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1、<p><b>  T </b></p><p>  畢業(yè)設(shè)計(論文)外文資料翻譯</p><p>  原 文 題 目: PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT USING CAD-CAM-CAE SOFTWARE AND INTERNET FACILITIES </p><p&g

2、t;  原 文 來 源: 國道數(shù)據(jù)庫 March 1998c PTdesign </p><p>  學 生 姓 名: xx 學 號: xxxxxxx </p><p>  所在院(系)部: 機械工程學院 </p><p>


4、t;/p><p>  USING CAD-CAM-CAE SOFTWARE AND INTERNET FACILITIES</p><p>  Constantin ISPAS1, Miron ZAPCIU2, Cristina MOHORA3, Dorel ANANIA4,</p><p>  1,2,3Professor Eng. PhD. 4Assist. Eng

5、.</p><p>  University “POLITEHNICA” of Bucharest Machine and Production Systems Department, Splaiul Independentei no.313, Bucharest, RO 060042 Romania</p><p>  e-mail: ispas@leo.optimum.pub.ro,

6、zapcium@sun.cfic.pub.ro, cristinamohora@yahoo.com, doresana@yahoo.com,</p><p>  Abstract: The main goals to the product development are to obtain a short time of design process, a low price and best performa

7、nces of the final product. According to these goals, the product design must use some modules of advanced CAD-CAM-CAE software and the internet on-line 3D catalogs for some parts (more or less standard). The advantage ob

8、tained by using some modules from different CAD-CAM-CAE software is to use the most performant parts of these software (specific to the engineering field</p><p>  Key words: CAD-CAM-CAE software, internet

9、on-line catalogues, on-line portal 3D catalogues, standard elements, integrated product design</p><p>  1.INTRODUCTION</p><p>  Now, in the industry exists a high competition to produce new, b

10、etter and cheaper products. The manufactures have to deal with the increasing demands of the customers. They have to improve continuously the conception methods of the products, to modernize the organization structure in

11、 order to create a fluent link, without limits, between studies, design, preparation, manufacturing, commercialization and working life of the products.</p><p>  To become more competitive into a world with

12、diversity of products, with continuous changes, the companies must modernize and increase the flexibility of the production systems.</p><p>  The companies find out that the interactive design of

13、a product is the most efficiently tool for analysis end evaluation. So the use of internet data base and CAD-CAM-CAE software creates visual data base and industrial geometry design. Process and product deve

14、lopment using computers and internet environment allow a substantially costs and time economy.</p><p>  On the market there is a lot of CAD-CAM-CAE software which offer specific tools for engineering design

15、into a tri dimensional virtual space.</p><p>  2.USING MULTIPLE CAD-CAM-CAE SOFTWARE PACKAGES</p><p>  These kinds of software are representing a very useful tool in products development design

16、process. By using them it can be created a 3D virtual product, simulate from many point of view [1], in order to improve its characteristics (technical or non technical).</p><p>  Some of these software’s ha

17、ve better performances for some engineering fields as aeronautics, automotives, mechanical etc. Today single CAD-CAM-CAE software cannot cover the entire industrial field for high performances. Another major disadvantage

18、 of that software’s is very high prices for a full version. Usual the prices are starting from several thousands of EUR.</p><p>  There are 3 advantages for the most CAD-CAM-CAE software’s: 1 - the software’

19、s are structured in modules, even in the same area (for example: in CATIA in mechanical design are: part design; sheet metal design, mold design, wierframe and surfaces design etc);</p><p>  2 - it can be bo

20、ught only some specific package regarding computer aided design, computer aided manufacturing or computer aided engineering; 3 - all these software allow to save date in some commune file format (for example: dxf for 2D

21、drawings, step for 3D solids; iges for</p><p>  3D surfaces etc). These types of files can be opened by almost all CAD-CAM-CAE software in some specific condition</p><p>  Fig.1 Specific modules

