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1、<p><b>  中文3623字</b></p><p><b>  2143單詞</b></p><p><b>  中文翻譯</b></p><p>  基于GPS數(shù)據(jù)的電離層模型和電離層延遲改正新方法研究</p><p><b>  摘要</b

2、></p><p>  根據(jù)當前大地測量、地球物理、空間物理和導航等領域的科學研究和工程應用中的若干重要GPS科研項目的需要,近年來,我們系統(tǒng)研究了電離層延遲的高精度模擬和改正方法。本文報告的內(nèi)容,是我們研究工作的部分貢獻,主要涉及基于GPS的電離層監(jiān)測及延遲的高精度改正的理論與方法的研究:如何通過修正靜、動態(tài)單、雙頻用戶的電離層延遲影響,進一步改善GPS 測量的精度和可靠性;增強型GPS廣域差分系統(tǒng)的電離

3、層模擬及利用GPS監(jiān)測電離層的理論和方法等方面</p><p>  關鍵詞:GPS的電離層監(jiān)測,電離層延遲,GPS廣域差分</p><p>  本文主要包括兩方面的內(nèi)容:</p><p>  一、研究背景的一般性描述及相關基礎研究的系統(tǒng)總結和介紹,主要涉及:地球電離層研究意義, 地球電離層探測技術與相關理論研究的內(nèi)容,現(xiàn)代大地測量中電離層問題的由來、嚴重性與新課題,

4、 地球電離層的基本特性及其對電波傳播的影響,GPS定位的基本理論與方法,電離層延遲對GPS測量的影響,GPS的電離層延遲改正的基本方法,基于GPS的電離層研究的基本原理與方法等。進而論述了解決GPS的電離層延遲影響的重要性和切入點。</p><p>  二、具體研究工作的系統(tǒng)報告,主要集中在以下幾方面: </p><p> ?、傺芯咳绾卫脝闻_雙頻GPS接收機的觀測信息確定電離層延遲改正模

5、型,為小范圍的單頻用戶服務;</p><p> ?、谘芯咳绾螌崟r分離GPS觀測中的儀器偏差與電離層延遲;</p><p> ?、垩芯咳绾谓⑤^大區(qū)域的電離層格網(wǎng)模型,進而初步設想利用中國地殼運動觀測網(wǎng)絡深入研究我國領域的電離層的電子濃度變化規(guī)律;</p><p>  ④研究單頻用戶在不利條件下,如何更好地利用電離層延遲改正信息;</p><p&g

6、t; ?、菅芯坷肎PS監(jiān)測隨機電離層擾動的基本理論和框架方案;</p><p> ?、扪芯咳绾尉C合顧及電離層的周日、季節(jié)和年變化,進一步提高利用GPS模擬電離層延遲的能力;</p><p> ?、哐芯咳绾螌崿F(xiàn)星載單頻GPS低軌衛(wèi)星的精密測軌中的電離層延遲改正要求。</p><p>  1. (局部)電離層延遲的高精度提取</p><p> 

7、 系統(tǒng)論述和分析了影響利用GPS觀測精確提取電離層延遲信息的各類因素。通過對有關模型和方法問題的深入研究,進一步提高了利用GPS提取電離層延遲信息的精度。主要包括:</p><p> ?。?)將參數(shù)固定的三角級數(shù)函數(shù)電離層模型,擴展為更適用于理論研究和實際應用的參數(shù)可調(diào)型廣義形式,實現(xiàn)了根據(jù)電離層延遲時空變化特征,選擇不同的特征參數(shù)模擬電離層延遲的影響。試算結果表明,它能較好地反映電離層活動特性,提高了局部電離層

8、延遲模擬能力,適用于DGPS系統(tǒng)修正其服務區(qū)域內(nèi)的單頻GPS用戶的電離層延遲。</p><p>  (2)設計了幾種不同的計算方案,用于分析儀器偏差對確定電離層延遲的影響的特點。研究表明,儀器偏差對求解電離層延遲的影響遠大于觀測噪聲的影響,給電離層延遲觀測值帶來高達數(shù)米的系統(tǒng)誤差。利用GPS觀測數(shù)據(jù)求解電離層模型或直接計算斜距電離層延遲時,都須慎重處理儀器偏差,不應簡單把其作為噪聲處理;</p>&

