1、<p><b> 附錄A 譯文</b></p><p> 附錄A1 DISF302二次調節(jié)伺服加載系統(tǒng)的耦合影響</p><p><b> 0引言 </b></p><p> 二次調節(jié)伺服加載系統(tǒng)是近年來發(fā)展起來的一種新型加載技術,它適用于各種發(fā)動機、變速箱、車輛傳動橋等旋轉試件的模擬加載試驗。同傳統(tǒng)的
2、液壓加載系統(tǒng)相比,這種加載系統(tǒng)具有能量可回收、效率高、動態(tài)性能好、控制靈活可靠等一系列優(yōu)點。但這兩種加載系統(tǒng)存在液壓和機械兩種耦合干擾問題,這兩種耦合干擾都將給系統(tǒng)帶來不利的影響。本文通過系統(tǒng)建模與仿真,詳細分析了液壓耦合和機械耦合對系統(tǒng)控制性能的影響。</p><p> 1 系統(tǒng)原理和數學模型</p><p> 二次調節(jié)伺服加載系統(tǒng)原理如圖1。</p><p>
3、; 2 加載系統(tǒng)數學模型</p><p> 對圖1的二次調節(jié)伺服加載系統(tǒng)建立數學模型,并經適當簡化、整理,將其表示成方塊圖形式,如圖2。由圖2可見,該系統(tǒng)為兩輸入兩輸出系統(tǒng),Ni ~No部分為對應于二次元件9的轉速控制系統(tǒng),Mi~Mo部分為對應于二次元件15的轉矩控制系統(tǒng)。</p><p> 圖中的環(huán)節(jié)Gn1(S) 和Gm1(S) ,分別為轉速控制系統(tǒng)和轉矩控制系統(tǒng)的電液伺服閥8(1
4、7)、變量液壓缸7(16)、位移傳感器6(18)、二次元件9(15)的綜合傳遞函數,若兩系統(tǒng)各元件(轉速傳感器10和轉矩傳感器13除外)相同,則Gn1(S)和Gm1(S) 相同,其具體形式為</p><p><b> = </b></p><p><b> 式中</b></p><p> Ksv、ωsv and ζs
5、v為電液伺服閥的流量增益、固有頻率和阻尼比;A和Ymax 為變量液壓缸活塞的有效作用面積和最大位移:Vmax 為二次元件的最大排量;PL為恒壓網絡的負載壓力;Ky為位移傳感器的變換系數。G n2(S )為加載對象l2(包括二次元件9、轉速傳感器10、轉矩傳感器13)的慣性阻尼環(huán)節(jié),其傳遞函數形式為</p><p><b> = = </b></p><p><
6、b> 式中</b></p><p> Jn 和Rn 為加載對象l2的等效轉動慣量和等效阻尼系數。Gm2(S)為二次元件15的慣性阻尼環(huán)節(jié),其傳遞函數形式為</p><p><b> = = </b></p><p><b> 式中</b></p><p> Jn和Rn 為
7、二次元件15的轉動慣量和阻尼系數。</p><p> Ni、No為轉速控制系統(tǒng)的輸入、輸出轉速;Mi、Mo為轉矩控制系統(tǒng)的輸入、輸出轉矩。Kfn 、Kfm 為轉速傳感器10、轉矩傳感器13的變換系數。</p><p> 3 耦合干擾對系統(tǒng)控制性能的影響。</p><p> 由圖1可以看出,兩個二次元件一端是以壓力耦合方式并聯(lián)于恒壓網絡上,而另一端是通過加載對象
8、、轉速和轉矩傳感器,以機械耦合方式聯(lián)于一體的,因此這種加載系統(tǒng)存在液壓耦合和機械耦合。</p><p> 為了進一步分析耦合干擾對系統(tǒng)控制性能的影響,在負載壓力為正弦波動、輸出轉速N0和輸出轉矩M0為方波波動情況下,對如圖2的系統(tǒng)模型進行仿真,仿真結果如圖3、圖4、圖5。</p><p> 1輸出轉速 2 輸出轉矩</p><p> 圖3負載壓力波
9、動下的仿真曲線。圖3 a、b、c、d中,曲線l為不同負載壓力波動干擾下轉速控制系統(tǒng)輸出轉速的階躍響應,壓力波動幅度分別為額定壓力值(29.5 MPa)的0、5.0%、10.0%、20.0%;曲線2為以上各種壓力波動干擾下轉矩控制系統(tǒng)輸出轉矩的階躍響應。由曲線l可得,以上各種壓力波動干擾下輸出轉速的波動誤差分別為0.1%、3.2%、5.0%、8.0%;由曲線2可得,相同壓力波動干擾下輸出轉矩的波動誤差分別為0.1%、5.0%、9.5%、2
10、0.0%。</p><p> 可見,轉速控制系統(tǒng)和轉矩控制系統(tǒng)的控制性能,同時受到負載壓力波動(液壓耦合)干擾的影響,隨負載壓力波動幅度的增大,兩控制系統(tǒng)的控制精度都明顯變差,且轉矩控制系統(tǒng)所受影響大于轉速控制系統(tǒng)。</p><p> 圖4 a、b、c、d中,曲線1為轉速控制系統(tǒng)輸出轉速的方波響應,它作為轉矩控制系統(tǒng)的波動干擾,其波動幅度分別為設定值(500r/m)的0、l0.0%、2
11、0.0%、40.0%;曲線2為以上各種轉速波動干擾下轉矩控制系統(tǒng)輸出轉矩的階躍響應。由曲線2</p><p> 可得,以上各種轉速波動干擾下輸出轉矩的波動誤差分別為0.1%、2.0%、4.0%、5.3%??梢?,轉矩控制系統(tǒng)的控制性能受到轉速控制系統(tǒng)輸出轉速波動(機械耦合)干擾的影響,隨輸出轉速波動幅度的增大,轉矩控制系統(tǒng)的控制精度變差。</p><p> 圖5 a、b、c、d中,曲線2
12、為轉矩控制系統(tǒng)輸出轉矩的方波響應,作為轉速控制系統(tǒng)的波動干擾,其波動幅度分別為設定值(300N.m)的0、10.0%、30.0%、50.0%;曲線1為以上各種轉矩波動干擾下轉速控制系統(tǒng)輸出轉速的階躍響應。</p><p> 由曲線1可得,以上各種轉矩波動干擾下輸出轉速的波動誤差分別為0、4.0%、8.0%、13.6%。可見,轉速控制系統(tǒng)的控制性能受到轉矩控制系統(tǒng)輸出轉矩波動(機械耦合)干擾的影響,隨輸出轉矩波動
13、幅度的增大,轉速控制系統(tǒng)的控制精度明顯變差。將圖4與圖5比較還可見,轉矩波動對轉速控制系統(tǒng)的干擾影響明顯大于轉速波動對轉矩控制系統(tǒng)的干擾影響。</p><p><b> 4 結 論</b></p><p> 二次調節(jié)伺服加載系統(tǒng)存在兩種耦合,一種是液壓耦合,一種是機械耦合。這兩種耦合都將對系統(tǒng)的控制性能產生干擾影響,液壓耦合干擾的影響取決于負載壓力波動,機械耦合干