22、 in the same domains</p><p>  Fig.2.Gear - dxf format</p><p>  Fig.3 Gear- Catia format</p><p>  Fig.4.Gear - step formatFig.5. Gear - iges format</p><p>  For a compl

23、ex product (ex. in automotive industry) which need complex surfaces for modeling a single CAD-CAM-CAE software isn’t sufficient. In this case the solution is to use some high performant specific modules from different CA

24、D-CAM-CAE software.</p><p>  3. USING INTERNET FACILITIES IN PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT.</p><p>  The growth of the Internet today offers the newest wave of communication through electronic mail, file

25、transfer, telnet access, transaction applications, and much, much more.</p><p>  The most popular part of the Internet is the World Wide Web, where anyone can access hypertext pages with the click of a butto

26、n. The popularity of the Internet has launched many social and ethical issues. Recently, the Internet has been criticized for its uncensored information, but has been praised for its educational value.</p><p&g

27、t;  In engineering field the internet is used for information dissemination and company advertising. Today all the big company offers many information about their products directly on the internet. In the mechanical engi

28、neering fields the most companies offer free catalogs about products (free documentation about technical characteristics, free 2D drawings and 3D models), prices, calculus technical software (ex: bearings SKF) etc.</p

29、><p>  On the internet exists dedicated sites for all level of product development. Starting from standard catalogs for elementary parts fig.6 (screws, bearings, pulleys, belts, gears etc) and finished with com

30、plex products (like industrial robots – fig.7) the internet is a useful tool in design process for all kind of products.</p><p>  The disadvantage of the internet is the increasing diversity of information a

31、nd the way of dissemination. The big problem is how to find utile information in this virtual space on</p><p><b>  internet.</b></p><p>  Fig.6 Free 3D gears catalog on internet</

32、p><p>  3.1 Finding useful 3D catalogs on internet</p><p>  Today on internet the information is structured into web pages. Almost all the companies in the world have web pages in order

33、 to offer more information about their products.</p><p>  There are 3 ways to search: 1 - to find a company into some specific engineering fields. If the name of company is known usually the site is www。(nam

34、es).com (ex: SKF has www.skf.com). If is not, an easy way is to use a searching site as google (www.google.com ) and as keywords the company name; 2 - to find some companies witch have similar products it

35、 is recommended to use searching site as google and keywords technical words witch describe the product. For example to find bearin</p><p>  On internet in the engineering fields the companies presents their

36、 products structured in catalogs. There are two types of catalogs on web.</p><p>  One is in well-known format PDF (portable document format). To find catalog of this type it is recommended for searching to

37、use, after specific keywords, the acronym “PDF”. The advantage using a pdf catalogs is that all the needed information about a product is presented into single file, which can be printed.</p><p>  The other

38、is interactive on-line catalogs which have some advantages like: 1- to find all information for a product (including in pdf format), 2- on-line calculus software, 3 -the product can be directly implemented into CAD-CAM-C

39、AE software. To find such types of catalogs it is recommended to use keywords as “3D catalogs on-line” in combination with technical keyword. For example to find a gears catalog 3D on line it can be use for searching the

40、 next string: “gears 3D catalogs on-line”</p><p>  3.2 Using 3D component catalogs</p><p>  In figure 9 is presented a screen capture for the results of 3D gears catalog search. With red arrow i

41、s marked possible internet address for 3D catalogs. In red rectangle is marked the address for interactive catalog presented in figure 10. In figure 10 is presented a portal for technical products which offers free 3D an

42、d 2D catalogs. As example it is presented a catalog wheal used in design of gear presented in figure 5. For selecting a wheal in this catalog it has</p><p>  to specify all the necessary parameter: 1.Diametr

43、al Pitch; 2.No. Of Teeth; 3.Material; 4.Hub</p><p>  Style; 5.Quality Class; 6.Pressure Angle Degree; 7.Bore Size; 8.Face Width; 9.Pitch Dia;</p><p>  10.Hub Dia. ( N/a= Hubless).</p><

