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1、<p><b>  附 錄A</b></p><p>  在當今科技經(jīng)濟發(fā)展的新形勢下,煤炭開采技術的研究必須面向國內國外兩個市場、面向經(jīng)濟建設主戰(zhàn)場,立足于煤炭開采技術的前沿,立足于中國煤炭發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略所必要的技術儲備,立足于煤炭工業(yè)中長期發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略所必須的關鍵技術的攻關,立足于煤炭工業(yè)工程實際問題的解決,重點從事中長期研究開發(fā)和技術儲備,跟蹤產(chǎn)業(yè)科技前沿,開發(fā)有自主知識產(chǎn)權的以煤礦

2、開采技術及配套裝備為主導的核心技術,占領技術制高點。</p><p><b>  1采煤方法和工藝</b></p><p>  采煤方法和工藝的進步和完善始終是采礦學科發(fā)展的主題。采煤工藝的發(fā)展將帶動煤炭開采 各環(huán)節(jié)的變革,現(xiàn)代采煤工藝的發(fā)展方向是高產(chǎn)、高效、高安全性和高可靠性,基本途徑是使采煤技術與現(xiàn)代高新技術相結合,研究開發(fā)強力、高效、安全、可靠、耐用、智能化的

3、采 煤設備和生產(chǎn)監(jiān)控系統(tǒng),改進和完善采煤工藝。在發(fā)展現(xiàn)代采煤工藝的同時,繼續(xù)發(fā)展多層次、多樣化的采煤工藝,建立具有中國特色的采煤工藝理論。我國長壁采煤方法已趨成熟,放頂煤采煤的應用在不斷擴展,應用水平和理論研究的深度和廣度都在不斷提高,急傾斜、不穩(wěn)定、地質構造復雜等難采煤層采煤方法和工藝的研究有很大空間,主要方向是改善作業(yè) 條件,提高單產(chǎn)和機械化水平。</p><p>  開發(fā)煤礦高效集約化生產(chǎn)技術、建設生產(chǎn)高度

4、集中、高可靠性的高產(chǎn)高效礦井開采技術。以提高工作面單產(chǎn)和生產(chǎn)集中化為核心,以提高效率和經(jīng)濟效益為目標,研究開發(fā)各種條件下的高效能、高可靠性的采煤裝備和工藝,簡單、高效、可靠的生產(chǎn)系統(tǒng)和開采布置,生產(chǎn)過程監(jiān)控與科學管理等相互配套的成套開采技術,發(fā)展各種礦井煤層條件下的采煤機械化,進一步改進工藝和裝備,提高應用水平和擴大應用范圍,提高采煤機械化的程度和水平。</p><p>  2開發(fā)“淺埋深、硬頂板、硬煤層高產(chǎn)高

5、效現(xiàn)代開采成套技術”,主要解決以下技術難題。</p><p>  硬頂板控制技術,研究埋深淺、地壓小的硬厚頂板控制技術,主要通過巖層定向水力 壓裂、傾斜深孔爆破等頂板快速處理技術,使直接頂能隨采隨冒,提高頂煤回收率,且基本頂能按一定步距垮落,既有利于頂煤破碎,又保證工作面的安全生產(chǎn)。</p><p>  硬厚頂煤控制技術,研究開發(fā)埋深淺、支承壓力小條件硬厚頂煤的快速處理技術,包括高壓注

6、水壓裂技術和頂煤深孔預爆破處理技術,使頂煤體能隨采隨冒,提高其回收率。</p><p>  頂煤冒放性差、塊度大的綜放開采成套設備配套技術,研制既有利于頂煤破碎和頂板控制,又有利于放頂煤的新型液壓支架,合理確定后部輸送機能力。兩硬條件下放頂煤開采快速推進技術,研究合適的綜放開采回采工藝,優(yōu)化工序,縮短放煤時間,提高工作面的推進度,實現(xiàn)高產(chǎn)高效。5~5.5m寬煤巷錨桿支護技術,通過寬煤巷錨桿支護技術的研究開發(fā)和

