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1、<p>  Anthropometrics for the design of Bahraini school furniture</p><p>  M. Mokdad a, , M. Al-Ansari b</p><p>  a Department of Psychology, College of Education, University of Bahrain, Sa

2、khir, Bahrain</p><p>  b Department of Physical Education, College of Education, University of Bahrain, Sakhir, Bahrain</p><p><b>  abstract</b></p><p>  This paper pres

3、ents the results of an anthropometric survey carried out on a sample of male and female Bahraini school children aged 6–12 years (N ¼ 1174), to throw some light on the anthropometric parameters of Bahraini students

4、in order to provide school furniture designers and importers with relevant data. A set of 44 body dimensions covering most body parts were measured, from which six body dimensions relevant to school furniture design wer

5、e considered. Results show a gradual increase from</p><p>  Keywords: Anthropometry Anthropometric data School furniture Primary schoolchildren Bahrain</p><p>  1. Introduction</p><p

6、>  Ergonomics aims to design work and environment for people, so that they can work easily, effectively and safely. In the beginning,i.e. in the 1950s, ergonomics was a military concern, but starting from the 1960s it

7、 was widely applied in the industrial, agricultural, and service sectors.</p><p>  Education as part of the service sector has also been a concern for ergonomists since the seventies, and various models conc

8、erning its application have been published. According to Kao’s model (Kao, 1976), the components that should be considered by educational ergonomists are learning ergonomics, instructional ergonomics, ergonomics of educa

9、tional facilities, ergonomics of educational equipment and the ergonomics of educational environment. Although it was suggested as early as the 1970s, it is</p><p>  To achieve its aims, ergonomics uses vari

10、ous tools and tech- niques, of which anthropometry is the oldest. Moreover, anthro- pometric measurements are essential as basic descriptive information on body composition and nutritional status. They are linked to ener

11、gy intake, physical activity, energy metabolism and metabolic ef?ciency. The incidence of chronic disease may be related to anthropometric patterns; e.g., obesity has been iden- ti?ed as a risk factor for coronary he

12、art disease, high </p><p>  Anthropometric surveys that have been carried out in these countries are not extensive. Some sections of the population</p><p>  (e.g. women, children) have not been

13、 studied extensively, either due to social and traditional factors, or due to neglect.</p><p>  Some anthropometric studies have been carried out in the early years of ergonomics. Knowing that people in deve

14、loping countries are witnessing a secular change due to improved nutritional programs and good health and social and security practices, it is possible to think that old anthropometric results are not relevant, and shoul

15、d be re-evaluated.Children in developing countries represent about 25% of the whole population. The majority of these children (i.e., about 90%) are in schools, es</p><p>  represent around 24.9% of th

16、e whole population (742,562) (Directorate of Statistics, 2006). Responding to the generaliza- tion of schooling law (No. 27 for 2005), about 99% of children are in schools. School work requires children to sit for ‘‘exte

17、nded’’ periods of time (Freudentjal et al., 1991; Knight and Noyes, 1999). It is at this stage of physical development (the ?rst four years at school) that abnormalities in the spinal column can come about as a result of

18、 incorrect posture, frequently c</p><p>  Literature search has shown that in Bahrain there are no anthropometric studies carried out for the purpose of designing school furniture. However, a previous st

19、udy was performed in the 1970s mainly to identify the physical ?tness of Bahraini youth. To achieve its aims, the researchers administered various physical performance tests (50-meter sprint, standing long jump, distance

20、 run, pull-ups, ?exed arm hang, shuttle run, 30- second sit-ups, trunk forward ?exion while standing, trunk and for</p><p>  Therefore, this study was carried out mainly to anthropo- metrically describe Bahr

21、aini school children aged between 6 and 12 years, and to discuss how school furniture should be designed to cover anthropometric variability in children.</p><p>  Material and methods</p><p><

22、;b>  Sample</b></p><p>  The Kingdom of Bahrain is one of the Arabian Gulf countries. It is an archipelago of an area of 741.40 square kilometers (286.26 square miles). The majority of Bahraini popu