44、;p>  Fig.9 Finding interactive on-line catalogFig.10. Interactive on-line catalog for gears</p><p>  In figure 11 is presented all the characteristics available in this catalog (https://sdp- si.com) for

45、selected wheal as technical characteristics; prices; available file formats for direct implementation into CAD-CAM-CAE systems.</p><p>  Fig.11 Wheal characteristics</p><p>  For 3D model it was

46、 selected a step format (used for solid component). After implementation into CAD software a few minor modifications were made on the solid wheal according with the gears design requirements. It was made a key pocket and

47、 a circular pocket (for constructive reason). For a speed reducer only a few parts were designed as shells and spindles. In figure 14 with A are marked catalogs elements (wheals, screws, bearings, keys) With B are marked

48、 elements designed in Catia V5.</p><p><b>  a.b.</b></p><p>  Fig.13 The wheal : a. initial catalog wheal;</p><p>  b. modified wheal</p><p>  Fig.14. spee

49、d reducer</p><p>  CONCLUSION</p><p>  By using different modules from different CAD-CAM-CAE systems, based on software performances, the process design can be optimized from technical

50、point of view without extra costs. Into a single CAD-CAM-CAE system some modules are better others no and the software price is high.</p><p>  By using online interactive catalogs the design process will be

51、much simple. For all the elements used there are all the information technical and non-technical, so it can be easy made an estimative product cost (from point of view of elements).</p><p>  The major advant

52、age of product development using CAD-CAM-CAE software and Internet facilities is the short time dedicated to design process. This is improved with approximately 70-80%.</p><p>  REFERENCES:</p><p&

53、gt;  [1] Constantin Ispas, Miron Zapciu, Cristina Mohora, Dorel Anania, Researches regarding the integrated conception of the mechanical systems, The 1st International Conference on Computing and Solutions in Manufacturi

54、ng Engineering CoSME ’04, Brasov, 2004</p><p>  [2] Ghionea, I., Anania, D. – ?The management of the computer aided design using virtual prototype”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Manufacturi

55、ng Systems ICMaS, , Editura Academiei Române, Bucharest 2002</p><p>  歐元的喀爾巴阡山區(qū)域工業(yè)系統(tǒng)中的專家國際會議</p><p><b>  第6版</b></p><p>  利用CAD - CAM - CAE軟件及網(wǎng)絡(luò)設(shè)施的</p><p

56、><b>  產(chǎn)品開發(fā)</b></p><p>  康斯坦丁(1),米龍,克里斯蒂娜(3),多雷爾(4),</p><p>  (1),(2),(3)英文教授,博士學位。 (4)助手,工程師。</p><p>  POLITEHNICA大學,布加勒斯特機器和生產(chǎn)系統(tǒng)部,Splaiul Independentei 313號,布加勒斯特,”羅

57、馬尼亞RO 060042</p><p>  電子郵件:ispas@leo.optimum.pub.ro,zapcium@sun.cfic.pub.ro,cristinamohora@yahoo.com,doresana@yahoo.com,</p><p>  摘要:產(chǎn)品發(fā)展的主要目標是在一個短的時間的設(shè)計過程中,獲得低價格的產(chǎn)品和最終產(chǎn)品的最佳表現(xiàn)。根據(jù)這些目標,產(chǎn)品設(shè)計必須使用一些先

58、進的CAD - CAM,CAE軟件模塊和互聯(lián)網(wǎng)的在線三維部分目錄(或多或少標準目錄)。通過使用不同的CAD - CAM,CAE軟件的一些模塊得到的好處是可以用低價格(這是沒有必要所有的軟件,只有一些特定的模塊,這些軟件(具體到工程領(lǐng)域)獲得最好表現(xiàn)的模塊。三維互聯(lián)網(wǎng)上的在線目錄提供的優(yōu)勢是很容易找到有關(guān)機械元件的有用信息(如價格,技術(shù)特點,三維模型等)。</p><p>  關(guān)鍵詞:CAD - CAM的CAE軟件