7、應用,有利于綜采配套設備的大功率和重型化,有助于連續(xù)采煤機 的應用,促進工作面的高產(chǎn)高效。</p><p>  3緩傾斜薄煤層長壁開采。主要研究開發(fā):體積小、功率大、高可靠性的薄煤層采煤機、刨煤機;研制適合刨煤機綜采的液壓支架;研究開發(fā)薄煤層工作面的總體配套技術和高效開采技術。</p><p>  4緩傾斜厚煤層一次采全厚大采高長壁綜采。應進一步加強完善支架結構及強度,加強支架防倒、防

8、滑、防止頂梁焊縫開裂和四連桿變形、防止嚴重損壞千斤頂措施等的研究,提高支架的可靠性,縮小其與中厚煤層高產(chǎn)高效指標的差距。</p><p>  5各種綜采高產(chǎn)高效綜采設備保障系統(tǒng)。要實現(xiàn)高產(chǎn)高效,就要提高開機率,對“支架—圍巖”系統(tǒng)、采運設備進行監(jiān)控。今后研究的重點是:通過電液控制閥組操縱支架和改善“支架—圍巖”系統(tǒng)控制,進一步完善液壓信息、支架位態(tài)、頂板狀態(tài)、支護質量信息的自動采集系統(tǒng);乳化液泵站及液壓系統(tǒng)運行

9、狀態(tài)的檢測診斷;采煤機在線與離線相結合的“油—磨屑”監(jiān)測和溫度、電信號的監(jiān)測;帶式輸送機、刮板輸送機全面狀態(tài)監(jiān)控。</p><p><b>  6深礦井開采技術</b></p><p>  深礦井開采的關鍵技術是:煤層開采的礦壓控制、沖擊地壓防治、瓦斯和熱害治理及深井通風、井巷布置等;需要攻關研究的是:深井圍巖狀態(tài)和應力場及分布狀態(tài)的特征;深井作業(yè)場所工作環(huán)境的變化

10、;深井巷道(特別是軟巖巷道)快速掘進與支護技術與裝備;深井沖擊地 壓防治技術與監(jiān)測監(jiān)控技術;深礦井高產(chǎn)高效開采有關配套技術;深礦井開采熱害治理技術與裝備。</p><p><b>  7“三下”采煤技術</b></p><p>  提高數(shù)值模擬計算和相似材料模擬等,深入研究開采上覆巖層運動和地表沉陷規(guī)律,研究滿足地表、建筑物、地下水資源保護需要的合理的開采系統(tǒng)和優(yōu)化

11、參數(shù),發(fā)展沉降控制理論和關鍵技術,包括用地表廢料向垮落法工作面采空區(qū)充填的系統(tǒng);研究與應用各種充填技術和組合充填技術,村莊房屋加固改造重建技術,適于村莊保護的開采技術;研究近水體開采的開采設計、工藝參數(shù)優(yōu)化和裝備,提出煤炭開采與煤礦城市和諧統(tǒng)一的開采沉陷控制、開采村莊下壓煤、土地復墾和礦井水資源化等關鍵技術。</p><p>  8優(yōu)化巷道布置,減少矸石排放的開采技術</p><p> 

12、 改進、完善現(xiàn)有采煤方法和開采布置,以實現(xiàn)開采效益最大化為目標,研究開發(fā)煤礦地質條件開采巷道布置及工藝技術評價體系專家系統(tǒng),實現(xiàn)開采方法、開采布置與煤層地質條件 的最優(yōu)匹配。</p><p>  總結推廣神華集團大柳塔礦、潞安漳村礦實行全煤巷布置單一煤層開采,矸石基本不運出地面,生產(chǎn)系統(tǒng)大大簡化,分別實現(xiàn)無軌膠輪、單軌吊輔助運輸一條龍,從井口直達工作面,同時實現(xiàn)了綜采與綜掘同步發(fā)展,生產(chǎn)效率大幅提高的經(jīng)驗的同時

13、,重點研究高產(chǎn)高效礦井開拓部署與巷道布置系統(tǒng)的優(yōu)化,簡化巷道布置,優(yōu)化采區(qū)及工作面參數(shù),研究單一煤層集中開拓,集中準備、集中回采的關鍵技術,大幅度降低巖巷掘進率,多開煤巷,減少出矸率;研究矸石在井下直接處理、作為充填材料的技術,既是減少污染的一項有力措施,又簡化了生產(chǎn)系統(tǒng),有利于高產(chǎn)高效集中化開采,應加緊研究。</p><p><b>  9采場圍巖控制技術</b></p>

