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1、<p><b>  中文譯文</b></p><p><b>  打包機(jī)</b></p><p>  打包機(jī)是一種農(nóng)業(yè)機(jī)械,它用于壓縮已切割和傾斜的作物(如草、稻草或青貯飼料)成易于處理、運(yùn)輸和儲(chǔ)存的小包。常用的打包機(jī)有幾個(gè)不同類型,分別生產(chǎn)不同類型的包-矩形的、圓柱形的,大小各不相同,用麻繩、網(wǎng)或金屬絲纏繞起來。工業(yè)打包機(jī)還可以用在材

2、料回收設(shè)備上,主要用于包裝需要運(yùn)輸?shù)慕饘?、塑料或紙?lt;/p><p><b>  圓形打包機(jī)</b></p><p>  在工業(yè)化國家最常用的打包機(jī)是這種又大又圓的打包機(jī)。它生產(chǎn)圓柱狀的“圓”或“筒狀”的包。草在打包機(jī)內(nèi)被捲起,使用橡膠帶、固定滾筒,或兩者的組合。當(dāng)包達(dá)到規(guī)定尺寸時(shí),用網(wǎng)或麻繩裹住它,以保持其固有的形狀。打包機(jī)的后面打開,包被排出。包在這個(gè)階段完成,但

3、也可以用塑料薄膜包裹,當(dāng)在室外儲(chǔ)存時(shí)能保持干草的干燥或者將潮濕的草變成青貯飼料。可變倉打包機(jī)通常生產(chǎn)直徑為48至72英寸(120~ 180厘米)、寬達(dá)60英寸(150厘米)的包。無論在任何地區(qū),這些包可以重達(dá)1100至2200磅(500 -1000公斤),包的重量取決于大小,材料,和水分含量。</p><p>  最初,圓形打包機(jī)的構(gòu)思由Ummo Luebbens于大約1910年提出,第一臺(tái)圓形打包機(jī)才生產(chǎn)出來,

4、一直到1947年Allis-Chalmers 引進(jìn)了旋轉(zhuǎn)打包機(jī)之后。由于它的干草包脫水干燥和重量輕的特點(diǎn)從而得以推向市場,到1960年生產(chǎn)結(jié)束時(shí),AC已經(jīng)銷售了近70000臺(tái)</p><p>  接下來的一個(gè)重大創(chuàng)新是在1972年,當(dāng)時(shí)Vermeer公司開始出售其型號(hào)為605的第一臺(tái)現(xiàn)代圓形打包機(jī)。以前,圓的干草包僅僅是干草縛在一起的腫塊,但Vermeer設(shè)計(jì)使用皮帶將干草緊密結(jié)合起來形成一個(gè)圓柱體,正如今天所看

5、到的樣子。</p><p><b>  大型矩形打包機(jī)</b></p><p>  另一種常用類型的打包機(jī)生產(chǎn)大型的矩形包,每個(gè)包纏繞半打左右的麻繩,然后再打結(jié)。這樣的包非常緊湊,重量又普遍比圓形的包大幾分。在加拿大的草原,它們被稱為草原猛禽。</p><p><b>  小型矩形打包機(jī)</b></p>&l

6、t;p>  這種打包機(jī)現(xiàn)今是不常見的,但在許多國家卻是相當(dāng)流行,如新西蘭和澳大利亞,除了大型包的生產(chǎn),還生產(chǎn)小型矩形 (通常被稱為“正方形的”) 包。每個(gè)包大約是15英寸 x 18英寸 x 40英寸(40 x 45 x 100厘米)。這種包是用二股、三股、或有時(shí)四股麻繩捆綁。這種包非常的輕,一人就能舉起,大小約45至60英寸(1.1到1.5米)。</p><p>  為了形成捆包,料堆中需要打包的原料 (經(jīng)


8、后部的特殊的貨車上。只要有原料需要打包,并且有麻繩來捆綁包裝,這一過程就會(huì)一直連續(xù)進(jìn)行。</p><p>  這種形狀的捆包不太適用于大規(guī)模商業(yè)性農(nóng)業(yè),因?yàn)樘幚碓S多小捆的成本比較高。然而在一些小規(guī)模,低機(jī)械化的農(nóng)業(yè)和養(yǎng)馬業(yè)享有一些名氣。除了使用簡單的機(jī)械設(shè)備及容易處理外,這些小包也可用來絕緣和當(dāng)作草捆建筑中的建筑材料。正方形捆包一般也會(huì)比圓捆包要好,因?yàn)樗麄兛梢愿芗囟逊旁谝黄稹?lt;/p><