9、lt;p> ?。?)利用相位平滑測碼數(shù)據(jù)進一步精化了儀器偏差分離方法,探討了儀器偏差的穩(wěn)定性。研究發(fā)現(xiàn),新方法可有效克服噪聲對分離儀器偏差的影響,而且儀器偏差相對穩(wěn)定并可有效進行測段間及數(shù)日間預報。</p><p> ?。?)基于實時平均去噪和碼、相位觀測數(shù)據(jù)的加權聯(lián)合處理的思想,提出了一種實時分離儀器偏差和求解電離層延遲量的新方案。算例表明,新方法通過采用平均去噪分離方法后處理相位平滑測碼數(shù)據(jù),求出儀器偏

10、差并對需要實時處理儀器偏差的觀測數(shù)據(jù)進行預報改正,直接利用觀測值確定電離層延遲量,待估參數(shù)少、能消除儀器偏差的大部分影響,具有較好的精度,可作為WAAS及其他GPS網(wǎng)絡系統(tǒng)確定電離層延遲的可行的參考方案。</p><p>  2. 一種構建大規(guī)模(區(qū)域性和全球性)高精度格網(wǎng)電離層模型的新方法</p><p>  ——站際分區(qū)法及其在中國的初步實現(xiàn)</p><p> 

11、 在系統(tǒng)深入研究了格網(wǎng)電離層模型建立原理與方法的基礎上,為避免基準站網(wǎng)的幾何結構對模型精度估計的影響,充分顧及電離層延遲影響的局部特性,進一步提高格網(wǎng)電離層模型的構建精度,提出了一種新的格網(wǎng)電離層模型構建方法——站際分區(qū)格網(wǎng)法。在以上研究的的基礎上,估計了利用地殼運動觀測網(wǎng)絡的基準網(wǎng)建立格網(wǎng)電離層模型的精度,初步探討中國域內(nèi)擬建立的廣域差分GPS增強系統(tǒng),采用格網(wǎng)電離層模型提供電離層改正信息的可行性及有待進一步研究的問題。</p&

12、gt;<p>  3. 不利條件下為WAAS的單頻GPS用戶提供電離層延遲改正</p><p>  的新方法——APR-I方案</p><p>  在正常條件和平靜電離層區(qū)域,WAAS能夠滿足單頻用戶的電離層延遲改正要求,但當用戶無法正常獲取電離層延遲改正信息時,如在差分系統(tǒng)突然中斷信息發(fā)送或用戶步入無法正常接收差分改正信息的位置等不利條件下,單頻GPS接收機不能有效進行實時

13、電離層延遲改正,尤其在電離層活動異常區(qū)域如電離層擾動條件下,實時差分改正效果將受到嚴重影響。這些問題在WAAS的實際運行中是難以避免和必須解決的。而以往的研究結果,均為后處理方法,不能滿足(準)實時處理電離層擾動的要求。</p><p>  針對這種狀況,我們通過設計能有效結合電離層延遲絕對量和相對變化量的抗差遞推過程,提出了一種可在以上不利條件下有效實時改正單頻GPS用戶電離層延遲的方法—APR-I方案。<

14、;/p><p>  1)構建APR-I方案的理論依據(jù)</p><p>  WAAS正常運轉和正常條件下可提供高精度的電離層延遲改正信息(絕對量),而WAAS所服務區(qū)域內(nèi)的單頻GPS接收機在不利條件下也能有效提供電離層延遲變化量(相對量),且在不考慮噪聲影響,可直接計算任意兩觀測歷元間的電離層變化量的近似值。</p><p>  2)提出APR-I方案</p>

15、<p>  通過設計能有效結合電離層延遲絕對量和相對變化量的抗差遞推過程,研究了一種新的單頻GPS電離層延遲改正方案(稱為APR方案,即Absolute Plus Relative Scheme);給出了APR-I方案的精度估計公式;分析實施APR-I方案的有效途徑。</p><p>  研究表明,新方案既保留正常條件下差分電離層延遲信息的精確改正效果,也確保了在不利條件下單頻GPS用戶的電離層延遲

16、改正效果。APR-I方案的實施,不需改變WAAS原有的整體設計思想,對硬件無新的要求,只需對用戶GPS軟件稍加改進,實施簡便,是WAAS和單頻GPS用戶均可接受和易于實現(xiàn)的。</p><p>  4. 檢測隨機信號的新理論——變樣本自協(xié)方差估計的提出</p><p>  及其在GPS監(jiān)測隨機電離層擾動中的應用</p><p>  根據(jù)GPS時序觀測的特點,通過設計先

17、研究樣本時序變化時隨機電離層折射的自協(xié)方差估計的統(tǒng)計特性,再探討利用GPS實時監(jiān)測電離層活動的新方法的思路,從基礎理論的提出到框架方案的建立,系統(tǒng)深入研究了利用GPS監(jiān)測隨機電離層擾動的基本理論與方法。具體包括:</p><p>  1)研究變樣本自協(xié)方差估計(ACEVS)理論</p><p>  從一般的數(shù)學意義上建立了ACEVS的基本模型,并在進一步擴展白噪聲理論的基礎上,得到了ACE

