1、<p> 本科畢業(yè)設計(論文)</p><p> 外 文 翻 譯</p><p><b> 原文:</b></p><p> Looking Beyond Retirement: Patterns and Predictors of Formal End-of-Life Planning Among Retirement
2、 Age Individuals</p><p> Abstract: this study uses the 2004 wave of the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study to examine the patterns and predictors of formal End-of-Life (EOL) planning strategies among retirement a
3、ge individuals and whether EOL health and financial planning are highly correlated planning behaviors. Using logistic regressions and multinomial logistic regressions, findings show that EOL health plans appear to be don
4、e in combination with financial plans. Females, higher educated persons, and those with higher net </p><p> Keywords:Advance directives;Decision making;End-of-Life;Health and financial planning behavior;Ret
5、irement</p><p> Introduction</p><p> The nature and causes of death have shifted over the past century. The leading causes of death are now chronic diseases, or ongoing conditions for which th
6、ere is no cure (Rosenberg et al.1996). New medical technologies prolong lives of the sick and dying, but the prolonged process often has serious psychological, physical, and financial consequences not only for the patien
7、ts but also for the family (Brock and Foley 1998; Field and Cassel 1997). For the dying patients, the final stage of life may</p><p> End-of-Life financial planning (i.e., estate planning) is well establish
8、ed and widely accepted as facilitating individuals’ dealing with post-death assets transfer issues. Lesswell established are EOL health-related tools such as those provisions of the 1990 Patient Self-Determination Act, w
9、hich assure the usage and utilization of the advance directives(Ott 1999), and the Hospice movement, which promotes palliative care at the EOL(National Hospice Organization 1995; National Hospice and Palliati</p>
10、<p> While individuals and families have long planned for the EOL financially and for the resource distribution after death, many fewer individuals have planned for health-related issues at the EOL and the conseque
11、nces of approaching death. Recent studies show that about 66% of U.S. older adults over the age of 70 had written wills (Goetting and Martin 2001; Lee 2000). In contrast, studies report a lower, though growing, proportio
12、n of adults with advance directives. Earlier studies report from 4 to 2</p><p> The purpose of this study is to document the EOL planning strategies adopted by midlife adults and to identify the factors tha
13、t influence the likelihood of engaging in specific planning strategies. The research questions are: (1)What are the patterns of EOL planning strategies adopted? (2) What are the determinants of EOL planning strategies? (
14、3) What is the relationship between EOL financial planning and EOL health planning? (4) Do the two aspects of EOL planning appear to be distinct or comple</p><p> Literature and Background</p><p&
15、gt; End-of-Life Financial Preparations</p><p> End-of-Life financial preparations are most often conceived as estate planning, which has the purpose of carrying out one’s intentions of disposing of assets
16、and property and for taking care of family members after one’s death (Edwards 1991; Goebel et al. 2003).O’Connor (1996) provided a systematic review of early empirical research on how elders handle their estates. Early s