9、p>  便利也是農(nóng)民決定繼續(xù)使用正方形包的一個(gè)主要因素,因?yàn)樗鼈兪沟蔑曫B(yǎng)和在狹窄的地方(馬廄,倉庫等)堆放容易得多。</p><p>  這些舊式打包機(jī),現(xiàn)如今在農(nóng)場還有許多可以找得到,特別是在干旱地區(qū),在那里,捆包可以長期在室外儲(chǔ)存。</p><p>  小型方捆自動(dòng)打包機(jī)成型于1940年。它首先是由New Holland Ag生產(chǎn)制造的,并采用了小型汽油發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)提供運(yùn)行動(dòng)力。它是基

10、于1937年一個(gè)具有自動(dòng)拾取功能的麻繩打結(jié)打包機(jī)發(fā)明創(chuàng)造出來的。</p><p><b>  線材打包機(jī)</b></p><p>  在1937年以前,捆包是用兩股包裝線材人工包裹的。甚至在更早以前,打包機(jī)是一個(gè)固定的打包設(shè)備,由動(dòng)力輸出裝置(PTO)和傳送帶驅(qū)動(dòng)。干草被加進(jìn)打包機(jī)處并人工用手塞進(jìn)去。自1940年之后,這種打包機(jī)最大的改變是通過動(dòng)力輸出裝置(PTO)由

11、拖拉機(jī)驅(qū)動(dòng),而不是通過內(nèi)置式內(nèi)燃機(jī)。</p><p>  在目前的生產(chǎn)中,人們可以選擇使用麻繩打結(jié)器或者是金屬絲纏繞打結(jié)器的小型方捆打包機(jī)。</p><p><b>  撿拾和處理方法 </b></p><p>  在20世紀(jì)40年代,大多數(shù)農(nóng)民將會(huì)使用一輛20馬力甚至更小馬力的小型拖拉機(jī)在田地里捆干草,并且當(dāng)打包機(jī)從田地里走過時(shí),捆綁包將會(huì)掉

12、落在地上。另一組工人驅(qū)使馬拉著平板貨車從旁邊走過來。他們用尖銳的金屬鉤來鉤起捆綁包,并把它們?nèi)拥狡桨遑涇嚿?,同時(shí)另外一個(gè)助手好這些捆綁包,以便運(yùn)輸?shù)焦葌}。</p><p>  后來,一個(gè)節(jié)約時(shí)間的發(fā)明是直接將平板拖車接在打包機(jī)之后,這樣草捆包就可以順著舷梯推送給馬車上的助手。等待在馬車上的助手用鉤子鉤住草捆包,從舷梯上移開,并在馬車上摞好,同時(shí)等待下一個(gè)生產(chǎn)好的草捆包。</p><p> 

13、 最后,隨著拖拉機(jī)馬力的增大,拋擲打包機(jī)就成為了可能。拋擲打包機(jī)消除了需要有人站到馬車上來撿起草捆包。第一個(gè)投擲機(jī)械使用了兩個(gè)快速移動(dòng)的粗糙傳送帶來抓取草捆包,并把它們以一個(gè)角度向上拋起落到馬車上。馬車是由平板車改造成的前端開口的三角架,以此來充當(dāng)捕捉拋出的草捆包的網(wǎng)。</p><p>  隨著拖拉機(jī)馬力的進(jìn)一步增大,拋擲打包機(jī)的下一代更新產(chǎn)品是液壓投擲打包機(jī)。這種打包機(jī)在包打結(jié)器的后面采用了一個(gè)平板。當(dāng)打好的草

14、捆包從打包機(jī)的后面出來時(shí),它們依次被推送到平板上。當(dāng)草捆包完全移動(dòng)到平板上時(shí),在一個(gè)大型液壓缸的推動(dòng)下,平板就會(huì)突然自動(dòng)彈起,將草捆包拋擲到馬車上,就像彈射器一樣。</p><p>  這種平板投擲方法與傳動(dòng)帶投擲方法相比,大大減少了施加在草捆包上的壓力。在抓取并投擲草捆包時(shí),傳送帶投擲運(yùn)輸機(jī)的粗糙的傳送帶給予草捆包的捆帶繩結(jié)很大摩擦力,并且有時(shí)在投擲運(yùn)輸機(jī)上或者是草捆包降落到馬車上時(shí),會(huì)導(dǎo)致草捆包的破損。<

15、;/p><p>  紐荷蘭發(fā)明了一種新的機(jī)器命名為堆垛機(jī)。小型方包從打包機(jī)中出來后,捆繩朝外,堆垛機(jī)將開到草捆包處,將他們撿拾起并放在相當(dāng)于三個(gè)草捆包寬的桌子上(現(xiàn)在草捆包的捆繩朝上)。當(dāng)三個(gè)草捆包放到桌上時(shí),桌子就會(huì)被舉起,并后退,造成三個(gè)草捆包再次捆繩朝向一側(cè);這種情況再接著發(fā)生三次,直到有16個(gè)草捆包放在主桌上。之后,主桌就會(huì)像小桌子一樣抬起,使草捆包正對一個(gè)垂直的桌子。這種機(jī)器可以裝160個(gè)草捆包(10層),