14、擾的影響取決于輸出轉矩和輸出轉速波動。</p><p> 對于無任何補償的普通PID控制系統(tǒng)來講,隨著負載壓力、輸出轉矩和輸出轉速的波動幅度的增大,系統(tǒng)的控制精度明顯變差,且轉矩控制系統(tǒng)受負載壓力波動的影響大于轉速控制系統(tǒng),轉矩波動對轉速控制系統(tǒng)的影響大于轉速波動對轉矩控制系統(tǒng)的影響。采用魯棒補償方法,即在普通的PID控制基礎上,加入歸零因子環(huán)節(jié)和低通濾波器,對控制系統(tǒng)進行改進,可有效消除液壓耦合(壓力波動)和
15、機械耦合(轉速和轉矩波動)干擾的影響,實現轉速控制系統(tǒng)和轉矩控制系統(tǒng)之間的解耦,并同時使系統(tǒng)獲得很強的魯棒性,從而大大地提高系統(tǒng)的控制性能。</p><p> 附錄A2 二次調節(jié)靜液傳動技術</p><p> 1 二次調節(jié)靜液傳動技術,是對液壓能與機械能相互轉換的液壓元件進行調節(jié),來實現能量轉換和傳遞的技術。如果把液壓系統(tǒng)中機械能轉化成液壓能的元件(液壓泵),稱為一次元件或初級元件,則
16、把液壓能和機械能可以互相轉換的元件(液壓馬達/泵),稱為二次元件或次級元件3,是對液壓傳動過程進行能量的回收和重新利用,并從宏觀的角度對靜液傳動系統(tǒng)進行合理的配置以及改善其控制特性。</p><p> 基于能量回收與重新利用而提出的二次調節(jié)概念,對改善液壓傳動系統(tǒng)效率非常有效。它不但能實現功率適應,而且還可以對工作機構的制動動能和重力勢能進行回收與重新利用。同時,在網絡上還可以連接多個互不相關的負載,在驅動負載
17、的二次元件上直接控制其轉角、轉速、轉矩和功率,或通過液壓變壓器來控制其位移和速度。二次調節(jié)靜液傳動系統(tǒng)在控制與功能上的特點,為解決液壓傳動技術中目前尚未解決的某些傳動問題和替代有關傳動技術提供了有利的條件。</p><p> 2 二次調節(jié)靜液傳動系統(tǒng)的組成</p><p> 二次調節(jié)靜液傳動技術,是在恒壓網絡中對二次元件(液壓泵/馬達)進行調節(jié),通過改變其排量來適應負載的變化。二次調節(jié)
18、靜液傳動系統(tǒng)的組成如圖1所示,它主要由二次元件2、變量控制缸8、電液伺服(比例)閥7(也可以是其他控制方式)等組成。</p><p> 恒壓油源部分由單向截止閥4、恒壓變量泵和液壓蓄能器5組成。由于恒壓油源部分的動態(tài)特性較好,所以在對二次調節(jié)靜液傳動系統(tǒng)進行分析與研究時,可以不考慮油源部分的動態(tài)性能對系統(tǒng)輸出的影響,并且可認為恒壓網絡中的壓力基本保持恒定不變。這樣不僅能簡化研究的復雜性,同時也能保證研究結果的準
19、確性。</p><p> 3 二次調節(jié)靜液傳動系統(tǒng)的特點</p><p> 圖1所示的二次調節(jié)靜液傳動系統(tǒng)具有如下特點:</p><p> 1)它是壓力耦聯(lián)系統(tǒng),系統(tǒng)中的壓力基本保持不變,恒壓油源的工作壓力直接與二次元件相連。因此,在系統(tǒng)中沒有原理性的節(jié)流損失,提高了系統(tǒng)效率。</p><p> 2)通過改變二次元件排量 z的大小可改
20、變輸出轉矩 大小,從而建立起與之相適應的轉速;通過改變二次元件斜盤的擺動方向來改變二次元件的旋轉方向。液壓泵/馬達可在四個象限內運行工作,二次元件既可以工作在液壓馬達工況,也可以工作在液壓泵工況,為能量的回收和再利用創(chuàng)造了條件。</p><p> 3)液壓蓄能器回收的液壓能可滿足間歇性大功率的需要,在設備的啟動過程中能利用液壓蓄能器釋放出的能量來加速啟動過程,提高了液壓系統(tǒng)的工作效率。</p>&
21、lt;p> l一負載;2一二次元件;3一光電編碼器;4一單向截止閥;5-液壓蓄</p><p> 能器;6一過濾器;7一電液伺服閥;8一變量控制缸;9一斜盤擺角傳</p><p> 感器;10一速度控制器;l1一擺角位置控制器;12-控制放大器</p><p> 圖1 二次調節(jié)靜液傳動系統(tǒng)工作原理圖</p><p> 4)二次
22、元件的排量 :隨外負載轉矩 變化而變化,并能達到功率匹配。</p><p> 5)液壓蓄能器使系統(tǒng)不會形成壓力尖峰,可減少壓力限制元件的發(fā)熱,降低用于系統(tǒng)冷卻的功率消耗。</p><p> 6)二次元件工作于恒壓網絡,可以并聯(lián)多個互不相關的負載,實現互不相關的控制規(guī)律,而液壓泵站只需按負載的平均功率之和進行設計安裝。</p><p> 7)二次調節(jié)靜液傳動系統(tǒng)
23、提供了新的控制規(guī)律和控制結構??蓪崿F轉速控制、轉角控制、轉矩控制和功率控制。</p><p> 4 二次調節(jié)靜液傳動系統(tǒng)的工作原理</p><p> 在圖1所示的二次調節(jié)靜液傳動系統(tǒng)中,二次元件2的排量由變量控制缸8控制,變量控制缸8的流量通過電液伺服(比例)閥7控制。二次元件2轉速的變化,可由與二次元件轉軸相連的光電編碼器3(或其它測量元件)測出并轉送給速度控制器IO,斜盤擺角的變化
24、由斜盤擺角傳感器9測出并轉送給擺角位置控制器11,控制器放大器12根據一定的控制方法,產生控制信號控制電液伺服(比例)閥7,再控制變量控制缸的變化,用來控制二次元件2的斜盤傾角和方向,進而改變二次元件2的排量,從而使系統(tǒng)穩(wěn)定地工作在某一工作狀態(tài)。這個平衡狀態(tài)可產生于任何的設定轉速,通過改變電液伺服 (比例)閥7的控制信號,可以使二次元件的轉速無級變化。</p><p> 5 二次調節(jié)靜液傳動系統(tǒng)的控制方式<
25、;/p><p> 在二次調節(jié)靜液傳動系統(tǒng)中,雖然控制的參數 (位置、轉速、轉矩或功率)不同,但最終執(zhí)行元件都是相同的,并且都是通過變量控制油缸來控制二次元件的斜盤傾角。因此,可以通過對不同參數的檢測和反饋來實現多種控制功能。</p><p> 1)二次調節(jié)靜液傳動系統(tǒng)轉速控制</p><p> 圖2是液壓直接轉速控制系統(tǒng)。在系統(tǒng)中,二次元件3直接與恒壓網絡相連接,
