

1、<p> 對暴露于天然和人工紫外線輻射的工人的防護紡織品</p><p><b> 簡介:</b></p><p> 紫外線輻射對人類的有一些益處,但攝入過量可能會導致許多健康的負面影響,對皮膚和眼睛有害,還可以影響免疫系統(tǒng)。生物效應:通過吸收輻射。紫外線輻射誘導生物組織發(fā)生光化學反應,發(fā)生職業(yè)傷害的紫外線危害可以是暴露于自然和人工紫外線輻射光源。接觸
3、gt; 聚乳酸(PLA)纖維不含芳香環(huán),紫外線吸收率低、透過率高,具有很好的抗紫外線老化性能。但對于白色和淺色PLA紡織品而言,紫外線的透過率較高,有損人體健康。日本長瀨有色化學株式會社近年推出了與染色配套使用的PLA纖維專用紫外吸收劑DenaPLA UV Cut-terNH,除了能賦予PLA紡織品很好的防護紫外功能外,還能提高其上分散染料的耐光牢度。此外,KMogi等人采用滌綸用的苯并三唑型紫外吸收劑對PLA織物于100℃浸漬處理,
4、發(fā)現(xiàn)該紫外吸收劑能將270~380 nm波段紫外線的透過率降低到極低數(shù)值,同時還有助于改善部分偶氮分散染料的耐光牢度。目前,有關滌綸織物紫外線防護整理和紫外線吸收收劑整理的研究已有大量文獻報道,但對PLA織物的相關報道極少。筆者采用亨斯邁紡織染化有限公司生產(chǎn)的滌綸用紫外線吸收劑CibafastP對PLA纖維針織物進行紫外線防護整理,討論了CibafastP及其整理織物的紫外線吸收和透過特性,重點研究紫外線吸收劑用量、整理溫度和時間對其在
5、纖維上吸附量的影響,分析了紫外線吸收劑在纖維上的吸附量與紫外防護因子之間的關系,并對紫外線吸收劑在PLA纖維上的吸附規(guī)律進行了探討</p><p> 試驗:試驗材料織物9. 74 tex×2(60S×2)PLA纖維單面針織物;滌綸織物(染色牢度測試用標準聚酯白布)。PLA針織物的前處理條件 平平加O 0. 5 g/L、碳酸氫鈉1 g/L,浴比1∶50, 60℃處理45 min。試劑 紫外線吸
6、收劑CibafastP(微黃色粘稠狀產(chǎn)品,其稀釋液的平均粒徑為0. 37μm);氯仿、醋酸、醋酸鈉、碳酸氫鈉(均為分析純)。</p><p> 紫外線吸收劑處理方法在StarletDL-600型紅外線染色打樣機中進行織物紫外線吸收劑處理?;咎幏胶凸に嚒ibafast Px% (owf),采用醋酸/醋酸鈉調(diào)節(jié)pH值至5,浴比1∶40。30℃開始處理,以2℃/min的速度升溫至110℃,保溫40 min;之后,
7、以2℃/min降溫至70℃,取樣,然后冷水洗、60℃水洗10 min、冷水洗、晾干。</p><p> 測試方法:紫外線透過率及UPF的測定織物的紫外線透過率(T% )和紫外線防護因子(UPF)在LabsphereUV-1000F紡織品紫外防護因子測試儀(Labsphere公司)上測定,采用UPF指數(shù)評判織物抗紫外線性能。</p><p> 纖維上紫外線吸收劑含量的測定:紫外線吸收劑C
8、ibafastP在PLA纖維上的吸收量采用溶解法測定。采用氯仿室溫溶解經(jīng)紫外線吸收劑處理的試樣,所得溶解液在最大吸收波長(278 nm)下,用ShimadzuUV-2550紫外可見光分光光度計測定吸光度,紫外線吸收劑在氯仿溶液中的紫外吸收光譜曲線所示。標準工作曲線確定溶解液中紫外線吸收劑濃度,最后計算每克纖維上吸附的紫外線吸收劑質(zhì)量(Cf)。處理液中紫外吸收劑的殘留濃度(Cs)和吸盡率根據(jù)原始用量與在纖維上吸附量之差計算。</p&
9、gt;<p> 在氯仿溶液中, CibafastP在紫外區(qū)有兩個吸收峰,其最大吸收波長分別為278 nm和310 nm。雖然本項目未測定CibafastP在PLA纖維上的紫外吸收光譜曲線,但其在PLA纖維上與氯仿溶液中的紫外吸收光譜相差不會很大,可以認為PLA纖維上的CibafastP對260~330 nm波段的紫外線(包括UV-B)具有良好的吸收性能。經(jīng)CibafastP整理后的PLA織物,紫外線透過率明顯下降,UPF
10、指數(shù)明顯增加;且隨著PLA針織物的紫外線防護整理印 染(2007 No. 16) CibafastP用量增加,紫外線透過率下降程度越大。試驗表明,CibafastP對PLA織物具有較好的紫外線防護性能,能更有效地防止UV-B透過,這與其對260~330 nm的紫外線具有很好的吸收性能是一致的。</p><p> (1)紫外吸收劑CibafastP對260~330 nm波段的紫外線具有良好的吸收性能,能有效防止U
11、V-B透過PLA織物。隨著CibafastP用量增加和浸漬處理溫度升高,其在PLA纖維上的吸附量增加,導致PLA織物UPF指數(shù)的增加,且與CibafastP吸附量存在很好的線性關系。但Cibafast P在PLA纖維上的提升性能有限,當用量超過2%后,再增加用量,效果不明顯。</p><p> (2)低于100℃時,CibafastP在PLA纖維上的吸附速度很慢、吸附量低;超過100℃后, Cibafast P
12、在PLA纖維上的吸附速度明顯加快,吸附量明顯增加,且在110℃保溫時,吸附量仍隨著保溫時間延長而明顯增加。因此,在使用時,應采用110℃保溫處理。</p><p> (3)CibafastP在PLA纖維上的吸附符合Langmuir模型,存在飽和吸附值,其在高溫下的吸附飽和值和Langmuir吸收常數(shù)均比低溫下的高。</p><p> 美國政府及工業(yè)衛(wèi)生協(xié)會標準的工作場所物理因素閾限值概
13、述</p><p> ACGIH 發(fā)布的物理因素TLVs包括: (1) 聲學,包括次聲、低頻聲、噪聲和超聲; (2) 人類工效學,包括工作相關的肌肉骨骼疾病、手部活動水平、提舉、手臂(局部) 振動和全身振動; (3) 激光; (4) 非電離輻射,包括靜磁場、亞射頻(30 千赫及以下) 磁場、亞射頻(30 千赫及以下) 電場及靜電場、射頻和微波輻射、可見光和近紅外輻射、紫外輻射; (5) 熱應激,包括冷應激、熱應
14、激和熱應激反應。</p><p> 1 工作場所有關的物理因素TLVs,像其他TLVs 一樣,在物理因素TLVs 接觸水平和接觸條件下,幾乎所有的健康勞動者每日反復接觸,不引起不良健康效應。</p><p> 物理因素作用的靶器官和健康效應根據(jù)其性質(zhì)有很大不同,TLVs 不是單純的數(shù)字,而是整合了物理因素的測量參數(shù)和對勞動者的作用。由于物理因素種類繁多,涉及多個科學領域、檢測技術和儀
15、器設備,所以,尤為重要的是物理因素TLVs 只適合由經(jīng)過相應的測量和評價技術培訓和有經(jīng)驗的專業(yè)人員使用。鑒于一些物理因素TLVs 十分復雜,在應用時應查閱最新的物理因素TLVs 基準文件。</p><p> 由于個體易感性的差異性很大,機體接觸等于甚至小于TLV 的物理因素后便可能導致煩燥(annoyance) ,使原有病情惡化,偶爾也可能造成生理性損害。由于多種因素的影響,諸如遺傳易感性、年齡、個人習慣(如吸
