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1、<p>  Introduction of Liangjiang New Area</p><p>  After Shanghai Pudong New Area and Tianjin Binhai New Area, China’s only inland and third municipal-level new area –Chongqing Liangjiang New Area – was

2、 set up with the approval of the State Council on June 16, 2010, the 13th anniversary since Chongqing being China’s 4th municipality. </p><p>  Liangjiang New Area, located in the main urban districts of Cho

3、ngqing, north of the Yangtze River and east of the Jialing River covers 1,200 square kilometers, of which 550 square kilometers is available for construction and composed of Jiangbei, Yubei and Beibei administrative dist

4、rict, the North New Zone and China’s first inland bonded zone, Lianglu Cuntan Bonded Port Area. Chongqing Liangjiang New Area Development & Investment Group Co., Ltd. is in charge of constructing the industrial parks

5、.</p><p>  Strategic position</p><p>  According to the approval of the Sate Council, Chongqing Liangjiang New Area will play roles of a pilot area for the comprehensive urban-rural reform; an i

6、mportant modern manufacturing base and comprehensive transport hub of China; a trade, commercial and logistics centre as well as a financial and technological innovation centre of the upper reaches of the Yangtze; an imp

7、ortant gateway of the inland region opening to the outside world and a model for the scientific development.</p><p>  Transport advantages</p><p>  As the geographic core of the inland, Chongqin

8、g Municipality, located at the connection region of the west and middle China, enjoys a three-dimensional traffic network linking the south and north China and will form 3 transport hubs of China's 4th largest intern

9、ational airport, inland river transport's biggest port and the junction of 8 railways. The local logistics cost is greatly cut with the he new way created by Liangjiang New Area, the opening of New Eurasia Land Bridg

10、e and the access to th</p><p>  Reasonable space structure & industrial layout</p><p>  In terms of space structure, Liangjiang New Area is divided into 3 sectors of modern service industry,

11、 advanced manufacturing industry and urban comprehensive functional zone and composed of 10 functional zones of Jiangbeizui CBD, Bonded Areas, Yufu Modern Manufacturing and Logistics Zone, Longxing Advanced Manufacturing

12、 Zone, North Urban Economic Zone, Airport lingang Industrial Zone, Yulai Exhibition Center,Caijia Hi-tech Industrial Zone, Shuifu Ecosystem Industrial Zone and Mugu Export Proces</p><p>  Preferential police

13、s </p><p>  The State Council provides Liangjiang New Area with unprecedented preferential policies to increase support for further industry, capital and human talents development. The 3 preferential policie

14、s of West Development, coordination of the comprehensive urban and rural reform and experience of Pudong and Binhai new area will take effect in the area, marking Liangjiang New Area to be the one with most preferential

15、policies in China. The area unveils a series of preferential policies, such as enterp</p><p>  Good foundation for development</p><p>  Liangjiang New Area in an “old + new” style includes the i

16、nland China’s only bonded port, the largest conference center in the west, finance & trade center and so on, while Pudong and Binhai new area were built from nothing. Liangjiang New Area gained a Gross Domestic Produ

17、ct of around 80 billion yuan, 13 and 4 times of Pudong and Binhai at their beginning.</p><p>  On the basis of “take Chongqing as the base, provide service to west China, depend on the economy belt along the

18、 Yangtze River, open to the outside world”, the CPC Chongqing Committee and Chongqing Municipal Government definite the “Three Three-Step Strategy” for the Development of Liangjiang New Area, “to achieve initial success

19、in 2 years, to take a shape in 5 years and to basically complete in 10 years”. The area in 2012 will get the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of 0.16 trillion yuan with an </p><p><b>  重慶兩江新區(qū)概況</b>&l

20、t;/p><p>  重慶兩江新區(qū)于2010年6月18日,也就是重慶直轄13周年之際掛牌成立,是我國(guó)內(nèi)陸地區(qū)唯一的國(guó)家級(jí)開發(fā)開放新區(qū),也是繼上海浦東新區(qū)、天津?yàn)I海新區(qū)后,由國(guó)務(wù)院直接批復(fù)的第三個(gè)國(guó)家級(jí)開發(fā)開放新區(qū)。</p><p>  兩江新區(qū)位于重慶主城區(qū)長(zhǎng)江以北、嘉陵江以東,規(guī)劃面積1200km2,其中可開發(fā)建設(shè)面積550km2,涵蓋江北區(qū)、渝北區(qū)、北碚區(qū)三個(gè)行政區(qū)部分區(qū)域及北部新區(qū),擁有

21、內(nèi)陸唯一的保稅港區(qū)——兩路寸灘保稅港區(qū),所屬的重慶兩江新區(qū)開發(fā)投資集團(tuán)有限公司負(fù)責(zé)兩江工業(yè)園區(qū)的開發(fā)建設(shè)工作。 </p><p>  兩江新區(qū)戰(zhàn)略定位準(zhǔn)確、明晰。根據(jù)國(guó)務(wù)院批復(fù),中央賦予重慶兩江新區(qū)五大功能定位:一是統(tǒng)籌城鄉(xiāng)綜合配套改革試驗(yàn)的先行區(qū);二是內(nèi)陸重要的先進(jìn)制造業(yè)和現(xiàn)代服務(wù)業(yè)基地;三是長(zhǎng)江上游地區(qū)的金融中心和創(chuàng)新中心;四是內(nèi)陸地區(qū)對(duì)外開放的重要門戶;五是科學(xué)發(fā)展的示范窗口。</p>

