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1、<p>  中文3000字,1600單詞,9800英文字符</p><p>  文獻出處:Burinskien? A. THE APPLICATION OF E-COMMERCE TECHNOLOGIES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE[J]. Intellectual Economics, 2011, 5(1): 7–22.</p>&

2、lt;p>  http://www.wenku1.com/news/E406E0C802DC2447.html</p><p><b>  原文</b></p><p>  THE APPLICATION OF E-COMMERCE TECHNOLOGIES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE</p>

3、<p><b>  Aurelija</b></p><p>  VilniusGediminasTechnicalUniversity</p><p><b>  Abstract</b></p><p>  The article discloses the application of e-commerc

4、e technologies for the development of international trade. In this paper, the problems associated with the application of e-commerce technologies in international trade are analysed. It is identified that enterprises inv

5、olved in international trade are using e-commerce technologies for selling products in different markets which, based on their openness, are closed and open. The analysis of the benefits and investments is provided herei

6、n. By usin</p><p>  Keywords: e-commerce, international trade, efficiency, benefit, multi-period investments.</p><p>  Introduction</p><p>  A huge dynamism is characteristic to int

7、ernational trade: it undergoes multiple and rapid alterations, therefore one needs to react single-mindedly to new challenges and tackle more complicated problems. For the past several decades, by developing internationa

8、l trade, the possibilities to increase efficiency have been re-examined. Since the development level of information technologies is growing, the needs are perceived in a new way, which appear in the practice of e-commerc

9、e. Apparently, the i</p><p>  電子商務與國際貿(mào)易There are several ways to develop international trade by applying e-commerce technologies:</p><p>  - An Internet shop. The consumer can visit the e-shop a

10、nd choose an item from a wide range of goods;</p><p>  - A producer on the Internet. Consumers can easily find, choose and even make a ―purchase-sale‖ deal with a direct producer online. This encourages more

11、 and more consumers to buy goods directly;</p><p>  - Trade with the help of an e-network. More and more permanent business partners use e-networks to receive orders, transfer the documents of payment and tr

12、ansport. Data received via e-networks are integrated into the information systems of enterprises.</p><p>  E-commerce is distinguishable because of certain peculiarities: a customer can get purchases in any

13、country worldwide; expenditure of trade transactions, when ecommerce technologies are used, are usually lower than expenditure of traditional trade transactions due to the fact that costs of operations are lower; however

14、, there is a growth of expenditure which appears as a result of implementation and maintenance of e-commerce technologies and goods delivery.</p><p>  The above-mentioned peculiarities determine that e-comme

15、rce is usually more efficient than common trade forms. Therefore, there is a demand to create and use in international trade such instrumentation for the evaluation of efficiency concerning the usage of e-commerce techno

16、logies that would be used to identify reasonably those cases when the traditional technologies of international trade are worth changing into e-commerce technologies and when e-commerce can help to increase the amounts o

17、f in</p><p>  In this paper, the complex application of e-commerce technologies in international trade are examined, and a model, which can be applied to evaluate efficiency when e-commerce technologies are

18、used in international trade, is formulated, while empirical assessment, which shows that a formulated theoretical model can be applied, is undertaken. The methods of comparative, statistical, and financial analysis have

19、been mainly applied in the paper.</p><p>  E-commerce conception and its refection in scientific works</p><p>  E-commerce is the purchase and sale of goods and services by using e-networks (ope

20、n and close e-networks) (Bidgoli, 2004). E-commerce is an activity when e-networks are used in order to reach customers, sell goods, services and pay for them. Such practice is also related to advertising, purchase deliv

21、ery, etc. (Bergendahl, 2005).</p><p>  Talking about e-commerce, M. Khosrowpour (2006) and other authors use the term ―e-commerce technologies‖; these technologies are used during trade transactions.</p&g

22、t;<p>  Enterprises expect that expenditure of item sale on the Internet is lower than expenditure, which a company incurs selling goods traditionally. Moreover, they think that sale on the Internet is determined

23、by price, quality and delivery conditions. According to K. L. Kraemer’s data (2006), enterprises which sell items on the Internet increase their income, improve client service, reduce expenditure and reach a higher effic

24、iency level.</p><p>  E-commerce can be based on two major business models:</p><p>  - Business model ―business to business‖;</p><p>  - Business model ―business to consumer‖.</p

25、><p>  ―Business to business‖ often means transactions among companies. Several more enterprises trade on the basis of such a model. This has been the most common e-commerce model in the whole world since e-com

26、merce technologies appeared.</p><p>  The business model ―business to business‖ also reflects the form of wholesale when goods are ordered online. Due to this, one should also have the customers’ database, w

27、here information about discounts for each customer is preserved.</p><p>  E-commerce provides more opportunities to conduct transactions and encourage the development of new forms of international trade. M.