16、煙、飲酒或藥物濫用) 、服藥、既往或同時接觸多種因素等,某些個體也可能對工作場所中的一些物理因素高度易感或產(chǎn)生異常反應。這些勞動者在接觸某種等于或小于TLV 的物理因素時,可能不足以避免不良健康效應。這類勞動者所需的額外保護的程度應由職業(yè)病醫(yī)師評估。</p><p> 物理因素TLVs 是根據(jù)工業(yè)實踐、人和動物實驗研究的現(xiàn)有信息制定的??赡軙r綜合上述3 方面資料制定。這些限值用于職業(yè)衛(wèi)生實踐,只應由在此學科中訓
17、練有素的人解釋和使用。它們不用于或變通用于:1) 社區(qū)物理因素水平的評價或控制,2) 現(xiàn)有機體物理失能的證明或證偽。</p><p> ACGIH 根據(jù)現(xiàn)有的新信息每年對這些閾限值進行審查以決定修訂或增補。ACGIH 定期審查與物理因素致突變、致癌、致不良生殖效應及其他健康效應有關的資料。征求附有詳實數(shù)據(jù)的意見,意見應以經(jīng)過同行評議的文獻形式寄至ACGIH 科學小組(science @acgih. org) &
18、lt;/p><p> 2 預期變更公告,每年,ACGIH 以“預期變更公告”(NIC) 的形式發(fā)布下一年度活動建議。這些物理因素及其相應值包括: (1) 第一次建議的限值(如NIE) ; (2) 對已采納值的變更建議; (3) 建議作為NIC 保留; (4) 建議撤銷基準文件和已采納的TLV。在上述每種情況下,當建議值在NICPNIE 期間,都被認為是試行限值。這些建議由ACGIH 理事會批準,批準后的TLV 值
19、在NICsPNIEs 上保留約一年的時間。在這一年中,委員會如果沒有發(fā)現(xiàn)或收到任何關于變更NICPNIE 中TLV 的科學觀點的詳實數(shù)據(jù),委員會隨即同意將其推薦給ACGIH 理事會采納。如果委員會發(fā)現(xiàn)或收到任何關于變更NIC 中TLV 的科學觀點的詳實數(shù)據(jù),委員會可以向ACGIH 理事會提出變更建議,在NIC 中保留或撤銷。</p><p> 每種物理因素及其建議值均有其基準文件。公告為建議值提供了一個評論的機
20、會。意見或建議應附有詳實證據(jù),并以同行評議文獻的形式郵寄,最好是以電子版本發(fā)送至ACGIH 科學小組(science @acgih. org) 。為獲得ACGIH 關于此程序和方法及接收意見截止日期的詳細論述, 請登錄ACGIH 網(wǎng)站( http :PPwww. acgih. orgPTLVPDevProcess.htm)“ACGIH 的TLVPBEI 制定過程”。</p><p> 3 有關物理因素TLVs
21、 的分類物理因素的TLVs 包括: (1) 閾限值2時間加權平均值(TLV2TWA) ,適合于8h 工作日、40h 工作周的時間加權平均接觸; (2) 閾限值2上限值(TLV2C) ,即瞬間都不能超過的接觸限值。</p><p> 4 物理因素的致癌性物理因素閾限值(TLV2PA) 委員會建議必要時采納由化學物質(zhì)閾限值委員會制定的致癌性分類。</p><p> 5 物理因素和化學因
22、素的關系工作場所中物理因素的聯(lián)合作用,以及物理因素和化學物質(zhì)的交互作用,可能增加機體的應激(stress) 以至于改變機體在TLV 水平接觸的效應。產(chǎn)生聯(lián)合作用的物理因素包括熱、紫外線和電離輻射、濕度、異常氣壓(海拔高度) 及其他物理因素。這種應激可能增強機體對外源物質(zhì)的不良毒性反應。雖然大多數(shù)TLVs 包含一些不確定因素以預防正常作業(yè)場所中等偏移所產(chǎn)生的不良健康效應,但對于大多數(shù)接觸來說,不確定因素還未達到能抵消總偏離的程度。在這種情
23、況下,是否應適宜地調(diào)整TLVs必須由資深的專業(yè)人員來進行判斷。</p><p> 6 物理因素相關TLVs 簡介</p><p> 每種物理因素的TLVs 依據(jù)的健康效應不同,概述如下。</p><p> 6.1 聲學TLVs</p><p> 聲學TLVs 包括次聲、低頻聲、噪聲和超聲的TLVs。次聲和低頻聲TLVs 表示幾乎所
24、有勞動者反復接觸不引起聽力以外的不良健康效應的水平;噪聲TLVs 指幾乎所有勞動者反復接觸不引起聽力或正常語言理解力有害效應的聲壓級和接觸持續(xù)時間;超聲TLVs 指幾乎所有勞動者反復接觸不引起聽力或正常語言理解力有害效應的條件。</p><p> 6.2 人類工效學相關物理因素的TLVs</p><p> 人類工效學TLVs 包括手部活動水平、提舉、手臂(局部) 振動和全身振動的TL
25、Vs。手部活動水平的TLVs 代表了幾乎所有勞動者反復接觸不引起不良健康效應的條件;提舉TLVs 建議了工作場所提舉的條件,在此條件下,幾乎所有勞動者可以每日重復接觸也不產(chǎn)生與反復提舉作業(yè)相關的腰背和肩部疾??;手臂(局部) 振動TLVs 指軸向加速度分量水平和接觸持續(xù)時間,在這種條件下,幾乎所有勞動者可以反復接觸而不會發(fā)展為超過斯德哥爾摩會議分類系統(tǒng)中第一期的振動性白指( vibration2induced whitefinger ,
26、VWF) , 也稱職業(yè)性雷諾現(xiàn)象( Raynaud’sphenomenon of occupational origin) ;全身振動TLVs 指機械性全身振動(WBV) 軸向加速度分量均方根值的大小和持續(xù)時間,在該條件下,幾乎所有勞動者可以反復接觸,但所引起背痛、背部不良健康效應以及不能正常駕駛車輛的風險最小。</p><p> 激光輻射TLVs 是指幾乎所有勞動者可以反復接觸而不引起不良健康效應的接觸水平。
27、</p><p> 6.3 熱應激TLVs</p><p> 熱應激TLVs 包括冷應激TLVs 以及熱應激和熱應激反應的TLVs。冷應激TLVs 旨在保護勞動者免受冷應激(體溫過低) 導致的最嚴重的效應和冷損傷,并描述了幾乎所有勞動者可以反復接觸而不引起不良健康效應的寒冷作業(yè)條件;熱應激和熱應激反應TLVs 則闡述了幾乎所有適量飲水的、未用藥的、健康的勞動者可以反復接觸而不引起不良
28、健康效應的條件。</p><p> UV protective textile clothing for workers exposed to natural and artificial UV radiation</p><p> INTRODUCTION</p><p> Some amounts of ultraviolet radiation are