59、,互聯(lián)網(wǎng)上的在線目錄,在線3D目錄連接,標準要素,集成產(chǎn)品設(shè)計</p><p><b>  緒論</b></p><p>  現(xiàn)在,業(yè)內(nèi)的高度競爭促使產(chǎn)生新的,更好,更便宜的產(chǎn)品。汽車制造商已經(jīng)處理了客戶日益增長的需求。他們必須不斷提高產(chǎn)品的構(gòu)思方法,以現(xiàn)代化的組織結(jié)構(gòu),以創(chuàng)造一個流暢的鏈接,而沒有研究,設(shè)計,制備,制造,商業(yè)化和工作產(chǎn)品的生命之間的限制。</p

60、><p>  要成為一個更加具有國際競爭力公司,他須有產(chǎn)品的多樣性與不斷變化,該公司必須現(xiàn)代化,提高生產(chǎn)系統(tǒng)的靈活性。</p><p>  該公司發(fā)現(xiàn),一種產(chǎn)品的交互設(shè)計是最有效的工具,用于分析評價結(jié)束。因此,互聯(lián)網(wǎng)數(shù)據(jù)基礎(chǔ)和的CAD - CAM - CAE軟件的使用也帶來視覺的幾何數(shù)據(jù)基礎(chǔ)和工業(yè)設(shè)計。工藝和產(chǎn)品開發(fā)使用計算機和網(wǎng)絡(luò)環(huán)境可以獲得大量成本和時間的節(jié)約。</p>&l

61、t;p>  在市場上有許多的CAD - CAM,CAE軟件為工程設(shè)計人員提供設(shè)計一個三維虛擬空間的很多具體的工具。</p><p>  二,運用多種CAD - CAM的CAE技術(shù)軟件包</p><p>  這些類型的軟件都代表一個非常有用的工具在產(chǎn)品開發(fā)設(shè)計過程中的作用。人們通過使用它可以創(chuàng)建一個三維虛擬產(chǎn)品,從模擬的角度分解成許多點,以改善其特性(非技術(shù)性的或技術(shù)性的)。</

62、p><p>  這些軟件更好的應(yīng)用于航空,汽車,機械等行業(yè)。今天單一的CAD - CAM,CAE軟件在工程領(lǐng)域的表現(xiàn)有些不能涵蓋整個工業(yè)的高場演出。這些軟件的另一個主要缺點是一個完整版本的價格非常高。通常的價格是起價幾千歐元。</p><p>  對于大多數(shù)的CAD - CAM,CAE軟件有三個優(yōu)勢:1 - 軟件的是結(jié)構(gòu)化模塊,即使在同一地區(qū)(例如:在CATIA機械設(shè)計中:部分設(shè)計;優(yōu)勢鈑金設(shè)

63、計,模具設(shè)計,管道設(shè)計和曲面設(shè)計等);</p><p>  2 – 我們可以只買一些具體的一攬子關(guān)于電腦輔助設(shè)計,計算機輔助制造,計算機輔助工程的部分; 3 - 所有這些軟件均容許以節(jié)省許多公共文件格式 例如(date:二維的drawings,三維固體一步的dxf ,IGES等)。這些類型的文件可以打開幾乎所有在某些特定條件下的CAD - CAM,CAE軟件</p><p>  圖1在同

64、一領(lǐng)域的具體模塊</p><p>  圖2齒輪-dxf格式</p><p>  圖3齒輪-gatia格式</p><p>  圖4齒輪-step格式</p><p>  圖5齒輪-iges格式</p><p>  對于一個復(fù)雜的產(chǎn)品(例如:在汽車行業(yè)),其中需要許多復(fù)雜曲面造型。單一的CAD - CAM,CAE軟件是不

