1、<p> 中文4900字,2900單詞,15500英文字符</p><p> The SPFTZ can be compared with the Shenzhen special economic zone near Hong Kong 35 years ago, which ushered in reforms and spectacular growth.</p><p&g
2、t; a. Why a Pilot FTZ? A New Stage for China’s Economy, and Structural Imbalance</p><p> China has accomplished major economic development in the new millennium. According to the World Bank’s World Develop
3、ment Indicators,1 China’s GDP in the year 2001 when she joined the WTO was 1.535 trillion (constant 2005 US$). By 2013, it was 4.864 trillion, reflecting an annual rate of increase of 10.09 per cent. By comparison, the w
4、orld total economy in the same period increased from 41.02 trillion to 55.94 trillion, with an annual rate of increase of only 2.62 per cent. In these 12 years, Chi</p><p> China’s macroeconomic performance
5、 in the past decade reflects high domestic investment, high dependence on the foreign market and a low consumption ratio. The proportion of China’s gross capital formation in the world tripled from 6.3 per cent in 2001 t
6、o 16.9 per cent in 2012, increasing from US$575 billion to US$2.17 trillion, not much less than United States’ 2.81 trillion. The annual growth rate of China’s gross capital formation has been intwo digits, since 2001, p
7、eaking in 2009 at 19.3 per </p><p> To increase investment, China relies not only on domestic saving, but also on foreign capital inflows. In 2001, the ratio of gross domestic saving to GDP in China was 38.
8、4 per cent, more than two-thirds higher than the world average ratio of 22.8 per cent. In 2006, that ratio in China increased to 50.7 per cent, and has remained at more than 50 per cent since. China is also a main destin
9、ation for global foreign direct investment (FDI). In 2001, the net inflow of FDI into China was 44.2 billion U</p><p> The productive capacities induced by high investment and low domestic consumption found
10、 an outlet in an export-oriented trade policy with a fixed-exchange rate policy. In 2001, exports of goods and services by China were 400 billion in 2005 constant US$, about 4 per cent of the world. In 2013, China’s expo
11、rts reached 1.92 trillion, more than 10 per cent of the world. Since China exported much more than she imported, the trade balance increased stea-dily, from 47.7 billion in 2001 to 342 billion </p><p> With
12、 both increasing foreign capital inflows and a trade imbalance induced by a fixed-ex-change rate, as well as hot money for speculative RMB appreciation, China’s foreign reserves increased rapidly. The value of China’s to
13、tal reserves in 2001 was 220 billion current US$, and by 2013, it had increased to 3.88 trillion, more than triple the second largest reserve holder Japan’s 1.27 trillion (Figure 4).</p><p> While the econo
14、mic accomplishments noted above are universally recognised, the current development model of China has drawbacks and cannot sustain itself for another one or two decades.</p><p> SHANGHAI FTZ: BACKGROUND, D