26、測速泵4和二次元件3同軸相連,作為二次元件的測速裝置。測速泵4的輸出管路接到二次元件變量控制油缸2的右側,同時并聯(lián)節(jié)流閥(節(jié)流閥5和固定節(jié)流口6)。</p><p> 當調節(jié)節(jié)流閥5時,變量控制缸2右側的壓力將發(fā)生變化,使二次元件3的斜盤傾角也隨之改變。在恒壓網絡中,二次元件3的輸出轉矩是隨二次元件的斜盤傾角變化。</p><p> 當二次元件的斜盤傾角改變后,在外負載一定的情況下,二
27、次元件3加速或減速,二次元件轉速的變化將引起測速泵4流量的改變,這時節(jié)流閥中節(jié)流口處的壓力也隨之改變,壓力的變化使變量控制缸的活塞產生位移,推動二次元件斜盤偏轉一定角度,于是二次元件3的輸出轉矩也隨之調整,當輸出轉矩與外負載相平衡時,二次元件便穩(wěn)定在某一轉速下作恒速轉動。</p><p> 1一減壓閥;2一變量控制缸;3一二次元件;4一測速泵;5-節(jié)流</p><p> 閥;6一固定節(jié)
28、流口;7-油箱</p><p> 圖2二次調節(jié)轉速直接控制系統(tǒng)</p><p> 2)二次調節(jié)靜液傳動系統(tǒng)位置控制</p><p> 在二次調節(jié)轉速控制系統(tǒng)中加入一條二次元件輸出軸的轉角反饋回路,即構成如圖3(a)所示的電反饋二次元件位置控制系統(tǒng)。</p><p> 在這個控制系統(tǒng)中包含有變量控制缸的位移反饋,它作為控制系統(tǒng)的輔助控制
29、變量。</p><p> 3)二次調節(jié)靜液傳動系統(tǒng)轉矩控制</p><p> 在恒壓網絡中,控制二次元件的斜盤傾角為一定值,則相應的輸出轉矩也為一定值,這時可采用位移傳感器或轉矩傳感器。位移傳感器檢測變量缸的位移,如果使它為一定值,根據變量之間的相互關系,則可使輸出轉矩也為一定值。</p><p> 但是由于粘性摩擦轉矩的影響,它不能精確地控制負載轉矩。采用轉
30、矩傳感器則能實現較精確的轉矩控制。在轉矩調節(jié)系統(tǒng)中,也應實行轉速檢測監(jiān)控,防止超速。</p><p> 對于像絞車、卷揚機之類的傳統(tǒng)液壓傳動裝置,需要有恒定的牽引力,如果采用二次調節(jié)靜液傳動系統(tǒng),即為恒轉矩控制。</p><p> 1-二次元件; 2-位移傳感器;3一變量控制缸;4一電液伺服閥;5-節(jié)流閥;</p><p> 6一控制器;7.1一測速機;7.2
31、一轉矩傳感器;7.3一負載</p><p> 圖3 二次調節(jié)靜液傳動控制系統(tǒng)</p><p> 圖3(a)為轉矩控制系統(tǒng)。 圖3(b)為轉矩控制系統(tǒng)。</p><p> 4)二次調節(jié)靜液傳動系統(tǒng)功率控制</p><p> 在二次調節(jié)靜液傳動系統(tǒng)功率控制時,可以有控制壓力P。、二次元件排量 :和二次元件轉速的乘積
32、為一定值以及控制轉矩 和轉速 的乘積為一定值的兩種實現功率控制途徑:即通過檢測二次元件的輸入流量并反饋到控制器,與實際給定值比較,用這個差值來控制二次元件的排量,使輸出功率與期望值相符,如圖4(a)所示?;蚴峭ㄟ^檢測二次元件的轉速與變量控制缸的位移(排量),然后,用兩者的乘積(流量)與實際給定值進行比較,用來調節(jié)二次元件的排量,如圖4(b)所示。</p><p> a)流量檢測功率控制
33、 b)轉速檢測功率控制</p><p> 1-控制器;2-二次元件;3-位移傳感器;4-變量控制缸;5-電液伺服閥;</p><p> 6-油箱;7.1-流量計; 7.2一轉矩傳感器</p><p> 圖4 二次調節(jié)靜液傳動控制系統(tǒng)</p><p> 6 二次調節(jié)靜液傳動系統(tǒng)的應用</p><p> 由于二
34、次調節(jié)靜液傳動系統(tǒng)具有許多優(yōu)點,使它在很多領域得到廣泛地應用。國外已將其成功應用于造船工業(yè)、鋼鐵工業(yè)、大型試驗臺、車輛傳動等領域。第一套配備有二次調節(jié)閉環(huán)控制的產品,是無人駕駛集裝箱轉運車CT40,它建在鹿特丹的歐洲聯(lián)運碼頭(ECT)。</p><p> 德國的海上浮油及化學品清污船一科那西山特號,其液壓傳動設備配備有二次調節(jié)反饋控制系統(tǒng)。該系統(tǒng)可以使預選的撇沫泵和傳輸泵設備的轉速保持恒定,并使之不受由于傳輸介
35、質粘度的變化而引起的外加轉矩的影響。德累斯頓工業(yè)大學通用試驗臺,利用二次調節(jié)反饋控制的特點,可以進行能量回收及具有高反饋控制精度。</p><p> 該試驗臺能滿足實際中的嚴格要求,圖5 (a)為兩軸固定的傳動元件性能測試試驗臺,圖5(b)為三軸固定的傳動元件性能測試試驗臺,它們可以對多種不同形式的旋轉試件在接近試際運行工況的條件下進行試驗。</p><p> 除對該試驗臺有較高的動態(tài)
36、性能要求外,還對它的節(jié)能效果寄予很大希望。奔馳汽車公司也將二次調節(jié)技術應用于行駛模擬試驗臺以及 在無人駕駛運輸系統(tǒng)的行駛驅動。</p><p> l一電動機;2-一次元件;3一液壓蓄能器;4一二次元件;5一測速裝置</p><p> 圖5(a) 二次調節(jié)靜液傳動兩軸旋轉傳動試驗系統(tǒng) 圖5(b) 二次調節(jié)靜液傳動三軸旋轉傳動實驗系統(tǒng)</p><p> 它還被用于
38、液壓馬達工況工作。采用了二次調節(jié)技術的液壓抽油機具有較高的充填率和較高的循環(huán)頻率,并延長了鉆桿和抽油泵的壽命。</p><p> l一電動機;2,3-二次元件;4一電磁換向閥;5,6一溢流閥;</p><p> 7一單向閥;8-液壓蓄能器;9一液壓缸;10-行程開關</p><p> 圖6 二次調節(jié)靜液傳動系統(tǒng)應用在液壓抽油機中的工作原理圖</p>
39、<p> 市區(qū)公共汽車配備了二次調節(jié)靜液傳動系統(tǒng)后,節(jié)能效果相當顯著。如圖7所示.改造后的公共汽車由一臺軸向柱塞單元A4VSO250DS21來驅動。它圖5(b) 二次調節(jié)靜液傳動三軸旋轉傳動試驗系統(tǒng)在滿載啟動時,能給出大約180 kW 的功率,由此可使汽車在20 s內加速到它的最大速度50 km/h,而發(fā)動機的功率卻只有30 kW。其150 kW 的差值,是從液壓蓄能器中獲得的。液壓蓄能器的充壓是在制動過程中進行的。在這
