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1、<p><b>  中文3700字</b></p><p><b>  2167單詞</b></p><p>  畢業(yè)論文外文資料翻譯</p><p>  題 目 電影口碑營銷 </p><p>  學 院

2、 歷史與文化產業(yè)學院 </p><p>  專 業(yè) 公共事業(yè)管理(藝術經營與管理方向) </p><p>  班 級 藝管1001 </p><p>  學 生 &l

3、t;/p><p>  學 號 </p><p>  指導教師 </p><p>  二〇一四年三月二十六日</p><p>  Business Horizons,2007(5),50,

4、395-403</p><p>  Buzz marketing for movies</p><p><b>  Iris Mohr</b></p><p>  Tobin collage of business, St. john’s University, 8000 Utopia, Jamaica, NY 11439, USA</p

5、><p>  Abstract: In today's dynamic entertainment environment, movies are struggling to stay afloat and remain profitable. Challenges such as piracy, digital theft, competition, overlapping movie campaigns,

6、 media fragmentation, and audience saturation are forcing marketers to stretch their film budgets and make every dollar as effective as possible. With more and more entertainment options crowding peoples' lives, mark

7、eters must search for innovative ways to reach movie audiences. By breaking through t</p><p>  Keyword: motion pictures; movies; marketing; promotion; buzz marketing</p><p>  The marketing chall

8、enge</p><p>  Today's movie marketers confront a difficult reality: the game plan by which they've played for years is being challenged and there is a call for new, innovative ways to drive box offic

9、e sales. Under the historically used traditional model, corporate marketers spend marketing dollars on messages aimed at a target audience. The marketing team creates a message, purchases media, and sees that the message

10、 is delivered to personal and business customers. Given the fragmentation of media today, howev</p><p>  Added to this fractured landscape, multitasking has become increasingly common across the board. While

11、 surfing the Web, the typical US teenager engages in an average of two other activities, one of which is often homework. Reportedly, some 80% of business people also multitask while performing work related duties (Greens

12、pan, 2004). In concert with this, there is an increasing trend for consumers to “switch off”; they are evermore selective about what they watch and the advertising messages they </p><p>  To add, television

13、and movie lovers are witnessing a revolution in digital home entertainment. With it, a growing number of people are turning away from neighborhood cinemas in order to stay home and be entertained by new technologies and

14、advanced personal theater systems. Consumer electronics manufacturers, IT vendors, and movie companies are lining up to extol the virtues of Blue-ray and HD-DVD; the proclaimed successors to the current DVD format (Thoma

15、s, 2006). According to Geoff (2005), by t</p><p>  Needless to say, given the increase in entertainment options, the movie-going experience needs to be far more compelling to draw in audience members. Moreov

16、er, this challenge is not likely to subside, but rather grow more compelling: as discussed by Chary (2005), a recent study by Informal Research Services indicates that 125 million people about 5% of all cell phone owners

17、 – will be watching television on their handsets by 2010. In addition, the Digital Lifestyles 2006 Outlook from Parks Associ</p><p>  In this frenetic and competitive environment, marketers must search for i

18、nnovative ways to reach and attract movie audiences. Buzz marketing is one such promotional posture that is capable of breaking through the existing noise and clutter of the marketing scene, to capture peoples' atten

19、tion to the point that talking about a movie becomes an enjoyable experience to share. Essentially, buzz marketing mimics the traditional marketing model in that it sends messages to targeted audiences through v</p>

20、;<p>  Among its many attractive qualities, buzz marketing is a low-cost, far-reaching mode of promotion. This being the case, entertainment marketers' interest in the method is raising as media fragmentation

21、continues and movie marketing costs increasingly spiral upward. Buzz marketing also satisfies studio executives who are confronted with steadily mounting marketing costs, and are thus challenged by existing promotional t

22、actics in search of more mileage for fewer dollars. </p><p>  Buzz marketing encompasses word of mouth and viral marketing </p><p>  At the core of buzz marketing is the phenomenon of word of mo

