1、A Dictionary of Prefixes, Suffixes, and Combining FormsfromWebster?s Third NewInternational Dictionary,Unabridged? 2002Webster?s Third New International Dictionary is now onlinevisit www.Merriam-WebsterUnabridged.comfor
2、a 14-day free trialwww.merriam-webster.comwww.wordcentral.com?a- prefix ?ME, fr. OE a-, an, on? ?1 : on : in : at ?abed? ?afoot? ?asunder? ? sometimes used in dialect speech in locutions not found in standard ?he did it
3、a-purpose? ?2 : in ?such? a state or condition ?afire? ?asleep? ? often used with with ?acrawl with ants? ?3 : in ?such? a manner ?aloud? ?4 : in the act of : in the process of ?daddy?s gone a-hunting? ?months later the
4、ship was still a-building? ?a- or an- prefix ?L ? Gk? L a-, an-, fr. Gk ? more at ??-? : not : without ?achromatic? ?asexual? ? used chiefly with words of Gk or L origin? a- before consonants other than h and sometimes e
5、ven before h, an- before vowels and usu. before h ?ahistorical? ?anesthesia? ?anhydrous? -a- combining form ?ISV? : replacing carbon esp. in a ring ? in initial combining forms as second constituent after a first constit
6、uent designating a chemical element ?arsa-? ?aza-? -a n suffix -? ?NL, prob. fr. originally nonsignificant -a in mag- nesia, fr. ML -a ?in magnesia, alchemical substance?, fr. Gk -a, -? ?in magn?sia, magn?si?, alchemical
7、 substance, magnet?, fr. nom. sing. fem. adjectival ending corresponding to nom. sing. masc. -os and nom. sing. neut. -on? : oxide ?ceria? ?lan- thana? ?thoria? ?ab- prefix ?ME, fr. OF ? L? OF, fr. L, fr. ab from? ?1 : f
8、rom : departing from ?abnormal? ?2 : away : outside of ?aben- teric? ?ab- prefix ?absolute? ? used for a cgs electromagnetic unit ?abampere? ?abhenry? abdomin- or abdomino- combining form ?L abdomin-, abdomen? : abdomen
9、 : abdominal ?abdominalgia? ?abdominoperineal? ?abdominocardiac? -ability also -ibility n suffix -?? ?ME -ablete, -abilite, -iblete, -ibilite, fr. MF -ableté, -abilité, -ibleté, -ibilité, fr. L -abi
10、litas, -ibilitas, fr. -abilis, -ibilis + -tas -ty? : capacity, fitness, or ten- dency to act or be acted on in a ?specified? way ?ensilability? ?washability? abio- combining form ??a- + bio-? : whatever is lifeless ?abio
11、- genesis? -able also -ible adj suffix ?ME, fr. OF, fr. L -abilis, -ibilis, fr. -a-, -i- ?thematic vowels of various conjugations of verbs? + -bilis capable or worthy of ?being acted upon?? ?1 : capable of, fit for, or w
12、orthy of ?being so acted upon or toward? ? chiefly in adjectives derived from verbs ?breakable? ?connectible? ?eatable? ?lovable? ?2 : tending to, given to, favoring, causing, able to, or liable to ?agreeable? ?changeabl
13、e? ?knowledge- able? ?peaceable? ?perishable? ? -ableness n suffix -?? ? -ably also -ibly adv suffix -ac n suffix -? ?Gk -akos of or relating to, var. of -ikos ?-ic after noun stems ending in i? : one affected with ?hemo
14、philiac? ?nostalgiac? acanth- or acantho- combining form ?NL, fr. Gk akanth-, akan- tho-, fr. akantha? akin to ON ?gn awn? : thorn : spine ?acan- thocarpous? ?Acanthophis? -acanthus n combining form ?NL, fr. Gk akantha t
15、horn? : ani- mal having ?such? a spine or ?such or so many? spines ?Cephalacanthus? ?Ctenacanthus? ? in generic names esp. of fishes acar- or acari- or acaro- combining form ?NL, fr. Acarus? : mite ?acaroid? ?acaricide?