14、<p>  (1)進一步完善采場圍巖控制理論。以科學合理、優(yōu)化高效的巖層控制技術來保證開采活動的安全、高效、低成本為目標,深入總結我國幾十年的礦山壓力研究成果,以理論分析(解析法)、現(xiàn)代數(shù)學力學(統(tǒng)計分析預測、數(shù)值法)和實測法相結合運用先進的計算機技術,深入研究各種煤層地質及開采條件,如急傾斜、大采高、大采深采場礦山壓力顯現(xiàn)規(guī)律及圍巖 破壞與平衡機理,不斷完善采場圍巖控制技術。</p><p>  (

15、2)研究堅硬頂板與破碎頂板條件下應用高技術低成本巖層控制技術。目前,由于應用高壓注水、深孔預裂爆破處理堅硬頂板和應用化學加固技術存在工藝復雜、成本高的問題,因而需進一步研究開發(fā)新技術、新工藝、新材料來解決這些問題。</p><p>  (3)放頂煤開采巖層和支架—圍巖相互作用機理。研究放頂煤開采力學模型、圍巖應力、頂煤破碎機理、支架—頂煤—直接頂—基本頂相互作用關系;運用離散元等方法研究頂煤放落規(guī)律,提出放煤優(yōu)

16、化準則和提高頂煤回收率的途徑。</p><p>  (4)支護質量與頂板動態(tài)監(jiān)測技術。在總結緩傾斜中厚長壁工作面開展支護質量與頂板動態(tài)監(jiān)測方面,應進一步在堅硬頂板、破碎頂板、急傾斜、放頂煤工作面開展支護質量與頂板動態(tài)監(jiān)測,同時應不斷完善現(xiàn)有的監(jiān)測技術,發(fā)展智能化監(jiān)測系統(tǒng),改進監(jiān)測儀表,使監(jiān)測儀表向直觀、輕便、小型化方向發(fā)展。</p><p>  (5)沖擊地壓的預測和防治。通過計算機模擬

17、研究沖擊性礦壓顯現(xiàn)發(fā)生的機理;進一步完善沖擊性礦壓顯現(xiàn)監(jiān)測系統(tǒng),發(fā)展遙控測量和預報技術,完善沖擊性礦壓綜合防治措施的優(yōu)化 選擇專家系統(tǒng)。</p><p>  (6)研究開發(fā)新型的支護設備。研究硬煤層、硬頂板放頂煤液壓支架,完善液壓支架性能和快速移架系統(tǒng),開發(fā)耐炮崩、輕型化單體液壓支柱和厚煤層巷道錨索和可伸縮錨桿。</p><p>  10小煤礦技術改造和機械化開采技術</p>

18、;<p>  實施國家關閉小煤礦,淘汰落后生產(chǎn)技術和生產(chǎn)設備,提高平均單井規(guī)模技術政策,改進小煤礦的采煤方法和開采工藝,提高采煤工作面單產(chǎn)和工效;提高小煤礦頂?shù)装蹇刂萍夹g水平,最大限度地減少頂?shù)装迨鹿事省?lt;/p><p>  11煤炭地下氣化技術</p><p>  煤炭地下氣化技術是將處于地下的煤炭進行有控制的燃燒,通過對煤的熱化學作用而產(chǎn)生可燃氣體的過程。煤炭地下氣化技術


20、t;<b>  附 錄B</b></p><p>  Nowadays science and technology the new situation of the economic development under, coal's mining a technical research has to be faced to domestic foreign two marke

21、ts and faced to was constuct by the main battlefield, have a foothold in the coal mine technical of before follow, have a foothold the development is in the Chinese coal strategy necessity of technique storage, have a fo

22、othold strategic in the long-term development in the coal industry have to of the key offends a pass technically, h</p><p>  1 Adopt the coal method and craft</p><p>  Adopt the coal method and

23、the progress of the craft with perfect is the topic that the always opencast academics develop.The development that adopts the coal craft will arouse the change that the coal mines each link, modern's adopting the de

24、velopment direction of the coal craft is high to produce,efficiently,high safety with high and dependable, the basic path makes to adopt a high new technique of the coal technique and modern,to,combine,together,studying,

