已閱讀1頁,還剩9頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、<p><b>  模具的發(fā)展趨勢</b></p><p>  .模具CAD/CAE/CAM正向集成化、三維化、智能化和網(wǎng)絡(luò)化方向發(fā)展</p><p> ?。?)模具軟件功能集成化</p><p>  模具軟件功能的集成化要求軟件的功能模塊比較齊全,同時各功能模塊采用同一數(shù)據(jù)模型,以實現(xiàn)信息的綜合管理與共享,從而支持模具設(shè)計、制造、裝


3、列軟件;吉林金網(wǎng)格模具工程研究中心的沖壓模CAD/CAE/CAM系統(tǒng)等。</p><p> ?。?)模具設(shè)計、分析及制造的三維化</p><p>  傳統(tǒng)的二維模具結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計已越來越不適應(yīng)現(xiàn)代化生產(chǎn)和集成化技術(shù)要求。模具設(shè)計、分析、制造的三維化、無紙化要求新一代模具軟件以立體的、直觀的感覺來設(shè)計模具,所采用的三維數(shù)字化模型能方便地用于產(chǎn)品結(jié)構(gòu)的CAE分析、模具可制造性評價和數(shù)控加工、成形過程


5、的好評和應(yīng)用。國內(nèi)有華中理工大學(xué)研制的同類軟件HSC3D4.5F及鄭州工業(yè)大學(xué)的Z-mold軟件。面向制造、基于知識的智能化功能是衡量模具軟件先進性和實用性的重要標(biāo)志之一。如Cimatron公司的注塑模專家軟件能根據(jù)脫模方向自動產(chǎn)生分型線和分型面,生成與制品相對應(yīng)的型芯和型腔,實現(xiàn)模架零件的全相關(guān),自動產(chǎn)生材料明細(xì)表</p><p> ?。?)模具軟件應(yīng)用的網(wǎng)絡(luò)化趨勢</p><p>  

6、隨著模具在企業(yè)競爭、合作、生產(chǎn)和管理等方面的全球化、國際化,以及計算機軟硬件技術(shù)的迅速發(fā)展,網(wǎng)絡(luò)使得在模具行業(yè)應(yīng)用虛擬設(shè)計、敏捷制造技術(shù)既有必要,也有可能。美國在其《21世紀(jì)制造企業(yè)戰(zhàn)略》中指出,到2006年要實現(xiàn)汽車工業(yè)敏捷生產(chǎn)/虛擬工程方案,使汽車開發(fā)周期從40個月縮短到4個月。</p><p>  2.模具檢測、加工設(shè)備向精密、高效和多功能方向發(fā)展</p><p> ?。?)模具檢測

7、設(shè)備的日益精密、高效</p><p>  精密、復(fù)雜、大型模具的發(fā)展,對檢測設(shè)備的要求越來越高?,F(xiàn)在精密模具的精度已達2~3μm,目前國內(nèi)廠家使用較多的有意大利、美國、日本等國的高精度三坐標(biāo)測量機,并具有數(shù)字化掃描功能。如東風(fēng)汽車模具廠不僅擁有意大利產(chǎn)3250mm×3250mm三坐標(biāo)測量機,還擁有數(shù)碼攝影光學(xué)掃描儀,率先在國內(nèi)采用數(shù)碼攝影、光學(xué)掃描作為空間三維信息的獲得手段,從而實現(xiàn)了從測量實物→建立數(shù)

8、學(xué)模型→輸出工程圖紙→模具制造全過程,成功實現(xiàn)了逆向工程技術(shù)的開發(fā)和應(yīng)用。這方面的設(shè)備還包括:英國雷尼紹公司第二代高速掃描儀(CYCLON SERIES2)可實現(xiàn)激光測頭和接觸式測頭優(yōu)勢互補,激光掃描精度為0.05mm,接觸式測頭掃描精度達0.02mm。另外德國GOM公司的ATOS便攜式掃描儀,日本羅蘭公司的PIX-30、PIX-4臺式掃描儀和英國泰勒·霍普森公司TALYSCAN150多傳感三維掃描儀分別具有高速化、廉價化和功

