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1、<p>  本科畢業(yè)設計(論文)</p><p>  外文參考文獻譯文及原文</p><p>  學 院 機電工程學院 </p><p>  專 業(yè) 機械設計制造及其自動化 </p><p>  (微電子制造裝備及其自動化方向)</p><p> 

2、 年級班別 2008級(1)班 </p><p>  學 號 3108000629 </p><p>  學生姓名 楊慧明 </p><p>  指導教師 熊漢偉 </p><

3、;p><b>  2012年6月</b></p><p><b>  目 錄</b></p><p>  外文參考文獻譯文2</p><p><b>  原 文11</b></p><p><b>  外文參考文獻譯文</b><

4、;/p><p>  第三章 材料特性和分析</p><p>  材料特性是鑒別材料的基礎和用在逆向工程評估性能的一部分。其中在逆向工程中最經常被問到的問題是,用什么材料特性評定兩種相同的材料。從理論上說,只有當兩種材料的特性被對比并找出相同點后,才可以評定他們是相同的。這樣的成本可能是非常高的,但在技術上的確是可行的。在工程實踐中,當有足夠的數據證明兩個材料有相關特性的價值時,通常會認為符合了

5、可接受風險的要求。</p><p>  確定相關的材料特性和當量需要全面的了解材料和這種材料制成的部分功能。在逆向工程評估項目中,要想令人信服地解釋有關材料的性能、屬性、最終拉伸強度,疲勞強度,抗蠕變性,斷裂韌性,工程師需要至少提供以下闡述:</p><p>  特性重要性:解釋相關的特性對零件的設計功能來說是多么重要。</p><p>  風險評估:解釋有關屬性將

6、如何影響器件的性能,這種材料的屬性如果未能滿足設計值會有什么潛在后果。</p><p>  性能保證:說明對比原始材料,需要進行怎樣的測試以顯示其等效性。</p><p>  本章的主要目的是討論和著重于在逆向工程中材料特性與機械冶金的應用,以幫助讀者完成這些工作任務。機械性,冶金性能,物理化學特性,是進行逆向工程機械中最相關的材料特性部分。力學性能是與當用力時彈性和塑性的反應有關。主要力

7、學性能包括抗拉強度,屈服強度,延展性,抗疲勞,抗蠕變性,應力斷裂強度。他們通常反映的應力和應變之間的關系。許多力學性能與冶金性能和物理化學性質密切相關。</p><p>  冶金性能是指金屬元素和合金的物理和化學特性,如合金的微觀結構和化學成分。這些特性是與熱力學、動力學過程和通常在這些過程中發(fā)生的化學反應密切相關的。熱力學的原理決定當兩種元素混合在一起時能否被結合成合金成分。動力學過程決定合成的速度。熱力學的原

8、理常用于建立平衡相圖,這有助于工程師設計新的合金和解釋更多的冶金性能和反應。它需要一個很長的時間才能達到平衡狀態(tài)。因此,大部分的晶粒形貌和合金結構上的動力學過程取決于反應速率,如晶粒的增長速度。</p><p>  熱處理是一個過程,被廣泛地使用,通過冶金反應獲得最佳的機械性能。熱處理應用于固體無機非金屬材料,通過加熱和冷卻操作的反復結合來獲得合適的組織形態(tài)甚至是理想的特性。最常用的適用于熱處理工藝包括退火處理,


10、以上,并在此溫度下維持足夠長的時間,使各組成元素溶合成固溶體,隨后迅速冷卻,以形成固溶體。結果,這個過程中產生過飽和,當合金冷卻到一個較低的溫度,其呈熱力??學不穩(wěn)定狀態(tài),因為組成元素的溶解度隨溫度升高而降低。固溶熱處理往往后續(xù)是老化處理以達到沉淀硬化。從熱處理角度來看,老化處理描述了某些合金在隨著時間,溫度變化的特性。這是一個從過飽和固溶體狀態(tài)變成沉淀的結</p><p><b>  3.1合金結構當

11、量</b></p><p>  3.1.1工程合金結構</p><p>  工程合金是工程應用中的金屬物質,已廣泛應用于許多行業(yè)數百年之久。例如,鋁合金在航空業(yè)中的利用從一開始一直到今天;在1903年,萊特兄弟飛機的曲軸箱由鋁合金鑄造而成,兩個或兩個以上的元素組成的合金是擁有不同的屬性的。當它們從液態(tài)冷卻到固態(tài),大多數合金會形成結晶結構,但沒有結晶的將會凝固,像玻璃。金屬玻璃的