25、to,destrongdint,efficiently,safety,cre</p><p>  Develop coal mine efficiently intensive turn a production technique,the construction produce height concentration,high credibility of high produce efficiently

26、the mineral well to mine a technique.Produce by raising the work noodles list and produce concentration to change into core, with lift high-efficiency with economic performance for target, study to develop under various

27、condition of high performance,the high credibility adopt the coal material and craft, simple,efficiently,dependable produ</p><p>  (1) The development"shallow cover up deeply, hard crest the plank,hard

28、coal seam is high to produce efficiently modern mine a set a technique", mainly solve a following technique hard nut to crack.</p><p>  Hard crest the plank control technique, the research covers up a

29、depth,ground to press a small hard and thick crest the plank control technique, mainly pressing and tilting to one side deep bore to blow up through the rock strata definite direction water power etc. crest the plank di

30、spatch a technique, make direct crest can with adopt with emit, exaltation crest the coal recovery rate, and the basic crest can press certain step to be apart from to fall, since be advantageous to a coal broken up</

31、p><p>  Hard and thick crest the coal control technique, the research development covers up a depth and pays to accept a hard and thick crest of small condition of pressure the dispatch of coal technique, inclu

32、ding high pressure to note the water pressure technique and crest coal deep bore to prepare to blow up the processing technique, make a coal physique with adopt with emit, raise its recovery rate.</p><p>  

33、Crest the coal emit to put sex bad,piece degree the big release to adopt a set the equipments kit technique, develop since be advantageous to a coal broken up with crest plank control, and then be advantageous to the new

34、 liquid that puts a crest coal to press a support, the empress of the reasonable assurance the department transport function dint.</p><p>  Under two hard conditions put a coal to mine fast push forward a t

35、echnique, study suitable to release to adopt back to adopt a craft, excellent chemical engineering preface, shorten to put the coal time, exaltation the work noodles of the propulsion degree, carry out high produce effic

36、iently.The 5-5.5 m breadth coal lane anchor man pole protects a technique, protecting the technical research development and application through the breadth coal lane anchor man pole, be advantageous to the adopts </p

37、><p>  (2) Tilt to one side long wall of thin coal seam to mine slowly.Main research development:The physical volume is small,power the thin coal seam of[with] big and high credibility adopt coal machine and pl

38、ane coal machine;The liquid that develops to suit to plane the coal machine to adopt presses a support;The research develops the total kit technique of the thin coal seam work noodles with mine a technique efficiently.

39、</p><p>  (3) Tilt to one side thick coal seam slowly once to adopt whole thick adopt high and long wall to adopt greatly.Should strengthen the perfect support structure and strength further, add a strong su

40、pport to defend to pour,antiskid,keep a beam from sew to open with four connect a pole to transform,prevent°from the serious damage jack measure research of[with] etc., suggest the credibility of the high support, c

41、ontract the margin that it is high with medium thick coal seam(adopt a high 3 ms or so) </p><p>  (4) Various adopt high produce efficiently to adopt equipments guarantee system.Want to carry out to be high

42、to produce efficiently, will raise to switch on a rate, to the "support- round a rock" system,adopt the luck equipments to carry on supervision.The point that will study from now on BE:Manipulate a support and

43、change through the electricity liquid control valve set well"support- round a rock" system control, the further perfect liquid presses an information,the support ,crest plank appear</p><p>  2 Deep

44、 mineral wells mine a technique</p><p>  The key technique that the deep mineral well mine BE:The mineral that the coal seam mine presses a control,pound at ground to press the prevention and cure,gas and he

45、at to harm to manage and the deep well breeze,the well lane decoration...etc.;Demand's offending what pass study BE:The deep well rounds the rock appearance with should the dint field and distribute the characteristi

46、c of the appearance;The variety of homework place work environment in deep well;The deep well tunnel(especially soft r</p><p>  3 Three times"s adopt a coal technique</p><p>  The exaltatio

47、n number imitates the calculation and alike material to imitate etc., the thorough research mines to exercise to sink to sink regulation and earth's surface up the rock strata, studying a full foot earth's surfac

48、e,building,the groundwater resources protection to need of reasonable of mine system with excellent turn parameter, develop to sink to decline the control theories and the key technique, include to use the earth's su