40、個過程中,二次元件作為液壓泵來工作,而液壓蓄能器為下次的加速過程充壓。系統(tǒng)的流量損失,由液壓泵來補償。</p><p> 綜上所述,二次調節(jié)靜液傳動系統(tǒng)可實現能量的回收和重新利用,其主要應用在以下幾個方面:</p><p> 1)位能回收 如液壓驅動的卷揚起重機械。由于卷揚機械中有位能變化,采用二次調節(jié)靜液傳動技術可以回收其位能。它可用于起重機械和礦井提升機械,纜索機械的索道傳動,船用
41、甲板機械等 (如圖6所示);</p><p> 2)慣性能回收 如液壓驅動擺動機械和試驗裝置。應用二次調節(jié)靜液傳動技術可對擺動機械在頻繁的啟動、制動過程中產生的慣性能,進行回收和再利用(如圖7所示);</p><p> 圖7 液壓驅動擺動機械和試驗裝置</p><p> 3)群控節(jié)能 如群控作業(yè)機械。對多臺周期性工作設備共用一個動力源,這樣既節(jié)省費用又節(jié)約了能
42、源(如圖8所示)。</p><p> 1-二次元件;2-液壓蓄能器;3-壓力表4-液壓缸5-電液伺服閥6-提升機構</p><p> 圖8 多用戶并行二次調節(jié)靜液傳動系統(tǒng)</p><p><b> 附錄B 外文文獻</b></p><p><b> 附錄B1</b></p>&
43、lt;p> Proceedings of ISFP’2007:</p><p> 5th International Symposium on</p><p> Fluid Power Transmission and Control</p><p> June 6-8, 2007, Beidaihe, China</p><p&g
44、t; Analysis on Coupling Influence</p><p> of the Servo Loading System with Secondary Regulation</p><p> Wang Hui* Liu Yufeng Zhong Haibo Yang Tingting</p><p> College of Mecha
45、nical Engineering, Liaoning Technical University, Fuxin, Liaoning, 123000, China</p><p> Abstract:The mathematical model was presented for the servo loading system with secondary regulation. Control perform
46、ance under the disturbance of hydraulic and mechanical coupling was simulated with MATLAB. Simulation reveals that increasing of load pressure, output torque and rotational speed may deteriorate control precision. Load p
47、ressure fluctuation causes more influence on torque control system than on speed control system, while torque fluctuation causes more influence on speed control sy</p><p> Key words: secondary regulation;
48、hydraulic coupling; mechanical coupling.</p><p> 1. Introduction</p><p> The servo loading system with secondary regulation is a newly developed loading technology which applies to simulation
49、loading experiment of engines, gear-boxes, transmission-bridge of vehicle and many rotary elements in recent years. It is a advanced system with high efficiency and proper dynamic performance which can also realize energ
50、y recycling as well as flexible and reliable controlling [1], [2]. However, here comes in the questions of hydraulic coupling and mechanical coupling disturbance</p><p> 2. Principle of the Loading System w
51、ith Secondary Regulation</p><p> The principle of servo loading system with secondary regulation is shown in Fig.1. The constant pressure network is composed of electromotor 1, constant pressure and variabl
52、e capacity pump 2, accumulator 3, relief valve 4 and corresponding pipelines all of which provide steady and constant pressure power supply for the entire loading system. Secondary element 9 and secondary element 15 are
