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1、VERSLAS: TEORIJA IR PRAKTIKA BUSINESS: THEORY AND PRACTICE ISSN 1648-0627 print / ISSN 1822-4202 online2012 13(3): 275–282doi:10.3846/btp.2012.29http://www.btp.vgtu.lt/enA STUDY ON EFFICACY OF EMPLOYEE TRAINING: REVIEW O

2、F LITERATUREChidambaram Vijayabanu1, Ramachandran Amudha2School of Management, Sastra University, Thirumalaisamudrum, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, IndiaE-mails: 1vijayabanu@mba.sastra.edu (corresponding author); 2amudha@mba.sa

3、stra.eduReceived 27 December 2011; accepted 31 April 2012Abstract. The success of any organization depends on appropriate use of human assets available in the organization. All other assets could only be supplementary t

4、o human assets. Towards augmenting the human resources and to cope with changes – both internal and external, the organization has to concentrate necessarily on developing the ability, wisdom and skills of its workforc

5、e. For the development of human asset, ‘training’ becomes the base. Training is a tool to attain individual, organizational needs related to the jobs undertaken and is also intended to improve the work culture of the gr

6、oup involved in a group task. An ideal training programme can be expected to change the attitude, skills and develop forward vision of the participants towards the task. This paper summarizes the results of the literat

7、ure review on the effectiveness of training programmes of employees from diverse perspective.Keywords: training, learning, organization, group, individual, effectiveness.JEL Classification: M53.DARBUOTOJ? MOKYM? EFEKTYV

8、UMO TYRIMAI: LITERATūROS AP?VALGAChidambaram Vijayabanu1, Ramachandran Amudha2Vadybos mokykla, Sastra universitetas, Thirumalaisamudrum, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, Indija El. pa?tas: 1vijayabanu@mba.sastra.edu; 2amudha@mba.s

9、astra.edu?teikta 2011-12-27; priimta 2012-04-31Santrauka. Bet kurios organizacijos s?km? priklauso nuo ?mogi?k?j? i?tekli?. Visi kiti organizacijos i?tekliai gali būti tik prideri- nami prie ?mogi?k?j?. Siekiant sustipri

10、nti ?mogi?kuosius i?teklius ir susidoroti su poky?iais – tiek vidaus, tiek i?or?s, organizacijai būtina pl?toti savo darbuotoj? ?inias ir geb?jimus. Siekiant ?io tikslo, mokymai tampa itin reik?mingi. Mokymai – tai prie

11、mon? patenkinti individualius, organizacinius poreikius, susijusius su darbo vieta, be to, tai priemon?, kuri orientuota gerinti grup?s darbo kultūr? sprend?iant u?duotis grupiniu re?imu. Racionalios mokymo programos l

12、eid?ia keisti po?iūr? (nuostatas), pl?toti ?gūd?ius ir nukreipto dalyvius u?duoties link. ?iame straipsnyje apibendrinami atlikti tyrimai apie darbuotoj? mokymo program? veiksmingum? ?vairi? perspektyv? at?vilgiu.Reik?

13、miniai ?od?iai: mokymas, organizavimas, grup?, individualus, efektyvumas, mokymasis.less effective with respect to their contributions to job per-formance, they did endorse the usefulness of formal training (Maheswari 19

14、81). A shift from knowledge to attitude is the main objective of training and identifies three areas of trai-ning: technical, skills and knowledge. He suggests that the emphasis on these three must vary according to the

15、levels of the employees (Bhatia 1981).A study on graduate engineering trainees in three large Public Sector Organizations found that the trainees perceived both the method and contents of the training as demotivating and

16、 dissatisfying (Agarwal 1982). Training for personnel mana-gers should be directed towards attitudes and beliefs underlying managerial philosophy and their inter relatedness (Seth 1984).The need for behavioural inputs is

17、 vital in any training programme organized for supervisors (Ghosh 1984). The study is evaluating management training and development deals with pre-training evaluation. The study includes eva- luation of training conte