23、lation are Muslims (99.9%), and 50.30% of the non-Bahraini population living in Bahrain are also Muslims. In this country, Primary Education includes children aged from 6 to 11–12 years old, and lasts for 6 years. It is

24、divided into two cycles: The ?rst cycle combines the ?rst three grades of primary education. The Class-Teac</p><p>  A sample of 1174 school children (about 2% of all school children), who were all Muslims2

25、and normal,3 was randomly drawn from primary public schools of Bahrain Kingdom. No</p><p>  attempt was made to include the private school students since public school students represent the majority

26、 of school children in Bahrain. In addition, this study did not include non-Bahraini students as its purpose was to provide anthropometric data solely on Bahraini children. This sample size (1174 children) was found to c

27、orrespond with sample sizes published in Yamane’s tables (Yamane, 1967). The distribution of the subjects according to demographic characteristics (age, and sex) is shown in</p><p>  Body dimensions</p>

28、;<p>  To achieve the ?rst aim of the study, 44 body measurements were taken. These were: 20 in standing position (4 heights, 2 rea- ches, 4 skinfold thicknesses, 9 circumferences and body weight) and 24 in sittin

29、g position (5 heights, 7 lengths, 2 reaches, 9 widths and 1 depth). Body dimensions, landmarks and the measurement of each body dimension procedure were de?ned after Frisancho (1993) and Pheasant (1997). For all the meas

30、urements, mean and SD were calculated. However, to achieve the second aim </p><p>  and Knee height. </p><p>  Table 1 Demographic characteristics of the Bahraini children sample.

31、 Table 2 Inter-measurer reliability.</p><p><b>  Equipment</b></p><p>  It should be noted that there are different methods used for measuring body dimensions for the purpose o

32、f equipment design. Some of those methods, such as three-dimensional scanners, are expensive, highly sophisticated, and not available to all researchers, while other methods such as the traditional anthropometric tools a

33、re simple and inexpensive. In this context, Robinette and Daanan, (2003) stated: ‘‘Since many of the traditional measurements have been used for many years, and since it may be</p><p>  In this study, body d

34、imensions were taken with a Harpenden standard anthropometer (Holtain Ltd., UK) to the nearest milli- meter. Hand and foot measurements were taken using sliding calipers. Skin fold thickness was taken with a Lange skinfo

35、ld caliper which was calibrated to give a constant pressure of 10 g/mm2 over its entire operational range. In addition, portable weighing scales (Secca Weighing Scale) were used to measure the body weight to the nearest

36、50 g. Finally, an adjustable swivel sto</p><p>  Procedures</p><p>  Measuring postures were maintained throughout the whole survey as natural as possible according to Hertzberg (1968). To achie

37、ve a greater scienti?c uniformity, measurements were always carried out on the right-hand side of the subjects, to the nearest millimeter while the subjects were wearing light clothing and barefooted, and standing or sit

38、ting while their feet were resting on the ?oor surface. In addition, all measurements were taken in the mornings between 07:00 and 12:00. Except for body w</p><p>  Anthropometric survey team</p><

39、p>  The whole survey was carried out by a team of eight physical education teachers (four males and four females) aged 32–46 years. Before starting the survey, they underwent a training session of 1 week including bot

40、h theoretical and practical instruction to achieve greater consistency between measurers. Besides, physical education teachers are familiar </p><p>  with anthropometric measure- ments as they perform these

41、measurements on students who attend physical education classes. At the end of the training session, both Inter-measurer reliability as well as Intra-measurer reliability were assessed by a pairwise comparison method afte

42、r Harris et al. (2000) and Anxionnat et al. (2003). Tables 2 and 3 show the results.</p><p>  The results from Tables 2 and 3 imply that the measurers have an accepted value of inter- and intra-reliability,

43、though there are very few small values. Measurers with higher skills in anthropo- metric measurements were asked to supervise the less skilled ones while measurements were being taken in schools.</p><p>  Re

44、sults and discussion</p><p>  This study aimed to assess Bahraini school children anthropo- metrically and to provide school furniture designers and importers with data they need for design purposes.</p&g

45、t;<p>  Bahraini children’s anthropometric measurements</p><p>  Table 4 presents mean and SD of all 44 body dimensions for both boys and girls. Body weight is reported in kg and lengths, body circumf