53、connected on the constant pressure network in parallel by the way of pressure coupling. Secondary element 9</p><p> rotational speed for loading system in which the condition of motor and also acts as a par
54、t of the rotational speed controlling system with electro-hydraulic servo valve 8, variable hydro cylinder 7, displacement transducer 6, revolution speed transducer 10 and controller 11. Secondary element 15 achieves loa
55、ding to loadable object in which the condition of pump and it composes of the control system of torque with electro-hydraulic servo valve 17, variable hydro cylinder 16, displacement transdu</p><p> 1─elect
56、romotor ; 2─constant pressure an variable capacity pump; 3─accumulator; 4─over flow valve; 5─oil box; 6,18─displacementtransducer; 7,16─variable hydro cylinder; 8,17─electro-hydraulic servovalve; 9, 15─secondary unit;
57、10─revolution speed transducer; 11,14─PID controller; 12─loadable object element; 13─revolution torque transducer</p><p> Fig.1 Principle diagram of the servo loading system with secondary regulation</
58、p><p> 3. Mathematical Model of Loading System </p><p> The mathematical model was presented for the servo loading system with secondary regulation as shown in Fig.1 and represent block diagram b
59、y simplifying and sorting out in Fig. 2. </p><p> Fig.2 Block diagram of the servo loading system</p><p> with secondary regulation</p><p> We can see that the system is a system
60、 with two-input and two-output as shown in Figure 2.The system of rotational speed control of secondary element 9 correspond to the part of NiNo. while the system of rotational torque control of secondary element 15 corr
61、espond to the part of MiMo.</p><p> Tache Gn1(S) and Gm1(S) are integrative transfer function of electro-hydraulic servo valve 8(17), variable hydro cylinder 7(16), displacement transducer 6(18) of the rota
62、tional speed controlling system and rotational torque controlling system shown in figure 2.</p><p> Tache Gn1(S) and Gm1(S) are the same if the elements of the two systems (except revolution speed transduce
63、r10 and revolution torque transducer13) are the same. The specific form as followed [3], [4]:</p><p><b> = </b></p><p><b> ?。?)</b></p><p> In the formula,
64、 Ksv、ωsv and ζsv denotes the flowed gain of electro-hydraulic servo valve, natural frequency and damping ratio; A and Ymax shows efficacious square maximal displacement of piston of variable hydro cylinder; Vmax denotes
65、 maximal displacement of secondary element; PL is the load in constant pressure network; Ky stand for transformation coefficient of displacement transducer. Gn2(S) is inertia damping tache of loading object 12(including
66、secondary element 9, revolution speed transdu</p><p> == (2)</p><p> In the formula, Jn and Rn are equivalent moment of inertia and equivalent damping coefficient of loading obje
