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1、<p>  此文檔是畢業(yè)設計外文翻譯成品( 含英文原文+中文翻譯),無需調(diào)整復雜的格式!下載之后直接可用,方便快捷!本文價格不貴,也就幾十塊錢!</p><p>  外文標題:Development of Augmented Reality Application on Android OS</p><p>  外文作者:Ondrej Bilek , Ondrej Krejcar

2、</p><p>  文獻出處:Ondrej Bilek,Ondrej Krejcar.Development of Augmented Reality Application on Android OS[C].International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems.2015:488-495</p><

3、;p>  英文2422單詞,中文3746漢字。</p><p>  Development of Augmented Reality Application on Android OS</p><p>  Ondrej Bilek , Ondrej Krejcar</p><p>  Abstract. Augmented reality is one of

4、the current mobile trends, while the main development has not yet come. It complements properties around the user for additional software added elements whose goal is to further expand the user possibilities to real real

5、ity. Many of augmented reality applications apply a wide range of sensors, because it is necessary to accurately identify the surrounding reality in order to be properly extended. Paper deals with use of embedded sensors

6、 of mobile devices. Se</p><p>  Keywords: Sensor · Mobile · Device · Embedded · Augmented · Reality</p><p>  1Introduction</p><p>  As power and possibiliti

7、es of mobile devices rapidly grown with massive extension of smart devices such as smartphones or tablet computers, many sensors were integrated to extend possibilities and mainly, to help users with common use of smart

8、devices [4-9].</p><p>  Smart devices also integrate functions of some other devices [11-13]. Few years ago users need phone for calling or texting, camera for taking photos, MP3 player for listening music,

9、GPS navigation or map to planning their trips [12, 13, 17], computer to opening documents etc. Nowadays, all these functions can be handled with single device, which offer great computational power with many possibilitie

10、s in body of mobile phone or tablet computer. A brief comparison of supported and mandatory senso</p><p>  While several existing platforms on which the mobile smart devices are based, there is a one leading

11、 – Android OS [9-11] which is described in this paper in more detail, as well as conditions for developers to use these embedded sensors are out- lined. Android OS is the most used mobile platforms of these days and it’s

12、 still rapid- ly growing and expanding to other markets. Another great benefit of developing app for Android OS is multiplatform developer tools, relatively cheap app publishing on</p><p>  After first part

13、of a paper - introduction, the practical parts follows. Sample appli- cation uses principles of augmented reality, where view from device camera is used to include data from sensors, what can be enhanced to defect manage

14、ment system [2] or some kind of advisory solution [3, 15].</p><p>  2Design and Implementation of Augmented Reality Application</p><p>  To demonstrate the possibility of using the built-in sens

15、ors of mobile devices, it will be described one of the possible - sample cases of their use in appropriately selected case study. Functions of this sample application was defined as follows:</p><p>  1.Show

16、data from GPS and sensors of environment</p><p>  a. (temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure)</p><p>  2.Show tilt of device towards water level and direction from north</p><p>

17、;  3.Implement simple GPS navigation, this navigation should show distance and direction to coordinates, which should by user enterable</p><p>  4.Application should run on majority part of existing smart de

18、vices with Android OS</p><p>  UML diagram of developing application structure can be seen on (Fig. 1). Proposal of structure application counts on component architecture. There is component man- ager, inter

19、face to define components and components itself. Each component should prepare some data to show to user.</p><p>  Sample application is using principles of augmented reality. Basic stone of application is r

20、eal-time view from device’s back camera. This view is enriched by overlay with sensor data. Firstly we focused on practical part in the sense of GUI design prior to final definition of UML and all functions as in classic

21、al way of application design [4-5], [9-11].</p><p>  Application uses for communication between all parts sending of messages, so services sends messages while the class MainActivity receiving all messages s

22、ent to indi- vidual services and their data. On the service side sending is as follows:</p><p>  1.Firstly, we declare the ability to sending messages to defined events (by Intent class instance). String whi

23、ch play as action is stored in a static variable of the public service.</p><p>  2.Then the sequence of methods put Extra(key, data) attached to the message an individual data to be sent.</p><p>

24、;  3.Finally, a message is sent by method send Broadcast(). So the message is not directly addressed to Main Activity class, but class itself need to catch the message.</p><p>  The procedure on the class Ma

