫時,暫且;目前at this moment 現(xiàn)在;在這個瞬間At the last moment the player was able to hit the ball in. 在最后一刻, 那位

14、運動員終于擊進了一球。You should breathe. And enjoy the moment. 你應該深呼吸,享受這一時刻。,Moment ['m?um?nt] n. 片刻,瞬間,,5. It is nine o'clock. Mr. Sawyer usually reads his newspaper at night. But he's not reading his newspaper to

15、night. At the moment, he's reading an interesting book.現(xiàn)在是9點鐘。索耶先生通常是在晚上看報,但今天晚上他沒看報。此刻,他正在看一本有趣的書。,,語法知識:一般現(xiàn)在時現(xiàn)在進行時,一般現(xiàn)在時,第三人稱復數(shù),主語,謂語,The Sawyers live at 87 King Street.,The children go to school.,They often d

16、rink tea together.,The children come home from school.,They arrive home early.,The children always do their homework.,They go to bed.,He and his wife watch television.,動詞原形:do,一般現(xiàn)在時,第三人稱單數(shù),主語,謂語,Mr. Sawyer goes to work.,

17、Their father takes them to school.,Mrs. Sawyer stays at home.,She does the housework.,She always eats her lunch /sees her friends.,Mr. Sawyer usually reads his newspaper.,Mr. Sawyer comes home from work.,He arrives home

18、late.,動詞+s/es,一般現(xiàn)在時句式:表經?;蛄晳T性的動作肯定句:?主語(I/We/You/They)+動詞+其他 e.g. I stay at home every day . ?主語(He/She/It)+動詞加s/es+其他 e.g. He stays

19、 at home on Saturdays.否定句:?主語(I/We/You/They) +do+ not+動詞原形+其他 e.g. I don’t stay at home on Saturdays. ?主語(He/She/It)+does +not+動詞原形+其他 e.g. He doesn’t sta

20、y at home on Saturdays.一般疑問句:?Do+主語(I/we/you/they)+動詞原形+其他? e.g. Do you stay at home on Saturdays? ?Does+主語(he/she/it)+動詞原形+其他?

21、 e.g. Does he stay at home on Saturdays?,特殊疑問句:疑問詞+ do/does+主語+動詞原形+其他?e.g. What do you want? What does she want? What do you do? What does she do? How do you spell it?

22、 How does he spell it? 時間狀語/頻度副詞: every day/often /always/usually/ every morning/sometimes,例如:1、我們每天都上學。2、下課后我們打掃教室。3、有時我們在操場上踢足球 。4、我們在學校吃晚飯。5、他喜歡英語。6、他是一個學生。,We go t

23、o school every day.,We clean the classroom after class.,We sometimes play football on the playground.,We have dinner at school.,He likes English.,He is a student.,Look! They are running . Listen! Someone is singing in

24、 the next room.3. The Greens are watching a football match now.,現(xiàn)在進行時,表示現(xiàn)在、說話瞬間正在進行或發(fā)生的動作。構成:,be動詞(am/ is / are) +動詞ing形式,標志性詞語:,look, listen, now, at present at the moment at this momen

25、t(在此刻),現(xiàn)在進行時句式:表示正在進行的動作 肯定句: 主語+be +動詞ing+其他 e.g. I am staying at home . 否定句: 主語+be+ not+動詞ing+其他 e.g. I am not staying at home. 一般疑

26、問句: Be+主語+動詞ing+其他? e.g. Are you staying at home?,特殊疑問句: 疑問詞+ be+主語+動詞+ing+其他? e.g. What are you doing?時間狀語: 1.now,at the moment 2. look,listen引出的句子 3. 各種畫面、圖片

27、以及舞臺 展示的動作,eg: What are you doing now? (sing) I’m singing.1. What are you doing now? (read a book) I’m reading a book.2. What are Tom and Jack doing now? (ride a bike

28、) They are riding a bike.3. What’s your mother doing now? (look at some pictures) She is looking at some pictures.,改變句型(一般現(xiàn)在時與現(xiàn)在進行時互換):1.He is swimming.(everyday)He swims everyday.2.Lily usually goe

29、s shopping with her friends.Lily is going shopping with her friends.3.What are you doing now? (usually, everyday)What do you usually do everyday?4.Does he often wash his clothes by himself?Is he washing his clothes

30、by himself?,根據(jù)英文在鐘面上畫出時間。,1. half past nine2. a quarter past seven3. two to two4. ten thirty-five,,Read and Choose1.-What’s on the plate?- There ______some jam on it.A. are B. is C. have

31、 D. has 2._____sun is shining today.A.A B. The C./ D. An3.-Must we hand in the composition now?-No. you _______.mustn't B. needn’t C

32、. may not D. can’t4.-What’s the date today?-________.Great B. I’m 20 C. Sunday D. The first5.Hans,with his classmates,_____ basketball every day.A. Play B. plays

33、 D. is playing D. are playing,B,B,B,D,B,I usually _______ (go) to school by bus.She often _______ (watch) TV.My father _______ (read) magazines at night.The children _______ (do) homework in the evening.De

34、nnis sometimes ______ ( arrive) home with her sister.,go,watches,reads,do,arrives,Let’s correct:I goes to school at six every day.He don’t like playing football.3. They likes playing games.4. Daming watchs TV in the

35、 evening.5. Does he usually has a party?6. What do they  on Sunday?7. Tony goes always to school at eight o’clock.8. What   they eat in the party?9. Lily haves lunch at school.10. What do his parents usually giv

36、es him ?,go,doesn’t,like,watches,have,do,,has,give,do,It is eight o'clock. The children go to school ______ _____ every day, but today, they are going to school __________. It is ten o'clock. Mrs. Sawyer usual

37、ly ______ _____ _____ in the morning, but this morning, she is going to the _________. It is four o'clock. In the afternoon, Mrs. Sawyer usually drinks tea in the ______ ______. But this afternoon, she is drinking

38、 tea in the __________.,by car,on foot,stays,at home,shops,living room,garden,It is six o'clock. In the evening, the children usually ____ _____ __________, but this evening, they are not doing their home

39、work. At the moment, they ______ _______ in the garden. It is nine o'clock. Mr. Sawyer usually ______ ______ _________ at night. But he's not reading his newspaper tonight. At the moment, he _____ __________ an

40、 interesting _______.,do their homework,are playing,reads,his newspaper,reading,is,book,看小說聽音樂看電影去音樂會去看足球賽玩游戲彈鋼琴上網說英語去公園,read novels listen to the music go to the cinema go to the concert go to watch t

41、he football match play games play the piano go online speak English go to the park,起床吃早飯上課吃午飯休息做運動吃晚餐做家庭作業(yè)看電視上床睡覺,get up have breakfast start lesson have lunch have a break do sports have dinner do h

42、omework watch TV go to bed,時刻表示:,1. 表示幾點鐘用基數(shù)詞加o’clock5:00 讀作 five o’clock 或 five2. 表示幾點過幾分,可以直接讀,也可以在分鐘后加past,再加小時。但分鐘數(shù)必須在半小時以內(含半小時)。five past seven 七點過五分half past six 六點半a quarter past eight 八點過一刻seven past eig


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