67、ct12. Gm2(S) is inertia damping tache of secondary element 15 whose transfer function is:</p><p> = = (3)</p><p> In the formula, Jm and Rm stand for rotational inertia and dampi
68、ng coefficient of secondary element 15. Ni and No stand for input and output rotational speed in rotational speed controlling system respectively while Mi and Mo stand for input and output torque in torque controlling s
69、ystem. Kfn and Kfm are transformation coefficient of revolution speed transducer 10 and revolution torque transducer 13.</p><p> 4. Influence of the Control Performance with the Coupling Disturbance System&
70、lt;/p><p> As shown in Figure 1,the two secondary elements are connected in parallel to constant network at one end by the way of pressure and mechanical coupling with loading object, revolution speed transduc
71、er and revolution torque transducer at the other end. We make simulation of system modeling as shown in Figure 2 under the condition that the loading pressure is sine wave, output speed No and output torque Mo are square
72、 wave for analyze the influence on control performance on system caused by couplin</p><p> 1─output speed 2─output torque</p><p> Fig.3 Simulation curves under the disturbances of the&
73、lt;/p><p> load pressure fluctuation</p><p> In the Fig .3 a, b, c, d, the output-rotation speed step response of rotational speed controlling system with the wave disturbance in different loadin
74、g pressure is shown in Curve 1. Amplitude fluctuation of pressure respectively account for 0.0 percent,5.0 percent,10.0 percent and 20.0 percent of the rating value of pressure; Curve 2 show output-torque step response o
75、f control system of torque with the wave disturbance in the different pressures upwards. The wave errors of output speed are 0.1 p</p><p> In the figure 4 a, b, c, d, curve 1 show square wave response of ou
76、tput rotational speed of the control system of rotational speed. The amplitude of fluctuation account for 0.0 percent, 10.0 percent, 20.0 percent and 40.0 percent of the fixed value (500rpm) and acts as wave disturbance
77、 of torque the controlling system. Curve 2 shows step response of output torque with wave disturbance of rotational speed of the control system of torque. Wave errors of output torque with different wave disturban</p&
78、gt;<p> 1─output speed 2─output torque</p><p> Fig.4 Simulation curves under the disturbances of the output rotational speed fluctuation</p><p> In the figure 5, curve 2 shows
79、square wave response of output torque of the control system of torque which serves as wave disturbance of the controlling system of rational speed. Its amplitude of fluctuation is accounts for 0.0 percent, 10.0 percent,
