1、分 類 編 ::i f ;i f' - 位. 代 碼 : 10065:0 9 2 0 4 0 19硏 究 生 學(xué)位 論文論 文 題 目: 英 王 亨利 二 世 與 貝克特 的 斗 爭學(xué) 生 姓 名 : 李 紅 英 屮請 學(xué) 位 級 別 : 碩 士屮請專 、 l k 名稱 :V 門 「 上 研 究 方 向:^ ? 1 教會 0: 指導(dǎo)教師 姓名 :王亞平 專業(yè)技術(shù)職稱 :A b s tra c tT he
2、church o f E ngl and i s m ore cl osel y l i nked w i t h the H ol y S ee duri ng t heperi od of A ngl o -S axon, att he t i m e of hep t archy , al lthe church of t h e K i ngdom i sunder t he cont rolo f t he A rc
3、hbi shop of C anterbury, and t here i s a uni f ied ch urch i n t heU K , w hi ch m akes t he C hurch of E ngl and is differentfrom w estern E uropean i nt radi ti ons and characteri stics. B efore t he N orm an C onqu
4、est,t he C hurch of E ngl andb ecam e t h e pol i t i calpow er for t he k i ng t o ach ieve uni t y and l ean on . A fter N orm anC onquest,t he feudalsystem i n E ngland i s graduall y establ i shed, t he ki ng i nteg
5、ratest h e C hurch of E ngl and i nto t he feudalsyst em throu gh “t he D om esday B ook “, b i shop s,and even t h e A rchbish op of C ant erbury h ave b een i ncorporated i nt o t h e feudalsyst em , K i ng even m as
6、t ers t he pow erof t he reference of t he bi shop and set srest rict i ons on B ri tish pri estgoi ng t o R om e for p i l gi im age. A ft er t he ch urch reform i ngm ovem ent, the cont radict i ons of t he C hurch of
7、 E ngl and and t he kingshi ps i sgrow i ng. B ecketserved as A rchbi shop of C anterbury, i m plem enti ng t he pol i cy ofm ai ntai ni ng pap alrul e fai t h ful, and i nt en sif y t h e cont radi cti ons w i t h H enr
8、y II, so thecont radi ct i ons evolve i nto open confl i ct. T he cau se of t h e bat t le of H enry IIand becketi s t he judi ci alreform of H enry II. T herefore t he i m pactof t hi s st ruggle is notl i m i t
9、ed t osei ze t he jurisdict ion of t he C hurch, butt o sei ze t he ri ghts of referen ce o f b i shop . I nt h i sp rocess, H enry IIprom ul gat es a l arge num b er of w ri t ten l aw , w h i ch h as a greati m pacton
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