23、uth (WOM), the process by which an individual influences the actions or attitudes of others. As indicated by the following quotes on the value of word of mouth, academicians have long been aware of the power of WOM on co

24、nsumers' preferences and actual purchase behaviors: </p><p>  “Forget about market surveys and analyst reports. Word of mouth is probably the most powerful form of communication in the business world. It

25、 can either hurt a company's reputation…or give it a boost in the market. Word-of-mouth messages stand out in a person's mind….Quite simply, we find messages more believable and compelling when we hear them direc

26、tly from other people, particularly people we know and respect.”– Regis McKenna </p><p>  “Word of mouth seems to be a frequently used risk-reduction device; and this source of information is particularly so

27、ught for in situations characterized by high uncertainty.”– Johan Arndt</p><p>  “Word of mouth tends to be highly persuasive because the sender apparently has nothing to gain from the receiver's subsequ

28、ent actions.”– Leon G. Schiff man and Leslie L. Karuk </p><p>  Malcolm Glad well (2002), author of the national bestseller The Tipping Point, says WOM is so powerful because ideas, behaviors, messages, and

29、 products sometimes behave just like outbreaks of infectious disease. Similar to how an ill person can start a flu epidemic, so too can a small but precisely targeted push cause a fashion trend or the popularity of a new

30、 product. </p><p>  According to McKinsey & Co. (Ramsey, 2005), approximately two-thirds of all economic activity in the United States is influenced by shared opinions about a product, brand, or service.

31、 On the basis of aggregated data and interviews with various WOM marketing experts, remarketer estimates that almost 50% of online marketers will engage in some form of WOM or viral campaign in 2006. A recent survey of m

32、arketers, which asked what type of digital media they were either using or were, planning to use,</p><p>  The nature and scope of the Internet, as well as other messaging devices, has inspired marketers to

33、deliberately attempt to stimulate or simulate the WOM process by designing marketing campaigns with characteristics that attract audiences and encourage individuals to pass along a message. Also known as buzz marketing a

34、nd viral marketing, these tactics create the potential for exponential growth in the message's exposure and influence (Wilson, 2000). Though the terms buzz marketing and viral mark</p><p>  Word of mouth

35、 communications </p><p>  WOM communications, also referred to as opinion leadership, is the process by which one person (the opinion leader) informally influences the actions of others, who may be opinion s

36、eekers or opinion receivers. The key characteristic of this influence is that it is interpersonal and informal and takes place between two or more people, none of whom represent a commercial selling source that would gai

37、n financially from the exchange of information (Schiff man & Karuk, 2007). WOM implies personal or </p><p>  2.2. Viral marketing</p><p>  Viral marketing, a high-tech and “impersonal” varia

38、tion of WOM, is an Internet-driven strategy that enables and encourages people to pass along a marketing message and engage in word of mouth, creating the potential for exponential growth in the message's exposure an

39、d influence. Like a virus, this tactic takes advantage of rapid multiplication to explode a message to thousands, even millions. Viral marketing depends on a high pass-along rate to create a snowballing effect. A widely

40、cited first e</p><p>  Buzz marketing </p><p>  With media undergoing a vast change in a world where aggressive television ads, flashy websites, and glossy brochures compete for consumer attenti

41、on, it is necessary to bridge WOM with technology(e.g., the Internet, mobile phones, MP3 players) and “outside the box” thinking. Buzz marketing is the practice of gathering volunteers either formally by actively recruit

42、ing individuals who naturally set cultural trends, or informally by drawing “connectors”: people who have lots of contacts in differen</p><p>  Buzz marketing captures the attention of consumers and media to

43、 the point that people talk about the brand, because the message is perceived as entertaining, fascinating, and/or newsworthy. In order for this to occur, however, there must be something interesting, clever, amusing, ca

