已閱讀1頁,還剩7頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、<p><b>  附 錄</b></p><p><b>  附錄A 外文資料</b></p><p>  A. market situation analysis and research trend</p><p>  A. is half hanged tractor, dump truck, ca

2、r, tank car, van, the special structure of hoisting lift car, store house bar car, and other special vehicles. From abroad, the development of the car industry, the development trend of auto specialty. In the 20th centur

3、y 70, 80 time, the main functions of the developed countries of specialized automobile vehicles is 50% of the quantities, now has been increased to 80 %. China's current below 25 %. China has joined the WTO, developi

4、ng automobile industry </p><p>  In recent years, China's special automobile industry. In 1990, the production of specialized automobile enterprises about 500, 2000, has 756 home auto production enterpri

5、se of total 884 85.5 per cent. In 1998, our special automobile production of 14.95 million vehicles, the total of the auto production, 1999 respectively 21.2% 17.41 million vehicles and achieve 17.28 million vehicles. In

6、 2001, and special markets are almost the entire automotive market occupation deodorants.</p><p>  Currently our special automobile market has the following five basic features:</p><p>  1.Speci

7、al-purpose automobile production and demand truly reflects many varieties, small batch. Special automobile refitting enterprise development and production has many varieties, seriation, pluralism characteristics in diffe

8、rent periods, market, adjust the different needs of different products production scale. This feature in cars and ordinary greatly vehicles. Generally speaking, the box truck, traction semi-trailer, etc, in demand more t

9、han tipper, alone can reach up to 10 million, most sp</p><p>  2.Our special automobile recent price advantage, part of a product is competitive. Domestic main varieties, such as special automobile, refriger

10、ator, semi-trailers concrete pump truck, car, transport and accessory part oilfield as lifting transporter through cooperation, technology or imported special device, approaching or partial reached international advanced

11、 level, price competition with the ability of foreign products. To demand greater products, such as heavy, medium dump truck, car, tank </p><p>  3.Special-purpose automobile service fields, market prospect

12、is anacreontic, different period of different, but can appear more hot hot exists. In 2001, for example, the country increased infrastructure investment, especially in infrastructure, increasing investment in the constru

13、ction of the Midwest, plus such as "west-east gas transmission" and "electricity", "water", the qinghai-tibet railway and highway construction of domestic several large project startup, heav

14、y exclusive up year-on-year, </p><p>  4.Market calls stronger technical content, specificity of special products, but higher market supply capacity. Because China's most exclusive enterprise development

15、 ability weak, capital, technology appear quite a number of domestic enterprises do not have enough to eat, a. a. market and pretty much on imports to fill the position. A. as heavy, domestic production, and the market m

16、ore than 70 species to 200 types, 500 cultivars, can satisfy the market companies within 30%. In addition, because m</p><p>  5.Special-purpose automobile production enterprises, the market management of the

17、 good and bad are intermingled. A. industry various mechanisms, organization form is diversified. There, the state-run private, There are limited liability company, joint stock limited company is, Also belong to differen

18、t industries, mode of production and management by truck chassis refitting, market, easy to interference. Illegally assembled and selling product certification phenomenon in all, which seriously inte</p><p>

19、  Although our special automobile industry development prospects and success, but compared with special automobile enterprises abroad, there are still great difference.</p><p>  1.The labor productivity sign

20、ificantly lower. In 1999, special production enterprises, the output value per person for 0.98 million yuan, the profit for 11.13 0.015 yuan per person. And the three indexes, Japan in early 1990 to 12.5 million cars, an

21、d the period 37.5 million.</p><p>  2.Product technical level is relatively backward. Mainly displays in: (1) the utilization coefficient, low quality of same type, with more than 20 foreign heavy vehicle to

22、nnage; % ~ 30 % 2 special function satisfaction than the same products abroad backward 5 ~ 10 years, 3 man-computer engineering application, adaptive performance is not strong, high technology USES less, 4 vehicle reliab

23、ility, sealing and durability, and noise pollution emission.</p><p>  3.Product development ability is poor. Our special automobile varieties are mostly through a generic, and high technology products throug

24、h introducing technology or product to make appropriate improvement "and" localization, the lack of real independent innovation products development.</p><p>  The international competition ability

