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1、<p>  字數(shù):英文2939單詞,16394字符;中文5144漢字</p><p>  出處:S Muneer,AA Rao,A Ali.Impact of Financial Management Practices on SMEs Profitability with Moderating Role of Agency Cost[J]Information Management and Busin

2、ess Review.2017, 9(1):23-30</p><p><b>  外文文獻: </b></p><p>  Impact of Financial Management Practices on SMEs Profitability with Moderating Role of Agency Cost</p><p>  A

3、bstract The importance of Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) towards economic development and growth is considerable. Some SMEs are facing difficulties to their development due to the lack of financial resources and ma

4、nagement experience. The objective of this study is to check the relationships of financial management practices on profitability of small and medium enterprises and also to check the impact of agency cost on this relati

5、onship. This study consists of data analysis of two hundred</p><p>  Keywords: Financial management practices, Agency cost, SMEs, Working Capital</p><p>  1.Introduction</p><p>  Sm

6、all and medium enterprises (SMEs) have significant contribution toward creating employment and also toward the economic development and growth (International Labor Organization, 2013, p. 1; Ratten, 2014; ulHaq, Usman, Hu

7、ssain, and Anjum, 2014; Karadag, 2015). In Japan, small and medium industries have marked dominance, constituting about 99% of corporations (The Information Dissemination and Policy Promotion Division of Japan’s Patent O

8、ffice, 2009). In South Africa, SMEs contribute about 91% o</p><p>  The contribution of this study is that financial management practices of SMEs are to improve its financial performance and review the cost

9、that has to bear to the owner of the firm for maintaining the fair behavior of the financial manager in the best interest of the firm. SMEs are a key source of economic growth (Sadi & Henderson, 2010), whether in dev

10、eloped or developing countries. In Saudi Arabia SMEs represent more than 90% of enterprises providing 51% of jobs in private sector and 22% of GD</p><p>  2.Literature Review</p><p>  Pakistan l

11、ocated in South Asia, with population of 188 million and DGP rate 4.7% (The World Bank, 2015). Trade and commerce played an important role in development of the economy so that the government of Pakistan has established

12、a body for support and promote this sector. This government body is called Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority (SMEDA) and it has responsibility of policies making related to promotion of SMEs, facilitatio

13、n of financing is also the responsibility of SMEDA</p><p>  SMEs stand for small and medium enterprises but State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) define SMEs in this way that SMEs can be classified into these three l

14、evels of business form micro enterprises, small enterprises and medium enterprises (SBP 2010). By the definition of State Bank of Pakistan SME means that any entity which is not a public limited co and has not full time

15、employees more than 250 (manufacturing business), not more than 50 (in a trading or service business). Like other management science,</p><p>  Accounting information systems consists of bookkeeping, recoding

16、 financial activity transactions, cost accounting and the use of computers to manage these all activity. Small and medium enterprise publications and research have highlighted the importance of management of accounting s

17、ystem for SMEs. For example, in the literature of Lavia Lopez and Hiebl (2015) it was concluded that management of accounting system has a positive effect on performance of SMEs. Many SMEs are lower in their formal p<

18、/p><p>  Hypothesis 1:</p><p>  H1: Accounting information system (AIS) is positively related with profitability of SMEs. </p><p>  H1a: Accounting information system (AIS) is not posi

19、tively related with profitability of SMEs. </p><p>  Hypothesis 2:</p><p>  H2: Financial information system (FIS) is positively related with profitability of SMEs. </p><p>  H2a: F

20、inancial information system (FIS) is no positively related with profitability of SMEs. </p><p>  Hypothesis 3:</p><p>  H3: Working capital management (WCM) is positively related with profitabil

21、ity of SMEs. </p><p>  H3a: Working capital management is not positively related with profitability of SMEs.</p><p>  Hypothesis 4:</p><p>  H4: Agency Cost as a moderator is affect

22、ing the profitability of SMEs. </p><p>  H4a: Agency Cost as a moderator is not affecting the profitability of SMEs</p><p>  Figure 1: Theoretical Frame Work</p><p>  3.Methodology&

23、lt;/p><p>  This study occupied primary data to analyze the results from financial management practices adopted by SMEs in Faisalabad. This study is conducted to test hypothesis and to develop a relationship be

24、tween the dependent variable “Firm Growth” and the independent variables “Accounting information system, Financial information system, Working capital management” with moderating effect of agency cost. Survey questionnai

25、res are used to collect the response from the target population. The sample for th</p><p><b>  4.Results</b></p><p>  For the assessment of validity and reliability Cronbach’s alpha,

26、 composite reliability and average variance extracted (AVE) are used in the present study. According to George and Mallery (2003) “The value of Cronbach’s alpha less than 0.50 is not acceptable, 0.50-0.60 is considered a