15、EVELOPMENTS AND IMPACTS</p><p> First, the world has less capacity to accommodate China’s future development in the same way. China’s GDP per capita in 2013 was 3,583 in constant 2005 US$, about 45 per cent
16、 of the world average of 7,852. If China and the world maintain a growth rate of GDP per capita of the past 12 years, of 9.5 and 1.4 per cent, respectively,3 China would reach the world aver-age GDP per capita in a decad
17、e, by 2023. But this would mean China’s gross domestic savings accounts for 70 per cent of her GDP, export</p><p> Second, China cannot afford the environmental costs accompanying her current development pa
18、ttern for another decade. China accounts for 20 per cent of world energy consumption and 25 per cent of CO2 emissions, and the PM10 level is 35 per cent higher than the world average. According to the WHO, there are 16 C
19、hinese cities in the top 20 most heavily air-polluted cities of the world, including Tianjin, Chongqing, Shenyang and Beijing (Figure 5).</p><p> Third, the national income of China may not be as large as h
20、er GDP appears. Lacking technology and patents, Chinese firms are usually at the bottom of the product value curve, using unskilled labour to produce low-technology production such as assembling, and earning a small shar
21、e of profit. According to the recent research by two Asian Development Bank economists, Xing and Detert (2010), when China exports an Apple iPhone, she only receives US$6.5 as the manufacturing fee in the total cost of $
22、</p><p> If the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone can be seen as a symbol of the traditional development model in past three decades, it is the SPFTZ that is aimed to be another symbol for the new development
23、model in the following decades.</p><p> b. A Pilot Zone for Reform, Not Just for Trade</p><p> It is not accidental that a pilot free trade zone should to be located in Shanghai, which is the
24、largest city in China and also the financial and economic centre. Consisting of only 0.06 per cent of China’s total area, the GDP of Shanghai accounts for 3.8 per cent of China’s total in 2013. Shanghai is leading China
25、in the international economic and trade sector, with container handling accounting for 17.8 per cent of China’s total, goods import and export amount accounting for 19.5 per cent and </p><p> Located on the
26、 outskirts of Shanghai, the SPFTZ covers four existing ‘bonded zones’, shown in Table 1. Although named as a ‘free trade zone’, the SPFTZ is from the beginning actually a pilot zone for reform, not just for trade. The di
27、fference between the SPFTZ and other free trade areas (FTAs) lies mainly in the following. First, the SPFTZ is not an area established by bilateral or multilateral negotiations, but a unilateral policy trial area of the