46、erences and skinfold measurements are recorded in mm. It can be seen from Table 4 that mean values of all anthropometric dimensions increase with increasing age. This is a natural phenomenon as children are in a period o

47、f development. The stage from 6 years to 12 years forms an important stage in the life of human beings. First it coincides with primary school ye</p><p><b>  Table 3</b></p><p>  Int

48、ra-measurer reliability.</p><p>  Measurers12345678</p><p>  R values0.9330.8910.7880.9580.8490.9780.9010.992</p><p>  All correlations are signi?cant at the 0.01 le

49、vel (2-tailed).</p><p><b>  Table 4</b></p><p>  Anthropometric means and standard deviations for Bahraini school children.</p><p>  Table 4 (continued )</p><

50、p>  many developmental psychologists (Hetherington and Parke, 1999), girls tend to be a bit taller and heavier than boys from the age of 2 until about 9, when boys catch up. But in this study, this trend has not been

51、seen. Boys’ values are bigger than girls’ values at all stages of age. Figs. 1 and 2 clearly show this trend. This may be attributed to the fact that social habits and traditions in the Arabian Gulf do not encourage girl

52、s to practice out-of-school sport activities so that they do not ha</p><p>  Table 5a and b demonstrate a comparison between Bahraini children and children of other nationalities. It can be seen that the Bah

53、raini children (boys and girls) of the 21st century ?rst decade (2007) are taller and heavier than Bahraini children of the seventies of the 20th century (1977). This increase can be considered as a positive secular chan

54、ge. The Gulf area in general has seen a remarkable industrial and commercial development which hel- ped ?rst in implementing good health and nutrition</p><p>  Also, Table 5a and b demonstrate a comparison b

55、ased upon body height and weight between children from different nationalities (Bahrainis of 1977 and 2007, Hong Kong, Mexicans, Vietnamese, and Turkish).</p><p>  Concerning the boys, Turkish children were

56、the tallest at ages 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 12 years. The shortest children were the Vietnamese at ages 6 and 8 years, and the 1977 Bahraini children at ages 9, 10,11, and 12 years.</p><p>  As to weight, Turkis

57、h children were the heaviest at ages 6 and 12 years and Mexicans at ages 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 years. The lightest children were the Vietnamese at ages 6, 8, and 10 years and the 1977 Bahraini children at ages 9, 11, and 1

58、2 years. At all ages (6, 7, 8,</p><p>  9, 10, 11, and 12 years), the 2007 Bahraini children were almost all of medium height and weight.</p><p>  However, concerning the girls, Turkish children

59、 were the tallest at ages 6, 7, 10, 11 and 12 years, the Vietnamese at age 8 and the Mexican children at age 9. The shortest children were the Viet- namese at age 6; the Hong Kong children at ages 7, 8, 10, 11, and</p

60、><p>  12 years, and the 2007 Bahrain children at age 9 years. At ages 6, 7,</p><p>  8, 10, 11, and 12 years, Bahraini children were almost all of medium height.</p><p>  As to the we

61、ight of girls, 2007 Bahraini children were the heaviest at age 6 years; Turkish children at ages 7, 10 and 12, and Mexican children at ages 8, 9 and 11 years. The lightest children were the Vietnamese children at ages 6,

62、 8 and 10 years; the Hong Kong children at ages 7, 11 and 12 years, and the 2007 Bahraini</p><p>  children at age 9 years. At other ages (6, 7, 8, 10, 11, and 12 years), 2007 Bahraini children were almost a

63、ll of medium weight.</p><p>  Fig. 1. Mean height of boys and girls, age range 6–12 years.</p><p>  Fig. 2. Mean weight of boys and girls, age range 6–12 years.</p><p>  巴林學(xué)校家具的人體測量