27、s poor but acceptable, while any value above 0.70 is considered as good”. Results show that data is valid.</p><p>  Table 1: Convergent validity (Measurement Model Quality Criteria)</p><p>  Fin

28、ancial Management Practices and Firm Performance Structural Model: Firm performance (FP) was assessed by using a three items scale. Three parameters (Accounting information system (Q1=.515), Financial information system

29、(Q2=.238) and Working capital management (Q3=.112) were used to determine the firm performance and these parameters defined (Q5=.654) of firm performance overall. Its mean there were also some other variables effecting f

30、irm performance.</p><p>  Figure 2: Predictive Relevance of Structural Models</p><p>  Note: Q1: Accounting information system (AIS), Q2: Financial information system (FIS), Q3: Working capital

31、management (WCM), Q4: Agency cost, Q5: Firm performance</p><p>  Table 2: Model Summery of All Independent Variables</p><p>  Agency Cost (Moderator) and Firm Performance Structural Model: Agenc

32、y cost is the moderator in this study. In below model agency cost (Q4) is taken as an independent variable (IV) to check its impact on firm performance and its shows (R2=-.076, 0.191, 0.216) of firm performance which is

33、very low of total firm performance. The value of R2 is not significant because it should be more than 0.5Cronbach’s (1951).</p><p>  Figure 3: Predictive Relevance of Structure</p><p>  Table 3:

34、 Model Summery</p><p>  In the current study 4 hypothesis were tested. At the end results identified that 3 hypothesis (H1, H2, H3) were supported. It means results shown that AIS (accounting information sys

35、tem) FIS (financial information system) and WCM (working capital management) have significant impact on the profitability of SMEs. When one hypothesis was supported (H4a). It means result shown that agency cost is not af

36、fecting the relationship of (IV) and (DV) as a moderator in this study held in Faisalabad Pakista</p><p>  5.Conclusion</p><p>  The major objective of this study was to examine the effect of fi

37、nancial management practices on the profitability of small and medium business and to check the financial practices adopted by SMEs in Faisalabad city of Pakistan. The data analysis shows that financial management practi

38、ces have significant impact of SMEs profitability. Most of the firms in Faisalabad city prepared their financial statement, balance sheet and income statement prepared regularly and frequently. Most of the firms hav</

39、p><p>  Limitations of the Research Study: Major limitation related to this study was financial and non-financial resources; time limitation and due to these limitation and scope of the study research have to l

40、imit the number of objectives. There are multiple areas of financial management related to research problem and research question directly or indirectly but due to the limitation of time and fund all the areas of financi

41、al management could not be investigated. Because resources were scarce so that</p><p>  Implications for the Further Research: This study leads to the suggestion that in further research work should suppleme

42、nted so that other areas could be examined which could not covered by this study. Following are the further suggestion for future research.</p><p>  ?Findings or current study can be used in other financial

43、management practices such as management of current assets, management of fixed assets and capital structure management in other cities of Pakistan.</p><p>  ?Model of this study can be used in the other citi

44、es of Pakistan to check the financial management practices.</p><p>  ?Most of the small enterprises in Faisalabad Pakistan are not adopting better financial management practices the reasons can be reviewed.&

45、lt;/p><p>  ?The financial performance of small enterprises and the medium enterprises can be viewed because there is difference in financial management practices of small enterprises and medium enterprises.<

46、;/p><p>  ?In small enterprises owner himself manage financial activities and in medium enterprises accounts manger manage financial activities so that effect of owner and manager financial management practices

47、 can be viewed.</p><p>  Finding can be used for the improvement of financial management practices especially in small enterprises for development of this sector of Pakistan.</p><p><b>  中

48、文譯文:</b></p><p>  財務管理實踐對中小企業(yè)盈利能力的影響</p><p>  及代理成本的調(diào)節(jié)作用</p><p>  摘要 中小企業(yè)對經(jīng)濟發(fā)展和增長的重要性是相當大的。由于缺乏財政資源和管理經(jīng)驗,一些中小企業(yè)的發(fā)展面臨困難。本研究的目的是考察財務管理實踐與中小企業(yè)盈利能力之間的關(guān)系,并探討代理成本對這種關(guān)系的影響。本研究包括對巴基斯


50、t;  關(guān)鍵詞:財務管理實踐,代理成本,中小企業(yè),營運資金</p><p><b>  1.簡介</b></p><p>  中小企業(yè)對創(chuàng)造就業(yè)以及對經(jīng)濟發(fā)展和增長作出了重大貢獻(國際勞工組織,2013,第1頁;Ratten,2014;ulHaq,Usman,Hussain和Anjum,2014;Karadag,2015)。在日本,中小型企業(yè)占據(jù)主導地位,約占企業(yè)總數(shù)