28、A. Hitt (2002) thinks that the main reasons encouraging enterprises to develop e-commerce are extra income, smaller administration expenditure, higher activity efficiency and better financial results.</p><p>

29、;  Implementation of e-commerce technologies gives many new opportunities. However, enterprises have to accept new challenges of international trade and make appropriate decisions. This means that the usage of e-commerce

30、 technologies is the main factor, determining the perspectives of international trade development. </p><p>  The concept of international trade and its refection in literature</p><p>  Internati

31、onal trade is a broad term and is defined differently in different sources. International trade by World Trade Organization (WTO) is defined as ―the flow of goods, carriage of goods within the territorial borders.‖ The U

32、nited Nations Organization (UNO) defines international trade as ―the international sale of goods.‖ In the documents of Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), international trade is defined as import

33、 and export activities and their results are measur</p><p>  The successful and purposeful development of international trade has to be based on such scientific knowledge of circumstances and such scientific

34、ally-proved solutions. Solutions, which are oriented to efficiency of international trade and the increase of practice competition of various economy subjects in international trade, usually exploit in one or another way

35、 the opportunities provided by e-commerce technologies.</p><p>  The inadequate and inappropriate usage of e-commerce technologies affects development of international trade. The development of instrumentati

36、on that allows evaluating the perspectives and opportunities of the application of e-commerce technologies is an important precondition in the development of international trade. </p><p>  The comparison of

37、enterprises involved in trade.</p><p>  It has been revealed that the international trade turnover of enterprises of production and trade amounts to 82% of international trade. The analyse of practice of men

38、tioned enterprises shows that production enterprises are more active by selling goods in international markets than trade ones; that the activity of production enterprises is important to assess opportunities in the deve

39、lopment of international trade.</p><p>  The practice of enterprises has been examined. The results of such study show that enterprises passively apply e-commerce technologies in the development of internati

40、onal trade. It has been established that production companies are more active by doing trade in foreign countries, trade companies—by applying e-commerce technologies in national country. Research shows that in order to

41、activate the application of e-commerce technologies in international trade it is necessary to invest into ecommerc</p><p>  It is necessary to consider that companies which engage in traditional trade can al

42、so apply and e-commerce technologies, but as there is a problem to obtain more thorough data, while comparing more common data to describe the above mentioned enterprises is used (note: assessing research results it is i

43、mportant to remember that in production enterprises—32%, in wholesale enterprises—19.2% of all sale income makes sale income when goods are ordered, using e-commerce technologies (it is estimated b</p><p>  

44、Conclusions</p><p>  The analysis of the application features of e-commerce technologies showed that enterprises involved in e-commerce have 2.25 times more sales per employee. It has been established that g

45、enerally in enterprises which apply e-commerce technologies there are more sales than in traditional trade enterprises. In addition enterprises can achieve substantial changes in costs devoted to operations of internatio

46、nal trade.</p><p>  For the activation of the usage of e-commerce technologies in international trade, it is appropriate to apply the proposed model which helps to evaluate efficiency when e-commerce technol

47、ogies are used by the sellers of goods, which at the same time can be stable business partners. In the model various levels of economic evaluation are released, the costs of implementation and the usage of e-commerce tec

48、hnologies, in particular—investments and the results reached by the deployment of such techno</p><p>  Undertaken empirical assessment has shown that formulated theoretical model, can be applied to evaluate

49、efficiency when investments into e-commerce is one-off and manifold, when the technologies of ―business to business‖ and ―business to consumer‖ are applied, when international trade is conducted in open-market and close

50、market.</p><p>  The conducted empirical study of theoretical model has shown that the offered model can be applied for the evaluation of efficiency when e-commerce technologies are used in international tra

51、de. During empirical estimation, it has been established that a seller receives the biggest economic benefit due to income increase.</p><p><b>  譯文</b></p><p>  電子商務技術在國際貿(mào)易發(fā)展中的應用<

52、/p><p><b>  奧瑞利嘉</b></p><p>  維爾紐斯格季米納斯科技大學</p><p>  摘要:這篇文章揭露了電子商務技術在國際貿(mào)易的應用情況。在本文中,主要是對電子商務技術在國際貿(mào)易中的應用方面的相關問題進行了分析。電子商務技術被認為是參與國際貿(mào)易的企業(yè)的有利的工具,可以增強企業(yè)的競爭力。在不同的市場,這些企業(yè)可以基于開放的