28、Chinese government. A FTA, or equally a Free T</p><p> According to the RTA database of WTO, (http://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/region_e/rta_pta_e.htm) there are currently 109 FTAs in the world, all of th
29、em cover goods. Among them about half (54) are between two countries, and half are among three or more countries. There are also 115 FTA and economic integration agreements (EIAs) with coverage on both goods and services
30、, among them 71 are between two countries, and another 44 are among three or more countries. China has signed 11 FTA and EIAs wit</p><p> The SPFTZ is more like the alternative form of a Free Trade Zone, wh
31、ich refers to a geographic area where goods may be landed, handled, manufactured or reconfigured, and re-exported without the intervention of the customs authorities. Only when goods are moved to consumers within the cou
32、ntry in which the zone is located do they become subject to prevailing customs duties. Such free trade zones are organised around major seaports, international airports and national frontiers – areas with many ge</p&g
33、t;<p> Second, the SPFTZ is not aimed at free trade with other countries, but rather emphasises new reform methods.</p><p> The traditional development model of China has three economic pillars: an
34、investment pol-icy encouraging FDI in assembling industry to absorb excess labour, a trade policy encouraging exports to sell the excess products thus produced and a financial policy aimed at stabilising an undervalued R
35、MB exchange rate. The SPFTZ is designed to accommodate these directions of policy.</p><p> According to the overall plan for the SPFTZ designed by the State Council, the central government of China, the maj
36、or tasks of the SPFTZ include the following. First is the opening up of new investment sectors. In the past, China has welcomed FDIs, while maintaining strict controls on other capital inflows. In the SPFTZ, financial se
37、rvices, transportation services, commerce and trade services, professional services, cultural services and public services sectors are to be enlarged and opened, and</p><p> Second comes the promotion of a
38、transformation of China’s trade development approach. To change from a low value added trade pattern, the SPFTZ is cultivating new trading types and functions, aiming to increase China’s competitive advantage and enhance
39、 their position in the global trade value chain by focusing on the development of technology, brands, quality and service. Multinational companies are encouraged to set up Asia–Pacific regional head-quarters and/or opera
40、tion centres with comprehens</p><p> Thirdly, the deepening of innovation and opening up of financial services. Under proper risk control, the SPFTZ will pilot RMB capital account convertibility, interest r
41、ate liberalisation and cross-border use of the RMB. In the SPFTZ, the assets of financial institutions will be recorded at market rates. The SPFTZ will explore a trial foreign exchange administrative system that is in li
