1、此文檔是畢業(yè)設計外文翻譯成品( 含英文原文+中文翻譯) ,無需調整復雜的格式!下載之后直接可用,方便快捷!本文價格不貴,也就幾十塊錢!一輩子也就一次的事!外文標題:DESIGN AND CONTROL OF A HIGH PERFORMANCE SCARA TYPE ROBOTIC ARMWITH ROTARY HYDRAULIC ACTUATORS外文作者:Migara H. Liyanage, Nicholas Krouglicof
2、 and Raymond Gosine文獻出處: 2019 Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (如覺得年份太老,可改為近 2 年,畢竟很多畢業(yè)生都這樣做)英文 3502 單詞,20544 字符(字符就是印刷符),中文 5161 漢字。 (如果字數多了,可自行刪減,大多數學校都是要求選取外文的一部分內容進行翻譯的。 )DESIGN AND CONTROL
3、OF A HIGH PERFORMANCE SCARA TYPE ROBOTIC ARM WITH ROTARY HYDRAULIC ACTUATORSABSTRACT:This study proposes a Selective Compliant Assembly Robotic Arm (SCARA) with two revolute joints for poultry deboning. The joints of the
4、 arm are based on two high performance rotary type hydraulic actuators. These actuators are operated by servo valves, which control hydraulic fluid flow and direction. A PID based independent joint control system is cons
5、idered for controlling the position of each joint. The system was modelled using the MATLAB - SIMULINK toolbox. Thesimulation results show that the arm was capable of covering a work envelope of 0.9 m x 0.9 m, reaching c
6、ontrolled velocities of up to 7.5 m/s with an average of 5.8 m/s. Obtaining such high speeds and torques would be a difficult task with electrical actuators of the capacity as the hydraulic counterparts considered here.I
7、ndex Terms: hydraulic rotary actuators, PID control, SCARA arm, poultry deboning.1.INTRODUCTIONtransports up to 100 pieces of poultry parts per minute at a speed of 0.4 m/s. Before the parts reach the cutting blade, its
8、image is taken by a X-ray camera. A computer will analyze the image and generate the desired position coordinate position (x,y,z) of the bone. This study pro- poses a Selective Compliant Assembly Robot Arm (SCARA) with t
9、wo revolute links to position the cutting blade assembly which includes an additional prismatic link for deboning. The two revolute links of this robot are controlled by rotary vain servo-hydraulic actuators directly fix
10、ed to the joints (i.e. direct drive). The control systems of the two actuators then per- forms precise positioning of the cutting blade assembly. The motion generated by this arm has to be fast, accurate, smooth, and non
11、-oscillatory. After the blade is moved to the desired (x,y) position in the horizontal plane, an actuator fixed to the prismatic joint will be activated in the z-direction in order to remove the bone. The end effector is
12、 capable of covering an area of approximately 0.9 m x 0.9 m.In this study we propose a model for the operation and control of a SCARA robot with double vane rotary type servo- hydraulic actuators. The proposed system was
13、 simulated and the performance was evaluated. This paper will also demonstrate its capability for high speed precision control of the end effector. It is also intended to justify why hydraulics were selected, although el
14、ectrical motors are commonly used in industry today. Based on simulation results we estimate the dis- placement coefficient or volume of the rotary hydraulic actuator required for this purpose. A suitable design for the
15、actuator is proposed next. Finally, a design of the complete SCARA arm with its components is presented.This paper is organized as follows. A brief introduction and an insight to the research topic is presented in Sectio
16、n 1. In Section 2, The theory and methodology used in modelling the system are presented. The results of the simulated system for the SCARA arm are presented next section. In Section 4, the details of the actuator design
17、 and the SCARA arm assembly are presented. In Section 5, the conclusions and avenues for future work are given.2.PROBLEM FORMULATION AND THE DYNAMIC MODELThe proposed SCARA type robotic arm consists with three degrees-of
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