25、inActivity is a little more complicated. First, it is necessary to set an instance of IntentFilter that determines which messages are received. Action that identifies the message is gradually sets to this instance by cal

26、ling addAction() method. Events are stored for each service as static variables. Receiving of messages is finished by setting of the recipient, which forms the interface instance created a BroadcastReceiver interface and

27、 IntentFilter is created by cal</p><p>  Fig. 1. Simplified UML design of final application</p><p>  2.1Selected Algorithms for Sensors Implementation</p><p>  Developed solution co

28、ver operating with several important sensors using interesting algorithm like: Coordinates saving, converting and validation; Tilt calculation to- wards water level; Azimuth east from north calculation; and Calculation o

29、f direction to coordinates. As example we will describe several of these.</p><p>  Fig. 2. Final GUI of developed augmented reality application</p><p>  2.1.1Tilt Processing</p><p>

30、  The tilt calculation is based on the modified procedure published in [18]. The first step of the calculation is a transfer of acceleration vector (array of values g) from the accelerometer to normalized ones. This is d

31、one by dividing of individual components by the square root of the sum of the components squares:</p><p>  float n=(float)Math.sqrt(g[0]*g[0]+g[1]*g[1]+g[2]*g[2]);</p><p>  g[0] = g[0]/n; g[1] =

32、 g[1]/n; g[2] = g[2]/n;</p><p>  Another necessary data is to calculate the inclination, which indicates how the de- vice screen is rotated relative to the ground. Tilting of the device can be calculated onl

33、y when the display device is vertically to the ground. This is also supported by the fact that the laying device is in a horizontal level of the screen surface what cannot be displayed.</p><p>  int inclinat

34、ion = (int) Math.round(Math.toDegrees(Math.acos(g[2])));</p><p>  The last step is a computation of the device tilt according to water level:</p><p>  //computation will run only until 30°

35、from upright – 90°</p><p>  if (inclination < 120 && inclination > 60)</p><p>  { int rotation = (int) Math.round(Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(g[0], g[1])));}</p><p>

36、;  2.1.2Orientation Processing</p><p>  To calculate the direction of the device according to the north, the development environment has a better ability to process it. To calculate the direction we need not

37、 only data from the sensor of geomagnetic field, but also from the accelerometer. The calculation is as follows:</p><p>  2.2Important Parameters of Developed Solution</p><p>  Application is us

38、ed to add sensor information to camera view. You can see various sensor information on sides of camera view and multifunctional circle indicator at middle of view, which contain:</p><p>  Compass - yellow in

39、dicator, magenta end towards to north</p><p>  Spirit level - green indicator</p><p>  Azimuth - yellow text, degrees from magnetic north</p><p>  Navigator - distance at middle of

40、circle, cyan indicator show direction</p><p>  Application could be used for simple GPS navigation. Some text fields are also clickable:</p><p>  Time shows main menu</p><p>  GPS l

41、ongitude shows actual GPS coordinates in other formats</p><p>  SET or distance open coordinate settings dialog. For coordinates on west or south hemisphere, use - before degrees.</p><p>  Atmos

42、pheric pressure open reference pressure dialog (in hPa). This pressure is used to calculate altitude from barometer. If 0 is set, standard pressure is used.</p><p>  3Testing of Augmented Reality Application

43、</p><p>  For testing purposes of application we used few devices with different hardware con- figurations and different version of operational system (Table 1). On all devices application ran correctly, eve

44、n on the weakest LG Optimus One. For user interface scalability tests was added also some emulator configurations, one with very low resolution 320x240 and second with high tablet resolution 1280x800. Application is usab

45、le on all resolutions, except lowest (320x240), where the quality of compound indic</p><p>  Some information from sensors could not be tested, because there are almost no devices (related to end of 2013), w

46、hich have sensors to provide it. These sensors are humidity and ambient temperature sensors. At the end of testing was also considered memory consumptions and number of threads in Eclipse IDE.</p><p>  3.1Te

47、sting of Speed and Memory Occupation</p><p>  Augmented reality applications put the strong demand on the running speed and also on fluency, where user don’t want to be disturbed by application breaking [14]

48、. To ensure these requirements application need to be fully optimized for all parts, module and even for each thread! Our solution meet all these requirements while it can be also tested to document this capability.</