80、30.0 percent and 50.0 percent of the fixed value (300N.m).Curve 1 shows step response of output rotational speed with wave disturbance of torque of the control system of rotational speed. Wave errors of output rotational
81、 speed with different wave di</p><p> 1─output speed 2─-output torque</p><p> Fig.5 Simulation curves under the disturbances of the output torque fluctuation</p><p> Curve
82、 1 is step response of output rotational speed of the rotational speed control system under various torque fluctuation interference upward, From curve 1, fluctuation error of output rotational speed under various torque
83、fluctuation interference upward are respective 0.0%, 4.0%, 8.0%, 13.6%. It is obvious that control performance of the rotational speed control system is affected by output torque fluctuation interference that also means
84、mechanism coupling of the torque control system </p><p> Comparing Fig.4 with Fig.5,we will also find that the effect torque fluctuation on the rotational speed control system is more than the effect rotati
85、onal speed fluctuation on the torque control system.</p><p> 5. Conclusions</p><p> There are two couplings in servo loading system of secondary regulation. One is hydraulic coupling and the o
86、ther is mechanical coupling. The two couplings will have influenced on the control performance of system. </p><p> The influence of hydraulic coupling disturbance lies on pressure fluctuation of loading and
87、 the influence of mechanical coupling lies on output torque fluctuation and</p><p> output revolution fluctuation. Control precision of system decreases with the increase pressure of loading, output speed a
88、nd amplitude of fluctuation of output rotational speed. </p><p> Also, the influence from loading pressure fluctuation on torque controlling system is larger than it is on rotational speed controlling syste
89、m while influence from torque fluctuation on rotational speed controlling system is greater than it is on torque controlling system.</p><p> References</p><p> [1]Tian Lianfang. Study of loadi
90、ng technique and control method of torque servo system with secondary regulation, [Ph. Degree thesis] Harbin, Harbin Institute of Technology, 1997:12?28 (in Chinese) </p><p> [2]Kim C S, Lee C O. Load insen
91、sitive hydrostatic drive with control of the secondary unit, In: 4th International Conference on Fluid Power, Transmission and Control, China Hang Zhou, 2000: 124?128.</p><p> [3]Wang Zhan Lin. Recent hydra
92、ulics control, Beijin, Mechanical industry publishing house, 1999:125?138 (in Chinese)</p><p><b> 附錄B2</b></p><p> Research on Generalized Secondary regulation hydrostatic transmis
