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1、<p>  外文標(biāo)題:The Analysis of the Risks Faced by China’s Social Endowment Insurance under the Background of Rapid Aging Population</p><p>  外文作者:Ying Zhang, Zongli Qiu</p><p>  文獻(xiàn)出處: Open Jou

2、rnal Business and Management,2015,3,185-191 </p><p>  英文4181單詞, 21769字符,中文6089漢字。</p><p>  此文檔是外文翻譯成品,無需調(diào)整復(fù)雜的格式哦!下載之后直接可用,方便快捷!只需二十多元。</p><p>  The Analysis of the Risks

3、Faced by China’s Social Endowment Insurance under the Background of Rapid Aging Population</p><p>  Ying Zhang, Zongli Qiu</p><p><b>  Abstract</b></p><p>  With the inc

4、reasing aging population, the pressure of social endowment insurance in our country is growing more quickly than ever. Meanwhile, there are some practical problems and shortcomings in the current social endowment insuran

5、ce system in China. And all this will raise risks in the field of inherent finance, fund investment and operation of the endowment insurance system. At the same time, it will cause new risks in the field of institution a

6、nd policy. Thus, only by strengthening risk mana</p><p><b>  Keywords</b></p><p>  Aging Population, Social Endowment Insurance, Risk, Countermeasure</p><p>  1. Introdu

7、ction</p><p>  According to the definition of the international community to aging, in a country or a region, if the population aged over 60 is more than 10% of the total, or aged over 65 is more than 7% of

8、the population, this country or region can be regarded as an aging society. The greater proportion of elderly population shows the higher degree of the aging population.</p><p>  With the development of scie

9、nce and technology and the improvement of medical and health, as well as people’s increasingly attention to physical health, the global aging population is growing rapidly and the elderly population is growing at present

10、. So it brings various influences to the social economic development. Many countries are facing the challenge of an aging population. Around the world, it has become a globally and stra- tegically social problem.</p&g

11、t;<p>  Our country has been entered into the aging society as early as in 2000 [1]. The aging population background makes the endowment insurance system in China face with serious challenges; how to analyze the r

12、isks of endowment insurance in our country, and put forward Based on the analysis of the current situation of China's population aging and the endowment insurance, this paper analyzes the risks of the endowment insur

13、ance country, puts forward the corresponding measures, and provides the propose</p><p>  The first part is the analysis of the present situation and characteristics of the aging population in our country. Th

14、e second part is the development situation and the prob- lems of China's endowment insurance. The third part is The risk analysis of endowment insurance under the background of aging population in our country. The fo

15、urth part is the countermeasures and suggestions to reduce risks and endowment insurance. The last part is conclusion.</p><p>  2.The Present Situation and Characteristics of Population Aging in China</p&

16、gt;<p>  China’s population aging process started in the 1980s and accelerated after that. According to the fifth census figures which released by the national bureau of statistics of the People’s Republic of Chin

17、a, as to November 1, in 2000, the old people aged over 60 in our country has achieved to 124 million which accounts for 10.45% of the total population, and the number of elderly population aged over 65 is 88.25 million,

18、accounting for 7.1% of the total. It shows that our country has entered into</p><p>  At the same time, because of the special national conditions, population environment and traditional culture in China, it

19、 makes the population aging in our country present the following distinctive features: First, the speed of the population aging is faster than that of economic growth. Basically, developed countries step into an aging so

20、ciety after realizing the social modernization. But our country has entered into the aging society in advance under the condition of undeveloped economy and wi</p><p>  The increasing proportion of elderly p

21、opulation brings to the growing social economic pressures [3]. Third, it is the unbalanced regional development. Figures show that as the eastern region defined as the labor-into area, the middle-aged and young populatio

22、n accounts for a larger proportion. Although facing an aging population, it provides a strong backing for the endowment enterprise because of its good prospects for development and eco- nomic strength. And as the central

23、 and western regions d</p><p>  3The Development Overview and the Problems of Endowment Insurance in China</p><p>  3.1The Development Overview</p><p>  Our former pension system wa