16、ace- combining form ?ISV, fr. acetic? : acetic ?acenaphthene?? specif : related to acenaphthene ?aceanthrene? -ace n combining form -? ?LGk ak? point? : apex having ?so many? faces ?heptace? ?tessarace? -acea n pl suffix
17、 ?NL, fr. L, neut. pl. of -aceus -aceous? : animals characterized by : animals of the nature of ?Cetacea? ?Crustacea? ? in names of zoological divisions larger than a genus, esp. orders and classes-aceae n pl suffix ?NL,
18、 fr. L, fem. pl. of -aceus -aceous? : plants of the nature of ?Acanthaceae? ?Rosaceae? ? in names of families of plants? formerly in names of orders of plants ?-acean adj suffix ?NL -acea, -aceae + E -an? : -?????? ?rosa
19、cean? ?-acean n suffix -? : organism characterized by : organism of the nature of ?crustacean? ?rosacean? ? in singular corre- sponding to plurals in -acea, -aceae acenaphth- or acenaphtho- combining form ?ISV, fr. acena
20、ph- thene? : acenaphthene : acenaphthylene ?acenaphthophen- anthrene? -acene n suffix -? ?ISV, fr. anthracene? : aromatic polycyclic hydrocarbon containing three or more fused benzene rings in straight linear sequence ?n
21、aphthacene? -aceous adj suffix ?L -aceus? : characterized by ?arenaceous? ?argillaceous? : of the nature of ?herbaceous? : belonging to or connected with a division of animals characterized by or of the nature of ?cetace
22、ous? ?crustaceous? : belonging to or connected with a family of plants of the nature of ?solana- ceous? ? often in adjectives corresponding to biological clas- sification names in -acea, -aceae acet- or aceto- combining
23、form ?F ? L? F acét-, fr. L acet-, fr. acetum vinegar? : acetic acid : acetic : acetyl ?acetaldehyde? ?acetamide? ?acetobenzoic? achro- or achro?- combining form ?Gk achroos, fr. a- ?a- + -chroos colored ? more at -
24、???????? : colorless ?achrodex- trin? ?achro?cyst? achromat- or achromato- combining form ?Gk achr?matos col- orless, fr. a- ?a- + -chr?matos colored, fr. chr?mat-, chr?ma color? : achromatic ?achromaturia? : something a
25、chromatic ?achromatolysis? acou- or acouo- combining form ?F acou-, fr. Gk akouein to hear? : hearing : listening ?acoumeter? ?acouophonia? -acousia or -acusia n combining form, pl -acousiae or -acusiae ?NL, fr. Gk akous
26、is ?fr. akouein to hear + -sis? + NL -ia? : hear- ing ?presbyacousia? ?hyperacusia? acr- or acro- also akr- or akro- combining form ?MF or Gk? MF acro-, fr. Gk akr-, akro-, fr. akros topmost, extreme? akin to Gk akm? poi
27、nt? ?1 : beginning : end : tip ?acrology? ?2 a : top : peak : summit ?acropetal? ?acrocephaly? ?b : height ?acro- phobia? ?c : extremity of the body, esp. the human body ?acrocyanosis? acromio- combining form ?NL, fr. ac
28、romion? : acromial and ?acromiodeltoid? ?acromiosternal? ?-act adj combining form ?Gk aktis ray ? more at ?????-? : having ?such or so many? rays ?polyact? ?tetract? ? in terms applied to sponge spicules ?-act n combinin
29、g form -? : one having ?such or so many? rays ?hexact? ?triact? ? in names of sponge spicules actin- or actini- or actino- combining form ?NL actin- ray, fr. Gk aktin-, aktino-, fr. aktin-, aktis? akin to OE ?hte morning
30、 twilight, OHG ?hta, ON ?tta, Goth ?htwo, Skt aktu light, night, L noct-, nox night? ?1 a : having a radiated structure ?Actinopoda? ?Actinomyces? ?b : actinian ?actiniform? ?Actinozoa? ?2 a : actinic ?actinautography? ?
31、b : of, relating to, or caused by actinic radiation ?as X rays? ?actinotherapy? -actinal adj combining form ?Gk aktin-, aktis ray + E -al? : -?????? -actine adj combining form ?Gk aktin-, aktis? : having ?such or so many
32、? rays ?discoactine? ?pentactine? ? esp. in terms applied to sponge spicules actinio- combining form ?Actinia? : actinian ?actiniochrome? ?actiniohematin? acu- combining form ?ML, fr. L acu, abl. of acus needle? akin to
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- vocabulary
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- vocabulary
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