18、VS估計的理論和簡化解式,即變樣本自協(xié)方差估計的統(tǒng)計模型參數(shù)估計解式,進而建立了隨機信號擾動的診斷準則。</p><p>  2)ACEVS估計應用于GPS電離層監(jiān)測的可行性的理論證明與模擬分析</p><p>  不僅從理論上證明了ACEVS應用于GPS電離層監(jiān)測的可行性,而且利用雙頻GPS數(shù)據(jù)也成功地模擬了隨機電離層折射的ACEVS估計的特性,并發(fā)現(xiàn),變樣本自協(xié)方差估計的統(tǒng)計特性對隨機

19、電離層延遲變化是敏感的;初步討論和分析了GPS觀測提供的TEC變化也適用于ACEVS方法應用條件.</p><p>  3)建立利用GPS監(jiān)測隨機電離層擾動的框架方案</p><p>  綜合ACEVS理論及相關的結論和GPS時序采樣的特點,初步給出一種基于GPS的電離層擾動監(jiān)測的框架方案。</p><p>  以上方法盡管是針對實時監(jiān)測要求提出的,但它完全可用于后

20、處理情況。電離層擾動的GPS探測方案,主要分后處理和實時兩種情況,靜、動態(tài)實時方案基本相同,差別主要取決于硬件要求。試驗結果表明,利用ACEVS研究基于GPS的隨機電離層活動的監(jiān)測方法的設想是基本可行的;所給出的框架方案可作為設計各類利用單臺(靜、動態(tài))雙頻GPS接收機監(jiān)測電離層活動的方法的參考方案之一。</p><p>  5. 利用GPS數(shù)據(jù)精確模擬電離層延遲的新構想</p><p>

21、  ——電離層蝕因子法及初步實現(xiàn)</p><p>  提出了IPP點的電離層蝕因子及其影響因子的概念,給出了簡便的計算方法,進而提出了一種利用GPS數(shù)據(jù)確定電離層延遲改正模型的新方法——電離層蝕因子法。電離層蝕因子及其影響因子,能夠根據(jù)電離層隨周日、季節(jié)、半年和周年的變化,將適應于不同季節(jié)的電離層延遲模型有效結合起來。研究表明,利用蝕因子法模擬的電離層延遲的改正精度與利用電離層無關觀測的消除電離層延遲的精度很接近

22、,使得單頻GPS觀測的電離層延遲的改正精度有望實現(xiàn)突破性提高,從而接近雙頻GPS觀測自校正電離層延遲的精度。同時,由于它具有很好的描述和區(qū)分電離層日間和夜間的能力,所以很適合模擬高動態(tài)低軌衛(wèi)星的星載單頻GPS觀測數(shù)據(jù)的電離層延遲的變化特性。</p><p>  6. 高精度修正星載單頻GPS低軌衛(wèi)星的電離層延遲的新對策</p><p>  ——APR-II方案,即空基APR方案</p

23、><p>  分析了現(xiàn)有方法無法保證高精度和高可靠性地進行電離層分層這一嚴重不足;利用實測數(shù)據(jù)模擬全球電離層模型和建立高精度區(qū)域格網(wǎng)電離層模型,初步分析了在全球范圍內(nèi)尋找若干個電離層結構和活動相對較有規(guī)律的局部區(qū)域的可行性;設計了在選定的局部電離層區(qū)域,聯(lián)合處理地基和低軌空基用戶的GPS觀測數(shù)據(jù)有效進行電離層分層的具體方法,給出了相應的精度估計公式。初步的精度估算和試算結果表明,這種在局部區(qū)域進行有效電離層分層的設想

24、及給出的實施方法是可行的。進而系統(tǒng)性地提出了一種用于星載單頻GPS接收機精密測軌中電離層延遲改正的綜合方法—APR-II方案。地面GPS數(shù)據(jù)進行的兩個初步模擬計算結果顯示,利用APR-II可滿足低軌衛(wèi)星等低軌航天器精密測軌時的電離層延遲的高精度改正要求。</p><p>  Study on the New Methods of Correcting Ionospheric Delay and Ionospher

25、ic Model Using GPS Data</p><p><b>  Abstract</b></p><p>  Recently, according to the requirements of some important GPS research subjects in the fields of Geodesy, Geophysics, Space-

