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1、<p>  艿莄蚆螇膅莃袈羂膁莂薈裊肇莁蝕肀羃莀螂袃節(jié)荿蒂聿膈荿薄袂肄蒈蚇肇羀蕆蝿袀羋蒆葿蚃芄蒅蟻羈膀蒄螃螁肆蒃蒃羆羂蒃薅蝿芁蒂蚇羅膇薁螀螈肅薀葿羃罿蕿螞螆莈薈螄肁芄薇袆襖膀薇薆肀肆膃蚈袂羂膂螁肈芀芁蒀袁膆芁薃肆肂芀螅衿肈艿袇螂莇羋薇羇芃芇蠆螀腿芆螁羆肅芅蒁螈羈蒞薃羄艿莄蚆螇膅莃袈羂膁莂薈裊肇莁蝕肀羃莀螂袃節(jié)荿蒂聿膈荿薄袂肄蒈蚇肇羀蕆蝿袀羋蒆葿蚃芄蒅蟻羈膀蒄螃螁肆蒃蒃羆羂蒃薅蝿芁蒂蚇羅膇薁螀螈肅薀葿羃罿蕿螞螆莈薈螄肁芄薇袆襖膀


3、蒄螃螁肆蒃蒃羆羂蒃薅蝿芁蒂蚇羅膇薁螀螈肅薀葿羃罿蕿螞螆莈薈螄肁芄薇袆襖膀薇薆肀肆膃蚈袂羂膂螁肈芀芁蒀袁膆芁薃肆肂芀螅衿肈艿袇螂莇羋薇羇芃芇蠆螀</p><p>  基于AT89C52的LED概述</p><p>  LED(Light Emitting Diode),發(fā)光二極管,是一種固態(tài)的半導體器件,它可以直接把電轉化為光。LED的心臟是一個半導體的晶片,晶片的一端附在一個支架上,一端是


5、;<p>  LED歷史50年前人們已經(jīng)了解半導體材料可產(chǎn)生光線的基本知識,第一個商用二極管產(chǎn)生于1960年。LED是英文light emitting diode(發(fā)光二極管)的縮寫,它的基本結構是一塊電致發(fā)光的半導體材料,置于一個有引線的架子上,然后四周用環(huán)氧樹脂密封,即固體封裝,所以能起到保護內部芯線的作用,所以LED的抗震性能好。 發(fā)光二極管的核心部分是由P型半導體和N型半導體組成的晶片,在P型半導體和N型半導

6、體之間有一個過渡層,稱為P-N結。在某些半導體材料的PN結中,注入的少數(shù)載流子與多數(shù)載流子復合時會把多余的能量以光的形式釋放出來,從而把電能直接轉換為光能。PN結施加反向電壓時,少數(shù)載流子難以注入,故不發(fā)光。這種利用注入式電致發(fā)光原理制作的二極管叫發(fā)光二極管,通稱LED。 當它處于正向工作狀態(tài)時(即兩端加上正向電壓),電流從LED陽極流向陰極時,半導體晶體就發(fā)出從紫外到紅外不同顏色的光線,光的強弱與電流有關。 </p>

7、<p>  最初LED用作儀器儀表的指示光源,后來各種光色的LED在交通信號燈和大面積顯示屏中得到了廣泛應用,產(chǎn)生了很好的經(jīng)濟效益和社會效益。以12英寸的紅色交通信號燈為例,在美國本來是采用長壽命、低光效的140瓦白熾燈作為光源,它產(chǎn)生2000流明的白光。經(jīng)紅色濾光片后,光損失90%,只剩下200流明的紅光。而在新設計的燈中,Lumileds公司采用了18個紅色LED光源,包括電路損失在內,共耗電14瓦,即可產(chǎn)生同樣的光效。

8、 汽車信號燈也是LED光源應用的重要領域。 </p><p>  對于一般照明而言,人們更需要白色的光源。1998年白光的LED開發(fā)成功。這種LED是將GaN芯片和釔鋁石榴石(YAG)封裝在一起做成。GaN芯片發(fā)藍光(λp=465nm,Wd=30nm),高溫燒結制成的含Ce3+的YAG熒光粉受此藍光激發(fā)后發(fā)出黃色光射,峰值550nm。藍光LED基片安裝在碗形反射腔中,覆蓋以混有YAG的樹脂薄層,約200-50