64、學(xué)設(shè)計(jì)</p><p><b>  概述</b></p><p>  人體工程學(xué)旨在于為人類設(shè)計(jì)工作環(huán)境,讓人們可以輕松、高效、安全的工作。剛開始時(shí),也就是在20世紀(jì)50年代,人體工程學(xué)是用在軍事問題上,但是從20世紀(jì)60年之后它被廣泛應(yīng)用于工業(yè),農(nóng)業(yè)和服務(wù)業(yè)。</p><p>  自從上世紀(jì)70年代以來,服務(wù)業(yè)的教育部門也開始關(guān)注人體工程學(xué),

65、并且出版了各種類型的人體工程學(xué)應(yīng)用書籍。 比如Kao的例子(Kao,1976 ),他被視為教育界的生物工程學(xué)家,而他正在學(xué)習(xí)人體工程學(xué),人體工程學(xué)教學(xué),教育設(shè)施的人體工程學(xué),教育設(shè)備的人體工程學(xué)和教育環(huán)境的人體工程學(xué)。但是有人提出早在上世紀(jì)70年代,人體工程學(xué)就全面成型了。</p><p>  人體工程學(xué)使用的各種工具和技術(shù)證明了人體測量學(xué)是最古老的。此外,人體測量作為描述身體成分和營養(yǎng)狀況基本信息是必不可少的。


67、已經(jīng)在發(fā)達(dá)國家以及發(fā)展中國家用人體測量學(xué)的方法了。然而,必須重點(diǎn)強(qiáng)調(diào)的是,當(dāng)考慮到發(fā)展中國家時(shí),可以得出以下兩點(diǎn)結(jié)論: </p><p>  1.已經(jīng)進(jìn)行了這些人體測量調(diào)查的國家并不多。無論是由于社會(huì)和傳統(tǒng)因素還是因?yàn)槭韬?,某些人(如婦女,兒童)都還沒有被廣泛的進(jìn)行人體測量。</p><p>  2.一些人體測量的研究已經(jīng)進(jìn)行到了人體工程學(xué)的前期。據(jù)說發(fā)達(dá)國家的人們正在經(jīng)歷著一個(gè)世俗的變化

68、,是由于營養(yǎng)方案、身體健康、社會(huì)和安全實(shí)踐的改善,因此可以認(rèn)為以前的人體測量結(jié)果是不準(zhǔn)確的,并且應(yīng)該被重新評(píng)估。</p><p>  發(fā)展中國家的兒童人口約占整個(gè)群體人口的25%。這些兒童中大多數(shù)人(約90%)是在學(xué)校,特別是有的國家的學(xué)校教育是強(qiáng)制性的。在巴林,兒童(年齡在5-14歲)人口大約占全國人口(742562)(局統(tǒng)計(jì),2006)的24.9%。根據(jù)學(xué)校教育法(2005年第27號(hào))規(guī)定,約99%的兒童是在

69、學(xué)校的。學(xué)校生活要求孩子延長在學(xué)校學(xué)習(xí)的時(shí)間(Freudentjal等,1991;Knight和Noyes,1999)。 由于不正確的姿引起的異常脊柱會(huì)出現(xiàn)在該階段(在學(xué)校頭四年)的身體發(fā)育,而最終原因是由于不正確的坐姿和不適當(dāng)?shù)膶W(xué)校家具(Parcells等,1999)。為了避免一切不良后果,學(xué)校家具應(yīng)符合人體工程學(xué)設(shè)計(jì)上的人體測量基礎(chǔ)數(shù)據(jù)。如果學(xué)校家具不是本地設(shè)計(jì)的,進(jìn)口商也應(yīng)確保人體測量數(shù)據(jù)在輸入過程中的使用,以保證進(jìn)口的學(xué)校家具適

70、合目標(biāo)用戶。</p><p>  文獻(xiàn)檢索表明,在巴林學(xué)校家具設(shè)計(jì)時(shí)沒有進(jìn)行人體測量的研究。然而, 20世紀(jì)70年代進(jìn)行的一項(xiàng)研究主要是為了識(shí)別巴林年輕人的身體舒適度。為了實(shí)現(xiàn)其目標(biāo),研究人員做了各種物理性能測試(50米短跑、立定跳躍、長跑、引體向上、彎曲手臂、折返跑、30秒仰臥起坐、站立時(shí)軀干前傾前屈位、坐著時(shí)軀干向前彎曲、握力),以及測量被測試者的身高和體重。被測試的是3500個(gè)9-18歲的男孩和2080個(gè)9