26、Physics and navigation in China, we studied systematically how to correcting the effects of the ionosphere on GPS, with high-precision and accuracy. As the parts of the main contributions, the research projects focus mai

27、nly on how to improve GPS surveying by reducing ionospheric delay for dual/single frequency kinematic/static users: high accuracy correction of ionospheric </p><p>  Keywords:GPS ionospheric monitoring, iono

28、spheric delay, GPS Wide Area Differential</p><p>  The main contents of this Ph.D paper consist of two parts:</p><p>  Fisrt part---the outline of research background and the systematic introduc

29、tion and summarization of the previous research results of this work. </p><p>  Second part---the main contribution and research results of this paper are focused on as follows:</p><p>  (1) How

30、 to use the measurements of a dual frequency GPS receiver to determine the ionospheric delay correction model for single frequency GPS of a local range;</p><p>  (2)    How to separate the ins

31、trumental biases with the ionospheric delays in GPS observation;</p><p>  (3) How to establish a large range grid ionosphere model and use the GPS data of Chinese crust movement observation network to invest

32、igate the change law of ionospheric TEC of  China area; </p><p>  (4) How to improve the effectiveness of correcting ionospheric delays for WAAS’s users under adverse conditions.</p><p>  (

33、5) How to establish the basic theory and the corresponding framework of monitoring the stochastic ionospheric disturbance using GPS</p><p>  (6) How to improve the modelling ability of ionospheric delay acco

34、rding to its diurnal, seasonal, annual variations based on GPS;</p><p>  (7) How to meet the demand of correcting the ionospheric delay of  high-precision orbit determination for low-earth satellite usi

35、ng a single frequency GPS receiver</p><p>  1 Extracting (local) ionospheric information from GPS data with high-precision </p><p>  The factors are systematically described and analyzed wh

36、ich limit the precision of using GPS data to extract ionospheric delays. The precision of determining ionospheric delay using GPS is improved based on the further research of the related models and methods. The main achi

37、evements of this work include the some aspects as follows:</p><p>  (1) Based on a simple model with constant number of parameters, which consists of a set of trigonometric series functions, a generalized io

38、nospheric model is constructed whose parameters can be adjusted. Due to the property of selecting the different parameters according to the change law of ionospheric delay, the new model has better availability in the fi

39、eld of the related theoretic research and engineering application. The experimental results show that the model can indicate the characterist</p><p>  (2) Different calculating schemes are designed which are

40、 used to analyze in detail the characteristics of the effect from instrumental bias (IB) in GPS observations on determining ionospheric delays. IB is different from  noise in GPS observations. The experimental resul

41、ts show that the effect of IB is much larger than that of the noise on estimating ionospheic delay, and  IB can cause ionospheric delay measurements to include systematic errors of the order of several meters. There

42、fore, one must</p><p>  (3) Stability of IB is studied with a refined method for separating it from ionospheric delay using multi-day GPS phase-smoothed code data. The experimental results show that, by usin

43、g averaging of  noise with phase-smoothed code observation,the effect of noise on separating IB from ION can be efficiently reduced, and  satellite bias plus receiver bias are relatively stable and may be used

44、to predict the IBs of the next session or even that of the next several days.</p><p>  (4) A new algorithm about static real time determination of ionospheric delay is presented on the basis of the predicted

45、 values of IB and the technique of real time averaging of noise and weighted-adjustment of dual P-code and carrier phase measurements. The preliminary results show that the new method, which is by post-processing phase-s

46、moothed code data to calculate the IB and then with them to predict and to correct the IB of data needed to remove its effects  in real time in the next observa</p><p>  2  A method of constructing

47、 large range (regional and global) high-precision grid ionospheric model─—the Different Area for Different Stations (DADS) and its application in China</p><p>  Based on the systematic and further research o

48、f the principle and methods of establishing grid ionospheric model (GIM), a new method of establishing a GIM ----- Different Areas for Different Stations (DADS) is investigated which is advantageous for considering the l

49、ocal characters of ionosphere, avoiding the effects of the geometrical construction of GPS reference network on estimating the external precision of the GIM, and improving the precision of calculating model parameters. T

50、he above resul</p><p>  3 A method of efficiently correcting ionospheric delays for WAAS’s users under typical adverse conditions ——the Absolute Plus Relative Scheme (APR-I)</p><p>  The commonl

51、y used WAAS’s DIDC received by single frequency GPS receivers can usually provide the effective correction of  the ionospheric delays for the users under normal conditions and in the fields of calm ionosphere. Howev

52、er, the ionospheric delays cannot be efficiently accounted for during those periods when the WAAS cannot broadcast the DIDC values to users, or when the receivers cannot receive the DIDCs for whatever reason. The ionosph