9、0nm。 LED基片發(fā)出的藍光部分被熒光粉吸收,另一部分藍光與熒光粉發(fā)出的黃光混合,可以得到得白光?,F(xiàn)在,對于InGaN/YAG白色LED,通過改變YAG熒光粉的化學組成和調節(jié)熒光粉層的厚度,可以獲得色溫3500-10000K的各色白光。這種通過藍光LED得到白光的方法,構造簡單、成本低廉、技術成熟度高,因此運用最多。 </p><p>  上個世紀60年代,科技工作者利用半導體PN結發(fā)光的原理,研制成了LE

10、D發(fā)光二極管。當時研制的LED,所用的材料是GaASP,其發(fā)光顏色為紅色。經(jīng)過近30年的發(fā)展,現(xiàn)在大家十分熟悉的LED,已能發(fā)出紅、橙、黃、綠、藍等多種色光。然而照明需用的白色光LED僅在近年才發(fā)展起來,這里向讀者介紹有關照明用白光。</p><p>  LED顯示屏分為圖文顯示屏和視頻顯示屏,均由LED矩陣塊組成。圖文顯示屏可與計算機同步顯示漢字、英文文本和圖形;視頻顯示屏采用微型計算機進行控制,圖文、圖像并茂

11、,以實時、同步、清晰的信息傳播方式播放各種信息,還可顯示二維、三維動畫、錄像、電視、VCD節(jié)目以及現(xiàn)場實況。LED顯示屏顯示畫面色彩鮮艷,立體感強,靜如油畫,動如電影,廣泛應用于金融、稅務、工商、郵電、體育、廣告、廠礦企業(yè)、交通運輸、教育系統(tǒng)、車站、碼頭、機場、商場、醫(yī)院、賓館、銀行、證券市場、建筑市場、拍賣行、工業(yè)企業(yè)管理和其它公共場所。 </p><p>  LED顯示屏可以顯示變化的數(shù)字、文字、圖形圖

12、像;不僅可以用于室內環(huán)境還可以用于室外環(huán)境,具有投影儀、電視墻、液晶顯示屏無法比擬的優(yōu)點。 </p><p>  LED之所以受到廣泛重視而得到迅速發(fā)展,是與它本身所具有的優(yōu)點分不開的。這些優(yōu)點概括起來是:亮度高、工作電壓低、功耗小、小型化、壽命長、耐沖擊和性能穩(wěn)定。LED的發(fā)展前景極為廣闊,目前正朝著更高亮度、更高耐氣候性、更高的發(fā)光密度、更高的發(fā)光均勻性,可靠性、全色化方向發(fā)展。 </p&g

13、t;<p>  LED顯示屏的分類 1、按顏色基色可以分為 ,單基色顯示屏:單一顏色(紅色或綠色)。雙基色顯示屏:紅和綠雙基色,256級灰度、可以顯示65536種顏色。全彩色顯示屏:紅、綠、藍三基色,256級灰度的全彩色顯示屏可以顯示一千六百多萬種顏色。2、按顯示器件分類 LED數(shù)碼顯示屏:顯示器件為7段碼數(shù)碼管,適于制作時鐘屏、利率屏等,顯示數(shù)字的電子顯示屏。 </p><p>

14、  LED點陣圖文顯示屏:顯示器件是由許多均勻排列的發(fā)光二極管組成的點陣顯示模塊,適于播放文字、圖像信息。 </p><p>  LED視頻顯示屏:顯示器件是由許多發(fā)光二極管組成,可以顯示視頻、動畫等各種視頻文件。3、按使用場合分類,室內顯示屏:發(fā)光點較小,一般Φ3mm--Φ8mm,顯示面積一般幾至十幾平方米。室外顯示屏:面積一般幾十平方米至幾百平方米,亮度高,可在陽光下工作,具有防風、防雨、防水功能。4、

15、按發(fā)光點直徑分類,室內屏:Φ3mm、Φ3.75mm、Φ5mm。室外屏:Φ10mm、Φ12mm、Φ16mm、Φ19mm、Φ20mm、Φ21mm、Φ22mm、Φ26mm 。室外屏發(fā)光的基本單元為發(fā)光筒,發(fā)光筒的原理是將一組紅、綠、藍發(fā)光二極管封在一個塑料筒內共同發(fā)。5.顯示方式有靜態(tài)、橫向滾動、垂直滾動和翻頁顯示等。單塊模塊控制驅動12塊(最多可控制24塊)8X8點陣,共16X48點陣(或32X48點陣),是單塊MAX7219(或PS721