49、p><p>  Developed augmented reality application running on the mobile devices with activated navigation system (according to the debugging tools available in the development environment) use during the process

50、8 running threads (+ some support system threads of which the performance is almost not involved). The most exacting thread is one which take care of rendering the user interface and basic operation of application. This

51、thread use over 90% CPU resources used by the application. In addition, each s</p><p>  Fig. 4. Memory occupation by developed application</p><p>  4 Conclusions</p><p>  Main goal

52、of this work was to show possibilities in using of modern mobile devices as a tool which can help the user better recognize and grasp the reality around. We described several sensors, which are embedded in modern mobile

53、devices. We also described a development process of a sample application for augmented reality, which is using these sensors. Paper covers only main information about selected sensors, while we focus on practical use of

54、these sensors. Practical demonstration presented i</p><p>  Acknowledgement. </p><p>  This work and the contribution were supported by project “SP-103-2015 - Smart Solutions for Ubiquitous Comp

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77、nal Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (PervasiveHealth 2013), pp. 248–251 (2013)</p><p><b>  中文譯文:</b></p><p>  在安卓操作系統(tǒng)上開發(fā)增強現(xiàn)實應用的程序</p><p>  

78、安德拉杰 比雷克,安德拉杰 克拉杰卡</p><p>  摘要:增強現(xiàn)實是當前移動趨勢之一,而主要發(fā)展尚未到來。它補充了用戶周圍的屬性,以獲得額外的軟件添加元素,其目標是進一步將用戶可能性擴展到真實。許多增強現(xiàn)實應用程序適用于各種傳感器,因為有必要準確識別周圍的現(xiàn)實以便適當?shù)財U展。論文涉及移動設備的嵌入式傳感器的使用。在當前最廣泛使用的移動平臺Android OS上描述了特定過程和算法的所選示例。還描述了應用程序

79、的設計,具有類描述的實現(xiàn)以及有趣的算法和最終應用的測試。</p><p>  關鍵詞:傳感器·移動·設備·嵌入式·增強·現(xiàn)實</p><p><b>  1引言</b></p><p>  隨著智能手機或平板電腦等智能設備的大規(guī)模擴展,移動設備的功能和可能性迅速增長,許多傳感器被集成以擴展可能性

80、,主要是幫助用戶共同使用智能設備[4-9]。</p><p>  智能設備還集成了其他一些設備的功能[11-13]。幾年前用戶需要打電話或發(fā)短信的相機,拍照的相機,聽音樂的MP3播放器,GPS導航或地圖規(guī)劃他們的旅行[12,13,17],電腦打開文件等。現(xiàn)在,所有這些功能都可以使用單個設備處理,提供強大的計算能力,在手機或平板電腦的機身有很多可能性。本文在一篇關于增強現(xiàn)實[1]應用的案例研究實例中,對支持和強制傳

81、感器進行了簡要比較。</p><p>  雖然移動智能設備所基于的幾個現(xiàn)有平臺,但有一個領先的Android操作系統(tǒng)[9-11],本文將更詳細地描述,以及開發(fā)人員使用這些嵌入式傳感器的條件是 - 內(nèi)襯。 Android操作系統(tǒng)是目前最常用的移動平臺,它仍在快速發(fā)展并擴展到其他市場。為Android操作系統(tǒng)開發(fā)應用程序的另一個好處是多平臺開發(fā)人員工具,平臺商店上相對便宜的應用程序發(fā)布以及圍繞Web的大量信息。<

82、;/p><p>  在論文的第一部分 - 介紹之后,實際部分如下。樣本應用程序使用增強現(xiàn)實原理,其中來自設備相機的視圖用于包括來自傳感器的數(shù)據(jù),可以增強到缺陷管理系統(tǒng)[2]或某種咨詢解決方案[3,15]。</p><p>  增強現(xiàn)實應用的2D設計與實現(xiàn)</p><p>  為了證明使用移動設備的內(nèi)置傳感器的可能性,將描述其中一個可能的例子,它們在適當選擇的案例研究中使

83、用。該示例應用程序的功能定義如下:</p><p>  1.顯示來自GPS和環(huán)境傳感器的數(shù)據(jù)</p><p>  一個。 (溫度,濕度,大氣壓)</p><p>  2.顯示設備從北方向水位和方向傾斜</p><p>  3.實現(xiàn)簡單的GPS導航,此導航應顯示坐標的距離和方向,應由用戶輸入</p><p>  4.應用