16、通??拷行牡牟课粫?huì)有交叉層疊,以免再有重量加到草垛頂上時(shí),草垛會(huì)搖晃,不穩(wěn)定,甚至坍塌。之后滿載的堆垛機(jī)會(huì)被運(yùn)送到谷倉,堆垛機(jī)的整個(gè)后部會(huì)傾斜向上,直到垂直。當(dāng)堆垛機(jī)離開谷倉時(shí),從機(jī)器延伸出的兩個(gè)推動(dòng)助手會(huì)扶著草垛的底部,把草垛從堆垛機(jī)上移出。</p><p>  在英國,如果小型方包仍在使用,那么當(dāng)它們從打包機(jī)出來后,它們通常是被收集到跟在打包機(jī)后的一個(gè)草捆包雪橇上。這種雪橇有4個(gè)通道,由自動(dòng)機(jī)械天平,掛鉤和


18、拉機(jī)后,可以夾住草垛側(cè)面,將其整體托起運(yùn)走。</p><p>  處理大型和小型圓形草捆包的一個(gè)簡單的方法可以在文章《Hay Delivery》(《干草遞送》)中看到。相對于拖拉機(jī)而言,這是一種僅僅自己動(dòng)手的改進(jìn)。兩個(gè)掛鉤被焊接到拖拉機(jī)前端裝載機(jī)的頂端,還有一個(gè)14英尺(4.3米)的日志鏈,它可以使用戶呆在拖拉機(jī)上來抓取草捆包,運(yùn)輸,堆砌以及再把草捆包放在外面喂養(yǎng)動(dòng)物。形成一條龍作業(yè)。這個(gè)簡單的操作系統(tǒng)的優(yōu)點(diǎn)是它

19、不必使用昂貴的設(shè)備,也不用在拖拉機(jī)上來回交換應(yīng)用這些工具。這使得小農(nóng)戶避免了額外器械的花銷,不用僅僅因?yàn)檫@樣一個(gè)功能而另買一臺(tái)拖拉機(jī)。通過一些小練習(xí),人們就可以和專業(yè)的液壓捆包抓取機(jī)一樣,快速的拾取草捆包。由糖山農(nóng)場(Sugar Mountain Farm)的沃爾特?杰弗里斯(Walter Jeffries)改進(jìn)的這種方法同樣只需要較少的維修養(yǎng)護(hù),并且比包矛和鉗子更安全。</p><p><b>  B

20、aler</b></p><p>  A baler is a piece of farm machinery used to compress a cut and raked crop (such as hay, straw, or silage) into compact bales that are easy to handle, transport and store. Several dif

21、ferent types of balers are commonly used, each producing a different type of bales – rectangular or cylindrical, of various sizes, bound with twine, netting, or wire. Industrial balers are also used in material recycling

22、 facilities, primarily for baling metal, plastic, or paper for transport.</p><p>  Round baler</p><p>  The most frequently used type of baler in industrialized countries is the large round bale

23、r. It produces cylinder-shaped "round" or "rolled" bales. Grass is rolled up inside the baler using rubberized belts, fixed rollers, or a combination of the two. When the bale reaches a predetermined

24、size, either netting or twine is wrapped around it to hold its shape. The back of the baler swings open, and the bale is discharged. The bales are complete at this stage, but they may also be wrapped in plastic</p>

25、<p>  Originally conceived by Ummo Luebbens circa 1910, the first round baler did not see production until 1947, when Allis-Chalmers introduced the Roto-Baler. Marketed for the water-shedding and light weight prop

26、erties of its hay bales, AC had sold nearly 70,000 units by the end of production in 1960. </p><p>  The next major innovation came in 1972, when the Vermeer Company began selling its model 605 - the first m

27、odern round baler. Previously, round hay bales had been little more than lumps of grass tied together, but the Vermeer design used belts to compact hay into a cylindrical shape as is seen today.</p><p>  Lar

28、ge rectangular baler</p><p>  Another type of baler in common use produces large rectangular bales, each bound with a half dozen or so strings of twine which are then knotted. Such bales are highly compacted

29、 and generally weigh somewhat more than round bales. In the prairies of Canada they are called prairie raptors.</p><p>  Small rectangular baler</p><p>  A type of baler which is less common tod