16、9、HD7279、ZLG7289及8279等類似LED顯示驅動模塊)的12倍(或24倍)!可采用“級聯(lián)”的方式組成任意點陣大顯示屏。顯示效果好,功耗小,且比采用MAX7219電路的成本更低。LED顯示屏檢驗方法,一看屏體規(guī)格,外觀,平整度,屏內的連線等。二看屏點亮后壞點,在不在不</p><p><b>  主要性能</b></p><p>  與MCS-51單片機產(chǎn)

17、品兼容</p><p>  8K字節(jié)在系統(tǒng)可編程Flash存儲器</p><p><b>  1000次擦寫周期</b></p><p>  全靜態(tài)操作:0Hz~33Hz</p><p><b>  三級加密程序存儲器</b></p><p>  32個可編程I/O口線<

18、;/p><p>  三個16位定時器/計數(shù)器</p><p><b>  八個中斷源</b></p><p>  全雙工UART串行通道</p><p>  低功耗空閑和掉電模式</p><p><b>  掉電后中斷可喚醒</b></p><p><

19、;b>  看門狗定時器</b></p><p><b>  雙數(shù)據(jù)指針</b></p><p><b>  掉電標識符</b></p><p><b>  功能特性描述</b></p><p>  AT89C52是一種低功耗、高性能CMOS8位微控制器,具有8

20、K在系統(tǒng)可編程Flash 存儲器。使用Atmel公司高密度非易失性存儲器技術制造,與工業(yè)80C51產(chǎn)品指令和引腳完全兼容。片上Flash允許程序存儲器在系統(tǒng)可編程,亦適于常規(guī)編程器。在單芯片上,擁有靈巧的8位CPU和在系統(tǒng)可編程Flash,使得AT89C52為眾多嵌入式控制應用系統(tǒng)提供高靈活、超有效的解決方案。AT89C52具有以下標準功能:8k字節(jié)Flash,256字節(jié)RAM,32位I/O口線,看門狗定時器,2個數(shù)據(jù)指針,三個16位定

21、時器/計數(shù)器,一個6向量2級中斷結構,全雙工串行口,片內晶振及時鐘電路。另外,AT89C52可降至0Hz靜態(tài)邏輯操作,支持2種軟件可選擇節(jié)電模式??臻e模式下,CPU停止工作,允許RAM、定時器/計數(shù)器、串口、中斷繼續(xù)工作。掉電保護方式下,RAM內容被保存,振蕩器被凍結,單片機一切工作停止,直到下一個中斷或硬件復位為止。</p><p>  ST: 復位輸入。晶振工作時,RST腳持續(xù)2個機器周期高電平將使單片機復位

22、??撮T狗計時完成后,RST腳輸出96個晶振周期的高電平。特殊寄存器AUXR(地址8EH)上的DISRTO位可以使此功能無效。DISRTO默認狀態(tài)下,復位高電平有效。</p><p>  ALE/:地址鎖存控制信號(ALE)是訪問外部程序存儲器時,鎖存低8位地址的輸出脈沖。在flash編程時,此引腳()也用作編程輸入脈沖。</p><p>  在一般情況下,ALE 以晶振六分之一的固定頻率輸

23、出脈沖,可用來作為外部定時器或時鐘使用。然而,特別強調,在每次訪問外部數(shù)據(jù)存儲器時,ALE脈沖將會跳過。</p><p>  如果需要,通過將地址為8EH的SFR的第0位置“1”,ALE操作將無效。這一位置“1”,ALE 僅在執(zhí)行MOVX 或MOVC指令時有效。否則,ALE 將被微弱拉高。這個ALE 使能標志位(地址為8EH的SFR的第0位)的設置對微控制器處于外部執(zhí)行模式下無效。</p><

24、p>  :外部程序存儲器選通信號()是外部程序存儲器選通信號。當 AT89S52從外部程序存儲器執(zhí)行外部代碼時,在每個機器周期被激活兩次,而在訪問外部數(shù)據(jù)存儲器時,將不被激活。/VPP:訪問外部程序存儲器控制信號。為使能從0000H 到FFFFH的外部程序存儲器讀取指令,必須接GND。為了執(zhí)行內部程序指令,應該接VCC。在flash編程期間,也接收12伏VPP電壓。XTAL1:振蕩器反相放大器和內部時鐘發(fā)生電路的輸入端。XTAL2