17、tudies primarily focused on property transfer preferences, characteristics, and motives of those with and without wills, a</p><p> the individual’s relationship with family and community at the time of writ
18、ing the will. A study by Rosenfeld (1992) argues that due to changing demographics, wills increasingly are tools for designating guardians of grandchildren who are in their custody, or designating care givers for older d
19、ependent children. These studies provide insights into how financial wills can work as a multi-function tool for post-death resource allocations. </p><p> Studies have examined factors that influence the ad
20、option of a financial will. Consistent positive determinants of possession of a will were greater education (Goetting and Martin2001; Lee 2000; O’Connor 1996; Rossi and Rossi 1990; Simon et al. 1982), larger estate size
21、(Goetting and Martin 2001; Lee 2000; O’Connor 1996; Simon et al. 1982), older age(Lee 2000; Rossi and Rossi 1990; Simon et al. 1982), higher household income (O’Connor1996; Rossi and Rossi 1990; Simon et al. 1982), and b
22、eing whit</p><p> EOL Health Preparations</p><p> Health-related EOL preparations have received increased attention from researchers and policy makers in part due to the growth in Hospice care
23、 and other social movements that encourage greater patient autonomy in making EOL medical care decisions (Ott 1999).Health-related formal preparation typically comprises two behaviors: completion of a Living Will and the
24、 appointment of DPAHC. Studies have shown that few patients actually possess Living Wills or DPAHCs or have spoken with their physicians a</p><p> particularly family members, to make decisions for them if
25、they are unable to do so. Other reasons identified include ‘‘do not see an urgent need to do so’’ (Stelter et al. 1992), and ‘‘procrastination’’ (Sachs et al. 1992).</p><p> A number of studies have examine
26、d the factors that predict the likelihood of advance Directives completion. Most of them have focused on the role of socio-demographic and health factors as predictors. A study based on analysis of medical records from t
27、he Program for All Inclusive Care of Elderly (PACE) found that African American patients were significantly less likely than White patients to complete a DPAHC (Eleazer et al. 1996).Other studies show that individuals wi
28、th higher levels of educatio</p><p> Advance directives are more prevalent among persons in older age groups compared with younger age groups (Elpern et al. 1993; Levin et al. 1999), and among those with po
29、orer self-reported health status compared with better health status (Elpern et al. 1993). Carr and Khodyakov (2007) found that, consistent with the Patient Self-Determination Act, recent hospitalizations motivated advanc
30、e directives. Few studies have examined the role of family structure on the likelihood of completing advance di</p><p> childless were less likely to have formal EOL plans than their currently married and w
31、ith children counterparts. Family structure needs further examination as a predictor of EOL planning (Schaber and Stum 2007), to test whether persons who are married or who had living children might bypass an advance dir
32、ective because they trust their family members to make decisions for them or whether they are more likely to have advance directives since they do not want to leave burdens on their family membe</p><p><b