24、s established in 1951, it’s a typical national protection mode. Since China implemented the urban-rural split planned economic system, the endowment insurance system is a “corporate guarantee” mode, to protect the “sickn

25、ess and death” of employees work in the state-owned enterprises and state governement. And farmers are relying on The family end-of-life insurance model has been difficult to adapt to the new times. Situation,and clarify

26、 the development direction of so</p><p>  China’s current pension system was formed in the early 1990s. In 1991, the State Council issued the “Decision on Pension Reform of Enterprise Workers”, it meant that

27、 the modern pension insurance system was established on the basis of social overall planning. In 1995, the State Council issued “Notification on Deepening the Reform of Endowment Insurance System for Enterprise Employees

28、”, which proposed that our social endowment insurance was a system which combined the social overall planning and p</p><p>  Meanwhile, in order to adapt to market changes and timely follow up requirements o

29、f rights protection of the public, the Chinese government promulgated “Trial Measures of Enterprise Annuity” and “Trial Measures of Enterprise Annuity Fund Management” in 2004 to further regulate the establishment, manag

30、ement, investment operations of enterprise annuity. In 2010, the “People’s Republic of China Social Insurance Law” was intro- duced, laid a more solid legal foundation for the development of social </p><p> 

31、 With the improvement of China’s endowment insurance system and the increasing number of insurance purchase, endowment insurance funds are continuously enriched. According to statistics, in the end of 2013, the number of

32、 urban workers participated in basic pension insurance reached 322.18 million, fund revenue reached 2.268 trillion yuan. At the same time, the National Social Security Fund cumulative has exceeded to 1.2 trillion yuan in

33、 2013. In a word, China’s endowment insurance industry has ma</p><p>  3.2The Existing Problems</p><p>  Although our country has already established the endowment insurance system of combinatio

34、n of all credit accumulation type in the overall. And it has played an important role in the aspect of social harmony and stability and people’s livelihood welfare. But there is no denying that, because the time of our c

35、ountry social security system set up is shorter, there are still some problems in some system designing level and practical level, it needs to be constantly improved.</p><p>  There are two main problems. Fi

36、rst of all, it is the endowment insurance fund devaluation. Endowment insurance fund in our country mainly includes the following four parts: one is that all credit combination of town workers’ basic endowment insurance

37、fund, secondly, the urban and rural residents’ basic endowment insurance fund, thirdly, it is the endowment insurance as a compensatory of enterprise annuity and occupational pension, the fourth is the national social se

38、curity fund as a strategic re</p><p>  Secondly, it is how to efficiently and fairly repay “historical debt” pension to the old employees in the state-owned enterprises. Since the reform in the 1990s, becaus

39、e of the change in the mode of payment, tens of mil- lions of older workers in state-owned enterprises turned the old pension system into the new endowment insurance one of all credit combination, accumulating to “histor

40、ical debt” pension. This is the problem that the government must face [6]. It is the step in the process of perf</p><p>  4.Risk Analysis of Endowment Insurance under the Background of Aging Population</p

41、><p>  Be faced up with the grim problem of aging population, China’s current endowment insurance system faces the challenge of various risks. The current “overall planning and personal account system” type pen

42、sion system is not perfect, there are still many risks in funding sources, system management, regulatory and other aspects of investment. With the accelerated aging of the population, these problems may arise, and new ri

43、sks will emerge. Overall, the risks of endowment insurance mainly as follows.</p><p>  4.1. Economic Risks</p><p>  4.1.1. Aging Population Has a Negative Impact on China’s Economic Development&

44、lt;/p><p>  Throughout the history of social security of the world, the establishment, the development and improvement of a social security system require a certain level of economic development as a basis. As

45、a part of the social security, endowment insurance, of course, is not an exception, its establishment, development and improvement are based on the certain economic basis. When the social and economic turmoil leads to in

46、sufficient labor supply or inadequate capital accumulation, and aging population l</p><p>  4.1.2. Aging Population Has Posed a Severe Challenge to Our Current Funding Model</p><p>  As we all k

47、now, the change of the age structure of the population of the country or region will affect the local labor supply situation. China is currently implementing an overall planning and personal account system type pension.