25、:振蕩器反相放大器的輸出端。</p><p>  存儲器結構:MCS-51器件有單獨的程序存儲器和數(shù)據(jù)存儲器。外部程序存儲器和數(shù)據(jù)存儲器都可以64K尋址。</p><p>  程序存儲器:如果引腳接地,程序讀取只從外部存儲器開始。對于89C52,如果接VCC,程序讀寫先從內部存儲器(地址為0000H~1FFFH)開始,接著從外部尋址,尋址地址為:2000H~FFFFH。</p>

26、<p>  中斷 AT89C52有6個中斷源:兩個外部中斷(和),三個定時中斷(定時器0、1、2)和一個串行中斷。這些中斷每個中斷源都可以通過置位或清除特殊寄存器IE中的相關中斷允許控制位分別使得中斷源有效或無效。IE還包括一個中斷允許總控制位EA,它能一次禁止所有中斷。IE.6位是不可用的。對于AT89C52,IE.5位也是不能用的。用戶軟件不應給這些位寫1。它們?yōu)锳T89系列新產(chǎn)品預留。</p><

27、;p>  定時器2可以被寄存器T2CON中的TF2和EXF2的或邏輯觸發(fā)。程序進入中斷服務后,這些標志位都可以由硬件清0。實際上,中斷服務程序必須判定是否是TF2 或EXF2激活中斷,標志位也必須由軟件清0。</p><p>  定時器0和定時器1標志位TF0 和TF1在計數(shù)溢出的那個周期的S5P2被置位。它們的值一直到下一個周期被電路捕捉下來。然而,定時器2的標志位TF2在計數(shù)溢出的那個周期的S2P2被置

28、位,在同一個周期被電路捕捉下來。</p><p><b>  參考資料:</b></p><p>  1.ATMEL公司AT89C52的技術手冊</p><p>  2.深圳市中源單片機發(fā)展有限公司AT89C52 </p><p>  3.復旦大學出版社單片微型機原理、應用和實驗張友德等</p><p

29、>  Based on AT89C52 LED overview </p><p>  LED (Light Emitting Diode), light-emitting diode, is a solid state semiconductor devices, which can be directly converted into electricity to light. LED is the h

30、eart of a semiconductor chip, the chip is attached to one end of a stent, is the negative side, the other end of the power of the cathode, the entire chip package to be epoxy resin. Semiconductor chip is composed of two

31、parts, part of the P-type semiconductor, it inside the hole-dominated, the other side is the N-type semiconductor, here</p><p>  LED history 50 years ago, people have to understand semiconductor materials c

32、an produce light of the basic knowledge, the first commercial diodes in 1960. English is the LED light emitting diode (LED) acronym, and its basic structure is an electroluminescent semiconductor materials, placed in a w

33、ire rack, then sealed with epoxy resin around, that is, solid package, Therefore, the protection of the internal batteries can play the role of line, so the seismic performance LED good. </p><p>  LED is t

34、he core of the P-type semiconductor and components of the N-type semiconductor chips, the P-type semiconductor and N-type semiconductor between a transition layer, called the PN junction. In some semiconductor materials

35、in the PN junction, the injection of a small number of carrier-carrier and the majority of the extra time will be in the form of light energy to release, thus the power to direct conversion of solar energy. PN junction o

36、n reverse voltage, a few hard-carrier injection, it </p><p>  Instruments used for the first LED light source instructions, but all kinds of light colored LED lights in traffic and large screen has been wide

37、ly applied, have a very good economic and social benefits. The 12-inch red traffic lights as an example, is used in the United States have long life, low-efficiency 140 watt incandescent lamp as a light source, it produc

38、ed 2,000 lumens of white light. The red filter, the loss-90 percent, only 200 lumens of red light. In the light of the new design, Lumi</p><p>  For general lighting, people need more white light sources. Th

39、e 1998 white LED successful development. This is the GaN LED chip and Yttrium Aluminum Garnet (YAG) package together cause. GaN chip of the Blu-ray (λ p = 465nm, Wd = 30nm), made of high-temperature sintering of the Ce3