44、tchy, or remarkable enough about the message such that WOM fuels fast distribution via technology to create a “buzz.” Clearly, this requires clever marketing and creativity. Successful buzz marketing efforts so captur<

45、;/p><p>  Practitioner writings suggest that buzz is usually something that combines a wacky, jaw-dropping event or experience with pure branding to get people talking. According to McKinsey & Co., and as r

46、eported by firm strategy consultant Renee Dye (2000), motion pictures and broadcasting are two categories that are highly driven by buzz. Consider, for example, the 19th season premiere of The Oprah Winfrey Show, which a

47、ired in the fall of 2004. This episode created considerable buzz when Pontiac gifted</p><p>  Business Horizons, 2007(5),50,395-403</p><p><b>  電影口碑營銷</b></p><p><b&g

48、t;  Iris Mohr</b></p><p>  托賓商學院,摩根約翰大學,烏托邦大道8000,牙買加,紐約11439,美國</p><p>  摘要:在今天的動態(tài)電影娛樂環(huán)境下,許多企業(yè)都努力維持生存并保持盈利,并時刻面對著 諸如盜版,電子仿造,惡性競爭,重復的電影活動,媒體輿論,以及觀眾對電影的飽和度的 挑戰(zhàn),不斷通過營銷來提高自己的電影預算,盡可能做到使每一美元都發(fā)


50、)以及口碑營銷的的具體步驟,保證它的成功實施 </p><p>  關鍵詞:情感畫面;電影;市場營銷;營銷推廣;</p><p><b>  市場的挑戰(zhàn)</b></p><p>  今天的電影商面臨著一個困難的現實:他們已經運用多年的營銷計劃正在受到挑戰(zhàn),然而現在有一個稱為全新的創(chuàng)新方式可以驅動票房銷售。在歷史上他們所使用的傳統(tǒng)模式,就是企業(yè)營


52、計劃結果一般。</p><p>  發(fā)展到現在這個信息分散的時代,多任務處理已越來越普遍。在上網時,典型的美國少年,平均每人同時從事二項活動,其中之一就是日常的作業(yè)。據了解,“具有多業(yè)務的群體,80%同時履行多樣的工作職責”(格林斯潘,2004 )于此相關的,消費者選擇“關閉”逐漸成為一種趨勢:他們永遠有選擇性的了解他們觀看的廣告信息。根據揚克洛維奇指出,65%的消費者認為“不斷轟炸的廣告太多”,69%的人“遇到

53、感興趣的產品和服務,會直接選擇跳過廣告”和 54%的人會“避免購買那些頻繁采用廣告和營銷的產品”。</p><p>  不僅如此,電視和電影愛好者正在經歷一場數字家庭娛樂的革命。有了這些,越來越多的人正在遠離附近的電影院,而選擇呆在家里,享受新技術和先進個人影院系統(tǒng)?!跋M電子制造商,IT 供應商,和電影公司是聯合推出了藍光和 HD - DVD,宣布這將是數字家庭影院的當前格式”(托馬斯,2006)。根據 Geo

54、ff(2005)統(tǒng)計,到2004年底,估計擁有 TiVo’s 和DVR 的美國家庭將達到650萬個,該公司聲稱,這個數字,從2002年的190萬,到2009年將上升至近 5 千萬,占所有美國家庭的41%。另一方面,受歡迎的Net flux 在線訂閱服務,擁有3百萬用戶,使得大部分人每月花一部費錢在租DVD上。實際上,DVD可以說是工作室的現金牛,顧客跳過在劇院體驗電影的經驗,選擇在家里放松。</p><p>  

55、不用說,由于娛樂選擇的增加,看電影的經歷需要更加引人注目,吸引觀眾。此外,這一挑戰(zhàn)是不可能消失,而是越來越引人注目:在 2005 年,通過對 1.2 億人的服務信息的研究發(fā)現,到2010 年大約5%的手機用戶將通過手機看電影。此外,2006年,數字生活方式展望協會(舍夫,2006)估計,美國的消費者支出包括網上娛樂,游戲,音樂,視頻服務,在未來五年內將增長260%。</p><p>  在激烈的競爭環(huán)境中,營銷人