93、sion </p><p> Properties Li Wanguo Wang Zhanlin Beihang University,Beijng,100083</p><p> Abstract:The fundamental properties of hydraulic— secondary— control— system was analyhanic- electric-
94、hydraulic- system ,then the concept of generalized secondary control was presented.By an example of a reversibly running mechanic-electric- hydraulic- system.the generalized secondary control system was analyzed,whose ge
95、neral properties were summa rized. Secondary regulation hydrostatic transmission zed,and according to the similarity of mechanics to electgy conversion for the regulation of h</p><p> If the hydraulic sys
96、tem of mechanical energy into hydraulic components (pump), referred to as a primary component or components, swooped hydraulic and mechanical energy can be interchangeable components (hydraulic motor / pump), referred to
97、 as the secondary component or sub-components Of hydraulic energy transmission process of recovery and reuse, and from the perspective of macro-hydrostatic transmission for a reasonable configuration and improve its cont
98、rol characteristics. Based on the energy</p><p> At the same time, the network can also be connected to a number of unrelated load, load the driver on the secondary component of the direct control of its co
99、rner speed, torque and power, or through the transformer to control the hydraulic displacement and speed.</p><p> Secondary regulation of the hydrostatic transmission system control and functional haracteri
100、stic. To solve hydraulic drive technology currently, some unresolved issues and alternative transmission of the drive technology to provide favorable for the condition. </p><p> Two secondary regulation hyd
101、rostatic drive system components </p><p> Secondary regulation hydrostatic transmission technology is the constant pressure of the secondary network components (pump/motor) regulation, by adapting to their
102、displacement load changes. Secondary regulation hydrostatic drive system components as shown in Figure 1, mainly from secondary component 2, 8-cylinder control variables, electrohydraulic servo (ratio) valve 7 (also can
103、be controlled in other ways) and so on. </p><p> Constant voltage source of oil in part by closing valve 4 in one way , the constant voltage variable pump and hydraulic accumulator five components. As part
104、of constant pressure oil source dynamic characteristics better, in the secondary regulation hydrostatic transmission system for analysis and research, can not be considered part of the oil source dynamic performance of t
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- 基于二次調節(jié)的減速器加載試驗臺設計論文.doc
- 基于二次調節(jié)的減速器加載試驗臺設計論文[帶圖紙]
- 基于二次調節(jié)的減速器加載試驗臺設計開題報告.doc