71、-18歲的女孩。研究結(jié)果表明,巴林的孩子比美國和和印度尼西亞同齡的孩子更小,更輕(Gregory和Schwich,1977)。在公立學(xué)校聽學(xué)生教師授課時(shí)一位作家觀察到大部分學(xué)校的家具是獨(dú)立的桌椅。然而,很少有教育機(jī)構(gòu)有一組固定的椅子和桌子組合。巴林小學(xué)提供的家具有兩種尺寸。 第一個(gè)是適應(yīng)第一階段兒童(小一至小三)的尺寸,第二個(gè)是適應(yīng)第二階段兒童(小四至小六)的尺寸。由教育部提供的數(shù)據(jù)可發(fā)現(xiàn)在新建成的學(xué)校里,大部分家具都是本地設(shè)計(jì)制作的。

72、但是在老學(xué)校里,學(xué)生家具主要由海灣地區(qū)和亞洲不同的國家進(jìn)口的。無論是本地制造或者進(jìn)口的,家具如果不適合當(dāng)?shù)睾⒆泳蜁?huì)引起不舒服,并且造成很多痛苦和擔(dān)憂??梢园l(fā)現(xiàn)的是第一階段學(xué)生的家</p><p>  因此,這次研究主要針對(duì)巴林學(xué)校6-12歲的孩子的人體測量,并討論如何設(shè)計(jì)能涵蓋兒童體位變化的學(xué)校家具。</p><p><b>  材料和方法</b></p>

73、<p><b>  2.1.樣本</b></p><p>  巴林王國是阿拉伯海灣國家之一。這是一個(gè)741.40平方公里的群島(286.26平方英里)。大多數(shù)巴林人口是穆斯林(99.9%),以及居住巴林的非巴林人中50.30%巴林也是穆斯林。在這個(gè)國家,小學(xué)教育是針對(duì)年齡6至11或12歲的孩子,并持續(xù)6年。它分為兩個(gè)階段:第一階段是由前三個(gè)年的小學(xué)教育構(gòu)成。所有學(xué)校這個(gè)階段都有

74、班主任。這階段的老師除了英語、設(shè)計(jì)、技術(shù)、音樂、體育其他所有科目都教。然而,第二個(gè)階段由三個(gè)高年級(jí)組成,每科都提供專門的科目教師。</p><p>  樣本是從巴林王國小學(xué)公立學(xué)校(約2%的學(xué)校孩子)隨機(jī)挑選的1174位穆斯林和普通的學(xué)生。由于公立學(xué)校的學(xué)生代表巴林的大多數(shù)學(xué)生,所以沒有對(duì)私立學(xué)校的學(xué)生進(jìn)行抽樣。此外,這項(xiàng)研究并沒有包括非巴林學(xué)生,因?yàn)檠芯康哪康氖翘峁┌土謨和娜梭w測量數(shù)據(jù)。這個(gè)樣本量(1174名

75、兒童)與公布的Yamane的樣本(Yamane,1967)尺寸是對(duì)應(yīng)的。受試者按分布人口統(tǒng)計(jì)學(xué)特征(年齡,性別)填于表1中。從表1中可以發(fā)現(xiàn),兩個(gè)年齡(6和12歲)的孩子數(shù)量相對(duì)較少,由于缺乏合作。6歲時(shí),家長不配合,并拒絕對(duì)自己孩子進(jìn)行測量。 然而,在12歲的孩子自己不想合作。這實(shí)際上破壞了研究人員最初決定的對(duì)樣本的10%的孩子進(jìn)行測量。</p><p><b>  2.2.人體尺寸</b>

76、;</p><p>  為了實(shí)現(xiàn)研究的第一個(gè)目的,測量了44個(gè)人體尺寸,包括20個(gè)站立時(shí)的尺寸(4個(gè)高度,2個(gè)臂長,4皮褶厚度,9個(gè)圍度和9個(gè)體重)和24個(gè)坐著時(shí)的尺寸(5個(gè)高度,7個(gè)長度,2個(gè)臂長,9個(gè)寬度和1深度)。人體尺寸,地標(biāo)和對(duì)每個(gè)人體尺寸的測量程序是被Frisancho(1993)和 Pheasant(1997)定義的。所有的測量值以平均值和SD表示。但是,為了實(shí)現(xiàn)研究的第二個(gè)目的只需要對(duì)學(xué)校家具設(shè)計(jì)