29、beneficial for humans but excessive exposure can cause many negative health effects to the skin and eyes and also can affect the immune system. Biological effects can be induced only by absorbed radiation. Ultraviolet ra
30、diation induces photochemical reactions in biological tissues. Occupational exposure to UVR occurs both from natural and artificial sources. Exposure limit values (ELVs) represent conditions under which it is expected th
31、at nearly all indi</p><p> Occupational exposure to natural UV concern outdoor</p><p> workers, which constitute much more bigger group then workers exposed to artificial sources of UV. The ti
32、me of exposure is also much longer then workers exposed to artificial UVR. Artificial sources of UVR emit a spectrum of radiation with characteristics specific to each source. The risk to health from artificial sources c
33、an be much higher those from natural UV because levels of UV may be highe and may include harmful wavelengths (from UVB and UVC region), normally filtered by the earth’s atmos</p><p> natural and artificial
34、 UV radiation.</p><p> II. CRITERIA FOR HEALTH HAZARDEVALUATIONARISING FROM ULTRAVIOLET</p><p><b> RADIATION</b></p><p> Studies of the of the spectral effectiveness
35、of ultraviolet radiation for a specified harmful health effects were the base of determination the criteria for health hazard evaluation and exposure limit values by different national and international organizations. Th
36、ere are different relative spectral effectiveness (action spectrum) of ultraviolet radiation, for a specified biological response. The normalized action spectrum is the wavelength dependence of the dose of monochromatic
37、radiation requi</p><p> ? effective radiant exposure in the spectral region 180-400 nm (spectrally weighted by S(λ) – actinic relative spectral effectiveness of UVR see figure 1) incident upon unprotected s
38、kin and eye;</p><p> ? radiant exposure (unweighted) in the spectral region 315-400 nm incident upon unprotected eye. 朗讀顯示對應的拉丁字符的拼音</p><p> Physical factors in the workplace ACGIH TLVs Overvi
39、ew</p><p> ACGIH TLVs issued by physical factors include: (1) acoustics, including infrasound, low frequency sound, noise and ultrasound; (2) ergonomics, including work-related musculoskeletal disorders, ha
40、nd activity, lifting, arm (local ) vibration and whole body vibration; (3) laser; (4) non-ionizing radiation, including the static magnetic field, sub-radiofrequency (30 kHz and below) the magnetic field, sub-radiofreque
41、ncy (30 kHz and below) electric field and electrostatic field, radio frequency and mi</p><p> A workplace-related physical factors TLVs </p><p> Like other TLVs, as in the physical factors TLV
42、s exposure levels and exposure conditions, almost all health workers daily repeated exposure, do not cause adverse health effects. </p><p> The role of physical factors and health effects of target organs a