40、+ YAG phosphors excited by this Blu-ray after irradiating a yellow, the peak 550 nm. Blue-chip installed in the LED-based Wanxing reflection in the cavity, covered with a resin mixed with YAG thin layer, about 200-500 &l

41、t;/p><p>  In the 1960s, the use of science and technology workers semiconductor PN junction of The principle of developing a LED light-emitting diodes. At that time, the development of LED, the materials used

42、are GaASP, its luminous color is red. After nearly 30 years of development, and now we are very familiar with the LED, has been sent to red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and other shade. However lighting necessary for wh

43、ite LED light only in recent years to develop, readers here to tell us about ligh</p><p>  The LED display screen and video display into the text by LED matrix blocks. Graphic display can be displayed with c

44、omputer, English, Chinese text and graphics, Video screen using microcomputer control, graphic, image, with real-time, synchronization, clear information dissemination way play all kinds of information, but also shows 2d

45、, 3d animation, videos, TV, VCD programs and live. The LED display screen display bright colors, stereo sense is strong, such as oil, such as films, widely used in </p><p>  The LED display can display the c

46、hange of digital image; text, graphics, Not only can be used for indoor environment can also be used in outdoor environment, projectors, LCD TV wall, and the incomparable advantages.</p><p>  LED by the wide

47、 attention and rapid development, and it is the advantages of itself. These advantages in is: high brightness, working voltage, low consumption, miniaturization, impact resistance and long service life and stable perform

48、ance. LED the development prospect, is currently towards a higher brightness, higher resistance to climate, higher and higher light shine density evenness, reliability, the direction of development. Full-color</p>

49、<p>  The classification of the LED display</p><p>  1, the color can be divided into gezer</p><p>  The single color display: single colors (red or green).</p><p>  Double co

50、lors: red and green screen, double colors gray, can show 256 levels 65536 colors.</p><p>  Full-color display: red, green, and blue, gray level 256 gezer full-color display screen can show more than 1,600 co

51、lors.</p><p>  2, according to the classification of display devices</p><p>  LED digital display: display device for seven yards, suitable for making the clock display screen, interest rates, d

52、igital electronic display screen.</p><p>  Pictures of LED dot matrix LCD display device is composed of many: evenly composed of light emitting diode matrix display module, suitable for broadcast text, image

53、s of information.</p><p>  LED video display: display device is composed by many light-emitting diodes, video, animation shows various video files.</p><p>  3, by using occasions classification&

54、lt;/p><p>  Indoor display: light point is lesser, general Φ 3mm - Φ 8mm, display area of general several ten square meters to.</p><p>  Outdoor screen area to several hundred square meters general

55、 dozens, high brightness, can work under the sun, in the wind, rain, waterproof function.</p><p>  4 points, according to the classification of light in diameter</p><p>  Indoor screens: Φ 3mm,

56、Φ 3.75 mm, Φ 5mm,</p><p>  Outdoor screen: Φ 10mm, Φ 12mm and Φ 16mm Φ, 19mm, Φ 20mm, Φ 21mm, Φ 22mm, Φ 26mm</p><p>  The basic unit of the light outdoor screen for led light cone tube, the prin

57、ciple is a group of red, green, and blue light emitting diode sealed in a plastic tube in common</p><p>  5. Display horizontally scrolling, static, vertical scroll and flip shows, etc. Single block module c

58、ontrol drive 12 (maximum control and block), 16X48 matrix 8X8 matrix (or 32X48 matrix), is a single block of MAX7219 (or PS7219, HD7279, ZLG7289 8279 and other similar LED display driver module) 12 times (or 24 times)! C

59、an use "cascade" means any bitmap big screen composed. Show good effect, low consumption, and the cost of using MAX7219 circuit is lower.</p><p>  The LED display inspection method,</p><

60、p>  See appearance, specifications, screen body flatness, screen the attachment within</p><p>  2 look bad, after the light screen is not in scope, the screen (generally now basically no)</p><p

61、>  Color consistency, displays text display is normal, the picture to screen, full-color play white, red, green and blue.</p><p>  Technical advantage</p><p>  Existing common indoor full-col

62、or scheme comparison:</p><p>  1 the matrix modules: design, color dot matrix LCD by indoor artifacts</p><p>  Advantage: the cost of raw materials, production and processing of the most advanta