48、The fund mainly comes from individuals and businesses. China is currently in the “turning point” pe- riod of demographic dividend, the supply of labor on the whole is still very abundant, which also makes rela- tively st

49、able populations to pay for pension. The pension </p><p>  4.1.3. Aging Population Increased the Ratio of Support of Endowment Insurance</p><p>  The ratio of support refers to ratio of supporti

50、ng elderly, the older population accounts for the proportion of working-age population, it can measured by how many elderly who need to be support by the per 100 working- age population. China’s aging population means th

51、at the elderly population is growing, and along with the birth control policy, the working-age population will continue to decrease, this means that the pressure of China’s working-age population to support the elderly w

52、ill also bec</p><p>  4.1.4. Risk of Fund Investment Operations of Endowment Insurance</p><p>  The National Social Security Fund Council was founded in 2000. It is responsible for the investmen

53、t operations of social security fund, and guarantees that the value of the fund could be preserved or even increased. Accord- ing to statistics, the cumulative National Social Security Fund has exceeded 1.2 trillion yuan

54、 in 2013. At the same year, China’s basic endowment insurance fund revenue is 2.4733 trillion yuan, of which, the total revenue of basic pension insurance fund of urban workers is 2.</p><p>  of urban and ru

55、ral residents is 20.53 billion yuan, while the basic pension insurance fund expenditure was 1.9819 trillion yuan, the basic pension insurance fund in the end of the year accumulated 3.1275 trillion yuan. Moreover, China’

56、s pension insurance personal accounts have accumulated a lot of fund.</p><p>  Aging population will undoubtedly raise serious challenges to the work of preserved and increased value of our pension funds. Fr

57、om existing investments, the investment range of pension funds is limited to bank deposits, bonds and other financial instruments traded with good liquidity, and the proportion of investment in each project is strictly c

58、ontrolled. Before aging problem did not come, put the pension funds in the bank or invest on non-risk and low-risk products is the best choice to ensure</p><p>  4.2. Institutional and Policy Risks</p>

59、<p>  4.2.1. Aging Population Highlighted the Level Issues of Endowment Insurance</p><p>  Due to the different levels of economic development in eastern, central and western regions, payment rate for

60、 each region varies, the standard of the base of payment of various regions is different; this undermined the pension funding mechanism. Therefore, how to improve the overall level of pension became the most hard event w

61、hich was mentioned in every reform. At present, China’s overall level of pension nominally reach the provincial level, but the actual operation level still remain in the c</p><p>  4.2.2. Aging Population Ca

62、used the Retirement Policy Problems</p><p>  When faced up with challenges of aging population, improving the payment rate of the social security can be a response way. If implement this response way, when t

63、he contribution rate increase to a certain extent, the collec- tion of pension has become a policy which is of pure tax nature. Workers will tend to choose to retire early and enjoy the endowment insurance benefits, and

64、thus evade their obligation to pay. Throughout western countries, when fix the contribution rate, in order to make pen</p><p>  5.Suggestions to Deal with the Risk of Endowment Insurance</p><p>

65、  5. 1Establishment of Long-Term Mechanism to Prevent the Risk of Endowment Insurance System</p><p>  In the process of establishment and reform of the pension system, western developed countries usually leg

66、islate first and then start pension reform according to the law. It is advanced experience which be worthy of learning. Therefore, to improve the legal system which is closely related to the social endowment insurance sy

67、stem ar- rangements is a long-term fundamental countermeasures to prevent the risk of pension. In recent years, China has introduced the relevant legal provisions “Interim Mea</p><p>  5.2. Broaden Funding C

68、hannels of Endowment Insurance to Establish a Multi-Level Pension System</p><p>  First, as a part of the social pension insurance, pension is of social characteristics, so it should cover all workers as muc