33、> Summary</b></p><p> Researchers and the public press have regularly encouraged families with elderly members to have conversations about death, health care preferences, and inheritance when appr
34、opriate, in order to spare the emotional and financial strains at the end of the time ( Delgadillo et al. 2004; McLeod 2000; Pulliam 1999; Stum 2000 ). Although discussions are perceived as informal preparations and lack
35、 legal power, they are the most convenient tools to communicate EOL wishes and even to complement formal p</p><p> Source: Yung-Ting Su,J Fam Econ Iss,2008,P654-673</p><p><b> 譯文:</b&
36、gt;</p><p> 退休后展望:關于退休個人正式終老計劃的模式和預測</p><p> 摘要:這項研究使用的是2004年威斯康星的縱向研究,目的是為了研究退休年齡個人的正式終老計劃策略模式和預測,研究終老健康計劃和財務計劃是否是高度相關聯(lián)的行為。運用邏輯回歸和多元邏輯回歸分析,結果表明,終老健康計劃與財務計劃是相結合的。女性,高學歷者,以及那些擁有較高凈資產(chǎn)的人,更可能有全面的終
37、老計劃,同時包括終老的健康計劃和終老的財務計劃。有人建議,政策制定者,健康及金融專業(yè)人士和教育工作者關注缺乏終老健康計劃所帶來的結果,他們應該將終老健康計劃和終老財務計劃結合在一起,特別是對那些沒有這些計劃又面臨較高風險的個人。</p><p> 關鍵詞:預前指示;決策;終老;健康和財務規(guī)劃行為;退休</p><p><b> 介紹</b></p>
38、<p> 在過去的一個世紀,死的本性和原因發(fā)生了變化。死的主要原因現(xiàn)在是慢性疾病或者是那些不能治愈仍持續(xù)的疾病。(羅森伯格等人,1996年)新的醫(yī)療技術,延長了患病的和垂死的生命,但在這個漫長的過程中,對于病人個人或家庭來說往往會有嚴重的心理,生理和經(jīng)濟上的問題。(布洛克和福利1998年;原野和卡塞爾1997年)對于臨終病人,生命的最后階段可能會烙下疼痛、殘疾、脫離自己的家庭和社區(qū),同時缺少病人應享有的自主權。與此同時,死亡
39、過程對家庭成員會有嚴重影響,病人可能會在被照顧活動中遭受身體上和精神上的壓力。由于病人沒有經(jīng)濟收入和附加福利,造成經(jīng)濟的大量消耗,包括衛(wèi)生保健和長期護理和住院。(范和齊克2004年,2006年;史特姆 2001;沃肖斯基2000)。經(jīng)濟,心理和生理的痛苦伴隨著死亡的過程,可能會對那些已做好準備終老的個人和家庭影響少點(伊曼紐爾1996)。</p><p> 作為促進個人處理死后財產(chǎn)轉(zhuǎn)讓問題,終老財務計劃得到很好
41、清晰地表達他們的想法的時候,他們喜歡的醫(yī)療照顧依然能夠進行。衛(wèi)生護理上持久耐用的法律權利是一個法律性文件,當病人不能夠自己決策時,允許指定的個人替他做出醫(yī)療決定。此外,政府機構和衛(wèi)生專業(yè)人員鼓勵他們做好心理準備,如與家人討論關于衛(wèi)生保健傾向,個人信念,價值和愿望喜好問題(戈貝爾和渴望1994年)。</p><p> 然而,個人和家庭對終老財務和死后資源分配有長期計劃,其中很少一部分對健康終老相關的問題和即將要死
44、沒有醫(yī)療保健計劃,將會對</p><p> 這項研究的目的是為了記錄中年人所接受終老計劃策略和識別影響特殊計劃策略的可能性的因素。這篇文章研究的問題是(1)什么是終老計劃策略采取的模式(2)終老計劃策略的決定性因素是什么?(3)終老財務計劃和終老健康計劃的之間的關系是什么(4)終老計劃的兩部分是獨立的還是相互補充的行為?</p><p><b> 文獻和背景</b>
45、;</p><p><b> 終老財務計劃</b></p><p> 終老財務準備經(jīng)常被看做房地產(chǎn)(不動產(chǎn))規(guī)劃,它的目的是執(zhí)行財產(chǎn)所有權和他死后能夠照顧家庭成員(愛德華茲1991年;戈貝爾等人2003年)。奧康納(1996)提供了一個早期的實證研究關于如何系統(tǒng)地回顧長者處理其房屋。早期研究主要集中在財產(chǎn)轉(zhuǎn)讓喜好上,特點,以及那些有遺囑沒遺囑的動機,與繼承和剝奪繼
47、斯特姆(2000)研究了無名財產(chǎn)轉(zhuǎn)讓,認為繼承不是單純的經(jīng)濟或法律問題,而是復雜的情感和家庭關系問題。施瓦茲(1993)探討了有關法律和家庭問題對遺囑的影響,認為遺囑是個人主義的體現(xiàn),是反映個人與家庭和社會的關系,體現(xiàn)寫作時的意愿。由羅森菲爾德的研究報告認為,由于</p><p> 研究檢驗了影響接受財務遺囑的因素。組成遺囑擁有權的積極決定因素就是獲得更高的教育(戈廷和馬丁2001年,李2000奧康納1996年
49、生活事件出現(xiàn)會使他們在成年時寫下遺囑。運用來自健康的退休人所獲的調(diào)查數(shù)據(jù),他們發(fā)現(xiàn)成為寡婦,被確診為癌癥,退休的和在資產(chǎn)上有積極改變的人與財務遺囑的接受有著明顯的關系。</p><p><b> 終老健康準備</b></p><p> 由于臨終關懷護理和其他社會運動發(fā)展鼓勵更多的病人在終老醫(yī)療(奧特1999)計劃決策上自治,與健康相關的終老計劃吸引了來自研究者和政
51、的時候,為他們作出決定。另外些理由被認為包括“不要是緊急的需求才去這樣做”(斯泰爾特等。1992年),然后耽擱了(薩克斯等人1992年)。</p><p> 一些研究人員已經(jīng)探討了影響指令提前完成可能性的因素。他們大多數(shù)集中在作為預見社會人口的角色和健康因素的作用。一項研究基于分析自于老年人護理的醫(yī)療案發(fā)現(xiàn)非洲裔患者比白人患者完成健康護理永久受托書的可能性少。其他研究表明教育程度較高的人更可能完成預先指示(高1
53、比已經(jīng)結婚的個體可能有遺囑和健康護理永久受托書更可能有非正式地討論關于健康護理的偏好。卡爾和卡戴雅口發(fā)現(xiàn)早結婚無子女的人與那些當前結婚有孩子的夫妻比不太喜歡有正式的終老計劃。家庭機構作為終老計劃的預見者需要進一步研究(施伯和史特姆2007年),用來論證是否那些結婚的或者已經(jīng)有孩子的可能忽略預先指示,因為</p><p> 與年輕人相比,事前指示在年長者那變得比較普遍(艾爾普,1993;萊文等人,1999年),這
55、2007年)發(fā)現(xiàn),已婚者和原無子女的人與那些剛結婚和有子女的人相比,不太可能有正式的終老計劃。家庭結構作為終老計劃的預見需要更進一步探討(沙伯,施圖姆2007),用來測試是否已婚的和有孩子的可能繞過一個預設醫(yī)療,因為他們相信他們的家屬為他們做決定,或者他們不想給家庭成員太大的壓力,他們會提前制定好指示。</p><p><b> 總結</b></p><p> 研
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