9、能復(fù)合化等特點。</p><p> ?。?)數(shù)控電火花加工機床</p><p>  日本沙迪克公司采用直線電機伺服驅(qū)動的AQ325L、AQ550LLS-WEDM具有驅(qū)動反應(yīng)快、傳動及定位精度高、熱變形小等優(yōu)點。瑞士夏米爾公司的NCEDM具有P-E3自適應(yīng)控制、PCE能量控制及自動編程專家系統(tǒng)。另外有些EDM還采用了混粉加工工藝、微精加工脈沖電源及模糊控制(FC)等技術(shù)。</p>

10、<p> ?。?)高速銑削機床(HSM)</p><p>  銑削加工是型腔模具加工的重要手段。而高速銑削具有工件溫升低、切削力小、加工平穩(wěn)、加工質(zhì)量好、加工效率高(為普通銑削加工的5~10倍)及可加工硬材料(<60HRC)等諸多優(yōu)點。因而在模具加工中日益受到重視。瑞士克朗公司UCP710型五軸聯(lián)動加工中心,其機床定位精度可達8μm,自制的具有矢量閉環(huán)控制電主軸,最大轉(zhuǎn)速為42000r/min

11、。意大利RAMBAUDI公司的高速銑床,其加工范圍達2500mm×5000mm×1800mm,轉(zhuǎn)速達20500r/min,切削進給速度達20m/min。HSM一般主要用于大、中型模具加工,如汽車覆蓋件模具、壓鑄模、大型塑料等曲面加工,其曲面加工精度可達0.01mm。</p><p>  快速經(jīng)濟制模技術(shù)類型</p><p>  快速經(jīng)濟制模技術(shù)與傳統(tǒng)的機械加工相比,具

12、有制模周期短、成本低、精度與壽命又能滿足生產(chǎn)上的使用要求,是綜合經(jīng)濟效益比較顯著的一類制造模具的技術(shù),概括起來,有以下幾種類別。</p><p>  1.表面成型制模技術(shù)       表面成型制模技術(shù),主要是利用噴涂、電鑄、化學(xué)腐蝕等新的工藝方法形成型腔表面及精細(xì)花紋的一種工藝技術(shù)。  </p><p>

13、;  2.澆鑄成型制模技術(shù)</p><p>  澆鑄成型制模技術(shù)的共同特點是依樣件為基準(zhǔn),澆鑄出凸、凹模,型腔表面不需要機械加工。3.擠壓成型技術(shù)     (1)冷擠壓成型       利用鈹銅合金的良好的導(dǎo)熱性和穩(wěn)定性,經(jīng)固熔時效處理后,采用冷擠壓制造模具凹模型腔。其特點是制造周期短,型腔精度高(I

14、T7級),表面粗糙度Ra=0.025μm,強度高,壽命可達50萬次,無環(huán)境污染。      (2)超塑成型制模技術(shù)       該技術(shù)是利用金屬材料在細(xì)化晶粒、一定成型溫度、低變形速率條件下,材料具有最佳超塑性時,將事先制作好的凸模,用較小的力便可擠壓出凹模的一種快速經(jīng)濟制模技術(shù)。超塑成型材料的典型代表是Zn-22%A

15、L。  4.無模多點成形技術(shù)       無模多點快速成形技術(shù)是以CAD/CAM/CAT技術(shù)為主要手段,利用計算機控制高度可調(diào)基本體群形成上下成形面,代替?zhèn)鹘y(tǒng)模具對板料進行三維曲面成形的又一現(xiàn)代先進制造技術(shù)。此項技術(shù)可以隨意改變變形路徑與受力狀態(tài),提高材料的成形極限,可反復(fù)成形,以此消除材料內(nèi)部的殘余應(yīng)力,實現(xiàn)無回彈成形。  