65、夠的。在這種情況下,解決方法是使用不同的CAD - CAM,CAE軟件中一些表現(xiàn)突出的具體模塊。</p><p>  3。在產(chǎn)品開發(fā)中利用網(wǎng)絡(luò)設(shè)施。</p><p>  如今互聯(lián)網(wǎng)的發(fā)展提供了通過電子郵件傳播最新的浪潮,文件傳輸,遠程登錄訪問,交易應(yīng)用,等等,等等。</p><p>  互聯(lián)網(wǎng)的最流行的部分原是萬維網(wǎng),原因是在那里任何人都可以訪問同一個按鈕單擊超文本

66、網(wǎng)頁?;ヂ?lián)網(wǎng)的普及,推出了眾多的社會和倫理問題。最近,互聯(lián)網(wǎng)已經(jīng)被批評為未經(jīng)審查的信息,但其教育價值一直被人們所公認的稱贊。</p><p>  在工程領(lǐng)域的互聯(lián)網(wǎng)被用來傳播信息和公司的廣告。今天,所有的大公司都在互聯(lián)網(wǎng)上提供了許多他們產(chǎn)品的信息。在機械工程領(lǐng)域的大多數(shù)公司也提供有關(guān)產(chǎn)品(許多有技術(shù)特點的免費文件,免費二維圖紙和三維模型免費目錄),價格,演算技術(shù)軟件(例如:軸承斯凱孚等)。 在互聯(lián)網(wǎng)上存在著許

67、多擁有專用產(chǎn)品開發(fā)水平的網(wǎng)站。從圖6(螺絲,軸承,滑輪小學部分標準目錄開始,皮帶,齒輪等)和完成復(fù)雜的產(chǎn)品(如工業(yè)機器人 - 圖7)互聯(lián)網(wǎng)是一個在設(shè)計過程中所有的同類產(chǎn)品的有用工具。</p><p>  互聯(lián)網(wǎng)的缺點是不斷增加的信息的多樣性和傳播途徑。最大的問題是如何找到這個虛擬空間有用信息。</p><p>  在互聯(lián)網(wǎng)上的免費的3d齒輪目錄</p><p>  

68、3.1在互聯(lián)網(wǎng)上查找有用的三維目錄</p><p>  今天互聯(lián)網(wǎng)上的信息的結(jié)構(gòu)分為網(wǎng)頁。幾乎所有的公司都在世界上的網(wǎng)頁,以提供更多有關(guān)其產(chǎn)品的信息。</p><p>  有三種方式搜索:1 - 尋找到一些具體的工程領(lǐng)域的公司。如果公司的名稱,通常被稱www.(company).com?。ɡ纾篠KF有www.skf.com)。如果不是,一個簡單的方法是使用搜索網(wǎng)站如谷歌(www.goog

69、le.com搜索網(wǎng)站)和關(guān)鍵字的公司名稱; 2 - 找一些具有相似產(chǎn)品的公司他們會有相關(guān)公司的連接,還能使用關(guān)鍵字搜索網(wǎng)站谷歌和類似產(chǎn)品公司技術(shù)言語形容的產(chǎn)品。例如找到軸承公司可以使用:如“軸承”關(guān)鍵字,“球軸承”等; 3 - 尋找某些特定產(chǎn)品(標準或不)為特定的工程領(lǐng)域,建議使用專用的門戶網(wǎng)站。門戶網(wǎng)站是其中包含的信息,并為特定領(lǐng)域網(wǎng)站的鏈接。 (例如http://www.foreigntradeexchange.com/suppli

70、ers/bearings.html)。</p><p>  對在工程領(lǐng)域的互聯(lián)網(wǎng)公司在介紹他們的產(chǎn)品目錄結(jié)構(gòu)。有兩種類型的網(wǎng)站目錄。 </p><p>  一個是在著名的格式PDF(便攜式文檔格式)。為了找到這是推薦使用的搜索類型目錄,經(jīng)過特定的關(guān)鍵字,首字母縮寫“PDF格式”。它的優(yōu)點是使用的PDF目錄,所有有關(guān)的產(chǎn)品所需的資料,為單文件,它可以打印提交。</p><