18、xt, input evaluation, post- training evaluation, transfer of learning and job improvement. The study is suggested for job evaluation as a follow- up after six months to one year. All these aspects have been eva- luate

19、d for the executives training programme organized in the ‘ Administrative Staff College’ , Hyderabad, which brings out the impact of institutional programmes (Virmani, Seth 1985). Two models have been suggested to eval

20、uate training effectiveness. First is the expectation achievement model consisting of matching post- training achievement with pre- training expectation of the boss, peers, the sub-ordinates and trainee himself. The

21、second is the experimental control group model where a group of employees who have gone through training is compared in terms of their performance with those who have not (Sikka 1985).The data have been collected from

22、 119 managers in the steel industry who had attended training in a company or external training programmes. A questionnaire has been administered and responses are tallied. Most respondents were found to be satisfied wit

23、h the instructors, the size of training group, the training duration, the reading material and the training equipment. They all thought that the envi-ronment did help in carrying out some of the learning that took place

24、during training (Jain 1985). In the work-Evaluation methodology for training based on various research findings of Food and Agricultural Organizations of United Nations, recommended systematic evaluation for ‘a(chǎn)gricultura

25、l training’ programmes is organized by agriculture extension agencies. Andhra Pradesh State Electricity Board evaluated particularly growth, organization structure and problems in achieving managerial performance. It has

26、 brought out objectives of training and course content, method followed for effective training in service undertaking (Bhatnagar 1987).Human resource Development in Public Enterprise dealt with a conceptual analysis of H

27、uman Resource Development, organizational development, performance appraisal and carrier development of Steel Authority of India Limited (Bansal 1991). In the study on HRD practi- ces in Indian industries a comparative

28、 study of BHEL and National Fertilizers Limited was made with various Human Resource Development concepts, objectives and practices and considered training as a sub-system (Jain 1996).The previous studies based on ins

29、titutional training pro-grammes do not evaluate how they benefit to the industries concerned. The institutional training programmes do not concentrate on future needs of individual organizations, which vary in environ

30、ment and production process. So, the environmental condition among the centers of learning and applications of learning are not homogeneous. Further, the impact of training depends on the caliber of the particip- ants

31、, which varies from individual to individual.In the last two decades, organization has increasingly used computer–based instruction as a method to deliver training to employees and instruction to students (Huang 2010).

32、Training expenses represent a substantial investment in human resource (Eichmann 2009). Performance and attitu- dinal outcomes were generally examined across four training designs: classroom training only, classroom tra

33、ining with self-coaching, classroom training with multi- source feed- back and classroom training with self-coaching and multi- source feedback (Kules 2008). The effectiveness of e-lear- ning in the industrial setting

34、at Level three is based on the Kirkpatrick model and compared to traditional classroom learning (Tews 2006). Effectiveness was determined by asses- sing the transfer skills from training to the job (Yaw 2005): to dete

35、rmine the impact of a management development pro- gram on organizational performance and to evaluate the influence of management relations on union grievance filing rates (Bostain 2000). The development and application

36、 of a checklist for evaluating e-learning in organizations is based on Scriven’s Key Evaluation Checklist (Guidy-Oulai 2009).2. Pre-training arrangement processA systematic pre-training arrangement process is necessary

37、 for the success of any training programme. It is of utmost importance that the pre-training arrangement should be planned and arranged in a sequential order. This process will consist of various elements like traini

38、ng need identifi- cation, selection of right participants and imparting training through an appropriate method with proper application of training techniques. The training need identification and selection of particip

39、ants are the two interdependent elements of the ‘planning part’ . The adoption of suitable methods and appropriate techniques belong to the ‘execution part’ .The two parts of the pre-training process are connec-ted with

40、 Training coordinators. Any lapse or failure in one part of the process is bound to affect the other part also. The acceptance and suitability of methods and techniques Verslas: teorija ir praktika, 2012, 13(3): 275–2


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