16、5.凱維朗(KEVRON)鋼帶沖裁落料制模技術(shù)      </p><p> ?。?)樹脂砂實型鑄造       利用樹脂砂做型砂,用EPS或PMMA泡沫塑料做模型,在常溫、常壓下進行液體金屬澆鑄而制取鑄件。利用實型鑄造的技術(shù)制造模具毛坯具有尺寸精度高(ISO9級),加工余量小(一般

17、在5mm左右),不需要拔模斜度,不需要制型芯與泥芯撐,節(jié)省金屬材料,節(jié)省做木模型的木材,制造周期短,成本低。該技術(shù)適合大型、復(fù)雜、單件模具毛坯的生產(chǎn)。陶瓷型精鑄、失蠟精鑄等技術(shù)在提高模具毛坯精度、降低加工工時、縮短制造周期、降低成本等方面也顯示出其特有的優(yōu)越性。  7.其它方面技術(shù)</p><p>  為了簡化模具的結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計,降低模具成本,縮短模具制造周期,在國內(nèi)外也先后出現(xiàn)了一些其它方

18、面新技術(shù)的應(yīng)用,如快換模架、沖壓單元、刃口堆焊、鑲塊鑄造、氮氣彈簧等</p><p><b>  外文原文:</b></p><p><b>  Die trend</b></p><p>  1.mold CAD / CAE / CAM being integrated, three-dimensional, intel

19、ligent and network direction</p><p> ?。?)模具軟件功能集成化 (1) mold software features integrated</p><p>  模具軟件功能的集成化要求軟件的功能模塊比較齊全,同時各功能模塊采用同一數(shù)據(jù)模型,以實現(xiàn)信息的綜合管理與共享,從而支持模具設(shè)計、制造、裝配、檢驗、測試及生產(chǎn)管理的全過程,達到實現(xiàn)最佳效益的

20、目的。 Die software features of integrated software modules required relatively complete, while the function module using the same data model, in order to achieve Syndicated news management and sharing of information to

21、support the mold design, manufacture, assembly, inspection, testing and production management of the entire process to achieve optimal benefits. 如英國Delcam公司的系列化軟件就包括了曲面/實體幾何造型、復(fù)雜形體工程制圖、工業(yè)</p><p> ?。?)模具設(shè)計、分析

22、及制造的三維化 (2) mold design, analysis and manufacture of three-dimensional</p><p>  傳統(tǒng)的二維模具結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計已越來越不適應(yīng)現(xiàn)代化生產(chǎn)和集成化技術(shù)要求。 Two-dimensional mold of traditional structural design can no longer meet modern technica

23、l requirements of production and integration. 模具設(shè)計、分析、制造的三維化、無紙化要求新一代模具軟件以立體的、直觀的感覺來設(shè)計模具,所采用的三維數(shù)字化模型能方便地用于產(chǎn)品結(jié)構(gòu)的CAE分析、模具可制造性評價和數(shù)控加工、成形過程模擬及信息的管理與共享。 Mold design, analysis, manufacturing three-dimensional technology, paper

24、less software required to mold a new generation of three-dimensional, intuitive sense to design the mold, using three-dimensional digital model can be easil</p><p>  (3)模具軟件應(yīng)用的網(wǎng)絡(luò)化趨勢 (3) mold software appli

25、cations, networking trend</p><p>  隨著模具在企業(yè)競爭、合作、生產(chǎn)和管理等方面的全球化、國際化,以及計算機軟硬件技術(shù)的迅速發(fā)展,網(wǎng)絡(luò)使得在模具行業(yè)應(yīng)用虛擬設(shè)計、敏捷制造技術(shù)既有必要,也有可能。 With the mold in the enterprise competition, cooperation, production and management, globa

26、lization, internationalization, and the rapid development of computer hardware and software technology, the Internet has made in the mold industry, virtual design, agile manufacturing technology both necessary and possib

27、le. 美國在其《21世紀(jì)制造企業(yè)戰(zhàn)略》中指出,到2006年要實現(xiàn)汽車工業(yè)敏捷生產(chǎn)/虛擬工程方案,使汽車開發(fā)周期從40個月縮短到4個月。 The United States in its "21st Century </p><p>  2.mold testing, processing equipment to the precise, efficient, and multi-direction&