71、p>  另一種是交互式的在線目錄有一些類似的優(yōu)勢:1 - 查找所有的產(chǎn)品(包括PDF格式的信息),2 - 在線演算軟件,3,產(chǎn)品可直接到CAD - CAM的實施- CAE軟件。為了找到這種類型的目錄,建議用“三維目錄關(guān)鍵詞在網(wǎng)上與關(guān)鍵字相結(jié)合的技術(shù)”。例如在網(wǎng)上找到一個齒輪目錄三維它可用于搜索下一個字符串使用:“齒輪三維目錄上線”</p><p>  3.2使用三維零件目錄</p><p

72、>  在圖9給出了一個三維齒輪目錄搜索結(jié)果的屏幕捕獲。用紅色箭頭標記為可能的三維互聯(lián)網(wǎng)地址目錄。在紅色矩形標志著交互式目錄地址圖10介紹。在圖10給出了它提供免費的3D和2D技術(shù)產(chǎn)品目錄門戶。由于它是提出了一個例子目錄威爾在齒輪設(shè)計中使用的數(shù)字5所列。選擇在這個目錄有一個威爾</p><p>  指定所有必要的參數(shù):1.直徑; 2.齒數(shù); 3.Material; 4.齒形</p><p&

73、gt;  風格; 5質(zhì)量等級 6.壓力角度; 7.孔尺寸; 8.齒寬; 9.齒間距;</p><p>  10.輪轂直徑。 (N/A=無輪轂)。</p><p>  圖9查找交互式的在線目錄</p><p>  圖10齒輪的互動在線目錄</p><p>  在圖11的技術(shù)特點中提出了選擇齒輪的所有特征在此目錄(可通過https:/ /sdp

74、- si.com);價格;進入相關(guān)的CAD - CAM - CAE系統(tǒng)可直接執(zhí)行的文件格式。</p><p><b>  圖11齒輪特性</b></p><p>  它的三維模型被選中了step格式(用于固體組件的格式)。建成后的CAD軟件實現(xiàn)幾個小的修改,是基于堅實的威爾與齒輪按設(shè)計要求。它建了一個關(guān)鍵的鍵槽和一個圓形孔(基于方便建模的原因)。對于減速器,只有部分相

75、關(guān)與箱體和主軸設(shè)計。在圖14 A的標記目錄(齒輪,螺絲,軸承,鍵與)b圖是在CATIA V5的設(shè)計的基本要素。</p><p><b>  ab</b></p><p>  圖13初始齒輪目錄 改良的齒輪</p><p><b>  圖14減速器</b></p><p><b>  結(jié)論&

76、lt;/b></p><p>  通過使用不同的CAD - CAM - CAE技術(shù)性能為基礎(chǔ)的軟件系統(tǒng),不同的模塊,優(yōu)化工藝設(shè)計,可從技術(shù)角度來選擇,無需額外費用。無需為了一個單一的CAD - CAM,CAE系統(tǒng)模塊買一些沒有更好模塊的軟件花費更高的費用。</p><p>  通過使用在線互動目錄的設(shè)計過程會更加簡單。通過對相關(guān)的所有技術(shù)和非技術(shù)的數(shù)據(jù)元素使用,設(shè)計人員可以很容易做出

77、產(chǎn)品成本推估(從各個要素的角度的)。</p><p>  利用的CAD - CAM,CAE軟件和互聯(lián)網(wǎng)設(shè)施的產(chǎn)品開發(fā)的主要優(yōu)勢是耗費時間很短,可以致力于設(shè)計過程。這種方法提高約70-80%。</p><p><b>  參考:</b></p><p>  [1]康斯坦丁伊斯帕斯,米龍,克里斯蒂娜莫霍拉,多雷爾安尼亞,研究有關(guān)的機械系統(tǒng)的綜合概念


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