69、h as possible in its process of implementation, and thus broaden the pension funding sources to increase pension income. Second, improve our three-pillar pension system. National basic pension is the first pillar, its st

70、atus and role should be further strengthened and consolidated. Enterprise supplementary pension insurance is the second pillar, its current development is </p><p>  5.3 Strengthen Supervision to Preserve and

71、 Increase the Value of Endowment Insurance Funds</p><p>  The primary principle of pension fund investments is safety. Therefore, the government needs not only to develop appropriate policies and regulations

72、 to the operation of pension fund, to guide the operation of fund investment management, but also clear the responsibility authority of investment company, to prevent and resolve operational risk and ensure that the risk

73、 of investment project could minimum. Besides, it’s essential to give some short-term financing facility to pension funds. For exam</p><p>  5.4 Relax the Birth Control Policy and Extend the Retirement Age&l

74、t;/p><p>  The degree of aging population of our country continues to deepen, the elderly population continues to increase and this leads to the reduction of the working-age population. In such case, relax the

75、one-child policy, allowing some eligible families a second child, increasing population, thereby ensuring the subsequent supply of labor force. At the same time, our country is still follow the old retirement system whic

76、h was established in the last century, that male workers retired in 60-year-old, </p><p>  6. Conclusion</p><p>  Based on the analysis of the current situation of China’s population aging and t

77、he endowment insurance, this paper analyzed the risk of endowment insurance of China under the background of population aging. On the one hand, the current “overall planning and personal account system” type pension syst

78、em is not perfect, and due to the acceleration of population aging, China’s endowment insurance fund will face with financing and investment risks, which may cause negative effect on the development o</p><p>

79、;  References</p><p>  [1] The People’s Republic of China National Bureau of Statistics (2001) Fifth Census Data Bulletin People’s Republic of China.</p><p>  [2] The People’s Republic of China

80、National Bureau of Statistics (2011) Sixth Census Data bulletin People’s Republic of China.</p><p>  [3] Yuan, W. and Cong, R. (2010) The Impact of Aging Population Trend on China’s Pension Insurance System

81、and Countermeasures. Business Culture: Academic Edition.</p><p>  [4] Luan, S.S. (2011) Thinking for Population Aging on the Pension System. Management, 19, 108.</p><p>  [5] Zheng, G.C. (2002)

82、The Development of China’s Social Security System and Assessment. Press of Renmin University of China, Beijing.</p><p>  [6] Le, X.M. and Wu, X.Y. (2008) Estimated Pension Personal Accounts Affected by Infla

83、tion Risks. Statistics and Decision, 11, 66-68.</p><p>  在快速老齡化背景下中國社會養(yǎng)老保險面臨的風(fēng)險分析</p><p>  Ying Zhang, Zongli Qiu</p><p><b>  摘要</b></p><p>  伴隨著人口老齡化日益加劇的大

84、背景,我國社會養(yǎng)老保險的壓力比以往陡增不少。 而且,目前我國社會養(yǎng)老保險制度上也存在一些實際問題和不足。 所有這些問題和不足都將在內(nèi)部財務(wù)、基金投資和養(yǎng)老保險體系運作方面帶來風(fēng)險。同時,在制度和政策領(lǐng)域帶來新的風(fēng)險。因此,只有加強風(fēng)險管理,積極應(yīng)對社會養(yǎng)老保險風(fēng)險,政府才能不斷完善社會養(yǎng)老保險制度。</p><p><b>  關(guān)鍵詞</b></p><p>  人口

85、老齡化,社會養(yǎng)老保險,風(fēng)險,對策</p><p><b>  1引言</b></p><p>  引用國際社會對老齡化的定義,在一個國家或地區(qū),如果60歲以上人口超過總?cè)丝诘?0%,或65歲以上人口超過7%,則該國家或地區(qū)可以被視為一個老齡化社會。老年人口比例越高,人口老齡化程度越高。</p><p>  隨著科學(xué)技術(shù)的發(fā)展和醫(yī)療衛(wèi)生水平的提高