28、lt;/p><p>  (1)模具檢測設(shè)備的日益精密、高效 (1) mold testing equipment more sophisticated, efficient</p><p>  精密、復(fù)雜、大型模具的發(fā)展,對檢測設(shè)備的要求越來越高。 Sophisticated, complex, large-scale mold development, testing equip

29、ment have become increasingly demanding. 現(xiàn)在精密模具的精度已達2~3μm,目前國內(nèi)廠家使用較多的有意大利、美國、日本等國的高精度三坐標(biāo)測量機,并具有數(shù)字化掃描功能。 Precision Mould precision now reached 2 ~ 3μm, more domestic manufacturers have to use Italy, the United States, Jap

30、an and other countries in the high-precision coordinate measuring machine, and with digital scanning. 如東風(fēng)汽車模具廠不僅擁有意大利產(chǎn)3250mm×3250mm三坐標(biāo)測量機,還擁有數(shù)碼攝影光學(xué)掃描儀,率先在國內(nèi)采用數(shù)碼攝影、光學(xué)掃描作為空間三維信息的獲得手段,從</p><p> ?。?)數(shù)控電火花加工

31、機床 (2) CNC EDM</p><p>  日本沙迪克公司采用直線電機伺服驅(qū)動的AQ325L、AQ550LLS-WEDM具有驅(qū)動反應(yīng)快、傳動及定位精度高、熱變形小等優(yōu)點。 Japan Sodick linear motor servo drive using the company's AQ325L, AQ550LLS-WEDM have driven fast response, tr

32、ansmission and high positioning accuracy, the advantages of small thermal deformation. 瑞士夏米爾公司的NCEDM具有P-E3自適應(yīng)控制、PCE能量控制及自動編程專家系統(tǒng)。Switzerland Chanmier company NCEDM with P-E3 adaptive control, PCE energy control and autom

33、atic programming expert systems. 另外有些EDM還采用了混粉加工工藝、微精加工脈沖電源及模糊控制(FC)等技術(shù)。 Others also used the powder mix</p><p>  (3)高速銑削機床(HSM)(3) high-speed milling machine (HSM)</p><p>  銑削加工是型腔模具加工的重 Milli

34、ng is an important means of cavity mold. 而高速銑削具有工件溫升低、切削力小、加工平穩(wěn)、加工質(zhì)量好、加工效率高(為普通銑削加工的5~10倍)及可加工硬材料(<60HRC)等諸多優(yōu)點。 The low-temperature high-speed milling with the workpiece, cutting force is small, smooth processing, pro

35、cessing quality, processing efficiency (for the general milling process 5 to 10 times) and can process hard materials (<60HRC) and many other advantages. 因而在模具加工中日益受到重視。 Thus in the mold processing more and more atten

36、tion. 瑞士克朗公司UCP710型五軸聯(lián)動加工中心,其機床定位精度可達8μm,自制的具有</p><p><b>  外文原文:</b></p><p>  Fast economical pattern makings technologies type</p><p>  The fast economical pattern maki

37、ng technology and the traditional machine-finishing compares, has the pattern making cycle short, the cost is low, the precision and the life can satisfy in the production the operation requirements, is synthesizes an ec

38、onomic efficiency quite remarkable kind to make the mold the technology, summarizes below, has several types to leave.</p><p>  1.surfaces take shape the pattern making technology</p><p>  The s

39、urface takes shape the pattern making technology, mainly is the use spurts spreads, the electrolytic casting, chemistry corrosion and so on the new technique formation cavity surface and the fine pattern one kind of craf

40、t technology. </p><p>  2.sprinkle to cast into the type system mold technique </p><p>  Sprinkling to cast into technical and common characteristics of the type system mold is according to th

41、e kind piece for basis, sprinkle a convex and cave mold, a surface do not need the machine to process.</p><p>  3.extrusions takes shape the technology </p><p>  (1) cold extrusions takes shape

42、 </p><p>  Using the berylliuim copper alloy good thermal conductivity and the stability, after the solid melt aging treatment of metal, use the swaging pressure to make the mold concave model cavity. Its

43、characteristic is makes the cycle short, the cavity precision is high (the IT7 level), surface roughness Ra=0.025 mu m, The intensity is high, the life may reach 500,000 times, does not have the environmental pollution.