84、程序應該在Android OS的現(xiàn)有智能設備的大部分上運行</p><p>  可以看到開發(fā)應用程序結構的UML圖(圖1)。結構應用的提議依賴于組件架構。有組件管理器,界面來定義組件和組件本身。每個組件都應準備一些數(shù)據(jù)以向用戶顯示。</p><p>  示例應用程序使用增強現(xiàn)實原理。應用的基本石頭是從設備的后置攝像頭實時查看。通過覆蓋傳感器數(shù)據(jù)來豐富該視圖。首先,在最終定義UML之前,我們

85、關注GUI設計意義上的實際部分,以及所有功能,如經(jīng)典的應用程序設計方式[4-5],[9-11]。</p><p>  應用程序用于發(fā)送消息的所有部分之間的通信,因此服務在MainActivity類接收發(fā)送到各個服務及其數(shù)據(jù)的所有消息時發(fā)送消息。在服務端發(fā)送如下:</p><p>  1.首先,我們聲明了向定義事件發(fā)送消息的能力(通過Intent類實例)。作為動作播放的字符串存儲在公共服務的

86、靜態(tài)變量中。</p><p>  2.然后,方法序列將附加(密鑰,數(shù)據(jù))附加到消息上的單個數(shù)據(jù)發(fā)送出去。</p><p>  3.最后,通過方法發(fā)送Broadcast()發(fā)送消息。因此消息不直接發(fā)送到Main Activity類,但類本身需要捕獲消息。</p><p>  MainActivity類的過程稍微復雜一些。首先,需要設置一個IntentFilter實例來


88、通常顯示數(shù)據(jù)或發(fā)送以進行進一步處理)。</p><p>  圖1.最終應用程序的簡化UML設計</p><p>  2.1選擇的傳感器實現(xiàn)算法</p><p>  使用有趣的算法開發(fā)解決方案,使用幾個重要的傳感器進行操作:協(xié)調(diào)保存,轉換和驗證; 傾斜計算到水位; 北方方位角向東計算; 和坐標方向的計算。 作為示例,我們將描述其中的幾個。.</p>&l

89、t;p>  圖2.開發(fā)的增強現(xiàn)實應用程序的最終GUI</p><p><b>  2.1.1傾斜處理</b></p><p>  傾斜計算基于[18]中公布的修改過程。 計算的第一步是將加速度矢量(值g的數(shù)組)從加速度計傳遞到標準化的值。 這是通過將各個組件除以組件平方和的平方根來完成的:</p><p>  float n=(float

90、)Math.sqrt(g[0]*g[0]+g[1]*g[1]+g[2]*g[2]);</p><p>  g[0] = g[0]/n; g[1] = g[1]/n; g[2] = g[2]/n;</p><p>  另一個必要的數(shù)據(jù)是計算傾斜度,該傾斜度表示設備屏幕相對于地面的旋轉方式。 只有當顯示設備垂直于地面時,才能計算設備的傾斜度。 這也是由于鋪設裝置處于不能顯示的屏幕表面的水平高度

91、的事實。</p><p>  int inclination = (int) Math.round(Math.toDegrees(Math.acos(g[2])));</p><p>  The last step is a computation of the device tilt according to water level:</p><p>  //co

92、mputation will run only until 30° from upright – 90°</p><p>  if (inclination < 120 && inclination > 60)</p><p>  { int rotation = (int) Math.round(Math.toDegrees(Math.at

93、an2(g[0], g[1])));}</p><p><b>  2.1.2定向處理</b></p><p>  為了根據(jù)北方計算設備的方向,開發(fā)環(huán)境具有更好的處理能力。 為了計算方向,我們不僅需要來自地磁場傳感器的數(shù)據(jù),還需要來自加速度計的數(shù)據(jù)。 計算如下:</p><p>  2.2開發(fā)解決方案的重要參數(shù)</p><p

94、>  應用程序用于將傳感器信息添加到攝像機視圖。您可以在攝像機視圖的側面看到各種傳感器信息,在視圖中間可以看到多功能圓形指示器,其中包含:</p><p>  指南針 - 黃色指示器,洋紅色朝北</p><p>  精神層面 - 綠色指??示器</p><p>  方位角 - 黃色文字,磁北的度數(shù)</p><p>  導航器 - 圓圈中

