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1、<p>  外文標題:Design of Simply-Supported Composite Beams with Large Web Penetrations</p><p>  外文作者:Dr. Mark Patrick, Dr. Cameron Chick, Dr. Daya Dayawansa, Dr. Chong Chee Goh</p><p>  , Mr.

2、 Rodney Wilkie</p><p>  文獻出處:Onesteel Market Mills Composite Structures Design Manual,2001</p><p>  英文4489單詞,24896字符,中文6697漢字。</p><p>  此文檔是外文翻譯成品,無需調整復雜的格式哦!下載之后直接可用,方便快捷!只需二十多元。&l

3、t;/p><p><b>  原文:</b></p><p>  Design of Simply-Supported Composite Beams with Large Web Penetrations</p><p>  Dr. Mark Patrick</p><p>  Dr. Cameron Chick</

4、p><p>  Dr. Daya Dayawansa</p><p>  Dr. Chong Chee Goh</p><p>  Mr. Rodney Wilkie</p><p><b>  Preface</b></p><p>  This design booklet forms part

5、of a suite of booklets covering the design of simply-supported and continuous composite beams, composite slabs, composite columns, steel and composite connections and related topics. The booklets are part of the OneSteel

6、 Market Mills’ Composite Structures Design Manual which has been produced to foster composite steel-frame building construction in Australia to ensure cost-competitive building solutions for specifiers, builders and deve

7、lopers.</p><p>  The additional design information necessary to allow large web penetrations to be incorporated into simply-supported bare steel and composite beams is presented in this booklet. Design issue

8、s with respect to strength and deflection control are addressed. The non-composite bare steel state arises during construction prior to the concrete hardening.</p><p>  Large rectangular and circular penetra

9、tions are often made in the steel web of composite beams for the passage of horizontal building services. This allows the plenum height to be reduced when using economical, standard UB and WB steel sections. However, lar

10、ge penetrations weaken a composite beam locally and reduce its overall flexural stiffness, and therefore their effect must be considered in design.</p><p>  Neither the Steel Structures Standard AS 4100 nor

11、the Composite Beam Standard AS 2327.1 contains design provisions for large web penetrations. The rules provided in the booklet for designing bare steel beams with large penetrations are compatible with AS 4100. For the c

12、omposite state, the rules are compatible with AS 2327.1, and have been proposed as an acceptable method of design to be referred to in Amendment No. 1 of this Standard expected to be published this year.</p><p

13、>  Information is also given to assist design engineers to understand the engineering principles on which the design methods are based. This includes:</p><p>  (a)explanatory information on important conc

14、epts and models;</p><p>  (b)the limits of application of the methods; and</p><p>  (c)worked examples.</p><p>  Design capacity tables are given in Appendix C to simplify the stren

15、gth design process. The information provided can be used to design for either the bare steel or composite states. The tables cover a range of situations involving 300PLUS® UB and WB steel sections supporting a compo

16、site slab and incorporating large web penetrations. A spreadsheet program named WEBPENTM is available to assist with the strength design calculations.</p><p>  Although these design aids are intended to make

17、 the design process more efficient, it is essential that the user obtain a clear understanding of the basis of the design rules and the design approach by working through this document and the relevant parts of associate

18、d design Standards such as AS 4100 and AS 2327.1</p><p>  SCOPE AND GENERAL</p><p><b>  Scope</b></p><p>  The additional design information necessary to allow large web

19、 penetrations to be incorporated into simply-supported bare steel and composite beams is presented in this booklet. Design issues with respect to strength and deflection control are addressed. The steel beam must be a do

20、ubly- symmetric I-section. The overall beam design for the bare steel and composite states is assumed to have been carried out in accordance with AS 4100 [1] and AS 2327.1 [2], respectively.</p><p>  The pen

21、etrations may be (see Fig. 1.1):</p><p>  ?rectangular or circular in shape (within the specified limitations);</p><p>  ?unreinforced, or reinforced (in accordance with the specified details) ;

22、 and</p><p>  ?concentric or eccentric to the centroid of the steel section.</p><p>  The application of the strength design method is defined by the conditions given in Section 6.2.</p>

23、<p>  This document should be read in conjunction with the design booklet Design of Simply-Supported Composite Beams for Strength, DB1.1 [3] and AS 2327.1, noting that some relevant material from these documents has

24、 not been duplicated herein.</p><p>  In accordance with Clause of AS 2327.1, the effect of holing of the steel beam due to a web penetration may be ignored provided the greatest internal dimension o

25、f the penetration is not greater than 0.1 times the clear depth of the web. It follows that penetrations larger than this should be considered as large, and their effect determined in accordance with the information prov