56、員必須尋找創(chuàng)新的方法來宣傳吸引觀眾的電影。 口碑營銷正是以這樣一個宣傳的姿勢,突破現有嘈雜的營銷場景,捕捉人們的注意點,將談論電影作為一個愉快的經驗分享?;旧希诒疇I銷與傳統(tǒng)營銷模式,都是通過不同的媒體,將消息發(fā)送到目標受眾。然而,在口碑營銷模型里,娛樂營銷注入觀眾和媒體的是一個令人驚嘆的,與電影相關的信息,并且顯得如此有趣和令人興奮,它使信息不脛而走。吸引力是主要素,興奮是其本質和關鍵,口碑營銷,不同于以往傳統(tǒng)的營銷方式。 <

57、/p><p>  口碑營銷是一種低成本的,深遠的推廣模式,本身擁有許多吸引人的素質。在這種情況下,媒體對娛樂營銷方法的關注和電影營銷成本日益呈螺旋上升。 口碑營銷也面臨不斷上漲的營銷成本,并因此受到現有的宣傳手法的挑戰(zhàn),為此只能尋找更多的方法來減少消耗。</p><p>  二、口碑營銷包括口碑傳播和病毒式營銷 </p><p>  口碑營銷的核心方式就是口碑傳播過程,

58、需要影響個人的行為或態(tài)度的他人。正如以下觀點的價值,口耳相傳,學者們早就認識到權力的口碑對消費者偏好與實際購買行為的影響:</p><p>  “忘了市場調查及分析報告??诒赡苁巧虡I(yè)世界里最強大的通信形式。 它可以損害公司的聲譽或使其提高市場。 口碑訊息中脫穎而出的一個人的心靈想法。很簡單,我們發(fā)現信息更加可信和令人信服的一大前提就是當我們聽到他們直接從其他人口中說出,特別是我們了解和尊重的人?!报C吉斯麥克納

59、</p><p>  “口碑似乎是一個經常使用的風險減少裝置;其信息來源是在特殊情況下的特點是高度的不確定性?!报C約翰阿爾恩特</p><p>  “口碑往往是具有高度說服力, 因為發(fā)言人顯然已沒有得到從接收人那傳來的后續(xù)行動的指示?!报C列昂·希夫曼和萊斯利·坎納克</p><p>  馬爾科姆格拉德威爾(2002),全國暢銷書的作者,說口碑是如

60、此強大,因為思想,行為,信息,和產品的行為有時就像傳染病一樣爆發(fā)。這類似于一個生病的人可以開始傳播流感疫情,也可以因為一個小而精確定位的推動造成流行趨勢或流行的一種新產品的誕生。 </p><p>  根據麥金西公司(拉姆齊,2005)統(tǒng)計,大約三分之二的經濟活動在美國是受共同的意見的影響,關于一個產品,品牌,或服務。在此基礎上匯總數據和采訪各種口碑營銷專家,結合網絡營銷的估計得出,到 2006 年,近50%的在

61、線營銷將從事某種形式的口碑或病毒營銷運動。最近的一項關于營銷商的調查顯示,“當被問及更傾向于采用什么類型的營銷方式,三分之二的人表示愿意采用口碑營銷”(拉姆齊,2005)。 </p><p>  根據其本質和范圍網絡,以及其他通訊設備,營銷人員故意試圖刺激或模擬口碑營銷活動的特點,吸引觀眾和鼓勵個人傳話,也被稱為口碑營銷和病毒式營銷,這些策略創(chuàng)造了大量的潛力和影響(威爾遜,2000)。盡管術語口碑營銷和病毒式營銷