42、ne with international practices to better facilitate trade and investment. Enterprises are encouraged to levera</p><p> c. Comparison of SPFTZ and Other Special Economic Areas</p><p> There ar
43、e several other special economic areas in China, some have a degree of comparability with the SPFTZ. One is Qianhai, the modern service industry cooperation zone of Shenzhen and Hong Kong. Another is the financial cooper
44、ation between China and Singapore in the Suzhou Industrial Park (SZIP). Table 2 lists a comparison among these areas in their financial policies.</p><p> 3. DEVELOPMENTS IN THE PAST YEAR</p><p>
45、; After one year’s operation, the SPFTZ has already met several important policy objectives.</p><p> a. Legal and Regulatory System</p><p> The 12th National Congress Standing Committee autho
46、rised the State Council to temporarily adjust certain administrative examination and approval requirements under ‘Law of the People’s Republic of China on Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprises’, ‘Law of the People’s Republic
47、of China on Sino-Foreign Equity Joint Venture Companies ’and ‘Law of the People’s Republic of China on Sino-Foreign Cooperative Joint Venture Companies’, and such adjustments will be implemented in the next three years f
48、rom 1 Oct</p><p> The regulatory environment for supervision and tax has also been improved. In the SPFTZ, a foreign investment project no longer need to apply for confirmation from Chinese government, unle
49、ss it involves the negative list. As for business registration, the administration for industry and commerce has adopted a registered capital contributions system, which is a reform to the former registered capital paid-
50、up system.The administration of quality supervision, inspection and quarantine allocates a s</p><p> b. Negative List for Foreign Investment</p><p> On 30 September 2013, the Shanghai municipa
51、l government published special management recommendations for foreign investment in SPFTZ (2013 version), usually called ‘negative list’, which covers 1,069 businesses in 89 divisions within 18 main categories. There are
52、 also 190 regulations on the conduct of business. Any sectors not on the list are open to foreign investors. Since the 2013 version of the list was quite similar to the existing Foreign Investment Industrial Guidance Cat
53、alogue, the Shang</p><p> c. Trade Facilitation</p><p> In the past year, the Customs, Inspection and Quarantine Bureau and Maritime Affairs Administration of SPFTZ have provided more than 60
54、new policies on trade facilitation. The basic policy is ‘first-line decontrolled; second-line controlled safely and efficiently, and free movement within the FTZ’. The so-called first-line refers to the border, and secon