22、<p>  兩江新區(qū)交通優(yōu)越。首先,重慶地處中西結(jié)合部、是中國(guó)大陸版圖的幾何中心,承東啟西、溝通南北,擁有面向國(guó)際、連接南北、輻射西部的密集立體交通網(wǎng)絡(luò),將形成中國(guó)第四大國(guó)際機(jī)場(chǎng)、內(nèi)河航運(yùn)最大港口和8條鐵路匯集等三大交通樞紐。長(zhǎng)三角海運(yùn)到達(dá)歐洲28天,重慶鐵海聯(lián)運(yùn)到達(dá)歐洲27天,其次,兩江新區(qū)創(chuàng)新的物流方式伴隨新歐亞大陸橋和印度洋出海通道的打通,極大的降低了物流交易成本,為兩江新區(qū)匯聚全球生產(chǎn)要素、搭建快速結(jié)轉(zhuǎn)平臺(tái)、發(fā)揮長(zhǎng)

23、江黃金水道、江北國(guó)際航空港樞紐、內(nèi)陸唯一保稅港區(qū)影響力、以流量經(jīng)濟(jì)服務(wù)、輻射中西部創(chuàng)造了優(yōu)越的條件,由此可見兩江新區(qū)已經(jīng)處于中國(guó)內(nèi)陸開放的最前沿。 </p><p>  兩江新區(qū)空間布局和產(chǎn)業(yè)布局合理。兩江新區(qū)分為現(xiàn)代服務(wù)業(yè)、先進(jìn)制造業(yè)、都市綜合功能區(qū)三大板塊;形成十大功能區(qū),即江北嘴中央商務(wù)區(qū)、保稅港區(qū)、魚復(fù)現(xiàn)代制造和物流區(qū)、龍興先進(jìn)制造區(qū)、北部都市經(jīng)濟(jì)區(qū)、空港臨港產(chǎn)業(yè)區(qū)、悅來(lái)會(huì)展城、蔡家高技術(shù)產(chǎn)業(yè)區(qū)

24、,水復(fù)生態(tài)產(chǎn)業(yè)區(qū)、木古出口加工區(qū)。在產(chǎn)業(yè)布局上,將形成軌道交通、電力裝備(含核電、風(fēng)電等)、新能源汽車、電子信息、節(jié)能材料等五大戰(zhàn)略性產(chǎn)業(yè),以及國(guó)家級(jí)研發(fā)總部、重大科研成果轉(zhuǎn)化基地、數(shù)據(jù)中心等三大戰(zhàn)略性創(chuàng)新功能布局,并加快培育一批高成長(zhǎng)性新興產(chǎn)業(yè)集群,形成“5+3”的戰(zhàn)略性布局。 </p><p>  兩江新區(qū)政策優(yōu)惠。國(guó)務(wù)院給予兩江新區(qū)前所未有的優(yōu)惠政策,要求在現(xiàn)有政策范圍內(nèi),加大對(duì)兩江新區(qū)發(fā)展的支持

25、力度,推動(dòng)產(chǎn)業(yè)、資金和人才向兩江新區(qū)集聚。西部大開發(fā)優(yōu)惠政策、統(tǒng)籌城鄉(xiāng)綜合配套改革先行先試政策以及比照浦東新區(qū)和濱海新區(qū)的開發(fā)開放政策,這三大優(yōu)惠政策的疊加,意味著兩江新區(qū)成為始終保有國(guó)家內(nèi)陸最優(yōu)惠政策的區(qū)域。目前,兩江新區(qū)已集中推出到2020年減按15%的稅率征收企業(yè)所得稅等諸多優(yōu)惠政策,引起全球投資者廣泛關(guān)注。 </p><p>  兩江新區(qū)開發(fā)基礎(chǔ)條件較好。與浦東和濱海幾乎“白手起家”不同,兩江新

26、區(qū)是“老城+新城”,內(nèi)陸地區(qū)唯一的保稅港區(qū)、西部最大的會(huì)展中心、金融商貿(mào)區(qū)均在區(qū)內(nèi)。2009年GDP約800億元,分別是浦東和濱海設(shè)立之初的13倍和4倍,具有一定的基礎(chǔ)。 </p><p>  重慶市委、市政府根據(jù)國(guó)務(wù)院定位,按照“立足重慶市、服務(wù)大西南、依托長(zhǎng)江經(jīng)濟(jì)帶、面向國(guó)內(nèi)外”的思路,明確了兩江新區(qū)“三步走”發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略,即“兩年初見成效,五年形成框架、十年基本建成”。到2012年,實(shí)現(xiàn)地區(qū)生產(chǎn)總值翻


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