26、ided in this document.</p><p><b>  General</b></p><p>  The strength design method presented herein is based on a method recommended by an ASCE Task Committee [4]. The method has bee

27、n verified with some experimentally-based investigations conducted in Australia, and modified to suit Australian design practice and conform to relevant Australian Standards. Further details about the development of the

28、strength design method can be found elsewhere [5,6].</p><p>  The deflection design method has been developed from work originally presented by Tse and Dayawansa [7]. Further information about this method ca

29、n be found in [5].</p><p>  Large rectangular and circular penetrations are often made in the steel web of composite beams for the passage of horizontal building services. This allows the plenum height to be

30、 reduced when using economical, standard UB and WB steel sections. However, large web penetrations weaken a composite beam locally and reduce its overall flexural stiffness. Neither the Steel Structures Standard AS 4100

31、nor the Composite Beam Standard AS 2327.1 contains design provisions for large web penetrations.</p><p>  The strength design method was adopted after a detailed review of four proposed methods, viz. ASCE Ta

32、sk Committee [4], Redwood and Cho [8], Lawson [9] and Oehlers and Bradford [10]. The method adopted for Australian design practice, proposed by ASCE Task Committee [4], has been modified to conform to the relevant Austra

33、lian Standards. The suitability of the modified method has been verified on the basis of an Australian experimental program. A reliability analysis has been conducted using the re</p><p>  The cost implicati

34、ons of choosing between reinforced or unreinforced web penetrations is an important consideration during the design stage, noting that the intention of using penetrations is not only to obtain an acceptable floor-to-floo

35、r height, but also a more cost-effective structure. For this purpose, it is recommended that a rational method of costing steelwork is used which takes into account the specific labour and material costs involved in fabr

36、icating the penetrations including any ste</p><p>  2TERMINOLOGY</p><p>  Some important terminology used in this booklet is summarised in this section. Reference should also be made to Section

37、2 of DB1.1 and Clause 1.4.3 of AS 2327.1 for additional terminology.</p><p>  Bottom T-Section</p><p>  The portion of the steel beam cross-section lying below the penetration.</p><p&

38、gt;  High Moment End (HME)</p><p>  The end of a penetration subjected to the higher primary bending moment.</p><p>  Low Moment End (LME)</p><p>  The end of a penetration subjecte

39、d to the lower primary bending moment.</p><p>  Primary Bending Moment</p><p>  The bending moment at a beam cross-section due to overall bending action ignoring secondary effects (see Fig. 3.2)

40、.</p><p><b>  Rigid Arm</b></p><p>  A part of a beam assumed to be rigid in the model used for deflection calculations.</p><p>  Secondary Bending Moment</p><

41、;p>  The additional bending moment induced in the top and bottom T-sections as a result of Vierendeel action over the length of the penetration (see Fig. 3.2).</p><p>  Steel T-Section</p><p>

42、;  The bottom T-section or the top T-section, excluding the concrete flange in the case of a composite beam.</p><p>  Top T-Section</p><p>  The portion of the steel beam cross-section lying abo

43、ve the penetration, inclusive of the concrete flange in the case of a composite beam.</p><p>  Vierendeel Action</p><p>  The development of secondary bending moments in the top and bottom T-sec

44、tions due to the presence of vertical shear force across the penetration.</p><p>  Web Penetration Reinforcement</p><p>  Steel plates or flat bars continuously welded to one or both sides of th

45、e web of the steel beam, as close as practicable to the top and bottom horizontal edges of the penetration.</p><p>  3 DESIGN CONCEPTS</p><p>  Strength Design </p><p>  Behaviour i

46、n the Region of a Web Penetration </p><p>  A large rectangular or circular penetration made in the steel web of a simply-supported steel or composite beam weakens the beam locally by reducing both the momen

47、t and shear capacities. This reduction in strength can be partly overcome by welding steel plates or flat bars to the web along the horizontal edges of the penetration as reinforcement. However, the economics of using we

48、b penetration reinforcement needs careful consideration. </p><p>  In the absence of vertical shear force, the moment capacity of a beam cross-section at a large web penetration is reduced as a direct result

49、 of the loss of steel web area. Vertical shear force at the penetration gives rise to a more complex state of equilibrium as a result of Vierendeel action occurring over the length of the penetration. This action causes

50、additional secondary moments to develop in the top and bottom T-sections. Its effect becomes more pronounced as the penetration length incre</p><p>  The main features that become visible in the region of a