55、d-line refers to the domestic market boundary (Guan, 2014). The Shanghai Customs have provided 23 regulations, including entering FTZ first and </p><p> d. Financial Innovation</p><p> Four fi
56、nancial supervisors, namely the People’s Bank of China (PBoC) and three regulatory commissions on banking, securities and insurance, have adopted 51 new regulating methods to build a new financial architecture in the SPF
57、TZ.</p><p> (i) Free Trade Accounts</p><p> The PBOC issued Implementing Rules on accounts differentiating in the SPFTZ on 22 May 2014, which set out the regulation of free trade accounts. Acc
58、ording to the rules, financial institutions in Shanghai can build a Free Trade Accounting Unit (FTU), which is separate from the institution’s other accounting system. The accounts are called free trade accounts, in whic
59、h both domestic currency (RMB) and foreign currencies are regulated by the same rules. Both organizations and individuals are qualif</p><p> (ii) Currency Exchange and Remittance for Investment and Financin
60、g</p><p> According to the Opinions of the PBOC on Financial Measures to Support the SPFTZ (The People’s Bank of China, 2013), cross-border payment, receipt and exchange involved in direct investment by ent
61、erprises can be processed directly by banks. Eligible individuals who are employed in the FTZ can make various kinds of overseas investment, including securities investment. The capital market is thus opened up steadily
62、by these developments. Financial institutions and enterprises in the FTZ can make in</p><p> (iii) Interest Rate Marketisation</p><p> The PBOC, Shanghai Head Office, removed the interest cap
63、on retail foreign currency deposited in Shanghai from 27 June 2014. Financial institutions in Shanghai can price independently the foreign currency deposits of enterprise clients. The interest cap for foreign currency de
64、posits of individual clients will be removed later.</p><p> (iv) RMB Cross-Border Use</p><p> The PBOC, Shanghai Head Office, issued detailed rules supporting RMB cross-border use in the SPFTZ
65、 on the 21 February 2014. According to these rules, banks in Shanghai can provide cross-border RMB settlement services directly in current accounts and direct investment accounts to their clients. Individuals employed in
66、 the SPFTZ can open bank settlement accounts for cross-border RMB transactions under current accounts. The non-bank financial institutions and enterprises in the SPFTZ can borrow RMB</p><p> 上海自由貿(mào)易區(qū)相較于35年前臨
67、近香港的深圳經(jīng)濟特區(qū)的發(fā)展來說,它迎來了新的改革和驚人的增長。</p><p> a. 為什么一個試點保稅區(qū)對于中國的經(jīng)濟和結構失衡來說是一個新的階段?</p><p> 在新的千年里,中國已經(jīng)實現(xiàn)了重大的經(jīng)濟發(fā)展。根據(jù)世界銀行的世界發(fā)展指標,1 中國在2001年加入世貿(mào)組織時,她的國內(nèi)生產(chǎn)總值為1.535萬億(2005年不變價美元)。到2013 年,它是4.864萬億,呈現(xiàn)出10.0
69、<p> 在過去十年里中國的宏觀經(jīng)濟表現(xiàn)反映出了高的國內(nèi)投資,高的海外市場依存度和低消費率。中國在世界中的總資本形成比例從2001年6.3%增至2012年16.9%,從5750億美元增長到2.17萬億美元,將近3倍的增長,并不比美國的2.81萬億少多少。中國總資本形成的年增長率一直是兩位數(shù),自從2001 年以來,急劇增長到2009年的19.3%,而其他主要經(jīng)濟體在2008年全球金融危機之后,其總資本形成的比例在2009年下