63、ge of simple process, quality is stable.</p><p>  Faults: color consistency, Mosaic phenomenon, serious effect.</p><p>  2. Single lamp schemes for solving the bitmap screen color: for outdoor s

64、creen technology, a scheme of pixels, outdoor multiplexing technique (also called pixel sharing technology, virtual pixels to indoor display technology) transplantation.</p><p>  Advantage: color consistency

65、 than bitmap module of good way.</p><p>  Weakness: the effect not beautiful, color mixing, horizontal Angle and have off color. Process is relatively complex, anti-static high. Actual pixel resolution do 10

66、,000 more difficult.</p><p><b>  Features</b></p><p>  ? Compatible with MCS-51® Products</p><p>  ? 8K Bytes of In-System Programmable (ISP) Flash Memory</p>

67、<p>  ? 1000 Write/Erase Cycles</p><p>  ? Fully Static Operation: 0 Hz to 33 MHz</p><p>  ? Three-level Program Memory Lock</p><p>  ? 256 x 8-bit Internal RAM</p>&l

68、t;p>  ? 32 Programmable I/O Lines</p><p>  ? Three 16-bit Timer/Counters</p><p>  ? Eight Interrupt Sources</p><p>  ? Full Duplex UART Serial Channel</p><p>  ? Low

69、-power Idle and Power-down Modes</p><p>  ? Interrupt Recovery from Power-down Mode</p><p>  ? Watchdog Timer</p><p>  ? Dual Data Pointer</p><p>  ? Power-off Flag<

70、;/p><p>  Description</p><p>  The AT89C52 is a low-power, high-performance CMOS 8-bit microcontroller with 8K bytes of in-system programmable Flash memory. The device is manufactured using Atmel’s

71、 high-density nonvolatile memory technology and is compatible with the industry standard 80C51 instruction set and pinout. The on-chip Flash allows the programmemory to be reprogrammed in-system or by a conventional nonv

72、olatile memory programmer.By combining a versatile 8-bit CPU with in system programmable Flash on a monolithicchip</p><p>  In the Counter function, the register is incremented in response to a 1-to-0 transi

73、tion at its corresponding external input pin, T2. In this function, the external input is sampled during S5P2 of every machine cycle. When the samples show a high in one cycle and a low in the next cycle, the count is in

74、cremented. The new count value appears in the register during S3P1 of the cycle following the one in which the transition was detected. Since two machine cycles (24 oscillator periods) are required</p><p>  

75、Interrupts</p><p>  The AT89C52 has a total of six interrupt vectors: two external interrupts (INT0 and INT1), three timer interrupts (Timers 0, 1, and 2), and the serial port interrupt. These interrupts are

76、 all shown in Figure 10. Each of these interrupt sources can be individually enabled or disabled by setting or clearing a bit in Special Function Register IE. IE also contains a global disable bit, EA, which</p>&

77、lt;p>  disables all interrupts at once. Note that Table 5 shows that bit position IE.6 is unimplemented. In the AT89C52, bit position IE.5 is also unimplemented.</p><p>  User software should not write 1s

78、 to these bit positions, since they may be used in future AT89 products. Timer 2 interrupt is generated by the logical OR of bits TF2 and EXF2 in register T2CON. Neither of these flags is cleared by hardware when the ser

79、vice routine is vectored to. In fact, the service routine may have to determine whether it was TF2 or EXF2 that generated the interrupt, and that bit will have to be cleared in software. The Timer 0 and Timer 1 flags, TF

80、0 and TF1, are set at S5P2 </p><p>  Reference data:</p><p>  1. the ATMEL company AT89S52 technical manuals</p><p>  2.Shenzhen Development Co., Ltd. AT89C52 </p><p> 

81、 3.Fudan University Press, single-chip microprocessor theory, application and test ZHANG You-de, etc.</p><p>  腿蒃螁蝿肅蒂蒁羅羈薁薃螈艿薀蚆羃膅蕿袈螆膁薈薈肁肇膅蝕襖羃膄螂肀節(jié)膃蒂袂膈膂薄肈肄芁蚇袁羀芀蝿蚃羋芀葿衿芄艿蟻螞膀羋螃羇肆芇蒃螀羂芆薅羆芁芅蚇螈膇蒞螀羄肅莄葿螇罿莃薂羂羅莂螄裊芄莁蒄肀膀莀薆袃



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