51、web penetration at ultimate load are shown in Fig. 3.1. The most-highly stressed areas are located at the high- and low-moment ends of the penetration, denoted HME and LME, respectively. These features are briefly explai

52、ned as follows.</p><p>  The secondary moments may be sufficiently large to cause the slab to crack perpendicular to the steel beam, both in the top face at the LME and the bottom face at the HME. The combin

53、ed effects of flexure, shear and Vierendeel action can lead to yielding in the top and bottom T-sections, and plastic hinges can form at their ends.</p><p>  In many cases, large differential vertical deflec

54、tion between the two ends of the penetration occurs when a major diagonal crack forms in the concrete slab directly above the penetration. This crack can lead to a sudden drop in the load-carrying capacity of the composi

55、te beam, significantly reducing its ductility [13]. Large tensile forces develop in the shear connectors at the HME region of the penetration [15], particularly prior to the onset of the diagonal crack. The likelihood of

56、 diagonal c</p><p>  When the sheeting ribs are orientated perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the steel beam, the diagonal crack initiates at the top of the ribs and rapidly propagates through the cov

57、er slab causing failure. Tests show that the behaviour of a composite beam with the sheeting laid perpendicular to the steel beam can be significantly improved if the width of this crack is controlled using special steel

58、 reinforcement in the concrete slab [13]. This steel reinforcement was originally developed to</p><p>  Primary and Secondary Bending Moments</p><p>  The existence of primary and secondary bend

59、ing moments in the region of a large web penetration is illustrated in Figure 3.2.</p><p>  Effect of Web Penetrations on Maximum Compressive Force in Concrete Flange</p><p>  In a simply-suppor

60、ted composite beam, the maximum compressive force that can develop in the concrete flange at any particular cross-section can be governed by various factors such as the strength and distribution of the shear connectors,

61、the tensile capacity of the steel section, the compressive strength of the concrete, etc. When a web penetration is incorporated in the steel beam, this can reduce the compressive force that can develop in the concrete f

62、lange at some of the other cross-sections </p><p>  Figure 3.3 Influence of Web Penetration on Maximum Compressive Force in Concrete Flange</p><p>  Design Vertical Shear Capacity</p><

63、;p>  In the case of composite beams without large web penetrations designed in accordance with AS 2327.1, it is assumed that the shear force is resisted by the steel beam alone when calculating the design vert

64、ical shear capacity. This simplifying assumption is considered too conservative at cross-sections within a web penetration when a significant portion of the steel web has been removed. It is assumed that the concrete sla

65、b also contributes to the design shear capacity of the composite bea</p><p>  The model used to determine the nominal vertical shear capacity of a composite beam in the region of a web penetration is present

66、ed in Section 4.2.</p><p>  Moment-Shear Interaction</p><p>  In accordance with the strength design method given in AS 2327.1, the nominal moment capacity of a cross-section of a composite beam

67、 without a web penetration is assumed to be affected by shear when the shear ratio, , is greater than 0.5 (see Clause 6.4 of AS 2327.1). In this case, the nominal moment capacity is assumed to reduce linearly with the

68、shear ratio until the entire steel web is fully utilised resisting shear, and hence makes no contribution to moment capacity. When 1.0 , the</p><p>  only contribution to the moment capacity from the steel

69、section is due to the steel flanges. The resulting tri-linear moment-shear interaction curve is shown in Fig. D3.2 of AS 2327.1.</p><p>  It should be noted that a different moment-shear interaction relation

70、ship, defined by a continuous cubic equation, as shown in Fig. 4.1, is adopted in the web penetration design method. This same moment-shear interaction equation is used by ASCE Task Committee [4], Redwood and Cho [8] and

71、 Oehlers and Bradford [10].</p><p>  Penetration Reinforcement</p><p>  There are numerous ways of reinforcing web penetrations to minimise the loss of strength and stiffness that can arise due

72、to their presence. Some of these reinforcing arrangements are shown in Fig. 3.4. However, the strength design formulae given in Section 6 have been derived assuming the steel plate or flat bar reinforcement is continuous

73、ly welded to the web, as close as practicable to the top and bottom horizontal edges of the penetration. Therefore, only the reinforcement arrangements shown </p><p>  The simplified method given in AS 2327.