70、降了逾10% (圖2)。 </p><p> 為了增加投資,中國不僅依靠國內(nèi)儲蓄,而且還依賴外國資本流入。2001年,國內(nèi)儲蓄總額對我國GDP的比率是38.4%,高于世界平均比例22.8%的三分之二還多。2006年,在中國的這個比例增加到50.7%,超過了它一直以來所保持的50%以上。中國也是全球外商直接投資(FDI)的主要目的地。2001年,進入中國的外商直接投資凈流入了442億美元,約占世界的6.1%,這在
71、2013年增加至US$3480億,約占世界(24.2%)的四分之一 (圖3)。</p><p> 高投資所誘發(fā)的生產(chǎn)能力和低國內(nèi)消費找到了一條以固定匯率政策,出口為導向的貿(mào)易政策的出路。2001年,中國的出口商品和服務是2005年不變價美金4000億,約占世界的4%。在2013 年,中國的出口額達到1.92萬億,超過世界總額的10%。由于中國出口遠遠大于她的進口,使貿(mào)易收支穩(wěn)定的增長,從2001年的477億漲到
72、2013年的3420億。</p><p> 隨著越來越多的外國資本的流入和固定不變價匯率引起的貿(mào)易失衡,以及投機人民幣升值的熱錢,中國的外匯儲備迅速增加。2001年我國總儲備的價值是2200億的現(xiàn)價美元,到2013 年,增加到3.88萬億,以超過日本1.27萬億三倍之多,成為第二大外匯儲備持有國(圖4)。</p><p> 雖然上述的經(jīng)濟成就是舉世公認的,但目前中國的發(fā)展模式有其弊端,
73、不能繼續(xù)維持十年或二十年的發(fā)展。</p><p> 上海保稅區(qū):背景、發(fā)展和影響</p><p> 首先,世界沒有能力以同樣的發(fā)展方式去適應中國未來的發(fā)展。中國的人均國內(nèi)生產(chǎn)總值在2013是3583,2005不變價美元,約占世界平均水平7852的45%。如果中國和世界保持人均GDP在過去12年的增長率,分別為9.5%和1.4%, 3中國在未來的十年里也就是2023年,將達到世界人均GD
74、P。這就意味著中國國內(nèi)儲蓄總額占其國內(nèi)生產(chǎn)總值的70%,出口額占世界的25%,而且她可以容納全球外商直接投資的59%,4但這是不可能發(fā)生的。5因為中國已經(jīng)成為世界第二大經(jīng)濟體,它不能簡單地復制過去的,以她還是弱小的經(jīng)濟體時的發(fā)展道路。</p><p> 其次,中國承擔不起這樣的環(huán)境成本,伴隨著她目前的發(fā)展模式的再一個十年。中國的能源消耗占世界總量的20%,二氧化碳排放量占25%,而PM10等級高于世界平均水平的
75、35%。據(jù)世界衛(wèi)生組織指出,全世界20個重空氣污染城市中有16個來自于中國,其中包括天津、重慶、沈陽和北京(圖5)。</p><p> 第三,中國的國民收入可能不會和她所呈現(xiàn)出的國民生產(chǎn)總值一樣大。由于缺乏技術和專利,中國企業(yè)通常處在產(chǎn)品價值曲線的底部,利用非技術性勞動力生產(chǎn)低技術產(chǎn)品,如組裝,并獲得一小部分利潤。根據(jù)兩個亞洲開發(fā)銀行的經(jīng)濟學家最近的研究,僑興環(huán)球和迪特爾特(2010),中國出口一部蘋果手機,她
76、只收到178.96美金的總成本之中的6.5美元的制造費用。</p><p> 如果深圳經(jīng)濟特區(qū)可以被看作是過去三年的傳統(tǒng)發(fā)展模式的一個符號,那么中國上海自由貿(mào)易試驗區(qū)的目的是要在接下來的幾十年里,成為一個新的發(fā)展模式的標志。</p><p> b.改革的先導試驗區(qū),不僅是對于貿(mào)易</p><p> 上海作為中國最大的城市和金融經(jīng)濟中心,一個自由貿(mào)易區(qū)設在這里,
77、并不是偶然的。上海的面積僅占中國總面積的0.06%,2013年的國內(nèi)生產(chǎn)總值占全國的3.8%。上海在國際經(jīng)濟貿(mào)易領域中處于中國的先導,集裝箱吞吐量占中國進出口總量的17.8%,貨物進出口總額占19.5%,外商直接投資占14.3%。隨著1991年上海浦東新區(qū)的改革開放,如果上海的政策試驗成功,他們可以在中國其他地區(qū)被更容易地復制。</p><p> 位于上海市郊,自貿(mào)試驗區(qū)占地四個現(xiàn)有保稅區(qū),如表1所示。雖然名為
79、貿(mào)易協(xié)定。</p><p> 根據(jù)WTO的區(qū)域貿(mào)易協(xié)定資料庫,</p><p> ?。╤ttp://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/region_e/rta_pta_e.htm)</p><p> 目前有109個自由貿(mào)易協(xié)定,在世界上,他們涵蓋了所有商品。其中一半(54)是在兩國之間,一半是在三個或更多的國家之間。也有115個自由貿(mào)易和
81、定已提前向WTO發(fā)起公告: ECFA(兩岸經(jīng)濟合作框架協(xié)議),中國–澳大利亞、中國-韓國和中國-挪威。</p><p> 上海自貿(mào)區(qū)更像是一個自由貿(mào)易區(qū)的替代形式,它是指在一個地理區(qū)域內(nèi),貨物可以在沒有海關當局干預的情況下降落,處理,制造或重新配置。只有當貨物被轉移到該地區(qū)所在國家的消費者手里的時候,他們就要服從當時的海關關稅。這樣的自由貿(mào)易區(qū)主要的組織是在港口,國際機場和國家邊境地區(qū)–他們都占據(jù)了很多的貿(mào)易地
82、理優(yōu)勢。而上海自貿(mào)區(qū)就是中國這些特殊經(jīng)濟區(qū)之一。</p><p> 其次,上海自貿(mào)區(qū)不針對其他國家的自由貿(mào)易,而是強調改革的新方法。</p><p> 中國的傳統(tǒng)發(fā)展模式有三個經(jīng)濟支柱:投資政策鼓勵外商直接投資于制造業(yè)以吸收過剩的勞動力,貿(mào)易政策鼓勵出口銷售過剩的產(chǎn)品,從而產(chǎn)生金融政策旨在穩(wěn)定一個低值的人民幣匯率。而上海自貿(mào)區(qū)就是被設計于容納這些方向的政策。</p>&l