25、is weak. Our special cars with low coefficient of international competitiveness, import and export trade, and the import value difference of specialized automobile mainly from Europe and Japan and other developed countri

26、es, mainly exports southeast Asia and Africa is the object of the developing countries.In the tenth-five period special-purpose automobile development trend.</p><p>  Along with the national "tenth five

27、-year plan" period, the steady development of the national economy and the market economic system, and the improvement of electronic and information and automation technology in the automotive industry, the developm

28、ent of domestic special-purpose automobile will appear as follows:</p><p>  1."The special market demand growth, and the market will be more competitive, special production enterprises gradually to the

29、polarization. According to the country "special" tenth five-year plan "period", "tenth-five period special-purpose automobile needs to 10% annual growth rate increases, in 2005, our various speci

30、al automobile market demand for 34 million cars, trucks of production equipments, including the 35 million, 41.8 14.1 %, Tractor semi-trailer 4.8 million vehicles, 14%, Van car 85</p><p>  2.The special dema

31、nd more diversified and some special function, special products will ChongXingHua, special function to high technical content, the direction of development. Large-tonnage heavy vehicle transportation safety, high, low co

32、st, and transportation units in some developed countries of the main highway transportation of container trailer is heavy, tank truck and various special semi-trailer, the special production and heavy mainly are the tota

33、l quantities of 80 %. Our special cars by </p><p>  3.Car production flexibility, automation, professional to produce and coordination network development, design and development of CAD technology of virtual

34、 technology is widely used to test technology, intelligent, systematic development direction. A. "many varieties, small batch, short cycle" characteristics, product updates faster, market demand diversity, pers

35、onalized towards the direction of development, the traditional pattern of all-round enterprise competitiveness, will lose all forms of </p><p>  附錄B 外文資料中文翻譯</p><p>  專用車市場現(xiàn)狀分析及趨勢研究</p>&

36、lt;p>  專用車是自卸車、半掛牽引車、廂式車、罐式車、起重舉升車、特種結構車、倉柵車等專用載貨汽車的統(tǒng)稱。從國外汽車工業(yè)的發(fā)展來看,載貨汽車專用化的發(fā)展趨勢比較明顯。20世紀70、80年代,主要發(fā)達國家的專用汽車保有量占載貨汽車保有量的50%左右,如今已增至80%。而我國目前低于25%。我國已加入WTO ,汽車工業(yè)發(fā)展正面臨巨大的挑戰(zhàn),專用汽車是汽車工業(yè)的重要組成部分,受到影響是不可避免的。隨著經(jīng)濟的發(fā)展和基礎設施建設的加快,

37、我國將需要大量的專用汽車,因此“十五”期間我國專用車發(fā)展將真正駛入“快車道”。</p><p>  近年來,我國專用汽車行業(yè)蓬勃發(fā)展。1990年全國生產(chǎn)專用汽車的企業(yè)約500多家, 2000年已達756家,占汽車生產(chǎn)企業(yè)總數(shù)884家的85.5%。1998年我國專用汽車產(chǎn)量達14.95萬輛,占當年全國載貨汽車總產(chǎn)量的21.2% ,1999年產(chǎn)銷分別達到17.41萬輛和17.28萬輛。2001年專用車市場穩(wěn)中有升,其

38、產(chǎn)銷幾乎占領整個載貨汽車市場的半壁江山。目前我國專用汽車市場具有如下五個基本特征:</p><p>  1.專用汽車的生產(chǎn)和需求真正體現(xiàn)了多品種、小批量。專用汽車改裝企業(yè)的開發(fā)和生產(chǎn)具有多品種、系列化、多元化的特點,企業(yè)針對市場不同時期的不同需求,調(diào)整不同系列產(chǎn)品的產(chǎn)量比例。這一特征大大區(qū)別于轎車和普通載貨汽車。一般而言,廂式運輸車、牽引半掛車等年需求量較大,達萬輛以上,自卸車可達10萬輛左右,大多數(shù)專用汽車的需

39、求量僅數(shù)百輛至數(shù)千輛,有的甚至幾輛或幾十輛。</p><p>  2.我國專用汽車近期略有價格優(yōu)勢,部分產(chǎn)品尚具競爭力。國內(nèi)專用汽車主要品種,例如半掛車、冷藏車、混凝土泵車、高空作業(yè)車、部分油田用車和隨車起重運輸車等通過合資合作、引進技術或引進專用裝置,已接近或部分達到國外先進水平,價格上具有與國外產(chǎn)品競爭的能力。對需求量較大的產(chǎn)品,如重、中型自卸車、廂式車、罐式運輸車和作業(yè)車等,有較穩(wěn)定的國內(nèi)市場。</p