52、務績效衡量企業(yè)的業(yè)績會更好(Gallani,Krishnan和Kajiwara,2015,第6頁)?,F(xiàn)代研究強調(diào)有效使用財務(Gitman,2011)。這項學術(shù)研究將有助于確定財務管理實踐對中小企業(yè)盈利能力的影響,并確定代理成本作用。良好的公司治理對于提高企業(yè)的業(yè)績和盈利能力是必要的(Braga-Alves和Sha</p><p>  本研究的貢獻在于,中小企業(yè)的財務管理實踐是為了提高財務績效,并對企業(yè)所有者必須



55、,由于這個特點也被稱為巴基斯坦的曼徹斯特。</p><p><b>  2.文獻綜述</b></p><p>  巴基斯坦位于南亞,人口為1.88億,DGP率為4.7%(世界銀行,2015)。貿(mào)易和商業(yè)在經(jīng)濟發(fā)展中發(fā)揮了重要作用,因此巴基斯坦政府已經(jīng)建立了支持和促進這一部門的機構(gòu)。這個政府機構(gòu)被稱為中小企業(yè)發(fā)展局(SMEDA),它有責任推動與中小企業(yè)相關(guān)的政策制定,促


57、(2010)報告了巴基斯坦文化對創(chuàng)業(yè)意向的影響。通過使用Hofstede的文化維度,結(jié)果表明,文化的元素,如集體主義和不確定性規(guī)避嚴重影響了巴基斯坦創(chuàng)業(yè)意向的思考。</p><p>  中小企業(yè)代表中小型企業(yè),但巴基斯坦國家銀行(SBP)以微型企業(yè)、小型企業(yè)和中型企業(yè)將中小企業(yè)劃分為這三個層次(SBP,2010)。根據(jù)巴基斯坦國家銀行的定義,中小企業(yè)是指任何非公共有限責任公司,并且全職員工不超過250人(制造企業(yè)


59、者的錯誤決策,會嚴重影響公司的盈利能力。由于財務管理效率低下,公司的盈利能力可能會受到損害。缺乏足夠有效的財務管理知識,大多數(shù)中小型企業(yè)會面臨倒閉。健全的財務管理體系對組織績效的收入、支出、資產(chǎn)和負債都有有效的管理制度(Abanis等,2013)。本研究的目的不是要涵蓋所有方面,而是包括會計信息系統(tǒng)、財務信息系統(tǒng)和營運資金管理的</p><p>  會計信息系統(tǒng)包括簿記、財務活動交易記錄、成本核算和使用計算機來管



62、最佳的營運資本水平,能夠最大化其盈利能力;另見Baños</p><p><b>  假設(shè)1:</b></p><p>  H1:會計信息系統(tǒng)(AIS)與中小企業(yè)的盈利能力正相關(guān)。</p><p>  H1a:會計信息系統(tǒng)(AIS)與中小企業(yè)的盈利能力沒有正相關(guān)關(guān)系。</p><p><b>  假設(shè)

63、2:</b></p><p>  H2:財務信息系統(tǒng)(FIS)與中小企業(yè)的盈利能力正相關(guān)。</p><p>  H2a:財務信息系統(tǒng)(FIS)與中小企業(yè)的盈利能力沒有正相關(guān)關(guān)系。</p><p><b>  假設(shè)3:</b></p><p>  H3:營運資金管理(WCM)與中小企業(yè)的盈利能力正相關(guān)。<

64、/p><p>  H3a:營運資金管理與中小企業(yè)的盈利能力沒有正相關(guān)關(guān)系。</p><p><b>  假設(shè)4:</b></p><p>  H4:作為調(diào)節(jié)者的代理成本影響了中小企業(yè)的盈利能力。</p><p>  H4a:作為調(diào)節(jié)者的代理成本沒有影響中小企業(yè)的盈利能力。</p><p><b&

65、gt;  圖1:理論框架</b></p><p><b>  3.方法</b></p><p>  這項研究使用了原始數(shù)據(jù)來分析費薩拉巴德中小企業(yè)采用的財務管理實踐的結(jié)果。本研究旨在檢驗假設(shè),并在因變量“企業(yè)增長”與自變量“會計信息系統(tǒng)、財務信息系統(tǒng)、營運資金管理”之間建立一種關(guān)系,并探討代理成本的調(diào)節(jié)作用。調(diào)查問卷用于收集目標樣本的反應。本研究的樣本由在

66、費薩拉巴德市經(jīng)營的300家中小企業(yè)組成。共向中小企業(yè)發(fā)送了300份調(diào)查問卷,其中收到了200份回復。在數(shù)據(jù)輸入過程中,20份問卷不完整,被視為多余。對剩余的180份問卷進行了分析。為了檢驗假設(shè),采用偏最小二乘法(PLS.3)對結(jié)構(gòu)方程模型(SEM)進行了應用。</p><p><b>  4.結(jié)果</b></p><p>  為了評估有效性和可靠性,本研究采用了克隆巴