83、t;p> 根據(jù)中國中央政府國務院的上海自貿(mào)區(qū)設計總體規(guī)劃,自貿(mào)區(qū)的主要工作包括以下幾個方面。首先是新的投資行業(yè)的開放。在過去,中國歡迎外商直接投資,同時保持對其它資本流入的嚴格控制。在上海自貿(mào)區(qū),金融服務、運輸服務、商貿(mào)服務、專業(yè)服務、文化服務和公共服務部門將擴大開放,在大多數(shù)行業(yè),對市場準入的限制將暫?;蛉∠?,如對投資者的資格要求,對外資參與的限制,限制有關業(yè)務范圍等?!安粶蔬M口商品單”機制將在區(qū)域內(nèi)實現(xiàn)。對于那些沒有在“不準
84、進口商品單”中陳述的項目,外國投資者和國內(nèi)投資者將得到同樣的待遇。</p><p> 二是推動我國貿(mào)易發(fā)展方式的轉變。從低附加值貿(mào)易模式的轉變,上海自貿(mào)區(qū)正在培育新的交易類型和功能,旨在提高中國的競爭優(yōu)勢,專注于技術的發(fā)展,提高其在全球貿(mào)易價值鏈中的品牌地位,質量和服務。鼓勵跨國公司設立亞太地區(qū)總部和/或經(jīng)營中心,具有貿(mào)易、物流和結算等綜合功能。將為推動上海成為國際貿(mào)易結算中心,擴大國際貿(mào)易結算中心的功能,擴大
85、服務貿(mào)易的跨境收貨和支付服務。在上海自貿(mào)區(qū)企業(yè)將支持發(fā)展離岸業(yè)務。</p><p> 第三,金融服務創(chuàng)新與開放的深化。在適當?shù)娘L險控制下,上海自貿(mào)區(qū)將試點人民幣資本項目可兌換、利率自由化和人民幣跨境使用。在上海自貿(mào)區(qū),金融機構的資產(chǎn)將按市場比率記錄。上海自貿(mào)區(qū)將探索試行的外匯管理制度,符合國際慣例的貿(mào)易和投資便利化水平。鼓勵企業(yè)充分利用國際、國內(nèi)兩個市場資源開放跨境融資。進一步改革外債管理促進跨境融資。將加強跨
86、國公司的外匯業(yè)務,以鼓勵在上海設立區(qū)域或全球金融中心。</p><p> C. 上海自貿(mào)區(qū)和其他特殊經(jīng)濟區(qū)的比較</p><p> 在中國也有一些其他的特殊經(jīng)濟區(qū),其中一些與上海自貿(mào)區(qū)有一定的相似度。一個是深圳前海和香港的現(xiàn)代服務業(yè)合作區(qū)。另一個是在中國蘇州工業(yè)園區(qū)和新加坡之間的金融合作(斯杰普)。表2列出了這些領域中的比較。</p><p> 3. 在過去一
87、年的發(fā)展</p><p> 一年的試運行后,上海保稅區(qū)已經(jīng)遇見了幾個重要的政策目標。</p><p><b> 法律法規(guī)體系</b></p><p> 第十二屆全國代表大會授權國務院臨時調整<<中華人民共和國外商獨資企業(yè)、中華人民共和國中外合資經(jīng)營企業(yè)和中華人民共和國中外合資經(jīng)營企業(yè)法》,并從2013年十月一日起,在未來三年內(nèi)
88、實施。</p><p> 對管理和稅收的監(jiān)管環(huán)境也得到了改善。在上海保稅區(qū),外商投資項目不再需要申請中國政府確認,除非涉及不準進口商品單。工商注冊管理局通過了注冊資本出資制度,是對原注冊資本登記制度的改革,對外商投資企業(yè)實行質量監(jiān)督檢驗檢疫。政府在上海保稅區(qū)的稅收采用一個一網(wǎng)式快車系統(tǒng)。申請稅務登記的公司不必檢查。電子商務企業(yè)可以出具電子發(fā)票,這已經(jīng)從個人消費者延伸到企業(yè)?,F(xiàn)在可以在互聯(lián)網(wǎng)上完成一些稅務程序,而
89、不是必須去稅務局。</p><p> b. 對于外商投資的否定清單</p><p> 在2013年9月30日,上海市政府公布為上海保稅區(qū)外商投資的特殊管理的建議(2013版),通常稱為“否定清單”,涵蓋1069個企業(yè)89個部門的18個主要類別。還有190條關于經(jīng)營行為的規(guī)定。名單上的任何部門都沒有向外國投資者開放。由于2013版的名單是非常類似于現(xiàn)有的外商投資產(chǎn)業(yè)指導目錄,上海市政當局
90、宣布了2014年7月1日的2014版本,減少原有的190個規(guī)定到139個,其中110個規(guī)定是限制性的,和其他29個是明令禁止的。</p><p><b> c. 貿(mào)易便利化</b></p><p> 在過去的一年中,海關、檢驗檢疫局、海事局為上海保稅區(qū)提供了針對于貿(mào)易便利化的超過60個新的政策?;菊呤恰耙痪€放開二線控制;在對外貿(mào)易區(qū)內(nèi)進行高效、安全和自由的運動
92、;<b> d. 金融創(chuàng)新</b></p><p> 四個金融監(jiān)管機構,即中國人民銀行(央行)和三個銀行監(jiān)管機構、證券和保險,采取了51個新的調節(jié)方法,在保稅區(qū)建立一個新的金融架構。</p><p> (i) 自由貿(mào)易賬戶</p><p> 2014年5月22日,中國人民銀行發(fā)布針對于上海保稅區(qū)的賬戶區(qū)分實施細則,其中規(guī)定了自由貿(mào)易賬戶
93、的監(jiān)管。根據(jù)規(guī)定,上海的金融機構可以建立一個自由貿(mào)易核算單元(FTU),這是從機構的其他會計系統(tǒng)分離出來的。這些賬戶被稱為自由貿(mào)易賬戶,其中國內(nèi)的貨幣(人民幣)和外幣都受同樣的規(guī)則規(guī)定。這兩個組織和個人都有資格公開這些自由貿(mào)易賬戶?;钇谫~戶下的跨境資本交易和直接投資可以在自由貿(mào)易賬戶中得到解決。</p><p> (ii)投資和融資的貨幣兌換和匯款</p><p> 根據(jù)中國人民銀行的
94、意見,支持保稅區(qū)的相關金融措施(中國人民銀行,2013),跨境支付,由企業(yè)直接投資涉及的收據(jù)和交換可以通過銀行直接處理。保稅區(qū)內(nèi)符合條件的個體經(jīng)營者可以從事各種海外投資,包括證券投資。資本市場是由這些發(fā)展逐步開放的。在保稅區(qū)的企業(yè)和金融機構可以在證券和期貨市場上按照上海有關規(guī)定進行投資和貿(mào)易。</p><p> (iii) 利率市場化</p><p> 中國人民銀行上海總部從2014年
95、6月27日起撤銷在上海市的個人外幣存儲的利率上限。上海金融機構可以獨立地為企業(yè)客戶的外幣存款定價。個人客戶的外幣存款利息上限將被刪除。</p><p> (iv) 人民幣跨境使用</p><p> 中國人民銀行上??偛吭?014年2月21日出臺細則支持在上海自貿(mào)區(qū)的人民幣跨境使用。根據(jù)這些規(guī)定,上海的銀行可以直接向客戶提供跨境人民幣結算服務和直接投資賬戶。在上海保稅區(qū),個人跨境人民幣交
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