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1、Leveraging potential benefits of augmentation in employee trainingMike SchraederAbstractPurpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine potential strategies for improving employee training through utilization of princi

2、ples associated with augmentation.Design/methodology/approach – The paper builds on a brief summary of literature related to training and augmentation, to identify possible strategies for improving employee training by n

3、ot only meeting, but also exceeding their expectations relative to the training. The paper is not based on any types of empirical assessments, but is purely conceptual in nature.Findings – This paper shows that flexibili

4、ty, active participation, an environment conducive to learning, networking and interaction can be effective strategies.Practical implications – The strategies offered in this paper should be insightful in guiding organiz

5、ations in their efforts to improve employee training.Originality/value – By viewing employees as internal customers and applying principles of augmentation to employee training, the paper offers novel insight into possib

6、le strategies for improving the quality of employee training experiences.Keywords Training, Workplace training, EducationPaper type General reviewEach year, organizations invest over $50 billion dollars in employee train

7、ing (Allen andHartman, 2005). These investments often have strategic significance (Li et al., 2006).This strategic importance is bolstered by an increased awareness that training is animportant factor in the overall comp

8、etitiveness of organizations (Noe, 1999), with trainingregarded by some as a critical component in maintaining an organization’s competitiveadvantage (Birdi et al., 2008). While large organizations face different competi

9、tive pressuresthan smaller organizations, it should be noted that the potential benefits of training are notlimited solely to large organizations. Indeed, employees of small to medium size enterprises(SME’s) also gain fr

10、om training (Devins et al., 2004).Employee training serves a variety of purposes, including, but not limited to, leadershipdevelopment (Ladyshewsky, 2007), learning new computer systems (Hasan, 2006),socialization encomp

11、assed in orienting new employees to the culture of an organization(Akdere and Schmidt, 2007), training new employees in regard to their job responsibilities(Anderson et al., 1994), and educating employees in regard to bu

12、siness ethics (Weber,2007). Regardless of the stated purpose of these training programs, these efforts are oftenintended to result in some level of improvement in the organizations’ operations or level ofefficiency (Hugh

13、ey and Mussnug, 1997; Ladyshewsky, 2007). It is important to note,however, that the investment of organizational resources in the form of employee time andmoney in training do not always materialize into the intended ben

14、efits for organizations(Cromwell and Kolb, 2004). Given the potential contributions of training to thecompetitiveness of organizations, coupled with the requisite investments associated withthis training, it behooves org

15、anizations to focus on methods for enhancing the overallDOI 10.1108/00197850910950916 VOL. 41 NO. 3 2009, pp. 133-138, Q Emerald Group Publishing Limited, ISSN 0019-7858 j INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL TRAININGj PAGE 133Mike

16、 Schraeder is anAssociate Professor at TroyUniversity, Montgomery,Alabama, USA.Downloaded by CITY UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG At 22:41 17 January 2017 (PT)(Hughey and Mussnug, 1997). With this in mind, leadership training an

17、d development often includes components that engage participation in some type of activity designed to apply salient topics associated with training (Howell and Costley, 2006). Other types of training can also be augment

18、ed to include some degree of active participation by the learners, engaging them in activities that directly relate to the intended objectives of the training session. For example, employee training intended to cover a n

19、ewly adopted code of ethics could be augmented by including an activity that lists a number of possible ethical dilemmas the organization might actually face in the conduct of normal operations. Participants could be ask

20、ed to evaluate each of the dilemmas based on the criteria promulgated in the new code of ethics.Create an environment conducive to learningSince most training sessions often last from several hours to several days, it is

21、 important that the physical environment be organized in a manner that is conducive to learning. In an effort to augment the training, trainers can enhance the quality of learning by organizing the seating so that it is

22、comfortable and laid out in a way that reflects the nature of training that will ensue. If, for example, the training will include a variety of interactive exercises involving groups, then it might be best to place table

23、s in a somewhat circular manner that will facilitate participants being able to interact with other participants.In addition to the physical lay out of the room, it is also important to adjust the lighting and temperatur

24、e of the room to maximize participant comfort. Trainers may want to seek feedback from trainees periodically to ascertain if the room temperature and lighting are appropriate. Further augmentation could be accomplished b

25、y even asking trainees if there is anything the trainer can do to make the environment more comfortable.Focus on different learning stylesIt is readily acknowledged that individuals tend to learn differently based on pre

26、ferred styles of learning (Chambers, 2005). While there are a variety of models and conceptualizations related to learning styles, one common model is the VAK model which includes a visual learning style, an auditory lea

27、rning style and a kinesthetic learning style (Redford, 2007). Since these learning styles impact the way individuals learn, training sessions could be augmented by designing the content to tap into each of the three diff

28、erent styles, thus appealing to a broad scope of disparate learning styles.For example, visual learners tend to process and recall information best when it is presented in a way that they can easily see the information.

29、This can be achieved through the use of hand-outs, PowerPoint slides including pertinent information, and also other forms of multimedia such as videos or computer-based simulations.Auditory learners, by comparison, proc

30、ess information from more of a listening perspective. Consequently, training can be augmented to focus on this preferred style by frequent descriptions of the pertinent information. This can easily be accomplished by ver

31、balizing the content in handouts and PowerPoint presentations. Further augmentation can be achieved by allowing trainees to discuss important content in small group settings. For example, if the training session was rela

32、ted to ethics, the important material could be included in PowerPoint slides that were discussed by the trainer for the entire group, then small groups could be given activities wherein they were asked to reiterate why (

33、in their opinion) the‘‘. . .the knowledge, skills, and abilities that employees bring toan organization can often represent significant sources of competitive strength. ’’VOL. 41 NO. 3 2009 jINDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL TRA


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