74、1 accounts for the effects of long- and short-term loading and partial shear connection. The additional deflection component due to the presence of the penetration can be calculated for both long- and short-term loading

75、conditions. The second moments of area of the T-sections required for this calculation are determined ignoring the effects of partial shear connection.</p><p>  In calculating the additional deflection compo

76、nent in (b), the bending, shear and Vierendeel deformations within the length of the penetration are taken into account, and the remaining parts of the beam on either side of the penetration are assumed to be two rigid a

77、rms. These rigid arms are assumed to undergo no deformation, but their rotations contribute to the deflection of the beam.</p><p>  The method assumes linear elastic behaviour and hence does not account for

78、deflections due to plastic or buckling deformations in any part of the beam. Concrete shrinkage and creep effects are accounted for separately.</p><p>  The additional deflection for a beam with multiple pen

79、etrations can be obtained by summing the additional elastic deflections due to the individual penetrations.</p><p>  Figure 3.4 Arrangements of Web Penetration Reinforcement</p><p>  4. DESIGN M

80、ODELS</p><p><b>  General</b></p><p>  DESIGN MODELS</p><p>  The design models used in the strength and deflection design methods and their limits of application are br

81、iefly explained in this section. The limits of application arise mainly from the parameter ranges covered in experimental and theoretical studies undertaken to verify the models. This may explain somewhat arbitrary natur

82、e of some of the limits of application. Nevertheless, the limits encompass a range sufficiently wide for most practical applications. These limits are described in detail </p><p>  Strength Design Model<

83、;/p><p>  Strength Design Criterion</p><p>  The strength design criterion for a web penetration in a bare steel or composite simply-supported beam is represented as the following cubic moment-shea

84、r interaction equation,</p><p>  Figure 4.1 Moment-Shear Interaction Model</p><p>  Design Shear Capacity</p><p>  The design shear capacity, Vu , at a web penetration is calculated

85、 as the sum of the contributions from the top and bottom steel webs and the concrete flange. In this calculation, the effect of overall bending at the cross-section is ignored, while the flexural stresses in the top and

86、bottom T-sections caused by Vierendeel action due to shear are determined.</p><p>  The following assumptions are made in the calculation:</p><p>  (a)the net axial force in the top and bottom T

87、-sections is zero;</p><p>  (b)a simplified version of the von Mises yield criterion is used to account for the interaction between shear and bending stresses;</p><p>  (c)the plastic neutral ax

88、es of the top and bottom T-sections due to Vierendeel action lie in their respective steel flanges; and</p><p>  (d)a width of 3Dc of the concrete flange contributes to the shear capacity of the top T-sectio

89、n, if the shear capacity of the steel web of the top T-section is fully utilised.</p><p>  These assumptions greatly simplify the design model while not significantly affecting the accuracy of the calculatio

90、n.</p><p>  Limits of Applicability of the Strength Design Model</p><p>  The strength design model is primarily formulated for rectangular web penetrations in a simply- supported bare steel or

91、composite beam. Circular web penetrations are designed by converting the circular penetration into an equivalent rectangular penetration. Web penetration size, shape and location limits are given in Section 6.2.</p>

92、;<p>  Figure 4.2 Web Penetration Reinforcement Arrangements</p><p>  Web penetrations may be either unreinforced or reinforced, and possibly eccentric to the centroid of the steel beam section. It is

93、 assumed that any web penetration reinforcement is continuously welded as close as practicable to the top and bottom horizontal edges of the penetration. In addition, the reinforcement shall be rectangular in cross-secti

94、on and shall not exceed the dimensions specified in Section 6.7. Acceptable reinforcement arrangements are shown in Fig. 4.2 for a rectangular penetra</p><p>  Figure 4.3 Deflections of the Beam</p>&

95、lt;p>  The steel section shall be compact or non-compact in accordance with the requirements of AS 2327.1. Slenderness limitations have been imposed in the region of the web penetration to avoid buckling of

96、 the webs of the T-sections and overall buckling of the top T-section in compression. These limitations are given in Section 6.6. As the resistance of bare steel and composite beams to lateral and flexural-torsional buck

97、ling may be lowered with the introduction of a web penetration, the ef</p><p>  The strength design method is not applicable to beams subjected to significant load fluctuations, which may lead to fatigue.<

98、;/p><p>  Deflection Design Model</p><p>  Deflection Component Without a Web Penetration</p><p>  The deflection of the beam without a penetration is determined by the simplified meth

99、od specified in Appendix B of AS 2327.1. This method is based on elastic bending theory, and uses the effective second moments of area of the beam, which accounts for partial shear connection.</p><p>  Addit

100、ional Deflection Components due to Web Penetration</p><p>  The additional deflection components due to bending and shear deformations at the web penetration are determined using a model where only the top a

101、nd bottom T-sections at the penetration are assumed to undergo deformation. The remaining parts of the beam on both sides of the penetration are assumed to be rigid (see Fig. 4.3(c)). These rigid arms, which are connecte


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