30、ay in some places but which is still prevalent in many countries such as New Zealand and Australia to the exclusion of large bales produces small rectangular (often called "square") bales. Each bale is about 15

31、 in x 18 in x 40 in (40 x 45 x 100 cm). The bales are wrapped with two, three, or sometimes four strands of knotted twine. The bales are light enough for one person to handle, about 45 to 60 inches (1.1 to 1.5 m).</p&

32、gt;<p>  To form the bale, the material to be baled, (which is often hay or straw) in the windrow is lifted by tines in the baler's pickup. This material is then dragged or augered into a chamber that runs the

33、 length of one side of the baler. A combination plunger and knife moves back and forth in the front end of this chamber. The knife, positioned just ahead of the plunger, cuts off the material at the spot where it enters

34、the chamber from the pickup. The plunger rams the material rearwards, compressin</p><p>  This form of bale is not much used in large-scale commercial agriculture, because of the costs involved in handling m

35、any small bales. However, it enjoys some popularity in small-scale, low-mechanization agriculture and horse-keeping. Besides using simpler machinery and being easy to handle, these small bales can also be used for insula

36、tion and building materials in straw-bale construction. Square bales will also generally weather better than round bales because a more much dense stack can be put</p><p>  Convenience is also a major factor

37、 in farmers deciding to continue putting up square bales, as they make feeding and bedding in confined areas (stables, barns, etc.) much easier.</p><p>  Many of these older balers are still to be found on f

38、arms today, particularly in dry areas, where bales can be left outside for long periods. </p><p>  The automatic-baler for small square bales took on most of its present form in 1940. It was first manufactur

39、ed by the New Holland Ag and it used a small petrol engine to provide operating power. It is based on a 1937 invention for a twine-tie baler with automatic pickup.</p><p>  Wire balers</p><p>  

40、Bales prior to 1937 were manually wire-tied with two baling wires. Even earlier, the baler was a stationary implement, driven by power take-off (PTO) and belt, with the hay being brought to the baler and fed in by hand.

41、The biggest change to this type of baler since 1940 is being powered by the tractor through its PTO, instead of by a built-in internal combustion engine.</p><p>  In present day production, small square bale

42、rs can be ordered with twine knotters or wire tie knotters.</p><p>  Pickup and handling methods</p><p>  In the 1940s most farmers would bale hay in the field with a small tractor with 20 or le

43、ss horsepower, and the tied bales would be dropped onto the ground as the baler moved through the field. Another team of workers with horses and a flatbed wagon with would come by and use a sharp metal hook to grab the b

44、ale and throw it up onto the wagon while an assistant stacks the bale, for transport to the barn. </p><p>  A later time-saving innovation was to tow the flatbed wagon directly behind the baler, and the bale

45、 would be pushed up a ramp to a waiting attendant on the wagon. The attendant hooks the bale off the ramp and stacks it on the wagon, while waiting for the next bale to be produced.</p><p>  Eventually, as t

46、ractor horsepower increased, the thrower-baler became possible, which eliminated the need for someone to stand on the wagon and pick up the finished bales. The first thrower mechanism used two fast-moving friction belts

47、to grab finished bales and throw them at an angle up in the air onto the bale wagon. The bale wagon was modified from a flatbed into a 3-sided skeleton frame open at the front, to act as a catcher's net for the throw

48、n bales.</p><p>  As tractor horsepower further increased, the next innovation of the thrower-baler was the hydraulic tossing baler. This employs a flat pan behind the bale knotter. As bales advance out the

49、back of the baler, they are pushed onto the pan one at a time. When the bale has moved fully onto the pan, the pan suddenly pops up, pushed by a large hydraulic cylinder, and tosses the bale up into the wagon like a cata

50、pult.</p><p>  The pan-thrower method puts much less stress on the bales compared to the belt-thrower. The friction belts of the belt-thrower stress the twine and knots as they grip the bale, and would occas

51、ionally cause bales to break apart in the thrower or when the bales landed in the wagon.</p><p>  New Holland has invented a machine named the "Stackcruiser", or a stacker. Small "square"

52、 bales are dropped by the baler with the strings facing outward, the stacker will drive up to the bales and it will pick it up and set it on a three-bale-wide table (the strings are now facing upwards). Once three bales

53、are on the table, the table lifts up and back, causing the three bales to face strings to the side again; this happens 3 more times until there are 16 bales on the main table. This table will</p><p>  In Bri

54、tain (if small square bales are still to be used), they are usually collected as they fall out of the baler in a bale sledge dragged behind the baler. This has four channels, controlled by automatic mechanical balances,

55、catches and springs, which sort each bale into its place in a square eight. When the sledge is full, a catch is tripped automatically, and a door at the rear opens to leave the eight lying neatly together on the ground.


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