53、原則進行產(chǎn)品的銷售活動。于此同時,本文也提供了電子商務投資和收益的分析。通過研究發(fā)現(xiàn),現(xiàn)金流模型可用于評估電子商務技術在國際貿(mào)易發(fā)展中的效率。本文提出了現(xiàn)金流模型用來評估電子商務技術在國際貿(mào)易實務中的應用。</p><p>  關鍵詞:電子商務、國際貿(mào)易、效率、效益、多階段的投資</p><p><b>  引言</b></p><p>  國


55、的因素。</p><p>  有幾種方法可以通過電子商務技術的應用來發(fā)展國際貿(mào)易:</p><p>  網(wǎng)絡商店。消費者可以訪問網(wǎng)絡商店并從網(wǎng)店琳瑯滿目的商品中選擇自己所需要購買的商品;</p><p>  網(wǎng)絡制造商。消費者可以很容易的找到、選擇、甚至做出購買將決策,直接與制造商進行聯(lián)系溝通。這鼓勵越來越多的消費者直接在網(wǎng)上購買商品。</p><

56、;p>  正在電子商務的幫助下,貿(mào)易得到了更好地發(fā)展。越來越多的永久的業(yè)務合作伙伴使用電子商務技術直接在網(wǎng)上進行訂單的接收、轉(zhuǎn)移支付、以及文件的在線發(fā)送。通過在線網(wǎng)絡來接收數(shù)據(jù),并將數(shù)據(jù)整合到企業(yè)的信息系統(tǒng)中。</p><p>  電子商務因其獨有的特性,所以是很容易區(qū)分的: 一個客戶,不論在全球任何一個國家都可以在網(wǎng)絡進行購買行為,得益于電子商務的優(yōu)勢,在國際貿(mào)易中使用電子商務技術,通??梢垣@得比傳統(tǒng)貿(mào)易

57、交易更低的交易成本支出,而且其運營成本也較低,電子商務目前有一個不斷增長的趨勢,更多的產(chǎn)品購買及交付都會通過電子商務技術來實現(xiàn)。</p><p>  上述特點決定了電子商務通常比常見的貿(mào)易形式更具有效率。因此,要大力推動電子商務技術在國際貿(mào)易中的應用,提高貿(mào)易的效率,使用電子商務可以帶來更多的國際貿(mào)易訂單。</p><p>  在本文中,電子商務技術在傳統(tǒng)貿(mào)易中的應用情況,可以通過一個模型

58、來評估,這種評估是一種實證的評估方法,它表明了傳統(tǒng)的理論模型也可以被用于及逆行評估。在本文中,研究方法主要為比較分析、統(tǒng)計和財務分析法。</p><p>  電子商務的概念及相關的文獻</p><p>  電子商務,簡單說,就是通過網(wǎng)絡購買和出售商品和服務。電子商務是一個網(wǎng)絡交易活動,實現(xiàn)產(chǎn)品、服務的銷售和商品的支付。這樣電子商務交易行為通常也與廣告、購買交付等等相關。</p>

59、<p>  談到電子商務,克斯羅蓬和其他作者在2006年使用“電子商務技術”,這些技術都被廣泛地應用于國際貿(mào)易活動中。</p><p>  企業(yè)預計互聯(lián)網(wǎng)交易上的成本低于傳統(tǒng)公司的貨物銷售成本。此外,他們認為在互聯(lián)網(wǎng)上進行銷售,銷售情況是由價格、質(zhì)量和交貨條件等決定的。根據(jù)克雷默于2006年的分析數(shù)據(jù),企業(yè)在互聯(lián)網(wǎng)上出售物品能夠顯著地增加銷售收入、改善客戶服務水平、減少開支、可以達到一個更高效率的產(chǎn)

60、品銷售及客戶服務水平。</p><p>  電子商務可以基于兩個主要的商業(yè)模式:</p><p>  ——B2B商業(yè)模式;</p><p><b>  ——B2C商業(yè)模式</b></p><p>  B2B商業(yè)模式企業(yè)通常意味著企業(yè)之間的互相交易。主要為企業(yè)間的貿(mào)易模式。自電子商務采用以來,這也成為整個世界貿(mào)易中最常見的