86、以及人們對身體健康的日益重視,全球老齡化人口增長迅速,老年人口增長。所以它給社會經(jīng)濟(jì)發(fā)展帶來了各種影響。許多國家正面臨人口老齡化的挑戰(zhàn)。在世界各地,它已成為全球性和戰(zhàn)略性的社會問題。</p><p>  我國早在2000年就已進(jìn)入老齡化社會[1]。人口老齡化使中國養(yǎng)老保險制度面臨嚴(yán)峻挑戰(zhàn);如何分析我國養(yǎng)老保險風(fēng)險,本文中提出在分析我國人口老齡化現(xiàn)狀和養(yǎng)老保險現(xiàn)狀的基礎(chǔ)上,分析養(yǎng)老保險國家的風(fēng)險,提出相應(yīng)的對策,為

87、我國養(yǎng)老保險制度的發(fā)展提出了建議。</p><p>  在本文中,第一部分是對我國人口老齡化現(xiàn)狀和特點的分析。 第二部分是中國養(yǎng)老保險的發(fā)展現(xiàn)狀和問題。 第三部分是我國人口老齡化背景下的養(yǎng)老保險風(fēng)險分析。 第四部分是降低風(fēng)險和養(yǎng)老保險的對策和建議。 最后一部分是結(jié)論。</p><p>  2中國人口老齡化的現(xiàn)狀與特征</p><p>  中國的人口老齡化進(jìn)程始于20


89、.19億人,占8.87%。正如我們所看到的,我們的國家是當(dāng)今世界上唯一一個老年人數(shù)接近2億的國家[2]。根據(jù)這一趨勢,到2025年,中國人口老齡化將達(dá)到2.84億人,占人口總數(shù)的19.34%,到2050年前后將達(dá)到近4.3億人,占總?cè)丝诘乃姆种灰陨稀?lt;/p><p>  同時,由于中國特殊的國情、人口環(huán)境和傳統(tǒng)文化,使得我國人口老齡化呈現(xiàn)出以下鮮明特征:一是人口老齡化速度快于經(jīng)濟(jì)增長速度?;旧?,發(fā)達(dá)國家在實現(xiàn)


91、1.77億。僅十年時間,60歲以上的老年人口就增加了5000多人。據(jù)統(tǒng)計,近年來,我國人口老齡化速度遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)超過歐美等國家,甚至比日本還要快。中國老年人口(65歲,下同)的比例歷時18年從4.91%上升到了的6.96%。日本已經(jīng)花了20年時間,從4.79%增加到7.06%。在瑞典花了40年時間,它從5.2%增加到8.4%。</p><p>  老年人口比例的增加帶來了日益增長的社會經(jīng)濟(jì)壓力[3]。 第三個問題是區(qū)域發(fā)

92、展不平衡。 相關(guān)數(shù)據(jù)表明,作為勞動力流入的東部地區(qū),中青年人口占比較大。 盡管面臨人口老齡化,但由于其良好的發(fā)展前景和經(jīng)濟(jì)實力,它為養(yǎng)老企業(yè)提供了強有力的支持。 而隨著中西部地區(qū)作為勞動力外流地區(qū),老年人口特別是廣大農(nóng)村地區(qū),形成了大量的空巢老人群體。 毫無疑問,它促成了當(dāng)?shù)氐酿B(yǎng)老壓力。</p><p>  3.中國養(yǎng)老保險發(fā)展概況及其存在問題</p><p><b>  3.1

93、發(fā)展概況</b></p><p>  我國之前的養(yǎng)老金制度建立于1951年,是一種典型的國家保護(hù)模式。中國自實行城鄉(xiāng)分割式計劃經(jīng)濟(jì)體制以來,養(yǎng)老保險制度是一種“公司保證”模式,用于保護(hù)國有企業(yè)和國有企業(yè)職工的“生老病死”。農(nóng)民依靠家庭人壽保險模式難以適應(yīng)新的時代要求。在1986年頒布的“中華人民共和國第七個五年計劃經(jīng)濟(jì)和社會發(fā)展綱要”中,明確了社會保險的發(fā)展方向。從此,養(yǎng)老保險1949年由單位擔(dān)保過渡