40、><p>  3.專用汽車服務領域廣闊,市場前景明朗,不同時期有著不同的熱點,而且可以出現(xiàn)多個熱點并存的局面。以2001年為例,由于國家加大了基礎建設的投入,特別是加大了對中西部基礎設施建設的投資,加上諸如“西氣東輸”、“西電東送”、“南水北調(diào)”、青藏鐵路及國內(nèi)幾條高速公路建設等大型項目的啟動,重型專用車火爆起來,同比增長了84.5 %;與此同時,高速公路的發(fā)展使公路貨運進一步專業(yè)化、集約化, 各類廂式運輸車、半掛牽

41、引車和專用運輸車的社會需求量有了很大提高,僅半掛牽引車,同比增長達90%左右,成為專用車行業(yè)的一匹黑馬。</p><p>  4.市場呼喚專用性更強、技術含量更高的專用車產(chǎn)品,但市場供給能力不足。由于我國大部分專用車企業(yè)開發(fā)能力較弱,資金技術不足,因而出現(xiàn)了國內(nèi)相當數(shù)量的專用車企業(yè)吃不飽,又有相當多專用車市場靠進口來填補的局面。如重型專用車,國內(nèi)生產(chǎn)70余種, 而市場需要200個種類、500個品種,國產(chǎn)車只能滿足

42、市場的30%。此外,由于許多行業(yè)對專用汽車技術性能要求很高,國內(nèi)產(chǎn)品一時很難達到要求,如機場專用汽車、高速公路維護管理專用車、高級醫(yī)療急救車等;又如運鈔車國內(nèi)市場容量很大,而國內(nèi)企業(yè)的產(chǎn)品很少能達到C級防彈要求。</p><p>  5.專用汽車生產(chǎn)企業(yè)良莠不齊,市場管理難度較大。專用車行業(yè)多種機制并存, 組織形式是多樣化的。有國營的,民營的;有有限責任公司, 也有股份有限公司;又分屬不同行業(yè)管理,生產(chǎn)方式又以載

43、貨車底盤改裝為主,市場不規(guī)范,容易受到干擾。非法拼裝和買賣產(chǎn)品合格證的現(xiàn)象在各地時有發(fā)生,嚴重干擾了專用汽車市場。專用汽車生產(chǎn)企業(yè)多,大多為中小企業(yè),企業(yè)間的差異較大。根據(jù)對530家改裝企業(yè)1999年產(chǎn)量的統(tǒng)計,產(chǎn)量1000 輛以上的企業(yè)只有47家, 占8.9%; 產(chǎn)量100輛以下的企業(yè)卻高達229家,占43.2%。其中有45家產(chǎn)量不足10輛。近年來, 政府加強了對專用汽車市場管理,加大整頓和打擊力度,市場環(huán)境大有好轉,逐步向正規(guī)化邁進

44、。盡管我國專用汽車行業(yè)的發(fā)展成績斐然,前景廣闊,但是與國外專用汽車企業(yè)相比,仍然存在較大的差異。</p><p>  1.勞動生產(chǎn)率明顯較低。1999年我國專用車企業(yè)人均產(chǎn)量為0.98輛,人均產(chǎn)值為11.13萬元,人均利潤為0.015萬元。而上述三項指標,日本早在1990年就分別達到12.5輛、37.5萬元和4.85萬元。</p><p>  2.產(chǎn)品技術水平相對落后。主要表現(xiàn)在:(1)質(zhì)

45、量利用系數(shù)低,同類型、同噸位車比國外重20 %~30 %; (2)專用功能滿足度比國外同類產(chǎn)品落后5~10 年;(3)人機工程應用不充分, 適應性能不強,高技術采用較少;(4)車輛的可靠性、密封性和耐久性較差,排放和噪聲污染較為嚴重。</p><p>  3.產(chǎn)品開發(fā)能力差。我國專用汽車品種大多是通過仿制而來,少數(shù)高技術產(chǎn)品則是通過引進技術或參照國外產(chǎn)品做適度“國產(chǎn)化改進”而成,缺乏真正獨立開發(fā)的創(chuàng)新產(chǎn)品。<