67、赫系數(shù)、組合信度和平均提取方差值(AVE)。根據(jù)George和Mallery(2003)的說法:“克隆巴赫系數(shù)值小于0.50是不可接受的,0.50-0.60被認為很差但可以接受,而任何高于0.70的值被認為是好的”。結(jié)果顯示數(shù)據(jù)是有效的。</p><p>  表1:收斂效度(測量模型質(zhì)量標準)</p><p>  財務管理實踐與公司績效結(jié)構(gòu)模型:企業(yè)績效(FP)通過使用三項量表來評估。使用

68、會計信息系統(tǒng)(Q1=.515)、財務信息系統(tǒng)(Q2=.238)和營運資金管理(Q3=.112)三個參數(shù)來確定公司績效,這些參數(shù)(Q5 =.654)定義企業(yè)總體績效。這意味著還有其他一些影響企業(yè)績效的變數(shù)。</p><p>  圖2:結(jié)構(gòu)模型的預測相關(guān)性</p><p>  注:Q1:會計信息系統(tǒng)(AIS),Q2:金融信息系統(tǒng)(FIS),Q3:營運資金管理(WCM),Q4:代理成本,Q5:企

69、業(yè)績效</p><p>  表2:所有自變量的模型綜述</p><p>  代理成本(調(diào)節(jié)者)和企業(yè)績效結(jié)構(gòu)模型:代理成本是本研究的調(diào)節(jié)者。在下面的模型中,代理成本(Q4)作為一個自變量(IV)來檢驗它對企業(yè)績效的影響和表現(xiàn)(R2=-.076,0.191,0.216),這是企業(yè)整體績效很低的表現(xiàn)。R2的值并不重要,因為它應該超過0.5克隆巴赫系數(shù)(1951)。</p><

70、;p>  圖3:結(jié)構(gòu)的預測相關(guān)性</p><p><b>  表3:模型綜述</b></p><p>  在目前的研究中,4個假設(shè)被進行了測試。最終結(jié)果表明,3個假設(shè)(H1,H2,H3)得到了支持。這意味著,AIS(會計信息系統(tǒng))、FIS(財務信息系統(tǒng))和WCM(營運資金管理)對中小企業(yè)的盈利能力有重大影響。只有一個假設(shè)(H4a)得到支持,這意味著,在于巴基斯坦

71、費薩拉巴德進行的本項研究中,作為調(diào)節(jié)者的代理成本不會影響自變量和因變量之間的關(guān)系。</p><p><b>  5.結(jié)論</b></p><p>  本研究的主要目的是研究財務管理實踐對中小企業(yè)盈利能力的影響,并檢查巴基斯坦費薩拉巴德市中小企業(yè)采用的財務實踐。數(shù)據(jù)分析表明,財務管理實踐對中小企業(yè)盈利能力有重大影響。費薩拉巴德市的大多數(shù)公司準備并經(jīng)常編制財務報表、資產(chǎn)負


73、應該被投資以獲取利潤。大多數(shù)公司沒有更好地選擇將盈余資金投資于一個有利可圖的項目。代理問題可能對企業(yè)績效起到重要作用,為此,本研究還考察了代理成本對財務管理與巴基斯坦費薩拉巴德的中小企業(yè)盈利能力之間的關(guān)系的調(diào)節(jié)作用。但有人認為,代理成本在任何其他經(jīng)濟體中都起到調(diào)節(jié)作用,但在巴基斯坦費薩拉巴德沒有奏效。本研究還解釋了代理成本作為自變量對中小</p><p>  研究的局限性:與本研究相關(guān)的主要限制是財務和非財務資源


75、集到受訪者提供的任何書面證明相關(guān)資料。本研究考察了影響盈利能力的內(nèi)部因素,但沒有考慮任何可能影響財務管理實踐的外部因素。</p><p>  對進一步研究的建議:本研究提出的建議在進一步的研究工作中應該加以補充,以便對本研究無法涵蓋的其他領(lǐng)域進行研究。以下是對未來研究的進一步建議。</p><p>  ?調(diào)查結(jié)果或當前研究可用于其他財務管理實踐,如流動資產(chǎn)管理,巴基斯坦其他城市的固定資產(chǎn)管

76、理和資本結(jié)構(gòu)管理。</p><p>  ?本研究的模型可用于巴基斯坦其他城市,以檢查財務管理實踐。</p><p>  ?巴基斯坦費薩拉巴德的大多數(shù)小企業(yè)沒有采用更好的財務管理實踐,因此可以審查其原因。</p><p>  ?由于小型企業(yè)和中型企業(yè)的財務管理實踐存在差異,可以考察小型企業(yè)和中型企業(yè)的財務績效。</p><p>  ?在小型企業(yè)


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