94、到擔(dān)保社會保障。</p><p>  中國目前的養(yǎng)老金制度是在20世紀(jì)90年代初形成的。 1991年,國務(wù)院發(fā)布了“關(guān)于企業(yè)職工養(yǎng)老保險改革的決定”,這意味著現(xiàn)代養(yǎng)老保險制度是在社會統(tǒng)籌的基礎(chǔ)上建立起來的。 1995年,國務(wù)院發(fā)布了“關(guān)于深化企業(yè)職工養(yǎng)老保險制度改革的通知”,提出我國社會養(yǎng)老保險是將社會統(tǒng)籌與個人賬戶相結(jié)合的制度,明確了養(yǎng)老保險的權(quán)利義務(wù)保險。 1997年,國務(wù)院發(fā)布了“關(guān)于建立企業(yè)職工基本養(yǎng)老保

95、險統(tǒng)一制度的決定”,進(jìn)一步規(guī)范養(yǎng)老保險基金征繳工作[4]。</p><p>  同時,為適應(yīng)市場變化及時跟進(jìn)公眾維權(quán)要求,中國政府于2004年頒布了“企業(yè)年金試行辦法”和“企業(yè)年金基金管理試行辦法”,進(jìn)一步規(guī)范設(shè)立、管理企業(yè)年金投資運營。 2010年,引入“中華人民共和國社會保險法”,為社會保障事業(yè)發(fā)展奠定了較為堅實的法律基礎(chǔ)。</p><p>  隨著中國養(yǎng)老保險制度的完善和保險采購數(shù)量

96、的增加,養(yǎng)老保險基金不斷豐富。據(jù)統(tǒng)計,截至到2013年底,參加基本養(yǎng)老保險的城鎮(zhèn)職工人數(shù)達(dá)32218萬人,基金收入達(dá)到2668億元。與此同時,2013年全國社保基金累計已超過1.2萬億元??傊袊B(yǎng)老保險行業(yè)在不斷改革和完善過程中取得了很大成績。</p><p><b>  3.2存在的問題</b></p><p>  雖然我國已在全面建立了所有信貸積累類型的組合養(yǎng)

97、老保險制度。在社會和諧穩(wěn)定和民生福利方面發(fā)揮了重要作用。但不可否認(rèn)的是,由于我國社會保障體系建立時間較短,在一些制度設(shè)計水平和實踐水平上還存在一些問題,需要不斷完善。</p><p>  有兩個主要問題。首先,這是養(yǎng)老保險基金的貶值。我國養(yǎng)老保險基金主要包括以下四部分:一是所有城鎮(zhèn)職工基本養(yǎng)老保險信用組合基金。二是城鄉(xiāng)居民基本養(yǎng)老保險基金,三是養(yǎng)老保險基金補償企業(yè)年金和職業(yè)年金,第四是國家社?;鹱鳛閼?zhàn)略儲備金。

98、目前,這四部分養(yǎng)老保險基金累計已達(dá)數(shù)億元。面對如此龐大的庫存規(guī)模,如何進(jìn)行有效的投資運作是一個很大的問題。而根據(jù)目前估計的增長趨勢,未來30年,中國養(yǎng)老保險基金規(guī)模將達(dá)到數(shù)十億的巨大規(guī)模。面對這種趨勢,如果缺乏有效的投資運作,基金的年折舊損失率將非常驚人[5]。</p><p>  其次,如何有效和公平地向國有企業(yè)的老員工償還“歷史債務(wù)”養(yǎng)老金。自20世紀(jì)90年代改革以來,由于支付方式的變化,國有企業(yè)中有數(shù)以千萬


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