12、非晶結構,是一種金屬元素的隨機布局。相比之下,晶體結構根據合金元素有一個反復的樣式。例如,鋁的晶體結構——4%的銅合金是基于鋁與銅原子融合的晶體結構。衡量一種合金的性能如硬度,是它性質表現的一部分,和它的晶體結構之下是其獨特的通用結構。它們都在逆向工程的金屬識別中發(fā)揮著關鍵的作用。</p><p>  純金屬元素,例如,鋁、銅、和鐵,它們的原子排列具有規(guī)律性。這種原子模式的排序順序最小單位是單元。單個晶體是這些沒


14、。然而,大多數工程合金,有很多種形態(tài)。晶粒尺寸和其質地對其合金性能有很深遠的影響。細粒工程合金在室溫下通常具有較高的拉伸強度。然而,對于高溫應用,粗晶粒合金由于其耐蠕變性能更好,為首選。微觀結構對于工程合金性能的影響將在后面詳細討論。</p><p>  3.1.2工藝影響及產品材料的等價形式</p><p>  從不同的制造工藝和原材料生產的產品形式計算出結果的部分功能,特別是獨特的微觀



17、程中不斷發(fā)展。因此,不同產品中工程合金的結構</p><p><b> ?。╝)</b></p><p><b> ?。╞)</b></p><p><b>  圖3.1</b></p><p>  這在鋁合金擠壓成型中能觀察到很不同的微觀結構,如圖3.1b所示,盡管這兩者有

18、相同的合金成分:鋁-3.78%,銅-1.63%,鋰-1.40%。不用多說,鑄鋁和擠壓鋁箔也一樣有非常不同的特性。在逆向工程中,該微觀結構在零件的制造過程中提供了重要的信息。</p><p>  3.2 物相的定性與定量</p><p>  相圖是根據相變過程建立起來的。它說明了合金成分,相位和溫度之間的關系。它提供了各種制造和熱處理工藝的參考指南。從相圖中提取的信息對物相鑒定起了重要作用,

19、因此它在逆向工程中對制造工藝和熱處理驗證也是至關重要的。本節(jié)將討論相圖和熱力學和動力學的相關理論的基礎。</p><p><b>  3.2.1 相圖</b></p><p>  合金相圖是一個冶金插圖,顯示熔化和凝固溫度以及合金在特定溫度下的不同階段。平衡相圖顯示了各平衡相的函數成分和溫度。根據推定,動力學反應過程在每一步是足夠快地達到平衡狀態(tài)。這本書中,除了另有指

20、明之外,下面所有的相圖都指的是平衡相圖。圖3.2只是是一個部分的鐵碳相圖(FE-C),,因為這個圖非常復雜所以無法全部完成。相圖的Y軸是溫度,x軸表示合金元素組成量。二元Fe-C相圖中,鐵是主要的基本元素,碳是合金元素。最左邊的Y軸代表純鐵,也就是100%的鐵。</p><p><b>  溫度</b></p><p>  鐵 碳的百分含量<

21、/p><p>  圖3.2 部分的Fe-C相示意圖。</p><p>  圖的橫坐標從左到右增加含碳量。合金元素的單位通常是百分比含量,但偶爾使用原子百分比含量。有時在圖的底部或頂部標記百分點符號。圖3.2中顯示的碳含量范圍從0到6.7%。含碳量6.7%的 Fe是一種金屬互化物,碳化鐵。合金的各構成要素可能由范圍固定的或窄的成分合并成一個獨特的復合合金。這些化合物是金屬化合物。大多數金屬化合物

22、有自己的特性,有特定的成分和獨特的晶體結構及性能。碳化鐵Fe3C,是有色鐵碳合金中最常見的金屬化合物。大多數的Fe-C二元相圖是Fe-Fe3C相圖,用Fe3C而不是100%純碳作基線圖。</p><p>  J.威拉德·吉布斯相律和熱力學法例相律指導金屬相變相關知識。吉布斯相律通過數學公式3.1描述,其中F是自由或獨立變量,C是元素數量,而P是在熱力學平衡系統中的相數。</p><p

23、>  F = C – P + 2 (3.1)</p><p>  典型的獨立變量是溫度和壓力。大多數相圖假設在大氣壓力下。當合金熔化,固體和液體并存,因此,P =2。吉布斯相律只允許在純金屬中有一個獨立變量,其中C= 1。這說明,在大氣壓力下,純金屬在一個特定的熔融溫度下熔化以及一個固定的沸點下沸騰。例如,在圖3.2中純鐵的熔化溫度標記為15