62、往往是交替使用的,以下討論要點突出明確區(qū)分的三個要點。</p><p><b>  1.口碑傳播 </b></p><p>  “口碑傳播,也被稱為意見領導,是指某人(意見領袖)非正式地影響他人的行為,他們可能被認為是意見的發(fā)送器。主要受這種特點的影響,人不像商業(yè)銷售,僅從財政上獲得 的信息交流”(希夫曼和坎納克,2007)。口碑意味著個人或面對面的溝通,雖然它現在可

63、能還需要通過電話交談或范圍內的即時消息或電子郵件。作為個人,尤其是意見領袖,專注于產品類別(例如,旅游,汽車),他們提供的信息和意見,并經常閱讀雜志拓寬他們的知識。同理,當其他產品類別進行了討論的時候,這些人可能成為輿論接收器,占領的立場, 由于消費者在主題領域缺乏知識。 輿論領袖是一個高度可靠和強大的消費者信息來源,因此,能夠非常有效地影響客戶產品的決定。解釋意見領袖這種強大的影響,被視為從財政上獲得他們的購買建議,并因此產生內在的信

64、任。這就是為什么口碑是很有效的。實際上,當意見領袖發(fā)起的消息,他們提供的是一個免費的,可靠的和有針對性的營銷信息。</p><p><b>  2.病毒營銷 </b></p><p>  病毒型營銷,將高科技和“客觀”變成口碑,是一種戰(zhàn)略,鼓勵人們通過營銷信息進行口碑傳播,創(chuàng)造潛力指數增長的信息和影響。它像一個病毒,能夠快速繁殖,爆炸的信息成千上萬,甚至上百萬。病毒型

65、營銷依賴于高傳送率產生滾雪球效應。一個被廣泛引用的關于病毒式營銷的例子:公司現在擁有微軟產品,從而促進其服務和廣告客戶的信息在內的每一個用戶使用這種技術。</p><p><b>  3.口碑營銷 </b></p><p>  在媒體發(fā)生巨大變化的世界中,企業(yè)通常采用積極的電視廣告,華而不實的網站,富有光澤的小冊子來引起消費者的注意,有必要以口碑與技術(例如,互聯網,

66、移動電話,音樂播放器)和“創(chuàng)造性”的思考??诒疇I銷的做法是采用志愿者積極傳播的趨勢,或作為非正式的“連接器”:那些擁有許多日常接觸的人,誰能說他們的經驗不能滿足他們的日常生活。這些人可以是專家,新聞記者,政治家,名人,或良好的客戶,依靠信息。不像口碑,即輿論領袖是內在的動機,因為他們的知識來散播言論,并可能將蔓延流行的一系列不同的東西,注入的營銷傳播中。</p><p>  口碑營銷善于抓住消費者的注意力,媒體指

67、出,人們談論的品牌,因為該消息被視為是有趣,吸引人的新聞。為了使這種情況發(fā)生,必須有一些有趣的,聰明的,吸引人的,或顯示出足夠的有關信息,口碑可以快速分配通過技術創(chuàng)造一個“聲音”。顯然,這需要聰明的市場營銷和創(chuàng)意。成功的營銷努力捕捉每個人,他們談論他人的人際關系時通過熟人,朋友,同事,家庭成員,或者以客觀的形式在網上留言板,聊天,民意調查,用戶評分。因此,最終產生了越來越多的用戶。</p><p>  許多專家的

68、著作表明,口碑通常是結合了古怪,令人瞠目結舌的事件或經歷形成的品牌供人們交談。根據麥金西公司企業(yè)戰(zhàn)略顧問的報告(2000),電影和廣播類是高分貝的“聲音” 例如,奧普拉溫弗莉發(fā)表在 2004 的秋天的一篇文章表示,當某一事件引起很大震動時,每個觀眾都將注意力放在事件上并將其作為一個偉大的時刻,在電視的歷史上,根據 Score 的數據網絡(奧普拉,2004),當某著名脫口秀節(jié)目討論了某一大事件后,該事件的關注度與日俱增。</p>


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