61、電子商務模式。 B2B電子商務模式也反映了批發(fā)的基本形式,即貨物可以在網(wǎng)上訂購和批發(fā)。因此,分銷商應該擁有客戶的數(shù)據(jù)信息。</p><p>  電子商務作為國際貿(mào)易的一種新的途徑和形式,為企業(yè)提供了更多的機會進行交易,電子商務也推動了國際貿(mào)易的發(fā)展。希特(2002)認為:鼓勵企業(yè)發(fā)展電子商務的主要原因是可以獲得額外的收入,較小的成本支出,以及更高的效率和更好的財務回報。電子商務技術的實施催生了很多新的機會。然而,

62、企業(yè)不得不接受新的國際貿(mào)易挑戰(zhàn),并做出正確的決策。電子商務技術的使用是推動國際貿(mào)易發(fā)展的主要因素。</p><p>  國際貿(mào)易的概念及相關的文獻</p><p>  國際貿(mào)易是一個廣泛使用的術語,根據(jù)不同的來源,定義也不同。世界貿(mào)易組織(WTO) 將國際貿(mào)易定義為“跨國境的商品和貨物流動。聯(lián)合國則將它定義國際間的貨物銷售。經(jīng)濟合作與發(fā)展組織(經(jīng)合組織)將國際貿(mào)易定義為進出口活動,商品的國

63、際流動,最終到客戶手中。</p><p>  成功和有目的性的國際貿(mào)易開發(fā),要基于科學的知識,這樣的方案才是科學的解決方案。它以提高國際貿(mào)易效率為導向,以及為了在激烈的市場競爭中保持有利地位,通常就是利用電子商務技術。</p><p>  不過,電子商務技術的不足和不恰當?shù)氖褂靡矔绊懙絿H貿(mào)易活動正常開展。對已有的電子上商務技術進行評價也是更好地發(fā)展國際貿(mào)易活動的一個重要的先決條件。&l

64、t;/p><p>  參加國際貿(mào)易企業(yè)之間的比較</p><p>  研究已經(jīng)表明,國際貿(mào)易企業(yè)的營業(yè)額占到國際貿(mào)易總額的82%。參與國際貿(mào)易活動是實踐的企業(yè)中,分析表明,生產(chǎn)型企業(yè)在國際市場上銷售商品表現(xiàn)的更為積極,相比于其他企業(yè);對那些參與國際貿(mào)易活動的生產(chǎn)企業(yè)的發(fā)展機會進行評估是很重要的。</p><p>  企業(yè)的日常商業(yè)實踐活動已經(jīng)被廣泛地研究。這些研究的結(jié)果


66、美國企業(yè)的電子商務應用實踐(比如亞馬遜等)表明,美國的很多企業(yè)都積極地應用電子商務技術參與貿(mào)易活動。通過分析,絕大多數(shù)企業(yè)都意識到了電子商務的重要性,并且都有意識地使用電子商務技術。</p><p>  有必要考慮到從事傳統(tǒng)貿(mào)易的公司也正在積極地應用電子商務技術,但有一個問題,就是難以獲得更多比較全面的數(shù)據(jù),因此數(shù)據(jù)描述都或許有點偏差,不過基本上能反映出傳統(tǒng)貿(mào)易企業(yè)使用電子商務技術的大致的情況,各類型企業(yè)的電子商

67、務技術采用情況大致為:生產(chǎn)企業(yè)為32%;批發(fā)企業(yè)為19.2% ,研究表明,使用電子商務技術都或多或少的提高了這些企業(yè)的銷售額。</p><p><b>  結(jié)論</b></p><p>  研究表明,企業(yè)在參與國際貿(mào)易時,電子商務技術的應用可以使這些企業(yè)能夠獲得2.25倍的銷售額,相比于以往的時候。它表明,相比于傳統(tǒng)的貿(mào)易企業(yè),積極應用電子商務技術的企業(yè)有更多的銷售業(yè)

68、績。此外,企業(yè)可以實現(xiàn)實質(zhì)性的變化,比如能夠大幅度地降低其成本,并更好地參與國際貿(mào)易業(yè)務活動。</p><p>  積極應用電子商務技術的企業(yè)在國際貿(mào)易中,有助于提高其業(yè)務活動的效率,也可以與上下游企業(yè)建立穩(wěn)定的業(yè)務合作伙伴關系。企業(yè)的活力得到了最大程度的釋放,電子商務技術的應用降低了這些公司的交易成本,保證了更多的利潤收益,從而在激烈的國際貿(mào)易環(huán)境中,也更具競爭優(yōu)勢。</p><p> 


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