44、 </p><p>  (2) ultra models takes shape the pattern making technology </p><p>  This technology is using the metal material in the thin crystal grain, certainly takes shape the temperature, u

45、nder the low distortion speed condition, when the material has the best superplasticity, toes attend to carry out raised mold which the initiative finishes, then may extrude the concave mold with the small strength one k

46、ind of fast economical pattern making technology. Ultra models takes shape material typical representative is Zn-22%AL. </p><p>  4.does not have the mold multi- spots forming technology </p><p&

47、gt;  Does not have the mold multi- spots fast forming technology is by CAD/CAM/CAT The technology is the main method about, may adjust the base main body group highly using the computer control to form forms the surface,

48、 replaces the traditional mold to carry on the three dimensional curved surface forming to the sheet an modern advanced manufacture technology. This technology may change the distortion way and the stressful condition at

49、 will, enhances the material the formed limit, may form repeatedl</p><p>  5.triumphant Uygur bright steel belt blanking falls the material pattern making technology </p><p>  The new steel bel

50、t blanking falls the material pattern making technology is one kind is different with has raised, the concave mold structure steel belt mold generally, it is with specially makes the new fast economical pattern making te

51、chnology by the single edge steel belt which the backing strip is composed. This kind of mold weight is light, only then 200kg, the processing precision for ±0.35-0.50mm, may suit each kind of black and the non-ferr

52、ous metal 0.5-0.65mm thick sheet processing gene</p><p>  6. molds semifinished materials fast manufacture technology solid casting </p><p>  Because the massive molds are belong to the single

53、unit or the production, the mold semifinished materials manufacture quality and the cycle and the cost to the final mold quality and cyclical and the cost influence are very important. </p><p>  The modern

54、mold semifinished materials widely have used the seeds casting technology, the so-called solid casting is (polystyrene PS either polymethacrylate PMMA) manufactures using the foam plastics replaces traditional the wooden

55、 mold or the metal pattern, after the modelling does not have to take out the model, then may the casting, under the foam plastics model high temperature liquid metal function, deflagrate the gasification but to vanish,

56、the molten metal substitution original foam plast</p><p>  (1) dry sands solid casting </p><p>  Namely all does not do any cementing agent quartz sand modelling with 55-100 goal, spreads with

57、 EPS or the PMMA foam plastics manufacture model hangs the 0.2-1mm thick permeability good fireproof coating level, by enhances the casting superficially attractive fineness, prevented the fat sand or collapses the box.

58、 </p><p>  (2) negative compactions casting </p><p>  The negative compaction casting calls V law modelling. This technology is the use all does but does not have the cementing agent the quar

59、tz sand to make the molding sand, makes the model with EPS or the PMMA foam plastics, in under the plastic film seal condition, entire lets cast (vacuum degree 0.4-0.67MPa) carries on the liquid metal casting under the n

60、egative pressure condition, after the casting coagulates relieves the negative pressure then to obtain the superficial bright and clean casting</p><p>  (3) resins granulated substance solid casting </p

61、><p>  Makes the molding sand using the resin granulated substance, makes the model with EPS or the PMMA foam plastics, under the normal temperature, the atmospheric pressure carries on the liquid metal casting

62、 but to make takes the casting. uses the solid casting the technical manufacture mold semifinished materials to have the size precision high (the ISO9 level), processing remainder small (generally about 5mm), does not ne

63、ed to pull out the mold ascent, does not need the making core and the sand co</p><p>  7.other aspects technologies</p><p>  In order to simplify the mold the structural design, reduces the mold

64、 cost, reduces the mold manufacture cycle, in domestic and foreign also successively appeared some other aspects new technology application, like trades the mold frame, the ramming unit, the cutting edge built-up welding


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