77、的6個(gè)尺寸進(jìn)行人體測量。它們是:腘高度,腘臀部的長度,臀寬,肩的高度,扶手高度,和膝關(guān)節(jié)的高度。</p><p><b>  表1</b></p><p>  巴林兒童樣本的人口特征</p><p><b>  2.3.設(shè)備</b></p><p>  應(yīng)當(dāng)注意的是,不同的人體測量方法使用不同的設(shè)備


79、科技方法獲得的數(shù)據(jù)是一樣可靠和精確的(Ghoddousi等人,2007)。另外,它應(yīng)該指出的是,傳統(tǒng)方法已被巴林用于其他用途(如,健康,運(yùn)動(dòng)),因此對(duì)于巴林人口研究(Musaiger等人,2000)傳統(tǒng)方法是確實(shí)可行的。</p><p>  在這項(xiàng)研究中,人體尺寸采用Holtain人體測量標(biāo)準(zhǔn)(Holtain有限公司,英國)精準(zhǔn)到毫米。手和腳的測量用的是滑動(dòng)的卡鉗。皮褶厚度的測量是采取了蘭芝皮脂厚度測量儀,這款測

80、量儀測量時(shí)恒定壓力必須在10g/mm²范圍內(nèi)。另外,用來測量體重的便攜式體重秤(支持Secca秤)精確到50克。最后,一個(gè)可在樞軸上連接一個(gè)四星級(jí)的焊接鋼底座的旋轉(zhuǎn)凳是用測量坐著時(shí)的尺寸的。Holtain人體測量和皮褶卡鉗均定期進(jìn)行校準(zhǔn)和對(duì)規(guī)則。便攜式體重秤通過將重物放在稱表面校準(zhǔn)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)砝碼(5千克和10千克)。</p><p><b>  2.4.步驟</b></p>

81、<p>  根據(jù)Hertzberg(1968),整個(gè)測量過程中盡可能自然地保持姿勢不變。為了實(shí)現(xiàn)更大的科學(xué)統(tǒng)一性,一律對(duì)受試者的右手側(cè)進(jìn)行測量,受試者穿著輕便服裝并且光著腳,站立或坐著時(shí),他們的雙腳站在地板上,測量數(shù)據(jù)精確到毫米。此外,所有的測量都是在上午07:00至12:00進(jìn)行。除了??體重和皮褶厚度測量,取三次(平均記錄)外,其余所有的測量都只有一次。為了保證測量和記錄的可靠性,作者進(jìn)行隨機(jī)抽查。調(diào)查全過程是在為期6個(gè)

82、月左右一次完成(2007年1月-6月)。在開始野外測量工作開始之前,由教育研究與發(fā)展中心給定通知書。</p><p>  由教育部(巴林王國)授權(quán)研究人員在政府公立學(xué)校進(jìn)行人體測量。并且必須拿到受試者父母或監(jiān)護(hù)人的書面知情同意書。</p><p>  2.5. 人體測量小組</p><p>  整個(gè)調(diào)查工作人員由八個(gè)年齡在32-46歲的物理教師(四男四女)組成。在開

83、始調(diào)查之前,對(duì)他們進(jìn)行1周的培訓(xùn),包括理論和實(shí)踐兩個(gè)方面以達(dá)到測量時(shí)的高度一致性。 此外,由于物理老師對(duì)參加體育課的學(xué)生進(jìn)行過人體測量,所以他們對(duì)人體測量項(xiàng)目很熟悉。在培訓(xùn)結(jié)束后,國際測量儀以及內(nèi)部測量儀的可靠性通過由Harris(2000年)和 Anxionnat(2003)等人提出的成對(duì)比較法進(jìn)行評(píng)估,結(jié)果顯示在表2和表3中。從表2和表3的結(jié)果表示:測量儀之間雖然有很小的誤差但仍具有很高的可靠性。在學(xué)校進(jìn)行測量時(shí),用高技能的人體測量