24、34°C。然而,二元合金,其中C= 2,吉布斯相律允許更多的獨立變量。對于一個給定的組成,二元合金的液固相變溫度是在一定的溫度范圍內,而不是某一個固定的溫度。圖3.2所示,在1,400°C,Fe-3%C二元合金是均勻的液體狀態(tài)。當溫度降低到液相溫度以下(1300°C左右)它會開始凝固。在相圖中液相是存在于液體開始凝固的溫度邊界內。換句話說,液相開始與各種成分的合金熔化溫度。在圖3.2中,液相表示由1534&

25、#176;C時的純液態(tài)鐵融化溫度曲線持續(xù)到1147°C時的Fe-4.3%C熔融溫度曲線之間. Fe-4.3%C被定義為共晶成分。盡管這是一個二元合金,但是它是在1147°C這個固定的溫度融化,因為這兩個不同的固相能在同一溫度凝固。如圖3.2所示,共晶溫度是最低的鐵碳合金熔化溫度。完成凝固溫度的曲線被定義為固相線。上述合金</p><p>  下面的合金固相線是一個均勻的固態(tài),這通常被稱為作為固

26、相或固溶體。各種合金的固相通常用指定的希臘字母,從左邊開始表示α相,繼續(xù)由相圖右移,按順序地表示β,χ,δ,ε,φ,γ,η相。對于 Fe–3 %C合金,新形成的γ固相和剩余的液體,在1147°C的固相和液相之間共存。Fe–3% C合金隨著溫度的不斷降低相繼被轉化成不同固相,由γ相向混合了Fe3C的α相轉化。因此,熔融合金將從均勻相液體狀態(tài)凝固成多種固相狀態(tài),在凝固過程中每種形態(tài)的轉變是一步步連續(xù)地進行的。在特定溫度下的每種相

27、可以根據杠桿原理進行定量分析。相圖上說明了一切相變,并給工程師們提供了寶貴的“足跡”,讓他們回溯在進行逆向工程中的一部分原始經歷。</p><p>  熱力學的原理可以從理論上推測的平衡相圖中的相的存在。然而,它可能需要很長時間來解釋相變原理。相的形成速度和機制是由動力學原理指出和解釋的,動力學原理也解釋了許多非平衡相變原理。各種非平衡相變圖被用于許多工程應用中,通過控制溫度的變化率以創(chuàng)建特定的非平衡相。例如,鐵

28、合金持續(xù)的冷卻曲線被廣泛應用于熱處理工業(yè)。從逆向工程的角度來看,這些持續(xù)的冷卻曲線往往比平衡相圖提供更實用的信息。</p><p>  大多數工程合金中含有兩個以上的合金元素。如果有三個組成元素,它則被稱為三元體系。三元相圖是一個三維空間棱鏡,溫度軸被垂直地建立在組成的三角基面之上,每一面代表一個元素。這是立體相圖,由三個二元相圖建成,每面一個二元相圖。</p><p>  3.2.2

29、等效晶粒形態(tài)</p><p>  最常見的三種金屬的微觀結構晶粒形貌是等軸晶,與樹突狀鑄件結構混合的柱狀,和單晶。在等軸晶微觀結構中,如圖3.1a所示,在所有軸的方向上具有大致相當的尺寸。在鑄件凝固過程中,柱狀結構通常從寒冷的模具表面開始成形,并逐漸向內部移動,形成粗大的柱狀晶粒形貌。柱狀結構通常在最后會被混合在樹突狀鑄件結構中。單晶沒有相鄰的形態(tài)和沒有晶粒邊界;整個晶體在一個晶體方向對齊。</p>

30、<p><b>  圖3.3</b></p><p>  然而,這些基本晶粒的形態(tài)將通過動力學過程演變成更復雜的結構。例如,再晶粒和晶粒的變化。其他衍生的微觀結構是在成形制品的具體工藝中體現出來的。例如,冷或熱的圖紙可以產生顆粒在一個方向上一字排開的高度定向質感的微觀結構。圖3.3顯示了高方向的鎢絲質感的微觀結構。在逆向工程中,復制的部分晶粒形貌至關重要的兩個原因如下:首先,材料

31、的性能和部分功能很大程度上取決于微觀結構;其次,晶體的形態(tài)給制造工藝和熱處理工藝提供了關鍵的信息。不同的熱處理工藝,有不同的制造工藝呈現出不同的晶粒形貌,并具有不同的力學性能。</p><p><b>  原 文</b></p><p>  Material Characteristics and Analysis</p><p>  M