43、re very different by their nature, TLVs is not a simple figure, but integration of the physical factors measured parameters and the role of workers. Because a wide variety of physical factors, involving multiple fields o
44、f science, detection technology and equipment, so, it is particularly important for the physical factors TLVs only after the appropriate measurement and evaluation of technical training and experienced professional</p
45、><p> Due to individual differences in susceptibility great body is equal to or less than the TLV exposure to physical factors that may cause irritability after (annoyance), so that the original condition dete
46、riorated and, occasionally, may cause physiological damage. Due to a variety of factors, such as genetic predisposition, age, personal habits (such as smoking, alcohol or drug abuse), medication, previous or simultaneous
47、 exposure to a variety of factors, some individuals may also have some of the</p><p> TLVs are based on physical factors of industrial practice, the existing animal studies and information developed. Possib
48、le to develop comprehensive information on the above three aspects. These limits for occupational health practice should only be trained in the disciplines explain and use. They are not used or adapted for use: 1) the le
49、vel of physical factors in the evaluation of the community or control, 2) the body of existing evidence of physical disability or falsification. </p><p> ACGIH new information based on the existing annual r
50、eview of these threshold values ??to determine the amendments or additions. Periodic review and physical factors ACGIH mutagenic, carcinogenic, cause adverse reproductive effects and other health effects of the relevant
51、information. Solicit the views of the data with a detailed, comments should be peer-reviewed scientific literature in the form sent to ACGIH group (science @ acgih. Org) </p><p> Expected Change Notice 2 &l
52、t;/p><p> Year, ACGIH to "change the announcement is expected" (NIC) released the following year in the form of suggestions for activities. And the corresponding values ??of these physical factors in
53、clude: (1) first recommended limits (such as NIE); (2) has adopted the value of the proposed changes; (3) proposed as a NIC reserves; (4) proposed to remove reference documents and has adopted the TLV. In each case, when
54、 the suggested value in NICPNIE during the trial limit is considered. These recommendations</p><p> Physical factors and the recommended value of each has its base file. Notice for the proposed value of the
55、 opportunity to provide a comment. Comments or suggestions should be accompanied by detailed evidence, and peer-reviewed literature in the form of mail, preferably in electronic version sent to the ACGIH scientific group
56、 (science @ acgih. Org). For ACGIH procedures and methods on the closing date and received a detailed discussion comments, please visit the ACGIH Web site (http: PPwww. Acgih</p><p> 3, the classification o