53、eric delay corrections will be less well known in case</p><p>  For this, a new ionospheric delay correction scheme for single frequency GPS data—the APR-I scheme is proposed which can efficiently address th

54、e above problems. </p><p>  1)      The theoretic basis of constructing the APR-I Scheme </p><p>  The WAAS can provide high-precision absolute ionospheric delay estimat

55、es when it operates properly. Meanwhile, a single frequency GPS receiver serviced by the WAAS can efficiently determine the relative variation of the ionospheric delays between two arbitrary epochs even under adverse con

56、ditions if without considering observation noises. </p><p>  2)      On the APR-I Scheme</p><p>  Based on a robust recurrence procedure and an efficient combination app

57、roach between absolute ionospheric delays and ionospheric relative changes, the APR-I scheme  is present which is an new method of correcting ionospheric delay for single frequency GPS user. The formula of estimatin

58、g the precision of the APR-I scheme is given. An implementation approach of the APR-I scheme is analyzed as well.</p><p>  The experimental results discussed above show that the APR-I scheme not only retains

59、 the characteristic of high accuracy of the DIDC from the WAAS under normal ionospheric and reception conditions, but also has relatively better correction effectiveness under different abnormal conditions. The implement

60、ation of this method need not change the present basic ionospheric delay correction algorithm of the WAAS. In addition, the APR-I method does not impose new demands on receiver hardware, and only </p><p>  4

61、 A new theory of monitoring the random signal —Auto-Covariance Estimation of Variable Samples(ACEVS) and its application in using GPS to monitor the random ionosphere </p><p>  A new approach for monitoring

62、ionospheric delays is found and developed, based on the characteristic of time series observation of GPS, an investigation of the statistical properties of the estimated auto-covariance of the random ionospheric delay wh

63、en changing the number of samples in the time series, the development of the related basic theory and the corresponding framework scheme, and the further research of using GPS and the above research results to study iono

64、sphere.</p><p>  The concrete work is as follows:</p><p>  1) Studied the Auto-Covariance Estimation of Variable Samples (ACEVS) </p><p>  From a general mathematical aspect, the ba

65、sic model of ACEVS is established. The theoretic and approximate solution formulas for ACEVS are derived based on the improvement of theory of white noise and then a test raw of the state of a random signal is establishe

66、d based on ACEVS;</p><p>  2) Verified and modeled the possibility of using ACEVS to test the change of state of stochastic delays</p><p>  The possibility of using ACEVS to monitor ionosphere i

67、s verified in terms of theory.  Also it is found that the statistical property of ACEVS is sensitive to the change of the random ionospheric delay, on the basis of modeling the characteristics of ACEVS using a dual

68、frequency GPS receiver. The application conditions of using ACEVS to monitor the variation of TEC extracted by GPS data are preliminarily discussed and analyzed as well.</p><p>  3) Established a preliminary

69、 framework scheme of using GPS to monitor the disturbance of random ionospheric delay.</p><p>  According to ACVES and all other results of the above and the characteristic of the time series observations of

70、 GPS, a preliminary framework scheme for monitoring the disturbance of random ionospheric delay using GPS is established. Although this method is proposed for real time monitoring, it can be easily applied to post-proces

71、sing of GPS data. The framework scheme based on ACVES can be used to design many practical schemes for monitoring ionosphere variation using a (static or kinematic) dual</p><p>  5 A new method of modelling

72、ionospheric delay using GPS data ——Ionospheric Eclipse Factor Method (IEFM) </p><p>  The Ionospheric Eclipse Factor (IEF) and its influence factor (IFF) of Ionospheric Pierce Point (IPP) is present and a si

73、mple method of calculating the IEF is also given. By combining the IEF and IFF with the local time t of IPP, a new method of modelling ionospheric delay using GPS data —Ionospheric Eclipse Factor Method (IEFM) is develop

74、ed. The IEF and its IFF can efficiently combine the different ionospheric models for different seasons according to the diurnal, seasonal and annual variations</p><p>  6 A new strategy of correcting ionosph

75、eric delay for high-precision orbit determination for low-earth satellite using a single frequency GPS receiver ---the APR-II scheme, i.e., Space-based APR scheme </p><p>  Analyzed the shortcomings of using

76、 the previous methods to divide with high accuracy the earth ionosphere into  different layers. Used GPS data to model global ionospheric TEC. Established a high precision grid ionospheric model. Discussed the possi

77、bility of finding out some local areas whose ionospheric construction and action have relatively better obvious law with respect to the other areas on a global scale. Designed a scheme for combining GPS-grounded data wit


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