49、rface waste toward to fall the method work noodles to adopt</p><p>  4 Excellent turn the tunnel decoration, reduce the stone to exhaust of mine a technique</p><p>  Improvement,perfect and exis

50、ting adopt the coal method and mine a decoration, with the realization mine a performance biggest change into a target, research development the coal mine geology condition mine the tunnel decoration and the craft techni

51、que evaluation system expert system, carrying out to mine method,mine to decoration and the coal seam geology condition of superior match.</p><p>  Summary expansion the absolute being group big LIU3 TA3 G

52、ONG3 ,the Anne Tsun mineral practice the whole coal lane to set out single coal seam to mine, the stone basic not deliver a ground of side, produce system consumedly simplify, respectively carry out to have no a track g

53、um round,single track hang an assistance to transport a dragon, from the mouth of a well go directly to the work noodles, in the meantime carry out adopt to dig a synchronous development with , produce an efficiency sig

54、ni</p><p>  5 Adopt a field to round a rock control technique</p><p>  (1)further perfect adopt a field to round rock control theories.With science is reasonable and excellent to turn efficientl

55、y of the rock strata control technique to promise a safety of mine the activity,efficiently,low cost is target, thorough summary our country the mineral mountain pressure of several decades research result, with theories

56、 analysis(solution the method),modern mathematics mechanics(statistics analysis estimate,the number method) with measure a method to combine together the usa</p><p>  (2)Study a strong and tough crest plank

57、the lath piece to descend the applied high technique low cost rock strata control technique with the broken up crest. Currently, because of applied high press to note a water,deep bore to prepare to blow up to handle a s

58、trong and tough crest plank and applied the chemistry reinforce the technique existence craft complications,cost high problem, as a result need the further research development a new technique,new craft,new material to r

59、esolve these problem</p><p>  (3)Put a coal to mine the rock strata and support-round rock interaction mechanism.Research's putting a coal to mine mechanics model and rounding a rock should the dint,cres

60、t mechanism with broken up coal,the support-crest coal-direct crest-basic crest interaction relation;Make use of a long-lost dollar the etc. method research crest coal to put to fall regulation, put forward put coal is e

61、xcellent to turn standard and exaltation a crest the coal recovery rate of path.</p><p>  (4)Pay to protect the quality and crest plank dynamic state monitor technique.In the aspects of tally up slowly tilt

62、 to one side win thickly grow wall work noodles openning the exhibition to protect the quality and crest plank dynamic state monitor, should further at strong and tough crest the plank,broken up crest plank,nasty tilt to

63、 one side and put a coal work noodles to open the exhibition to protect the quality and crest plank dynamic state monitor, in the meantime should continuously perfe</p><p>  (5)Pound at ground the estimate a

64、nd the prevention and cure for press.Pass the mechanism that the calculator emulation research impact mineral presses to present occurrence;Finish to pound at sex mineral to press to present monitor system well further,

65、develop to control from a distance measure and forecast a technique, the perfect impact mineral press comprehensive prevention and cure measure of excellent turn choice expert system.</p><p>  (6)The resear

66、ch develop to pay to protect an equipments newly.Study the hard coal seam,hard crest plank puts a coal liquid to press a support, the perfect liquid presses the support function with move a system quickly, develop to bea

67、r cannon to collapse,the light type turn single body fluid to press to pay pillar with the thick coal seam tunnel anchor man and the flexible anchor man pole.</p><p>  6 Small coal mine technique reformatio

68、n and mechanization mine a technique</p><p>  Carry out the nation closes small coal mine, eliminating to fall behind the production technique and producing an equipments, raising the technique policy of the

69、 single well scale equally, develop small scaled coal mine mechanization,the half mechanization to mine the technique and material, improve small coal mine to adopt the coal method with mine a craft, the list that raises

70、 to adopt the coal work noodles produces with the work effect;Raise the crest of the small coal mine scaleboard control</p><p>  7 Coal underground gasify a technique</p><p>  The coal undergrou

71、nd's gasifying a technique is the coal that will be placed in an underground to carry on the combustion that has a control, passing to the hot chemical effect of the coal but producing can the process of the air.The

72、coal underground gasification technique belong to a kind of adopt the coal method specially, it belongs to nations to found.The coal underground gasifies a technique to have an investment little,the work expect to be sho


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