57、f the relevant physical factors TLVs TLVs physical factors include: (1) time-weighted average threshold limit value 2 (TLV2TWA), suitable for 8h days, 40h working week time-weighted average exposure; (2) Threshold Limit
58、Value 2 upper limit (TLV2C), that moment can not exceed the exposure limits. </p><p> Physical factors of the carcinogenic 4 physical factors TLV (TLV2PA) The Committee recommended the adoption of necessary
59、 threshold level by the chemical carcinogen classification established by the Committee. </p><p> 5 physical factors and chemical factors in the workplace between the combined effects of physical factors, a
60、nd physical factors and chemical interactions that may increase the body's stress (stress) that changed the level of contact with the body effect in the TLV. Produce the joint effect of physical factors such as heat,
61、 ultraviolet and ionizing radiation, humidity, abnormal pressure (altitude) and other physical factors. This stress may enhance the body's external source material adverse toxi</p><p> Introduction to p
62、hysical factors related to TLVs 6 </p><p> TLVs of each based on physical factors of the different health effects, are summarized below. </p><p> 6.1 Acoustic TLVs </p><p> Acous
63、tic TLVs including infrasound, low frequency sound, noise and ultrasound TLVs. Infrasound and low frequency sound TLVs that almost all workers other than repeated exposure does not cause adverse health effects of hearing
64、 level; noise TLVs that nearly all workers do not cause hearing loss or repeated contact with normal language comprehension and exposure to harmful effects of continuous sound pressure level time; ultrasound TLVs refer t
65、o almost all workers hearing repeated exposure does not</p><p> 6.2 Ergonomics TLVs related to physical factors </p><p> Ergonomics TLVs including the hand activity level, lifting, arm (local)
66、 vibration and body vibration of the TLVs. Hand activity level TLVs represent almost all the workers repeated exposure does not cause adverse health effects of conditions; lifting TLVs proposed lifting the workplace cond
67、itions, in this condition, almost all workers can not repeated daily exposure job generation and repeatedly lifting the back and shoulder-related diseases; arm (local) component of the acceleration vibration l</p>
68、<p> Laser radiation TLVs refer to almost all workers can be repeatedly exposed without adverse health effects of exposure levels. </p><p> 6.3 Heat stress TLVs </p><p> TLVs, including
69、 heat stress and cold stress TLVs heat stress and heat stress response TLVs. Cold stress TLVs to protect workers from cold stress (hypothermia) causes the most serious effect and cold injury, and describes almost all wor
70、kers can be repeated without causing adverse health effects of exposure to cold operating conditions; heat stress and heat stress response TLVs are described in almost all amount of drinking water, no medicine, and healt
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