32、aterial characteristics are the cornerstone for material identification and performance evaluation of a part made using reverse engineering. One of the most frequently asked questions in reverse engineering is what mater

33、ial characteristics should be evaluated to ensure the equivalency of two materi-als. Theoretically speaking, we can claim two materials are “the same” only when all their characteristics have been compared and found equi

34、valent. This can be prohibitively expensive, and might be t</p><p>  1. Property criticality: Explain how critical this relevant property is to the part’s design functionality. </p><p>  2. Risk

35、 assessment: Explain how this relevant property will affect the part performance, and what will be the potential consequence if this material property fails to meet the design value. </p><p>  3. Performance

36、 assurance: Explain what tests are required to show the equivalency to the original material. </p><p>  The primary objective of this chapter is to discuss the material characteristics with a focus on mechan

37、ical metallurgy applicable in reverse engineering to help readers accomplish these tasks. </p><p>  The mechanical, metallurgical, and physical properties are the most relevant material properties to reverse

38、 engineer a mechanical part. The mechanical properties are associated with the elastic and plastic reactions that occur when force is applied. The primary mechanical properties include ultimate tensile strength, yield st

39、rength, ductility, fatigue endurance, creep resistance, and stress rupture strength. They usually reflect the relationship between stress and strain. Many mechanical propert</p><p>  The metallurgical proper

40、ties refer to the physical and chemical characteristics of metallic elements and alloys, such as the alloy microstructure and chemical composition..These characteristics are closely related to the thermodynamic and kin

41、etic processes, and chemical reactions usually occur during these processes. The principles of thermodynamics determine whether a constituent phase in an alloy will ever be formulated from two elements when they are mixe

42、d together. The kinetic process dete</p><p>  Heat treatment is a process that is widely used to obtain the optimal mechanical properties through metallurgical reactions. It is a combination of heating and c

43、ooling operations applied to solid metallic materials to obtain proper microstructure morphology, and therefore desired properties. The most commonly applied heat treatment processes include annealing, solution heat tr

44、eatment, and aging treatment. Annealing is a process consisting of heating to and holding at a specified temperature fo</p><p>  Physical properties usually refer to the inherent characteristics of a materia

45、l. They are independent of the chemical, metallurgical, and mechanical processes, such as the density, melting temperature, heat transfer coefficient, specific heat, and electrical conductivity. These properties are us

46、ually measured without applying any mechanical force to the material. These properties are crucial in many engineering applications. For example, the specific tensile strength (strength per unit weigh</p><p&

47、gt;  3.1 Alloy Structure Equivalency </p><p>  3.1.1 Structure of Engineering alloys </p><p>  Engineering alloys are metallic substances for engineering applications, and have been widely

48、 used in many industries for centuries. For example, the utilization of aluminum alloys in the aviation industry started from the beginning and continues to today; the crankcase of the Wright brothers’ airplane was made

49、of cast aluminum alloy in 1903. Alloys are composed of two or more elements that possess properties different from those of their constituents. When they are cooled from the liquid state </p><p>  Pure metal

50、lic elements, for example, aluminum, copper, or iron, usually have atoms that fit in a few symmetric patterns. The smallest repetitive unit of this atomic pattern is the unit cell. A single crystal is an aggregate of t

51、hese unit cells that have the same orientation and no grain boundary. It is essentially a single giant grain with an orderly array of atoms. This uniquecrystallographic structure gives a single crystal exceptional mechan

52、ical strength, and special applications. The singl</p><p>  3.1.2 Effects of Process and Product Form on Material Equivalency</p><p>  The part features, distinctive microstructure in particu

53、lar, resulted from dif- </p><p>  ferent manufacturing processes, and product forms thereby produced from raw materials are the characteristics widely used to identify material equivalency in reverse enginee

54、ring. Conventional manufacturing processes used on engineering alloys to produce a specific product form include casting, forging, and rolling, as well as other hot and cold work. Power metallurgy, rapid solidification,

55、chemical vapor deposition, and many other special processes, for example, Osprey spray forming and superpl</p><p>  The mechanical properties of engineering alloys are primarily determined by two factors: c

56、omposition and microstructure. Though the alloy composition is intrinsic by design, the microstructure evolves during manufacturing. The microstructure and consequently the mechanical properties of an engineering alloy c