84、儀器對(duì)低技能的儀器進(jìn)行檢驗(yàn)。</p><p><b>  表2</b></p><p><b>  國際測量儀的可靠性</b></p><p><b>  表3</b></p><p><b>  內(nèi)部測量儀的可靠性</b></p><

85、p>  所有相關(guān)性都在0.01顯著水平(雙尾)。</p><p><b>  3.結(jié)果與討論</b></p><p>  本研究旨在于巴林學(xué)生的人體測量方法進(jìn)行評(píng)估,并提供給學(xué)校家具設(shè)計(jì)師及進(jìn)口商所需要的設(shè)計(jì)數(shù)據(jù)。</p><p>  3.1. 巴林兒童的人體測量</p><p>  表4了列出了所有個(gè)男孩和女孩的



88、;b>  表4</b></p><p>  巴林孩子的人體測量平均值和標(biāo)準(zhǔn)差</p><p>  從表5中的a和b可看出巴林的孩子和其他不同國家孩子的比較結(jié)果。21世紀(jì)頭幾年(2007年)巴林的孩子(男孩和女孩)比20世紀(jì)七十年代(1977)的孩子高、重。這種增加可視為一個(gè)積極的長期變化。海灣地區(qū)的工業(yè)和商業(yè)已經(jīng)有了發(fā)展,這一發(fā)展首先對(duì)建立良好的健康和營養(yǎng)系統(tǒng)有很大的幫助

89、,還可以阻止疾病傳染,如感染性疾病,并解決住房不足和貧困的問題。社會(huì)的變化似乎影響著世界上幾乎所有國家的人的身體體質(zhì)。在發(fā)達(dá)國家,如日本( Ali等人,2000)、波蘭(Krawczynski等人,2003)和西班牙(Carrascosa等人,2004)以及發(fā)展中國家,如阿爾及利亞(Mokdad,1992)、印度(Roy和Singh,1992)、香港(Leung等人,1996)、庫克島(Ulijaszek 2001)、墨西哥(Malin

90、a等人,2004)和土耳其(Ozer,2007),這種變化長期存在。然而,在一些發(fā)達(dá)國家如美國,人們的體形似乎已經(jīng)趨于平穩(wěn),達(dá)到一個(gè)穩(wěn)定水平(Bakwin和McLaughlin,1964;Damon,1968)。</p><p>  另外,表5中a和b展示了來自不同國家的孩子的身高和體重的比較(1977年和2007年的巴林、香港、墨西哥、越南和土耳其)。</p><p>  對(duì)比男孩的身高

91、可看出:6、7、8、9、10歲和12年的孩子中土耳其孩子們最高。 6歲和8歲的越南孩子和1977年9-12歲的巴林孩子最矮。</p><p>  至于男孩的體重,6歲和12歲的土耳其孩子和7-11歲的墨西哥孩子最重。6、8、10歲的越南孩子和1977年9、11、12歲的巴林孩子最輕。在所有年齡段(6-12歲),2007年的巴林孩子幾乎都是中等身高和體重。</p><p>  至于女孩的身高

92、,6、7、10、11和12歲的土耳其孩子、8歲的越南孩子和9歲的墨西哥孩子最高。6歲的土耳其孩子、7、8、10、11和12歲的香港孩子和2007年9歲的巴林在孩子最矮。6、7、8、10、11和12歲的巴林孩子幾乎都是中等身高。</p><p>  對(duì)比女孩的重量可以看出:6歲的2007巴林孩子、7、10和12歲的土耳其孩子和8、9、11歲的墨西哥孩子最重。最輕的孩子是6、8和10歲的越南孩子;7、11和12歲的香

93、港孩子;以及2007年9歲的巴林孩子。在其他年齡段(6、7、8、10、11和12歲),2007巴林孩子幾乎都屬于中等體重。</p><p>  Fig. 1. Mean height of boys and girls, age range 6–12 years.</p><p>  Fig. 2. Mean weight of boys and girls, age range 6–12


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