46、;/p><p>  4.國際競爭能力較弱。我國專用汽車的國際競爭力系數(shù)較低,進出口貿(mào)易價值差異較大,且進口專用汽車主要來自歐美和日本等發(fā)達國家,出口對象主要是東南亞和非洲的發(fā)展中國家。</p><p>  隨著國家“十五”規(guī)劃的逐步展開,國民經(jīng)濟的穩(wěn)步發(fā)展和市場經(jīng)濟體制的日趨完善,以及電子、信息和自動化技術在汽車工業(yè)的廣泛應用,國內(nèi)專用汽車的發(fā)展將呈現(xiàn)如下趨勢:</p><

47、p>  1.“十五”期間我國專用車市場需求將快速增長, 而市場競爭更加激烈,專用車生產(chǎn)企業(yè)逐步向兩極分化。根據(jù)國家《專用汽車“十五”規(guī)劃》,“十五”期間專用汽車需求以10%左右的年增長率遞增,到2005年,我國各類專用汽車的市場需求總量為34萬輛,占當年載貨車產(chǎn)量的35% ,其中自卸車14.1萬輛,占41.8 %;牽引半掛車4.8萬輛,占14%;廂式車8.5萬輛,占25%;罐式車3.3萬輛, 占9.5%; 起重舉升車1.35萬輛,

48、 占4%;特種結構車1.7萬輛,占5%;倉柵式車0.2萬輛,占0.7%。預計“十五”末期,全國專用汽車擁有量將達275.3萬輛。面對如此商機,加之“入世”帶來的更多國外產(chǎn)品的沖擊,專用汽車生產(chǎn)企業(yè)間的競爭再度加劇,國內(nèi)專用車生產(chǎn)企業(yè)將出現(xiàn)強者更強、弱者愈弱、弱肉強食的局面,專用車企業(yè)將進一步聯(lián)合、兼并、重組,而且租賃、民營也會成為專用車企業(yè)改革的模式之一。</p><p>  2.專用車的需求更加多元化, 一些具

49、有特殊功能的專用車應運而生,產(chǎn)品將向重型化、專用功能強、技術含量高的方向發(fā)展。大噸位重型車運輸高速、安全,單位運輸成本低,歐美一些發(fā)達國家的高速公路的主要運輸工具是以重型集裝箱半掛車、罐式運輸車以及各種專用半掛車為主,重型專用車生產(chǎn)量和保有量均占其總量的80 %左右。我國專用汽車受公路條件和專用車底盤生產(chǎn)的限制,一直以中型車為主,重型專用車的比例明顯偏低。隨著我國經(jīng)濟和交通環(huán)境的改善,行業(yè)對專用汽車尤其是重型專用汽車的需求越來越大,重型

50、自卸車、散裝水泥車、混凝土攪拌車、高空消防車、壓縮式垃圾車、灑水車、市政用車、油田專用車等重型專用車將更加贏得用戶的青睞。同時對專用車的專業(yè)化程度和技術含量要求也越來越高,誕生出許多新的專用車種類。到2005年,重、中、輕型車的比例可望由目前的1∶6∶3 逐步演變?yōu)?∶4∶3的合理構成比。品種將由1998年的223個種類,1372個品種,增加到2005年的300個種類,3000個品種。</p><p>  3.專

51、用車生產(chǎn)向柔性化、自動化、專業(yè)化以及生產(chǎn)協(xié)作配套網(wǎng)絡化發(fā)展,設計技術向CAD發(fā)展, 虛擬技術得到廣泛應用,測試技術向智能化、系統(tǒng)化方向發(fā)展。專用車具有“多品種、小批量、短周期”的特點, 產(chǎn)品的更新速度越來越快, 市場需求朝著多元化、個性化方向發(fā)展,傳統(tǒng)的小而全的企業(yè)模式將喪失競爭力,各種形式的合作開發(fā)、生產(chǎn)和營銷方式應運而生,快速響應市場需求,柔性生產(chǎn)、異地設計、異地加工越來越被眾多企業(yè)所采用。CAD技術對縮短專用車產(chǎn)品開發(fā)周期、提高產(chǎn)


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