57、an be drastically different in different product forms. Figure 3.1a shows the equiaxed grain morphology of aluminum alloy casting; </p><p><b> ?。╝)</b></p><p><b>  (b)</b>

58、;</p><p>  FIgurE 3.1 </p><p>  Microstructures of aluminum alloy casting. (b) Microstructure of aluminum alloy extrusion.</p><p>  It is vastly different from the microstructure ob

59、served in aluminum alloy extrusion, as shown in Figure 3.1b, despite that both have the identical alloy composition of Al–3.78% Cu–1.63% Li–1.40% Mg. Needless to say, cast aluminum and extruded aluminum pats have very di

60、fferent properties as well. In reverse engineering, the microstructure provides invaluable information to retrace the part manufacturing process.</p><p>  3.2 Phase Formation and Identification</p>

61、<p>  The phase diagram is established based on the phase transformation process. It illustrates the relationship among alloy composition, phase, and temperature. It provides a reference guide for various manufa

62、cturing and heat treatment processes. The information that can be extracted from a phase diagram plays a key role in phase identification, and therefore is crucial for manufacturing process and heat treatment verificatio

63、n in reverse engineering. This section will discuss the fundamentals of p</p><p>  3.2.1 Phase Diagram</p><p>  An alloy phase diagram is a metallurgical illustration that shows the melting

64、 and solidification temperatures as well as the different phases of an alloy at a specific temperature. The equilibrium phase diagram shows the equilibrium phases as a function of composition and temperature; presumptive

65、ly, the kinetic reaction processes are fast enough to reach the equilibrium condition at each step. All phase diagrams hereafter in this book are referred to as equilibrium phase diagrams unless otherwis</p><p

66、>  FIgurE 3.2 </p><p>  Schematic of partial Fe-C phase diagram.</p><p>  The amount of carbon increases from left to right. The units for the alloying element are usually in weight percentag

67、e, but occasionally atomic percent- age is used. Sometimes both are shown with one percentage scale marked at the bottom and the other on the top. In Figure 3.2 the carbon contents range from 0 to 6.7%. Fe–6.7% C is an i

68、ntermetallic compound, cementite. The constituent elements in an alloy might combine into a distinct compound with a fixed or narrow composition range. These compo</p><p>  F = C – P + 2

69、 (3.1) </p><p>  The typical independent variables are temperature and pressure. Most phase diagrams assume atmospheric pressure. When an alloy melts, both solid and liquid coexist, and there

70、fore P = 2. Gibbs’phase rule then only allows for one independent variable in a pure metal where C = 1. This explains that at atmospheric pressure, pure metal melts at a specific melting temperature and boils at a fixe

71、d boiling point. For example, the melting temperature of pure iron is marked as 1,534°C in Figure 3.2.</p><p>  allowing engineers to retrace the process the original part experienced in reverse engin

72、eering. </p><p>  The principles of thermodynamics can theoretically predict the existence of a phase in an equilibrium phase diagram. However, it might take infinite time to accomplish the phase transformat

73、ion. The rate and mechanism of forming this phase are guided by the principles of kinetics, which also explain the many nonequilibrium phase transformations. A variety of nonequilibrium phase transformation diagrams are

74、used for many engineering applications where the temperature change rate is intentionally c</p><p>  Most engineering alloys contain more than two alloying elements. If there are three constituent elements

75、, it is called a ternary system. The ternary phase diagram is a three-dimensional space prism where the temperature axis is vertically built on top of the composition triangle base plane, with each side representing one

76、element. It is a space phase diagram with three binary phase diagrams, one on each side. </p><p>  3.2.2 grain Morphology Equivalency</p><p>  The three most commonly observed grain morpholo

77、gies of metal microstructure are equiaxed, columnar mixed with dendritic casting structure, and single crystal. In the equiaxed microstructure, shown in Figure 3.1a, one grain has roughly equivalent dimensions in all a

78、xial directions. The columnar structure usually appears in castings when the solidification process starts from a chilly mold surface and gradually moves inward to form a coarse columnar grain morphology. The columnar

79、structure is </p><p>  FIgurE 3.3 </p><p>  Microstructure of a tungsten wire with elongated grain morphology.</p><p>  more complex configurations through kinetic processes, for ex

80、ample, recrystallization and grain growth. Other derivative microstructures are the direct products of specific processes. For instance, cold or hot drawing can produce highly directionally textured microstructure with

81、 all the grains lined up in one direction. Figure 3.3 shows the textured microstructure with high directionality of a tungsten wire. In reverse engineering it is crucial that the replicated part have grain morphology eq&


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