95、間的距離,青色指示器顯示方向</p><p>  應用程序可用于簡單的GPS導航。某些文本字段也是可點擊的:</p><p><b>  時間顯示主菜單</b></p><p>  GPS經(jīng)度以其他格式顯示實際GPS坐標</p><p>  設置或距離打開坐標設置對話框。對于西半球或南半球的坐標,請使用 - 度數(shù)之前。&

96、lt;/p><p>  大氣壓開啟參考壓力對話框(單位為hPa)。該壓力用于從氣壓計計算高度。如果設置為0,則使用標準壓力。</p><p>  3增強現(xiàn)實應用的測試</p><p>  出于測試目的,我們使用了少量具有不同硬件配置和不同版本操作系統(tǒng)的設備(表1)。在所有設備上,應用程序運行正常,即使在最弱的LG Optimus One上也是如此。對于用戶界面,可擴展性

97、測試還添加了一些仿真器配置,一個具有非常低的分辨率320x240,另一個具有高平板電腦分辨率1280x800。應用程序可用于所有分辨率,最低(320x240)除外,其中復合指示器的質(zhì)量非常低。應用程序的功能由少數(shù)用戶測試,他們沒有發(fā)現(xiàn)一些重要的錯誤,應用程序沒有崩潰。</p><p>  來自傳感器的一些信息無法測試,因為幾乎沒有設備(與2013年底相關),其中有傳感器提供它。這些傳感器是濕度和環(huán)境溫度傳感器。測

98、試結束時還考慮了Eclipse IDE中的內(nèi)存消耗和線程數(shù)。</p><p>  3.1測試速度和內(nèi)存占用</p><p>  增強現(xiàn)實應用程序對運行速度和流暢度提出了強烈要求,用戶不希望因應用程序中斷而受到干擾[14]。為了確保這些要求,應用程序需要針對所有部件,模塊甚至每個線程進行全面優(yōu)化!我們的解決方案滿足所有這些要求,同時還可以對其進行測試以記錄此功能。</p>&l

99、t;p>  開發(fā)在具有激活導航系統(tǒng)的移動設備上運行的增強現(xiàn)實應用程序(根據(jù)開發(fā)環(huán)境中可用的調(diào)試工具)在過程8中使用運行線程(+一些支持系統(tǒng)線程,其性能幾乎不涉及)。最嚴格的線程是負責呈現(xiàn)用戶界面和應用程序的基本操作的線程。此線程使用應用程序使用的90%以上的CPU資源。此外,每個服務都創(chuàng)建了一個特殊的線程。在AudioService服務的情況下,添加一個計算噪聲的線程,而AudioRecord類線程記錄一個聲音。自定義線程還有一個

100、SensorManager類,它為系統(tǒng)級別的大多數(shù)傳感器提供服務。關于應用程序變量的內(nèi)存使用情況,分配7.5兆字節(jié)的內(nèi)存,其中實際使用的內(nèi)存大約為2.5兆字節(jié),如圖所示(圖3,4)。</p><p>  圖4.開發(fā)應用程序的內(nèi)存占用情況</p><p><b>  4.結論</b></p><p>  這項工作的主要目標是展示使用現(xiàn)代移動設備作

101、為一種工具的可能性,該工具可以幫助用戶更好地識別和掌握現(xiàn)實。 我們描述了幾種嵌入現(xiàn)代移動設備的傳感器。 我們還描述了使用這些傳感器的增強現(xiàn)實樣本應用程序的開發(fā)過程。 論文僅涵蓋所選傳感器的主要信息,同時我們關注這些傳感器的實際應用。 本文介紹的實際演示為集成不同傳感器以增強用戶體驗的可能性提供了一些基本的探索。</p><p><b>  致謝</b></p><p>

102、;  這項工作和貢獻得到了“SP-103-2015 - 普適計算環(huán)境智能解決方案”項目的支持,捷克共和國赫拉德茨克拉洛韋大學信息學與管理學院。</p><p><b>  參考文獻</b></p><p>  1.Daponte, P., De Vito, L., Picariello, F., et al.: State of the art and future


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